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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the rat brain: an experimental study. Eser O, Songur A, Aktas C, Karavelioglu E, Caglar V, Aylak F, Ozguner F, Kanter M. Turk Neurosurg. 2013 VIEW
The Effect of Emotional Freedom Technique on Fatigue among Women with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Zeinab Ghaderi1, Fatemeh Nazari2, Vahid Shaygannejad3 Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res 2021 Oct 22 VIEW
The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Reducing the Fall Risk in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Mingyu Sun1, Leizi Min2, Na Xu1, Lei Huang3, Xuemei Li1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Nov 29 VIEW
The Effect of Exercise on Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: What the Lymphatic Surgeon Needs to Know. Panchik D1, Masco S2, Zinnikas P3, Hillriegel B1, Lauder T1, Suttmann E1, Chinchilli V4, McBeth M5, Hermann W6 J Reconstr Microsurg. 2018 Jun 23 VIEW
The Effect of Exercise on Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment and Applications for Physical Therapy: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Campbell KL1, Zadravec K2, Bland KA3, Chesley E4, Wolf F5, Janelsins MC6 Phys Ther. 2020 Feb 17 VIEW
The effect of exercise on cancer-related fatigue in cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kessels E1,2, Husson O3, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM1,2 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018 Feb 9 VIEW
The effect of exercise on obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized and controlled trial. Sengul YS, Ozalevli S, Oztura I, Itil O, Baklan B. Sleep Breath. 2009 Nov 7 VIEW
The effect of external qi of qigong on biomolecular conformation (III) 3. Chu, D.Y., Wang, W.Z., He, B.H., and Chen, K. Proceedings: Bridging Worlds and Filling Gaps in the Science of Healing November 29 - December 23, 2001 VIEW
The effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on pregnancy and fetal growth, and development. Mahram M, Ghazavi M. Arch Iran Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
The effect of feedback training on lumbosacral compression during simulated occupational lifting Agruss CD//Williams KR//Fathallah FA Ergonomics 2004 VIEW
The effect of flat and textured insoles on the balance of primary care elderly people: a randomized controlled clinical trial. de Morais Barbosa C1, Bértolo MB2, Gaino JZ2, Davitt M3, Sachetto Z2, de Paiva Magalhães E3 Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Feb 19 VIEW
The effect of focused attention and open monitoring meditation on attention network function in healthy volunteers. Ainsworth B, Eddershaw R, Meron D, Baldwin DS, Garner M. Psychiatry Res. 2013 Oct 14 VIEW
The effect of gentle arm exercise and deep breathing on secondary arm lymphedema Moseley AL//Piller NB//Carati CJ Lymphology 2005 Sep VIEW
The effect of group exercises on balance, mobility, and depressive symptoms in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. Langoni CDS1, Resende TL2, Barcellos AB2, Cecchele B2, da Rosa JN2, Knob MS2, Silva TDN2, Diogo TS2, da Silva IG1, Schwanke CHA1 Clin Rehabil. 2019 Mar VIEW
The Effect of Group Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Consciousness Yoga Program on Quality of Life and Fatigue Severity in Patients with MS. Nejati S1, Rajezi Esfahani S2, Rahmani S3, Afrookhteh G4, Hoveida S5 J Caring Sci. 2016 Dec 1 VIEW
The effect of group music therapy on anxiety, depression and quality of life in older adults with psychiatric disorders. Castelino A, Fisher M, Hoskyns S, Zeng I, Waite A. Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Oct VIEW
The effect of healing touch on the pain and mobility of persons with osteoarthritis: A feasibility study. Lu DF, Hart LK, Lutgendorf SK, Perkhounkova Y. Geriatr Nurs. 2013 Jul 5 VIEW
The effect of health-care Qigong Baduanjin combined with auricular point sticking on athletes' pre-competition anxiety: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Lujia Li1, Xiaozheng Li2, Pingping Xie3, Yan Li4, Li Ma5, Baoyu Ding3 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Feb 19 VIEW
The Effect of Home Biofeedback Training on Stress Incontinence Aukee P//Immonen P//Laaksonen DE//Laippala P//// Obstet Gynecol Surv 2005 VIEW
The effect of homeopathic plant extract solutions on the cell proliferation of human cutaneous fibroblasts in vitro Valentiner U//Weiser M//Moll I//Schumacher U Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2003 VIEW
The Effect of Humor on Short-term Memory in Older Adults: A New Component for Whole-Person Wellness. Bains GS, Berk LS, Daher N, Lohman E, Schwab E, Petrofsky J, Deshpande P. Adv Mind Body Med. 2014 Spring VIEW
The effect of interactive neurostimulation therapy on myofascial trigger points associated with mechanical neck pain: a preliminary randomized, sham-controlled trial. Schabrun SM, Cannan A, Mullens R, Dunphy M, Pearson T, Lau C, Chipchase LS. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Oct VIEW
The effect of korean hand acupuncture on young, single korean students with irritable bowel syndrome. Park HJ, Cha C. Gastroenterol Nurs. 2012 Nov VIEW
The effect of laughter Yoga on general health among nursing students. Yazdani M, Esmaeilzadeh M, Pahlavanzadeh S, Khaledi F. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2014 Jan VIEW
The Effect of Lavender Aromatherapy on Autonomic Nervous System in Midlife Women with Insomnia. Chien LW, Cheng SL, Liu CF. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
The effect of listening to music on human transcriptome. Kanduri C1, Raijas P2, Ahvenainen M1, Philips AK1, Ukkola-Vuoti L1, Lähdesmäki H3, Järvelä I1. Peer J. 2015 Mar 12 VIEW
The Effect of Listening to Music on Postoperative Pain in Adult Orthopedic Patients. Schneider MA1 J Holist Nurs. 2018 Mar VIEW
The effect of long term combined yoga practice on the basal metabolic rate of healthy Adults Chaya MS//Kurpad AV//Nagendra HR//Nagarathna R BMC Complement Altern Med 2006 VIEW
The effect of long-term confinement and the efficacy of exercise countermeasures on muscle strength during a simulated mission to Mars: data from the Mars500 study. Gaffney CJ1,2, Fomina E3, Babich D3, Kitov V3, Uskov K3, Green DA4,5 Sports Med Open. 2017 Nov 13 VIEW
The Effect of Long-Term Learning of BaduanJin on Emotion Regulation: Evidence from Resting-State Frontal EEG Asymmetry Xiaozhi Li1, Yue Leng2, Zhiheng Xiong3, Jing Liu4 Psychol Res Behav Manag 2024 Jun 17 VIEW
The effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field on human bone marrow stem/progenitor cell differentiation. Ross CL1, Siriwardane M2, Almeida-Porada G2, Porada CD2, Brink P3, Christ GJ2, Harrison BS2. Stem Cell Res. 2015 May 12 VIEW
The Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Bone-Tendon Junction Healing: Initiating after Inflammation Stage. Lu H, Liu F, Chen H, Chen C, Qu J, Xu D, Zhang T, Zhou J, Hu J J Orthop Res. 2016 Feb 2 VIEW
The Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Expression of Growth Factors and Bone Regeneration in Rib Fracture. Calik M, Karaca G, Yilmaz H, Calik S, Esen H, Avunduk M, Esme H. Chest 2014 Oct 1 VIEW
The effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on wound healing using scratch assay in epithelial cells. Iwanabe Y1, Masaki C2, Tamura A1, Tsuka S1, Mukaibo T1, Kondo Y1, Hosokawa R1. J Prosthodont Res. 2016 Mar 26 VIEW
The Effect of Meditation on Brain Structure: Cortical Thickness Mapping and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Kang DH, Jo HJ, Jung WH, Kim SH, Jung YH, Choi CH, Lee US, An SC, Jang JH, Kwon JS. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 May 7 VIEW
The Effect of Meditation on Heart Rate Variability Rhianna Gonzales1, Sarah R Hartman1, Courtney Luckenbill1, Hannah Logan1, Spencer Cassel1, H S Kieffer2 FASEB J 2022 May 1 VIEW
The effect of meditation on physical and mental health in junior college students: a quasi-experimental study. Yang KP, Su WM, Huang CK. J Nurs Res 2009 Dec VIEW
The effect of meditation on psychological distress among Buddhist Monks and Nuns. Verma G, Araya R. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2010 VIEW
The effect of meditation on shooting performance Solberg EE//Berglund KA//Engen O//Ekeberg O//// Br J Sports Med 1996 VIEW
The Effect of Meditation-Based Mind-Body Interventions on Symptoms and Executive Function in People With ADHD: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Zeping Zhang1, Xiaolong Chang1, Weijing Zhang1, Suyong Yang1, Guangsheng Zhao1 J Atten Disord 2023 Feb 20 VIEW
The effect of meditative movement on sleep quality: A systematic review. Wang F1, Eun-Kyoung Lee O2, Feng F1, Vitiello MV3, Wang W4, Benson H5, Fricchione GL5, Denninger JW5. Sleep Med Rev. 2015 Dec 12 VIEW
The effect of mind-body exercise in lung cancer patients: a meta-analysis of RCTs Jinting Sun#1, Daoming Chen#2, Chunlan Qin3, Rui Liu4 Support Care Cancer 2023 Oct 23 VIEW
The effect of mind-body exercise on cognitive function in cancer survivors: A systematic review Mansoureh Ashghali Farahani1, Samira Soleimanpour2, Samantha J Mayo3, Jamie S Myers4, Prabdeep Panesar5, Farzaneh Ameri6 Can Oncol Nurs J 2022 Feb 1 VIEW
The Effect of Mind-Body Therapies on Insomnia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wang X1, Li P1, Pan C1, Dai L1, Wu Y1, Deng Y2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Feb 13 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation on Self-care Competence Among Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Seri Son1, Sunhee Lee Cancer Nurs 2024 Aug 22 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Cough Reflex Sensitivity. Young EC, Brammar C, Owen E, Brown N, Lowe J, Johnson C, Calam R, Jones S, Woodcock A, Smith JA. Thorax 2009 Aug 12 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation on painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy in adults older than 50 years. Teixeira E. Holist Nurs Pract. 2010 Sep-Oct VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation on sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Rusch HL1,2, Rosario M2, Levison LM3, Olivera A2, Livingston WS2, Wu T4, Gill JM2 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2018 Dec 21 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation on time perception. Kramer RS, Weger UW, Sharma D. Conscious Cogn. 2013 Jun 15 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation training on biological acute stress responses in generalized anxiety disorder. Hoge EA1, Bui E2, Palitz SA3, Schwarz NR3, Owens ME3, Johnston JM4, Pollack MH5, Simon NM2 Psychiatry Res. 2017 Jan 25 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness on the inflammatory, psychological and biomechanical domains of adult patients with low back pain: A randomized controlled clinical trial Gustavo G Diez1,2, Eduardo Anitua3,4, Nazareth Castellanos1, Carmelo Vázquez5, Purificación Galindo-Villardón6, Mohammad H Alkhraisat3,4 PLoS One 2022 Nov 9 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness training on burnout syndrome in nursing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Suleiman-Martos N1, Gomez-Urquiza JL1, Aguayo-Estremera R2, Cañadas-De La Fuente GA1, De La Fuente-Solana EI3, Albendín-García L1 J Adv Nurs. 2020 Feb 5 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness training on mental health in long-term Chinese male prisoners. An Y1, Zhou Y1, Huang Q1, Jia K2, Li W3, Xu W1,4 Psychol Health Med. 2018 Aug 22 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness training on stress and sleep quality of postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis Fatemeh Shabani1, Maryam Montazeri2, Somayeh Abdolalipour1, Mojgan Mirghafourvand3,4 Post Reprod Health 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for prevention of relapse in recurrent major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Piet J, Hougaard E. Clin Psychol Rev. 2011 Aug VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials Patama Gomutbutra1,2, Nalinee Yingchankul1, Nipon Chattipakorn3, Siriporn Chattipakorn3,4, Manit Srisurapanont5 Front Psychol 2020 Sep 15 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness-based interventions on immunity-related biomarkers: a comprehensive meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Thomas J Dunn1, Mirena Dimolareva2 Clin Psychol Rev 2022 Jan 13 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy 
on Attention and Mood in Women Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study. Lesiuk T1. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2015 May 1 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-based Programs on Cognitive Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Tim Whitfield1, Thorsten Barnhofer#2, Rebecca Acabchuk#3, Avi Cohen4, Michael Lee4, Marco Schlosser4,5, Eider M Arenaza-Urquijo6, Adriana Böttcher7, Willoughby Britton8, Nina Coll-Padros9, Fabienne Collette10, Gaël Chételat11, Sophie Dautricourt11, Harriet Demnitz-King4, Travis Dumais12, Olga Klimecki5, Dix Meiberth13, Inès Moulinet11, Theresa Müller13, Elizabeth Parsons4, Lauren Sager12, Lena Sannemann13, Jodi Scharf12, Ann-Katrin Schild13, Edelweiss Touron11, Miranka Wirth7, Zuzana Walker4,14, Ethan Moitra8, Antoine Lutz15, Sara W Lazar16, David Vago17, Natalie L Marchant4 Neuropsychol Rev 2021 Aug 4 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Therapy on Quality of Life in Women with Multiple Sclerosis, Ahvaz, Iran. Kolahkaj B1, Zargar F2, Majdinasab N3 J Caring Sci. 2018 Dec 1 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on disease activity in people with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial. Fogarty FA1, Booth RJ2, Gamble GD3, Dalbeth N3, Consedine NS1. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 NOv 18 VIEW
The effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on wound healing: a preliminary study. Meesters A1, den Bosch-Meevissen YMCI2, Weijzen CAH3, Buurman WA4, Losen M4, Schepers J5, Thissen MRTM6,7, Alberts HJEM2, Schalkwijk CG8, Peters ML2 J Behav Med. 2017 Nov 20 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Depression and Anxiety among Pregnant Women: a Randomized Clinical Trial. Yazdanimehr R1, Omidi A1, Sadat Z2, Akbari H3 J Caring Sci. 2016 Sep 1 VIEW
The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity Bennett MP//Zeller JM//Rosenberg L//McCann J Altern Ther Health Med 2003 VIEW
The Effect of Modified Tai Chi Exercises on the Physical Function and Quality of Life in Elderly Women With Knee Osteoarthritis Jiulong Song1,2, Lijun Wei3, Kai Cheng2, Qiang Lin2, Peng Xia2, Xinwei Wang2, Xiaoju Wang2, Ting Yang2, Baoyi Chen3, Aimei Ding3, Mingyi Sun4, Anliang Chen2, Xueping Li2 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 May 26 VIEW
The effect of movement-focused and breath-focused yoga practice on stress parameters and sustained attention: A randomized controlled pilot study. Schmalzl L1, Powers C2, Zanesco AP3, Yetz N4, Groessl EJ5, Saron CD2 Conscious Cogn. 2018 Aug 9 VIEW
The Effect of Moving Meditation Exercise on Depression and Sleep Quality of the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Study Müjde Kerkez1, Behice Erci Holist Nurs Pract 2024 Jan-Feb VIEW
The effect of music intervention in relation to gender during coronary angiographic procedures: A randomized clinical trial. Nilsson U, Lindell L, Eriksson A, Kellerth T. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2009 Jan 29 VIEW
The effect of music intervention in stress response to cardiac surgery in a randomized clinical trial. Nilsson U. Heart Lung. 2009 May-Jun VIEW
The effect of music on biochemical markers and self-perceived stress among first-line nurses: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Lai HL, Li YM. J Adv Nurs. 2011 Jun 7 VIEW
The effect of music on brain wave functioning during an acute psychotic episode: A pilot study. Morgan KA, Harris AW, Luscombe G, Tran Y, Herkes G, Bartrop RW. Psychiatry Res. 2010 May 12 VIEW
The effect of music on corticospinal excitability is related to the perceived emotion: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Giovannelli F, Banfi C, Borgheresi A, Fiori E, Innocenti I, Rossi S, Zaccara G, Viggiano MP, Cincotta M. Cortex 2012 Feb 10 VIEW
The effect of music on pain and subjective experience in image-guided musculoskeletal corticosteroid injections: a randomized controlled trial. Li W1, Bryan RG 2nd2, Kheterpal A3, Simeone FJ3, Chang CY3, Torriani M3, Huang AJ4 Skeletal Radiol. 2019 Aug 21 VIEW
The effect of music on pain in the adult intensive care unit: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Richard-Lalonde M1, Gélinas C2, Boitor M3, Gosselin E3, Feeley N2, Cossette S4, Chlan LL5 J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 Dec 24 VIEW
The Effect of Music on Postoperative Pain and Anxiety. Allred KD, Byers JF, Sole ML. Pain Manag Nurs. 2010 Mar VIEW
The effect of music on postoperative recovery in older patients: A systematic review. van der Wal-Huisman H1, Dons KSK2, Smilde R2, Heineman E1, van Leeuwen BL3 J Geriatr Oncol. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
The effect of music on preoperative anxiety in day surgery Cooke, M., Chaboyer, W., Schluter, P. & Hiratos, M. J Adv Nurs 2005 VIEW
The effect of music on the human stress response. Thoma MV, La Marca R, Brönnimann R, Finkel L, Ehlert U, Nater UM. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 5 VIEW
The Effect of Music Relaxation versus Progressive Muscular Relaxation on Insomnia in Older People and Their Relationship to Personality Trait Ziv N, Rotem T, Arnon Z, Haimov I J Music Ther. 2008 Fall VIEW
The effect of music therapy compared with general recreational activities in reducing agitation in people with dementia: a randomised controlled trial. Vink AC, Zuidersma M, Boersma F, de Jonge P, Zuidema SU, Slaets JP. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 26 VIEW
The effect of music therapy during colonoscopy on pain, anxiety and patient comfort: A randomized controlled trial. Çelebi D1, Yılmaz E2, Şahin ST3, Baydur H4 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2020 Feb VIEW
The Effect of Music Therapy Entrainment on Physiologic Measures of Infants in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Single Case Withdrawal Pilot Study. Yurkovich J1, Burns DS2, Harrison T3 J Music Ther. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
The Effect of Music Therapy on Cognitive Functioning Among Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Li HC1, Wang HH2, Chou FH3, Chen KM2. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2014 Nov 20 VIEW
The effect of music therapy on cognitive functions in patients with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fusar-Poli L1, Bieleninik Ł2, Brondino N1, Chen XJ3, Gold C2 Aging Ment Health. 2017 Jul 10 VIEW
The Effect of Music Therapy on Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients' Anxiety, Finger Temperature and Electroencephalography: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Yang CY, Chen CH, Chu H, Chen WC, Lee TY, Chen SG, Chou KR. Biol Res Nurs. 2011 May 17 VIEW
The effect of music therapy on postoperative pain, heartrate, systolic blood pressure and analgesic use following anal surgery Tse, M. M., Chan, M. F., & Benzie, I. F. Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 2005 VIEW
The effect of music therapy on relaxation, anxiety, pain perception, and nausea in adult solid organ transplant patients. Madson AT, Silverman MJ. J Music Ther. 2010 Fall VIEW
The effect of music-movement therapy on physical and psychological states of stroke patients. Jun EM, Roh YH, Kim MJ. J Clin Nurs. 2012 Sep 17 VIEW
The effect of Neuragen PN on neuropathic pain: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. Li L. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 May 20 VIEW
The Effect of Noise-cancelling Headphones or Music on Pain Perception and Anxiety in Men Undergoing Transrectal Prostate Biopsy. Tsivian M, Qi P, Kimura M, Chen VH, Chen SH, Gan TJ, Polascik TJ. Urology 2012 Jan VIEW
The effect of Non- ionizing electromagnetic field with a frequency of 50 Hz in Rat ovary: A transmission electron microscopy study. Khaki AA1, Khaki A2, Ahmadi SS1 Int J Reprod Biomed (Yazd). 2016 Feb VIEW
The effect of nursing interventions utilizing music therapy or sensory information on Chinese patients' anxiety prior to cardiac catheterization: a pilot study Taylor-Piliae RE//Chair SY Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2002 VIEW
The effect of odor presentation on immune function after stress loading Han Jae-Do 1//Uchiyama Akihiko 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
The Effect of Olfactory Stimulus by Odor on Relaxation -- A Psychophysiological Study Han Jae-Do 1//Uchiyama A 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
The effect of passive listening versus active observation of music and dance performances on memory recognition and mild to moderate depression in cognitively impaired older adults. Cross K, Flores R, Butterfield J, Blackman M, Lee S. Psychol Rep. 2012 Oct VIEW
The effect of physical activity interventions on occupational stress for health personnel: A systematic review. Bischoff LL1, Otto AK2, Hold C2, Wollesen B2 Int J Nurs Stud. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
The Effect of Physical Activity on PTSD. Oppizzi LM1, Umberger R2 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
The effect of physical exercise on bone density in middle-aged and older men: A systematic review. Bolam KA, van Uffelen JG, Taaffe DR. Osteoporos Int. 2013 Apr 4 VIEW
The effect of physical exercise on cognitive function in schizophrenia patients: A GRADE assessed systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials Mohammadmahdi Lak1, Atefeh Jafarpour1, Mohammad Amin Shahrbaf2, Mohammadyasin Lak3, Behrooz Dolatshahi4 Schizophr Res 2024 Jul 15 VIEW
The effect of physiotherapy-based breathing retraining on asthma control. Grammatopoulou EP, Skordilis EK, Stavrou N, Myrianthefs P, Karteroliotis K, Baltopoulos G, Koutsouki D. J Asthma. 2011 Aug VIEW
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