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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
MS quality of life, depression, and fatigue improve after mindfulness training: a randomized trial. Grossman P, Kappos L, Gensicke H, D'Souza M, Mohr DC, Penner IK, Steiner C. Neurology. 2010 Sep 28 VIEW
Mucosal Immunity Modulated by Integrative Meditation in a Dose-Dependent Fashion Fan Y, Tang YY, Ma Y, Posner MI. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan 27 VIEW
Multi-dimensional world and new unified field theory--physical principle of qigong Jing Lou and phenomenon of unusual somatic function Wang Qisheng//Wang Tunan 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Multi-disease Deep Brain Stimulation Mahboubeh Parastarfeizabadi1, Roy V Sillitoe2, Abbas Z Kouzani1 IEEE Access 2021 Jan 5 VIEW
Multi-focused psychosocial residential rehabilitation interventions improve quality of life among cancer survivors: a community-based controlled trial Chen X1,2, Gong X1, Shi C1, Sun L1, Tang Z1, Yuan Z3, Wang J4, Yu J5 J Transl Med. 2018 Sep 6 VIEW
Multi-level memory-switching properties of a single brain microtubule Satyajit Sahu1, Subrata Ghosh 1, Kazuto Hirata 2, Daisuke Fujita 1, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay 1 Applied Physics Letters 2013 VIEW
Multi-site electromyographic analysis of non-contact therapeutic touch Wirth DP//Cram JR Int J Psychosom 1993 VIEW
Multi-site recording and spectral analysis of spontaneous photon emission from human body. Wijk EP, Wijk RV. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Apr VIEW
Multi-stability and the origin of microbial community types Didier Gonze1, Leo Lahti2,3,4, Jeroen Raes2,3, Karoline Faust2 ISME J 2017 Oct 1 VIEW
Multi-year investigation of a relaxation course with a mindfulness meditation component on college students' stress, resilience, coping and mindfulness Zeljka Vidic1 J Am Coll Health 2021 Oct 20 VIEW
Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Sleep Quality Among Cancer Survivors. Mustian KM, Sprod LK, Janelsins M, Peppone LJ, Palesh OG, Chandwani K, Reddy PS, Melnik MK, Heckler C, Morrow GR. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug 2 VIEW
Multicomponent intervention combining a cognitive stimulation group and tai chi to reduce cognitive decline among community-dwelling older adults with probable dementia: A multi-center, randomized controlled trial. Young DK1 Dementia (London). 2018 Nov 28 VIEW
Multicomponent Intervention on Improving the Cognitive Ability of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Kim-Wan Daniel Young1, Chi-Yui Timothy Kwok2, Yat-Nam Petrus Ng3, Siu-Man Ng4, Qi-Rong Joseph Chen3 J Gerontol Soc Work 2024 Apr 8 VIEW
Multidimensional Aspects of de qi Sensations in MASS and ASQ Assessment: A Pilot Study. Jang JC1, Jung J2, Lee H3, Park YB4, Kim H5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness: Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version. Machorrinho J1,2, Veiga G1,2,3, Fernandes J1, Mehling W4, Marmeleira J1,2,3 Percept Mot Skills. 2018 Nov 19 VIEW
Multifaceted health benefits of medical qigong Sancier KM 1//Holman D 2 J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Multifactorial Benefits of Chronic Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Autonomic Function and Cardiac Electrical Stability in Heart Failure Patients With Reduced Ejection Fraction Richard L Verrier1, Imad Libbus2, Bruce D Nearing1, Bruce H KenKnight2 Front Physiol 2022 Mar 30 VIEW
Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones. West JG, Kapoor NS, Liao SY, Chen JW, Bailey L, Nagourney RA. Case Rep Med. 2013 VIEW
Multiform-based Baduanjin exercise prevention and treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Zenan Wu1, Zehao Hu1, Shiwen Ke2, Lisha Mo2, Mingliang Qiu2, Guoshuang Zhu1, Wei Zhu3, Liangji Liu4 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 May 12 VIEW
Multifunctional Merkel cells: Their roles in electromagnetic reception, finger-print formation, Reiki, epigenetic inheritance and hair form. Irmak MK. Med Hypothesis 2010 Feb 26 VIEW
Multifunctional Merkel cells: Their roles in electromagnetic reception, finger-print formation, Reiki, epigenetic inheritance and hair form. Irmak MK. Med Hypotheses 2010 Feb 26 VIEW
Multimedia-assisted breathwalk-aware system. Yu MC, Wu H, Lee MS, Hung YP. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2012 dec VIEW
Multimodal intervention in older adults improves resting-state functional connectivity between the medial prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe. Li R1, Zhu X2, Yin S2, Niu Y1, Zheng Z2, Huang X2, Wang B2, Li J1. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Mar 10 VIEW
Multimodal Physical Exercise Affects Visuo-Spatial Working Memory: Preliminary Evidence from a Descriptive Study on Tai-Chi Practitioners and Runners Emahnuel Troisi Lopez1, Marianna Liparoti2, Noemi Passarello3, Fabio Lucidi2, Laura Mandolesi3 Brain Sci 2023 Sep 30 VIEW
Multimodal polarization system for imaging skin cancer E. Salomatina-Motts, V. A. Neel, A. N. Yaroslavskaya Optics and Spectroscopy 2009 Dec VIEW
Multimodal, longitudinal assessment of intracortical microstimulation. Koivuniemi A, Wilks SJ, Woolley AJ, Otto KJ. Prog Brain Res. 2011 VIEW
Multiphoton Microscopy for Visualizing Lipids in Tissue. Lee M1, Serrels A2 Methods Mol Biol. 2016 VIEW
Multiphoton microscopy of engineered dermal substitutes: assessment of 3-D collagen matrix remodeling induced by fibroblast contraction. Pena AM, Fagot D, Olive C, Michelet JF, Galey JB, Leroy F, Beaurepaire E, Martin JL, Colonna A, Schanne-Klein MC. J Biomed Opt. 2010 Sep-Oct VIEW
Multiple Brain Networks Mediating Stimulus-Pain Relationships in Humans Stephan Geuter1,2,3, Elizabeth A Reynolds Losin4, Mathieu Roy5, Lauren Y Atlas6,7,8, Liane Schmidt9, Anjali Krishnan10, Leonie Koban2,9,11,12, Tor D Wager2,11,13, Martin A Lindquist1 Cereb Cortex 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Multiple Brain Networks Mediating Stimulus-Pain Relationships in Humans. Geuter S1,2,3, Reynolds Losin EA4, Roy M5, Atlas LY6,7,8, Schmidt L9, Krishnan A10, Koban L2,9,11,12, Wager TD2,11,13, Lindquist MA1 Cereb Cortex. 2020 Mar 26 VIEW
Multiple Chronic Conditions and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Among US Adults: Results From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Falci L1, Shi Z2, Greenlee H3 Prev Chronic Dis. 2016 May 5 VIEW
Multiple Integrated Complementary Healing Approaches: Energetics & Light for bone. Gray MG1, Lackey BR1, Patrick EF2, Gray SL3, Hurley SG4. Med Hypotheses. 2016 Jan VIEW
Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals Madalena Costa1, Ary L Goldberger, C-K Peng Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2005 Feb 1 VIEW
Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals: a fundamental bi-scaling law Jianbo Gao1, Jing Hu2, Feiyan Liu3, Yinhe Cao1 Front Comput Neurosci 2015 Jun 2 VIEW
Multiscale entropy analysis of complex physiologic time series Madalena Costa1, Ary L Goldberger, C-K Peng Phys Rev Lett 2002 Aug 5 VIEW
Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Short Signals: The Robustness of Fuzzy Entropy-Based Variants Compared to Full-Length Long Signals Airton Monte Serrat Borin Jr1, Anne Humeau-Heurtier2, Luiz Eduardo Virgílio Silva3, Luiz Otávio Murta Jr4 Entropy (Basel) 2021 Dec 1 VIEW
Multisensory brain mechanisms of bodily self-consciousness. Blanke O. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2012 Jul 18 VIEW
Multisite Electromyographic analysis of therapeutic touch and qigong therapy Wirth DP//Cram JR//Chang RJ J Altern Complement Med 1997 VIEW
Multivariate analysis of correlation between electrophysiological and hemodynamic responses during cognitive processing. Kujala J1, Sudre G2, Vartiainen J3, Liljeström M3, Mitchell T4, Salmelin R3. Neuroimage. 2014 Feb 8 VIEW
Muscle action pattern and knee extensor strength of older tai chi exercisers Wu G. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Muscle biofeedback and transcendental meditation. A controlled evaluation of efficacy in the treatment of chronic anxiety Raskin M//Bali LR//Peeke HV Arch Gen Psychiatry 1980 VIEW
Muscle co-contraction and pre-activation in knee and ankle joint during a typical Tai Chi brush-knee twist-step Hao Yu1, JiangNa Wang1, Min Mao2, QiPeng Song1, Cui Zhang3, Daniel T P Fong4, Wei Sun1 Res Sports Med 2021 Dec 26 VIEW
Muscle power, dexterity skill and visual perception in community home girls trained in yoga or sports and in regular school girls Raghuraj P//Telles S Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1997 VIEW
Muscle retraining in ICU patients Cirio S//Piaggi GC//De Mattia E//Nava S Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2003 VIEW
Muscle stem cell aging: identifying ways to induce tissue rejuvenation. Sousa-Victor P1, Neves J2, Muñoz-Cánoves P3 Mech Ageing Dev. 2020 Apr 17 VIEW
Muscle Testing Anonymous 1982 VIEW
Muscular tension significantly affects stability in standing posture. Tassani S1, Font-Llagunes JM2, González Ballester MÁ3, Noailly J4 Gait Posture. 2019 Feb VIEW
Musculoskeletal Injuries in Yoga. Klifto CS, Bookman JS, Kaplan DJ, Dold AP, Jazrawi LM, Sapienza A Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013). 2018 Sep VIEW
Musculoskeletal injuries related to yoga: imaging observations. Le Corroller T, Vertinsky AT, Hargunani R, Khashoggi K, Munk PL, Ouellette HA. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012 Aug VIEW
Music acupuncture stimulation method Brătilă F, Moldovan C Rom J Intern Med. 2007 VIEW
Music acupuncture stimulation method. Brătilă F, Moldovan C Rom J Intern Med 2007 VIEW
Music alters constitutively expressed opiate and cytokine processes in listeners Stefano GB//Zhu W//Cadet P//Salamon E//// Med Sci Monit 2004 VIEW
Music alters visual perception. Jolij J, Meurs M. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 21 VIEW
Music and Autonomic Nervous System (Dys)function. Ellis RJ, Thayer JF. Music Percept. 2010 Apr VIEW
Music and biological stress dampening in mechanically-ventilated patients at the intensive care unit ward-a prospective interventional randomized crossover trial. Beaulieu-Boire G, Bourque S, Chagnon F, Chouinard L, Gallo-Payet N, Lesur O. J Crit Care. 2013 Mar 14 VIEW
Music and cancer pain management Igawa-Silva W, Wu S, Harrigan R Hawaii Med J 2007 Nov VIEW
Music and dance bring hope to those with Parkinson disease. Young-Mason J. Clin Nurse Spec. 2009 Mar-Apr VIEW
Music and dementia. Baird A1, Samson S2. Prog Brain Res. 2015 VIEW
Music and elderly. Leners JC. Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb. 2013 VIEW
Music and movement share a dynamic structure that supports universal expressions of emotion. Sievers B, Polansky L, Casey M, Wheatley T. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 17 VIEW
Music and the Immune System McCraty R Proceedings of the Tenth International Montreux Congress on Stress 1999 VIEW
Music as a Healing Art in Dementia Care. Sorrell JM J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2018 Jul 1 VIEW
Music as a nursing intervention: Effects of music listening on blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate in abdominal surgery patients. Vaajoki A, Kankkunen P, Pietilä AM, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. Nurs Health Sci. 2011 Sep 8 VIEW
Music as a Therapeutic Intervention on an Inpatient Neuroscience Unit. Phipps MA, Carroll DL, Tsiantoulas A. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2010 Aug VIEW
Music as a Therapy to Alleviate Anxiety During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Stroke. Le Danseur M1, Crow AD1, Stutzman SE1, Villarreal MD2, Olson DM1 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jan/Feb VIEW
Music as a therapy: Role in psychiatry. Solanki MS, Zafar M, Rastogi R. Asian J Psychiatr. 2013 Jun VIEW
Music as an Adjuvant Therapy in Control of Pain and Symptoms in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review. Cole LC, Lobiondo-Wood G. Pain Manag Nurs. 2012 Oct 26 VIEW
Music as an aid for postoperative recovery in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hole J1, Hirsch M2, Ball E3, Meads C4. Lancet 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
Music as an auxiliary analgesic during first trimester surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Guerrero JM, Castaño PM, Schmidt EO, Rosario L, Westhoff CL. Contraception. 2012 Jan 10 VIEW
Music as Medicine: The Therapeutic Potential of Music for Acute Stroke Patients. Supnet C1, Crow A1, Stutzman S1, Olson D2. Crit Care Nurse. 2016 Apr VIEW
Music can effectively reduce pain perception in women rather than men. Ghaffaripour S1, Mahmoudi H2, Sahmeddini MA3, Alipour A4, Chohedri A5. Pak J Med Sci. 2013 Jan VIEW
Music can facilitate blood pressure recovery from stress Chafin S//Roy M//Gerin W//Christenfeld N Br J Health Psychol 2004 VIEW
Music during interventional radiological procedures, effect on sedation, pain and anxiety: a randomised controlled trial. Kulkarni S, Johnson PC, Keatles S, Kasthuri RS. Br J Radiol. 2012 Mar 14 VIEW
Music effects on EEG in intrusive and withdrawn mothers with depressive symptoms Tornek A, Field T, Hernandez-Reif M, Diego M, Jones N. Psychiatry 2003 VIEW
Music Enhances the Effect of Positive Emotional States on Salivary iga McCraty R//Atkinson M//Rein G//Watkins AD Stress Medicine 1996 VIEW
Music for colonoscopy: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Costa A, Montalbano LM, Orlando A, Ingoglia C, Linea C, Giunta M, Mancuso A, Mocciaro F, Bellingardo R, Tinè F, D\'Amico G. Dig Liver Dis. 2010 May 6 VIEW
Music for stress and anxiety reduction in coronary heart disease patients. Bradt J, Dileo C, Potvin N. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Dec 28 VIEW
Music improves sleep quality in older adults Lai, H.L. & Good M. J Adv Nurs 2005 VIEW
Music in intervention for children and adolescents with autism: a meta-analysis Whipple J J Music Ther 2004 VIEW
Music Intervention Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of the Literature. Leggieri M1,2, Thaut MH3, Fornazzari L1,4, Schweizer TA1,2,5, Barfett J1,6, Munoz DG1,2,7, Fischer CE1,2,8 Front Neurosci. 2019 Mar 12 VIEW
Music Intervention as a Tool in Improving Patient Experience in Palliative Care. Peng CS1, Baxter K1,2, Lally KM1,2 Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2018 Jul 25 VIEW
Music Intervention in Pain Relief of Cardiovascular Patients in Cardiac Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Yiru Wang 1 2, Jing Wei 3, Xinzhu Guan 1 2, Yifan Zhang 1 2, Yiyi Zhang 1, Na Zhang 1, Meijiao Mao 1 2, Wenting Du 1, Yajuan Ren 1, Hong Shen 1 2, Ping Liu 1 Pain Med 2020 May 29 VIEW
Music interventions and group participation skills of preschoolers with visual impairments: raising questions about music, arousal, and attention Robb SL J Music Ther 2003 VIEW
Music interventions and physical activity in older adults: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Clark IN, Taylor NF, Baker F. J Rehabil Med. 2012 Aug 1 VIEW
Music interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients. Bradt J, Dileo C, Grocke D, Magill L. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Aug 10 VIEW
Music interventions for preoperative anxiety. Bradt J, Dileo C, Shim M. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jun 6 VIEW
Music interventions for psychological and physical outcomes in cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhang JM, Wang P, Yao JX, Zhao L, Davis MP, Walsh D, Yue GH. Support Care Cancer. 2012 Oct 2 VIEW
Music interventions in patients during coronary angiographic procedures: A randomized controlled study of the effect on patients' anxiety and well-being. Weeks BP, Nilsson U. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2010 Aug 2 VIEW
Music listening after stroke: beneficial effects and potential neural mechanisms. Särkämö T, Soto D. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 Apr VIEW
Music listening alleviates anxiety and physiological responses in patients receiving spinal anesthesia. Lee WP1, Wu PY2, Lee MY3, Ho LH4, Shih WM5 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Apr VIEW
Music making as a tool for promoting brain plasticity across the life span. Wan CY, Schlaug G. Neuroscientist. 2010 Oct VIEW
Music making for health, well-being and behaviour change in youth justice settings: a systematic review. Daykin N, de Viggiani N, Pilkington P, Moriarty Y. Health Promot Int. 2012 Mar 13 VIEW
Music Modulates Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Human Fetuses Francesca Massimello1, Lucia Billeci2, Alessio Canu1, Maria Magdalena Montt-Guevara1, Gaia Impastato1, Maurizio Varanini2, Andrea Giannini1, Tommaso Simoncini1, Paolo Mannella1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Apr 14 VIEW
Music perception and imagery in EEG: Alpha band effects of task and stimulus. Schaefer RS, Vlek RJ, Desain P. Int J Psychophysiol. 2011 Sep 22 VIEW
Music preference and relaxation in Taiwanese elderly people Lai HL Geriatr Nurs 2004 VIEW
Music Qigong and Longevity Wu S First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Music reduces anxiety levels in patients attending for endoscopy. El-Hassan H, McKeown K, Muller AF. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Jul 8 VIEW
Music reduces pain and increases functional mobility in fibromyalgia. Garza-Villarreal EA1, Wilson AD2, Vase L3, Brattico E4, Barrios FA5, Jensen TS6, Romero-Romo JI7, Vuust P8. Front Psychol. 2014 Feb 11 VIEW
Music Reduces Patient Anxiety During Mohs Surgery: An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial. Vachiramon V, Sobanko JF, Rattanaumpawan P, Miller CJ. Dermatol Surg. 2013 Jan 24 VIEW
Music shifts frontal EEG in depressed adolescents Field, T., Martinez, A., Nawrocki, T., Pickens, J., Fox, N. & Schanberg, S. Adolescence 1998 VIEW
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