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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Muscle stem cell aging: identifying ways to induce tissue rejuvenation. Sousa-Victor P1, Neves J2, Muñoz-Cánoves P3 Mech Ageing Dev. 2020 Apr 17 VIEW
Matter over mind: a randomised-controlled trial of single-session biofeedback training on performance anxiety and heart rate variability in musicians. Wells R1, Outhred T, Heathers JA, Quintana DS, Kemp AH PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
In vitro effect of Reiki treatment on bacterial cultures: Role of experimental context and practitioner well-being Beverly Rubik1, Audrey J Brooks, Gary E Schwartz J Altern Complement Med Jan-Feb 2006 VIEW
Nonpharmacological Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise Gamze Fiskin, Nevin Sahin Altern Ther Health Med 2020 Aug 20 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
The Effects of Fast and Slow Yoga Breathing on Cerebral and Central Hemodynamics Gabriella Bellissimo1, Eric Leslie1, Valarie Maestas1, Micah Zuhl1,2 Int J Yoga Sep-Dec 2020 VIEW
Tai Chi exercise for psychological well-being among adults with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Ruth E Taylor-Piliae1, Brooke A Finley1,2 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
TaiChi and Qigong for Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis Wei Jiang1,2, Shaojun Liao3, Xiankun Chen2,4,5, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg4, Gaetano Marrone4, Zehuai Wen5,6, Weihui Lu1,2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jun 24 VIEW
Yoga Interventions Involving Older Adults: Integrative Review Nancy L Martens J Gerontol Nurs 2022 Feb 1 VIEW
Sleep moderates the effects of Tibetan yoga for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy Kelsey L Sinclair1, Emalee Kiser1, Chelsea G Ratcliff2,3, Alejandro Chaoul4, Martica H Hall5, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche6, Lorenzo Cohen7 Support Care Cancer 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Music as a Therapy to Alleviate Anxiety During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Stroke. Le Danseur M1, Crow AD1, Stutzman SE1, Villarreal MD2, Olson DM1 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jan/Feb VIEW
Hypothesis: Pulmonary Afferent Activity Patterns During Slow, Deep Breathing Contribute to the Neural Induction of Physiological Relaxation Donald J Noble, Shawn Hochman Front Physiol 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Comparison of the effects of the Feldenkrais method versus core stability exercise in the management of chronic low back pain: a randomised control trial Hanieh Ahmadi1, Hanieh Adib1, Maryam Selk-Ghaffari2, Misagh Shafizad3, Siavash Moradi4, Zahra Madani1, Gholamreza Partovi1, Aliakbar Mahmoodi1 Clin Rehabil 2020 Jul 29 VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi Chuan Training on Stereotypic Behavior of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Roza Tabeshian1, Maryam Nezakat-Alhosseini2, Ahmadreza Movahedi1, E Paul Zehr3,4,5,6,7, Salar Faramarzi8 J Autism Dev Disord 2021 Jun 3 VIEW
Effects of long-term fasting and confinement on the cardiovascular activity Yang Liu1, Qince Li1,2, Kuanquan Wang3, Runnan He1, Zhongquan Dai4, Hongyu Zhang4, Chengyu Liu5, Qianying Ma6, Yongfeng Yuan1, Chengjia Yang4, Yinghui Li4, Henggui Zhang7,8,9 Med Biol Eng Comput 2021 Aug 9 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on Cognitive Function among Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Renjun Gu1, Yujia Gao2, Chunbing Zhang3, Xiaojuan Liu4, Zhiguang Sun1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Aug 5 VIEW
[Touch Medicine - a complementary therapeutic approach exemplified by the treatment of depression] Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen1,2, Michael Eggart3, Henrik Norholt4, Michael Gerlach5, Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis6, Michaela Maria Arnold7, Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg8 Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2021 Dec 17 VIEW
Licensed Acupuncturists Join the Veterans Health Administration. Olson JL1 Med Acupunct. 2018 Oct 1 VIEW
Proprioceptive Training and Outcomes of Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Jeong HS1,2,3, Lee SC1,2,3, Jee H3,4, Song JB1, Chang HS1, Lee SY1,2,3 J Athl Train. 2019 Apr VIEW
Heart rate variability biofeedback: how and why does it work? Lehrer PM1, Gevirtz R2 Front Psychol. 2014 Jul 21 VIEW
Heart Rate Variability as an Index of Differential Brain Dynamics at Rest and After Acute Stress Induction Tara Chand1 2 3 4 , Meng Li2 4 , Hamidreza Jamalabadi1 4 , Gerd Wagner2 , Anton Lord4 5 , Sarah Alizadeh1 4 , Lena V Danyeli2 4 6 , Luisa Herrmann1 2 4 , Martin Walter1 2 3 4 6 , Zumrut D Sen1 2 4 Front Neurosci 2020 Jul 2 VIEW
The comparative effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine exercise therapies in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment: A protocol for a network meta-analysis Kai-Qi Su1, Su-Tong Liu1, Jie Yuan1, Jie-Ying Li1, Rui-Qing Li1,2, Xiao-Dong Feng1,2 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Sep 4 VIEW
Reorganization of functional brain network architecture in chronic osteoarthritis pain Joana Barroso1,2,3,4, Kenta Wakaizumi5,6, Ana Mafalda Reis7, Marwan Baliki3,5, Thomas J Schnitzer3,8,9, Vasco Galhardo1,2, Apkar Vania Apkarian3,4,9 Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Association Between Mobile Phone Radiation Exposure and the Secretion of Melatonin and Cortisol, Two Markers of the Circadian System: A Review Brahim Selmaoui1,2, Yvan Touitou3 Bioelectromagnetics 2020 Nov 25 VIEW
Tai Chi for the elderly patients with COVID-19 in recovery period: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Xiangyu Zhu1, Ziyu Luo1, Ying Chen2, Lina Wang3, Wenxin Chi1, Lu Lian Jiang1, Ke Liu1, Liping Zhao1, Yu Zhang1, Haibo Zhang1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Jan 22 VIEW
Can Tai Chi Improve Cognitive Function? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Fang Liu1, Xinming Chen1, Pingying Nie1, Shaohong Lin1, Jiaying Guo1, Junying Chen2, Liqiang Yu1 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
A short Mindfulness retreat can improve biological markers of stress and inflammation Concetta Gardi1, Teresa Fazia2, Blerta Stringa3, Fabio Giommi4 Psychoneuroendocrinology 2021 Nov 6 VIEW
Alpha and theta oscillations are inversely related to progressive levels of meditation depth Sucharit Katyal1, Philippe Goldin1 Neurosci Conscious 2021 Nov 29 VIEW
Threat and the Body: How the Heart Supports Fear Processing Sarah N Garfinkel1, Hugo D Critchley2 Trends Cogn Sci 2016 Jan 1 VIEW
Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy. McManus DE1 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Oct VIEW
Modulation of brain alpha rhythm and heart rate variability by attention-related mechanisms. Magosso E1, Ricci G1, Ursino M1 AIMS Neurosci. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Music Therapy in the Treatment of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Celia Moreno-Morales, Raul Calero, Pedro Moreno-Morales, Cristina Pintado Front Med 2020 May 19 VIEW
Low magnitude high frequency vibration promotes chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow stem cells with involvement of β-catenin signaling pathway Weiwei Hou1, Denghui Zhang2, Xiaoxia Feng3, Yi Zhou4 Arch Oral Biol 2020 Jul 31 VIEW
Latin dance and Qigong/Tai Chi effects on physical activity and body composition in breast cancer survivors: A pilot study Erica G Soltero1, Linda K Larkey2, Wonsun Sunny Kim3, Jose B Rosales Chavez4, Rebecca E Lee3 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Feb 15 VIEW
The effect of group exercises on balance, mobility, and depressive symptoms in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. Langoni CDS1, Resende TL2, Barcellos AB2, Cecchele B2, da Rosa JN2, Knob MS2, Silva TDN2, Diogo TS2, da Silva IG1, Schwanke CHA1 Clin Rehabil. 2019 Mar VIEW
Heart Rate Variability and Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Epilepsy Patients. Constantinescu V1, Matei D2, Constantinescu I3, Cuciureanu DI1 Transl Neurosci. 2019 Aug 24 VIEW
Effects of normal blood pressure, prehypertension, and hypertension on autonomic nervous system function. Erdogan D1, Gonul E, Icli A, Yucel H, Arslan A, Akcay S, Ozaydin M Int J Cardiol. 2011 Aug 18 VIEW
Peripheral Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation (pFUS). Cotero V1, Miwa H2, Graf J1, Ashe J1, Loghin E1, Di Carlo D2, Puleo C3 J Neurosci Methods. 2020 May 5 VIEW
Implementing Mobile HRV Biofeedback as Adjunctive Therapy During Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation Facilitates Recovery of Depressive Symptoms and Enhances Autonomic Functioning Short-Term: A 1-Year Pre-Post-intervention Follow-Up Pilot Study Josef M Tatschl1, Sigurd M Hochfellner2, Andreas R Schwerdtfeger1,3 Front Neurosci 2020 Jul 21 VIEW
Health Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise: A Guide for Nurses Sally M Miller1, Cindy Hui-Lio2, Ruth E Taylor-Piliae3 Nurs Clin North Am 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Large effects of brief meditation intervention on EEG spectra in meditation novices P Stapleton1, J Dispenza2, S McGill3, D Sabot1, M Peach4, D Raynor1 IBRO Rep 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
Effects of Body Weight Support-Tai Chi Footwork Training on Balance Control and Walking Function in Stroke Survivors with Hemiplegia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Xiao-Ming Yu1, Xue-Ming Jin2, Yan Lu1, Yang Gao3, Hai-Chen Xu1, Xin Xue2, Lei Fang2, Jun Hu2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 19 VIEW
Not all types of meditation are the same: Mediators of change in mindfulness and compassion meditation interventions Pablo Roca1, Carmelo Vazquez2, Gustavo Diez3, Gonzalo Brito-Pons3, Richard J McNally4 J Affect Disord 2021 Feb 2 VIEW
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga: A Breath of Hope during COVID-19 Pandemic Sameer Anil Zope1, Rakesh Anil Zope2, Gabriella Andrea Biri3, Charushila Sameer Zope4 Int J Yoga Jan-Apr 2021 VIEW
The Interoceptive Sensitivity and Attention Questionnaire: Evaluating aspects of self-reported interoception in patients with persistent somatic symptoms, stress-related syndromes and healthy controls Katleen Bogaerts1, Marta Walentynowicz, Maaike Van Den Houte, Elena Constantinou, Omer Van den Bergh Psychosom Med 2021 Nov 24 VIEW
Effects of an 8-Week Stress Management Program in Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial Theodora Seliniotaki1, Flora Bacopoulou2,3, Dimitrios Vlachakis4,5, Artemios Artemiadis6, Katerina Kampoli7, George Chrousos8, Christina Darviri#1, Anna Koumarianou#7 Adv Exp Med Biol 2022 Jan 14 VIEW
Impact of individualised music listening intervention on persons with dementia: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Gaviola MA1, Inder KJ1,2, Dilworth S3, Holliday EG2,4, Higgins I1 Australas J Ageing. 2019 Mar 26 VIEW
Neuromuscular Attributes Associated With Lower Extremity Mobility Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Jacob ME1,2,3,4, Travison TG5,6, Ward RE2,3, Latham NK7, Leveille SG8, Jette AM9, Bean JF1,2,3 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 Mar 14 VIEW
Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous system. Jerath R1, Edry JW, Barnes VA, Jerath V Med Hypotheses. 2006 VIEW
The Feasibility of a School Nurse-Led Mindfulness Program Lisa Henry1, Colleen W Smithson1, Lisa M Steurer2, Patrick M Ercole3 J Sch Nurs 2021 Apr 22 VIEW
Effects of Exercise on Sleep Quality and Insomnia in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Yi Xie1, Shuai Liu2, Xue-Jiao Chen1, Hai-Han Yu1, Yuan Yang1, Wei Wang1 Front Psychiatry 2021 Jun 7 VIEW
Comparative Study of the Effects of Tai Chi and Square Dance on Immune Function, Physical Health, and Life Satisfaction in Urban Empty-Nest Older Adults ZhongJun Su1, JieXiu Zhao2 Front Physiol 2021 Oct 5 VIEW
Mindfulness is inversely associated with psychological symptoms in long-term cardiac arrest survivors Alex Presciutti1,2, Jonathan Greenberg3,4, Ethan Lester3,4, Mary M Newman5, Jonathan Elmer6, Jonathan A Shaffer7, Ana-Maria Vranceanu3,4, Sarah M Perman8 J Behav Med 2022 Feb 14 VIEW
Energy Costs of Chair Sitting and Standing Video Exercises in Chinese Older Adults Over 60 Years Zhenghua Cai1, Minghui Quan1,2, Muyang Huan1, Guangli Sun1, Stephen D Herrmann3, Barbara E Ainsworth1,4, Peijie Chen1 Int J Exerc Sci 2023 Jun 1 VIEW
Oxidative Stress in Human Facial Skin Observed by Ultraweak Photon Emission Imaging and Its Correlation With Biophysical Properties of Skin Katsuhiko Tsuchida, Masaki Kobayashi Sci Rep 2020 Jun 15 VIEW
Effect of Exercise Intensity on Cell-Mediated Immunity Katsuhiko Suzuki1, Harumi Hayashida2 Sports (Basel) 2021 Jan 11 VIEW
Synchronous Firing and Its Influence on the Brain's Electromagnetic Field Evidence for an Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness Mcfadden, JJ Journal of Consciousness Studies 2001 Nov VIEW
Effect of Healing Meditation on stress and eating behavior in overweight and obese women: A randomized clinical trial Cynthia Vieira Sanches Sampaio1, Guilherme Magnavita2, Ana Marice Ladeia3 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 Jul 30 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong Exercise on Psychological Status in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Xuan Liu1, Ru Li1, Jiabao Cui1, Fang Liu1, Lee Smith2, Xiaorong Chen1, Debao Zhang1 Front Psychol 2021 Nov 24 VIEW
A new science of emotion: implications for functional neurological disorder Johannes Jungilligens1,2, Sara Paredes-Echeverri2, Stoyan Popkirov1, Lisa Feldman Barrett3,4,5, David L Perez2,5,6 Brain 2022 Jun 2 VIEW
Chronic Diffuse Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders After Traumatic Stress: Pathophysiology Through a Polyvagal Perspective. Kolacz J1, Porges SW2 Front Med (Lausanne). 2018 May 31 VIEW
Slow breathing improves arterial baroreflex sensitivity and decreases blood pressure in essential hypertension. Joseph CN1, Porta C, Casucci G, Casiraghi N, Maffeis M, Rossi M, Bernardi L Hypertension. 2005 Oct VIEW
Breathing at a rate of 5.5 breaths per minute with equal inhalation-to-exhalation ratio increases heart rate variability. Lin IM1, Tai LY2, Fan SY3 Int J Psychophysiol. 2014 Mar VIEW
Microbiota and the social brain. Sherwin E1, Bordenstein SR2, Quinn JL3, Dinan TG1,4, Cryan JF5,6 Science. 2019 Nov 1 VIEW
Stress Response Modulation Underlying the Psychobiology of Resilience Lynnette A Averill, Christopher L Averill, Benjamin Kelmendi, Chadi G Abdallah, Steven M Southwick Current psychiatry reports 03/28/2018 VIEW
Walking and mindfulness improve the exercise capacity of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomised controlled trial Feng-Lien Lin1, Mei-Ling Yeh2 Clin Rehabil 2021 Mar 11 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi and running on blood oxygen saturation: a pilot study P Anthony Gryffin1, Rafael E Diaz2 J Complement Integr Med 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Effect of Reiki Therapy on Quality of Life and Fatigue Levels of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Seda Karaman1, Mehtap Tan Cancer Nurs 2021 Aug 11 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions for Insomnia in Veterans and Military Populations Julie K Staples1,2,3, Courtney Gibson1, Madeline Uddo1 Psychol Rep 2021 Dec 2 VIEW
Effects of external low intensity focused ultrasound on inflammatory markers in neuropathic pain Abigail Hellman1, Alicia Clum1, Teresa Maietta1, Adithya Srikanthan1, Vraj Patel1, Drishti Panse1, Olivia Zimmerman1, Paul Neubauer2, Julia Nalwalk1, Emery Williams2, Goutam Ghoshal2, Clif Burdette2, Julie G Pilitsis3 Neurosci Lett 2021 Jul 13 VIEW
Pain in relationship to Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Henk M Koning1, Bas C Ter Meulen2 Int Tinnitus J 2022 Mar 3 VIEW
Comparison of the effects of low-level laser and pulsed and continuous ultrasound on pain and physical disability in chronic non-specific low back pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Rubira APFA1, Rubira MC2, Rubira LA3, Comachio J4, Magalhães MO1, Marques AP1 Adv Rheumatol. 2019 Dec 17 VIEW
The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. Ma X1,2, Yue ZQ3, Gong ZQ4,5, Zhang H3, Duan NY3, Shi YT3, Wei GX5,6, Li YF2 Front Psychol. 2017 Jun 6 VIEW
Tai Chi training's effect on lower extremity muscle co-contraction during single- and dual-task gait: Cross-sectional and randomized trial studies Peter M Wayne1,2, Brian J Gow1,2,3, Fengzhen Hou4, Yan Ma3, Jeffrey M Hausdorff5, Justine Lo6, Pamela M Rist2, Chung-Kang Peng3, Lewis A Lipsitz6,7, Vera Novak8, Brad Manor6,7 PLoS One 2021 Jan 22 VIEW
Assessing the effect of a mind-body exercise, qigong Baduanjin, on sleep disturbance among women experiencing intimate partner violence and possible mediating factors: a randomized-controlled trial Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Pui Hing Chau1, Wing-Fai Yeung2, Wen Deng1, Athena Wai Lin Hong3, Agnes F Y Tiwari4 J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Feb 8 VIEW
Effects of traditional Chinese exercise on patients with cognitive impairment: A systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis Chen Li1, Dongxiang Zheng1, Jinglan Luo2 Nurs Open 2021 Feb 19 VIEW
Daily mindfulness training reduces negative impact of COVID-19 news exposure on affective well-being Julia W Y Kam1, Javeria Javed2, Chelsie M Hart2, Jessica R Andrews-Hanna3, Lianne M Tomfohr-Madsen2, Caitlin Mills4 Psychol Res 2021 Jun 24 VIEW
Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement improves negative emotion regulation among opioid-treated chronic pain patients by increasing interoceptive awareness R Lynae Roberts1, Katharina Ledermann2, Eric L Garland3 J Psychosom Res 2021 Nov 14 VIEW
Biopsychosocial Approach to Understanding Resilience: Stress Habituation and Where to Intervene Jeanette M Bennett, Nicolas Rohleder, Joachim P Sturmberg Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 2018 Dec VIEW
Effects of Reiki Session Excluding the Variables Responsible for the Placebo Effect on a Group of Adults Scarascia Graziano, Cristiano Luigi Altern Ther Health Med 2020 Oct 31 VIEW
Effects of Qigong exercise on muscle strengths and oxidative stress/antioxidant responses in young sedentary females: a quasi-experimental study Kultida Klarod1, Sanita Singsanan2, Niramon Thamwiriyasati2, Suphannika Ladawan3, Nongnuch Luangpon1, Patcharee Boonsiri4, Martin Burtscher5 J Exerc Rehabil 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
Adherence to the Class-Based Component of a Tai Chi Exercise Intervention for People Living With Dementia and Their Informal Carers Yolanda Barrado-Martín, Michelle Heward, Remco Polman, Samuel R Nyman J Aging Phys Act 2021 Jan 3 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Reduce Burnout and Stress in Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Johannes C Fendel1, Johannes J Bürkle, Anja S Göritz Acad Med 2021 Jan 25 VIEW
Is a meditation retreat the better vacation? effect of retreats and vacations on fatigue, emotional well-being, and acting with awareness Gerhard Blasche1, Jessica deBloom2,3, Adrienne Chang4, Otto Pichlhoefer5 PLoS One 2021 Feb 8 VIEW
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Women Veterans who Experienced Military Sexual Trauma: Interim Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial Ursula Kelly1,2, Terri Haywood1, Eliza Segell1,2, Melinda Higgins2 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
From many to (n)one:Meditation and the plasticity of the predictive mind Ruben E Laukkonen1, Heleen A Slagter2 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2021 Jun 14 VIEW
Application of Tai Chi in stage Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: A series of case reports Liuying Li1, Gang Zheng2, Fengya Zhu3, Deya Che1 Asian J Surg 2021 Aug 3 VIEW
Effects of different exercise training modes on muscle strength and physical performance in older people with sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Linqian Lu#1,2, Lin Mao#3, Yuwei Feng#3, Barbara E Ainsworth4, Yu Liu1, Nan Chen5,6 BMC Geriatr 2021 Dec 15 VIEW
Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Modalities for the Treatment and Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature Jonathan R Young 1, Shayan A Smani 2, Nicholas A Mischel 3, Michael D Kritzer 4, Lawrence G Appelbaum 1, Ashwin A Patkar 1 J Addict Dis 2020 Apr-Jun VIEW
The effectiveness of Baduanjin exercise for hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Bao-Yi Shao1, Xia-Tian Zhang2, Robin W M Vernooij3,4, Qiu-Yi Lv5, Yao-Yang Hou5, Qi Bao6, Li-Xing Lao7, Jian-Ping Liu8, Ying Zhang9, Gordon H Guyatt10 BMC Complement Med Ther 2020 Oct 8 VIEW
Large effects of brief meditation intervention on EEG spectra in meditation novices P Stapleton1, J Dispenza2, S McGill3, D Sabot1, M Peach4, D Raynor1 IBRO Rep 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
Implementation of a Mindfulness-Based Crisis Intervention for Frontline Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak in a Public General Hospital in Madrid, Spain Beatriz Rodriguez-Vega1,2,3, Ángela Palao1,2,3, Ainoa Muñoz-Sanjose1,2, Marta Torrijos1, Pablo Aguirre1, Arancha Fernández1, Blanca Amador1, Cristina Rocamora1, Laura Blanco1, Jesús Marti-Esquitino1, Aránzazu Ortiz-Villalobos1, Mónica Alonso-Sañudo1, Susana Cebolla1,2, Javier Curto1, Rosa Villanueva1, María-Jesús de-la-Iglesia1, Diego Carracedo1, Carlos Casado1, Emma Vidal1, Daniel Trigo1, Noelia Iglesias1, Diana Cabañas1, Loreto Mellado1, Daniel García1, Consuelo Fernández-Encinas1, Rubén Navarro1, Roberto Mediavilla2, María-Paz Vidal-Villegas2,3, María-Fe Bravo-Ortiz1,2,3, Carmen Bayón1,2,3 Front Psychiatry 2020 Oct 30 VIEW
A Curriculum to Increase Empathy and Reduce Burnout Mariah A Quinn1, Lisa M Grant1, Emmanuel Sampene1, Amy B Zelenski2 WMJ 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Managing the experience of breathlessness with Tai Chi: A qualitative analysis from a randomized controlled trial in COPD Elizabeth A Gilliam1, Karen L Kilgore2, Yuchen Liu3, Lauren Bernier3, Shana Criscitiello3, Daniel Litrownik4, Peter M Wayne5, Marilyn L Moy6, Gloria Y Yeh4 Respir Med 2021 May 15 VIEW
Brain-heart connections in stress and cardiovascular disease: Implications for the cardiac patient Viola Vaccarino1, Amit J Shah2, Puja K Mehta3, Brad Pearce4, Paolo Raggi5, J Douglas Bremner6, Arshed A Quyyumi7 Atherosclerosis 2021 May 30 VIEW
The Effects of Yoga on Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Mengke Ban1, Xuejing Yue2, Pengyu Dou1, Ping Zhang1 Behav Neurol 2021 Jul 5 VIEW
Effects of mobile phone usage on sperm quality - No time-dependent relationship on usage: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis Sungjoon Kim1, Donghyun Han1, Jiwoo Ryu1, Kihun Kim2, Yun Hak Kim3 Environ Res 2021 Jul 29 VIEW
Oxytocin and cardiometabolic interoception: Knowing oneself affects ingestive and social behaviors Justin A Smith1, Sophia A Eikenberry2, Karen A Scott1, Caitlin B Harrison2, Guillaume de Lartigue3, Annette D de Kloet2, Eric G Krause4 Appetite 2022 Apr 18 VIEW
Falls and Social Isolation of Older Adults in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Pohl JS, Cochrane BB, Schepp KG, Woods NF Res Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
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