Molecular ferroelectrics: where electronics meet biology.

Author: Li J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Cai HL, Xiong RG.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2600, USA.
Conference/Journal: Phys Chem Chem Phys
Date published: 2013 Sep 9
Other: Word Count: 108

In the last several years, we have witnessed significant advances in molecular ferroelectrics, with the ferroelectric properties of molecular crystals approaching those of barium titanate. In addition, ferroelectricity has been observed in biological systems, filling an important missing link in bioelectric phenomena. In this perspective, we will present short historical notes on ferroelectrics, followed by an overview of the fundamentals of ferroelectricity. The latest developments in molecular ferroelectrics and biological ferroelectricity will then be highlighted, and their implications and potential applications will be discussed. We close by noting molecular ferroelectric as an exciting frontier between electronics and biology, and a number of challenges ahead are also described.
PMID: 24018952