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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Modulation of germination and growth of plants by meditation Haid M//Huprikar S Am J Chin Med 2001 VIEW
Modulation of Heart Rate Variability and Brain Excitability through Acute Whole-Body Vibration: The Role of Frequency Jingwang Tan1, Jianbin Lei1, Sam S X Wu2,3, Roger Adams3,4, Xueping Wu5, Qingwen Zhang5, Lijiang Luan6, Jia Han3,7, Yu Zou1 J Hum Kinet 2024 Apr 25 VIEW
Modulation of hippocampal neuronal network oscillations by α7 nACh receptors. Stoiljkovic M1, Kelley C1, Nagy D1, Hajós M2. Biochem Pharmacol. 2015 Jul 21 VIEW
Modulation of human natural killer cell activity by exposure to uncontrollable stress Sieber WJ//Rodin J//Larson L//Ortega S//// Brain Behav Immun 1992 VIEW
Modulation of involuntary movements in cerebral palsy with acupuncture. Watson, P. Acupunct Med 2009 Jun VIEW
Modulation of long-term potentiation-like cortical plasticity in the healthy brain with low frequency-pulsed electromagnetic fields. Premi E1,2, Benussi A3, La Gatta A4, Visconti S5, Costa A6, Gilberti N6, Cantoni V3, Padovani A3, Borroni B3, Magoni M6 BMC Neurosci. 2018 Jun 13 VIEW
Modulation of Macrophage Activity by Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in the Context of Fracture Healing Yangmengfan Chen1, Maximilian M Menger1, Benedikt J Braun1, Sara Schweizer1, Caren Linnemann1, Karsten Falldorf2, Michael Ronniger2, Hongbo Wang3, Tina Histing1, Andreas K Nussler1, Sabrina Ehnert1 Bioengineering (Basel) 2021 Oct 29 VIEW
Modulation of motor learning capacity by transcranial alternating current stimulation. Sugata H1, Yagi K2, Yazawa S3, Nagase Y4, Tsuruta K3, Ikeda T5, Matsushita K6, Hara M7, Kawakami K8, Kawakami K9 Neuroscience. 2018 Sep 19 VIEW
Modulation of neuroendocrinological function by psychosomatic training: acute effect of ChunDoSunBup Qi-training on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 in men Ryu HLee MS//Jeong SM//Lee JH//Kang CW//Lee DY//Chung HT Psychoneuroendocrinology 2000 VIEW
Modulation of neuroinflammation and memory dysfunction using percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in mice. Huffman WJ1, Subramaniyan S2, Rodriguiz RM3, Wetsel WC4, Grill WM5, Terrando N6 Brain Stimul. 2018 Oct 9 VIEW
Modulation of Oscillatory Power and Connectivity in the Human Posterior Cingulate Cortex Supports the Encoding and Retrieval of Episodic Memories. Lega B1, Germi J1, Rugg M2 J Cogn Neurosci. 2017 Apr 7 VIEW
Modulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) by radiation- induced biophotons. Le M1, McNeill FE1, Seymour CB1, Rusin A1, Diamond K1, Rainbow AJ1, Murphy J2, Mothersill CE3 Environ Res. 2018 Feb 7 VIEW
Modulation of red cell metabolism by states of decreased activation: comparison between states Jevning R//Wilson AF//Pirkle H//Guich S//// Physiol Behav 1985 VIEW
Modulation of the autonomic nervous system assessed through heart rate variability by a mindfulness based stress reduction program. Nijjar PS1, Puppala VK2, Dickinson O3, Duval S4, Duprez D4, Kreitzer MJ5, Benditt DG6. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Aug 24 VIEW
Modulation of the immune system by UV radiation: more than just the effects of vitamin D? Hart PH, Gorman S, Finlay-Jones JJ. Nat Rev Immunol. 2011 Aug VIEW
Modulations of immune functions and oxidative status induced by noise stress. Zheng KC, Ariizumi M. J Occup Health 2007 Jan VIEW
Modulatory effect of International Standard Scalp Acupuncture on brain activation in the elderly as revealed by resting-state fMRI. Chung WY1, Liu SY2, Gao JC3, Jiang YJ4, Zhang J2, Qu SS5, Zhang JP5, Tan XL6, Chen JQ3, Wang SX5 Neural Regen Res. 2019 Dec VIEW
Modulatory effects of acupuncture on murine depression-like behavior following chronic systemic inflammation. Kwon S, Lee B, Yeom M, Sur BJ, Kim M, Kim ST, Park HJ, Lee H, Hahm DH. Brain Res. 2012 Jul 11 VIEW
Modulatory effects of acupuncture on resting-state networks: A functional MRI study combining independent component analysis and multivariate granger causality analysis. Zhong C, Bai L, Dai R, Xue T, Wang H, Feng Y, Liu Z, You Y, Chen S, Tian J. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 Nov 8 VIEW
Modulatory effects of different exercise modalities on the functional connectivity of the periaqueductal grey and ventral tegmental area in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. Liu J1, Chen L2, Chen X3, Hu K4, Tu Y4, Lin M4, Huang J4, Liu W4, Wu J4, Qiu Z4, Zhu J4, Li M5, Park J6, Wilson G6, Lang C6, Xie G4, Tao J7, Kong J6 Br J Anaesth. 2019 Aug 5 VIEW
Molecular "light switch" for G-quadruplex DNA: cycling the switch on and off. Shi S, Zhao J, Gao X, Lv C, Yang L, Hao J, Huang H, Yao J, Sun W, Yao T, Ji L. Dalton Trans. 2012 May VIEW
Molecular and Functional Basis Established for Nitric Oxide Joining Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Respiratory Cycle Newswise Newswise 2015 Apr 10 VIEW
Molecular and Functional Neuroscience in Immunity. Pavlov VA1, Chavan SS1, Tracey KJ1 Annu Rev Immunol. 2018 Apr 26 VIEW
Molecular Basis of the 'Anti-Aging' Effect of Spermidine and Other Natural Polyamines - A Mini-Review. Minois N. Gerontology. 2014 Jan 28 VIEW
Molecular basis of the biological activity of substances and homeopathic remedies at zero concentrations Morozov AA Radiats Biol Radioecol 2003 VIEW
Molecular bioelectricity in developmental biology: New tools and recent discoveries: Control of cell behavior and pattern formation by transmembrane potential gradients. Levin M. Bioessays. 2012 Jan 11 VIEW
Molecular biological effects of emitted qi on man Luo Sen//Chai Shaoai//Yi Weiyuan//Ren Hetian//Cao Baozheng 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Molecular Biological Study on External Qi Zhang Fengde//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Molecular biology study for the effect of qigong - outgoing qi with labeled biochemical factors on human body cancer cells the BEL - 7402 and SPC - A1 Feng CY 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Molecular cell types as functional units of the efferent vagus nerve Tatiana C Coverdell1, Stephen B G Abbott2, John N Campbell3 Semin Cell Dev Biol 2023 Jul 26 VIEW
Molecular Changes in Remote Tissues induced by Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation at Acupoint ST36 Lee CK, Bae HS, Rho SW, Choi GS, Ko EJ, Kim SK, Lee YS, Lee HJ, Hong MC, Shin MK, Min BI, Kee HJ Mol Cells. 2008 Mar 28 VIEW
Molecular Communication Between Neuronal Networks and Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Gut Inflammation and Parkinson's Disease Alice Drobny1, Phuong A Ngo2, Markus F Neurath2,3, Friederike Zunke1, Rocío López-Posadas2 Front Med (Lausanne) 2021 Jul 22 VIEW
Molecular ferroelectrics: where electronics meet biology. Li J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Cai HL, Xiong RG. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2013 Sep 9 VIEW
Molecular Imaging in Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy for Neurological Diseases. Wang Z, Wan H, Li J, Zhang H, Tian M. Biomed Res Int. 2013 VIEW
Molecular Interactions between Graphene and Biological Molecules Zou X, Wei S, Jasensky J, Xiao M, Wang Q, Brooks CL, Chen Z. J Am Chem Soc. 2017 Jan 16 VIEW
Molecular machines open cell membranes. García-López V1,2, Chen F3, Nilewski LG1,2, Duret G4, Aliyan A1, Kolomeisky AB1, Robinson JT4, Wang G3, Pal R5, Tour JM1,2,6 Nature. 2017 Aug 30 VIEW
Molecular mechanisms for anti-aging by natural dietary compounds. Pan MH, Lai CS, Tsai ML, Wu JC, Ho CT. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Nov 14 VIEW
Molecular mechanisms involved in the aging of the T-cell immune response. Moro-García MA, Alonso-Arias R, López-Larrea C. Curr Genomics. 2012 Dec VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of activity and derepression of alternative lengthening of telomeres. Pickett HA1, Reddel RR2. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2015 Nov VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of aging and anti-aging strategies Yumeng Li1, Xutong Tian1, Juyue Luo1, Tongtong Bao1, Shujin Wang2, Xin Wu3 Cell Commun Signal 2024 May 24 VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of aging and related diseases. Liu JP. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2014 May 6 VIEW
Molecular Mechanisms of Meditation. Jindal V, Gupta S, Das R. Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Jun 5 VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of telomere biology disorders Sherilyn Grill1, Jayakrishnan Nandakumar1 J Biol Chem 2020 Nov 12 VIEW
Molecular motions in functional self-assembled nanostructures. Dhotel A, Chen Z, Delbreilh L, Youssef B, Saiter JM, Tan L. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Jan 24 VIEW
Molecular Regulation of Cellular Senescence by MicroRNAs: Implications in Cancer and Age-Related Diseases. Neault M1, Couteau F2, Bonneau É3, De Guire V4, Mallette FA5 Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. 2017 VIEW
Molecular regulation of telomerase activity in aging. Nicholls C, Li H, Wang JQ, Liu JP. Protein Cell. 2011 Sep VIEW
Molecular response in one-photon absorption via natural thermal light vs. pulsed laser excitation. Brumer P, Shapiro M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 27 VIEW
Molecules of Silence: Effects of Meditation on Gene Expression and Epigenetics Sabrina Venditti1, Loredana Verdone2, Anna Reale3, Valerio Vetriani1, Micaela Caserta2, Michele Zampieri3 Front Psychol 2020 Aug 11 VIEW
Molluscum contagiosum: a case series Rajendran ES Homeopathy 2002 VIEW
Moniliasis treated by emitted qi and acupuncture therapy Chou Chu 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Monitoring acupuncture effects on human brain by FMRI. Hui KK, Napadow V, Liu J, Li M, Marina O, Nixon EE, Claunch JD, LaCount L, Sporko T, Kwong KK. J Vis Exp 2010 Apr 8 VIEW
Monitoring Alzheimer's disease via ultraweak photon emission Niloofar Sefati1, Tahereh Esmaeilpour1, Vahid Salari2,3,4, Asadollah Zarifkar5, Farzaneh Dehghani1,6, Mahdi Khorsand Ghaffari5, Hadi Zadeh-Haghighi2,3,4,7, Noémi Császár8, István Bókkon8,9, Serafim Rodrigues10,11, Daniel Oblak2,3,4 iScience 2023 Dec 14 VIEW
Monitoring dynamic reactions of red blood cells to UHF electromagnetic waves radiation using a novel micro-imaging technology. Ruan P, Yong J, Shen H, Zheng X. Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jun 7 VIEW
Monitoring Emotion Through Body Sensation: A Review of Awareness in Goenka's Vipassana. Zeng X, Oei TP, Liu X. J Relig Health. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Monitoring Energy Levels during CAM treatment with GDV technique Wiesneski L//Korotkov K Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Monitoring in vivo neural activity to understand gut-brain signaling Amber L Alhadeff1,2 Endocrinology 2021 Feb 9 VIEW
Monitoring mindfulness practice quality: An important consideration in mindfulness practice. Del Re AC, Flückiger C, Goldberg SB, Hoyt WT. Psychother Res. 2012 Oct 9 VIEW
Monitoring of neuromuscular blockade at the P6 acupuncture point reduces the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting Arnberger M, Stadelmann K, Alischer P, Ponert R, Melber A, Greif R Anesthesiology 2007 Dec VIEW
Monitoring of tissue ablation using time series of ultrasound RF data. Imani F, Wu MZ, Lasso A, Burdette EC, Daoud M, Fitchinger G, Abolmaesumi P, Mousavi P. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2011 VIEW
Monitoring the autonomic nervous activity as the objective evaluation of music therapy for severely and multiply disabled children. Orita M, Hayashida N, Shinkawa T, Kudo T, Koga M, Togo M, Katayama S, Hiramatsu K, Mori S, Takamura N. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2012 VIEW
Monitoring the effects of a qigong workshop by electrodermal measurements Sancier KM 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Monthly itraconazole versus classic homeopathy for the treatment of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: a randomised trial. Witt A, Kaufmann U, Bitschnau M, Tempfer C, Ozbal A, Haytouglu E, Gregor H, Kiss H. BJOG 2009 Jul 7 VIEW
Mood alteration with yoga and swimming: aerobic exercise may not be necessary Berger BG//Owen DR Percept Mot Skills 1992 VIEW
Mood change and perceptions of vitality: a comparison of the effects of relaxation, visualization and yoga Wood C J R Soc Med 1993 VIEW
Mood change and perceptions of vitality: a comparison of the effects of relaxation, visualization and yoga Wood C Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1993 VIEW
Mood disorders and complementary and alternative medicine: a literature review. Qureshi NA, Al-Bedah AM. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013 VIEW
Mood regulates the physiological response to whole-body vibration at low intensity Martina Lorenzino1, Flavia D'Agostin2, Sara Rigutti3, Massimo Bovenzi4, Carlo Fantoni5, Luigi Bregant6 Appl Ergon 2022 Dec 26 VIEW
More Benefits of Tai Chi Than Aerobic Exercise in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer Chieh-Hsuan Tsai1, Ping-Hao Chiang2 JAMA Oncol 2024 Jul 3 VIEW
More Benefits of Tai Chi Than Aerobic Exercise in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer-Reply Naomi Takemura1, Chia-Chin Lin1 JAMA Oncol 2024 Jul 3 VIEW
More is not always better: 2 weeks of intensive cognitive processing therapy-based treatment are noninferior to 3 weeks Philip Held1, Dale L Smith1, Sarah Pridgen1, Jennifer A Coleman1, Brian J Klassen1 Psychol Trauma 2023 Jan 1 VIEW
More miles on the clock: Neighbourhood stressors are associated with telomere length in a longitudinal study. Ellaway A1, Dundas R1, Robertson T2, Shiels PG3 PLoS One. 2019 Mar 28 VIEW
Morphogenesis as Bayesian inference: A variational approach to pattern formation and control in complex biological systems. Kuchling F1, Friston K2, Georgiev G3, Levin M4 Phys Life Rev. 2019 Jun 12 VIEW
Morphogenetic fields in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer: Non-local control of complex patterning. Levin M. Biosystems. 2012 Apr 20 VIEW
Morphological effects of mesenchymal stem cells and pulsed ultrasound on condylar growth in rats: a pilot study. Oyonarte R, Becerra D, Díaz-Zúñiga J, Rojas V, Carrion F. Aust Orthod J. 2013 May VIEW
Mother and baby yoga is good for you. MacDonald C. Pract Midwife. 2013 May VIEW
Motion analysis of Bonghan granules You H//Ogay Y//Baik Ku Youn//Choi C//// J Intl Soc Life Info Sci 2005 VIEW
Motivational and mindfulness intervention for young adult female marijuana users. de Dios MA, Herman DS, Britton WB, Hagerty CE, Anderson BJ, Stein MD J Subst Abuse Treat. 2011 Sep 20 VIEW
Motivational Barriers and Facilitators for Older Adults' Engagement in Exercise during Depressive Episodes: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Mei-Ling Dai1,2, Berne Ting3, Ikbal Andrian Malau4,5, Suet-Kei Wu5,6, Chia-Ching Lin7, Pan-Yen Lin5,8,9, Min-Hsiung Chen10 Healthcare (Basel) 2024 Jul 28 VIEW
Motivational Non-directive Resonance Breathing as a Treatment for Chronic Widespread Pain. Paccione CE1, Jacobsen HB2 Front Psychol. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Motivational nondirective resonance breathing versus transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Charles Ethan Paccione1,2, Lien My Diep3, Audun Stubhaug4, Henrik Børsting Jacobsen4 Trials 2020 Sep 23 VIEW
Motivations for Adopting and Maintaining a Yoga Practice: A National Cross-Sectional Survey. Park CL1, Quinker D2, Dobos G2, Cramer H2 J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Aug 28 VIEW
Motor Consciousness during Intention-Based and Stimulus-Based Actions: Modulating Attention Resources through Mindfulness Meditation. Delevoye-Turrell YN, Bobineau C. Front Psychol. 2012 VIEW
Motor Dysfunctions in Fibromyalgia Patients: The Importance of Breathing Bruno Bordoni1, Allan R Escher2 Open Access Rheumatol 2024 Mar 7 VIEW
Motor Imagery Training Improves Balance and Mobility Outcomes in Older Adults: A Systematic Review Vaughan Nicholson, Naomi Watts, Yannick Chani, Justin Wl Keogh Journal of physiotherapy 2019 Oct VIEW
Move-It: A Cluster-Randomised Digital Worksite Exercise Intervention in China: Outcome and Process Evaluation. Blake H1,2, Lai B3, Coman E4, Houdmont J5, Griffiths A6 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Sep 17 VIEW
Movement and manual therapy for adults with arthritis: 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Pure E1, Terhorst L2, Baker N2 Complement Ther Med. 2018 Apr VIEW
Movement therapies for the self-management of chronic pain symptoms. Lee C1, Crawford C, Schoomaker E; Active Self-Care Therapies for Pain (PACT) Working Group. Pain Med. 2014 Apr VIEW
Movement-Based Behaviors and Leukocyte Telomere Length among U. S. Adults. Loprinzi PD1, Loenneke JP, Blackburn EH. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015 May 12 VIEW
Movement-based embodied contemplative practices: definitions and paradigms. Schmalzl L1, Crane-Godreau MA2, Payne P3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Apr 14 VIEW
Movement-Based Therapies in Rehabilitation Melissa E Phuphanich1, Jonathan Droessler2, Lisa Altman3, Blessen C Eapen4 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2020 Nov 1 VIEW
Moving beyond belief: A narrative review of potential biomarkers for transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation. Burger AM1,2, D'Agostini M1, Verkuil B3, Van Diest I1 Psychophysiology. 2020 Mar 23 VIEW
Moving beyond cardio: the value of resistance training, balance training, and other forms of exercise in the management of diabetes. Armstrong MJ1, Colberg SR2, Sigal RJ3. Diabetes Spectr. 2015 Jan VIEW
Moving beyond health to flourishing: the effects of yoga teacher training. Conboy LA, Wilson A, Braun T. ScientificWorldJournal 2010 May 4 VIEW
Moving Mindfully: The Role of Mindfulness Practice in Physical Activity and Health Behaviours Dev Roychowdhury1 J Funct Morphol Kinesiol 2021 Feb 10 VIEW
Moving With Pain: What Principles From Somatic Practices Can Offer to People Living With Chronic Pain Emma Meehan1, Bernie Carter2 Front Psychol 2021 Jan 25 VIEW
Mozart versus new age music: relaxation states, stress, and ABC relaxation theory Smith JC//Joyce CA J Music Ther 2004 VIEW
MRI evaluation of metal acupuncture needles. Mei L, Long X, Diao Y, Yu H, Yang W, Standish LJ, Qiu B. Acupunct Med. 2013 Aug 16 VIEW
MRI Technology Reveals Deep Brain Pathways in Unprecedented Detail newswise newswise 2015 Jun 1 VIEW
MRI-Based Multiscale Model for Electromagnetic Analysis in the Human Head with Implanted DBS. Iacono MI, Makris N, Mainardi L, Angelone LM, Bonmassar G. Comput Math Methods Med. 2013 VIEW
MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound as an Emerging Therapy for Stroke: A Review. Zafar A1, Quadri SA1,2,3, Farooqui M1, Ortega-Gutiérrez S4, Hariri OR5, Zulfiqar M6, Ikram A1, Khan MA1,2,3, Suriya SS1,2,3, Nunez-Gonzalez JR1, Posse S1, Mortazavi MM2,3, Yonas H7 J Neuroimaging. 2018 Oct 8 VIEW
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