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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
An Attempt to Reproduce the Presentiment EDA Response Parkhomtchouk DV 1,2//Kotake J 1,2//Yamamoto M 1 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
An astrocyte-dependent mechanism for neuronal rhythmogenesis. Morquette P1, Verdier D1, Kadala A1, Féthière J2, Philippe AG3, Robitaille R1, Kolta A4. Nat Neurosci. 2015 May 4 VIEW
An assessment of US physicians' training in religion, spirituality, and medicine. Rasinski KA, Kalad YG, Yoon JD, Curlin FA. Med Teach. 2011 VIEW
An assessment of the effects of Iyengar yoga practice on the health-related quality of life of patients with chronic respiratory diseases: A pilot study. Santana MJ, S-Parrilla J, Mirus J, Loadman M, Lien DC, Feeny D. Can Respir J. 2013 Mar-Apr VIEW
An assessment of a sequence of yoga exercises to patients with arterial hypertension. Mizuno J, Monteiro HL. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2013 Jan VIEW
An approach to the treatment of brochial asthma by qigong Huang Hua 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
An approach to remote monitoring of heart rate variability (HRV) using microwave radar during a calculation task. Suzuki S, Matsui T, Sugawara K, Asao T, Kotani K. J Physiol Anthropol. 2011 VIEW
An Approach from EEG to a Health Method, Juji-shiki Kawano K 1//Machi Y 2//Liu C 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2003 VIEW
An anatomical model of the gastric system for producing bioelectric and biomagnetic fields Buist ML//Cheng LK//Yassi R//Bradshaw LA//// Physiol Meas 2004 VIEW
An analytical review of the chinese literature on qigong therapy for diabetes mellitus. Chen KW, Liu T, Zhang H, Lin Z. Am J Chin Med. 2009 VIEW
An analytic review of studies on measuring effects of external QI in China Chen KW Altern Ther Health Med 2004 VIEW
An analysis of the repiratory rhythm in qigong Tso Wungwai 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
An analysis of clinical therapeutic effects of obesity with Hui Chun Gong Wang Tai Dong 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
An alternative to thought suppression? Boice R. Am Psychol. 2012 Sep VIEW
An alternative therapy for drug-resistant epilepsy: transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation. Rong P1, Liu A2, Zhang J3, Wang Y2, Yang A3, Li L1, Ben H1, Li L2, Liu R1, He W1, Liu H3, Huang F1, Li X1, Wu P1, Zhu B1. Chin Med J (Engl). 2014 Jan VIEW
An Alternative Exercise Form for Seniors Yan, JH JAPA 1998 VIEW
An Ai Chi-based aquatic group improves balance and reduces falls in community-dwelling adults: A pilot observational cohort study. Skinner EH1,2,3,4, Dinh T1, Hewitt M1,5, Piper R6, Thwaites C1 Physiother Theory Pract. 2016 Oct 6 VIEW
An add-on training program involving breathing exercises, cold exposure, and meditation attenuates inflammation and disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis - A proof of concept trial. Buijze GA1, De Jong HMY2, Kox M3, van de Sande MG2, Van Schaardenburg D2,4, Van Vugt RM5, Popa CD6,7, Pickkers P3, Baeten DLP2 PLoS One. 2019 Dec 2 VIEW
An Adapted Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for Elders in a Continuing Care Retirement Community: Quantitative and Qualitative Results From a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Moss AS1, Reibel DK2, Greeson JM3, Thapar A4, Bubb R4, Salmon J2, Newberg AB2. J Appl Gerontol. 2014 Dec 9 VIEW
An active inference theory of allostasis and interoception in depression. Barrett LF1,2,3, Quigley KS4, Hamilton P5 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2016 Nov 19 VIEW
An Active Inference Approach to Interoceptive Psychopathology Martin P Paulus 1, Justin S Feinstein 1 2, Sahib S Khalsa 1 2 Annu Rev Cllin Psychol 2019 May 7 VIEW
Amplified gut feelings under inflammation and depressed mood: A randomized fMRI trial on interoceptive pain in healthy volunteers Sven Benson1, Franziska Labrenz2, Simone Kotulla3, Lisa Brotte4, Philipp Rödder5, Bastian Tebbe6, Nina Theysohn7, Harald Engler3, Sigrid Elsenbruch8 Brain Behav Immun 2023 Jun 9 VIEW
AMPA-selective glutamate receptor subunits and their relation to glutamate- and GABA-like immunoreactive terminals in the nucleus submedius of the rat L Hamlin1, L Mackerlova, A Blomqvist, A C Ericson Neurosci Lett 1996 Oct 18 VIEW
AMP-activated/SNF1 protein kinases: conserved guardians of cellular energy. Hardie DG. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Oct VIEW
American Health Mag Hasson S Effect of color on muscle strength 1988 VIEW
American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor fitness in apparently healthy adults: guidance for prescribing exercise. Garber CE, Blissmer B, Deschenes MR, Franklin BA, Lamonte MJ, Lee IM, Nieman DC, Swain DP; American College of Sports Medicine. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Jul VIEW
American College of Rheumatology 2012 recommendations for the use of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, Towheed T, Welch V, Wells G, Tugwell P. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012 Apr VIEW
Ameliorative effects of Tai Chi on cancer-related fatigue: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Song S1, Yu J1, Ruan Y2, Liu X1, Xiu L1, Yue X3 Support Care Cancer. 2018 Mar 21 VIEW
Amelioration of psychiatric symptoms through exposure to music individually adapted to brain rhythm disorders - a randomised clinical trial on the basis of fundamental research. Müller W, Haffelder G, Schlotmann A, Schaefers AT, Teuchert-Noodt G. Cogn Neuropsychiatry. 2014 Jan 24 VIEW
Ambient light levels and critical care outcomes. Verceles AC, Liu X, Terrin ML, Scharf SM, Shanholtz C, Harris A, Ayanleye B, Parker A, Netzer G. J Crit Care. 2013 Feb VIEW
Ambient and supplemental magnetic fields promote myogenesis <i>via</i> a TRPC1-mitochondrial axis: evidence of a magnetic mitohormetic mechanism. Yap JLY#1,2, Tai YK#1,2, Fröhlich J1,3, Fong CHH1,2, Yin JN1,2, Foo ZL1,2, Ramanan S1,2, Beyer C3,4, Toh SJ1,2, Casarosa M5, Bharathy N6,7, Kala MP6, Egli M8, Taneja R6, Lee CN1,9, Franco-Obregón A1,2,6,9 FASEB J. 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Amazing power of touch Cohen SS Ladies Home Journal 1982 VIEW
Always in Tune: The Unforgettable Memory for Music in Alzheimer's Disease. Fornazzari L1, Mansur A2, Acuna KO2, Schweizer TA2, Fischer CE2 Can J Neurol Sci. 2017 Mar VIEW
aluation of antioxidant properties of root bark of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. (Anantmul) Ravishankara MN//Shrivastava N//Padh H//Rajani M Phytomedicine 2002 VIEW
Alternative/complementary therapies Freeman JW//Landis J S D J Med 1997 VIEW
Alternative/complementary medicine: wider usage than generally appreciated Wolsko P//Ware L//Kutner J//Lin CT//Albertson G//Cyran L//Schilling L//Anderson RJ J Altern Complement Med 2000 VIEW
Alternative Treatments to Pharmacological Therapy in Pediatric Populations With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Scoping Review Lexie Leon1, Tram Tran1, Meera Navadia1, Janavi Patel1, Annelies Vanderveen1, Maria I Cruz1, Thuy-Mai Le1, Freda B Assuah2, Victoria Prager1, Darshil Patel1, Joshua M Costin3 Cureus 2024 Mar 8 VIEW
Alternative treatments for adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Arnold LE Ann N Y Acad Sci 2001 VIEW
Alternative Treatment Modalities and Its Effect in Older Populations. Rivera-Tavarez CE1 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2017 Nov VIEW
Alternative to traditional stretching methods for flexibility enhancement in well-trained combat athletes: local vibration versus whole-body vibration. Kurt C1. Biol Sport. 2015 Sep VIEW
Alternative therapies useful in the management of diabetes: A systematic review. Pandey A, Tripathi P, Pandey R, Srivatava R, Goswami S J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2011 Oct VIEW
Alternative therapies in the treatment or oral self-injurious behavior: a case report Romer M//Dougherty N//Fruchter M Spec Care Dentist 1998 VIEW
Alternative therapies in the management of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Herati AS, Moldwin RM. World J Urol. 2013 Jun 6 VIEW
Alternative therapies for male and female sexual dysfunction Aung HH//Dey L//Rand V//Yuan CS Am J Chin Med 2004 VIEW
Alternative Smoking Cessation Aids: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Tahiri M, Mottillo S, Joseph L, Pilote L, Eisenberg MJ. Am J Med. 2012 Apr 11 VIEW
Alternative relaxation training for combat P.T.S.D. veterans Hutton Debra//Liebling David//Leire Richard 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Alternative Medicine. Kisling LA1, Stiegmann RA2 StatPearls [Internet] 2019 Feb 4 VIEW
Alternative medicine: does it play a role in the management of voice disorders? D'Antoni ML//Harvey PL//Fried MP J Voice 1995 VIEW
Alternative medicine techniques have non-linear effects on radiation response and can alter the expression of radiation induced bystander effects. Mothersill C, Smith R, Henry M, Seymour C, Wong R. Dose Response. 2013 VIEW
Alternative medicine in a sample of 655 community-dwelling elderly Dello Buono M//Urciuoli O//Marietta P//Padoani W//// J Psychosom Res 2001 VIEW
Alternative medicine consultations and remedies in patients with the irritable bowel syndrome Smart HL//Mayberry JF//Atkinson M Gut 1986 VIEW
Alternative lengthening of telomeres: remodeling the telomere architecture. Conomos D, Pickett HA, Reddel RR. Front Oncol. 2013 VIEW
Alternative lengthening of telomeres in cancer stem cells in vivo. Bojovic B, Booth RE, Jin Y, Zhou X, Crowe DL. Oncogene. 2014 Feb 17 VIEW
Alternative Exercise Traditions in Cancer Rehabilitation. Ruddy KJ1, Stan DL2, Bhagra A2, Jurisson M3, Cheville AL4 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2017 Feb VIEW
Alternative and Complementary Treatment Needs and Experiences of Women with Breast Cancer. Brems C, Barnett J, Parret VC, Metzger J, Johnson ME. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb 1 VIEW
Alternative and complementary treatment for food allergy. Wisniewski JA, Li XM. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2012 Feb VIEW
Alternative and complementary therapies for the menopause: A homeopathic approach. Thompson EA. Maturitas. 2010 Mar 4 VIEW
Alternative and complementary therapies for labor and birth: an application of Kolcaba's theory of holistic comfortAA Koehn ML Holist Nurs Pract 2000 VIEW
Alternating electric field of qigong course participants: tests results Bongart Marcus//Garnuszewski Zbigniew//Szymanski Jan A 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Alternate Nostril Breathing at Different Rates and its Influence on Heart Rate Variability in Non Practitioners of Yoga. Subramanian RK, P R D, P S J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Jan VIEW
Altered topological patterns of brain functional networks in Crohn's disease. Liu P1,2, Li R3,4, Bao C5, Wei Y3,4, Fan Y3,4, Liu Y3,4, Wang G3,4, Wu H6, Qin W7,8 Brain Imaging Behav. 2018 Jan 3 VIEW
Altered Small-World Efficiency of Brain Functional Networks in Acupuncture at ST36: A Functional MRI Study. Liu B, Chen J, Wang J, Liu X, Duan X, Shang X, Long Y, Chen Z, Li X, Huang Y, He Y. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Altered resting state functional connectivity of the cognitive control network in fibromyalgia and the modulation effect of mind-body intervention. Kong J1, Wolcott E2, Wang Z3, Jorgenson K3, Harvey WF2, Tao J3, Rones R3, Wang C4 Brain Imaging Behav. 2018 May 2 VIEW
Altered Responses of Saliva Cortisol and Mood Status by Long-period Special Yoga Exercise Mixed with Meditation and Guided Imagery Watanabe E 1//Fukuda S 1//Hara H 2//Shirakawa T 1 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Altered responses of cortisol, GH, TSH and testosterone to acute stress after four months' practice of transcendental meditation (TM) MacLean CR//Walton KG//Wenneberg SR//Levitsky DK//// Ann N Y Acad Sci 1994 : VIEW
Altered neural signatures of interoception in multiple sclerosis. Salamone PC1,2, Esteves S1, Sinay VJ1, García-Cordero I1,2, Abrevaya S1,2, Couto B1, Adolfi F1,2, Martorell M1, Petroni A1,2,3,4, Yoris A1,2, Torquati K1, Alifano F1, Legaz A1, Cassará FP1, Bruno D1, Kemp AH5, Herrera E6, García AM1,2,7, Ibáñez A1,2,8,9,10,11, Sedeño L1,2 Hum Brain Mapp. 2018 Aug 4 VIEW
Altered Neural Activity Associated with Mindfulness during Nociception: A Systematic Review of Functional MRI. Bilevicius E1, Kolesar TA2, Kornelsen J3,4,5 Brain Sci. 2016 Apr 19 VIEW
Altered Interoceptive Processing in Generalized Anxiety Disorder-A Heartbeat-Evoked Potential Research. Pang J1,2, Tang X1, Li H1, Hu Q1, Cui H1, Zhang L3, Li W1, Zhu Z4, Wang J1,5,6,7, Li C1,5,6,7 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Sep 5 VIEW
Altered Hub Configurations within Default Mode Network following Acupuncture at ST36: A Multimodal Investigation Combining fMRI and MEG. You Y, Bai L, Dai R, Cheng H, Liu Z, Wei W, Tian J. PLoS One. 2013 May 17 VIEW
Altered Gut Microbiome and Intestinal Pathology in Parkinson's Disease. Chiang HL1, Lin CH2 J Mov Disord. 2019 May VIEW
Altered Effective Connectivity of Resting-State Networks by Tai Chi Chuan in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients: A Multivariate Granger Causality Study Yuanyuan Li1, Kang Wu1, Xiaojie Hu2, Tianjiao Xu1, Zongheng Li2, Yong Zhang2, Kuangshi Li2 Front Neurol 2022 Jun 3 VIEW
Altered brain functional connectivity induced by physical exercise may improve neuropsychological functions in patients with benign epilepsy. Koirala GR1, Lee D2, Eom S2, Kim NY3, Kim HD4 Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Sep 15 VIEW
Altered Autonomic Function in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Anna Kocsis1,2, Ruchika Gajwani3, Joachim Gross1, Andrew I Gumley3, Stephen M Lawrie4, Matthias Schwannauer5, Frauke Schultze-Lutter6,7, Tineke Grent-'t-Jong1,8, Peter J Uhlhaas1,8 Front Psychiatry 2020 Nov 6 VIEW
Altered anterior insula activation during anticipation and experience of painful stimuli in expert meditators. Lutz A, McFarlin DR, Perlman DM, Salomons TV, Davidson RJ. Neuroimage 2012 Sep 18 VIEW
Alterations of human electroencephalographic activity caused by multiple extremely low frequency magnetic field exposures. Cvetkovic D, Cosic I. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2009 Oct VIEW
Alterations of Heartbeat Evoked Magnetic Fields Induced by Sounds of Disgust Yutaka Kato1,2, Yuichi Takei2, Satoshi Umeda3, Masaru Mimura4, Masato Fukuda2 Front Psychiatry 2020 Jul 22 VIEW
Alterations of auditory middle latency evoked potentials during yogic consciously regulated breathing and attentive state of mind Telles S//Joseph C//Venkatesh S//Desiraju T Int J Psychophysiol 1993 VIEW
Alterations in Vagal Tone Are Associated with Changes in the Gut Microbiota of Adults with Anxiety and Depression Symptoms: Analysis of Fecal Metabolite Profiles Laura Pasqualette1,2, Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo3, Liana Bastos Freitas-Fernandes4, Gabriela Guerra Leal Souza5, Luís Aureliano Imbiriba6, Leandro Araujo Lobo1, Eliane Volchan7, Regina Maria Cavalcanti Pilotto Domingues1, Ana Paula Valente4, Karla Rodrigues Miranda1 Metabolites 2024 Aug 15 VIEW
Alterations in the sense of time, space, and body in the mindfulness-trained brain: a neurophenomenologically-guided MEG study. Berkovich-Ohana A1, Dor-Ziderman Y2, Glicksohn J3, Goldstein A4. Front Psychol. 2013 Dec 3 VIEW
Alterations in random event measures associated with a healing practice Crawford CC//Jonas WB//Nelson R//Wirkus M//// J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
Alterations in heart rate variability and pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in individuals with panic disorder Benedict Herhaus1, Gesa Thesing2, Rupert Conrad3, Katja Petrowski2 Psychiatry Res 2023 Feb 12 VIEW
Alterations in Cortical Network Oscillations and Parvalbumin Neurons in Schizophrenia. Gonzalez-Burgos G1, Cho RY2, Lewis DA3. Biol Psychiatry. 2015 Mar 17 VIEW
Alterations in brain grey matter structures in patients with crohn's disease and their correlation with psychological distress. Bao CH1, Liu P2, Liu HR3, Wu LY4, Shi Y3, Chen WF5, Qin W2, Lu Y1, Zhang JY6, Jin XM7, Wang XM3, Zhao JM1, Liu XM2, Tian J8, Wu HG9 J Crohns Colitis. 2015 Jul VIEW
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation: three caveats Smith JC Psychosom Med 2004 VIEW
Alphabet of qi energy Bongart Marcus//Garnuszewski Zbigniew//Szymanski Jan A 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Alpha Brain-wave Neurofeedback Training Reduces Psychopathology in a Cohort of Male and Female Canadian Aboriginals. Hardt JV. Adv Mind Body Med. 2012 Fall VIEW
Alpha and theta oscillations are inversely related to progressive levels of meditation depth Sucharit Katyal1, Philippe Goldin1 Neurosci Conscious 2021 Nov 29 VIEW
Alpha and gamma oscillation amplitudes synergistically predict the perception of forthcoming nociceptive stimuli. Tu Y1,2, Zhang Z2,3,4, Tan A2, Peng W1, Hung YS2, Moayedi M5, Iannetti G5, Hu L1,5. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015 Nov 2 VIEW
Allostatic Self-efficacy: A Metacognitive Theory of Dyshomeostasis-Induced Fatigue and Depression Klaas E Stephan1, Zina M Manjaly2, Christoph D Mathys3, Lilian A E Weber4, Saee Paliwal4, Tim Gard5, Marc Tittgemeyer6, Stephen M Fleming3, Helene Haker4, Anil K Seth7, Frederike H Petzschner4 Front Hum Neurosci 2016 Nov 15 VIEW
Allostasis: A new paradigm to explain arousal pathology Sterling, P., & Eyer, J. Handbook of Life Stress, Cognition and Health 1988 VIEW
Allostasis: a model of predictive regulation Peter Sterling1 Physiol Behav 2012 Apr 12 VIEW
Allostasis, interoception, and the free energy principle: Feeling our way forward Corcoran1 Hohwy1 In book: The interoceptive mind: From homeostasis to awareness 2018 Oct VIEW
Alleviation of premenstrual syndrome symptoms with the relaxation response. Goodale IL, Domar AD, Benson H Obstet Gynecol. 1990 Apr VIEW
Alleviating Distress During Antepartum Hospitalization: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Music and Recreation Therapy. Bauer CL, Victorson D, Rosenbloom S, Barocas J, Silver RK. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 Feb 8 VIEW
Allergen induced pulmonary inflammation enhances mammary tumor growth and metastasis: Role of CHI3L1. Libreros S1, Garcia-Areas R1, Keating P1, Gazaniga N1, Robinson P1, Humbles A1, Iragavarapu-Charyulu VL2. J Leukoc Biol. 2015 Mar 12 VIEW
Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial. MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Richmond S, Woodman J, Ballard K, Atkin K, Bland M, Eldred J, Essex H, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Parrott S, Torgerson D, Wenham A, Watt I. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Nov 3 VIEW
Alexander technique for chronic asthma Dennis J Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000 VIEW
Alert Hypnosis With Tai Chi Movement for Trauma Resolution. Eads B1, Wark DM2 Am J Clin Hypn. 2018 Oct VIEW
Alcohol Affects the Brain's Resting-State Network in Social Drinkers. Lithari C, Klados MA, Pappas C, Albani M, Kapoukranidou D, Kovatsi L, Bamidis PD, Papadelis CL. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
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