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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Impact of Yoga and Meditation on Cellular Aging in Apparently Healthy Individuals: A Prospective, Open-Label Single-Arm Exploratory Study. Tolahunase M1, Sagar R2, Dada R1 Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017 VIEW
Impact of Yoga Nidra on Menstrual Abnormalities in Females of Reproductive Age. Rani M, Singh U, Agrawal GG, Natu SM, Kala S, Ghildiyal A, Srivastava N. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 May 6 VIEW
Impact of Yoga Nidra on psychological general wellbeing in patients with menstrual irregularities: A randomized controlled trial. Rani K, Tiwari S, Singh U, Agrawal G, Ghildiyal A, Srivastava N. Int J Yoga 2011 Jan VIEW
Impact of yoga on blood pressure and quality of life in patients with hypertension – a controlled trial in primary care, matched for systolic blood pressure Moa Wolff 1*, Kristina Sundquist 12, Sara Larsson Lönn 1 and Patrik Midlöv 1 BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2013 VIEW
Impact of Yoga on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Arrhythmias Krishna Akella1, Sri Harsha Kanuri1, Ghulam Murtaza1, Domenico G Della Rocca2, Naresh Kodwani3, Mohit K Turagam4, Jayaprakash Shenthar5, Deepak Padmanabhan5, Indranill Basu Ray6, Andrea Natale7, Rakesh Gopinathannair8, Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy9 J Atr Fibrillation 2020 Jun 30 VIEW
Impact of Yoga on Functional Outcomes in Breast Cancer Survivors With Aromatase Inhibitor-Associated Arthralgias. Galantino ML, Desai K, Greene L, Demichele A, Stricker CT, Mao JJ. Integr Cancer Ther. 2011 Jul 6 VIEW
Impact of yoga on haemodynamic function in healthy medical students. Parshad O, Richards A, Asnani M. West Indian Med J. 2011 Mar VIEW
Impact of Yoga Practice on Level of Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic Selma Sinanovic1,2, Ana Vidacek3,4, Mirsad Muftic5,6 Mater Sociomed 2022 Jun 1 VIEW
Impact of yoga way of life on organizational performance Hasmukh Adhia, HR Nagendra,1 and B Mahadevan2 Int J Yoga 2010 Jul-Dec VIEW
Impaired evoked and resting-state brain oscillations in patients with liver cirrhosis as revealed by magnetoencephalography. Götz T, Huonker R, Kranczioch C, Reuken P, Witte OW, Günther A, Debener S. Neuroimage Clin. 2013 Jun 13 VIEW
Implanted electro-acupuncture electric stimulation improves outcome of stem cells' transplantation in spinal cord injury. Liu H, Yang K, Xin T, Wu W, Chen Y. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol. 2012 Mar 2 VIEW
Implementation and acceptability of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy in women's substance use disorder treatment. Price CJ, Wells EA, Donovan DM, Brooks M. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 May VIEW
Implementation and outcomes of complementary therapies in hospice care: an integrative review Catherine Dingley1, Angela Ruckdeschel2, Keshia Kotula3, Nirmala Lekhak3 Palliat Care Soc Pract 2021 Oct 26 VIEW
Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity E Orton1, N Lafond2, D A Skelton3, C Coupland2, J R F Gladman4, S Iliffe5, P A Logan6, T Masud7, C Timblin2, S Timmons2, D Kendrick2 Public Health 2021 Jul 12 VIEW
Implementation of a Clinic-Based Yoga Program for Chronic Pain Sara Hall1, Lauren R O'Keefe2, Madisen K Janssen3, Amanda A Herrmann4, Leah R Hanson4 Pain Manag Nurs 2024 Mar 7 VIEW
Implementation of a Mindfulness-Based Crisis Intervention for Frontline Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak in a Public General Hospital in Madrid, Spain Beatriz Rodriguez-Vega1,2,3, Ángela Palao1,2,3, Ainoa Muñoz-Sanjose1,2, Marta Torrijos1, Pablo Aguirre1, Arancha Fernández1, Blanca Amador1, Cristina Rocamora1, Laura Blanco1, Jesús Marti-Esquitino1, Aránzazu Ortiz-Villalobos1, Mónica Alonso-Sañudo1, Susana Cebolla1,2, Javier Curto1, Rosa Villanueva1, María-Jesús de-la-Iglesia1, Diego Carracedo1, Carlos Casado1, Emma Vidal1, Daniel Trigo1, Noelia Iglesias1, Diana Cabañas1, Loreto Mellado1, Daniel García1, Consuelo Fernández-Encinas1, Rubén Navarro1, Roberto Mediavilla2, María-Paz Vidal-Villegas2,3, María-Fe Bravo-Ortiz1,2,3, Carmen Bayón1,2,3 Front Psychiatry 2020 Oct 30 VIEW
Implementation of acupuncture and acupressure under surgical procedures in children: a pilot study. Norheim AJ, Liodden I, Howley M. Acupunct Med. 2010 Jun VIEW
Implementation of an Evidence-Based, Tai Ji Quan Fall Prevention Program in Rural West Virginia Churches: A RE-AIM Evaluation Dina L Jones1, Terry Kit Selfe2, Sijin Wen3, Jennifer L Eicher4, Sara Wilcox5, Corrie Mancinelli6 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Jun 10 VIEW
Implementation of an Evidence-Based, Tai Ji Quan Fall Prevention Program in Rural West Virginia Churches: A RE-AIM Evaluation Dina L Jones1, Terry Kit Selfe2, Sijin Wen3, Jennifer L Eicher4, Sara Wilcox5, Corrie Mancinelli6 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Jun 10 VIEW
Implementation of an Integrative Medicine Treatment Program at a Veterans Health Administration Residential Mental Health Facility. Gaddy MA Psychol Serv. 2017 Oct 12 VIEW
Implementation of Intentional Touch for Geriatric Patients with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Stöckigt B1, Suhr R2, Sulmann D2, Teut M3, Brinkhaus B3 Complement Med Res. 2019 Apr 3 VIEW
Implementation of Virtual Integrative Oncology Shared Medical Appointment Series (VIOSMAS) Within Mixed Diagnosis Population Michelle H Loy1,2, Lauren Prisco1, Chiti Parikh1,2 Integr Cancer Ther 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
Implementing a Global Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Rotation: A Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Program's Experience. Kosasih JB, Jurisic DH, Gandini C, Sauter CN, Braza DW. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Jan 3 VIEW
Implementing an Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Intervention in Community Senior Centers. Li F1, Harmer P1, Fitzgerald K1 Am J Public Health. 2016 Sep 15 VIEW
Implementing an Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Program in an Outpatient Clinical Setting. Li F, Harmer P, Stock R, Fitzgerald K, Stevens J, Gladieux M, Chou LS, Carp K, Voit J. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Oct 28 VIEW
Implementing an Online Virtual Falls Prevention Intervention During a Public Health Pandemic for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Feasibility Trial Fuzhong Li1, Peter Harmer2, Jan Voit3, Li-Shan Chou4 Clin Interv Aging 2021 May 25 VIEW
Implementing Mobile HRV Biofeedback as Adjunctive Therapy During Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation Facilitates Recovery of Depressive Symptoms and Enhances Autonomic Functioning Short-Term: A 1-Year Pre-Post-intervention Follow-Up Pilot Study Josef M Tatschl1, Sigurd M Hochfellner2, Andreas R Schwerdtfeger1,3 Front Neurosci 2020 Jul 21 VIEW
Implementing Music Therapy Through Telehealth: Considerations for Military Populations Rebecca Vaudreuil, Diane G Langston, Wendy L Magee, Donna Betts, Sara Kass, Charles Levy Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2020 Jul 1 VIEW
Implementing Music Therapy Through Telehealth: Considerations for Military Populations Rebecca Vaudreuil, Diane G Langston, Wendy L Magee, Donna Betts, Sara Kass, Charles Levy Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 07/01/2020 VIEW
Implementing Quantum Search Algorithm with Metamaterials. Zhang W1, Cheng K2,3, Wu C2,3, Wang Y2,3, Li H2,3, Zhang X1 Adv Mater. 2017 Nov 17 VIEW
Implementing Tai Chi Exercise in Long-Term Care to Reduce Falls Angela F Miles1, David C Mulkey J Nurs Care Qual 2023 Nov 24 VIEW
Implementing yoga therapy adapted for older veterans who are cancer survivors. King K1, Gosian J2, Doherty K2, Chapman J3, Chapman J3, Walsh C3, Pokaski Azar J3, Pokaski Azar J3, Danhauer SC3, Moye J1. Int J Yoga Therap. 2014 Sep VIEW
Implications of T'ai Chi for Smoking Cessation. Gryffin PA, Chen WC J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Importance of acupuncture on premenstrual syndrome. Anil A, Peker T, Göktaş T, Kilic S, Erbaş D. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2012 VIEW
Importance of protein conformational motions and electrostatic anchoring sites on the dynamics and hydrogen bond properties of hydration water. Pal S, Bandyopadhyay S. Langmuir. 2013 Jan 29 VIEW
IMPORTANCE OF XIANG GONG IN LIFE SCIENCE Zhang Shuqin 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Impression on observing psychic surgery and healing in Brazil which appear to incorporate (+) qi gong energy & the use of acupuncture points Omura Y Acupunct Electrother Res 1997 VIEW
Imprisoning Yoga: Yoga Practice May Increase the Character Maturity of Male Prison Inmates. Kerekes N1, Brändström S2, Nilsson T3 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Jun 13 VIEW
Improve the function of whole brain, enhance the whole quality of people. Brief introduction Xue Feng 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Improve your health with qigong Starr F 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Improved Benefit of SPECT/CT Compared to SPECT Alone for the Accurate Localization of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors. Bural GG, Muthukrishnan A, Oborski MJ, Mountz JM. Mol Imaging Radionucl Ther. 2012 Dec VIEW
Improved Emotional Stability in Experienced Meditators with Concentrative Meditation Based on Electroencephalography and Heart Rate Variability. Lee YH1, Shiah YJ, Chen SC, Wang SF, Young MS, Lin CL. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 Oct 29 VIEW
Improved osteogenic differentiation by extremely low electromagnetic field exposure: possible application for bone engineering Erica Costantini#1, Guya Diletta Marconi#2, Luigia Fonticoli3, Lisa Aielli3, Oriana Trubiani4, Thangavelu Soundara Rajan5, Jacopo Pizzicannella6, Marcella Reale#3, Francesca Diomede#3 Histochem Cell Biol 2022 Jun 25 VIEW
Improved performance in the Tower of London test following yoga Manjunath NK//Telles S Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2001 VIEW
Improved physical fitness and quality of life following training of elderly patients after acute coronary events. A 1 year follow-up randomized controlled study Stahle A//Mattsson E//Ryden L//Unden A//// Eur Heart J 1999 VIEW
Improved sleep quality in older adults with insomnia reduces biomarkers of disease risk: Pilot results from a randomized controlled comparative efficacy trial. Carroll JE1, Seeman TE2, Olmstead R3, Melendez G3, Sadakane R3, Bootzin R4, Nicassio P5, Irwin MR6. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Improvement In Balance, Strength and Flexibility after 12 Weeks Of Tai Chi Taylor-Piliae R E//Haskell WL//Stotts NA//Sivarajan Froelicher E Altern Ther Health Med 2006 VIEW
Improvement in hand grip strength in normal volunteers and rheumatoid arthritis patients following yoga training Dash M//Telles S Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2001 VIEW
Improvement in oxidative status with yogic breathing in young healthy males Bhattacharya S//Pandey US//Verma NS Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002 VIEW
Improvement in sensory impairment and social interaction in young children with autism following treatment with an original Qigong massage methodology. Silva LM, Cignolini A, Warren R, Budden S, Skowron-Gooch A. Am J Chin Med. 2007 VIEW
Improvement in static motor performance following yogic training of school children Telles S//Hanumanthaiah B//Nagarathna R//Nagendra HR Percept Mot Skills 1993 VIEW
Improvement in Stroke-induced Motor Dysfunction by Music-supported Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Zhang Y1,2, Cai J1,2, Zhang Y1,2, Ren T2, Zhao M1, Zhao Q1,2 Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 5 VIEW
Improvement of balance control ability and flexibility in the elderly Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) practitioners: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Huang Y1, Liu X2. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 Nov 18 VIEW
Improvement of balance in progressive degenerative cerebellar ataxias after Ayurvedic therapy: A preliminary report. Sriranjini SJ, Pal PK, Devidas KV, Ganpathy S. Neurol India. 2009 Mar-Apr VIEW
Improvement of glutathione and total antioxidant status with yoga Sinha S, Singh SN, Monga YP, Ray US J Altern Complement Med 2007 Dec VIEW
Improvement of Interoceptive Processes after an 8-Week Body Scan Intervention. Fischer D1, Messner M1, Pollatos O1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Sep 12 VIEW
Improvement of isokinetic knee extensor strength and reduction of postural sway in the elderly from long-term Tai Chi exercise Wu G//Zhao F//Zhou X//Wei L Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002 VIEW
Improvement of menopausal symptoms with acupuncture not reflected in changes to heart rate variability. Wright CL, Aickin M. Acupunct Med. 2011 Mar VIEW
Improvement of the Degree of Understanding through a Five-day Class in the Beginning Level of Kurita's Speed Reading Course Kurita M J Soc Life Info Sci 2003 VIEW
Improvements in chronic diseases with a comprehensive natural medicine approach: a review and case series Nader T//Rothenberg S//Averbach R//Charles B//// Behav Med 2000 VIEW
Improvements in Emotion Regulation Following Mindfulness Meditation: Effects on Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors. Boyle CC, Stanton AL, Ganz PA, Crespi CM, Bower JE J Consult Clin Psychol. 2017 Feb 23 VIEW
Improvements in mindfulness, interoceptive and emotional awareness, emotion regulation, and interpersonal emotion management following completion of an online emotional skills training program Ryan Smith1, Michelle R Persich1, Anne E Chuning2, Sara Cloonan1, Rebecca Woods-Lubert1, Jeff Skalamera3, Sarah M Berryhill1, Karen L Weihs1, Richard D Lane1, John J B Allen1, Natalie S Dailey1, Anna Alkozei1, John R Vanuk1, William D S Killgore1 Emotion 2023 Aug 3 VIEW
Improvements in Psychological and Occupational Well-being Following a Brief Yoga-Based Program for Education Professionals. Trent NL1, Borden S1, Miraglia M1, Pasalis E1, Dusek JA1, Khalsa SBS2 Glob Adv Health Med. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Improving access to yoga: barriers to and motivators for practice among health professions students. Brems C, Justice L, Sulenes K, Girasa L, Ray J, Davis M, Freitas J, Shean M, Colgan D. Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Summer VIEW
Improving aerobic capacity in healthy older adults does not necessarily lead to improved cognitive performance Madden DJ//Blumenthal JA//Allen PA//Emery CF Psychol Aging 1989 VIEW
Improving creativity performance by short-term meditation Ding X, Tang YY, Tang R, Posner MI. Behav Brain Funct. 2014 VIEW
Improving General Flexibility with a Mind-Body Approach: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Using Neuro Emotional Technique® Jensen AM, Ramasamy A, Hall MW. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Aug VIEW
Improving General Flexibility with a Mindbody Approach: A Randomized, Controlled Trial using Neuro Emotional Technique® Jensen AM, Ramasamy A, Hall MW. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Oct 12 VIEW
Improving Glycaemic and BP control in type 2 diabetes - The effectiveness of Tai Chi Lam, P., Dennis, S., Diamond, T., & Zwar, N. Australian Family Physician 2008 Oct VIEW
Improving interoceptive ability through the practice of power posing: A pilot study. Weineck F1, Messner M1, Hauke G1,2, Pollatos O1 PLoS One. 2019 Feb 7 VIEW
Improving Medical Education: Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical School Curricula. Cuff PA, Vanselow NA, editors. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Behavioral and Social Sciences in Medical School Curricula 2004 VIEW
Improving physical functional status in patients with fibromyalgia: a brief cognitive behavioral intervention Williams DA//Cary MA//Groner KH//Chaplin W//// J Rheumatol 2002 VIEW
Improving Precision in Investigating Aging: Why Telomeres Can Cause Problems. Shiels PG. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 Jun 10 VIEW
Improving Psychosocial Care for Improved Health Outcomes Maria Alma Rodriguez1, Frank Tortorella1,Cynthia St. John2 Journal for Healthcare Quality 2010 Jul-Aug VIEW
Improving Quality of Life for People With Chronic Conditions: The Example of T'ai Chi and Multiple Sclerosis Husted C///Pham L///Hekking A//Niederman R Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1999 VIEW
Improving Quality of Life for People With Chronic Conditions: The Example of T'ai Chi and Multiple Sclerosis Husted Cynthia//Pham Laura//Hekking Angelina//Niederman Robert Altern Ther Health Med 1999 VIEW
Improving quality of life using compound mind-body therapies: evaluation of a course intervention with body movement and breath therapy, guided imagery, chakra experiencing and mindfulness meditation Fernros L, Furhoff AK, Wändell PE Qual Life Res. 2008 Apr VIEW
Improving sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep complaints: A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi Chih Irwin MR, Olmstead R, Motivala SJ Sleep 2008 Jul VIEW
Improving sleep with mindfulness and acceptance: a metacognitive model of insomnia. Ong JC, Ulmer CS, Manber R. Behav Res Ther. 2012 Nov VIEW
Improving spatial abilities through mindfulness: effects on the mental rotation task. Geng L, Zhang L, Zhang D. Conscious Cogn. 2011 Sep VIEW
Improving Symptoms and Quality of Life of Female Cancer Survivors: a Randomized Controlled Study. Lerman R, Jarski R, Rea H, Gellish R, Vicini F. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 Sep 13 VIEW
Improving the mental health and well-being of healthcare providers using the transcendental meditation technique during the COVID-19 pandemic: A parallel population study Mark S Nestor1,2, Alec Lawson1, Daniel Fischer1 PLoS One 2023 Mar 3 VIEW
Improving the reporting of interventions in clinical trials of acupuncture: the updated and revised STRICTA. MacPherson H, Jobst KA. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Sep VIEW
Improving the spectral analysis of fluorescence resonance energy transfer in live cells: Application to interferon receptors and Janus kinases. Krause CD, Digioia G, Izotova LS, Pestka S. Cytokine. 2013 Jun 21 VIEW
Impulsiveness in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa: Electrophysiological Evidence of Reduced Inhibitory Control. Merlotti E, Mucci A, Volpe U, Montefusco V, Monteleone P, Bucci P, Galderisi S. Neuropsychobiology. 2013 Jul 19 VIEW
In a randomized controlled trial in Australia, Qigong was associated with improvements in weight, waist circumference, leg strength, and insulin resistance in patients with diabetes. Martin AD, Smith BK, Davenport PD, Harman E, Gonzalez-Rothi RJ, Baz M, Layon AJ, Banner MJ, Caruso LJ, Deoghare H, Huang TT, Gabrielli A. Crit Care. 2011 VIEW
In adults with osteoarthritis of the knee, is conservative management more effective than intra-articular corticosteroid injections in relieving pain? Jones DF1, Hodgden JD1, Onarecker CD1 J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018 Aug-Sep VIEW
In brief: cell senescence. Coates PJ. J Pathol. 2013 Jul VIEW
In First, Salk Scientists Use Sound Waves to Control Brain Cells newswise newswise 2015 Sep 11 VIEW
In Patients with Established RA, Positive Effects of a Randomised Three Month WBV Therapy Intervention on Functional Ability, Bone Mineral Density and Fatigue Are Sustained for up to Six Months. Prioreschi A, Makda MA3, Tikly M3, McVeigh JA1 PLoS One. 2016 Apr 13 VIEW
In pursuit of resilience: stress, epigenetics, and brain plasticity. McEwen BS 1 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 Feb 25 VIEW
In search of durable positive psychology interventions: Predictors and consequences of long-term positive behavior change. Cohn MA1, Fredrickson BL J Posit Psychol. 2010 Sep 1 VIEW
In search of inner wisdom: guided mindfulness meditation in the context of suicide Birnbaum L//Birnbaum A ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
In the Body's Eye: The computational anatomy of interoceptive inference Micah Allen1,2, Andrew Levy3, Thomas Parr3, Karl J Friston3 PLoS Comput Biol 2022 Sep 13 VIEW
In the Eyes of Those Who Were Randomized: Perceptions of Disadvantaged Older Adults in a Tai Chi Trial. Lo OY1,2, Conboy LA3, Rukhadze A3, Georgetti C4, Gagnon MM1, Manor B1,2, Lachman ME5, Lipsitz LA1,2, Wayne PM2,6 Gerontologist. 2018 Dec 13 VIEW
In the use of qi energy in Japanese body technique - comparative study to Western body technique Yatabe H J Mind-Body Science 1998 VIEW
In vitro effect of cell phone radiation on motility, DNA fragmentation and clusterin gene expression in human sperm. Zalata A1, El-Samanoudy AZ1, Shaalan D1, El-Baiomy Y2, Mostafa T3. Int J Fertil Steril. 2015 Apr-Jun VIEW
In Vitro Effect of Reiki Treatment on Bacterial Cultures: Role of Experimental Context and Practitioner Well-Being Rubik B 1, 2//Brooks AJ 3,4//Schwartz GE 4,5 VIEW
In vitro effect of Reiki treatment on bacterial cultures: Role of experimental context and practitioner well-being Beverly Rubik1, Audrey J Brooks, Gary E Schwartz J Altern Complement Med Jan-Feb 2006 VIEW
In vitro effects of helium-neon laser irradiation on human blood: blood viscosity and deformability of erythrocytes Mi XQ//Chen JY//Liang ZJ//Zhou LW Photomed Laser Surg 2004 VIEW
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