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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
A Pilot Study of External QigongTherapy for Patients with Fibromyalgia CHEN JW1,2// HASSETT AL3//HOU F 4// JOY STALLER J//// JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2006 VIEW
A pilot study of gentle yoga for sleep disturbance in women with osteoarthritis. Taibi DM, Vitiello MV. Sleep Med. 2011 Apr 11 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Group Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). King AP, Erickson TM, Giardino ND, Favorite T, Rauch SA, Robinson E, Kulkarni M, Liberzon I. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
A pilot study of intelligence improvement in children with mental handicap by Qigong Liu F//Wan C//Chen K//Wang R Eastern Qigong Journal 1992 VIEW
A pilot study of loving-kindness meditation for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Johnson DP, Penn DL, Fredrickson BL, Kring AM, Meyer PS, Catalino LI, Brantley M. Schizophr Res. 2011 Mar 6 VIEW
A pilot study of mind-body changes in adults with asthma who practice mental imagery Epstein GN//Halper JP//Barrett EA//Birdsall C//// Altern Ther Health Med 2004 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Personality Features of Psychotic Disorders Caused by Qigong Xiao B//Xie W Journal of Shantou University Medical College 1998 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Qigong for Reducing Cocaine Craving Early in Recovery. Smelson D, Chen KW, Ziedonis D, Andes K, Lennox A, Callahan L, Rodrigues S, Eisenberg D. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 3 VIEW
A pilot study of qigong practice and upper respiratory illness in elite swimmers. Wright PA, Innes KE, Alton J, Bovbjerg VE, Owens JE. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
A Pilot Study of the Effects of Chair Yoga and Chair-Based Exercise on Biopsychosocial Outcomes in Older Adults With Lower Extremity Osteoarthritis. McCaffrey R1, Taylor D, Marker C, Park J Holist Nurs Pract. 2019 Nov/Dec VIEW
A pilot study of the effects of meditation on regional brain metabolism in distressed dementia caregivers. Pomykala KL, Silverman DH, Geist CL, Voege P, Siddarth P, Nazarian N, St Cyr NM, Khalsa DS, Lavretsky H. Aging health. 2012 Oct 1 VIEW
A Pilot Study of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Brain Response to Traumatic Reminders of Combat in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Combat Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Bremner JD1,2,3,4,5, Mishra S1, Campanella C1, Shah M1, Kasher N6, Evans S1, Fani N1, Shah AJ6,7, Reiff C1, Davis LL3,4,5, Vaccarino V6,7, Carmody J8 Front Psychiatry. 2017 Aug 25 VIEW
A pilot study of the experience of participating in a therapeutic touch practice group. Moore T, Ting B, Rossiter-Thornton M J Holist Nurs. 2008 Sep VIEW
A pilot study of the feasibility and outcomes of yoga for lung cancer survivors. Fouladbakhsh JM1, Davis JE2, Yarandi HN3. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2014 Mar 1 VIEW
A pilot study of the use of EEG-based synchronized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) for treatment of Major Depression. Jin Y, Phillips B. BMC Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 18 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Virtual Reality (VR) Tai Chi Program on Mental Health among Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic Junhyoung Kim1, Yongseop Kim1, Pei-Shiun Chang2, Seok Min Oh1, Sua Han3 Am J Health Behav 2022 Oct 17 VIEW
A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities. Middleton KR, Ward MM, Haaz S, Velummylum S, Fike A, Acevedo AT, Tataw-Ayuketah G, Dietz L, Mittleman BB, Wallen GR. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013 Apr 2 VIEW
A pilot study of yoga for breast cancer survivors: Physical and psychological benefits Culos-Reed, S., Carlson, L., Daroux, L. & Hately-Aldous, S. Psychooncology 2006 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Yoga for Chronic Headaches in Youth: Promise Amidst Challenges. Hainsworth KR, Salamon KS, Khan KA, Mascarenhas B, Davies WH, Weisman SJ. Pain Manag Nurs. 2013 Feb 18 VIEW
A pilot study of yoga treatment in children with functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome. Brands MM, Purperhart H, Deckers-Kocken JM. Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jun VIEW
A Pilot Study of Yoga with Incarcerated Youth Using the Prison Yoga Project Approach Jennifer Ishaq1, Kyle Eyman2, Elizabeth Goncy3, Lynn Williams4, Katherine Kelton5, Nicholas Knickerbocker1 Int J Yoga Therap 2023 Dec 1 VIEW
A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms: effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity. Lavretsky H, Epel ES, Siddarth P, Nazarian N, Cyr NS, Khalsa DS, Lin J, Blackburn E, Irwin MR. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Mar 11 VIEW
A Pilot Study on Social Problems of Psychotic Disorders Resulted from Qigong Yang H//Wang X//Du F China Social Medicine 1991 VIEW
A pilot study on the effect of acute tai chi practice on peripheral blood cytokine expression in healthy volunteers. Li H, Howk C, Geib RW. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2012 VIEW
A Pilot Study on the Effects of Yi Jin Jing Exercise for Older Men With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ZhiWei Liu, Ting Chen, Mingkang Shen, Kai Li, ChunJie Ma, Antonnette Ketlhoafetse, XiangYun Liu J Aging Phys Act 2020 May 20 VIEW
A pilot study on the evaluation of postural strategies in young and elderly subjects using a tridimensional electromagnetic system. Carneiro JA, Santos-Pontelli TE, Colafêmina JF, Carneiro AA, Ferriolli E. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Apr VIEW
A pilot study on using acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA) Itoh K, Hirota S, Katsumi Y, Ochi H, Kitakoji H Chin Med. 2008 Feb 29 VIEW
A pilot study on using acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to treat chronic non-specific low back pain. Itoh K, Itoh S, Katsumi Y, Kitakoji H. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2009 Feb VIEW
A pilot study to examine the effects of a mindfulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation program on levels of stress hormones, physical functioning, and submaximal exercise responses McComb JJ//Tacon A//Randolph P//Caldera Y J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
A pilot study: the effect of healing touch on anxiety, stress, pain, pain medication usage, and physiological measures in hospitalized sickle cell disease adults experiencing a vaso-occlusive pain episode. Thomas LS1, Stephenson N, Swanson M, Jesse DE, Brown S. J Holist Nurs 2013 Dec VIEW
A Pilot Trial of Cosmic Freedom Qigong for Treatment of Fibromyalgia. Lynch ME, Sawynok J, Bouchard A. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Sep 28 VIEW
A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Study of Tai Chi With Passive and Active Controls in the Treatment of Depressed Chinese Americans. Yeung AS1,2,3, Feng R2,4, Kim DJH2, Wayne PM4, Yeh GY4, Baer L2, Lee OE5, Denninger JW3, Benson H3, Fricchione GL3, Alpert J2, Fava M2 J Clin Psychiatry. 2017 May VIEW
A plea for acupuncture coverage. Kim P. J Fam Pract. 2013 Sep VIEW
A portable system for recording neural activity in indoor and outdoor environments. Baluch F, Itti L. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
A Positive Emotional-Based Meditation but Not Mindfulness-Based Meditation Improves Emotion Regulation. Valim CPRAT1, Marques LM1, Boggio PS1 Front Psychol. 2019 Mar 28 VIEW
A possible mechanism underlying the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction Yang CH, Lee BH, Sohn SH Evid Based Complement Alternat Me 2008 Sep VIEW
A possible physical basis for the healing touch (biotherapy) evaluated by high voltage electrophotography Berden M//Jerman I//Skarja M Acupunct Electrother Res 1997 VIEW
A practical scientific guide to electro-acupuncture Kenyon Julian N 1983 VIEW
A Practical Use of 'Qi-Gong Walking' As the Physical Exercise for Diabetics Iwao M//Sujian W//Kajiyama S 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
A Practice-Based Theory of Healing Through Therapeutic Touch: Advancing Holistic Nursing Practice. Hanley MA1, Coppa D2, Shields D3 J Holist Nurs. 2017 Aug 1 VIEW
A Practice-Inspired Mindset for Researching the Psychophysiological and Medical Health Effects of Recreational Dance (Dance Sport) Julia F Christensen1, Meghedi Vartanian2, Luisa Sancho-Escanero3, Shahrzad Khorsandi4, S H N Yazdi5, Fahimeh Farahi5, Khatereh Borhani6, Antoni Gomila7 Front Psychol 2021 Feb 25 VIEW
A pragmatic multi-centred randomised controlled trial of yoga for chronic low back pain: Trial protocol. Cox H, Tilbrook H, Aplin J, Chuang LH, Hewitt C, Jayakody S, Semlyen A, Soares MO, Torgerson D, Trewhela A, Watt I, Worthy G. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2010 May VIEW
A preliminary clinical evaluation of external snehan and asanas in the patients of sciatica. Singh AK, Singh OP. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jan VIEW
A preliminary evaluation on Chineses qigong treatment of anxiety Shan Huaihai//Yan Heqin 1//Sheng Henian//Hu Shengqi 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
A preliminary experiment on the effects of qigong on intelligence in primary education Zhou Lu 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
A preliminary experimental research of the curative effects of wai qi - of qigong on the cancer growth Qian Shusen 1//Gao Chunmei 1//Wu Yuande 1//Qiu Qi1 //Gao Shangtong 1//Huaxia Zhineng 2//// 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
A Preliminary Exploration of the Relation Between External Qi and Light Hong Bande//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
A preliminary investigation of the effects of giving testimony and learning yogic breathing techniques on battered women\'s feelings of depression. Franzblau SH, Echevarria S, Smith M, Van Cantfort TE. J Interpers Violence. 2008 Dec VIEW
A preliminary investigation of yoga as an intervention approach for improving long-term weight loss: A randomized trial Jessica L Unick1,2, Shira I Dunsiger3, Beth C Bock2,3,4, Sally A Sherman5, Tosca D Braun2,4, Rena R Wing1,2 PLoS One 2022 Feb 4 VIEW
A preliminary neuroimaging investigation of the effects of mindfulness training on attention reorienting and amygdala reactivity to emotional faces in adolescent and adult females Iroise Dumontheil1,2, Kristen E Lyons3, Tamara A Russell4, Philip David Zelazo5 J Adolesc 2022 Oct 25 VIEW
A preliminary observation of qigong effect on Na- K - ATP ase activity in patients with qigong deviation Chai Hongshou 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
A preliminary observation of the effect of “external-qi” on the function of making blood Wang Zhengchang 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
A Preliminary Observation of the Influence of Qigong On E. Coli C311 Pei Hongsheng//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1994 VIEW
A preliminary report on a new anti-G maneuver. Guo HZ//Zhang SX//Jing BS//Zhang LM Aviat Space Environ Med 1988 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effect of external qigong on lymphoma in mice Chen K//Shiflett S//Ponzio N//He B//Elliott D//Keller SE J. Alt. Compl. Med. 2002 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effect of qigong on oxygen-metabolism of rowing team Cao Dongse 1//Xia Yunjuan 1//Yang Degen 1//Wang Zongming 2//Zhou Yahui 2//Yang Kelin 2 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong medical exercise on indicators of metabolic syndrome and glycaemic control in adults with elevated blood glucose Xin L, Miller YD, Burton NW, Brown WJ Br J Sports Med 2008 Apr 2 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong medical exercise on indicators of metabolic syndrome, glycaemic control, health related quality of life, and psychological health in adults with elevated blood glucose Liu X, Miller YD, Burton NW, Brown WJ Br J Sports Med. 2008 Oct 16 VIEW
A preliminary study of the physiological efficacy when doing Zhoutian Cong Liu C//Machi Y//Huang J//Huang M//Huang X 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
A preliminary study on the principles of qigong health preservation in 'Huangdi's Internal Classic' Diao LH 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
A primary care based randomized controlled trial of 12 weeks whole body vibration for balance improvement in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Pozo-Cruz JD, Alfonso-Rosa RM, Ugia JL, McVeigh JG, Del Pozo-Cruz B, Sañudo B. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Jun 27 VIEW
A primary study of the influence of qigong waiqi on electrogastric activity in man Qin Chao 1//Feng Yangzheng 2//Yu Youmin 2//Wang Ruongguang 2//Shu Kengmin 3 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
A Primer on Interoception and its Importance in Psychiatry Swarna Buddha Nayok1,2, Vanteemar S Sreeraj2, Venkataram Shivakumar3, Ganesan Venkatasubramanian1,2 Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci 2023 May 30 VIEW
A progress study of 100 cancer patients treated by acupressure for chemotherapy-induced vomiting after failure with the pharmacological approach Gardani G, Cerrone R, Biella C, Galbiati G, Proserpio E, Casiraghi M, Arnoffi J, Meregalli M, Trabattoni P, Dapretto E, Giani L, Messina G, Lissoni P Minerva Med 2007 Dec VIEW
A Promising Method to Distinguish Vascular Dementia From Alzheimer's disease with Standardized Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography and Quantitative EEG. Wu L, Wu L, Chen Y, Zhou J. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2013 Nov 7 VIEW
A PROPOSAL FOR MEDICINE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Obitsu Ryoichi MD 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
A proposal for special medicine-great expectations of qigong related to the principle of life. Obitsu Ryoichi 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
A prospective evaluation of lung volume reduction surgery in 200 consecutive patients Yusen RD//Lefrak SS//Gierada DS//Davis GE//// Chest 2003 VIEW
A Prospective Patient-Centered Data Collection Program at an Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Teaching Clinic. Marx BL, Rubin LH, Milley R, Hammerschlag R, Ackerman DL. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Dec 16 VIEW
A prospective study of effects of qigong to put off senile decay Hu Songchang 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
A Prospective, Multicenter Study of Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) Utilization During Definitive Radiation for Breast Cancer. Moran MS, Ma S, Jagsi R, Yang TI, Higgins SA, Weidhaas JB, Wilson LD, Lloyd S, Peschel R, Gaudreau B, Rockwell S. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Jun 1 VIEW
A protocol and novel tool for systematically reviewing the effects of mindful walking on mental and cardiovascular health Dustin W Davis1, Bryson Carrier1, Brenna Barrios1, Kyle Cruz1, James W Navalta1 PLoS One 2021 Oct 12 VIEW
A PubMed-Based Exploration of the Course of Yoga Research from 1948 to 2020 Dipak Chetry1, Shirley Telles1, Acharya Balkrishna1 Int J Yoga Therap 2021 Nov 2 VIEW
A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Protects against Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity by Modulating the Endocannabinoid System in HT22 Cells. Li X1, Xu H2, Lei T2, Yang Y3, Jing D2, Dai S3, Luo P4, Xu Q5 Front Neurosci. 2017 Feb 6 VIEW
A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device for Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Lisi AJ1, Scheinowitz M2,3, Saporito R4, Onorato A4 Pain Ther. 2019 Mar 12 VIEW
A qualitative analysis of beginning mindfulness experiences for women with post-traumatic stress disorder and a history of intimate partner violence. Bermudez D, Benjamin MT, Porter SE, Saunders PA, Myers NA, Dutton MA. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 May VIEW
A qualitative exploration of the impact of yoga on breast cancer survivors with aromatase inhibitor-associated arthralgias. Galantino ML, Greene L, Archetto B, Baumgartner M, Hassall P, Murphy JK, Umstetter J, Desai K. Explore (NY). 2012 Jan-Feb VIEW
A qualitative study into the experience of individuals involved in a mindfulness group within an acute inpatient mental health unit York, M. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs 2007 VIEW
A qualitative study of changes in expectations over time among patients with chronic low back pain seeking four CAM therapies. Eaves ER, Sherman KJ, Ritenbaugh C, Hsu C, Nichter M, Turner JA, Cherkin DC. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
A qualitative study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression Mason O//Hargreaves I Br J Med Psychol 2001 VIEW
A qualitative study of mindfulness-based meditation therapy in Japanese cancer patients Ando M, Morita T, Akechi T, Ifuku Y. Support Care Cancer. 2010 May 16 VIEW
A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Understanding Mind/Body Medicine and Self-Healing Syldona M First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
A radio frequency electric current enhances antibiotic efficacy against bacterial biofilms Caubet R//Pedarros-Caubet F/Chu M//Freye E//// Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004 VIEW
A randomised controlled cross-over trial of aerobic training versus Qigong in advanced Parkinson's disease Burini D//Farabollini B//Iacucci S//Rimatori C//et. al Eura Medicophys 2006 VIEW
A randomised controlled single-blind trial of the effects of Reiki and positive imagery on well-being and salivary cortisol. Bowden D, Goddard L, Gruzelier J. Brain Res Bull. 2009 Oct 8 VIEW
A randomised controlled single-blind trial of the efficacy of reiki at benefitting mood and well-being. Bowden D, Goddard L, Gruzelier J. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
A randomised controlled study of the effects of music on sleep quality in older people. Chan MF. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Feb 7 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of tai chi alongside usual care with usual care alone on the postural balance of community-dwelling people with dementia: protocol for the TACIT trial (TAi ChI for people with demenTia). Nyman SR1, Hayward C2, Ingram W2, Thomas P3, Thomas S3, Vassallo M4, Raftery J5, Allen H3, Barrado-Martín Y6 BMC Geriatr. 2018 Nov 3 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial examining the effect of acupuncture at the EX-HN3 (Yintang) point on pre-operative anxiety levels in neurosurgical patients. Wiles MD1, Mamdani J2, Pullman M1, Andrzejowski JC1. Anaesthesia 2017 Jan 16 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of a mindfulness intervention for men with advanced prostate cancer. Chambers SK, Smith DP, Berry M, Lepore SJ, Foley E, Clutton S, McDowall R, Occhipinti S, Frydenberg M, Gardiner RA. BMC Cancer. 2013 Feb 26 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans Schneider RH//Staggers F//Alxander CN//Sheppard W//// Hypertension. Nov;(): 1995 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of the effect of music therapy and verbal relaxation on chemotherapy-induced anxiety. Lin MF, Hsieh YJ, Hsu YY, Fetzer S, Hsu MC. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Apr VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of the effects of Brain Wave Vibration training on mood and well-being. Bowden DE, McLennan D, Gruzelier J. J Complement Integr Med. 2014 Jun 13 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on medical student stress levels. Warnecke E, Quinn S, Ogden K, Towle N, Nelson MR. Med Educ. 2011 Apr VIEW
A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of manual and electrical acupuncture for the treatment of tinnitus. Wang K, Bugge J, Bugge S. Complement Ther Med. 2010 Dec VIEW
A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity. Tran MT1, Skovbjerg S1, Arendt-Nielsen L2, Christensen KB3, Elberling J1 Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2016 Dec 6 VIEW
A randomized clinical trial comparing fitness and biofeedback training versus basic treatment in patients with fibromyalgia van Santen M//Bolwijn P//Verstappen F//Bakker C//// J Rheumatol 2002 VIEW
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Acupuncture Versus Oral Steroids for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Long-Term Follow-Up. Yang CP, Wang NH, Li TC, Hsieh CL, Chang HH, Hwang KL, Ko WS, Chang MH. J Pain 2010 Nov 24 VIEW
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