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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Yoga Spinal Flexion Positions and Vertebral Compression Fracture in Osteopenia or Osteoporosis of Spine: Case Series. Sinaki M. Pain Pract. 2012 Mar 26 VIEW
Yoga stretching for improving salivary immune function and mental stress in middle-aged and older adults. Eda N1, Ito H2, Shimizu K3, Suzuki S4, Lee E4, Akama T1 J Women Aging. 2017 Apr 3 VIEW
Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience. Sullivan MB1, Erb M2, Schmalzl L3, Moonaz S4, Noggle Taylor J5, Porges SW6,7 Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Feb 27 VIEW
Yoga therapy as an adjunctive treatment for schizophrenia: a randomized, controlled pilot study. Visceglia E, Lewis S. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul VIEW
Yoga therapy decreases dyspnea-related distress and improves functional performance in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a pilot study. Donesky-Cuenco D, Nguyen HQ, Paul S, Carrieri-Kohlman V. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Mar VIEW
Yoga therapy for anxiety: a case report. Williams-Orlando C. Adv Mind Body Med. 2013 Fall VIEW
Yoga therapy for breast cancer patients: A prospective cohort study. Sudarshan M, Petrucci A, Dumitra S, Duplisea J, Wexler S, Meterissian S. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Nov VIEW
Yoga therapy for developing emotional intelligence in mid-life managers. Ganpat TS, Nagendra HR. J Midlife Health. 2011 Jan VIEW
Yoga therapy for Schizophrenia. Bangalore NG, Varambally S. Int J Yoga 2012 Jul VIEW
Yoga Therapy in Cancer Care via Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Smitha Mallaiah1, Santhosshi Narayanan1, Richard Wagner1, Chiara Cohen1, Aimee J Christie1, Eduardo Bruera1, Gabriel Lopez1, Lorenzo Cohen1 Integr Cancer Ther 2022 Jan-Dec VIEW
Yoga Therapy in Children with Cystic Fibrosis Decreases Immediate Anxiety and Joint Pain. McNamara C1, Johnson M2, Read L2, Vander Velden H2, Thygeson M2, Liu M2, Gandrud L2, McNamara J3. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016 VIEW
Yoga therapy in chronic bronchitis Behera D J Assoc Physicians India 1998 VIEW
Yoga to treat nonspecific low back pain. Carter C, Stratton C, Mallory D. AAOHN J. 2011 Aug VIEW
Yoga training improves metabolic parameters in obese boys. Seo DY, Lee S, Figueroa A, Kim HK, Baek YH, Kwak YS, Kim N, Choi TH, Rhee BD, Ko KS, Park BJ, Park SY, Han J. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Jun VIEW
Yoga Training Improves Quality of Life in Women with Asthma. Bidwell AJ, Yazel B, Davin D, Fairchild TJ, Kanaley JA. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Yoga Training in Junior Primary School-Aged Children Has an Impact on Physical Self-Perceptions and Problem-Related Behavior. Richter S1, Tietjens M2, Ziereis S1, Querfurth S2, Jansen P1. Front Psychol. 2016 Feb 23 VIEW
Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Supriya R1, Yu AP2, Lee PH3, Lai CW1, Cheng KK1, Yau SY4, Chan LW1, Yung BY1, Siu PM2 Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Yoga Treatment For Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain (2017). Whitehead A1, Gould Fogerite S2 Explore (NY). 2017 Apr 22 VIEW
Yoga treatment of diabetes Carl HM 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Yoga Versus Education for Veterans with Chronic Low Back Pain: a Randomized Controlled Trial Eric J Roseen1,2, Adlin Pinheiro3, Chelsey M Lemaster4,5, Dorothy Plumb4, Shihwe Wang6, A Rani Elwy6,7, Chris C Streeter8,9, Susan Lynch10, Erik Groessl11, Karen J Sherman12, Janice Weinberg3, Robert B Saper13 J Gen Intern Med 2023 Jan 17 VIEW
Yoga versus physical exercise for cardio-respiratory fitness in adolescent school children: a randomized controlled trial. Satish V1, Rao RM2, Manjunath NK1, Amritanshu R3, Vivek U4, Shreeganesh HR4, Deepashree S3 Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2018 Jan 25 VIEW
Yoga versus standard care for schizophrenia. Broderick J1, Knowles A, Chadwick J, Vancampfort D. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Oct 21 VIEW
Yoga- and meditation-based lifestyle intervention increases neuroplasticity and reduces severity of major depressive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Tolahunase MR1, Sagar R2, Faiq M1, Dada R1 Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2018 Mar 25 VIEW
Yoga-based exercise improves balance and mobility in people aged 60 and over: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Youkhana S1, Dean CM1, Wolff M2, Sherrington C3, Tiedemann A3. Age Ageing. 2015 Dec 25 VIEW
Yoga-based exercise improves health-related quality of life and mental well-being in older people: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Tulloch A1, Bombell H1, Dean C1, Tiedemann A2 Age Ageing. 2018 Mar 23 VIEW
Yoga-based guided relaxation reduces sympathetic activity judged from baseline levels Vempati RP//Telles S Psychol Rep 2002 VIEW
Yoga-based intervention for caregivers of outpatients with psychosis: A randomized controlled pilot study. Varambally S, Vidyendaran S, Sajjanar M, Thirthalli J, Hamza A, Nagendra HR, Gangadhar BN. Asian J Psychiatr. 2013 Apr VIEW
Yoga-based intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized trial Garfinkel MS//Singhal A//Katz WA//Allan DA//// JAMA 1999 VIEW
Yoga-based interventions may reduce anxiety symptoms in anxiety disorders and depression symptoms in depressive disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression Javier Martínez-Calderon1,2, María Jesús Casuso-Holgado1,2, Maria Jesus Muñoz-Fernandez2,3, Cristina Garcia-Muñoz4,5, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo1,2 Br J Sports Med 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Yoga-plus exercise mix promotes cognitive, affective, and physical functions in elderly people. Hishikawa N1, Takahashi Y2, Fukui Y1, Tokuchi R3, Furusawa J4, Takemoto M1, Sato K1, Yamashita T1, Ohta Y1, Abe K1 Neurol Res. 2019 Nov VIEW
Yoga, mindfulness-based stress reduction and stress-related physiological measures: A meta-analysis. Pascoe MC1, Thompson DR2, Ski CF3 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 Aug 30 VIEW
Yoga, Physical Therapy, or Education for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Noninferiority Trial. Saper RB1, Lemaster C1, Delitto A1, Sherman KJ1, Herman PM1, Sadikova E1, Stevans J1, Keosaian JE1, Cerrada CJ1, Femia AL1, Roseen EJ1, Gardiner P1, Barnett KG1, Faulkner C1, Weinberg J1 Ann Intern Med. 2017 Jun 20 VIEW
Yoga: A spiritual practice with therapeutic value in psychiatry. Varambally S, Gangadhar BN. Asian J Psychiatr. 2012 Jun VIEW
Yoga: an evidence-based prescription for menopausal symptoms? Cohen BE Menopause 2008 Jul 9 VIEW
Yoga: Can it be integrated with treatment of neuropathic pain? Telles S1,2, Sayal N1,3, Nacht C4, Chopra A4, Patel K4, Wnuk A4, Dalvi P5, Bhatia K6, Miranpuri G4, Anand A3 Ann Neurosci. 2019 Apr VIEW
Yoga's Impact on Inflammation, Mood, and Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Bennett JM, Andridge R, Peng J, Shapiro CL, Malarkey WB, Emery CF, Layman R, Mrozek EE, Glaser R. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jan 27 VIEW
YogaHome: Teaching and Research Challenges in a Yoga Program with Homeless Adults. Davis-Berman J, Farkas J. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Yogic breathing when compared to attention control reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers in saliva: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Twal WO1, Wahlquist AE2, Balasubramanian S3 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Aug 18 VIEW
Yogic meditation improves objective and subjective sleep quality of healthcare professionals Priscilla Caetano Guerra1, Danilo F Santaella2, Vania D'Almeida3, Rogerio Santos-Silva3, Sergio Tufik3, Claudio Arnaldo Len4 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
Yogic meditation reverses NF-κB and IRF-related transcriptome dynamics in leukocytes of family dementia caregivers in a randomized controlled trial. Black DS, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Breen E, St Cyr NM, Nazarian N, Khalsa DS, Lavretsky H. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012 Jul 13 VIEW
Yogic practice and diabetes mellitus in geriatric patients. Beena RK, Sreekumaran E. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jan VIEW
Yogic Pranayama and Diaphragmatic Breathing: Adjunct Therapy for Intraocular Pressure in Patients With Primary Open-angle Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial Hemlata Udenia1, Sunita Mittal2, Ajai Agrawal1, Anvita Singh3, Anupam Singh1, Sanjeev K Mittal1 J Glaucoma 2021 Feb 1 VIEW
You can't stop the music: Reduced auditory alpha power and coupling between auditory and memory regions facilitate the illusory perception of music during noise. Müller N, Keil J, Obleser J, Schulz H, Grunwald T, Bernays RL, Huppertz HJ, Weisz N. Neuroimage. 2013 May 9 VIEW
You cannot wash off blood with blood: entering the mind through the body. Kushner K. Explore (NY). 2012 Jul-Aug VIEW
Young scientist award papers from the workshop on bioelectric and biomagnetic signal processing 2012. Haueisen J, Sander-Thömmes T. Biomed Tech (Berl) 2013 Apr 1 VIEW
Yu’s Xing Yi Chi Kung applied internal and external force Yang Minou//Yu Jialing 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Yuanji gongís influence on criminals' health level Wang Jishe//Qiu Binwu 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Zazen and cardiac variability Lehrer P//Sasaki Y//Saito Y Psychosom Med 1999 VIEW
Zazen meditation and no-task resting EEG compared with LORETA intracortical source localization. Faber PL1, Lehmann D, Gianotti LR, Milz P, Pascual-Marqui RD, Held M, Kochi K. Cogn Process. 2014 Oct 5 VIEW
Zen and the Art of Living Mindfully: The Health-Enhancing Potential of Zen Aesthetics. Lomas T1, Etcoff N2, Van Gordon W3, Shonin E4 J Relig Health. 2017 Jul 17 VIEW
Zen and the brain: mutually illuminating topics. Austin JH. Front Psychol. 2013 Oct 24 VIEW
Zen Den: A Novel Approach to Promote Well-Being in the Workplace Melanie Naone1, Christina Ford1, Katherine Finn Davis2 J Holist Nurs 2024 Jul 23 VIEW
Zen meditation and ABC relaxation theory: an exploration of relaxation states, beliefs, dispositions, and motivations Gillani NB//Smith JC J Clin Psychol 2001 VIEW
Zen meditation and access to information in the unconscious. Strick M, van Noorden TH, Ritskes RR, de Ruiter JR, Dijksterhuis A. Conscious Cogn. 2012 Apr 28 VIEW
Zen meditation, Length of Telomeres, and the Role of Experiential Avoidance and Compassion. Alda M1, Puebla-Guedea M2, Rodero B3, Demarzo M4, Montero-Marin J2, Roca M5, Garcia-Campayo J6 Mindfulness (N Y). 2016 VIEW
Zen Meditation: An Integration of Current Evidence. Chiesa A. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 May 7 VIEW
Zen practice: a training method to enhance the skills of clinical social workers. Brenner MJ. Soc Work Health Care. 2009 May VIEW
Zen Yoga: good medicine for surgical patients Bottalla C RN 2008 Jul VIEW
Zhen Qi theory in Huangdi Nei Jing Lu Zhi 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Zhiyi's contributions to the theory of Buddhist Dhyana Samadhi therapy Chen Bing 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Zhongguo Gudai Qigong Yu Xianqin Zhexue (Ancient Chinese Qigong and Philosophy of the Pre-Qin Era) Zhang SM 1987 VIEW
Zhou Yi And Qigong Health Preservation Zhou Jiting//Wang Yuwen 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
β-Adrenergic response is counteracted by extremely-low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields in beating cardiomyocytes. Cornacchione M1, Pellegrini M2, Fassina L3, Mognaschi ME3, Di Siena S4, Gimmelli R4, Ambrosino P1, Soldovieri MV1, Taglialatela M1, Gianfrilli D5, Isidori AM5, Lenzi A5, Naro F6 J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2016 Jul 11 VIEW
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