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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Results from a person-centered music intervention for individuals living with dementia. Ihara ES1, Tompkins CJ1, Inoue M1, Sonneman S1 Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2018 Nov 20 VIEW
Electrical stimulation-based bone fracture treatment, if it works so well why do not more surgeons use it? Bhavsar MB1, Han Z1, DeCoster T2, Leppik L1, Costa Oliveira KM1, Barker JH3 Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2019 Apr 6 VIEW
Characterized Bioelectric Signals by Means of Neural Networks and Wavelets to Remotely Control a Human-Machine Interface. Tinoco Varela D1, Gudiño Peñaloza F2, Villaseñor Rodelas CJ3 Sensors (Basel). 2019 Apr 24 VIEW
The peptidergic control circuit for sighing. Li P#1, Janczewski WA#2, Yackle K#1, Kam K2, Pagliardini S2, Krasnow MA1, Feldman JL2 Nature. 2016 Feb 18 VIEW
The Roles of mitochondrial dysfunction and Reactive Oxygen Species in Aging and Senescence Aliabbas Zia1, Tahereh Farkhondeh2, Ali Mohammad Pourbagher-Shahri2, Saeed Samarghandian3 Curr Mol Med 2021 Feb 17 VIEW
Psychological Interventions Can Reduce Injury Risk in Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic Shauna Ericksen, Geoff Dover, Richard DeMont J Sport Rehabil 2021 Sep 15 VIEW
Nitric oxide signaling molecules in acupoints: Toward mechanisms of acupuncture. Ma SX1 Chin J Integr Med. 2017 Nov VIEW
Comparison of the effects of 1MHz and 3MHz therapeutic ultrasound on endothelium-dependent vasodilation of humans: a randomised clinical trial. Hauck M1, Noronha Martins C1, Borges Moraes M1, Aikawa P1, da Silva Paulitsch F1, Méa Plentz RD2, Teixeira da Costa S3, Vargas da Silva AM3, Signori LU4 Physiotherapy. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
The nature of feelings: evolutionary and neurobiological origins. Damasio A1, Carvalho GB Nat Rev Neurosci. 2013 Feb VIEW
Modulating the Inflammatory Reflex in Rats Using Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve. Wasilczuk KM1, Bayer KC2, Somann JP3, Albors GO2, Sturgis J4, Lyle LT5, Robinson JP4, Irazoqui PP6 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018 Nov 2 VIEW
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain - A Mega-Placebo? Musial F1 Front Neurosci. 2019 Oct 17 VIEW
The chemoreflex control of breathing and its measurement. Duffin J1 Can J Anaesth. 1990 Nov VIEW
Tai Chi practice and change in exercise habits in survivors of acute coronary syndromes: Is mindfulness a possible mechanism? Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher1, Dyuti Trivedi2, Shira Dunsiger3 Explore (NY) 2020 Sep 15 VIEW
Is 20 Hz Whole-Body Vibration Training Better for Older Individuals than 40 Hz? Shiuan-Yu Tseng1, Chung-Po Ko2, Chin-Yen Tseng3, Wei-Ching Huang4, Chung-Liang Lai5,6, Chun-Hou Wang7,8 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Nov 13 VIEW
The Slowest Shared Resonance: A Review of Electromagnetic Field Oscillations Between Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems Asa Young1, Tam Hunt1, Marissa Ericson2 Front Hum Neurosci 2022 Feb 16 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture Therapy on Stress in a Large Urban College Population. Schroeder S1, Burnis J2, Denton A2, Krasnow A2, Raghu TS2, Mathis K2 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2017 Jun VIEW
Effect of Near-Infrared Light Therapy Based on Acupoints on the Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Mohammadi MM1, Raygani AAV2, Ghobadi A3, Samadzadeh S4, Salari N5 Clin Med Res. 2018 May 18 VIEW
Telomere shortening as a hallmark of stem cell senescence. Fathi E1, Charoudeh HN2, Sanaat Z3, Farahzadi R3 Stem Cell Investig. 2019 Mar 6 VIEW
The effect of music on pain in the adult intensive care unit: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Richard-Lalonde M1, Gélinas C2, Boitor M3, Gosselin E3, Feeley N2, Cossette S4, Chlan LL5 J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 Dec 24 VIEW
Bringing chronic-pain care to rural veterans: A telehealth pilot program description. Glynn LH1, Chen JA1, Dawson TC1, Gelman H2, Zeliadt SB2 Psychol Serv. 2020 Jan 16 VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Alleviates Osteoarthritis Condition Through Focal Adhesion Kinase-Mediated Chondrocyte Proliferation and Differentiation. Sang F1, Xu J2, Chen Z3, Liu Q1, Jiang W4 Cartilage. 2020 Apr 13 VIEW
Interoception as modeling, allostasis as control Eli Sennesh1, Jordan Theriault1, Dana Brooks1, Jan-Willem van de Meent1, Lisa Feldman Barrett1, Karen S Quigley1 Biol Psychol 2021 Dec 20 VIEW
A functional subdivision within the somatosensory system and its implications for pain research Qiufu Ma1 Neuron 2022 Jan 5 VIEW
Microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, cognitive impairment and inflammation in brain of Fischer rats. Megha K, Deshmukh PS, Banerjee BD, Tripathi AK, Abegaonkar MP. Indian J Exp Biol. 2012 Dec VIEW
Skeletal muscle as a regulator of the longevity protein, Klotho Keith G. Avin 1,2, Paul M. Coen 3,4, Wan Huang 1, Donna B. Stolz 5, Gwendolyn A. Sowa 1, John J. Dubé 3, Bret H. Goodpaster 3, Robert M. O'Doherty 3 and Fabrisia Ambrosio 1,6* Front. Physiol. 2014 Jun 17 VIEW
Recent Advances in Transcranial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Triggered Brain Delivery. Nainwal N1 Curr Drug Targets. 2017 VIEW
Neuroimmune Communication in Health and Disease. Reardon C1, Murray K1, Lomax AE1 Physiol Rev. 2018 Oct 1 VIEW
Intercellular Connectivity and Multicellular Bioelectric Oscillations in Nonexcitable Cells: A Biophysical Model. Cervera J1, Meseguer S2, Mafe S1 ACS Omega. 2018 Oct 31 VIEW
Effects of Using Music Therapy for Patients Suffering From Dementia. Trainor H1 Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: New Therapeutic Opportunities. Long-Smith C1, O'Riordan KJ1, Clarke G1,2, Stanton C1,3, Dinan TG1,2, Cryan JF1,4 Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2019 Sep 10 VIEW
Comparing Verum and Sham Acupuncture in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Kim J1, Kim SR1, Lee H2, Nam DH1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Aug 25 VIEW
Does Instructor Experience Impact Balance and Health-Related Quality of Life in Healthy Older Adult Participants following a Tai Chi for Arthritis Program? Mercuris K1, Lowry K1, Espey S1 J Community Health Nurs. 2020 Jan-Mar VIEW
Timing Considerations for Noninvasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Clinical Studies. Gurel NZ1, Gazi AH1, Scott KL1, Wittbrodt MT2, Shah AJ3,4,5, Vaccarino V3,4, Bremner JD2,5,6, Inan OT1,7 AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2020 Mar 4 VIEW
Effect of a Single Session of Tai Chi Chuan Practice on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Related Hormones Wan-An Lu1, Yung-Sheng Chen2, Chun-Hsiung Wang3, Cheng-Deng Kuo4,5,6 Life (Basel) 2020 Aug 9 VIEW
Human Biofield Therapy Modulates Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Stemness in Mouse Lung Carcinoma Peiying Yang1, Patrea R Rhea1, Tara Conway1, Sita Nookala1, Venkatesh Hegde1, Mihai Gagea1, Nadim J Ajami1, Sean L Harribance2, Jewel Ochoa1, Jagannadha K Sastry1, Lorenzo Cohen1 Integr Cancer Ther 2020 Jan-Dec VIEW
Monitoring in vivo neural activity to understand gut-brain signaling Amber L Alhadeff1,2 Endocrinology 2021 Feb 9 VIEW
Taijiquan and qigong as a mindfulness cognitive-behavioural based therapy on the treatment of cothymia in school-age children - A preliminary study Jorge Magalhães Rodrigues1, Lara Lopes2, Mário Gonçalves3, Jorge Pereira Machado4 J Bodyw Mov Ther 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Threshold of radiofrequency electromagnetic field effect on human brain Hiie Hinrikus1, Jaanus Lass1, Maie Bachmann1 Int J Radiat Biol 2021 Aug 17 VIEW
An Exploration of the Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted by Mobile Phones and Extremely Low Frequency Radiation on Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Gland Histopathology Tasnim Alkayyali1, Olive Ochuba2, Kosha Srivastava3, Jasmine K Sandhu4, Christine Joseph4, Sheila W Ruo5, Ashish Jain2, Ahsan Waqar4, Sujan Poudel3 Cureus 2021 Aug 20 VIEW
Evaluation of the Immediate Effect of Auricular Acupuncture on Pain and Electromyographic Activity of the Upper Trapezius Muscle in Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized, Single-Blinded, Sham-Controlled, Crossover Study. Silva AC1, Biasotto-Gonzalez DA2, Dos Santos DM3, Melo NC3, Gomes CA3, Amorim CF4, Politti F2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 VIEW
Effect of acupuncture on pain and quality of life in canine neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. Silva NEOF1, Luna SPL1, Joaquim JGF1, Coutinho HD1, Possebon FS1 Can Vet J. 2017 Sep VIEW
Bioelectric signaling in regeneration: Mechanisms of ionic controls of growth and form. McLaughlin KA1, Levin M2 Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 15 VIEW
Postural control and balance in a cohort of healthy people living in Europe: An observational study. Patti A1, Bianco A1, Şahin N2, Sekulic D3, Paoli A4, Iovane A1, Messina G1,5, Gagey PM6, Palma A1,7 Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Dec VIEW
Complexity-Based Measures of Heart Rate Dynamics in Older Adults Following Long- and Short-Term Tai Chi Training: Cross-sectional and Randomized Trial Studies. Ma Y1, Wu CW2, Peng CK3, Ahn A4, Bertisch SM5, Lipsitz LA6,7, Yeh GY4,8, Manor B6,7, Novak V9, Hausdorff JM10,11,12, Gow B3,8, Wayne PM8 Sci Rep. 2019 May 16 VIEW
Mental Singing Reduces Gait Variability More Than Music Listening for Healthy Older Adults and People With Parkinson Disease. Harrison EC1, Horin AP, Earhart GM J Neurol Phys Ther. 2019 Aug 20 VIEW
Recent approaches on signal transduction and transmission in acupuncture: a biophysical overview for medical sciences. Gomes LR1, Leão P2 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2019 Nov 22 VIEW
The Impact of Music on Nociceptive Processing. Chai PR1,2, Gale JY1,3, Patton ME4, Schwartz E4, Jambaulikar GD1, Wade Taylor S2,5, Edwards RR4, Boyer EW1,2, Schreiber KL4 Pain Med. 2020 Apr 26 VIEW
Adapting to Stress: Understanding the Neurobiology of Resilience Carlos Osório, Thomas Probert, Edgar Jones, Allan H Young, Ian Robbins Behavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.) 2017 Oct-Dec VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Biomarkers and Low-Grade Inflammation in Patients With Psychiatric Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review Kenji Sanada, Jesus Montero-Marin, Alberto Barceló-Soler, Daisuke Ikuse, Marie Ota, Akihito Hirata, Akira Yoshizawa, Rieko Hatanaka, Montserrat Salas Valero, Marcelo Demarzo, Javier García Campayo, Akira Iwanami Int J Mol Sci 2020 Apr 3 VIEW
Can Insights From Placebo and Nocebo Mechanisms Studies Improve the Randomized Controlled Trial? Lene Vase Scand J Pain 2020 Jun 30 VIEW
Biological mechanism study of meditation and its application in mental disorders Hui Shen1, Meijuan Chen1, Donghong Cui1 2 Gen Psychiatr 2020 Jul 13 VIEW
Exploring correlates of improved depression symptoms and quality of life following tai chi exercise for patients with heart failure Christina M Luberto1, Charles A Coey2, Roger B Davis3, Peter M Wayne2, Sydney Crute1, Gloria Y Yeh3 ESC Heart Fail 2020 Oct 9 VIEW
Individual Stress Prevention through Qigong Karen van Dam1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Oct 8 VIEW
Baduanjin Qigong Intervention by Telerehabilitation (TeleParkinson): A Proof-of-Concept Study in Parkinson's Disease Livia P Carvalho1, Simon Décary1, Isabelle Beaulieu-Boire2, Rosalie Dostie1, Isabelle Lalonde1, Émilie Texier1, Laurence Laprise1, Elizabeth Pepin1, Mélodie Gilbert1, Hélène Corriveau1, Michel Tousignant1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Jun 30 VIEW
Effects of traditional Chinese exercises and general aerobic exercises on older adults with sleep disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis Yang-Hao-Tian Wu1, Wen-Bo He1, Yin-Yan Gao1, Xue-Mei Han2 J Integr Med 2021 Oct 1 VIEW
Cell-Type-Selective Effects of Intramembrane Cavitation as a Unifying Theoretical Framework for Ultrasonic Neuromodulation. Plaksin M1, Kimmel E1, Shoham S1 eNeuro. 2016 Jun 22 VIEW
Finally, a regimen to extend human life expectancy. Larrick J1, Mendelsohn AR2,3 Rejuvenation Res. 2018 May 21 VIEW
Laser Acupuncture Research: China, Austria, and Other Countries-Update 2018. Litscher G1 Medicines (Basel). 2018 Aug 20 VIEW
Practical and clinical utility of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) for the acute treatment of migraine: a post hoc analysis of the randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind PRESTO trial. Grazzi L1,2, Tassorelli C3,4, de Tommaso M5, Pierangeli G6, Martelletti P7, Rainero I8, Geppetti P9, Ambrosini A10, Sarchielli P11, Liebler E12, Barbanti P, PRESTO Study Group J Headache Pain. 2018 Oct 19 VIEW
Foot massage evokes oxytocin release and activation of orbitofrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus. Li Q1, Becker B1, Wernicke J2, Chen Y1, Zhang Y1, Li R3, Le J1, Kou J1, Zhao W4, Kendrick KM5 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 Nov 14 VIEW
Nonpharmacological Treatment of Army Service Members with Chronic Pain Is Associated with Fewer Adverse Outcomes After Transition to the Veterans Health Administration. Meerwijk EL1, Larson MJ2, Schmidt EM3, Adams RS2, Bauer MR2, Ritter GA2, Buckenmaier C 3rd4, Harris AHS5,6 J Gen Intern Med. 2019 Oct 28 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Regulates Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction by Decreasing Corticotropin-Releasing Factor in a Rat Model of IBS. Chen Y1, Zhao Y1, Luo DN1, Zheng H1, Li Y1, Zhou SY1 Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2019 Oct 13 VIEW
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Modulates Electrical Behavior of the Neurons: Design and Implementation of a Model. F B1,2, B M3,4, R S1,2, H G3,5 J Biomed Phys Eng. 2020 Feb 1 VIEW
Clinically-derived vagus nerve stimulation enhances cerebrospinal fluid penetrance. Cheng KP1, Brodnick SK1, Blanz SL1, Zeng W2, Kegel J1, Pisaniello JA1, Ness JP1, Ross E3, Nicolai EN4, Settell ML4, Trevathan JK4, Poore SO5, Suminski AJ6, Williams JC6, Ludwig KA7 Brain Stimul. 2020 Mar 26 VIEW
Abdominal Breathing Increases Tear Secretion in Healthy Women Kokoro Sano 1, Motoko Kawashima 2, Kazuhiro Ikeura 1, Reiko Arita 1, Kazuo Tsubota 1 Ocul Surf. 2015 Jan VIEW
The Link Between Resting Heart Rate Variability and Affective Flexibility Maud Grol, Rudi De Raedt Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci 2020 May 27 VIEW
Stress and Mindfulness in Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Effects and Potential Underlying Mechanisms Anouk van der Heide1,2, Marjan J Meinders3, Anne E M Speckens4, Tessa F Peerbolte2, Bastiaan R Bloem1, Rick C Helmich1,2 Mov Disord 2020 Oct 23 VIEW
Effect of 1 Year of Qigong Exercise on Cognitive Function Among Older Chinese Adults at Risk of Cognitive Decline: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Jing Jin1,2, Yin Wu1, Shaohua Li3,4, Suhui Jin1, Lin Wang5, Jian Zhang1, Chenglin Zhou1, Yong Gao2, Zhen Wang3 Front Psychol 2020 Oct 30 VIEW
Four-week Tai Chi intervention decreases attention bias to drug cues in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder Meiheng He1,2, Suyong Yang1, Yue Miao1, Weikun Zhang1, Dong Zhu3, Ding Xu4 Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2021 Jul 30 VIEW
History of bioelectrical study and the electrophysiology of the primo vascular system. Park SH1, Kim EH, Chang HJ, Yoon SZ, Yoon JW, Cho SJ, Ryu YH. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Ear Acupuncture for Immediate Pain Relief-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Murakami M1, Fox L2,3, Dijkers MP4 Pain Med. 2017 Mar 1 VIEW
Non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions relieve insomnia symptoms by modulating a shared network: A controlled longitudinal study. Feng F1, Yu S2, Wang Z3, Wang J4, Park J5, Wilson G5, Deng M6, Hu Y7, Yan B8, Kong J9 Neuroimage Clin. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Review article: the role of the autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis and therapy of IBD. Mogilevski T1,2,3, Burgell R3, Aziz Q1,2, Gibson PR3 Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Aug 16 VIEW
The HPA axis dysregulation in severe mental illness: Can we shift the blame to gut microbiota? Misiak B1, Łoniewski I2, Marlicz W3, Frydecka D4, Szulc A5, Rudzki L6, Samochowiec J7 Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Apr 23 VIEW
The impact of high-intensity interval training exercise on breast cancer survivors: a pilot study to explore fitness, cardiac regulation and biomarkers of the stress systems Kellie Toohey1,2,3,4, Kate Pumpa5,6, Andrew McKune5,6,7,8, Julie Cooke5,6, Marijke Welvaert5,9, Joseph Northey5,6, Clare Quinlan5,6, Stuart Semple5,6,10,7 BMC Cancer 2020 Aug 20 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai chi exercise on overall quality of life and its physical and psychological components among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Di Wang1, Pengcheng Wang2, Kun Lan1, Yingchun Zhang1, Yingli Pan1 Braz J Med Biol Res 2020 Sep 10 VIEW
Effects of yoga on health-related quality, physical health and psychological health in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Li-Juan Yi1, Xu Tian2, Yan-Fei Jin3, Ming-Jie Luo4, Maria F Jiménez-Herrera5 Ann Palliat Med 2020 Dec 24 VIEW
Telomeres: history, health, and hallmarks of aging Deepavali Chakravarti1, Kyle A LaBella1, Ronald A DePinho2 Cell 2021 Jan 7 VIEW
Different Training Durations and Frequencies of Tai Chi for Bone Mineral Density Improvement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Yi Zhou1, Zhi-Hui Zhao2, Xiao-Hong Fan1, Wei-Hong Li2, Zhen Chen1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Mar 15 VIEW
Dual-Task Walking Capacity Mediates Tai Ji Impact on Physical and Cognitive Function. Li F1, Harmer P2, Chou LS3 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May 31 VIEW
Placebo effect of acupuncture on insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Liu C1, Xi H2, Wu W3, Wang X1, Qin S1, Zhao Y1, Zheng S1, Wan Q1, Xu L1 Ann Palliat Med. 2020 Jan VIEW
The Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Cortical Emotion Processing in Different Brain Frequencies as Assessed Using the Cluster-Based Permutation Test: An MEG Study Mina Kheirkhah, Philipp Baumbach, Lutz Leistritz, Stefan Brodoehl, Theresa Götz, Ralph Huonker, Otto W Witte, Carsten M Klingner Brain Sci 2020 Jun 6 VIEW
Non-pharmacological Interventions for Anxiety and Depression in Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Suja P Davis1, Linda P Bolin2, Patricia B Crane1, Jamie Crandell3 Front Psychol 2020 Nov 5 VIEW
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Stimulation in Osteogenesis and Chondrogenesis: Signaling Pathways and Therapeutic Implications Katia Varani1, Fabrizio Vincenzi1, Silvia Pasquini1, Irene Blo2, Simona Salati3, Matteo Cadossi3, Monica De Mattei2 Int J Mol Sci 2021 Jan 15 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of exercise regimens on sleep quality in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Faizul Hasan1, Yu-Kang Tu2, Chih-Ming Lin3, Li-Pang Chuang4, Chii Jeng1, Lia Taurussia Yuliana1, Ting-Jhen Chen5, Hsiao-Yean Chiu6 Sleep Med Rev 2022 Aug 27 VIEW
Influence of different durations of electroacupuncture stimulation on skin blood flow and muscle blood volume. Mori H1, Kuge H, Tanaka TH, Taniwaki E. Acupunct Med. 2014 Apr VIEW
Pain and the neuromatrix in the brain. Melzack R1 J Dent Educ. 2001 Dec VIEW
Effects of mindfulness meditation interventions on depression in older adults: A meta-analysis Chuntana Reangsing, Tanapa Rittiwong, Joanne Kraenzle Schneider Aging Ment Health 2020 Jul 15 VIEW
Effect of Exercise on Quality of Life in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Kui Chen1, Yan Tan, You Lu1, Jiayan Wu1, Xueyuan Liu1, Yanxin Zhao1 Parkinsons Dis 2020 Jul 9 VIEW
The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on nursing students: A meta-analysis Xue Chen1, Bo Zhang2, Song-Xian Jin1, You-Xi Quan1, Xin-Wei Zhang1, Xiang-Shu Cui3 Nurse Educ Today 2021 Jan 5 VIEW
Effect of qigong for sleep disturbance-related symptom clusters in cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Naomi Takemura1, Robert Smith1, Wing Fai Yeung2, Xinyi Xu1, Alina Yee Man Ng1, Shing Fung Lee3, Chia-Chin Lin4 Sleep Med 2021 Jun 29 VIEW
Virtual Special Issue: Tai Chi Samuel R Nyman1 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Sep 1 VIEW
Mental Health Wellness and Biofield Therapies: An Integrative Review. Mangione L1, Swengros D2, Anderson JG3 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2017 Oct 2 VIEW
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound increases blood vessel size during fracture healing in patients with a delayed-union of the osteotomized fibula. Korstjens CM1, Rutten S2,3, Nolte PA3, van Duin MA2, Klein-Nulend J2 Histol Histopathol. 2018 Feb 13 VIEW
Changes in the bioelectric activity of the trapezius muscle following the thermal effect of red light and infrared radiation. Lubkowska A1, Radecka A1, Bryczkowska I1, Rotter I2, Laszczyńska M3, Karakiewicz B4 J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2018 Mar 2 VIEW
Neurotransmitter modulation by the gut microbiota. Strandwitz P1 Brain Res. 2018 Aug 15 VIEW
Muscular tension significantly affects stability in standing posture. Tassani S1, Font-Llagunes JM2, González Ballester MÁ3, Noailly J4 Gait Posture. 2019 Feb VIEW
The use of complementary and integrative health approaches for chronic musculoskeletal pain in younger US Veterans: An economic evaluation. Herman PM1, Yuan AH2, Cefalu MS1, Chu K2, Zeng Q3,4, Marshall N5, Lorenz KA5,6, Taylor SL2,7 PLoS One. 2019 Jun 5 VIEW
Self-reported sleep disturbances are associated with poorer cognitive performance in older adults with hypertension: a multi-parameter risk factor investigation. Kohn JN1, Troyer E1, Guay-Ross RN1, Wilson K2, Walker A2, Spoon C2, Pruitt C2, Lyasch G1, Pung MA2, Milic M3, Redwine LS4, Hong S1,2 Int Psychogeriatr. 2019 Oct 24 VIEW
Pain and the neuromatrix in the brain. Melzack R1 J Dent Educ. 2001 Dec VIEW
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