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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Modification of the paired H reflex through the transcendental meditation and TM-Sidhi program Wallace RK//Mills PJ//Orme-Johnson DW//Dillbeck MC//// Exp Neurol 1983 VIEW
Natural Oscillating Fields of Cells Pohl, H.A. Coherent Excitations in Biological Systems - Proceedings in Life Sciences 1983 VIEW
Birhythmicity, chaos, and other patterns of temporal self-organization in a multiply regulated biochemical system O Decroly, A Goldbeter Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1982 Nov 1 VIEW
Coherent oscillations in biological systems: Interaction with extremely low frequency fields F. Kaiser Radio Sci. 1982 Sep-Oct VIEW
Baduanjin -- an ancient Chinese exercise T C Koh Am J Chin Med 1982 Apr 23 VIEW
An outpatient program in behavioral medicine for chronic pain patients based on the practice of mindfulness meditation: theoretical considerations and preliminary results J Kabat-Zinn Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1982 Apr 1 VIEW
Reduced sympathetic nervous system responsivity associated with the relaxation response. Hoffman JW, Benson H, Arns PA, Stainbrook GL, Landsberg GL, Young JB, Gill A. Science 1982 Jan 8 VIEW
[The efficacy of qigong (breathing exercise) and antihypertensive drug therapy in 426 hypertensive patients and changes in plasma dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activity] Wang CX// You CY Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1982 VIEW
Muscle Testing Anonymous 1982 VIEW
The efficacy of manual assessment of muscle strenght using a new device Marino M//Nicholas JA//Gleim GW//Rosenthal P//// Am Orthopaedic, Sport Med 1982 VIEW
Qigong--Chinese breathing exercise Koh TC Am J Chin Med 1982 VIEW
Amazing power of touch Cohen SS Ladies Home Journal 1982 VIEW
Chinese traditional medicine: its contribution to physical rehabilitation Zhuo O Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1982 VIEW
Study on the effectiveness of remote mental healing Miller RN Medical Hypotheses 1982 VIEW
Parapsychology, Kirlian photography and creating healing Moss T Journal of Holistic Health 1982 VIEW
Traditional Chinese medicine in mental illness Xu SH Chin Med J 1982 VIEW
Preventive geriatrics: an overview from traditional Chinese medicine Zhou DH Am J Chin Med 1982 VIEW
An outpatient program in behavioral medicine for chronic pain patients based on the practice of mindfulness meditation: theoretical considerations and preliminary results Kabat-Zinn J General Hospital Psychiatry 1982 VIEW
Psychological Treatment of Essential Hypertension: A Controlled Comparison of Meditation and Meditation plus Biofeedback Hafner RJ Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 1982 VIEW
The yoga perspective. Part II: Yoga therapy in the treatment of asthma Goyeche JR//Abo Y//Ikemi Y Journal of Asthma 1982 VIEW
Reduction of generalized aversive responding in a post-treatment cancer patient: relaxation as an active coping skill Hamberger LK Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry 1982 VIEW
Transcendental medication and progressive relaxation: their physiological effects Throll DA J Clin Psychol 1982 VIEW
Breath suspension during the transcendental meditation technique Farrow JT//Hebert JR Psychosom Med 1982 VIEW
Intersubject EEG coherence: is consciousness a field? Orme-Johnson D//Dillbeck MC//Wallace RK//Landrith GS 3rd Int J Neurosci 1982 VIEW
The effects of the transcendental meditation and TM-Sidhi program on the aging process Wallace RK//Dillbeck M//Jacobe E//Harrington B Int J Neurosci 1982 VIEW
Biological effects of microwaves and the question of coherence. Fröhlich H. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1982 VIEW
The nature of the clear zone around microtubules. Stebbings H, Hunt C. Cell Tissue Res. 1982 VIEW
[Typing of extracardiac rhabdomyomas] E A Konrad, P Meister, G Hübner Pathologe 1981 Dec 1 VIEW
The relaxation response: your inborn capacity to counteract the harmful effects of stress. Benson H, Goodale IL J Fla Med Assoc. 1981 Apr VIEW
Tissue interactions with nonionizing electromagnetic fields. Adey WR. Physiol Rev. 1981 Apr VIEW
Research on the mechanism of 'Qigong (breathing exercise)'. A preliminary study on its effect in balancing 'Yin' and 'Yang', regulating circulation and promoting flow in the meridian system. Kuang AK//Jiang MD//Wang CX//Zhao GS//Xu DH J Tradit Chin Med 1981 VIEW
Effect of T'ai Chi on mental homeostasis Anonymous American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1981 VIEW
Cures/preventions and T'ai Chi Anonymous American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1981 VIEW
Applied kinesiology, basic procedures and muscle testing; Vol. 1 Walther DS 1981 VIEW
Scientific research on psychic energies at the Department of Kinesiology, U.C.L.A. Hunt V Journal of Holistic Health 1981 VIEW
A control system for arterial blood gases Kawakami Y//Yoshikawa T//Asanuma Y//Murao M J Appl Physiol 1981 VIEW
Psychophysiological investigations on transcendental meditation Puente AE Biofeedback Self Regul 1981 VIEW
The transcendental meditation technique and acute experimental pain Mills WW//Farrow JT Psychosom Med 1981 VIEW
Electroencephalographic findings during mantra meditation (transcendental meditation). A controlled, quantitative study of experienced meditators Stigsby B//Rodenberg JC//Moth HB Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1981 VIEW
Short-term longitudinal effects of the transcendental meditation technique on EEG power and coherence Dillbeck MC//Bronson EC Int J Neurosci 1981 VIEW
A study of electrical brain waves in the state of Qigong exercise. Lei, Mei et al. Chinese J. of Nature 1981 VIEW
Position-related false-positive renal imaging G M Rao, K G Nagesh, G H Guruprakash Clin Nucl Med 1980 Jul 1 VIEW
A comparison of somatic relaxation and EEG activity in classical progressive relaxation and transcendental meditation Warrenburg S, Pagano RR, Woods M, Hlastala M J Behav Med. 1980 Mar VIEW
Journal of Black Psychology Anonymous Psychosomatic illness and T'ai Chi 1980 VIEW
Nerophysiologic inhibition of strength following tactile simulation of the skin Nicholas JA//Melvin M//Ed M//Saranti AJ Am J Sports Med 1980 VIEW
The yoga perspective. Part I. The somatopsychic imbalance in asthma: towards a holistic therapy Goyeche JR//Ago Y//Ikemi Y Journal of Asthma Research 1980 VIEW
Effect of passive concentration as instructional set for training enhancement of EEG alpha Knox SS Percept Mot Skills 1980 VIEW
[Visual and computerized analysis of EEG during transcendental meditation and sleep (author's transl)] [Article in German] Wachsmuth D//Dolce G EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb 1980 VIEW
Transcendental meditation verus muscle relaxation: two-year follow-up of a controlled experiment Zuroff DC//Schwarz JC Am J Psychiatry 1980 VIEW
Meditation training and essential hypertension: a methodological study Seer P//Raeburn JM J Behav Med 1980 VIEW
Physiological anxiety responses in transcendental meditators and nonmeditators Lintel AG 3rd Percept Mot Skills 1980 VIEW
The effects of behavior therapy, self-relaxation, and transcendental meditation on cardiovascular stress response Puente AE//Beiman I J Clin Psychol 1980 VIEW
Effects of meditation on brainstem auditory evoked potentials McEvoy TM//Frumkin LR//Harkins SW Int J Neurosci 1980 VIEW
Muscle biofeedback and transcendental meditation. A controlled evaluation of efficacy in the treatment of chronic anxiety Raskin M//Bali LR//Peeke HV Arch Gen Psychiatry 1980 VIEW
Frequency and power windowing in tissue interactions with weak electromagnetic fields Adey, W.R. Proceedings of the IEEE 1980 Jan VIEW
BK, Behavioral Kinesiology Diamond, John 1979 VIEW
Investigation into the effect of organ irritation on muscle strength and spinal mobility Carpenter SA//Hoffman J//Mendell R J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1979 VIEW
Yoga as therapy in psychosomatic medicine Goyeche JR Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1979 VIEW
A relaxation technique in the management of hypercholesterolemia Cooper MJ//Aygen MM J Human Stress 1979 VIEW
Renin, cortisol, and aldosterone during transcendental meditation Michaels RR//Parra J//McCann DS//Vander AJ Psychosom Med 1979 VIEW
Sympathetic activity and transcendental meditation Kaufmann W J Neural Transm 1979 VIEW
Comparative analysis of the integrated values of electrical brain waves before and after the state of Qigong. Guangshang, Zhao et al. Shanghai J. of TCM (Chinese) 1979 VIEW
Photon storage in biological systems Popp F.-A. Electromagnetic Bioinformation, eds Popp F. A., Becker G., Konig H. L., Pescha W., editors. 1979 VIEW
Tai chi & gestalt therapy: Anonymous Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 1978 VIEW
Factors influencing manual muscle tests in physical therapy Micholas JA//Sapega A//Kraus H//Webb JN J Bone and Joint Surgery 1978 VIEW
Electronic evidence of auras, chakras in UCLA study Hunt V Brain/Mind Bulletin 1978 VIEW
Comparison of cardiovascular biofeedback, neuromuscular biofeedback, and meditation in the treatment of borderline essential hypertension Surwit RS//Shapiro D// Good MI Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1978 VIEW
Redistribution of blood flow in acute hypometabolic behavior Jevning R//Wilson AF//Smith WR//Morton ME Am J Physiol 1978 VIEW
Biofeedback and meditation: effects on muscle tension and locus of control Zaichkowsky LD//Kamen R Percept Mot Skills 1978 VIEW
Adrenocortical activity during meditation Jevning R//Wilson AF//Davidson JM Horm Behav 1978 VIEW
Stress and hypertension: interrelations and management. Benson H, Kotch JB, Crassweller KD Cardiovasc Clin. 1978 VIEW
Clinical experiences with low intensity direct current stimulation of bone growth. Becker RO, Spadaro JA, Marino AA. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1977 May VIEW
The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Engel GL Science. 1977 Apr 8 VIEW
Ryodoraku Acupuncture Nakatani, Y//Yamashita, K 1977 VIEW
Creating a new functional model of body healing energies Tiller W Journal of Holistic Health 1977 VIEW
Behavioral alteration of plasma phenylalanine concentration Jevning R//Pirkle HC//Wilson AF Physiol Behav 1977 VIEW
Metabolic and EEG changes during transcendental meditation: an explanation Fenwick PB//Donaldson S//Gillis L//Bushman J//// Biol Psychol 1977 VIEW
Theta bursts: an EEG pattern in normal subjects practising the transcendental meditation technique Hebert R//Lehmann D Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1977 VIEW
Limitations of transcendental meditation in the treatment of essential hypertension Pollack AA//Case DB//Weber MA//Laragh JH Lancet 1977 VIEW
Respiratory failure associated with familial depression of ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia Moore GC//Zwillich CW//Battaglia JD//Cotton EK//// N Engl J Med 1976 VIEW
Effects of transcendental meditation on fine motor skill Williams LR//Vickerman BL Percept Mot Skills 1976 VIEW
[Decrease of latency of auditory evoked potentials in humans practicing transcendental meditation (author's transl] [Article in German] Wandhofer A//Kobal G//Plattig KH EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb 1976 VIEW
Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in transcendental meditation-technique Bujatti M//Riederer P J Neural Transm 1976 VIEW
Hybrids of chemical derivatives of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase E Meighen, R Yue Biochim Biophys Acta 1975 Dec 15 VIEW
The extraordinary dielectric properties of biological materials and the action of enzymes. Fröhlich H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1975 Nov VIEW
Metal substitutions incarbonic anhydrase: a halide ion probe study. Smith RJ, Bryant RG Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1975 Oct 27 VIEW
The relaxation response: psychophysiologic aspects and clinical applications H Benson, M M Greenwood, H Klemchuk Int J Psychiatry Med 1975 Aug 15 VIEW
Randomised controlled trial of yoga and bio-feedback in management of hypertension Patel C//North WR Lancet 1975 VIEW
12-month follow-up of yoga and bio-feedback in the management of hypertension Patel C Lancet 1975 VIEW
Transcendental meditation and asthma Wilson AF//Honsberger R//Chiu JT//Novey HS Respiration 1975 VIEW
A controlled study of the EEG during transcendental meditation: comparison with hypnosis Tebecis AK Folia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn 1975 VIEW
Studies on the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma for mice L Pellérdy, M Dobos-Kovács Acta Vet Acad Sci Hung 1974 Aug 31 VIEW
The Relaxation Response †. Benson H1, Beary JF1, Carol MP1 Psychiatry. 1974 Feb VIEW
A Simple Psychophysiologic Technique Which Elicits the Hypometabolic Changes of the Relaxation Response OHN F. BEARY BS1, HERBERT BENSON MD1, and HELEN P. KLEMCHUK AB1 Psychosomatic Medicine 1974 VIEW
The biologic clock: the mitochondria? D Harman J Am Geriatr Soc 1972 Apr 1 VIEW
Electric Enhancement of Bone Healing Leroy S. Lavine 1, Irving Lustrin 1, Robert A. Rinaldi 2, Morris H. Shamos 2, Abraham R. Liboff 2 Science 1972 Mar VIEW
[Directives for the planning and designing of municipal buildings in residential districts--facilities of dispensary pharmaceutical basic supply depots. Explanations and comments on the equipment and facilities of dispensary pharmaceutical basic supply depots and on the principles of the basic inventory of pharmacies] M Georgi, H Grunert Pharm Prax 1972 Jan 18 VIEW
Tumor detection by nuclear magnetic resonance. Damadian R. Science 1971 Mar 19 VIEW
Long range coherence and the action of enzymes. Fröhlich H. Nature 1970 Dec 12 VIEW
Electromagnetic field monitoring of changing state-function, including hypnotic states Ravitz LJ Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine 1970 VIEW
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