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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Epigenetic Mechanisms Impacting Aging: A Focus on Histone Levels and Telomeres. Song S1,2, Johnson FB3 Genes (Basel). 2018 Apr 9 VIEW
Reduced heart rate variability in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Thapa R1, Alvares GA1,2, Zaidi TA1, Thomas EE1, Hickie IB1, Park SH1, Guastella AJ1 Autism Res. 2019 Apr 10 VIEW
Laser Acupuncture for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials. Chen Z1, Ma C1, Xu L1, Wu Z1, He Y1, Xu K1, Moqbel SAA1, Wu L1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Nov 3 VIEW
Effects of traditional Chinese exercise on cardiac rehabilitation after percutaneous coronary intervention: study protocol for network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Luo C1, Wen J2, Sun W2, Li T2, Yu X3, Zhang T2, Zhou X1, Wu W1, Li R1 BMJ Open. 2019 Feb 19 VIEW
Online Mindfulness Training Increases Well-Being, Trait Emotional Intelligence, and Workplace Competency Ratings: A Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial. Nadler R1, Carswell JJ1, Minda JP2 Front Psychol. 2020 Feb 21 VIEW
Safety and effectiveness of a Tai Chi-based cardiac rehabilitation programme for chronic coronary syndrom patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Jing Ma#1, Jian Wei Zhang#2, Hua Li3, Lian Shan Zhao4, Ai Ying Guo3, Zai Hao Chen5, Wen Yuan5, Tian Ming Gao2, Ya Meng Li2, Cui Han Li5, Hong Wei Wang2, Bo Song2, Yu Long Lu2, Mei Ze Cui2, Qiu Yang Wei2, Shao Jun Lyu6, Heng Chan Yin6 BMJ Open 2020 Jul 5 VIEW
Brain-to-brain communication: the possible role of brain electromagnetic fields (As a Potential Hypothesis) Ehsan Hosseini1 Heliyon 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
Clinical Evidence of Tai Chi Exercise Prescriptions: A Systematic Review Jiafu Huang1, Dandan Wang1, Jinghao Wang1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Mar 10 VIEW
Susceptibility of Women to Cardiovascular Disease and the Prevention Potential of Mind-Body Intervention by Changes in Neural Circuits and Cardiovascular Physiology Hyun-Jeong Yang1,2, Eugene Koh3, Yunjeong Kang1 Biomolecules 2021 May 10 VIEW
Exploring Tai Chi Exercise and Mind-Body Breathing in Patients with COPD in a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial Kristen M Kraemer1,2, Daniel Litrownik1,2, Marilyn L Moy3,4, Peter M Wayne2, Douglas Beach3,5, Elizabeth S Klings6, Harry Reyes Nieva3, Adlin Pinheiro1, Roger B Davis1,3, Gloria Y Yeh1,2 COPD 2021 Jun 9 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan Alters Brain Functional Network Plasticity and Promotes Cognitive Flexibility Lei Cui1,2, Sha Tao2, Heng-Chan Yin1, Qi-Qi Shen1, Yuan Wang1, Li-Na Zhu1, Xiu-Juan Li3 Front Psychol 2021 Jun 29 VIEW
Interoception as modeling, allostasis as control Eli Sennesh1, Jordan Theriault1, Dana Brooks1, Jan-Willem van de Meent1, Lisa Feldman Barrett1, Karen S Quigley1 Biol Psychol 2021 Dec 20 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in US adults with hypertension: a nationally representative survey Wiebke Kathrin Kohl-Heckl1, Marleen Schröter2, Holger Cramer2 Complement Ther Med 2022 Jan 28 VIEW
Inspiratory muscle warm-up and inspiratory muscle training: separate and combined effects on intermittent running to exhaustion. Lomax M, Grant I, Corbett J. J Sports Sci. 2011 Mar VIEW
Monitoring the autonomic nervous activity as the objective evaluation of music therapy for severely and multiply disabled children. Orita M, Hayashida N, Shinkawa T, Kudo T, Koga M, Togo M, Katayama S, Hiramatsu K, Mori S, Takamura N. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2012 VIEW
Epigenetic ageing is distinct from senescence-mediated ageing and is not prevented by telomerase expression. Kabacik S1, Horvath S2, Cohen H3, Raj K1 Aging (Albany NY). 2018 Oct 17 VIEW
Inflammation and depression but where does the inflammation come from? Halaris A1 Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Modulatory effects of different exercise modalities on the functional connectivity of the periaqueductal grey and ventral tegmental area in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. Liu J1, Chen L2, Chen X3, Hu K4, Tu Y4, Lin M4, Huang J4, Liu W4, Wu J4, Qiu Z4, Zhu J4, Li M5, Park J6, Wilson G6, Lang C6, Xie G4, Tao J7, Kong J6 Br J Anaesth. 2019 Aug 5 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi alone or as additional therapy on low back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Qin J1,2, Zhang Y2, Wu L2, He Z2, Huang J1, Tao J1, Chen L1,3 Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Sep VIEW
Educate, Try, and Share: A Feasibility Study to Assess the Acceptance and Use of Reiki as an Adjunct Therapy for Chronic Pain in Military Health Care Facilities. Gantt LM1, Orina JAT2 Mil Med. 2019 Oct 23 VIEW
The Social Nature of Mitochondria: Implications for Human Health Martin Picard1 , Carmen Sandi2 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2020 Jul 8 VIEW
Efficacy of Physical Exercise on the Quality of Life, Exercise Ability, and Cardiopulmonary Fitness of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Shuqing Shi1,2, Jingjing Shi1, Qiulei Jia1,2, Shuai Shi1, Guozhen Yuan1, Yuanhui Hu1 Front Physiol 2020 Jul 24 VIEW
Comparisons of tai chi and Iyengar yoga intervention effects on muscle strength, balance, and confidence in balance Renkun Zhu1, Wenjin Wang2, Li Zhao3, Shanshan Mao4 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2021 Oct 1 VIEW
Efficacy of Tai Chi on Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Mei Ha1,2, Yuhui Yang1, Yu Shi3, Ya Lu1, Kun Chen1, Suofei Zhang1, Yu Luo1 Biol Res Nurs 2021 Nov 26 VIEW
Concepts dissolve artificial boundaries in the study of emotion and cognition, uniting body, brain, and mind. Hoemann K1, Feldman Barrett L1,2 Cogn Emot. 2018 Oct 18 VIEW
Relative Efficacy of Different Exercises for Pain, Function, Performance and Quality of Life in Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Goh SL1,2, Persson MSM1, Stocks J1, Hou Y3, Welton NJ4, Lin J3, Hall MC5, Doherty M1, Zhang W6 Sports Med. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Pilot study of DNA methylation, molecular aging markers and measures of health and well-being in aging. Vyas CM1,2, Hazra A3, Chang SC2, Qiu W2, Reynolds CF 3rd4, Mischoulon D1, Chang G5, Manson JE2,3,6, De Vivo I2,6, Okereke OI7,8,9 Transl Psychiatry. 2019 Mar 18 VIEW
The role of inflammation and the gut microbiome in depression and anxiety. Peirce JM1,2, Alviña K1 J Neurosci Res. 2019 May 29 VIEW
Social Networks, Community Engagement, and Cognitive Impairment among Community-Dwelling Chinese Older Adults. Li J1, Wang Z1, Lian Z1, Zhu Z1, Liu Y1 Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2019 Sep 10 VIEW
Bioelectrical model of head-tail patterning based on cell ion channels and intercellular gap junctions. Cervera J1, Meseguer S2, Levin M3, Mafe S4 Bioelectrochemistry. 2019 Nov 29 VIEW
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials assessing the impact of Baduanjin exercise on cognition and memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment Liqiang Yu1, Fang Liu1, Pingying Nie1, Cuiling Shen2, Junying Chen3, Liqun Yao1 Clin Rehabil 2020 Nov 4 VIEW
Tai Chi practitioners have lower fall risks under dual-task conditions during stair descending Yang Li1, Qipeng Song2, Li Li3, Wei Sun2, Cui Zhang4 PLoS One 2021 Feb 4 VIEW
Behavioral and ERP Correlates of Long-Term Physical and Mental Training on a Demanding Switch Task Pablo I Burgos1,2, Gabriela Cruz3, Teresa Hawkes4, Ignacia Rojas-Sepúlveda2, Marjorie Woollacott5 Front Psychol 2021 Feb 23 VIEW
International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020) Adam D Farmer1, Adam Strzelczyk2, Alessandra Finisguerra3, Alexander V Gourine4, Alireza Gharabaghi5, Alkomiet Hasan6,7, Andreas M Burger8, Andrés M Jaramillo9, Ann Mertens10, Arshad Majid11, Bart Verkuil12, Bashar W Badran13, Carlos Ventura-Bort14, Charly Gaul15, Christian Beste16, Christopher M Warren17, Daniel S Quintana18,19,20, Dorothea Hämmerer21,22,23, Elena Freri24, Eleni Frangos25, Eleonora Tobaldini26,27, Eugenijus Kaniusas28,29, Felix Rosenow2, Fioravante Capone30, Fivos Panetsos31, Gareth L Ackland32, Gaurav Kaithwas33, Georgia H O'Leary13, Hannah Genheimer34, Heidi I L Jacobs35,36, Ilse Van Diest37, Jean Schoenen38, Jessica Redgrave11, Jiliang Fang39, Jim Deuchars40, Jozsef C Széles41, Julian F Thayer42, Kaushik More43,44, Kristl Vonck10, Laura Steenbergen45, Lauro C Vianna46, Lisa M McTeague13, Mareike Ludwig47, Maria G Veldhuizen48, Marijke De Couck49,50, Marina Casazza51, Marius Keute5, Marom Bikson52, Marta Andreatta34,53, Martina D'Agostini37, Mathias Weymar14,54, Matthew Betts47,55,56, Matthias Prigge44, Michael Kaess57,58, Michael Roden59,60,61, Michelle Thai62, Nathaniel M Schuster63, Nicola Montano26,27, Niels Hansen64,65, Nils B Kroemer66, Peijing Rong67, Rico Fischer68, Robert H Howland69, Roberta Sclocco70,71, Roberta Sellaro72,73,74, Ronald G Garcia75,76, Sebastian Bauer2, Sofiya Gancheva59,60,77, Stavros Stavrakis78, Stefan Kampusch28,29, Susan A Deuchars40, Sven Wehner79, Sylvain Laborde80, Taras Usichenko81,82, Thomas Polak83, Tino Zaehle84, Uirassu Borges80,85, Vanessa Teckentrup66, Vera K Jandackova86,87, Vitaly Napadow70,71, Julian Koenig57,88 Front Hum Neurosci 2021 Mar 23 VIEW
A rapid evidence assessment of recent therapeutic touch research Bernie Garrett1, Marliss Riou1 Nurs Open 2021 Sep 1 VIEW
Implementing an Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Program in an Outpatient Clinical Setting. Li F, Harmer P, Stock R, Fitzgerald K, Stevens J, Gladieux M, Chou LS, Carp K, Voit J. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Oct 28 VIEW
Effects of aerobic training on psychosocial morbidity and symptoms in asthmatic patients: a randomized clinical trial. Mendes FA, Gonçalves RC, Nunes MP, Saraiva-Romanholo BM, Cukier A, Stelmach R, Jacob-Filho W, Martins MA, Carvalho CR. Chest 2010 Apr 2 VIEW
Emotion suppression affects cardiovascular responses to initial and subsequent laboratory stressors. Quartana PJ, Burns JW. Br J Health Psychol. 2010 Sep VIEW
Optimal Ultrasound Exposure Conditions for Maximizing C2C12 Muscle Cell Proliferation and Differentiation. Salgarella AR1, Cafarelli A2, Ricotti L2, Capineri L3, Dario P2, Menciassi A2 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Apr 19 VIEW
Physical Exercise with Music Reduces Gray and White Matter Loss in the Frontal Cortex of Elderly People: The Mihama-Kiho Scan Project. Tabei KI1,2, Satoh M1, Ogawa JI3, Tokita T4, Nakaguchi N5, Nakao K6, Kida H1, Tomimoto H1,2 Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Jun 7 VIEW
How stem cells keep telomeres in check. Li JSZ1, Denchi EL2 Differentiation. 2018 Feb 1 VIEW
Evaluation of Autonomic Nervous System Function Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis During Transient Heart Rate Reduction Caused by Acupuncture. Uchida C1, Waki H2,3, Minakawa Y2,3, Tamai H2,3, Hisajima T2,3, Imai K2,3 Med Acupunct. 2018 Apr 1 VIEW
Feasibility Analysis on the Use of Ultrasonic Communications for Body Sensor Networks. Li M1, Kim YT2 Sensors (Basel). 2018 Dec 19 VIEW
Impact of an Active Music Therapy Intervention on Intensive Care Patients. Golino AJ1, Leone R2, Gollenberg A2, Christopher C2, Stanger D2, Davis TM2, Meadows A2, Zhang Z2, Friesen MA2 Am J Crit Care. 2019 Jan VIEW
In search of durable positive psychology interventions: Predictors and consequences of long-term positive behavior change. Cohn MA1, Fredrickson BL J Posit Psychol. 2010 Sep 1 VIEW
Lots of Movement in Gut and Parkinson's Research. Mercado G1, Brundin P2 Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Aug 28 VIEW
The gut microbiota to the brain axis in the metabolic control. Grasset E1, Burcelin R2,3 Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2019 Oct 28 VIEW
Mindfulness versus Physical Exercise: Effects of Two Recovery Strategies on Mental Health, Stress and Immunoglobulin A during Lunch Breaks. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Díaz-Silveira C1, Alcover CM1, Burgos F2, Marcos A2, Santed MA2 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr 20 VIEW
Effect of long-term exercise training on static postural control in older adults: a cross-sectional study Shao-Jun Wang1 2, Dong-Qing Xu2, Li-Na Su1, Jing Xian Li3 Res Sports Med 2020 Jul 20 VIEW
Effects of yoga on improving quality of life in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Er-Jung Hsueh1, El-Wui Loh2,3,4, Joyce Jui-An Lin#5, Ka-Wai Tam#6,7,8,9 Breast Cancer 2021 Jan 15 VIEW
Observational Study of Qigong as a Complementary Self-Care Practice at a Tertiary-Care Pain Management Unit Lauren Curry1, Meghan Pike2, Mary Lynch3, Dana Marcon4, Jana Sawynok5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jun 17 VIEW
Osteopathy and Mental Health: An Embodied, Predictive, and Interoceptive Framework Lucas Bohlen1, Robert Shaw2,3, Francesco Cerritelli3,4, Jorge E Esteves4,5,6 Front Psychol 2021 Oct 27 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation training in an occupational setting: Effects of a 12-weeks mindfulness-based intervention on wellbeing Teresa Fazia1, Francesco Bubbico1, Giovanni Berzuini1, Laura Dalla Tezza1, Carolina Cortellini2, Salvatore Bruno3, Luisa Bernardinelli1 Work 2021 Nov 26 VIEW
Interoception and social cognition in chronic low back pain: a common inference disturbance? An exploratory study Florent El Grabli1,2, François Quesque1, Céline Borg3,4, Michael Witthöft5, George A Michael6, Christian Lucas2, Florence Pasquier1, Thibaud Lebouvier1, Maxime Bertoux1 Pain Manag 2021 Dec 11 VIEW
Chronic Pain and Telomere Length in Community-Dwelling Adults: Findings From the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Steward AM1, Morgan JD2, Espinosa JP3, Turk DC3, Patel KV4 J Pain. 2017 Sep 12 VIEW
Everyday life in older men living alone - a complex view needing a biopsychosocial perspective. von Heideken Wågert P1, Nygård S2, Cederbom S1,3 Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Jul 16 VIEW
Acupuncture for Treatment of Persistent Disturbed Sleep: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Huang W1,2,3, Johnson TM4,5, Kutner NG3, Halpin SN6, Weiss P7, Griffiths PC4, Bliwise DL8 J Clin Psychiatry. 2018 Dec 11 VIEW
Insular Resting State Functional Connectivity is Associated with Gut Microbiota Diversity. Curtis K1,2, Stewart CJ3, Robinson M4, Molfese DL1,2, Gosnell SN1,2, Kosten TR1,2,5, Petrosino JF3, De La Garza R II1,2,5, Salas R1,2,5 Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Dec 16 VIEW
On the porosity of subject and object in 'mindfulness' scientific study: challenges to 'scientific' construction, operationalization and measurement of mindfulness. Grossman P1 Curr Opin Psychol. 2018 Nov 19 VIEW
Human Brain/Cloud Interface. Martins NRB1,2, Angelica A3, Chakravarthy K4,5, Svidinenko Y6, Boehm FJ7, Opris I8,9, Lebedev MA10,11,12, Swan M13, Garan SA1,2, Rosenfeld JV14,15,16,17, Hogg T18, Freitas RA Jr18 Front Neurosci. 2019 Mar 29 VIEW
A randomized trial comparing the Tennant Biomodulator to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and traditional Chinese acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain in military service members. Peacock KS1, Stoerkel E2, Libretto S3, Zhang W4, Inman A5, Schlicher M6, Cowsar JD Jr7, Eddie D8, Walter J9 Mil Med Res. 2019 Dec 2 VIEW
Older Adults Who Meditate Regularly Perform Better on Neuropsychological Functioning and Visual Working Memory Tests: A Three-month Waitlist Control Design Study with a Cohort of Seniors in Assisted Living Facilities. Pandya SP1 Exp Aging Res. 2020 Apr 5 VIEW
Mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy for female veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder taking prescription analgesics for chronic pain: a feasibility study. Price CJ1, McBride B, Hyerle L, Kivlahan DR Altern Ther Health Med. 2007 Nov-Dec VIEW
Silence in Shamatha, Transcendental, and Stillness Meditation: An Evidence Synthesis Based on Expert Texts Toby J Woods1, Jennifer M Windt,2 Olivia Carter1 Front Psychol 2020 Jul 8 VIEW
Radiofrequency exposure of people living near mobile-phone base stations in France Pascal De Giudici1, Jean-Christian Genier2, Sylvie Martin1, Jean-François Doré3, Pierre Ducimetière4, Anne-Sophie Evrard5, Thierry Letertre6, Claire Ségala7 Environ Res 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
The efficacy and safety of Health Qigong for ankylosing spondylitis: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Biyuan Liu1, Zhu Fan1, Zheyi Wang1, Man Li2, Tao Lu1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Jan 1 VIEW
Heart Rate Variability as a Biobehavioral Marker of Diverse Psychopathologies: A Review and Argument for an "Ideal Range" Sydney Heiss1, Bronya Vaschillo2, Evgeny G Vaschillo2, C Alix Timko3, Julia M Hormes4 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
Getting Active Mindfully: Rationale and Case Illustration of a Group Mind-body and Activity Program for Chronic Pain Jonathan Greenberg1,2, Ann Lin1, Paula J Popok1, Ronald J Kulich2,3, Robert R Edwards2,4, Ana-Maria Vranceanu5,6 J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2021 Jan 19 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine therapies and COVID-19: a systematic review Mahin Badakhsh1, Majid Dastras2, Zohreh Sarchahi3, Mahboobe Doostkami4, Adel Mir5, Salehoddin Bouya6 Rev Environ Health 2021 Apr 12 VIEW
Involvement of the nerve growth factor-inducible large external glycoprotein (NILE) in neurite fasciculation in primary cultures of rat brain W B Stallcup, L Beasley Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1985 Feb 1 VIEW
Long-term treatment with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields improves movement speed and elevates cerebrospinal erythropoietin in Parkinson's disease Bente Rona Jensen1,2, Anne Sofie Bøgh Malling1,2, Sissel Ida Schmidt3, Morten Meyer1,2,3, Bo Mohr Morberg1, Lene Wermuth1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 28 VIEW
Military-related posttraumatic stress disorder and mindfulness meditation: A systematic review and meta-analysis Lu-Na Sun1, Jing-Wen Gu2, Li-Jun Huang3, Zhi-Lei Shang1, Yao-Guang Zhou1, Li-Li Wu1, Yan-Pu Jia1, Nian-Qi Liu1, Wei-Zhi Liu4 Chin J Traumatol 2021 May 18 VIEW
Efficacy of Qigong Exercise for Treatment of Fatigue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Rui Wang1, Xueyan Huang1, Yeqi Wu2, Dai Sun1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2021 Jun 22 VIEW
Pilot Study on Epigenetic Response to A Mind-Body Treatment. Cozzolino M1, Guarino F2, Castiglione S2, Cicatelli A2, Celia G3 Transl Med UniSa. 2018 Mar 31 VIEW
Effect of t'ai chi Exercise on Hypertension in Young and Middle-Aged In-Service Staff. Shou XL1, Wang L2, Jin XQ3, Zhu LY4, Ren AH1, Wang QN4 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Aug 23 VIEW
Lymphatic Function in Autoimmune Diseases. Schwartz N1,2, Chalasani MLS1, Li TM1, Feng Z1, Shipman WD1,3, Lu TT1,2,4,5 Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 20 VIEW
An integrative theory of prefrontal cortex function. Miller EK1, Cohen JD Annu Rev Neurosci. 2001 VIEW
Balance and functional training and health in adults: an overview of systematic reviews Emily Claire McLaughlin1, Rasha El-Kotob1,2, Jean-Philippe Chaput3, Ian Janssen4, Michelle E Kho5, Veronica J Poitras6, Robert Ross4, Amanda Ross-White7, Travis J Saunders8, Catherine Sherrington9, Lora M Giangregorio1,10 Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
The Effects of a Tai Chi Training Program on Physical Fitness, Stress Response and Ego-resilience in Nursing Students Son, Jung Tae 1, Lee, Jin Ju 2 Journal of muscle and joint health 2017 Dec 31 VIEW
Effectiveness of Whole-Body Vibration Training to Improve Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Older Adults: Prospective, Single-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial Nam-Gyu Jo1,2, Seung-Rok Kang2, Myoung-Hwan Ko1,2, Ju-Yul Yoon1,2, Hye-Seong Kim2, Kap-Soo Han2, Gi-Wook Kim1,2 Healthcare (Basel) 2021 May 31 VIEW
Atrophy of the Vagus Nerve in Parkinson's Disease Revealed by High-Resolution Ultrasonography. Walter U1,2, Tsiberidou P1, Kersten M1, Storch A1,2, Löhle M1,2 Front Neurol. 2018 Sep 27 VIEW
Oxytocin administration prevents cellular aging caused by social isolation. Stevenson JR1, McMahon EK2, Boner W3, Haussmann MF2 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Jan 8 VIEW
Neurobiology of Resilience: Interface Between Mind and Body. Cathomas F1, Murrough JW2, Nestler EJ1, Han MH3, Russo SJ4 Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 17 VIEW
Auricular acupuncture for chronic back pain in adults: a systematic review and metanalysis. Moura CC1, Chaves ECL2, Cardoso ACLR1, Nogueira DA3, Azevedo C1, Chianca TCM1 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019 Aug 19 VIEW
Interoception and Emotion: A Potential Mechanism for Intervention With Manual Treatment Hugo Pasin Neto1,2, Eduardo Bicalho1, Gustavo Bortolazzo1 Cureus 2021 Jun 25 VIEW
Minimal intensity physical activity (standing and walking) of longer duration improves insulin action and plasma lipids more than shorter periods of moderate to vigorous exercise (cycling) in sedentary subjects when energy expenditure is comparable. Duvivier BM, Schaper NC, Bremers MA, van Crombrugge G, Menheere PP, Kars M, Savelberg HH. PLoS One. 2013 VIEW
Modulation of Oscillatory Power and Connectivity in the Human Posterior Cingulate Cortex Supports the Encoding and Retrieval of Episodic Memories. Lega B1, Germi J1, Rugg M2 J Cogn Neurosci. 2017 Apr 7 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture on Pain, Functional Disability, and Quality of Life in Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand: Results of a Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Seca S1,2,3, Patrício M2, Kirch S1,3, Franconi G4, Cabrita AS2, Greten HJ1,3 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Oct 16 VIEW
Capturing the complexity of mental disorders in the medically ill: the network approach on behavioral medicine. van der Lee ML1, Schellekens MPJ1 Transl Behav Med. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of PC5 and PC6 acupoints modulates autonomic balance in heart transplant patients: a pilot study. Moreira BR1, Duque AP2, Sant'Ana Massolar C2, de Lima Pimentel R2, Felix Mediano MF3, Fellipe Guimarães TC4, Rodrigues Junior LF5 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2019 Apr 23 VIEW
Music Therapy for Pain and Anxiety Management in Nasal Bone Fracture Reduction: Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Ortega A1, Gauna F1, Munoz D1, Oberreuter G1, Breinbauer HA1,2, Carrasco L1,3 Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Transcutaneous Stimulation of Auricular Branch of the Vagus Nerve Attenuates the Acute Inflammatory Response After Lung Lobectomy. Salama M1,2,3, Akan A1, Mueller MR4,5,6 World J Surg. 2020 May 1 VIEW
Tai Ji Quan as antihypertensive lifestyle therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wu Y1, Johnson BT2, Chen S3, Chen Y4, Livingston J5, Pescatello LS6 J Sport Health Sci. 2020 Apr 30 VIEW
A Meta-Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Neuroimaging Studies: Implications for Heart Rate Variability as a Marker of Stress and Health Julian F Thayer 1, Fredrik Ahs, Mats Fredrikson, John J Sollers 3rd, Tor D Wager Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2012 Feb VIEW
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Modulate miRNAs During Osteogenic Differentiation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells: a Possible Role in the Osteogenic-angiogenic Coupling Monica De Mattei2, Silvia Grassilli2 3, Agnese Pellati2, Federica Brugnoli2, Elena De Marchi4, Deyanira Contartese4 5, Valeria Bertagnolo6 Stem Cell Rev Rep 2020 Jul 18 VIEW
Benefits of tai ji quan practice on neuromuscular functions in older adults: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis Yang Hu1, Cecilia Kattan1, Dena Kontos1, Weimo Zhu1, Manuel E Hernandez2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Novel designs and paradigms to study the placebo response in gastroenterology. Enck P1, Chae Y2, Elsenbruch S3 Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Oct 26 VIEW
Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Women with Fibromyalgia: Group Acupuncture with Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis-Based Point Selection. Mist SD1, Jones KD1 Pain Med. 2018 Feb 13 VIEW
Extracorporeal shock waves modulate myofibroblast differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells. Rinella L1, Marano F1, Berta L2, Bosco O1, Fraccalvieri M3, Fortunati N4, Frairia R1, Catalano MG1 Wound Repair Regen. 2016 Mar VIEW
Music as a Healing Art in Dementia Care. Sorrell JM J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2018 Jul 1 VIEW
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