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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Neuroendocrine mechanisms of acupuncture in the treatment of hypertension. Zhou W, Longhurst JC. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Liang F, Chen R, Cooper EL. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Neuroenhancement of Memory for Children with Autism by a Mind-Body Exercise. Chan AS1, Han YM2, Sze SL3, Lau EM4. Front Psychol. 2015 Dec 11 VIEW
Neuroenhancement: Enhancing brain and mind in health and in disease. Clark VP, Parasuraman R. Neuroimage. 2013 Sep 12 VIEW
Neurofeedback and Biofeedback for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Review of the Clinical Evidence and Guidelines – An Update [Internet]. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health CADTH Rapid Response Reports. 2014 Aug VIEW
Neurofeedback-Enhanced Gamma Brainwaves from the Prefrontal Cortical Region of Meditators and Non-Meditators and Associated Subjective Experiences. Rubik B. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb 8 VIEW
Neurohemodynamic correlates of 'OM' chanting: A pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Kalyani BG, Venkatasubramanian G, Arasappa R, Rao NP, Kalmady SV, Behere RV, Rao H, Vasudev MK, Gangadhar BN. Int J Yoga 2011 Jan VIEW
Neuroimaging and Neuromonitoring Effects of Electro and Manual Acupuncture on the Central Nervous System: A Literature Review and Analysis. Scheffold BE1, Hsieh CL2, Litscher G3. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 VIEW
Neuroimaging during Trance State: A Contribution to the Study of Dissociation ulio Fernando Peres 1,2,3*, Alexander Moreira-Almeida 4, Leonardo Caixeta 5, Frederico Leao 3, Andrew Newberg 1,2,6 PLoS ONE 2012 VIEW
Neuroimaging of intrinsic connectivity networks: a robust method for assessing functional brain organization in psychiatric disorders Amy S Garrett1, Steven R Pliszka1 Braz J Psychiatry 2020 Jan-Feb VIEW
Neuroimaging of meditation's effect on brain reactivity to pain. Orme-Johnson DW//Schneider RH//Son YD//Nidich//// Neuroreport 2006 VIEW
Neuroimaging with calibrated fMRI Hyder F Stroke 2004 VIEW
Neuroimmune Communication in Health and Disease. Reardon C1, Murray K1, Lomax AE1 Physiol Rev. 2018 Oct 1 VIEW
Neuroimmune communication in infection and pain: friends or foes? Victor Fattori1, Camila R Ferraz2, Fernanda S Rasquel-Oliveira2, Waldiceu A Verri Jr3 Immunol Lett 2020 Nov 25 VIEW
Neuroimmune Interactions in the Gut and Their Significance for Intestinal Immunity. Brinkman DJ1,2, Ten Hove AS1, Vervoordeldonk MJ1,3, Luyer MD2, de Jonge WJ4,5 Cells. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Neuroimmunomodulation of tissue injury and disease: an expanding view of the inflammatory reflex pathway. Tanaka S1, Hammond B2, Rosin DL3, Okusa MD1 Bioelectron Med. 2019 Aug 13 VIEW
Neuroimmunomodulation of vagus nerve stimulation and the therapeutic implications Yi-Ting Fang#1, Ye-Ting Lin#2, Wu-Lung Tseng3, Philip Tseng4,5, Gia-Linh Hua6, Ying-Jui Chao2, Yi-Jen Wu1,3 Front Aging Neurosci 2023 Jul 6 VIEW
Neuroinflammation and depression: A review Romain Troubat1, Pascal Barone1, Samuel Leman1, Thomas Desmidt1,2, Arnaud Cressant1, Boriana Atanasova1, Bruno Brizard1, Wissam El Hage1,2, Alexandre Surget1, Catherine Belzung1, Vincent Camus1,2 Eur J Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Neuroinflammation in the Brain and Role of Intestinal Microbiota: An Overview of the Players Gina Cavaliere1, Giovanna Traina1 J Integr Neurosci 2023 Oct 23 VIEW
Neuromagnetic beta and gamma oscillations in the somatosensory cortex after music training in healthy older adults and a chronic stroke patient. Jamali S, Fujioka T, Ross B. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Nov 11 VIEW
Neuromicrobiology, an emerging neurometabolic facet of the gut microbiome? Saba Miri1, JuDong Yeo1, Sarah Abubaker1, Riadh Hammami1,2 Front Microbiol 2023 Jan 17 VIEW
Neuromodulation and the Gut-Brain Axis: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Implications for Gastrointestinal and Neurological Disorders Baha' Aljeradat1,2, Danisha Kumar1,3, Sulaiman Abdulmuizz1,4, Mrinmoy Kundu1,5, Yasser F Almealawy1,6, Dima Ratib Batarseh1,2, Oday Atallah1,7, Michelle Ennabe1,8, Muath Alsarafandi1,9,10, Albert Alan1,11,12, Martin Weinand11,12 Pathophysiology 2024 May 17 VIEW
Neuromodulation Applied to Diseases: The Case of HRV Biofeedback Asaf Gitler1, Leen Vanacker2, Marijke De Couck2, Inge De Leeuw2, Yoram Gidron1 J Clin Med 2022 Oct 8 VIEW
Neuromodulation as a new avenue for resuscitation in hemorrhagic shock. Powell K1, Shah K2, Hao C1, Wu YC1, John A1, Narayan RK#1, Li C#1,2,3 Bioelectron Med. 2019 Oct 24 VIEW
Neuromodulation as a Potential Disease-Modifying Therapy for Osteoarthritis Carlos J Cruz1,2, L Savannah Dewberry1, Kevin J Otto1,3,4,5,6, Kyle D Allen7,8,9 Curr Rheumatol Rep 2022 Nov 26 VIEW
Neuromodulation Strategies for the Treatment of Depression Susan K Conroy1, Paul E Holtzheimer1 Am J Psychiatry 2021 Dec 1 VIEW
Neuromodulation treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and network meta-analysis covering efficacy, acceptability, and follow-up effects Haoning Liu1, Xinyi Wang2, Tingting Gong3, Shi Xu3, Jiachen Zhang2, Li Yan2, Yuyi Zeng2, Ming Yi3, Ying Qian4 J Anxiety Disord 2024 Jul 28 VIEW
Neuromodulation, Specialized Proresolving Mediators, and Resolution of Pain Xueshu Tao1, Michael S Lee1, Christopher R Donnelly1, Ru-Rong Ji2 3 4 Neurotherapeutics 2020 Jul 21 VIEW
Neuromodulatory treatments for chronic pain: efficacy and mechanisms. Jensen MP1, Day MA1, Miró J2. Nat Rev Neurol. 2014 Feb 18 VIEW
Neuromuscular Attributes Associated With Lower Extremity Mobility Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Jacob ME1,2,3,4, Travison TG5,6, Ward RE2,3, Latham NK7, Leveille SG8, Jette AM9, Bean JF1,2,3 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 Mar 14 VIEW
Neuromuscular control strategies of the lower limb during a typical Tai Chi brush knee and twist step in practitioners with and without knee pain: a pilot study Hong Liu1, Xiaolin Chen1, Yaping Li2, Zhen Gao3,4, Wujie Huang5, Zheng Jiang1,3 Res Sports Med 2023 May 29 VIEW
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation-enhanced rehabilitation is associated with not only motor but also somatosensory cortical plasticity in chronic stroke patients: an interventional study. Tashiro S1, Mizuno K2, Kawakami M1, Takahashi O1, Nakamura T1, Suda M1, Haruyama K1, Otaka Y1, Tsuji T1, Liu M1 Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2019 Nov 20 VIEW
Neuromuscular electrostimulation techniques: historical aspects and current possibilities in treatment of pain and muscle waisting. Heidland A, Fazeli G, Klassen A, Sebekova K, Hennemann H, Bahner U, Di Iorio B. Clin Nephrol. 2013 Sup VIEW
Neuromuscular responses of the plantar flexors to whole-body vibration. Harwood B1, Scherer J2, Brown RE3, Cornett KM1, Kenno KA2, Jakobi JM1 Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2016 Dec 29 VIEW
Neuromuscular training improves knee proprioception in athletes with a history of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A randomized controlled trial Mohammad Ghaderi1, Amir Letafatkar1, Thomas Gus Almonroeder2, Sohrab Keyhani3 Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2020 Aug 27 VIEW
Neuromuscular Warm-Up is Associated with Fewer Overuse Injuries in Ballet Dancers Compared to Traditional Ballet-Specific Warm-Up Judith-Elisa Kaufmann, Rob G H H Nelissen, Janine H Stubbe, Maaike G J Gademan J Dance Med Sci 2022 Sep 15 VIEW
Neuronal Cellular Responses to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure: Implications Regarding Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration. Reale M1, Kamal MA2, Patruno A3, Costantini E1, D'Angelo C1, Pesce M3, Greig NH4. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 15 VIEW
Neuronal oscillations and synchronicity associated with gamma-hydroxybutyrate during resting-state in healthy male volunteers. von Rotz R1, Kometer M2, Dornbierer D1, Gertsch J3, Salomé Gachet M3, Vollenweider FX2, Seifritz E1, Bosch OG4, Quednow BB5 Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2017 Apr 20 VIEW
Neuronal regulation of the gut immune system and neuromodulation for treating inflammatory bowel disease Luis Populin1, Martin J Stebbing2,3, John B Furness2,3 FASEB Bioadv 2021 Aug 27 VIEW
Neuronal stretch reception - making sense of the mechanosense. Das R1, Wieser S2, Krieg M3 Exp Cell Res. 2019 Feb 25 VIEW
Neuropeptides, AIDS, and the science of mind-body healing. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan Pert Candace Altern Ther Health Med 1995 VIEW
Neurophysiological and behavioral responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious States. O'Kelly J1, James L2, Palaniappan R3, Taborin J4, Fachner J5, Magee WL6. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 Dec 25 VIEW
Neurophysiological and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the effects of yoga-based practices: towards a comprehensive theoretical framework. Schmalzl L1, Powers C2, Henje Blom E3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 May 8 VIEW
Neurophysiological background for physical therapies in fibromyalgia. Casale R, Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Reumatismo 2012 Sep 28 VIEW
Neurophysiological Basis of Acupuncture-induced Analgesia-An Updated Review. Leung L. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012 Dec VIEW
NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF RELIGIOUS COPING TO STRESS: A PRELIMINARY EEG POWER SPECTRA INVESTIGATION. Imperatori C1, Bersani FS2, Massullo C1, Carbone GA1, Salvati A1, Mazzi G1, Cicerale G1, Carrara A1, Farina B1 Neurosci Lett. 2020 Apr 9 VIEW
Neurophysiological Effects of a Singing Bowl Massage Nike Walter1, Thilo Hinterberger1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2022 Apr 26 VIEW
Neurophysiological mechanisms of induction of meditation: a hypothetico-deductive approach Deepak KK Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002 VIEW
Neurophysiological Mechanisms Supporting Mindfulness Meditation-Based Pain Relief: an Updated Review Alex Jinich-Diamant1,2, Eric Garland3,4, Jennifer Baumgartner1, Nailea Gonzalez1, Gabriel Riegner1, Julia Birenbaum1, Laura Case1, Fadel Zeidan5 Curr Pain Headache Rep 2020 Aug 17 VIEW
Neurophysiological, cognitive-behavioral and neurochemical effects in practitioners of transcendental meditation - A literature review. Mosini AC1, Saad M2, Braghetta CC2, Medeiros R3, Peres MFP4, Leão FC5 Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). 2019 Jun 3 VIEW
Neurophysiology of Brain Networks Underlies Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease: A Basis for Diagnosis and Management Martha Teresa Acosta-Mejia1, Nelson Villalobos2,3 Diagnostics (Basel) 2023 Jul 18 VIEW
Neuroplastic effects of music lessons on hippocampal volume in children with congenital hypothyroidism. Zendel BR, Willoughby KA, Rovet JF. Neuroreport. 2013 Sep 23 VIEW
Neuroplasticity Changes on Human Motor Cortex Induced by Acupuncture Therapy: A Preliminary Study. Yang Y1, Eisner I2, Chen S3, Wang S2, Zhang F2, Wang L2 Neural Plast. 2017 VIEW
Neuroplasticity of Acupuncture for Stroke: An Evidence-Based Review of MRI Jinhuan Zhang1, Chunjian Lu1, Xiaoxiong Wu1, Dehui Nie1, Haibo Yu1,2 Neural Plast 2021 Aug 19 VIEW
Neuroprotective and Anti-Aging Potentials of Essential Oils from Aromatic and Medicinal Plants. Ayaz M1, Sadiq A1, Junaid M1, Ullah F1, Subhan F2, Ahmed J3 Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 May 30 VIEW
Neuroprotective Effect of Low Frequency-Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Ischemic Stroke. Urnukhsaikhan E1, Mishig-Ochir T2, Kim SC3, Park JK1, Seo YK4 Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2016 Oct 19 VIEW
Neuroprotective effects of different modalities of acupuncture on traumatic spinal cord injury in rats. Jiang SH1, Tu WZ2, Zou EM2, Hu J2, Wang S2, Li JR3, Wang WS2, He R2, Cheng RD4, Liao WJ1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Neuroprotective effects of yoga practice: age-, experience-, and frequency-dependent plasticity. Villemure C1, Čeko M2, Cotton VA2, Bushnell MC3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 May 12 VIEW
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Purohit MP, Wells RE, Zafonte RD, Davis RB, Phillips RS. PM R. 2012 Oct 23 VIEW
Neuropsychiatric symptoms and the use of mind-body therapies. Purohit MP, Wells RE, Zafonte R, Davis RB, Yeh GY, Phillips RS. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Jun VIEW
Neuropsychologists as primary care providers of cognitive health: A novel comprehensive cognitive wellness service delivery model. Pimental PA1,2, O'Hara JB1,2, Jandak JL2 Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2018 Jul-Aug VIEW
Neuroscience and the soul: Competing explanations for the human experience. Preston JL, Ritter RS, Hepler J. Cognition. 2013 Jan 11 VIEW
Neuroscience in the heart: recent advances in neurocardiac communication and its role in cardiac arrhythmias. Winbo A1, Ashton JL2, Montgomery JM3 Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2020 Mar 6 VIEW
Neuroscience of the yogic theory of consciousness Vaibhav Tripathi1, Pallavi Bharadwaj2 Neurosci Conscious 2021 Oct 7 VIEW
Neuroscientists Uncover Brain Abnormalities Responsible for Tinnitus and Chronic Pain newswise newswise 2015 Sep 16 VIEW
Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Head and Facial Pain: A Literature Review. Antony AB1, Mazzola AJ2, Dhaliwal GS3, Hunter CW4 Pain Physician. 2019 Sep VIEW
Neurostimulation in Anxiety Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Freire RC1,2, Cabrera-Abreu C3, Milev R4,5 Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020 VIEW
Neurotransmitter modulation by the gut microbiota. Strandwitz P1 Brain Res. 2018 Aug 15 VIEW
Neurovisceral Regulatory Circuits of Affective Resilience in Youth: Principal Outline of a Dynamic Model of Neurovisceral Integration in Development Julian Koenig Psychophysiology 2020 May VIEW
New approaches for treating atrial fibrillation: Focus on autonomic modulation Daniel Sohinki1, Stavros Stavrakis2 Trends Cardiovasc Med 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
New concept about imageless thought Liu Tianjin 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
New Developments in the Psychological Management of Chronic Pain. Morley S1, Williams A2. Can J Psychiatry. 2015 Apr VIEW
New Developments in Using R.S Human Body Field Photo Technique in Researchingthe Characteristics of the External Qi 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
New Directions in Research on Aging Andrzej Bartke1 Stem Cell Rev Rep 2021 Nov 23 VIEW
New Discovery on 'Taiji Ray' Li Jingwei 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
New electrophysiological correlates associated with intentional heart focus McCraty R//Atkinson M//Tiller WA Subtle Energies 1995 VIEW
New findings of the correlation between acupoints and corresponding brain cortices using functional MRI. Cho ZH, Chung SC, Jones JP, Park JB, Park HJ, Lee HJ, Wong EK, Min BI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Mar 3 VIEW
New findings validate an ancient technique: how massage affects the biochemistry of inflammation. Hsia G, Chen KJ. Chin J Integr Med. 2012 Jul VIEW
New Frontiers in the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Leonardo Guzman-Martinez1, Camila Calfío1, Gonzalo A Farias2, Cristian Vilches3, Raul Prieto4, Ricardo B Maccioni1,5 J Alzheimers Dis 2021 Jan 23 VIEW
New imaging techniques for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: ready for primetime. Gillespie JA, O'Donnell MA. Urol Clin North Am. 2013 May VIEW
New innovative techniques in radiotherapy for breast cancer. Murphy JO, Sacchini VS. Minerva Chir. 2013 Apr VIEW
New insights on pathogenesis and Prognosis of Breast Cancer---An Investigation from the TCM Perspective Ni Yongli Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
New insights on therapeutic touch: a discussion of experimental methodology and design that resulted in significant effects on normal human cells and osteosarcoma. Monzillo E, Gronowicz G. Explore (NY). 2011 Jan-Feb VIEW
New Light Technology Helps Improve Food Safety newswise newswise 2015 July 15 VIEW
New Nursing Faculty and Incivility: Applying Mindfulness-Based Strategies. Green C1 Holist Nurs Pract. 2018 Jan/Feb VIEW
New Paradigm for the 21st Century Sako Y J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
New perspective in cell communication: Potential role of ultra-weak photon emission. Prasad A1, Rossi C2, Lamponi S3, Pospíšil P1, Foletti A4. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2014 Mar 15 VIEW
New perspectives in cell communication: Bioelectromagnetic interactions. Rossi C, Foletti A, Magnani A, Lamponi S. Semin Cancer Biol. 2011 May 6 VIEW
New Qigong Guolin Li B//Liu S 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
New qigong, an essential tool in healing and prevention of cancer Wong Chungsiu 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
New Strategies for Combining Mindfulness with Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Rapgay L, Bystritsky A, Dafter RE, Spearman M. J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther. 2011 Jun VIEW
New strategies to improve the health of Chinese people by 2030 Xiaodong Tan1, Shibo Kong1, Haiyan Shao1 Aust J Prim Health 2017 Sep 1 VIEW
New Tendency of Qi-Gong Development in Abroad in Recent Years Li XQ//// 8th Int Sym on Qigong 2001 VIEW
New Tools for Investigating Electromagnetic Hot Spots in Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Willets KA. Chemphyschem. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
New trends in the surgical treatment of outlet obstruction: clinical and functional results of two novel transanal stapled techniques from a randomised controlled trial Boccasanta P//Venturi M//Salamina G//Cesana BM//// Int J Colorectal Dis 2004 VIEW
New view on the impact of the low-frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) on stress responses - hormesis effect Angelika Klimek, Hanna Kletkiewicz, Agnieszka Siejka, Joanna Wyszkowska, Justyna Maliszewska, Maciej Klimiuk, Milena Jankowska, Jonathan Seckl, Justyna Rogalska Neuroendocrinology 2022 Nov 2 VIEW
Newly compiled Tai Chi (Bafa Wubu) promotes lower extremity exercise: a preliminary cross sectional study Haojie Li#1, Fang Peng#2, Shaojun Lyu1, Zhongqiu Ji1, Xiongfeng Li1, Mingyu Liu1 PeerJ 2023 Mar 13 VIEW
Newly Discovered Brain Network Recognizes What’s New, What’s Familiar newswise newswise 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
Newly discovered characteristics of acupuncture points and their relationship to the circulation of qi Gong Xinxiong 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
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