Immunorehabilitating Effect of Ultrahigh Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Immunocompromised Animals.

Author: Pershin SB, Bobkova AS, Derevnina NA, Sidorov VD.
Russian Research Center of Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology, Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia.
Conference/Journal: Bull Exp Biol Med.
Date published: 2013 May
Other: Volume ID: 155 , Issue ID: 2 , Pages: 221-223 , Special Notes: [Article in English, Russian] , Word Count: 67

We observed immunorehabilitation effects of ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic fields (microwaves) in immunocompromised animals. It was shown that microwave irradiation of the thyroid gland area could abolish actinomycin D- and colchicine-induced immunosuppression and did not affect immunosuppression caused by 5-fluorouracil. These findings suggest that changes in the hormonal profile of the organism during microwave exposure can stimulate the processes of transcription and mitotic activity of lymphoid cells.
PMID: 24130995