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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Hybrids of chemical derivatives of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase E Meighen, R Yue Biochim Biophys Acta 1975 Dec 15 VIEW
Inspiratory muscle training improves tidal volume and vital capacity after CABG surgery. Matheus GB, Dragosavac D, Trevisan P, Costa CE, Lopes MM, Ribeiro GC. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2012 Jul-Sep VIEW
Spontaneous ultraweak photon emission imaging of oxidative metabolic processes in human skin: effect of molecular oxygen and antioxidant defense system. Rastogi A1, Pospísil P. J Biomed Opt. 2011 Sep VIEW
Exercise assessment and training in pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD. Singh S, Harrison S, Houchen L, Wagg K. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2011 Sep VIEW
Is energy healing an effective non-pharmacological therapy for improving symptom management of chronic illnesses? A systematic review. Rao A1, Hickman LD2, Sibbritt D3, Newton PJ4, Phillips JL4 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Nov VIEW
The efficacy and safety of combination therapy of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation in the treatment of unstable both radius and ulna fractures in children. Ota T1, Itoh S2, Yamashita K2 Biomed Mater Eng. 2017 VIEW
Extracorporeal shockwave: mechanisms of action and physiological aspects for cellulite, body shaping, and localized fat-Systematic review. Modena DAO1,2, da Silva CN3,2, Grecco C2, Guidi RM2,4,5, Moreira RG2, Coelho AA2, Sant'Ana E2, de Souza JR2,5 J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2017 Oct VIEW
Dancing Effects on Preschoolers' Sensorimotor Synchronization, Balance, and Movement Reaction Time. Chatzihidiroglou P1, Chatzopoulos D1, Lykesas G1, Doganis G1 Percept Mot Skills. 2018 Jun VIEW
Is There a Preferred Mode of Exercise for Cognition Enhancement in Older Age?-A Narrative Review. Netz Y1 Front Med (Lausanne). 2019 Mar 29 VIEW
The pain and movement reasoning model: introduction to a simple tool for integrated pain assessment. Jones LE1, O'Shaughnessy DF2 Man Ther. 2014 Jun VIEW
Increased absorption in autonomous sensory meridian response. Janik McErlean AB1, Osborne-Ford EJ1 PeerJ. 2020 Feb 17 VIEW
Music Intervention in Pain Relief of Cardiovascular Patients in Cardiac Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Yiru Wang 1 2, Jing Wei 3, Xinzhu Guan 1 2, Yifan Zhang 1 2, Yiyi Zhang 1, Na Zhang 1, Meijiao Mao 1 2, Wenting Du 1, Yajuan Ren 1, Hong Shen 1 2, Ping Liu 1 Pain Med 2020 May 29 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi Yunshou on upper limb function and balance in stroke survivors: A protocol for systematic review and meta analysis Xiao-Chao Luo1, Jin Zhou, Yong-Gang Zhang, Yao-Yao Liu, Jia-Jia Li, Zhen Zheng, Feng Tong, Fen Feng Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Jul 17 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on post-stroke non-motor disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Diyang Lyu1, Jichen Wang2, Fan Yang3, Yong Zhang4, Weijiao Zhang5, Hongwei Liu6, Xuanxin Lyu7, Boyan Fang7 Clin Rehabil 2020 Aug 18 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial on the comparative effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and health qigong-based cognitive therapy among Chinese people with depression and anxiety disorders Sunny H W Chan1, Wendy W K Chan2, June Y W Chao2, Phyllis K L Chan3 BMC Psychiatry 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving objective and patient-reported outcomes in head and neck cancer survivors: A systematic review Patrick T Lynch1, Sami Horani1, Rebecca Lee1, Baran D Sumer2, Simon C Lee3, Helen G Mayo4, Chad Rethorst5, Andrew T Day6 Oral Oncol 2021 Apr 23 VIEW
Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Pain Used by Patients with Pain, HIV, and Depression Lisa A Uebelacker1,2, Emily M Cherenack3,4, Andrew Busch5,6, Jason V Baker5,6, Megan Pinkston3,7, Neil Gleason5, Stephanie Madden7, Celeste M Caviness3,4, Michael D Stein3,4,8 AIDS Behav 2021 Sep 1 VIEW
The challenges and benefits of a genuine partnership between Music Therapy and Neuroscience: a dialog between scientist and therapist. Magee WL1, Stewart L2. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 May 1 VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Prevents the Oxidative Stress Induced Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells. Li J1, Zhang Q2, Ren C3, Wu X1, Zhang Y1, Bai X1, Lin Y1, Li M1, Fu J1, Kopylov P4, Wang S1, Yu T1, Wang N1, Xu C1, Zhang Y1,5, Yang B1,6 Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018 Feb 15 VIEW
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and shortened telomere length: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Huang P1, Zhou J2, Chen S2, Zou C2, Zhao X1, Li J3 Sleep Med. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
Stress adaptation upregulates oxytocin within hypothalamo-vagal neurocircuits. Jiang Y1, Holly Coleman F1, Kopenhaver Doheny K2, Alberto Travagli R3 Neuroscience. 2018 Aug 31 VIEW
Enhancing plasticity in central networks improves motor and sensory recovery after nerve damage. Meyers EC1, Kasliwal N2, Solorzano BR2, Lai E3, Bendale G4, Berry A2, Ganzer PD2, Romero-Ortega M2,3,4, Rennaker RL 2nd2,3,4, Kilgard MP2,3,4, Hays SA2,3,4 Nat Commun. 2019 Dec 19 VIEW
A body-to-mind perspective on social connection: Physical warmth potentiates brain activity to close others and subsequent feelings of social connection. Inagaki TK1, Ross LP1 Emotion. 2020 Mar 19 VIEW
Tai chi to prevent falls in older adults. Purdie N1 Br J Community Nurs. 2019 Nov 2 VIEW
A healthy heart is not a metronome: an integrative review of the heart's anatomy and heart rate variability. Shaffer F1, McCraty R2, Zerr CL1 Front Psychol. 2014 Sep 30 VIEW
Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation for Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After General Anesthesia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Jiabao Chen 1, Qing Tu 2, Shuai Miao 3, Zhenfeng Zhou 4, Shuangfei Hu 5 Int J Surg 2020 Jan VIEW
Electrophysiological investigation of the effects of Tai Chi on inhibitory control in older individuals Chiao-Yun Chen1, Neil G Muggleton2 Prog Brain Res 2020 VIEW
Effects of tai chi on catheter management and quality of life in tumor patients with PICC at the intermission of chemotherapy: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial Yuehua Ding1, Lijun Ji2, Yue Hu3 Ann Palliat Med 2020 Sep 2 VIEW
Analysis of Movement-Based Mind-Body Interventions to Guide the Implementation of Osteoarthritis Exercise Programs: A Descriptive Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Weijun Zhang1,2, Katie Roster3, Ron D Hays2, Chenchen Wang4 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Feasibility of Aerobic Exercise and Tai-Chi Interventions in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Naomi Takemura1, Tai Chung Lam1,2, James Chung Man Ho1, Wen Deng1, Robert Smith1, Yinxia Yan1, Anne Wing Mui Lee1,2, Chia Chin Lin1,3,4 Integr Cancer Ther Jan-Dec 2021 VIEW
NEURAL CORRELATES OF INTEROCEPTIVE ACCURACY: BEYOND CARDIOCEPTION Matias Baltazar1, Julie Grezes2, Marie-Maude Geoffray1,3, Jean-Luc Picq4, Laurence Conty4 Eur J Neurosci 2021 Oct 29 VIEW
Distortion of mental body representations Matthew R Longo1 Trends Cogn Sci 2021 Dec 21 VIEW
Light stimuli control neuronal migration by altering of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling. Li Y, Komuro Y, Fahrion JK, Hu T, Ohno N, Fenner KB, Wooton J, Raoult E, Galas L, Vaudry D, Komuro H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 14 VIEW
Guided visualization interventions on perceived stress, dyadic satisfaction and psychological symptoms in highly stressed couples. Rogers KR, Hertlein K, Rogers D, Cross CL. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 May VIEW
Reiki training for caregivers of hospitalized pediatric patients: A pilot program. Kundu A, Dolan-Oves R, Dimmers MA, Towle CB, Doorenbos AZ. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Feb VIEW
Modeling the tendency for music to induce movement in humans: First correlations with low-level audio descriptors across music genres. Madison G, Gouyon F, Ullén F, Hörnström K. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2011 Oct VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine use in women during pregnancy: do their healthcare providers know? Lisa Strouss12*, Amy Mackley1, Ursula Guillen12, David A Paul12 and Robert Locke12 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 VIEW
Nonsinusoidal beta oscillations reflect cortical pathophysiology in Parkinson's disease. Cole SR1, van der Meij R2, Peterson EJ2, de Hemptinne C3, Starr PA3, Voytek B4,2,5,6 J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 17 VIEW
Healing of fracture nonunions treated with low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Leighton R1, Watson JT2, Giannoudis P3, Papakostidis C4, Harrison A5, Steen RG6 Injury. 2017 May 15 VIEW
Playing music improves well-being of oncology nurses. Ploukou S1, Panagopoulou E2 Appl Nurs Res. 2018 Feb VIEW
Short- and Long-Term Effects of Balance Training on Physical Activity in Older Adults With Osteoporosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dohrn IM1, Hagströmer M, Hellénius ML, Ståhle A J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2017 Apr/Jun VIEW
Subacute stroke physical rehabilitation evidence in activities of daily living outcomes: A systematic review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. García-Rudolph A1,2,3, Sánchez-Pinsach D1,2,3, Salleras EO1,2,3, Tormos JM1,2,3 Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Feb VIEW
The Effects of Mindfulness Training on the Level of Happiness and Blood Sugar in Diabetes Patients Nahid Zarifsanaiey, Khadijah Jamalian, Leila Bazrafcan, Fatemeh Keshavarzy, Hadi Raeisi Shahraki J Diabetes Metab Disord 2020 Mar 2 VIEW
A Curriculum to Promote a Culture of Wellness Among Medical Students and Faculty Catherine F Pipas1, John A Damianos2, Leah Montalbano1, Allison L Matous1, Jianjun Hua3, Glenda H Shoop1 PRiMER 2020 Jul 10 VIEW
Measurement of tissue optical properties in the context of tissue optical clearing Alexey N Bashkatov1,2, Kirill V Berezin1, Konstantin N Dvoretskiy3, Maria L Chernavina1, Elina A Genina1,2, Vadim D Genin1, Vyacheslav I Kochubey1,2, Ekaterina N Lazareva1,2,4, Alexander B Pravdin1, Marina E Shvachkina1, Polina A Timoshina1,2, Daria K Tuchina1,2,5, Dmitry D Yakovlev1, Dmitry A Yakovlev1, Irina Yu Yanina1,2, Olga S Zhernovaya1, Valery V Tuchin1,2,6 J Biomed Opt 2018 Aug 1 VIEW
Evidence for the efficacy of Tai Chi for treating rheumatoid arthritis: an overview of systematic reviews Aline Mizusaki Imoto1, Fábio Ferreira Amorim2, Henderson Palma3, Império Lombardi Júnior4, Ana Lúcia Salomon5, Maria Stella Peccin6, Helbert Eustáquio Cardoso da Silva7, Eduardo Signorini Bicas Franco8, Leila Göttems9, Levy Aniceto Santana10 Sao Paulo Med J 2021 Mar 3 VIEW
The Ergoreflex: how the Skeletal Muscle Modulates Ventilation and Cardiovascular Function in Health and Disease Alberto Aimo1,2, Luigi Francesco Saccaro1, Chiara Borrelli3, Iacopo Fabiani1,2, Francesco Gentile4, Claudio Passino1,2, Michele Emdin1,2, Massimo Francesco Piepoli5, Andrew Js Coats6,7, Alberto Giannoni1,2 Eur J Heart Fail 2021 Jul 16 VIEW
Does Whole-Body Vibration Training Have a Concurrent Effect on Bone and Muscle Health? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Christel Harijanto1,2, Anthony Lim1,2, Sara Vogrin1,3, Gustavo Duque1,2,3 Gerontology 2021 Nov 15 VIEW
Long-term effect of full-body pulsed electromagnetic field and exercise protocol in the treatment of men with osteopenia or osteoporosis: A randomized placebo-controlled trial Anwar Ebid1, Mohamed El-Boshy2, Shamekh El-Shamy1, Ali Thabet1, Mohamed Abedalla3, Tariq Ali4 F1000Res 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review Ana Carolina Coelho-Oliveira1,2, Adriana Biral de Jesus da Silva3, Suzana Sgarbi Braga3, Penha Valéria Lago da Gama3, Juliana Pessanha-Freitas2,4, Jani Cleria Pereira Bezerra2, Luiz Felipe Ferreira-Souza2,4, Márcia Cristina Moura-Fernandes2,5, Ana Cristina Rodrigues Lacerda6, Vanessa Amaral Mendonça6, José Alexandre Bachur7, Redha Taiar8, Danúbia da Cunha de Sá-Caputo2,3, Mario Bernardo-Filho2 Disabil Rehabil 2022 Feb 22 VIEW
Auricular vagal nerve stimulation in peripheral arterial disease patients. Hackl G1, Prenner A1, Jud P1, Hafner F1, Rief P1, Seinost G1, Pilger E1, Brodmann M1 Vasa. 2017 Sep 18 VIEW
Bioelectric gene and reaction networks: computational modelling of genetic, biochemical and bioelectrical dynamics in pattern regulation. Pietak A1, Levin M2 J R Soc Interface. 2017 Sep VIEW
Effects of Tibetan Music on Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Functions in Patients Waiting for Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled Study. Cotoia A1, Dibello F1, Moscatelli F2, Sciusco A3, Polito P4, Modolo A5, Gallo C2, Cibelli G2, Cinnella G1 Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
Telomere length measurement as a clinical biomarker of aging and disease. Fasching CL1 Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 2018 Sep 28 VIEW
Analysis of Light Propagation on Physiological Properties of Neurons for Nanoscale Optogenetics. Wirdatmadja S, Johari P, Desai A, Bae Y, Stachowiak E, Stachowiak M, Jornet JM, Balasubramaniam S IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2019 Jan 7 VIEW
The Veterans Health Administration Whole Health Model of Care: Early Implementation and Utilization at a Large Healthcare System William R Marchand1,2, Julie Beckstrom1,3, Elena Nazarenko1, Renn U Sweeny1, Tracy Herrmann1,4, McKenzi R Yocus1,5, Jennifer Romesser1, Jeremy Roper1, Brandon Yabko1,2, Ashley Parker1 Mil Med 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
Tai Chi and Qigong Practices for Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Xiankun Chen1,2,3, Gianluigi Savarese4, Yiyi Cai3,5, Liuling Ma3,5, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg1, Wei Jiang3,5, Zehuai Wen2,6, Weihui Lu3,5,7, Gaetano Marrone1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Long-term treatment with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields improves movement speed and elevates cerebrospinal erythropoietin in Parkinson's disease Bente Rona Jensen1,2, Anne Sofie Bøgh Malling1,2, Sissel Ida Schmidt3, Morten Meyer1,2,3, Bo Mohr Morberg1, Lene Wermuth1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 28 VIEW
Interpreting physical sensations to guide health-related behavior : An introductory review on psychosomatic competence Christian Fazekas1, Dennis Linder2,3, Franziska Matzer2, Josef Jenewein2, Barbara Hanfstingl4 Wien Klin Wochenschr 2021 Dec 10 VIEW
hnRNP A1: The Swiss Army Knife of Gene Expression. Jean-Philippe J, Paz S, Caputi M. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Sep 16 VIEW
Inspiratory muscle training for diaphragm dysfunction after cardiac surgery. Kodric M, Trevisan R, Torregiani C, Cifaldi R, Longo C, Cantarutti F, Confalonieri M. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013 Mar VIEW
Intraoperative stress and anxiety reduction with music therapy: A controlled randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety. Jiménez-Jiménez M, García-Escalona A, Martín-López A, De Vera-Vera R, De Haro J. J Vasc Nurs. 2013 Sep VIEW
Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Stimulation for Tendon-Bone Healing: A Dose-dependent Study. Lu H1, Liu F, Chen C, Wang Z, Chen H, Qu J, Zhang T, Xu D, Hu J Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Oct 7 VIEW
Falls prevention in community care: 10 years on. Burton E1, Lewin G2, O'Connell H3, Hill KD1 Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Feb 12 VIEW
Mechanisms of Action of Kefir in Chronic Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases. Pimenta FS1, Luaces-Regueira M2, Ton AM1, Campagnaro BP1, Campos-Toimil M2, Pereira TM1,3, Vasquez EC1 Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018 Aug 9 VIEW
Exploring the Adaptability of Tai Chi to Stroke Rehabilitation. Hwang I1, Song R2, Ahn S2, Lee MA3, Wayne PM4, Sohn MK5 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jul/Aug VIEW
Mindfulness Improves Brain-Computer Interface Performance by Increasing Control Over Neural Activity in the Alpha Band James R Stieger1,2, Stephen Engel3, Haiteng Jiang1, Christopher C Cline2, Mary Jo Kreitzer4, Bin He1 Cereb Cortex 2020 Sep 23 VIEW
An outpatient Tai Chi program: Effects on veterans' functional outcomes Lana M Brown1,2, Linda M Sawyer1,2, Shelly Y Lensing1,3, Tanya Taylor1, Melinda M Bopp1, Ileina Ferrier1, Dennis H Sullivan1,4 Nurs Forum 2020 Nov 26 VIEW
Community <i>qigong</i> for People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pragmatic Feasibility Study Lita Buttolph1, Joshua Corn1,2,3,4, Douglas Hanes1, Ryan Bradley1, Angela Senders1,5 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Yoga and Bone Health Loren M Fishman1 Orthop Nurs 2021 May-Jun 01 VIEW
Hyper-restorative non-equilibrium state as a driving force of biological morphogenesis. Igamberdiev AU1 Biosystems. 2018 Sep 26 VIEW
Quantitative Data for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Acupuncture Effectiveness in Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Yüksel M1, Ayaş Ş2, Cabıoğlu MT3, Yılmaz D4, Cabıoğlu C5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Placebo analgesia: a predictive coding perspective. Büchel C1, Geuter S2, Sprenger C2, Eippert F3 Neuron. 2014 Mar 19 VIEW
Research Advances on Acupuncture Analgesia. Qiao L1,2, Guo M1,2, Qian J2, Xu B3, Gu C2, Yang Y2,3 Am J Chin Med. 2020 Mar 5 VIEW
Gut Microbiota Regulates Depression-Like Behavior in Rats Through the Neuroendocrine-Immune-Mitochondrial Pathway. Liu S1, Guo R2, Liu F3, Yuan Q4, Yu Y1, Ren F1 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2020 Mar 31 VIEW
Randomized controlled trial of bikram yoga and aerobic exercise for depression in women: Efficacy and stress-based mechanisms Cherie L La Rocque1, Raegan Mazurka1, Troy J R Stuckless2, Kyra Pyke1, Kate L Harkness3 J Affect Disord 2020 Nov 5 VIEW
Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Combining Self-Care with Practitioner-Delivered Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies to Improve Pain in a Pragmatic Trial Steven B Zeliadt1,2, Scott Coggeshall1, Hannah Gelman1, Marlena H Shin3, A Rani Elwy4,5, Barbara G Bokhour4,6, Stephanie L Taylor7,8 Pain Med 2020 Dec 12 VIEW
The efficacy of meditation-based mind-body interventions for mental disorders: a meta-review of 17 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials DavyVancampfort a b BrendonStubbs c d TineVan Damme a LeeSmith e MatsHallgren f FelipeSchuch g JeroenDeenik h SimonRosenbaum i GarciaAshdown-Franks j JamesMugisha k JosephFirth l m J. Psychiatric Research 2020 Dec 21 Online VIEW
The benefits of Qigong exercise for symptoms of fatigue: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Rui Wang1, Xueyan Huang1, Yeqi Wu2, Dai Sun1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Jan 22 VIEW
Genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields Henry Lai1 Electromagn Biol Med 2021 Feb 4 VIEW
Effects of music-based movement therapy on motor function, balance, gait, mental health, and quality of life for patients with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Zonglei Zhou1, Ruzhen Zhou2, Wen Wei1, Rongsheng Luan1, Kunpeng Li3 Clin Rehabil 2021 Jul 1 VIEW
To breathe or not to breathe: Interoceptive predictions in an anxious brain Valentina Jelinčić1, Andreas von Leupoldt2 Neuron 2021 Dec 15 VIEW
Systematic Review and Meta-analyses on the Effects of Whole-body Vibration on Bone Health Oluwagbemiga O DadeMatthews1, Philip J Agostinelli2, Frances K Neal3, Seun O Oladipupo4, Rebecca M Hirschhorn5, Alan E Wilson6, JoEllen M Sefton7 Complement Ther Med 2022 Jan 27 VIEW
Improving Precision in Investigating Aging: Why Telomeres Can Cause Problems. Shiels PG. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 Jun 10 VIEW
Effects of Music Therapy on Psychological Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Dementia. A Pilot Study. Raglio A, Oasi O, Gianotti M, Manzoni V, Bolis S, Ubezio MC, Gentile S, Villani D, Stramba-Badiale M. Curr Aging Sci 2010 Jul 5 VIEW
Dynamics of electrocorticographic (ECoG) activity in human temporal and frontal cortical areas during music listening. Potes C, Gunduz A, Brunner P, Schalk G Neuroimage. 2012 Apr 14 VIEW
Efficacy of acupressure for non-pharmacological stress reduction in college students. McFadden KL, Healy KM, Hoversten KP, Ito TA, Hernández TD. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Aug VIEW
Psychological Stress and Mitochondria: A Systematic Review. Picard M1, McEwen BS Psychosom Med. 2018 Feb/Mar VIEW
Somatosensory deficits. Klingner CM1, Witte OW2 Handb Clin Neurol. 2018 VIEW
Noninvasive Nonpharmacological Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review [Internet]. Skelly AC1, Chou R1, Dettori JR1, Turner JA1, Friedly JL1, Rundell SD1, Fu R1, Brodt ED1, Wasson N1, Winter C1, Ferguson AJR1. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US). Report No.: 18-EHC013-EF. 2018 Jun VIEW
The Effect of Acupuncture on the Quality of Life in Patients With Migraine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Jiang Y1, Bai P1, Chen H2, Zhang XY1, Tang XY1, Chen HQ1, Hu YY1, Wang XL1, Li XY1, Li YP3, Tian GH1 Front Pharmacol. 2018 Oct 26 VIEW
Non-invasive visualization of physiological changes of insects during metamorphosis based on biophoton emission imaging. Usui S1, Tada M2, Kobayashi M3 Sci Rep. 2019 Jun 12 VIEW
Different brain networks mediate the effects of social and conditioned expectations on pain. Koban L1,2,3,4, Jepma M5, López-Solà M6, Wager TD7,8,9 Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 10 VIEW
Benefits of physical activity not affected by air pollution: a prospective cohort study. Sun S1,2, Cao W3, Qiu H1, Ran J1, Lin H4, Shen C5, Siu-Yin Lee R6, Tian L1 Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Sep 3 VIEW
The efficacy of meditation-based mind-body interventions for mental disorders: A meta-review of 17 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials Davy Vancampfort1, Brendon Stubbs2, Tine Van Damme3, Lee Smith4, Mats Hallgren5, Felipe Schuch6, Jeroen Deenik7, Simon Rosenbaum8, Garcia Ashdown-Franks9, James Mugisha10, Joseph Firth11 J Psychiatr Res 2020 Dec 21 VIEW
Effects of qigong on systolic and diastolic blood pressure lowering: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis Siew Mooi Ching1,2, Naidu Ragubathi Mokshashri3, Maharajan Mari Kannan4, Kai Wei Lee5, Nurin Amalina Sallahuddin3, Jun Xun Ng3, Jie Lin Wong3, Navin Kumar Devaraj3,6, Fan Kee Hoo7, Yee Shen Loo8, Sajesh K Veettil8 BMC Complement Med Ther 2021 Jan 6 VIEW
Prevalence of meditation-related adverse effects in a population-based sample in the United States Simon B Goldberg1,2, Sin U Lam1,2, Willoughby B Britton3, Richard J Davidson2,4,5 Psychother Res 2021 Jun 2 VIEW
Bioresonance therapy may treat depression Daniela Muresan1, Andreea Salcudean2, Daniela Claudia Sabau3, Cristina Raluca Bodo4, Iosif Gabos Grecu5 J Med Life Mar-Apr 2021 VIEW
Mind-Body Techniques in Pregnancy and Postpartum Esteban Oyarzabal1, Barbara Seuferling, Shaweta Babbar, Shannon Lawton-O'Boyle, Shilpa Babbar Clin Obstet Gynecol 2021 Jun 23 VIEW
OSTEOGENIC COMMITMENT AND DIFFERENTIATION OF HUMAN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS BY LOW-INTENSITY PULSED ULTRASOUND STIMULATION. Costa V1, Carina V1, Fontana S2, De Luca A1, Monteleone F2, Pagani S3, Sartori M4, Setti S5, Faldini C6, Alessandro R2, Fini M3,4, Giavaresi G1,3 J Cell Physiol. 2017 Jun 16 VIEW
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