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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Nature-Based Interventions and Mind-Body Interventions: Saving Public Health Costs Whilst Increasing Life Satisfaction and Happiness Jules Pretty1, Jo Barton2 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Oct 23 VIEW
Nature's Electric Potential: A Systematic Review of the Role of Bioelectricity in Wound Healing and Regenerative Processes in Animals, Humans, and Plants. Tyler SEB1 Front Physiol. 2017 Sep 4 VIEW
Naturopathic treatment of rotator cuff tendinitis among canadian postal workers: A randomized controlled trial. Szczurko O, Cooley K, Mills EJ, Zhou Q, Perri D, Seely D. Arthritis Rheum 2009 Jul 30 VIEW
Naturopaths practice behaviour: provision and access to information on complementary and alternative medicines Caroline A Smith CA//Martin KL//Hotham E//Semple S//// BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2005 VIEW
Navigating internal senses: A road map for the vagal interoceptive system Qiancheng Zhao1,2 Science 2024 Aug 2 VIEW
Near death experiences in cardiac arrest: visions of a dying brain or visions of a new science of consciousness Parnia S//Fenwick P Resuscitation 2002 VIEW
Near infrared fluorescent imaging as a surgical navigation tool: the time has come. Berguer R. AORN J. 2012 May VIEW
Near-Field Electromagnetic Holography for high-resolution analysis of network interactions in neuronal tissue. Kjeldsen HD1, Kaiser M2, Whittington MA3. J Neurosci Methods. 2015 May 27 VIEW
Near-infrared light-mediated nanoplatforms for cancer thermo-chemotherapy and optical imaging. Zhang Z, Wang J, Chen C. Adv Mater. 2013 Jul 26 VIEW
Near-infrared spectroscopy for objectifying cerebral effects of laser acupuncture in term and preterm neonates. Raith W, Pichler G, Sapetschnig I, Avian A, Sommer C, Baik N, Koestenberger M, Schmölzer GM, Urlesberger B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Neck Pain Treatment With Acupuncture: Does the Number of Needles Matter? Ceccherelli F, Gioioso L, Casale R, Gagliardi G, Ori C. Clin J Pain 2010 Sep 8 VIEW
Needle acupuncture for osteoarthritis of the knee. A systematic review and updated meta-analysis. Cao L, Zhang XL, Gao YS, Jiang Y. Saudi Med J. 2012 May VIEW
Nei dan theory and its effect about bai yu chan LiYuanguo ? 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
Nerophysiologic inhibition of strength following tactile simulation of the skin Nicholas JA//Melvin M//Ed M//Saranti AJ Am J Sports Med 1980 VIEW
Nerve communication model by bio-cells and optical dipole coupling effects. Zainol FD, Thammawongsa N, Mitatha S, Ali J, Yupapin P. Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2013 Jan 10 VIEW
Nervous Electrogram Changes under Qigong State How Shuli//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Network Meta-Analysis of the Antihypertensive Effect of Traditional Chinese Exercises on Patients with Essential Hypertension Lingling Li1, Mengdie Yang2, Jiao Song3, Ying Yu4, Hailiang Huang1 J Healthc Eng 2022 Aug 17 VIEW
Network Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Different Types of Traditional Chinese Exercises on Pulmonary Function, Endurance Capacity and Quality of Life in Patients With COPD Lingling Li1, Hailiang Huang1, Jiao Song2, Ying Yu3, Yuqi Jia1, Yajie Wang1, Xiaowen Dang1, Lei Huang1, Xinyue Liu4 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Network meta-analysis of the efficacy of four traditional Chinese physical exercise therapies on the prevention of falls in the elderly Meichao Cheng1, Ya Wang2, Shun Wang2, Wenxiao Cao2, Xianliang Wang1 Front Public Health 2023 Jan 4 VIEW
Network Meta-Analysis of Various Nonpharmacological Interventions on Pain Relief in Older Adults With Osteoarthritis. Zhang Q1, Young L, Li F Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Jun VIEW
Network Science and the Effects of Music Preference on Functional Brain Connectivity: From Beethoven to Eminem. Wilkins RW1, Hodges DA2, Laurienti PJ3, Steen M3, Burdette JH3. Sci Rep. 2014 Aug 28 VIEW
Network Spinal Analysis: A Research Perspective Epstein D Chiropractic Journal 2000 VIEW
Network-based characterization of brain functional connectivity in Zen practitioners. Kemmer PB1, Guo Y1, Wang Y1, Pagnoni G2. Front Psychol. 2015 May 12 VIEW
Neura, nerves, nerve fibers, neurofibrils, microtubules: Multidimensional routes of pain, pleasure, and voluntary action in images across the ages. Frixione E. Prog Brain Res. 2013 VIEW
Neural Activations Associated With Friction Stimulation on Touch-Screen Devices. Park W1, Jamil MH1, Eid M1 Front Neurorobot. 2019 May 29 VIEW
Neural Activity Correlated with Intra- or Cross-modal Cued Illusory Line Motion: An fMRI Study Tanabe HC 1//Yanagida T 1, 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Neural acupuncture unit: a new concept for interpreting effects and mechanisms of acupuncture. Zhang ZJ, Wang XM, McAlonan GM Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Neural Basis of Touch and Proprioception in Primate Cortex. Delhaye BP1, Long KH2, Bensmaia SJ1,2 Compr Physiol. 2018 Sep 14 VIEW
Neural Circuits of Interoception Gary G Berntson1, Sahib S Khalsa2 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Neural circuits regulating visceral pain Xiaoli Chang1,2, Haiyan Zhang3, Shaozong Chen4 Commun Biol 2024 Apr 13 VIEW
Neural circuits. Labeling of active neural circuits in vivo with designed calcium integrators. Fosque BF1, Sun Y1, Dana H1, Yang CT1, Ohyama T1, Tadross MR1, Patel R1, Zlatic M1, Kim DS1, Ahrens MB1, Jayaraman V1, Looger LL1, Schreiter ER2. Science. 2015 Feb 13 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Cross-Modal Affective Priming by Music in Williams Syndrome. Lense MD, Gordon RL, Key AP, Dykens EM. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013 Feb 5 VIEW
Neural correlates of establishing, maintaining, and switching brain states. Tang YY, Rothbart MK, Posner MI. Trends Cogn Sci. 2012 May 19 VIEW
Neural correlates of fluctuations in the intermediate band for heart rate and respiration are related to interoceptive perception. Keller M1, Pelz H2, Perlitz V3, Zweerings J1, Röcher E1, Baqapuri HI1, Mathiak K1,4 Psychophysiology. 2020 May 10 VIEW
Neural correlates of focused attention during a brief mindfulness induction. Dickenson J, Berkman ET, Arch J, Lieberman MD. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Mar 1 VIEW
Neural correlates of interoception: Effects of interoceptive focus and relationship to dimensional measures of body awareness. Stern ER1,2, Grimaldi SJ1, Muratore A3, Murrough J1,2, Leibu E1, Fleysher L2,4, Goodman WK5, Burdick KE1,2,6 Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Dec VIEW
NEURAL CORRELATES OF INTEROCEPTIVE ACCURACY: BEYOND CARDIOCEPTION Matias Baltazar1, Julie Grezes2, Marie-Maude Geoffray1,3, Jean-Luc Picq4, Laurence Conty4 Eur J Neurosci 2021 Oct 29 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Mindfulness Meditation-Related Anxiety Relief. Zeidan F, Martucci KT, Kraft RA, McHaffie JG, Coghill RC. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Neural correlates of music recognition in Down syndrome. Virji-Babul N, Moiseev A, Sun W, Feng T, Moiseeva N, Watt KJ, Huotilainen M. Brain Cogn. 2012 Dec 27 VIEW
Neural correlates of music-evoked fear and joy: The roles of auditory cortex and superficial amygdala. Koelsch S, Skouras S, Fritz T, Herrera P, Bonhage C, Küssner MB, Jacobs AM. Neuroimage. 2013 May 16 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness in Pranayama Practitioners: The Role of Slow Nasal Breathing Andrea Zaccaro1,2, Andrea Piarulli1,3, Lorenza Melosini4, Danilo Menicucci1, Angelo Gemignani1,5 Front Syst Neurosci 2022 Mar 21 VIEW
Neural correlates of nondual awareness in meditation. Josipovic Z. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Sep 4 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Personalized Spiritual Experiences. Miller L1, Balodis IM2,3, McClintock CH1, Xu J2, Lacadie CM4, Sinha R2,5,6, Potenza MN1,5,6,7 Cereb Cortex. 2018 May 29 VIEW
Neural divergence and convergence for attention to and detection of interoceptive and somatosensory stimuli Aleksandra M Herman1, Clare Palmer2, Ruben T Azevedo3, Manos Tsakiris4 Cortex 2020 Dec 8 VIEW
Neural entrainment to music is sensitive to melodic spectral complexity. Wollman I1, Arias P2, Aucouturier JJ2, Morillon B3 J Neurophysiol. 2020 Feb 5 VIEW
Neural Entrainment to the Rhythmic Structure of Music. Tierney A1, Kraus N. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Aug 29 VIEW
Neural Integration in Body Perception. Ramsey R1 J Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Jun 19 VIEW
Neural mechanism underlying acupuncture analgesia Zhao ZQ Prog Neurobiol 2008 Jun 5 VIEW
Neural mechanisms involved in the oral representation of percussion music: An fMRI study. Tsai CG, Chen CC, Chou TL, Chen JH. Brain Cogn. 2010 Aug 18 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of acupuncture as revealed by fMRI studies. He T1, Zhu W1, Du SQ1, Yang JW1, Li F1, Yang BF1, Shi GX1, Liu CZ2. Auton Neurosci. 2015 Apr 2 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of attentional control in mindfulness meditation. Front Neurosci. School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, UK. 2013 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of autonomic, affective, and cognitive integration. Critchley HD1 J Comp Neurol. 2005 Dec 5 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation: Evidence from neuroimaging studies. Marchand WR. World J Radiol. 2014 Jul 28 VIEW
Neural Mechanisms of Qigong Sensory Training Massage for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Feasibility Study. Jerger KK1, Lundegard L2, Piepmeier A1, Faurot K1, Ruffino A1, Jerger MA1, Belger A3 Glob Adv Health Med. 2018 Apr 5 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of qigong state: an experimental study by the method of auditory evoked responses. Liu GL//Cui RQ//Li GZ J Tradit Chin Med 1987 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of qigong state: an experimental study by the method of visual evoked potential flash and pattern Cui Rogqing 1//Liu Guolong 1//Zhang Huiwan 2 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of symptom improvements in generalized anxiety disorder following mindfulness training. Hölzel BK, Hoge EA, Greve DN, Gard T, Creswell JD, Brown KW, Barrett LF, Schwartz C, Vaitl D, Lazar SW. Neuroimage Clin. 2013 Mar 25 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of the qigong state and the effects of emitted qi Liu Guolong//Cui Rongqing//Niu Xin//Peng Xueyan 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Neural Mechanisms Supporting the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Pain. Zeidan F1, Salomons T2, Farris SR1, Emerson NM, Neal AA1, Jung Y3, Coghill RC1,4 Pain. 2018 Jul 12 VIEW
Neural mechanisms underlying balance control in tai chi. Gatts S. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Neural Mechanisms Underlying Breast Cancer Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review of Neuroimaging Studies Nisha Arya1, Anya Vaish1, Ke Zhao1, Hengyi Rao1 Front Neurosci 2021 Nov 10 VIEW
Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of emotional stimuli in individuals with depression: An ALE meta-analysis study Zhenyu Zhang1, Pujiang Huang1, Shuyu Li1, Zhiyu Liu1, Jiayao Zhang1, Ya'nan Li2, Zhiyuan Liu3 Psychiatry Res 2022 Jul 1 VIEW
Neural Networks for Mindfulness and Emotion Suppression. Murakami H1, Katsunuma R2, Oba K2, Terasawa Y2, Motomura Y2, Mishima K2, Moriguchi Y3. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17 VIEW
Neural Pathway for Gut Feelings: Vagal Interoceptive Feedback From the Gastrointestinal Tract Is a Critical Modulator of Anxiety-like Behavior Jean-Philippe Krieger1, Mohammed Asker1, Pauline van der Velden2, Stina Börchers1, Jennifer E Richard1, Ivana Maric1, Francesco Longo1, Arashdeep Singh3, Guillaume de Lartigue3, Karolina P Skibicka4 Biol Psychiatry 2022 May 18 VIEW
Neural Pathway Interference by Retained Acupuncture: A Functional MRI Study of a Dog Model of Parkinson's Disease. Lee SH, Jahng GH, Choe IH, Choi CB, Kim DH, Kim HY. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
Neural responses to negative feedback are related to negative emotionality in healthy adults. Santesso DL, Bogdan R, Birk JL, Goetz EL, Holmes AJ, Pizzagalli D Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2011 Sep 14 VIEW
Neural Signatures of Pain Modulation in Short-Term and Long-Term Mindfulness Training: A Randomized Active-Control Trial Joseph Wielgosz1, Tammi R A Kral1, David M Perlman1, Jeanette A Mumford1, Tor D Wager1, Richard J Davidson1 Am J Psychiatry 2022 Jul 28 VIEW
Neural Sources and Underlying Mechanisms of Neural Responses to Heartbeats, and their Role in Bodily Self-consciousness: An Intracranial EEG Study. Park HD1, Bernasconi F1, Salomon R2, Tallon-Baudry C3, Spinelli L4, Seeck M4, Schaller K5, Blanke O1,6 Cereb Cortex. 2017 Jun 7 VIEW
Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at pericardium 6: Evidence from an FMRI study. Bai L, Yan H, Li L, Qin W, Chen P, Liu P, Gong Q, Liu Y, Tian J. J Magn Reson Imaging 2009 Dec 20 VIEW
Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation at pericardium 6: evidence from an FMRI study. Bai L, Yan H, Li L, Qin W, Chen P, Liu P, Gong Q, Liu Y, Tian J. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2010 Jan VIEW
Neural specificity of acupuncture stimulation from support vector machine classification analysis. Xue T, Bai L, Chen S, Zhong C, Feng Y, Wang H, Liu Z, You Y, Cui F, Ren Y, Tian J, Liu Y. Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 Apr 28 VIEW
Neural substrates of acupuncture in the modulation of cravings induced by smoking-related visual cues: an FMRI study. Kang OS, Kim SY, Jahng GH, Kim H, Kim JW, Chung SY, Kim JW, Yang SI, Park HJ, Lee H, Chae Y. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013 Feb 28 VIEW
Neural substrates of interoceptive sensibility: An integrated study in normal and pathological functioning Maddalena Boccia1, Alice Teghil2, Simona Raimo3, Antonella Di Vita4, Dario Grossi5, Cecilia Guariglia2, Liana Palermo6 Neuropsychologia 2023 Feb 4 VIEW
Neural substrates of self-referential processing in Chinese Buddhists. Han S, Gu X, Mao L, Ge J, Wang G, Ma Y. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2010 Jun VIEW
Neural systems connecting interoceptive awareness and feelings Olga Pollatos1, Klaus Gramann, Rainer Schandry Hum Brain Mapp 2007 Jan 1 VIEW
Neurasthenia Treated by Qigong Combined with Massage Yu Z Anhui Clinic Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1996 VIEW
Neuro-cardiac coupling predicts transcutaneous auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation effects Marius Keute1, Kathrin Machetanz2, Levan Berelidze2, Robert Guggenberger2, Alireza Gharabaghi3 Brain Stimul 2021 Jan 7 VIEW
Neuro-Immune Circuits Regulate Immune Responses in Tissues and Organ Homeostasis. Jakob MO1,2, Murugan S2, Klose CSN1 Front Immunol. 2020 Mar 20 VIEW
Neuro-Signals from Gut Microbiota: Perspectives for Brain Glioma Giuseppina D'Alessandro1,2, Clotilde Lauro1, Deborah Quaglio3, Francesca Ghirga3, Bruno Botta3, Flavia Trettel1, Cristina Limatola2,4 Cancers (Basel) 2021 Jun 4 VIEW
Neuroadaptability and Habit: Modern Medicine and Ayurveda Robert Keith Wallace1, Ted Wallace1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2021 Jan 21 VIEW
Neuroanatomic and Clinical Correspondences: Acupuncture and Vagus Nerve Stimulation da Silva MA, Dorsher PT. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 Apr VIEW
Neuroanatomical basis of acupuncture treatment for some common illnesses. Cheng KJ. Acupunct Med. 2009 Jun VIEW
Neuroanatomical characteristics of acupuncture points: relationship between their anatomical locations and traditional clinical indications. Cheng KJ. Acupunct Med 2011 Oct 14 VIEW
Neuroanatomy, Cranial Nerve 10 (Vagus Nerve). Kenny BJ1, Bordoni B2 StatPearls [Internet]. 2019 Jan 25 VIEW
Neurobiological and anti-aging benefits of yoga: A comprehensive review of recent advances in non-pharmacological therapy Qiaoyan Chen1 Exp Gerontol 2024 Aug 20 VIEW
Neurobiological foundations of acupuncture: the relevance and future prospect based on neuroimaging evidence. Bai L, Lao L. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture 2014. Bai L1, Harris RE2, Kong J3, Lao L4, Napadow V5, Zhao B6. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture. Bai L1, Harris RE2, Kong J3, Lao L4, Napadow V5, Zhao B6. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of TENS-induced analgesia. Peng WW1, Tang ZY2, Zhang FR3, Li H1, Kong YZ2, Iannetti GD4, Hu L5 Neuroimage. 2019 Apr 1 VIEW
Neurobiological Models of Emotion Regulation: a Meta-analysis of Neuroimaging Studies of Acceptance as an Emotion Regulation Strategy Irene Messina1, Alessandro Grecucci2, Roberto Viviani3 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2021 Jan 21 VIEW
Neurobiology of Acupuncture: Toward CAM. Ma SX. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2004 Jun 1 VIEW
Neurobiology of exaggerated heart oscillations during two meditative techniques. Friedman EH//Coats AJ Int J Cardiol 2000 VIEW
Neurobiology of Resilience: Interface Between Mind and Body. Cathomas F1, Murrough JW2, Nestler EJ1, Han MH3, Russo SJ4 Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 17 VIEW
Neurobiomechanical mechanism of Tai Chi to improve upper limb coordination function in post-stroke patients: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Qiurong Xie1,2, Jinsong Wu1,2, Qi Zhang1,2, Yanxin Zhang3, Bo Sheng4, Xiaoling Wang1,2, Jia Huang5,6 Trials 2023 Dec 4 VIEW
Neuroception: A Subconscious System for Detecting Threats and Safety Porges, S ERIC 2004 May VIEW
Neurocognitive and Somatic Components of Temperature Increases during g-Tummo Meditation: Legend and Reality. Kozhevnikov M, Elliott J, Shephard J, Gramann K. PLoS One. 2013 VIEW
Neurocognitive correlates of the effects of yoga meditation practice on emotion and cognition: a pilot study. Froeliger BE, Garland EL, Modlin LA, McClernon FJ. Front Integr Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
Neurodegenerative Diseases: from available treatments to prospective herbal therapy. Solanki I1, Parihar P1, Parihar MS2. Neurochem Int. 2015 Nov 6 VIEW
Neuroelectrophysiological methods for research of qigong principles Zhan Hongsheng 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Neuroembryology of the Acupuncture Principal Meridians: Part 3. The Head and Neck. Dorsher PT1, Chiang P2 Med Acupunct. 2018 Apr 1 VIEW
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