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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Randomised controlled trial (RCT) study design for a large-scale municipal fall prevention exercise programme in community-living older women: study protocol for the Kuopio Fall Prevention Study (KFPS). Vilpunaho T1, Kröger H1,2, Honkanen R1, Koivumaa-Honkanen H3,4, Sirola J1,2, Kuvaja-Köllner V5, Sund R1, Rikkonen T1 BMJ Open. 2019 Jun 21 VIEW
The Taiji Model of Self. Wang FY1,2, Wang ZD1,2, Wang RJ3 Front Psychol. 2019 Jun 21 VIEW
Mind-body interactive qigong improves physical and mental aspects of quality of life in inpatients with stroke: A randomized control study. Chen CH1, Hung KS2, Chung YC3, Yeh ML4 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2019 Jun 23 VIEW
Interoceptive accuracy is related to long-term stress via self-regulation. Schultchen D1, Bayer J1,2, Kühnel J2, Melchers KG2, Pollatos O1 Psychophysiology. 2019 Jun 23 VIEW
The effects of Tai Chi on quality of life of cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ni X1, Chan RJ2,3, Yates P2,4, Hu W1, Huang X1, Lou Y5 Support Care Cancer. 2019 Jun 24 VIEW
Genome-wide brain DNA methylation analysis suggests epigenetic reprogramming in Parkinson disease. Young JI1, Sivasankaran SK1, Wang L1, Ali A1, Mehta A1, Davis DA1, Dykxhoorn DM1, Petito CK1, Beecham GW1, Martin ER1, Mash DC1, Pericak-Vance M1, Scott WK1, Montine TJ1, Vance JM1 Neurol Genet. 2019 Jun 24 VIEW
Whole Body Vibration Training on Muscle Strength and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Elderly Woman With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Simão AP1, Mendonça VA2,3,4, Avelar NCP5, da Fonseca SF2,3, Santos JM2,3, de Oliveira ACC2,4, Tossige-Gomes R2,3, Ribeiro VGC2,3, Neves CDC2,3, Balthazar CH2,3, Leite HR2,3,4, Figueiredo PHS2,3,4, Bernardo-Filho M6, Lacerda ACR2,3,4 Front Physiol. 2019 Jun 25 VIEW
Some Challenges of Playing with Power: Does complex energy flow constrain neuromuscular performance? Roberts TJ1 Integr Comp Biol. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
The Many Roads to Mindfulness: A Review of Nonmindfulness-Based Interventions that Increase Mindfulness. Xia T1, Hu H2,3, Seritan AL4,5, Eisendrath S4,5 J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
Difficulties in emotion regulation and deficits in interoceptive awareness in moderate and severe obesity. Willem C1, Gandolphe MC2, Roussel M3, Verkindt H4, Pattou F4, Nandrino JL2 Eat Weight Disord. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
Physical energies to the rescue of damaged tissues. Facchin F1, Canaider S1, Tassinari R2, Zannini C2, Bianconi E2, Taglioli V2, Olivi E2, Cavallini C2, Tausel M3, Ventura C1 World J Stem Cells. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
Evaluating mindfulness training for medical and PhD nursing students. Noble H1, Reid J2, Walsh IK3, Ellison SE4, McVeigh C5 Br J Nurs. 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Interactions between cardiac activity and conscious somatosensory perception. Motyka P1,2, Grund M2, Forschack N2,3, Al E2,4, Villringer A2,4, Gaebler M2,4,5 Psychophysiology. 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Effects of Using Music Therapy for Patients Suffering From Dementia. Trainor H1 Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
The Effects of Different Stages of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Emotion Regulation. Zhang Q1, Wang Z2, Wang X3, Liu L4, Zhang J3, Zhou R1,3 Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
The Brain's Resonance With Breathing-Decelerated Breathing Synchronizes Heart Rate and Slow Cortical Potentials Thilo Hinterberger, Nike Walter, Christopher Doliwa, Thomas Loew Journal of breath research 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Effectiveness of internal Qigong on quality of life, depressive symptoms and self-efficacy among community-dwelling older adults with chronic disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gouw VXH1, Jiang Y2, Seah B3, He H4, Hong J5, Wang W6 Int J Nurs Stud. 2019 Jun 28 VIEW
Disorders of breathing and continence have a stronger association with back pain than obesity and physical activity. Smith MD1, Russell A, Hodges PW Aust J Physiother. 2006 VIEW
The Relationship Between Mindfulness, Cognitive Intrusions, and Recollection: An ERP Study Tomasz Jankowski, Paweł Stróżak Adv Cog Psych 2019 Jun 30 VIEW
Are the antidepressive effects of massage therapy mediated by restoration of impaired interoceptive functioning? A novel hypothetical mechanism. Eggart M1, Queri S2, Müller-Oerlinghausen B3 Med Hypotheses. 2019 Jul VIEW
Exploring the Adaptability of Tai Chi to Stroke Rehabilitation. Hwang I1, Song R2, Ahn S2, Lee MA3, Wayne PM4, Sohn MK5 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jul/Aug VIEW
Physical activity programs for balance and fall prevention in elderly: A systematic review. Thomas E, Battaglia G, Patti A, Brusa J, Leonardi V, Palma A, Bellafiore M Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Jul VIEW
The Qigong Wuqinxi for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Yu F1, Xin M1, Liu N1, Huang N2, Lu J2 Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Jul VIEW
Short-Term impacts of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in middle-aged university's employees with non-specific low back pain: A pilot study. Abdelhalim NM1, Samhan AF2, Abdelbasset WK3 Pak J Med Sci. 2019 Jul-Aug VIEW
Yoga for Chronic Non-Malignant Pain Management: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness and Guidelines [Internet]. Gray C, McCormack S. CADTH Rapid Response Reports. 2019 Jul VIEW
Effect of Acceptance versus Attention on Pain Tolerance: Dissecting Two Components of Mindfulness. Wang Y1,2,3, Qi Z1, Hofmann SG4, Si M5, Liu X1,6, Xu W7 Mindfulness (N Y). 2019 Jul VIEW
Walking meditation promotes ankle proprioception and balance performance among elderly women. Chatutain A1, Pattana J1, Parinsarum T1, Lapanantasin S2 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jul VIEW
Injury in yoga asana practice: Assessment of the risks. Wiese C1, Keil D2, Rasmussen AS3, Olesen R4 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jul VIEW
Extracellular and Intracellular Fluid Shifts on the Onset of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Ulgen Y, Buyuksarac B, Tunc B, Solmaz H Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2019 Jul VIEW
Traumatic stress and the autonomic brain-gut connection in development: Polyvagal Theory as an integrative framework for psychosocial and gastrointestinal pathology. Kolacz J1, Kovacic KK2, Porges SW1,3 Dev Psychobiol. 2019 Jul VIEW
Autophagy, apoptosis, and mitochondria: molecular integration and physiological relevance in skeletal muscle Darin Bloemberg1, Joe Quadrilatero1 Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2019 Jul 1 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Investigate the Impact of Tango Argentino versus Tai Chi on Quality of Life in Patients with Parkinson Disease: A Short Report. Poier D1,2, Rodrigues Recchia D3, Ostermann T3, Büssing A4,5 Complement Med Res. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Effect of Baduanjin Qigong Exercise on Cancer-Related Fatigue in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Lu Y1, Qu HQ1, Chen FY2, Li XT3, Cai L2, Chen S1, Sun YY1 Oncol Res Treat. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Music therapy intervention in community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study. Domínguez-Chávez CJ1, Murrock CJ2, Guerrero PIC3, Salazar-González BC4 Geriatr Nurs. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Neuroimmune Interactions in the Gut and Their Significance for Intestinal Immunity. Brinkman DJ1,2, Ten Hove AS1, Vervoordeldonk MJ1,3, Luyer MD2, de Jonge WJ4,5 Cells. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
The Insula: A Brain Stimulation Target for the Treatment of Addiction. Ibrahim C1,2, Rubin-Kahana DS1,3, Pushparaj A4,5, Musiol M5, Blumberger DM3,6, Daskalakis ZJ3,6, Zangen A7, Le Foll B1,2,3,8,9,10,11 Front Pharmacol. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Temporal and spatial characteristics of meditation EEG. Travis F1 Psychol Trauma. 2019 Jul 8 VIEW
Transient osteoporosis: an unusual presentation of hip pain in a trail runner. Scheer V1,2 BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Jul 10 VIEW
Effects of Two Different Neuromuscular Training Protocols on Regional Bone Mass in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Marín-Cascales E1, Rubio-Arias JÁ1,2, Alcaraz PE1,2 Front Physiol. 2019 Jul 10 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation and gene expression: a hypothesis-generating framework. Black DS1, Christodoulou G2, Cole S3 Curr Opin Psychol. 2019 Jul 11 VIEW
A randomized controlled efficacy trial of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction compared to an active control group and usual care for fibromyalgia: the EUDAIMON study. Pérez-Aranda A1,2,3,4, Feliu-Soler A1,2,3, Montero-Marín J5, García-Campayo J3,6, Andrés-Rodríguez L1,2,3, Borràs X7, Rozadilla-Sacanell A8, Peñarrubia-Maria MT9,10,11, Angarita-Osorio N1,2,7, McCracken LM12, Luciano JV1,2,3 Pain. 2019 Jul 11 VIEW
Signal Transduction Pathways of Acupuncture for Treating Some Nervous System Diseases. Lai HC1, Chang QY2, Hsieh CL1,3,4,5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Jul 11 VIEW
Reactive nanomessengers for artificial chemical communication. Fichera L1, Li-Destri G1, Ruffino R1, Messina GML1, Tuccitto N1 Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2019 Jul 12 VIEW
Acupuncture for Pain. Kelly RB1, Willis J1 Am Fam Physician. 2019 Jul 15 VIEW
Traditional Acupuncture Meets Modern Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Perspectives. Zhang H1,2, Han G3, Litscher G1,2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Jul 16 VIEW
Imaging of ultraweak photon emission for evaluating the oxidative stress of human skin. Tsuchida K1, Iwasa T2, Kobayashi M3 J Photochem Photobiol B. 2019 Jul 17 VIEW
The Role of Mindfulness in Predicting Pain Interference in Patients with Primary Headache. Namjoo S1, Borjali A2, Seirafi M1, Assarzadegan F3 Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Jul 17 VIEW
Mindful meta-awareness: sustained and non-propositional. Dunne JD1, Thompson E2, Schooler J3 Curr Opin Psychol. 2019 Jul 18 VIEW
Brief mindfulness training enhances cognitive control in socioemotional contexts: Behavioral and neural evidence. Quaglia JT1,2, Zeidan F3, Grossenbacher PG2, Freeman SP1, Braun SE1, Martelli A1, Goodman RJ4, Brown KW1 PLoS One. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
Rehabilitation interventions for improving balance following stroke: An overview of systematic reviews. Arienti C1, Lazzarini SG1, Pollock A2, Negrini S1,3 PLoS One. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
Self-control is linked to interoceptive inference: Craving regulation and the prediction of aversive interoceptive states induced with inspiratory breathing load. Kruschwitz JD1, Kausch A2, Brovkin A2, Keshmirian A3, Paulus MP4, Goschke T5, Walter H6 Cognition. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
E-noise: An increasingly relevant health risk. Hu CS1, Tkebuchava T2 J Integr Med. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
Effects of Work-Related Stressors and Mindfulness on Mental and Physical Health Among Australian Nurses and Healthcare Workers. De Cieri H1, Shea T2, Cooper B3, Oldenburg B4 J Nurs Scholarsh. 2019 Jul 21 VIEW
Creative challenge: Regular exercising moderates the association between task-related heart rate variability changes and individual differences in originality. Rominger C1, Papousek I1, Fink A1, Perchtold CM1, Lackner HK2, Weiss EM1, Schwerdtfeger AR1 PLoS One. 2019 Jul 22 VIEW
Effect of Long-term Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Proinflammatory Cytokine and Hematological Parameters. Bagheri Hosseinabadi M1, Khanjani N2, Samaei E3, Nazarkhani F4 Int J Radiat Biol. 2019 Jul 22 VIEW
Efficacy of complementary and integrative medicine on health-related quality of life in cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lin WF#1, Zhong MF#2, Zhou QH1, Zhang YR1, Wang H1, Zhao ZH1, Cheng BB1, Ling CQ1 Cancer Manag Res. 2019 Jul 22 VIEW
Yoga for Osteoarthritis: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Lauche R1,2, Hunter DJ3, Adams J4, Cramer H4,5 Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2019 Jul 23 VIEW
Understanding Mind-Body Disciplines: A Pilot Study of Breathing and Dynamic Muscle Contraction on Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity. Chin MS1, Kales SN2,3,4 Stress Health. 2019 Jul 26 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is associated with distinct resting-state neural patterns in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Zhao XR1,2, Chen ZF3, Kang CY4, Liu RX5, Bai JY6, Cao YP1, Cheng YQ2, Xu XF2, Zhang YL1 Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 28 VIEW
Non-Pharmacological and Non-Surgical Interventions for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ferreira RM1, Torres RT2, Duarte JA3, Gonçalves RS4 Acta Reumatol Port. 2019 Jul 29 VIEW
The risks and benefits of yoga for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cramer H1,2, Haller H1, Klose P1, Ward L2,3, Chung VC2,4, Lauche R2,5 Clin Rehabil. 2019 Jul 29 VIEW
Analysis of State Insurance Coverage for Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Low Back Pain as Recommended by the American College of Physicians Guidelines. Bonakdar R1, Palanker D2, Sweeney MM1,3 Glob Adv Health Med. 2019 Jul 29 VIEW
Breath-focused mindfulness alters early and late components during emotion regulation. Zhang W1, Ouyang Y2, Tang F3, Chen J4, Li H5 Brain Cogn. 2019 Jul 30 VIEW
A 12-week Baduanjin Qigong exercise improves symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: A randomized controlled trial. Xie Y1, Guo F2, Lu Y3, Guo Y1, Wei G1, Lu L1, Ji W1, Qian X1 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019 Aug VIEW
Meditation-based mind-body therapies for negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials and meta-analysis. Sabe M1, Sentissi O2, Kaiser S3 Schizophr Res. 2019 Aug 1 VIEW
Battlefield Acupuncture and Physical Therapy Versus Physical Therapy Alone After Shoulder Surgery. Collinsworth KM1,2, Goss DL1,2 Med Acupunct. 2019 Aug 1 VIEW
Transcranial near-infrared photobiomodulation could modulate brain electrophysiological features and attentional performance in healthy young adults. Jahan A1, Nazari MA2, Mahmoudi J3, Salehpour F3,4, Salimi MM5 Lasers Med Sci. 2019 Aug VIEW
Can Mindfulness Be Too Much of a Good Thing? The Value of a Middle Way Britton W Current Opinion in Psychology 2019 Aug VIEW
Mitochondrial Psychobiology: Foundations and Applications Martin Picard1,2,3, Caroline Trumpff1, Yan Burelle4,5 Curr Opin Behav Sci 2019 Aug 1 VIEW
Mindfulness and physical disease: a concise review Jeffrey M Greeson1, Gabrielle R Chin2 Curr Opin Psychol 2019 Aug 1 VIEW
Effects of electromagnetic fields on osteoarthritis. Wang T1, Xie W1, Ye W1, He C2 Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 Aug 3 VIEW
Factors Associated with the Use of Meditation, U.S. Adults 2017. Macinko J1,2, Upchurch DM1 J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Aug 5 VIEW
Modulatory effects of different exercise modalities on the functional connectivity of the periaqueductal grey and ventral tegmental area in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. Liu J1, Chen L2, Chen X3, Hu K4, Tu Y4, Lin M4, Huang J4, Liu W4, Wu J4, Qiu Z4, Zhu J4, Li M5, Park J6, Wilson G6, Lang C6, Xie G4, Tao J7, Kong J6 Br J Anaesth. 2019 Aug 5 VIEW
Long-term Tai Chi Training Is Associated With Better Dual-task Postural Control and Cognition in Aging Adults. Jor'dan AJ, Manor B, Hausdorff JM, Lipsitz LA, Habtemariam D, Novak V, Wayne PM Adv Mind Body Med. 2018 Summer VIEW
Mindful Breathing Offers Relief for Myasthenia Gravis: A Case Report. Kass R Adv Mind Body Med. 2019 Winter VIEW
Influence of Tai Chi on Self-Efficacy, Quality of Life, and Fatigue Among Patients With Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study Brief. Murley B1, Haas B, Hermanns M, Wang YT, Stocks E2 J Holist Nurs. 2019 Aug 6 VIEW
A Clinical Trial of Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment in Alzheimer's Disease: Cognitive Enhancement and Associated Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid, Blood, and Brain Imaging. Arendash G1, Cao C2, Abulaban H3, Baranowski R4, Wisniewski G5, Becerra L5, Andel R6,7, Lin X2, Zhang X2, Wittwer D8, Moulton J9, Arrington J10, Smith A3 J Alzheimers Dis. 2019 Aug 6 VIEW
Funding Source, Quality of Publications and Outcome in Genetic Damage in Mammalian Cells Exposed to Non-Ionizing Radiofrequency Fields. Vijayalaxmi1, Prihoda TJ2 Radiat Res. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
Is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction a Promising and Feasible Intervention for Patients Suffering from Migraine? A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Simshäuser K1,2, Lüking M2,3, Kaube H2,4, Schultz C5,6, Schmidt S7 Complement Med Res. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
A Randomized Study Examining the Effects of Mild-to-Moderate Group Exercises on Cardiovascular, Physical, and Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Heart Failure. Redwine LS1, Wilson K, Pung MA, Chinh K, Rutledge T, Mills PJ, Smith B J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
Signaling pathways involved in anti-inflammatory effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field in microglial cells. Merighi S1, Gessi S2, Bencivenni S1, Battistello E1, Vincenzi F1, Setti S3, Cadossi M3, Borea PA1, Cadossi R3, Varani K4 Cytokine. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
The effects of meditation on the performance and well-being of a company: A pilot study. Pagliaro G1, Pelati R2, Signorini D2, Parenti G3, Roversi F3 Explore (NY). 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
The neural mechanisms of mindfulness-based pain relief: a functional magnetic resonance imaging-based review and primer. Zeidan F1, Baumgartner JN1, Coghill RC2 Pain Rep. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
The impact of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on blood pressure and circulating nitric oxide levels: a double blind, randomized study in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Kim CH1, Wheatley-Guy CM2, Stewart GM1, Yeo D1, Shen WK2, Johnson BD1 Blood Press. 2019 Aug 8 VIEW
Electromagnetic fields alter the motility of metastatic breast cancer cells. Garg AA1, Jones TH1, Moss SM2, Mishra S3,4, Kaul K3,4, Ahirwar DK3,4, Ferree J1, Kumar P1, Subramaniam D5, Ganju RK3,4, Subramaniam VV6,7, Song JW8,9 Commun Biol. 2019 Aug 8 VIEW
The effects of extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on analgesia in the nitric oxide pathway. Demirkazik A1, Ozdemir E2, Arslan G3, Taskiran AS2, Pelit A4 Nitric Oxide. 2019 Aug 10 VIEW
Trait mindfulness and health behaviours: a meta-analysis. Sala M1, Rochefort C1, Lui PP1, Baldwin AS1 Health Psychol Rev. 2019 Aug 11 VIEW
Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant depression: the evidence thus far. Somani A1, Kar SK2 Gen Psychiatr. 2019 Aug 12 VIEW
Neuroimmunomodulation of tissue injury and disease: an expanding view of the inflammatory reflex pathway. Tanaka S1, Hammond B2, Rosin DL3, Okusa MD1 Bioelectron Med. 2019 Aug 13 VIEW
The central autonomic network at rest: Uncovering functional MRI correlates of time-varying autonomic outflow. Valenza G1, Sclocco R2, Duggento A3, Passamonti L4, Napadow V5, Barbieri R6, Toschi N7 Neuroimage. 2019 Aug 15 VIEW
Review article: the role of the autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis and therapy of IBD. Mogilevski T1,2,3, Burgell R3, Aziz Q1,2, Gibson PR3 Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Aug 16 VIEW
Transcendental Meditation and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Functioning: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Trial with Young Adults. Klimes-Dougan B1, Chong LS2, Samikoglu A2, Thai M1, Amatya P2, Cullen KR2, Lim KO2 Stress. 2019 Aug 16 VIEW
A Brief Report: A single case design to examine short-term intracranial EGG patterns during focused meditation. Colgan DD1, Memmott T2, Klee D2, Ernst L2, Han SJ2, Oken B2 Neurosci Lett. 2019 Aug 17 VIEW
Effect of Hatha yoga training on rhinitis symptoms and cytokines in allergic rhinitis patients. Chanta A1, Klaewsongkram J2, Mickleborough TD3, Tongtako W1 Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2019 Aug 18 VIEW
The effects of mindfulness training on competition-induced anxiety and salivary stress markers in elite Wushu athletes: A pilot study. Mehrsafar AH1, Strahler J2, Gazerani P3, Khabiri M4, Sánchez JCJ5, Moosakhani A6, Zadeh AM7 Physiol Behav. 2019 Aug 19 VIEW
Couple Interventions for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review. Smith SM1, Li R2, Wolfe H3, Swanger-Gagne MS4, Bonham AD5, Kreher DA6, Poleshuck EL6 Clin J Pain. 2019 Aug 19 VIEW
Auricular acupuncture for chronic back pain in adults: a systematic review and metanalysis. Moura CC1, Chaves ECL2, Cardoso ACLR1, Nogueira DA3, Azevedo C1, Chianca TCM1 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019 Aug 19 VIEW
Current aspects of the basic concepts of the electrophysiology of the sinoatrial node. Pérez-Riera AR1, Barbosa-Barros R2, Daminello-Raimundo R3, de Abreu LC4, Nikus K5 J Electrocardiol. 2019 Aug 19 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi on beta endorphin and inflammatory markers in older adults with chronic pain: an exploratory study. You T1, Ogawa EF2,3, Thapa S4, Cai Y4, Yeh GY5,6,7, Wayne PM6,7, Shi L4, Leveille SG4,5,6 Aging Clin Exp Res. 2019 Aug 20 VIEW
Hierarchical control systems for the regulation of physiological homeostasis and affect: Can their interactions modulate mood and anhedonia? Muzik O1, Diwadkar VA2 Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019 Aug 20 VIEW
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