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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Application of Tai Chi in stage Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: A series of case reports Liuying Li1, Gang Zheng2, Fengya Zhu3, Deya Che1 Asian J Surg 2021 Aug 3 VIEW
Application of the Bi-Digital O-ring imaging test to toxic organ meridians and clinical medicine Shinnick P Medical Acupuncture 2003 VIEW
Application of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test to Oriental Medicine Morishita M 3rd International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 1997 VIEW
Application of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test to Oriental Medicine Morishita M 5th Biennial International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 2002 VIEW
Application of traditional Chinese medicine in space medical research Shi HZ Space Med Med Eng (Beijing) 2001 VIEW
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Dong Y1, Liao J2, Yao K1, Jiang W1, Wang J1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Application of transcranial brain stimulation in dementia Yuncin Luo1, Feng-Yi Yang2, Raymond Y Lo1 Tzu Chi Med J 2023 Jul 12 VIEW
Application of ultrasound treatment for improving the physicochemical, functional and rheological properties of myofibrillar proteins. Amiri A1, Sharifian P2, Soltanizadeh N2 Int J Biol Macromol. 2018 Jan 4 VIEW
Application of virtual reality to enhance therapeutic Tai Chi for depression in elderly people Ting Qiu1, Gaohua Zhang2, Fengli Zhou2, Han Jiang3 Acta Psychol (Amst) 2024 Jul 17 VIEW
Application of Yoga in Residential Treatment of Traumatized Youth. Spinazzola J, Rhodes AM, Emerson D, Earle E, Monroe K. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc. 2011 Aug 25 VIEW
Applications of Acupuncture Therapy in Modulating Plasticity of Central Nervous System. Xiao LY1,2, Wang XR1, Yang Y1,2, Yang JW1, Cao Y1, Ma SM1, Li TR1,3, Liu CZ1 Neuromodulation. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
Applications of complementary therapies during rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Findings from the SCIRehab Project. Taylor SM1,2, Cheung EO3,4, Sun R5, Grote V6, Marchlewski A7, Addington EL3,4 J Spinal Cord Med. 2018 Jun 8 VIEW
Applications of electromagnetic radiation in medicine. Miłowska K, Grabowska K, Gabryelak T. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online). 2014 May 8 VIEW
Applications of Exogenous Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Enhance Fracture Healing in Rat Model. Cheung WH, Chin WC, Wei FY, Li G, Leung KS. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Oct 10 VIEW
Applications of Gas Discharge Visualization Imaging in Health and Disease: A Systematic Review Suman Bista, Nishitha Jasti, Hemant Bhargav, Sanjeev Sinha, Sushil Gupta, Prahlada Ramarao, Santosh Kumar Chaturvedi, Bangalore Nanjundaiah Gangadhar Altern Ther Health Med 2022 May 31 VIEW
Applications of super sense consciousness in qigong diagnosis of disease Yang Pengfei//Dong Jia 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Applied kinesiology, basic procedures and muscle testing; Vol. 1 Walther DS 1981 VIEW
Applied kinesiology: Distinctions in its definition and interpretation. Rosner AL, Cuthbert SC. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2012 Oct VIEW
Applied psychophysiology: beyond the boundaries of biofeedback (mending a wall, a brief history of our field, and applications to control of the muscles and cardiorespiratory systems) Lehrer P Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2003 VIEW
Applied research of regulating breath in Chinese qigong for teaching and training midddle distance runners Chen Yongqing//Yan Runfang 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Applying 21st Century Imaging Technology to Wound Healing: An Avant-Gardist Approach. Bowling FL, Paterson J, Ndip A. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2013 Sep 1 VIEW
Applying Heart Rate Variability to Monitor Health and Performance in Tactical Personnel: A Narrative Review Mark D Stephenson1, Andrew G Thompson1, Justin J Merrigan1, Jason D Stone1, Joshua A Hagen1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Jul 31 VIEW
Applying mindfulness therapy in a group of psychotic individuals: a controlled study. Langer ÁI, Cangas AJ, Salcedo E, Fuentes B. Behav Cogn Psychother. 2012 Jan VIEW
Applying Mindfulness Therapy in a Group of Psychotic Individuals: A Controlled Study. Langer AI, Cangas AJ, Salcedo E, Fuentes B. Behav Cogn Psychother. 2011 Sep 9 VIEW
Applying Qigong to Sports Huang Yanfu//Lir Xiuqin 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Applying Statistical and Complex Network Methods to Explore the Key Signaling Molecules of Acupuncture Regulating Neuroendocrine-Immune Network. Zhang K1, Guo XM2, Yan YW1, Liu YY1,3, Xu ZF1,3, Zhao X1,3, Wang J2, Guo Y1,4, Li K5, Ding SS6 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Jan 29 VIEW
Appraisal of the Deqi Concept among Contemporary Chinese Acupuncturists. Chen S, Guo S, Marmori F, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Wang B, Ha E, Miao Y, Xiang L, Zhao M, Huo Y, Nan Y, Liu LA, Zhao J. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Approaching complexity-Start with awareness Joachim P Sturmberg1,2 J Eval Clin Pract 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Approaching dysphoric mood: State-effects of mindfulness meditation on frontal brain asymmetry. Keune PM, Bostanov V, Hautzinger M, Kotchoubey B. Biol Psychol. 2013 Feb 11 VIEW
Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity S M Pincus1 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1991 Mar 15 VIEW
Are 'Meridian Points' and 'Meridians and Collaterals' Memorized in the Brain? Ueda Y//Kuroiwa K//Zenjyu H//Katano T//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Are all placebo effects equal? Placebo pills, sham acupuncture, cue conditioning and their association. Kong J, Spaeth R, Cook A, Kirsch I, Claggett B, Vangel M, Gollub RL, Smoller JW, Kaptchuk TJ. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 31 VIEW
Are bioelectrical parameters and functionality associated with postural control in the elderly? Giovana Navarro Bertolini1, Bruna Spolador de Alencar Silva2, Vanessa Ribeiro Dos Santos3, Iracimara de Anchieta Messias4, José Procópio Jabur Ribeiro5, Elisabetta Marini6, Luís Alberto Gobbo7 Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2021 Feb 1 VIEW
Are breathing exercises an effective strategy for people with asthma? Thomas M. Nurs Times 2009 Mar 17-23 VIEW
Are conduits superconductor-like and supported by tetrahedra structure of hyaluronic matrix in living systems? New perspectives. Fromknecht R, Goncalves M, Greten HJ, Machado J. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Are exercise programs effective for improving health-related quality of life among cancer survivors? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mishra SI1, Scherer RW2, Snyder C3, Geigle P4, Gotay C5. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2014 Nov 1 VIEW
Are Exposures to Multiple Frequencies the Key to Future Radiofrequency Research? Sienkiewicz Z1, Calderón C1, Broom KA1, Addison D1, Gavard A1, Lundberg L1, Maslanyj M1 Front Public Health. 2017 Dec 8 VIEW
Are falls prevention programs effective at reducing the risk factors for falls in people with type-2 diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy: A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Gu Y1, Dennis SM2 J Diabetes Complications. 2016 Oct 8 VIEW
Are Functional Brain Alterations Present in Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review of EEG Studies Stijn Schouppe1, Sophie Van Oosterwijck2, Lieven Danneels3, Stefaan Van Damme4, Jessica Van Oosterwijck5 J Pain Jan-Feb 2020 VIEW
Are Indian yoga trials more likely to be positive than those from other countries? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Cramer H1, Lauche R1, Langhorst J1, Dobos G1. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Feb 20 VIEW
Are media warnings about the adverse health effects of modern life self-fulfilling? An experimental study on idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF). Witthöft M, Rubin GJ. J Psychosom Res. 2013 Mar VIEW
Are Mind-Body Exercise Beneficial for Treating Pain, Function, and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Old People With Chronic Pain? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Yu-Rong Wen1,2, Jian Shi3,2, Ya-Fei Wang2, Yang-Yang Lin2, Zheng-Yu Hu3,2, You-Tian Lin2,4, Xue-Qiang Wang1,5, Yu-Ling Wang2 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 Jun 21 VIEW
Are Mindful Exercises Safe and Beneficial for Treating Chronic Lower Back Pain? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Zou L1, Zhang Y2, Yang L3,4, Loprinzi PD5, Yeung AS6, Kong J7, Chen KW8, Song W9,10, Xiao T11, Li H12,13 J Clin Med. 2019 May 8 VIEW
Are Movement-Based Mindful Exercises (QIGONG, TAI CHI, AND YOGA) Beneficial for Stroke and Parkinson's Disease? A Scoping Review Garcia-MunozCristina García-Muñoz1, GarciaPaula González García2, María Jesús Casuso-Holgado3, Martinez-CalderonJavier Martínez-Calderón3, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo3 Complement Ther Med 2022 Dec 21 VIEW
Are neuromodulation interventions associated with changes in the gut microbiota? A systematic review Vera Korenblik1, Marlies E Brouwer2, Aniko Korosi3, Damiaan Denys2, Claudi L H Bockting2, Stanley Brul4, Anja Lok5 Neuropharmacology 2022 Nov 2 VIEW
Are people who do yoga any better at a motor imagery task than those who do not? Wallwork SB, Butler DS, Wilson DJ, Moseley GL. Br J Sports Med. 2012 Dec 15 VIEW
Are physiological changes experienced by healthy subjects during acu-TENS associated with acupuncture point sensations? Yu DT, Jones AY. Acupunct Med 2013 Nov 1 VIEW
Are Published Cancer Care Trial Protocols With Traditional Chinese Medicine Interventions Concordant With SPIRIT-TCM Extension 2018? A Scoping Review on Published Trial Protocols Between 2019 and 2022 Hezheng Lai1, Peiying Yang2, Xin Shelley Wang2, David Lim3,4, Anderson Lam1, Yucong Shi5, Yishi Huang1,6, Xiaoshu Zhu1,7 Integr Cancer Ther 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
Are sham acupuncture interventions more effective than (other) placebos? A re-analysis of data from the cochrane review on placebo effects. Linde K, Niemann K, Meissner K. Forsch Komplementmed. 2010 VIEW
Are Short Telomeres Hallmarks of Cancer Recurrence? Shay JW. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Dec 23 VIEW
Are Short Telomeres Predictive of Advanced Cancer? Shay JW. Cancer Discov. 2013 Oct VIEW
Are spirituality and religiosity resources for patients with chronic pain conditions? Büssing A, Michalsen A, Balzat HJ, Grünther RA, Ostermann T, Neugebauer EA, Matthiessen PF. Pain Med 2009 Mar VIEW
Are Tai Chi and Qigong effective in the treatment of traumatic brain injury? A systematic review Nicole Alexandra Laskosky1, Patricia Huston2,3, Wai Ching Lam4,5, Charlotte Anderson6, Linda L D Zhong7,8 BMC Complement Med Ther 2024 Feb 6 VIEW
Are the 'hard' martial arts, such as the Korean martial art, TaeKwon-Do, of benefit to senior citizens? Brudnak MA//Dundero D//Van Hecke FM Med Hypotheses 2002 VIEW
Are the antidepressive effects of massage therapy mediated by restoration of impaired interoceptive functioning? A novel hypothetical mechanism. Eggart M1, Queri S2, Müller-Oerlinghausen B3 Med Hypotheses. 2019 Jul VIEW
Are the DSM-IV personality disorders related to mindfulness? An Italian study on clinical participants. Fossati A, Vigorelli Porro F, Maffei C, Borroni S. J Clin Psychol. 2012 Jun VIEW
Are There Any Effects Other Than Suggestion in External Qi Yamamoto M 1//Kokubo H 1//Haraguchi S 1//Kokado T 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Are there electrical devices that can measure the body’s Energy state change to an acupuncture treatment? Part I, The Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA-21) Device Roberts NR//Shealy CN// Tiller WA Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 2002 VIEW
Are we close to a theory of energy medicine? Hankey A J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Argentine tango dance compared to mindfulness meditation and a waiting-list control: A randomised trial for treating depression. Pinniger R, Brown RF, Thorsteinsson EB, McKinley P. Complement Ther Med. 2012 dec VIEW
ARIX: A randomised trial of acupuncture v oral care sessions in patients with chronic xerostomia following treatment of head and neck cancer. Simcock R, Fallowfield L, Monson K, Solis-Trapala I, Parlour L, Langridge C, Jenkins V; on behalf of the ARIX Steering Committee. Ann Oncol. 2012 Oct 25 VIEW
Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer Fellowes D//Barnes K//Wilkinson S Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004 VIEW
Art activities and qigong exercise for the well-being of older adults in nursing homes in Indonesia: a randomized controlled trial. Roswiyani R1,2, Hiew CH3, Witteman CLM1, Satiadarma MP2, Spijker J1,4 Aging Ment Health. 2019 May 30 VIEW
Arterial blood pressure and cardiovascular responses to yoga practice. Miles SC, Chun-Chung C, Hsin-Fu L, Hunter SD, Dhindsa M, Nualnim N, Tanaka H. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Jan-Feb VIEW
Artificial sunlight irradiation induces ultraweak photon emission in human skin fibroblasts. Niggli HJ. J Photochem Photobiol B. 1993 May VIEW
As without, so within: how the brain's temporo-spatial alignment to the environment shapes consciousness Georg Northoff1,2,3, Philipp Klar4, Magnus Bein5, Adam Safron6,7,8 Interface Focus 2023 Apr 14 VIEW
Asahi qigong as japan original Asahi M//Kosugi H 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Asbestos as a possible major cause of malignant lung tumors (including small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma & mesothelioma), brain tumors (i.e. astrocytoma & glioblastoma multiforme), many other malignant tumors, intractable pain including fibromyalgia, & some cardio-vascular pathology: safe & effective methods of reducing asbestos from normal & pathological areas Omura Y Acupunct Electrother Res 2006 VIEW
Ashtanga yoga for children and adolescents for weight management and psychological well being: An uncontrolled open pilot study. Benavides S, Caballero J. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2009 May VIEW
Aspects on the integrative actions of the brain from neural networks to "brain-body medicine". Agnati LF, Guidolin D, Guescini M, Battistin L, Stocchi V, De Caro R, Genedani S, Fuxe K. J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2012 Aug VIEW
Aspirin and diabetes: inhibition of amylin aggregation by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Thomas T//Nadackal GT//Thomas K Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2003 VIEW
Assessing a cognitive music training for older participants: a randomised controlled trial. Biasutti M1, Mangiacotti A1 Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2017 Apr 12 VIEW
Assessing adolescent mindfulness: validation of an adapted Mindful Attention Awareness Scale in adolescent normative and psychiatric populations. Brown KW, West AM, Loverich TM, Biegel GM. Psychol Assess. 2011 Dec VIEW
Assessing complementary therapy services in a hospice program Demmer C//Sauer J Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2002 VIEW
Assessing patients' preferences for characteristics associated with homeopathic and conventional treatment of asthma: a conjoint analysis study Ratcliffe J//Van Haselen R//Buxton M//Hardy K//// Thorax 2002 VIEW
Assessing telomere length using surface enhanced Raman scattering. Zong S, Wang Z, Chen H, Cui Y. Sci Rep. 2014 Nov 10 VIEW
Assessing the Accuracy of Popular Commercial Technologies That Measure Resting Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Jason D Stone1, Hana K Ulman1,2, Kaylee Tran1,3, Andrew G Thompson1, Manuel D Halter1, Jad H Ramadan1, Mark Stephenson1,4, Victor S Finomore Jr1, Scott M Galster1, Ali R Rezai1, Joshua A Hagen1 Front Sports Act Living 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
Assessing the anti-inflammatory effects of whole-body vibration: a meta-analysis based on pre-clinical and clinical evidences Yiying Wang1, Renxin Ji2, Bo Yu1 Am J Clin Exp Immunol 2024 Jun 25 VIEW
Assessing the comparative effectiveness of tai chi versus physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis: design and rationale for a randomized trial. Wang C, Iversen MD, McAlindon T, Harvey WF, Wong JB, Fielding RA, Driban JB, Price LL, Rones R, Gamache T, Schmid CH. BMC Complement Altern Med 2014 Sep 8 VIEW
Assessing the effect of a mind-body exercise, qigong Baduanjin, on sleep disturbance among women experiencing intimate partner violence and possible mediating factors: a randomized-controlled trial Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Pui Hing Chau1, Wing-Fai Yeung2, Wen Deng1, Athena Wai Lin Hong3, Agnes F Y Tiwari4 J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Feb 8 VIEW
Assessing the effects of acupuncture by comparing needling the hegu acupoint and needling nearby nonacupoints by spectral analysis of microcirculatory laser Doppler signals. Hsiu H, Hsu WC, Hsu CL, Huang SM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Assessing the Effects of Music Listening on Psychobiological Stress in Daily Life. Linnemann A1, Strahler J1, Nater UM2 J Vis Exp. 2017 Feb 2 VIEW
Assessing the feasibility of heart rate variability as an objective indicator of anxiety in older adults with dementia living in care homes Milena A Quinci1,2, Arlene J Astell3,4,5 BMC Res Notes 2021 Feb 5 VIEW
Assessing the mechanisms of brain plasticity by transcranial magnetic stimulation Ali Jannati1,2,3, Lindsay M Oberman4, Alexander Rotenberg5,6,7, Alvaro Pascual-Leone8,9,10 Neuropsychopharmacology 2022 Oct 5 VIEW
Assessing the Quality of Reports about Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Treatment on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Bo C, Xue Z, Yi G, Zelin C, Yang B, Zixu W, Yajun W. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Assessing the Quality of Reports about Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Treatment on Mild Cognitive Impairment. Lu X, Hongcai S, Jiaying W, Jing H, Jun X. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 25 VIEW
Assessing the quality, efficacy, and effectiveness of the current evidence base of active self-care complementary and integrative medicine therapies for the management of chronic pain: a rapid evidence assessment of the literature. Delgado R1, York A, Lee C, Crawford C, Buckenmaier C 3rd, Schoomaker E, Crawford P; Active Self-Care Therapies for Pain (PACT) Working Group. Pain Med. 2014 Apr VIEW
Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Combining Self-Care with Practitioner-Delivered Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies to Improve Pain in a Pragmatic Trial Steven B Zeliadt1,2, Scott Coggeshall1, Hannah Gelman1, Marlena H Shin3, A Rani Elwy4,5, Barbara G Bokhour4,6, Stephanie L Taylor7,8 Pain Med 2020 Dec 12 VIEW
Assessment and tailored physical rehabilitation approaches in persons with cerebellar impairments targeting mobility and walking according to the International Classification of Functioning: a systematic review of case-reports and case-series Anne Bogaert1, Francesco Romanò2, Pierre Cabaraux3, Peter Feys1,4, Lousin Moumdjian1,4,5 Disabil Rehabil 2023 Aug 28 VIEW
Assessment of a traditional acupuncture therapy for chronic neck pain: A pilot randomised controlled study. Liang Z, Zhu X, Yang X, Fu W, Lu A. Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jan VIEW
Assessment of Autonomic Function and Balance in Chronic Fatigue Patients Using 24-Hour Heart Rate Variability Analysis McCraty R//Lanson S//Atkinson M Clinical Autonomic Research 1997 VIEW
Assessment of Cardiovascular Parameters during Meditation with Mental Targeting in Varsity Swimmers. Rich TA1, Pfister R2, Alton J3, Gerdt D4, Baruch M4. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016 VIEW
Assessment of extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure from GSM mobile phones. Calderón C, Addison D, Mee T, Findlay R, Maslanyj M, Conil E, Kromhout H, Lee AK, Sim MR, Taki M, Varsier N, Wiart J, Cardis E. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Nov 6 VIEW
Assessment of hormonal parameters and psychological well-being in healthy subjects after a Taoist qigong program: An exploratory study. Vera FM1, Manzaneque JM1, Rodríguez FM2, Vadillo M1, Navajas F2, Heiniger AI3, Pérez V4, Blanca MJ1 Scand J Psychol. 2018 Nov 14 VIEW
Assessment of immunological parameters following a qigong training program Manzaneque JM//Vera FM//Maldonado EF///Carranque G//// Med Sci Monit 2004 VIEW
Assessment of motor pathways by magnetic stimulation in human and veterinary medicine. Van Soens I, Van Ham LM. Vet J. 2011 Feb VIEW
Assessment of nasal and sinus nitric oxide output using single-breath humming exhalations M Maniscalco1, E Weitzberg, J Sundberg, M Sofia, J O Lundberg Eur Respir J 2003 Aug 1 VIEW
Assessment of nuclear abnormalities in exfoliated cells from the oral epithelium of mobile phone users. Souza LD, Cerqueira ED, Meireles JR Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 May 28 VIEW
Assessment of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) as a Stress-Reducing Technique for First-Year Veterinary Students. Allison S, Hamilton KI, Yuan Y, Hague GW J Vet Med Educ. 2019 Nov 15 VIEW
Assessment of Qigong Effects on Anxiety of High-school Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial Jorge Magalhães Rodrigues, Luís Carlos Matos, Nuno Francisco, António Dias, João Azevedo, Jorge Machado Adv Mind Body Med 2021 Summer VIEW
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