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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The benefits of endurance exercise and Tai Chi Chuan for the task-switching aspect of executive function in older adults: an ERP study. Fong DY1, Chi LK2, Li F3, Chang YK4. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Oct 28 VIEW
The Benefits of <i>T'ai Chi</i> for Older Adults with Chronic Back Pain: A Qualitative Study. Lee TL1, Sherman KJ2,3, Hawkes RJ2, Phelan EA4, Turner JA5,6 J Altern Complement Med. 2020 May 5 VIEW
The benefit of combined acupuncture and antidepressant medication for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chan YY1, Lo WY2, Yang SN3, Chen YH4, Lin JG5. J Affect Disord. 2015 Jan 28 VIEW
The Beneficial Effects of Traditional Chinese Exercises for Adults with Low Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Zhang Y1,2, Loprinzi PD3, Yang L4,5, Liu J6, Liu S7, Zou L8 Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Apr 29 VIEW
The beneficial effects of Tai Chi exercise on endothelial function and arterial stiffness in elderly women with rheumatoid arthritis. Shin JH1, Lee Y2, Kim SG3, Choi BY4, Lee HS5, Bang SY6. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015 Dec 24 VIEW
The beneficial effects of Tai Chi Chuan on blood pressure and lipid profile and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial Tsai JC//Wang WH//Chan P//Lin LJ//// J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
The beneficial effects of Qigong on elderly depression. Chan SHW1, Tsang HWH2 Int Rev Neurobiol. 2019 VIEW
The Beneficial Effects of Mind-body Exercises for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Zou L1, Loprinzi PD2, Yeung AS3, Zeng N4, Huang T5 Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Apr 12 VIEW
The beneficial effects of meditation: contribution of the anterior cingulate and locus coeruleus. Craigmyle NA. Front Psychol. 2013 Oct 16 VIEW
The Beneficial Effect of Traditional Chinese Exercises on the Management of Obesity Yuan Qin1, Weiyi Xia1, Wei Huang2, Jing Zhang3, Yi Zhao1, Min Fang1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
The beneficial effect of Tai Chi on self-concept in adolescents. Bao X1, Jin K. Int J Psychol. 2015 Mar VIEW
The beneficial effect of Tai Chi on self-concept in adolescents. Bao X1, Jin K. Int J Psychol. 2015 Mar VIEW
The beneficial effect of qigong on age health care Wang C//Xu D//Qian Y 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
The Bayesian brain: the role of uncertainty in neural coding and computation. Knill DC1, Pouget A Trends Neurosci. 2004 Dec VIEW
The Barriers and Facilitators to the Use of Lifestyle Apps: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies Habiba Shabir1, Matthew D'Costa1, Zain Mohiaddin1, Zaeem Moti1, Hamza Rashid1, Daria Sadowska1, Benyamin Alam2, Benita Cox1 Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ 2022 Jan 27 VIEW
The Auxiliary Qigong Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Its Effects on EEG and P300 Yu Xuhong//Xu Jianfen//Shao Dianyue//Wang Yuying//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1998 VIEW
The autonomic nervous system: A potential link to the efficacy of acupuncture Yan-Wei Li1, Wei Li1, Song-Tao Wang1, Yi-Nan Gong1,2,3, Bao-Min Dou1, Zhong-Xi Lyu1,2,3, Luis Ulloa4, Shen-Jun Wang1,2,3, Zhi-Fang Xu1,2,3, Yi Guo1,2,3 Front Neurosci 2022 Dec 8 VIEW
The Autonomic Nervous System Regulates the Heart Rate through cAMP-PKA Dependent and Independent Coupled-Clock Pacemaker Cell Mechanisms. Behar J1, Ganesan A2, Zhang J3, Yaniv Y1 Front Physiol. 2016 Sep 27 VIEW
The autonomic nervous system in its natural environment: Immersion in nature is associated with changes in heart rate and heart rate variability Emily E Scott1, Sara B LoTemplio1, Amy S McDonnell1, Glen D McNay2, Kevin Greenberg3, Ty McKinney1, Bert N Uchino1, David L Strayer1 Psychophysiology 2020 Oct 13 VIEW
The Autonomic Assessment Report: A New Noninvasive Measure of Autonomic Function and Balance McCraty R//Watkins A Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual International Symposium on Man and his Environment in Health and Disease, 1997 1997 VIEW
The autonomic and rate pressure product responses of tai chi practitioners. Figueroa MA, Demeersman RE, Manning J. N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Jun VIEW
The Atlanta FICSIT study: two exercise interventions to reduce frailty in elders Wolf SL//Kutner NG//Green RC//McNeely E J Am Geriatr Soc 1993 VIEW
The Associations Among Health-Promoting Lifestyle, eHealth Literacy, and Cognitive Health in Older Chinese Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Li SJ1, Yin YT2, Cui GH3, Xu HL1 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Mar 27 VIEW
The Association Between Yoga Use, Physical Function, and Employment in Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Greysen HM1, Hong OS, Katz P Holist Nurs Pract. 2019 Mar/Apr VIEW
The association between telomere length and frailty: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhou J1, Wang J2, Shen Y3, Yang Y1, Huang P4, Chen S1, Zou C1, Dong B5 Exp Gerontol. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
The Association between Telomere Length and Cancer Prognosis: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis. Zhang C1, Chen X2, Li L3, Zhou Y4, Wang C5, Hou S1. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
The association between Tai Chi exercise and safe driving performance among older adults: An observational study. Miller S1,2, Taylor-Piliae RE2 J Sport Health Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
The Association Between Systemic Inflammation and Cognitive Performance in Healthy Adults Amir Ashraf-Ganjouei, Kamyar Moradi, Sayna Bagheri, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi J Neuroimmunology 2020 May 25 VIEW
The Association between Pain Severity and Attendance Rate in Older Adults Participating in an Exercise Program: 2995 Board #60 June 3, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM. Nagae S1, Ogawa E, Thapa S, Zhang H, Tierno L, Tsegai N, Shi L, Leveille S, You T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and shortened telomere length: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Huang P1, Zhou J2, Chen S2, Zou C2, Zhao X1, Li J3 Sleep Med. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
The association between mindfulness and emotional distress in adults with diabetes: Could mindfulness serve as a buffer? Results from Diabetes MILES: The Netherlands. van Son J1, Nyklíček I, Nefs G, Speight J, Pop VJ, Pouwer F. J Behav Med. 2014 Aug 28 VIEW
The association between meditation practice and treatment outcome in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for bipolar disorder. erich T, Manicavasagar V, Mitchell PB, Ball JR. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
The Association between Meditation Practice and Job Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study. Shiba K1, Nishimoto M2, Sugimoto M3, Ishikawa Y4. PLoS One. 2015 May 29 VIEW
The assessment of present-moment awareness and acceptance: the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale. Cardaciotto L1, Herbert JD, Forman EM, Moitra E, Farrow V Assessment. 2008 Jun VIEW
The Art of Doing Almost Nothing: How a Core Taijiquan Principle Can Help Us to Understand Turning Points in Therapeutic Processes. Maun A. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Oct 23 VIEW
The art of being mindful. Finding peace in a stressed-out, digitally dependent culture may just be a matter of thinking differently. Pickert K. Time 2014 Feb 3 VIEW
The APPROACH Trial: Assessing Pain, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and Complementary and Integrative Health Steven B Zeliadt, Scott Coggeshall, Eva Thomas, Hannah Gelman, Stephanie L Taylor Clin Trials 2020 Jun 10 VIEW
The Application of Whole-Body Vibration Training in Knee Osteoarthritis Zheng Wang1, Xinan Zhang2, Mingli Sun3 Joint Bone Spine 2021 Sep 15 VIEW
The application of ultra-weak photon emission in dermatology. Ou-Yang H. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2013 Oct 26 VIEW
The application of traditional martial arts practice and theory to the treatment of violent adolescents Tremlow S W//Sacco FC Adolescence 2002 VIEW
The application of the needle and the eight methods of Linggui to the qigong theory Yao Shuya 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The application of taiji restraining point in relaxing qigong Song Xinhong//Xia Shuangquan 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The application of Reiki in nurses diagnosed with Burnout Syndrome has beneficial effects on concentration of salivary IgA and blood pressure. Díaz-Rodríguez L, Arroyo-Morales M, Cantarero-Villanueva I, Férnandez-Lao C, Polley M, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2011 Oct VIEW
The Application of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) for Bone Fracture Repair: Past and Perspective Findings. Daish C1,2, Blanchard R3, Fox K4, Pivonka P5, Pirogova E4 Ann Biomed Eng. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
The Application of One-Hour Static Qigong Program to Decrease Needle Pain of Korean Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Crossover Design. Kim E1, Lee JE1, Sohn M1 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Jan 1 VIEW
The application of mindfulness to eating disorders treatment: a systematic review. Wanden-Berghe RG, Sanz-Valero J, Wanden-Berghe C. Eat Disord. 2011 Jan VIEW
The application of laser in body science -- the effect of qi on acousto-optic modulation by means of laser Tian Laike 1//Zhang Yuanming 2//Li Junzhan 3 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The application of auto-regressive model in feature extraction of EEG in superquiescence Hong Zhi//Hu Zhongji 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The application of 'Bi-Digital O-Ring Test' in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients Chan JC Acupunct.Electrother.Res 1986 VIEW
The application and trend of ultra-weak photon emission in biology and medicine Jinxin Du1, Tingting Deng1, Baorui Cao2, Zhiying Wang2, Meina Yang2, Jinxiang Han2 Front Chem 2023 Feb 17 VIEW
The appeal of tai chi and complementary therapies for college students with ADHD Sandra H Sulzer1, Cathleen Trueba2, Alexander K Converse3 J Am Coll Health 2022 Jan 19 VIEW
The antitumor effects of qigong-emitted external Qi and its influence on the immunologic functions of tumor-bearing mice. Lei XF//Bi AH//Zhang ZX//Cheng ZY J Tongji Med Univ 1991 VIEW
The antinociceptive effect of electroacupuncture at different depths of acupoints and under the needling surface. Silva ML, Silva JR, Prado WA. Chin Med. 2012 Feb 27 VIEW
The Antihypertensive Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise among Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis: 288 Board #125 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Wu Y1 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The Antidepressant Effect of Laser Acupuncture: A Comparison of the Resting Brain's Default Mode Network in Healthy and Depressed Subjects During Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Quah-Smith I1, Suo C2, Williams MA3, Sachdev PS4. Med Acupunct. 2013 Apr VIEW
The Anti-Tumor Effect of A(3) Adenosine Receptors Is Potentiated by Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Cultured Neural Cancer Cells. Vincenzi F, Targa M, Corciulo C, Gessi S, Merighi S, Setti S, Cadossi R, Borea PA, Varani K. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
The anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture and their relevance to allergic rhinitis: a narrative review and proposed model. McDonald JL, Cripps AW, Smith PK, Smith CA, Xue CC, Golianu B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013 VIEW
The anatomy of health care in the United States Hamilton Moses 3rd1, David H M Matheson, E Ray Dorsey, Benjamin P George, David Sadoff, Satoshi Yoshimura JAMA 2013 Nov 13 VIEW
The anatomical basis for transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation. Butt MF1, Albusoda A1, Farmer AD2,3, Aziz Q1 J Anat. 2019 Nov 19 VIEW
The analysis of treatment of gallstone by emitted qi Wang Dazhi 1//Zhao Jiangxing 1//Chen Kunsong 1//Ma Kequan 2//Zhou Guien 3//Lu Jiang 3//Mao Zhenwei 3//Shong Jiwei 4 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The Analgesic Effect of Magnetic Acupressure in Cancer Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: A Randomized, Blinded, Controlled Trial. Bao T, Ye X, Skinner J, Cao B, Fisher J, Nesbit S, Grossman SA. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011 Feb 8 VIEW
The analgesic effect of electroacupuncture on acute thermal pain perception-a central neural correlate study with fMRI. Shukla S, Torossian A, Duann JR, Leung A. Mol Pain. 2011 Jun 7 VIEW
The American Psychosomatic Society - integrating mind, brain, body and social context in medicine since 1942. Herrmann-Lingen C1 Biopsychosoc Med. 2017 Apr 8 VIEW
The alteration of spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure. Lv B, Chen Z, Wu T, Shao Q, Yan D, Ma L, Lu K, Xie Y. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Sep 4 VIEW
The Alpha Band of the Resting Electroencephalogram under Pulsed and Continuous Radiofrequency Exposures Perentos N, Croft R, McKenzie R, Cosic I. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2013 Jan 23 VIEW
The almost obvious case for a transcendental understanding of life. Christopher T. Explore (NY). 2011 Nov-Dec VIEW
The aerobic capacity and ventilatory efficiency during exercise in Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Lan C//Chou SW//Chen SY//Lai JS,//// Am J Chin Med 2004 VIEW
The acute effects of yogic breathing exercises on craving and withdrawal symptoms in abstaining smokers. Shahab L, Sarkar BK, West R. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2012 Sep 20 VIEW
The Acute Effects of Yoga on Executive Function. Gothe N, Pontifex MB, Hillman C, McAuley E. J Phys Act Health. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
The acute effects of yoga on executive function. Gothe N, Pontifex MB, Hillman C, McAuley E. J Phys Act Health. 2013 May VIEW
The acute effects of vinyasa flow yoga on vascular function, lipid and glucose concentrations, and mood Alexander A Piña1, James Shadiow1, A Tobi Fadeyi1, Anabel Chavez1, Stacy D Hunter2 Complement Ther Med 2020 Oct 7 VIEW
The acute effects of acupuncture upon autonomic balance in healthy subjects. Carpenter RJ, Dillard J, Zion AS, Gates GJ, Bartels MN, Downey JA, De Meersman RE. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
The acute effect of whole body vibration training on flexibility and explosive strength of young gymnasts. Dallas G1, Kirialanis P2, Mellos V3. Biol Sport. 2014 Aug VIEW
The Acute Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Repeated Shuttle-Running in Young Soccer Players. Padulo J, Di Giminiani R, Ibba G, Zarrouk N, Moalla W, Attene G, M Migliaccio G, Pizzolato F, Bishop D, Chamari K. Int J Sports Med. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
The acute effect of taichiquan exercise on autonomic cardiac activity using heart rate variability analysis Nen Janne S 1998 VIEW
The Acute Effect of Acupuncture on Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Hypertension: A Pilot, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial. Park JM, Shin AS, Park SU, Sohn IS, Jung WS, Moon SK. J Altern Complement Med 2010 Aug 1 VIEW
The acute effect of acupuncture on endothelial dysfunction in patients with hypertension: a pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial. Park JM, Shin AS, Park SU, Sohn IS, Jung WS, Moon SK. J Altern Complement Med 2010 Aug VIEW
The acute auditory effects of exposure for 60 minutes to mobile`s electromagnetic field. Alsanosi AA, Al-Momani MO, Hagr AA, Almomani FM, Shami IM, Al-Habeeb SF. Saudi Med J. 2013 Feb VIEW
The Acupuncture on Hot Flushes Among Menopausal Women (ACUFLASH) study, a randomized controlled trial. Borud EK, Alraek T, White A, Fonnebo V, Eggen AE, Hammar M, Astrand LL, Theodorsson E, Grimsgaard S. Menopause 2009 May/June VIEW
The acquisition of healthy mentality and the development of human potentialities Huang Renshou//Gao Lin//Cao Kuishen//Guan Chaiyuan//Liu Qun 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The acceptability, practicality, implementation and efficacy of a physical and social activity intervention &#x27;BreatheHappy&#x27; for people with long-term respiratory conditions: A feasibility study A Lewis1,2, L A Turner3, S Fryer3, R Smith4, H Dillarstone5, Y W Patrick6, E Bevan-Smith6 Chron Respir Dis 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
The acceptability of homebased exercise snacking and Tai-chi snacking amongst high and low function UK and Taiwanese older adults Ian Ju Liang1, Jessica Francombe-Webb1, Polly M McGuigan1, Oliver J Perkin1, Dylan Thompson1, Max J Western1 Front Aging 2023 Aug 1 VIEW
The Acceptability of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Study of Patient's Experiences Nested within a Randomised Controlled Trial. Hopton A, Thomas K, Macpherson H. PLoS One. 2013 VIEW
The acceptability and potential benefits of mindfulness-based interventions in improving psychological well-being for adults with advanced cancer: A systematic review. Zimmermann FF1, Burrell B2, Jordan J3 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 Feb VIEW
The Absence of Mind and Self-Healing Han A First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
The ABC of Physical Activity for Health: A consensus statement from the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. O\'Donovan G, Blazevich AJ, Boreham C, Cooper AR, Crank H, Ekelund U, Fox KR, Gately P, Giles-Corti B, Gill JM, Hamer M, McDermott I, Murphy M, Mutrie N, Reilly JJ, Saxton JM, Stamatakis E. J Sports Sci 2010 Apr 15 VIEW
The 6th International New Science Symposium and Visits to Institutions in Seoul Yamamoto M 1//Kawano K 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2003 VIEW
The 3-m backward walk test: reliability and validity in ambulant people with multiple sclerosis Fatih Söke1, Şeref Demirkaya2, Numan Yavuz3, Elvan Özcan Gülşen4, Öznur Tunca5, Çağri Gülşen6, Selda Karakoç3, Bilge Koçer7, Fatma Aydin7, Canan Yücesan8 Int J Rehabil Res 2022 Sep 1 VIEW
The 24-Form Tai Chi Improves Anxiety and Depression and Upregulates miR-17-92 in Coronary Heart Disease Patients After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Liu J1, Yu P1, Lv W2, Wang X2 Front Physiol. 2020 Mar 11 VIEW
The 2001 STRICTA Recommendations for Reporting Acupuncture Research: A Review with Implications for Improving Controlled Clinical Trial Design. Dorsher PT. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Feb 1 VIEW
The (cost-)effectiveness of an implemented fall prevention intervention on falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: protocol for the in balance randomized controlled trial Maaike van Gameren1, Daniël Bossen2, Judith E Bosmans3, Bart Visser2, Sanne W T Frazer4, Mirjam Pijnappels5 BMC Geriatr 2021 Jun 23 VIEW
The "Senobi" breathing exercise is recommended as first line treatment for obesity. Sato, K. et al. Biomed. Res. 2010 VIEW
The "Senobi" breathing exercise ameliorates depression in obese women through up-regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and hormone secretion. Sato K, Kawamura T, Yamagiwa S. Biomed Res. 2011 VIEW
Thalamocortical Mechanisms Underlying Real and Imagined Acupuncture Qiao Kong1, Valeria Sacca1, Kathryn Walker1, Sierra Hodges1, Jian Kong1 Biomedicines 2023 Jun 26 VIEW
Thalamocortical Impulse Propagation and Information Transfer in EEG and MEG. Götz T1, Huonker R, Witte OW, Haueisen J. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2014 Jun VIEW
Thai Yoga improves physical function and well-being in older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Noradechanunt C1, Worsley A2, Groeller H3 J Sci Med Sport. 2016 Oct 27 VIEW
TGF-β1-induced chondrogenesis of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is promoted by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound through the integrin-mTOR signaling pathway. Xia P1, Wang X1, Qu Y1, Lin Q1, Cheng K1, Gao M1, Ren S1, Zhang T1, Li X2 Stem Cell Res Ther. 2017 Dec 13 VIEW
Text composition by the physically disabled: A rate prediction model for scanning input Damper R Appl Ergon 1984 VIEW
Tests results of alternating electric field of bioenergy- therapeutists and qigong masters Bongart Marcus//Garnuszewski Zbigniew//Szczepanski Jan A 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
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