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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Electroacupuncture and Brain Protection against Cerebral Ischemia: Specific Effects of Acupoints. Zhou F, Guo J, Cheng J, Wu G, Sun J, Xia Y. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Various Measurements to qigong masters for analyzing qigong mechanism Machi Y Japanese Mind-Body Science 1994 VIEW
Feasibility of using whole body vibration as a means for controlling spasticity in post-stroke patients: A pilot study. Miyara K1, Matsumoto S2, Uema T1, Hirokawa T1, Noma T1, Shimodozono M3, Kawahira K3. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Feb VIEW
Coherent oscillations in biological systems: Interaction with extremely low frequency fields F. Kaiser Radio Sci. 1982 Sep-Oct VIEW
The Effect of a Short-Term and Long-Term Whole-Body Vibration in Healthy Men upon the Postural Stability. Piecha M1, Juras G2, Król P1, Sobota G2, Polak A1, Bacik B2. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10 VIEW
A randomized, wait-list controlled clinical trial: the effect of a mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction program on mood and symptoms of stress in cancer outpatients Speca M//Carlson LE//Goodey E//Angen M Psychosom Med 2000 VIEW
On care of subconsciousness again in relation to preventing and curing diseases by means of qigong Yuan Wenpeng 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Researching Techniques for Mind Body Healing in Clinical Medicine Shinnick P First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Qi-kht & the five elements for pain relief Hole LC 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Interventions for the Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults After Exposure to Psychological Trauma [Internet]. Gartlehner G, Forneris CA, Brownley KA, Gaynes BN, Sonis J, Coker-Schwimmer E, Jonas DE, Greenblatt A, Wilkins TM, Woodell CL, Lohr KN. AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews 2013 Apr VIEW
Meditation and Mindfulness in Clinical Practice. Simkin DR1, Black NB2. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2014 Jul VIEW
What are 'Acupuncture Points' Considered From The Trigger Point Theory? Kuroiwa K J Intl Soc Life Info Sci 2005 VIEW
Tai Chi and Parkinson's Disease Schwartzman L 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
The universal holographic law and the model of the planet style of the human body Zhang Yong 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
The Effect of Short Duration Ultrasound Pulses on the Interaction Between Individual Microbubbles and Fibrin Clots. Acconcia C1, Leung BY2, Manjunath A2, Goertz DE3 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Oct VIEW
Mind-Body Medicine Therapies for a Range of Depression Severity: A Systematic Review. D'Silva S, Poscablo C, Habousha R, Kogan M, Kligler B. Psychosomatics. 2012 Aug 14 VIEW
Cardiac autonomic response during recovery from a maximal exercise using whole body vibration. Sañudo B, César-Castillo M, Tejero S, Nunes N, de Hoyo M, Figueroa A. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Aug VIEW
Psychological Treatment of Essential Hypertension: A Controlled Comparison of Meditation and Meditation plus Biofeedback Hafner RJ Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 1982 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effect of qigong on oxygen-metabolism of rowing team Cao Dongse 1//Xia Yunjuan 1//Yang Degen 1//Wang Zongming 2//Zhou Yahui 2//Yang Kelin 2 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Complementary & alternative management of Parkinson's disease: an evidence-based review of eastern influenced practices. Bega D, Zadikoff C. J Mov Disord. 2014 Oct VIEW
Leukocyte telomere length: a novel biomarker to predict the prognosis of glioma patients. Chen Y1, Wu Y, Huang X, Qu P, Li G, Jin T, Xing J, He S. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb 22 VIEW
Effect of Qigong therapy on plasma 18-OH-DOC level in hypertensives. Kuang AK//Wang CX//Li G//Xu DH//Qian YS//Huang ML J Tradit Chin Med 1987 VIEW
Tai chi exercise for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a pilot study. Yeh GY, Roberts DH, Wayne PM, Davis RB, Quilty MT, Phillips RS. Respir Care 2010 Nov VIEW
Reduction of closed fracture with qigong, integrated Chinese and Western Cui Weixin 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
A biostatistical approach to ayurveda: quantifying the tridosha Joshi RR J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Comparisons of pain relief mechanisms between needling to the muscle, static magnetic field, external qigong and needling to the acupuncture point. Takeshige C//Sato M Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
Self-Healing Through Acupuncture Katzman S First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Older Age Is Associated with Lower Optimal Vibration Frequency in Lower-Limb Muscles During Whole-Body Vibration. Carlucci F1, Orlando G, Haxhi J, Laudani L, Giombini A, Macaluso A, Pigozzi F, Sacchetti M. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Sep 23 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of attentional control in mindfulness meditation. Front Neurosci. School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, UK. 2013 VIEW
[Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - An Adaptation of the Original Program.] Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg. 2013 Aug 19 VIEW
The Measurement of Qi Kuchimasao ? 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Teaching an Experiential Mind-Body Method to Medical Students to Increase Interpersonal Skills: A Pilot Study. Alexander C1, Sheeler RD, Rasmussen NH, Hayden L. Acad Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 11 VIEW
Acupuncture as Palliative Therapy for Physical Symptoms and Quality of Life for Advanced Cancer Patients. Dean-Clower E, Doherty-Gilman AM, Keshaviah A, Baker F, Kaw C, Lu W, Manola J, Penson RT, Matulonis UA, Rosenthal DS. Integr Cancer Ther. 2010 May 18 VIEW
A Combined, Multimodal Intervention for Individuals with Dementia. Burgener SC, Marsh-Yant S, Nega KK. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2010 May VIEW
A Review Study on the Beneficial Effects of Baduanjin Zou L1,2,3, Pan Z4, Yeung A5, Talwar S4, Wang C6, Liu Y7, Shu Y2, Chen X2, Thomas GA5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Dec 11 VIEW
[Comparative study on effects of electroacupuncture stimulation of Shenmen (HT 7) and Taiyuan (LU 9) on P 300 of event-related potentials and brain electrical activity mapping in healthy young adults]. Hu WB, Hu L, Dong CY, Cai RL, Zhou YP, Wang KM, Zhang C, Zhou F. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2013 Jun VIEW
[Comprehension and explanation of meridians and collaterals theory in the background of the spread of western medicine into the East in the Ming and Qing Dynasties] Li SY. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Jun VIEW
Non-touch biofield therapy: a systematic review of human randomized controlled trials reporting use of only non-physical contact treatment R Hammerschlag 1*, B Marx 1, M Yamamoto 2 and M Aickin 3 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012 VIEW
Effect of a whole-body vibration (WBV) training modifying the training frequency of workouts per week in active adults. Martínez-Pardo E1, Romero-Arenas S, Martínez-Ruiz E, Rubio-Arias JA, Alcaraz PE. J Strength Cond Res. 2014 May 14 VIEW
Alphabet of qi energy Bongart Marcus//Garnuszewski Zbigniew//Szymanski Jan A 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
The effects of three kinds of qigong exercises on electrical conductivity of meridians and grip strength Yoshida K//Yoshihuku Y//Aoki T//Adachi Y//Horiuchi M// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
Quantitative EEG analyses to the concentration and tranquilization in static qigong Yu X//Wang Y//Xu J//Qian A//Yu Xian 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Evaluation of a yoga based regimen for treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands Garfinkel MS//Schumacher HR Jr//Husain A//Levy M//// J Rheumatol 1994 VIEW
The effect of aerobic exercise on self-esteem and depressive and anxiety symptoms among breast cancer survivors Segar ML//Katch VL,//Roth RS//Garcia AW//// Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
A new database on basic research in homeopathy Albrecht H//van Wijk R//Dittloff S Homeopathy 2002 VIEW
Tai chi improves cognitive and physical function in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial. Sun J1, Kanagawa K2, Sasaki J3, Ooki S2, Xu H4, Wang L5. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 May VIEW
Training balance and strength in the elderly to improve function Wolfson L//Whipple R//Judge J//Amerman P//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1993 VIEW
Effect of Transcendental Meditation versus resting on physiological and subjective arousal Holmes DS//Solomon S//Cappo BM//Greenberg JL J Pers Soc Psychol 1983 VIEW
Music-based interventions in palliative cancer care: a review of quantitative studies and neurobiological literature. Archie P, Bruera E, Cohen L. Support Care Cancer. 2013 May 30 VIEW
Study of the effectiveness of musical stimulation during intracardiac catheterization Argstatter, H., Haberbosch, W. & Bolay, H. Clinical Research Cardiology 2014 Feb 3 VIEW
Surgery and complementary therapies: a review Petry JJ Altern Ther Health Med 2000 VIEW
A Pilot Evaluation on a Stress Management Programme Using a Combined Approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Elementary School Teachers. Tsang HW, Cheung WM, Chan AH, Fung KM, Leung AY, Au DW. Stress Health. 2013 Aug 29 VIEW
The Effects of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Patients Attending a Day Oncology and Infusion Services Unit. Birocco N, Guillame C, Storto S, Ritorto G, Catino C, Gir N, Balestra L, Tealdi G, Orecchia C, De Vito G, Giaretto L, Donadio M, Bertetto O, Schena M, Ciuffreda L. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2011 Oct 13 VIEW
Acupuncture to point Baihui prevents ischemia-induced functional impairment of cortical GABAergic neurons. Zhang S, Li G, Xu X, Chang M, Zhang C, Sun F. J Neurol Sci. 2011 May 12 VIEW
Bone stimulation for fracture healing: What's all the fuss? Galkowski Victoria, Brad Petrisor, Brian Drew, and David Dick Indian J Orthop. 2009 Apr-Jun VIEW
Role of mitochondria in carcinogenesis. Tokarz P, Blasiak J. Acta Biochim Pol. 2014 Dec 11 VIEW
Qigong for cancer treatment: A systematic review of controlled clinical trials Lee MS//Chen KW//Sancier KM//Ernst E Acta Oncol 2007 VIEW
Ischemic necrosis in head of femur treated by new therapy of two-hand needle manipulation in qigong state: A report of clinical effects Huang Zhonglin Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1991 VIEW
Influence of intensive yoga training on physiological changes in 6 adult women: a case report Raju PS//Prasad KV//Venkata RY//Murthy KJ//// J Altern Complement Med 1997 VIEW
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Acupuncture Versus Oral Steroids for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Long-Term Follow-Up. Yang CP, Wang NH, Li TC, Hsieh CL, Chang HH, Hwang KL, Ko WS, Chang MH. J Pain 2010 Nov 24 VIEW
A Pilot Cluster-Randomized Trial of a 20-Week Tai Chi Program in Elders With Cognitive Impairment and Osteoarthritic Knee: Effects on Pain and Other Health Outcomes. Tsai PF, Chang JY, Beck C, Kuo YF, Keefe FJ. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2012 Sep 24 VIEW
Creating a new functional model of body healing energies Tiller W Journal of Holistic Health 1977 VIEW
[Therapeutic touch and anorexia nervosa]. Satori N1 Soins Psychiatr. 2016 Sep-Oct VIEW
Physiological effects of yogic practices and transcendental meditation in health and disease. Balaji PA, Varne SR, Ali SS. N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Oct VIEW
Bu Shew Qiang Shen Gong and its clinical use Yuan Shuxing 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
The effects of visual control whole body vibration exercise on balance and gait function of stroke patients. Choi ET1, Kim YN2, Cho WS2, Lee DK3 J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Nov VIEW
A pilot study on the effect of acute tai chi practice on peripheral blood cytokine expression in healthy volunteers. Li H, Howk C, Geib RW. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2012 VIEW
[Clinical observation on acupoint irradiation with combined laser or red light on patients with knee osteoarthritis of yang deficiency and cold coagulation type]. Ren XM, Wang M, Shen XY, Wang LZ, Zhao L. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Dec VIEW
Ayurvedic concepts related to psychotherapy. Behere PB, Das A, Yadav R, Behere AP. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jan VIEW
Muscle biofeedback and transcendental meditation. A controlled evaluation of efficacy in the treatment of chronic anxiety Raskin M//Bali LR//Peeke HV Arch Gen Psychiatry 1980 VIEW
Effects of AST Chiro qigong on the expression of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I in cancer Kitamura K 2//Yoshimura A 2//Suzuki M 3 J Mind-Body Science 2002 VIEW
Production, development, transfer and functioning processes of qigong internal energy--study of the characteristic parameters of the qigong state Wang Jialing 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Antagonism of bicuculline on the inhibitory effect of emitted qi on spontaneous unit activites of cerebellar neurons Zhang Jinmei 1//Liu Ganquan 1//Yao Yuzhong 1//Ming Huasheng 1//Zhou Donglin 2//Zheng Fankai 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on immune function, quality of life and coping in women newly diagnosed with early stage breast cancer Witek-Janusek L, Albuquerque K, Chroniak KR, Chroniak C, Durazo-Arvizu R, Mathews HL Brain Behav Immun. 2008 Aug VIEW
Three needling techniques trigger extra human Jiang Weiming 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Improving creativity performance by short-term meditation Ding X, Tang YY, Tang R, Posner MI. Behav Brain Funct. 2014 VIEW
An exercise intervention for advanced cancer patients experiencing fatigue: a pilot study Porock D//Kristjanson LJ//Tinnelly K//Duke T//// J Palliat Care 2000 VIEW
Factors influencing manual muscle tests in physical therapy Micholas JA//Sapega A//Kraus H//Webb JN J Bone and Joint Surgery 1978 VIEW
The managed heart: the commercialization of human feelings Hothschild A 1985 VIEW
The Role of Telomere Biology in Cancer. Xu L, Li S, Stohr BA. Annu Rev Pathol. 2012 Aug 28 VIEW
[Coupling of brain oscillatory systems with cognitive (experience and valence) and physiological (cardiovascular reactivity) components of emotion]. [No authors listed] Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2014 Feb VIEW
Why do some cancer patients receiving chemotherapy choose to take complementary and alternative medicines and what are the risks? Smith PJ, Clavarino A, Long J, Steadman KJ. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug 5 VIEW
Quantitative research on therapeutic touch. An integrative review of the literature 1985-1995 Spence JE//Olson MA Scand J Caring Sci 1997 VIEW
Randomized, Controlled Trial of Yoga in Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy. Chandwani KD1, Perkins G, Nagendra HR, Raghuram NV, Spelman A, Nagarathna R, Johnson K, Fortier A, Arun B, Wei Q, Kirschbaum C, Haddad R, Morris GS, Scheetz J, Chaoul A, Cohen L. J Clin Oncol 2014 Mar 3 VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with breast cancer: findings from a randomized pilot study. Danhauer SC, Mihalko SL, Russell GB, Campbell CR, Felder L, Daley K, Levine EA. Psychooncology. 2009 Feb 25 VIEW
Use of Mindfulness Sitting Meditation in Chinese American Women in Treatment of Cancer. Liu S1, Qiu G2, Louie W3 Integr Cancer Ther. 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
Acupuncture for cancer pain and related symptoms. Lu W, Rosenthal DS. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2013 Mar VIEW
Association of pre- and post-treatment expectations with improvements after acupuncture in patients with migraine. Zheng H1, Huang W2, Li J1, Zheng Q1, Li Y1, Chang X3, Sun G4, Liang F1. Acupunct Med. 2014 Dec 30 VIEW
Mediterranean diet and telomere length in Nurses' Health Study: population based cohort study. Crous-Bou M1, Fung TT2, Prescott J3, Julin B1, Du M4, Sun Q5, Rexrode KM6, Hu FB7, De Vivo I8. BMJ 2014 Dec 2 VIEW
Variations of Brain Activities of Acupuncture to TE5 of Left Hand in Normal Subjects. Hsu SF, Chen CY, Ke MD, Huang CH, Sun YT, Lin JG. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
Mitochondrial membrane potential in living cells. Chen LB. Annu Rev Cell Biol. 1988 VIEW
Visualized regional hypodermic migration channels of interstitial fluid in human beings: are these ancient meridians? Li HY, Yang JF, Chen M, Xu L, Wang WC, Wang F, Tong JB, Wang CY J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jul VIEW
[Effects on function rehabilitation of vocal cord after vocal cord polyps surgery treated with acupuncture at Sheng's four points of throat]. Sun JH, Zhang Y, Yan DN, Ma HA, Jiang ZQ, Geng XW. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Oct VIEW
An explorative study of metabolic responses to mental stress and yoga practices in yoga practitioners, non-yoga practitioners and individuals with metabolic syndrome Anupama Tyagi 1, Marc Cohen 12*, John Reece 2 and Shirley Telles 3 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 VIEW
The Role of Tai Chi in Mental Health Management-Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials. Jiang D1, Kong W, Jiang JJ Rev Recent Clin Trials. 2016 Jul 29 VIEW
Wound Healing Activity of Topical Application Forms Based on Ayurveda. Datta HS, Mitra SK, Patwardhan B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Feb 27 VIEW
A 'Stress Meter' assessment of the degree of relaxation in qigong vs. non-qigong mediation He HZ//Li DL//Xi WB//Zhang CL Frontier Perspectives 1999 VIEW
Eyesight-improving qigong exercise effective for teenagers in treating myopia Lin Y//Zhang J//Gao J//Xu J///// Qigong & Health 1991 VIEW
Physical activity combined with massage improves bone mineralization in premature infants: a randomized trial Aly H//Moustafa MF//Hassanein SM//Massaro AN//Amer HA//// J Perinatol 2004 VIEW
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