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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19066 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Comparison of EEGs during Zen-meditation, qigong and Japanese Archery by one Person Kawano K//Kushita N Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Relationship between Taiji Diagram Theory and Qi to provide a comparison with studies conducted at Lianhua Mountain and lrino Valley Sasaki S//Miao T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Influence of emission from a 80 khz quartz resonance system on electrical impedance of a human body Aoki T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Experimental research of 'Long Distance Qi' from Tokyo to Beijing City Given by Qigong Master Liang Yinquan Sasaki S//Liu H//Hu/F//Liang Y Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Emission of extremely strong magnetic fields from the head and whole body during oriental breathing exercises. Hisamitsu T; Seto A; Nakazato S; Yamamoto T; Aung SK Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
Comparisons of pain relief mechanisms between needling to the muscle, static magnetic field, external qigong and needling to the acupuncture point. Takeshige C//Sato M Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
Effect of conscious intention on human DNA Rein G Proc.Internat.Forum on New Science 1996 VIEW
Effect of T'ai Chi on balance Anonymous USA Today 1996 VIEW
Balance and strength training in older adults: intervention gains and Tai Chi maintenance Wolfson L//Whipple R//Derby C//Judge J//// Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1996 VIEW
Mediation and blood pressure-Oakland research shows TM method can lower readings Perlman David 1996 VIEW
Clinical styudy on restorative breathing exercises (qigong) for diabetics Zhang Jin//Peng Lin Zhong 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Effect of ki exercise on cardiorespiratory variables in human. Kim, S.K., Joo, D.Y., Ryu, H. & Chung, H.T Research on Physical Fitness 1996 VIEW
Five questions on intentionality, science, and mind-body medicine Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Intention: an experimental focus Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Reflections on reality, healing, and consciousness Bessinger C//Donivan Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1996 VIEW
What to expect from a spiritual healer Brennan BA New Age Journal 1996 VIEW
The promise of energy healing Caldicott H Self 1996 VIEW
Healing beyond the self: human consciousness and transpersonal healing experiences Cooperstein A Bridges ISSSEEM Magazine 1996 VIEW
Old landscapes, new eyes: from treatment to healing Dacher ES Bridges ISSSEEM Magazine 1996 VIEW
The great wait: in praise of doing nothing Dossey L Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1996 VIEW
What's love go to do with it? Dossey L Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1996 VIEW
When stones speak: toward a reenchantment of the world Dossey L Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1996 VIEW
Effects of ChunDoSunBup Qi-training on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and testosterone in young and elderly subjects Lee MS//Kang CW//Ryu H//Kim JD//Chung HT Am J Chin Med 1996 VIEW
Acute effect of Chun Do Sun Bup ki-training on natural killer cell subsets and cytotoxic activity Huh HW//Ryu H//Kim SK//Chung HT 1996 Seoul International Sport Science Congress 1996 VIEW
Trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans. II. Sex and risk subgroup analysis Alexander CN//Schneider RH//Staggers F//Sheppard W//// Hypertension 1996 VIEW
Clinical Exploration on Medical Qigong-Massage in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy and Scapulohumeral Periarthritis Huang X//Zeng Q//Zhang S//Xiong J Academic Journal of PLA Graduate Medical School 1996 VIEW
85 Cases of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis Treated by Qigong Hao J Qigong 1996 VIEW
Shamanic healing: we are not alone. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan Harner M Altern Ther Health Med 1996 VIEW
Therapeutic touch and a healing way. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan Quinn J Altern Ther Health Med 1996 VIEW
Acupuncture and the raison d'etre for alternative medicine. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan Pomeranz B Altern Ther Health Med 1996 VIEW
Intentionality and intuition and their clinical implications: a challenge for science and medicine Schlitz MJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Energy work and the mind-body connection: a path for psychologists White G//Carson A San Diego Psychologist 1996 VIEW
Wound healing and complementary therapies: a review Wirth DP//Richardson JT//Eidelman WS J Altern Complement Med 1996 VIEW
Non-contact therapeutic touch intervention and full-thickness cutaneous wounds: a replication Wirth DP//Richardson JT//Martinez RD//Eidelman WS//Lopez ME Complementary Therapies in Medicine 1996 VIEW
Reiki: an ancient touch therapy Sell SVL RN 1996 VIEW
Tai chi chuan: meditation in motion Hayde SC New Woman 1996 VIEW
[Hospital nursing conducted according to Rogers' theory. The participating process of human field patterning in a clinical environment][Article in German] Madrid M Pflege 1996 VIEW
Non-necessary touch in the nursing care of elderly people Routasalo P J Adv Nurs 1996 VIEW
Therapeutic touch with adolescent psychiatric patients Hughes PP//Meize-Grochowski R//Harris CN J Holist Nurs 1996 VIEW
Tai Chi Chih: an exercise option for older adults Schaller KJ J Gerontol Nurs 1996 VIEW
Cardiorespiratory function, flexibility, and body composition among geriatric Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Lan C//Lai JS//Wong MK//Yu ML Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 VIEW
Changes in haemodynamic parameters following Tai Chi Chuan and aerobic exercise in patients recovering from acute myocardial infarction Channer KS//Barrow D//Barrow R//Osborne M//// Postgrad Med J 1996 VIEW
Balance and strength training in older adults: intervention gains and Tai Chi maintenance Wolfson L//Whipple R//Derby C//Judge J//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1996 VIEW
Reducing frailty and falls in older persons: an investigation of Tai Chi and computerized balance training. Atlanta FICSIT Group. Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques Wolf SL//Barnhart HX//Kutner NG//McNeely E//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1996 VIEW
Clinical Research in 92 Cases On Cervical spondylosis Treated by Massage combined with practicing Qigong Lu L Journal of Zhejiang College of TCM 1996 VIEW
Physiological measures of right nostril breathing Telles S//Nagarathna R//Nagendra HR J Altern Complement Med 1996 VIEW
Study of pulmonary and autonomic functions of asthma patients after yoga training Khanam AA//Sachdeva U//Guleria R//Deepak KK Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1996 VIEW
Effect of Sahaja yoga practice on seizure control & EEG changes in patients of epilepsy Panjwani U//Selvamurthy W//Singh SH//Gupta HL//// Indian J Med Res 1996 VIEW
Relaxation: mapping an uncharted world Smith JC//Amutio A,//Anderson JP//Aria LA Biofeedback Self Regul 1996 VIEW
Clinical case report: efficacy of yogic techniques in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders Shannahoff-Khalsa DS//Beckett LR Int J Neurosci 1996 VIEW
Svara (nostril dominance) and bilateral volar GSR Mohan SM Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1996 VIEW
Urban healers: An experiential description of American healing touch groups Engebretson J Qualitative Health Research 1996 VIEW
47 Cases of Cervical Spondylopathy Treated By Qi-conducting Massage Combined with Preventive Exercises Songlin H//Qinfang H China Qigong 1996 VIEW
A pilot intervention program which reduces psychological symptomatology in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus Rozman D 1//Whitaker R 2//Beckman T 1//Jones D 1 Complementary Therapies in Medicine 1996 VIEW
Music Enhances the Effect of Positive Emotional States on Salivary iga McCraty R//Atkinson M//Rein G//Watkins AD Stress Medicine 1996 VIEW
Cardiac coherence: a new, noninvasive measure of autonomic nervous system order McCraty R//Tiller WA//Atkinson M Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1996 VIEW
Group treatment of fibromyalgia: a 6 month outpatient program Bennett RM//Burckhardt CS//Clark SR//O'Reilly CA//// J Rheumatol 1996 VIEW
The effect of meditation on shooting performance Solberg EE//Berglund KA//Engen O//Ekeberg O//// Br J Sports Med 1996 VIEW
[Therapeutically relevant effects by transcendental meditation?] [Article in German] Fehr TG Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol 1996 VIEW
Usefulness of the transcendental meditation program in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease Zamarra JW//Schneider RH//Besseghini I//Robinson DK//// Am J Cardiol 1996 VIEW
[Influence of different combination of mental activity and respiratory cycle on heart rate variability] [Article in Chinese] Sun FL//Li DM//Li GY Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1996 VIEW
Effects on regional cerebral blood flow of transcendental meditation Jevning R//Anand R//Biedebach M//Fernando G Physiol Behav 1996 VIEW
Quantitative research for improving respiratory muscle contraction by breathing exercise Yan Q//Sun Y Chin Med J (Engl) 1996 VIEW
Mechanism Analysis of the Treatment of Diabetes by Qigong Zeng X Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
Treatment of Diabetes by the Chinese Lotus Qigong Zeng X Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
Theoretical Discussion of Qigong Therapy in Treating Diabetes Jin D Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
Qigong Rehabilitation therapy in Treating Diabetes Jin D Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
78 Cases of Insomnia Treated by Pressing-acupoint and Somnific Qigong Zhu F Qigong 1996 VIEW
Analysis on Treatment of Phobia in 33 Cases Jin P//Jin S New Chinese Medicine Science 1996 VIEW
Neurasthenia Treated by Qigong Combined with Massage Yu Z Anhui Clinic Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1996 VIEW
Science of the Heart; Cycle Length Dependency of Heart Rate Variability in Elderly with Ischemic Heart Disease Umetani K//Singer DH//McCraty R//Atkinson M Circulation 1996 VIEW
Head-Heart Entrainment: A Preliminary Survey McCraty R//Tiller WA//Atkinson M EEG Biofeedback 4th Annual Advanced Colloquium 1996 VIEW
Effects of anaerobic exercise on the immune system in eight- to seventeen-year-old trained and untrained boys Boas SR//Joswiak ML//Nixon PA//Kurland G//// J Pediatr 1996 VIEW
Tibial nonunion treated with direct current, capacitive coupling, or bone graft. Brighton CT, Shaman P, Heppenstall RB, Esterhai JL Jr, Pollack SR, Friedenberg ZB Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1995 Dec VIEW
Ferroelectric behavior in microtubule dipole lattices: Implications for information processing, signaling and assembly/disassembly J.A. Tuszyński †, S. Hameroff ‡, M.V. Satarić §, B. Trpisová †, M.L.A. Nip † Journal of Theoretical Biology 1995 Jun 21 VIEW
Ferroelectric behavior in microtubule dipole lattices: Implications for information processing, signaling and assembly/disassembly J.A. Tuszyński †, S. Hameroff ‡, M.V. Satarić §, B. Trpisová †, M.L.A. Nip† Journal of Theoretical Biology 1995 Jun VIEW
Ultraweak biochemiluminescence detected from rat hippocampal slices. Isojima Y, Isoshima T, Nagai K, Kikuchi K, Nakagawa H. Neuroreport. 1995 Mar 7 VIEW
Preliminary Study on the Research of the Effect of Qigong Emanation on Plant Cell Tissue Concrescence Li Changling//LI Jinming 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Modern medical magnetic research on 508 Health Preservation and Protection Cushion Zang Hongjiu 1//Zhang Qixian 2 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Cortisol, catecholamines and beta-endorphin levels in plasma during and after qi mobilization in qigong. Higuchi Yuzo//Kotani Yasunori//Kitagawa Jun//Nakahara Yoshibumi 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Essence of qigong is self conditioned reflex Liu Wei 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Qigong treatment of hypertension: a systems approach to qigong therapy Song Zhiying//Fong Kiatong//Schwartz Gary E 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Exploit of man's exploration of Mars and the Contributions of Chinese Taijiquan Wang Yuofu 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Exploration and practice to a three in one model: teaching, training, and research in qigong Shong Xinghong//Xia Shuangqian 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Study of synchronous qigong that cures myopia Xing Lianjun//Luan Shuwen 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Study on influence of qigong informaton upon organic enzyme Shen Jiacong//An Lichao 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Resonance of qigong's external qi and energy elements Qian Chengyao//Wang Qiping//Zhu Feng 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Effect of qigong information energy on diabetes mellitus Feng Lida//Peng Liaomin//Qian Juqing//Cheng Shuying 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
On the application of qigong in archery (synopsis) Wangguang 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Preliminary exploration on the scientific proof of being sober minded, sharp-eyed and energetic after practicing Zhan Zhuang form of qigong Li Chengyin 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Geo Magnetic Influence on Human Body Ma James 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Qigong and mental health: the positive effects of the state of rujing Hayashi Shigemi 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Qigong and cancer: a research project with Professor Huawen Wu Van Benschoten M M 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Miraculous qigong for slimming down Wang Yan 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Effect of qigong on therapeutic balancing measured by electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV): a preliminary study Sancier KM 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Study of relationship between magnetic and myoelelectrical signals of human body under qigong state Wu Benjie//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1995 VIEW
RS photography and characteristic of 'waiqi' Zhou Mingsheng//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1995 VIEW
Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in Qigong (chun do sun bup) trainees by multitest cell mediated immunity Ryu H//Mo HY//Mo GD//Choi BM//Jun CD//// Am J Chin Med 1995 VIEW
Effect of qigong on heart-qi deficiency and blood stasis type of hypertension and its mechanism Wang CX//Xu DH//Qian YC Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 VIEW
Application of intensified (+) Qi Gong energy, (-) electrical field, (S) magnetic field, electrical pulses (1-2 pulses/sec), strong Shiatsu massage or acupuncture on the accurate organ representation areas of the hands to improve circulation and enhance drug uptake in pathological organs: clinical applications with special emphasis on the 'Chlamydia-(Lyme)-uric acid syndrome' and 'Chlamydia-(cytomegalovirus)-uric acid syndrome' Omura Y//Beckman SL Acupunct Electrotherapeutics Res, Intl J 1995 VIEW
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