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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Health-Promoting Exercise as an Adjunct Therapy for Drug Use Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Dongming Jia1,2, Jiaxin Zhou3,4, Yuming Xu3,4 J Integr Complement Med 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Rhythmic Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampus Miriam S Nokia1,2, Markku Penttonen1,2 Front Neural Circuits 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi Exercise Program on Sleep, Quality of Life, and Physical Performance in Postmenopausal Working Women Ayushi Rajkumar Jain1, Doss Prakash Sundarajan1 J Midlife Health 2022 Apr-Jun VIEW
Psychoneuroimmunology of Meditation Dipti Magan1, Raj Kumar Yadav2 Ann Neurosci 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Community-based physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: An umbrella review Sarah Neil-Sztramko, Giulia Coletta, Kylie Teggart, Rebecca Ganann, Ayse Kuspinar, Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis, Bruce Newbold, Stuart Phillips, Caroline Moore, Courtney Kennedy, Diana Sherifali, Elizabeth Alvarez Ann Fam Med 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Is the Human Touch Always Therapeutic? Patient Stimulation and Spreading Depolarization after Acute Neurological Injuries Andrew P Carlson1, Herbert T Davis2, Thomas Jones3, K C Brennan4, Michel Torbey5, Rosstin Ahmadian6, Fares Qeadan7, C William Shuttleworth8 Transl Stroke Res 2022 Apr 2 VIEW
Mind-body therapies for older adults with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yu Wang1, Chengyao Tang2, Xiaoyan Fan3, Kokoro Shirai1, Jia-Yi Dong4 Eur Geriatr Med 2022 Apr 4 VIEW
Stress, hypoglycemia, and the autonomic nervous system Andrea Haas1, David Borsook2, Gail Adler1, Roy Freeman3 Auton Neurosci 2022 Apr 4 VIEW
Wearable Dual Polarized Electromagnetic Knee Imaging System Kamel Sultan, Amin M Abbosh IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst 2022 Apr 5 VIEW
The functional role of cardiac activity in perception and action L I Skora1, J J A Livermore2, K Roelofs3 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Apr 5 VIEW
Qigong and the Treatment of Illness: Recent Case Studies McGee, RW Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 2022 Apr 5 VIEW
Effects of Exercise on Sleep in Older Adults: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Felipe Fank1, Franciele da Silva Pereira1, Leandro Dos Santos2, Marco Túlio de Mello3, Giovana Zarpellon Mazo1 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Apr 6 VIEW
Systematic review of yoga for symptom management during conventional treatment of breast cancer patients Pooja Selvan1, Chloe Hriso1, Julita Mitchell1, Andrew Newberg2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Apr 6 VIEW
An evidence-based theory of psychological adjustment to long-term physical health conditions: Applications in clinical practice Susan Carroll1, Zoe Moon, Joanna Hudson, Katrin Hulme, Rona Moss-Moss-Morris Psychosom Med 2022 Apr 6 VIEW
Electromagnetic Fields Generated by the IteraCoil Device Differentiate Mesenchymal Stem Progenitor Cells Into the Osteogenic Lineage Gagik Greg Haroutunian1, Ashot Tsaghikian2, Elena Fedorova3, Pratima Chaurasia4, Gabriele Luca Gusella3, Arevik Mosoian3 Bioelectromagnetics 2022 Apr 7 VIEW
The influence of emotion regulation on the association between depression and heart rate variability in cardiac patients Francesca Mura, Elisabetta Patron1, Simone Messerotti Benvenuti, Claudio Gentili, Andrea Ponchia2, Daniela Palomba Psychosom Med 2022 Apr 12 VIEW
Relaxation and related therapies for people with multiple sclerosis (MS): A systematic review Ian I Kneebone1, Brooke E Van Zanden1, Diana S Dorstyn2, Rachel M Roberts2, Stephen R Lord3, Dawn Querstret4, Alice Theadom5, David S Kennedy1, Jay Raman1,6, Roshan das Nair7 Clin Rehabil 2022 Apr 12 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on cognitive function and cancer-related symptoms in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: a randomized controlled trial Xiaolin Wei1,2, Ruzhen Yuan2,3, Juan Yang4, Wei Zheng5, Yongmei Jin6, Mingyue Wang2, Jieting Jiang2, Caiqin Wu7, Kunpeng Li8 Support Care Cancer 2022 Apr 13 VIEW
Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation and Osteoarthritis Pain: Mechanisms, Measurement, and Future Outlook Taylor D Yeater1,2, Carlos J Cruz1,2, Yenisel Cruz-Almeida2,3,4, Kyle D Allen5,6,7 Curr Rheumatol Rep 2022 Apr 14 VIEW
Music Modulates Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Human Fetuses Francesca Massimello1, Lucia Billeci2, Alessio Canu1, Maria Magdalena Montt-Guevara1, Gaia Impastato1, Maurizio Varanini2, Andrea Giannini1, Tommaso Simoncini1, Paolo Mannella1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Apr 14 VIEW
Looking beyond the gene network - metabolic and mechanical cell drivers of leaf morphogenesis Hokuto Nakayama1, Hiroyuki Koga1, Yuchen Long2, Olivier Hamant3, Ali Ferjani4 J Cell Sci 2022 Apr 15 VIEW
Combined Tai Chi and cognitive interventions for older adults with or without cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis and systematic review Fei Li1, Li Wang2, Yan Qin3, Guiying Liu4 Complement Ther Med 2022 Apr 16 VIEW
Pitfalls preventing bone union with EXOGEN Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Luke D Hughes1, Jamal Khudr2, Edward Gee3, Anand Pillai4 SICOT J 2022 Apr 18 VIEW
Oxytocin and cardiometabolic interoception: Knowing oneself affects ingestive and social behaviors Justin A Smith1, Sophia A Eikenberry2, Karen A Scott1, Caitlin B Harrison2, Guillaume de Lartigue3, Annette D de Kloet2, Eric G Krause4 Appetite 2022 Apr 18 VIEW
Changes in satisfaction with female genital self-image and sexual function after a Qigong exercise intervention in Spanish postmenopausal women: a randomized-controlled trial María Del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile1, Agustín Aibar-Almazán, Antonio Martínez-Amat, Vânia Brandão-Loureiro, José Daniel Jiménez-García, Yolanda Castellote-Caballero, Fidel Hita-Contreras Menopause 2022 Apr 19 VIEW
Gut microbiome-mediated regulation of neuroinflammation John W Bostick1, Aubrey M Schonhoff2, Sarkis K Mazmanian3 Curr Opin Immunol 2022 Apr 21 VIEW
Advances in Our Clinical Understanding of Autonomic Regulation Therapy Using Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Patients Living With Heart Failure Marvin A Konstam1, Douglas L Mann2, John James E Udelson1, Jeffrey L Ardell3, Gaetano M De Ferrari4, Martin R Cowie5, Helmut U Klein6, Douglas D Gregory7, Joseph M Massaro8, Imad Libbus9, Lorenzo A DiCarlo9, Javed Butler10, John D Parker11, John R Teerlink12 Front Physiol 2022 Apr 21 VIEW
Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes with Regular Yoga and Heartfulness Meditation Practice: Results from a Multi-national, Cross-sectional Study Jayaram Thimmapuram1, Kamlesh Patel2, Divya K Madhusudhan3, Snehal Deshpande4, Ekta Bouderlique2, Veronique Nicolai5, Raghavendra Rao6 JMIR Form Res 2022 Apr 24 VIEW
Correction to: Effect of Tai Chi combined with Kinesio taping on posture control of football players with FAI: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Youhua Li1, Xingyue Liu2, Xiwen Luo3, Chunjie Guo1 Trials 2022 Apr 25 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration on neuropathic pain and the relationship between pain and spasticity in persons with spinal cord injury Marlon L Wong1,2, Eva Widerstrom-Noga3,4,5, Edelle C Field-Fote6,7,8 Spinal Cord 2022 Apr 25 VIEW
Effectiveness of yoga training programs to reduce depression and improve resilience of single mothers So-Jung Kim1, Yong-Hyun Lee1 J Exerc Rehabil 2022 Apr 26 VIEW
Modifications of Functional Human Brain Networks by Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Impact of Time of Day Randi von Wrede1, Timo Bröhl1,2, Thorsten Rings1,2, Jan Pukropski1, Christoph Helmstaedter1, Klaus Lehnertz1,2,3 Brain Sci 2022 Apr 26 VIEW
Neurophysiological Effects of a Singing Bowl Massage Nike Walter1, Thilo Hinterberger1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2022 Apr 26 VIEW
An online breathing and wellbeing programme (ENO Breathe) for people with persistent symptoms following COVID-19: a parallel-group, single-blind, randomised controlled trial Keir E J Philip1, Harriet Owles2, Stephanie McVey3, Tanja Pagnuco3, Katie Bruce3, Harry Brunjes3, Winston Banya4, Jenny Mollica3, Adam Lound5, Suzi Zumpe3, Amiad M Abrahams6, Vijay Padmanaban7, Thomas H Hardy3, Adam Lewis8, Ajit Lalvani2, Sarah Elkin2, Nicholas S Hopkinson4 Lancet Respir Med 2022 Apr 27 VIEW
Singing at 0.1 Hz as a Resonance Frequency Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Stress Reactivity? Sandra Tanzmeister1, Christian Rominger1, Bernhard Weber1, Josef M Tatschl1, Andreas R Schwerdtfeger1 Front Psychiatry 2022 Apr 27 VIEW
EEG Microstates in Altered States of Consciousness Lucie Bréchet1,2, Christoph M Michel1,3 Front Psychol 2022 Apr 27 VIEW
Effect of Positive Rumination-Based Sports Prescription on the Mental Health of Teenagers Chen Min1, Jiwei Yao Psychiatr Danub Spring 2022 VIEW
Effects of traditional mind-body movement therapy on chronic cardiopulmonary dyspnoea: a systematic review and meta-analysis Tiange Zhang#1, Rui Zhou#2, Ting Wang#1, Yijun Xin1, Xiaohong Liu3, Huiting Huang3 Thorax 2022 Apr 28 VIEW
Measuring psychosocial stress with heart rate variability-based methods in different health and age groups Santtu Seipäjärvi1, Anniina Tuomola2, Joona Juurakko2, Mirva Rottensteiner3, Antti-Pekka E Rissanen4, Jari Kurkela2, Urho Kujala5, Jari Laukkanen4, Jan Wikgren2 Physiol Meas 2022 Apr 28 VIEW
Effects of an Integrated Yoga Program on Quality of Life, Spinal Flexibility, and Strength in Older Adults: A Randomized Control Trial Hassan Ratnakara Shree Ganesh, Pailoor Subramanya, Raghavendra Mohan Rao, Hisakote Sanjeevarao Vadiraj, Vivek Udupa Adv Mind Body Med 2022 Winter VIEW
Interoceptive Awareness and Anorexia Nervosa: When Emotions Influence the Perception of Physiological Sensations Robin Wollast1, Pierre Fossion2, Ilios Kotsou1, Audrey Rebrassé1, Christophe Leys1 J Nerv Ment Dis 2022 May 1 VIEW
Supporting community-based mental health initiatives: insights from a multi-country programme and recommendations for funders June Larrieta1, Georgina Miguel Esponda2,3,4, Yashi Gandhi5, Nikita Simpson2,6, Maurice Biriotti2, Anna Kydd2, Julian Eaton7,8, Grace Kathryn Ryan7 BMJ Glob Health 2022 May 1 VIEW
Effects of physical activity on heart rate variability in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis Hao Chen1, Jing Xu1, Hao Xie2, Yufen Huang3, Xin Shen3, Fei Xu1 Cien Saude Colet 2022 May 1 VIEW
Effect of Alternative Therapeutic Exercise on the Older Adults - A Pilot Study Chakravarthy M Sadacharan1 FASEB J 2022 May 1 VIEW
The Effect of Meditation on Heart Rate Variability Rhianna Gonzales1, Sarah R Hartman1, Courtney Luckenbill1, Hannah Logan1, Spencer Cassel1, H S Kieffer2 FASEB J 2022 May 1 VIEW
Effects of Vibration Training on Cognition and Quality of Life in Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis Feng Yang1, Pey-Shan Wen2, Francois Bethoux3, Yichuan Zhao4 Int J MS Care May-Jun 2022 VIEW
Effect of Mindfulness Versus Loving-kindness Training on Leukocyte Gene Expression in Midlife Adults Raised in Low-Socioeconomic Status Households Taylor N West1, Jieni Zhou1, Mary M Brantley2, Sumi L Kim3, Jeffrey Brantley2,4, Sharon Salzberg5, Steve W Cole6, Barbara L Fredrickson1 Mindfulness (N Y) 2022 May 1 VIEW
Consciousness, Awareness, and Presence: A Neurobiological Perspective Vinod D Deshmukh1 Int J Yoga 2022 May-Aug VIEW
Scientific Evidence of Health Benefits by Practicing Mantra Meditation: Narrative Review Ampere A Tseng1 Int J Yoga 2022 May-Aug VIEW
The Sleep Quality of the Frontline Healthcare Workers and the Improving Effect of Tai Chi Jingye Zhan1, Kangdi Yang2, Zhuoer Sun1, Lingling Bai1, Xiaoying Lu3, Xiuhong Wang4, Weizhi Liu1, Chen Yi4, Lina Wang2 Front Psychiatry 2022 May 2 VIEW
Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment "Rebalances" Blood and Brain Cytokine Levels in Alzheimer's Patients: A New Mechanism for Reversal of Their Cognitive Impairment Chuanhai Cao1,2, Haitham Abulaban3,4, Rob Baranowski5, Yanhong Wang1, Yun Bai2, Xiaoyang Lin1,2, Ning Shen1,2, Xiaolin Zhang1,2, Gary W Arendash6 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 May 2 VIEW
Dance as an Intervention to Reduce Fall Risk in Older Adults: A Systematic Review With a Meta-Analysis Eduarda Blanco-Rambo1, Marcelo Bandeira-Guimarães1, Alexandra F Vieira1, Caroline Pietta-Dias1, Mikel Izquierdo2,3, Eduardo L Cadore1 J Aging Phys Act 2022 May 2 VIEW
A conceptual framework for consciousness Michael S A Graziano1 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 May 3 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Tai Chi Chuan on Physical Performance and Cognitive Function among Cognitive Frailty Older Adults: A Six-Month Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial Z Jiayuan1, J Xiang-Zi, M Li-Na, Y Jin-Wei, Y Xue J Prev Alzheimers Dis 2022 May 3 VIEW
Determining Whether Tai Chi Chuan Is Related to the Updating Function in Older Adults: Differences Between Practitioners and Controls Yuan Yang1, Tingting Chen2, Chen Wang3,4, Ji Zhang3,4, Xiaoxia Yuan3,4, Xiaoke Zhong3,4, Shoufu Yan5, Changhao Jiang3,4,5 Front Public Health 2022 May 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi in Patients With Hypertension: An Overview of Meta-analyses Hon Lon Tam, Leona Yuen Ling Leung, Alex Siu Wing Chan J Cardiovasc Nurs 2022 May 5 VIEW
Managing Fall Prevention through Exercise in Older Adults Afflicted by Cognitive and Strength Impairment Helen Senderovich1, Nadiya Bayeva2, Basile Montagnese3, Akash Yendamuri4 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2022 May 6 VIEW
Meditation-induced effects on whole-brain structural and effective connectivity Eleonora De Filippi#1, Anira Escrichs#2, Estela Càmara3,4, César Garrido5, Theo Marins6, Marti Sánchez-Fibla7, Matthieu Gilson2,8, Gustavo Deco2,9,10,11 Brain Struct Funct 2022 May 6 VIEW
Interoception is associated with anxiety and depression in pregnant women: A pilot study Minami Noda1, Yoko Sato1, Yoshiko Suetsugu1, Seiichi Morokuma1 PLoS One 2022 May 6 VIEW
Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Treatment of Disorders of Consciousness - Longitudinal Case Study Albertyna Osińska1, Andrzej Rynkiewicz1, Marek Binder2, Tomasz Komendziński3, Anna Borowicz3, Antoni Leszczyński3 Front Neurosci 2022 May 6 VIEW
Integrating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment With 8-Week Tai Chi Chuan Practice: An Exploration of Mind-Body Intervention and Neural Mechanism Haoran Shen1,2, Li-Zhen Chen1,2, Zhuoer Hu1,3,4, Xiaoyan Yao5, Tao Yang6, Lan Zhang6, Qiang Tu6, Guangxi Li5, Gao-Xia Wei1,2 Front Hum Neurosci 2022 May 6 VIEW
Comparison of the effects of Tai Chi and general aerobic exercise on weight, blood pressure and glycemic control among older persons with depressive symptoms: a randomized trial Yan Wang#1,2, Biru Luo#1,2, Xiaoqin Wu3, Xiaoxia Li4, Shujuan Liao5,6 BMC Geriatr 2022 May 7 VIEW
Guided Waves in the Skull Héctor Estrada1,2, Daniel Razansky3,4 Adv Exp Med Biol 2022 May 9 VIEW
Ultrasound Computed Tomography Philippe Lasaygues1, Luis Espinosa2,3, Simon Bernard2,4, Philippe Petit5, Régine Guillermin2 Adv Exp Med Biol 2022 May 9 VIEW
Single-interface bioelectronic medicines - concept, clinical applications and preclinical data Cristian Sevcencu1 J Neural Eng 2022 May 9 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Haoqian Chen1,2, Zheng Wang3, Xinan Zhang3, Mingli Sun3 Clin Rehabil 2022 May 9 VIEW
The Efficacy of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Pain, Stiffness, and Physical Function in Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jie Tong1,2,3, Zhengyu Chen4, Guanghua Sun1,2,3, Jun Zhou1,2,3, Ye Zeng1,2,3, Peirui Zhong1,2,3, Chengyuan Deng5, Xiaocui Chen6, Liu Liu1,2,3, Shiyong Wang1,2,3, Jiaqian Chen1,2,3, Ying Liao1,2,3 Pain Res Manag 2022 May 9 VIEW
The Efficacy of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Pain, Stiffness, and Physical Function in Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jie Tong1,2,3, Zhengyu Chen4, Guanghua Sun1,2,3, Jun Zhou1,2,3, Ye Zeng1,2,3, Peirui Zhong1,2,3, Chengyuan Deng5, Xiaocui Chen6, Liu Liu1,2,3, Shiyong Wang1,2,3, Jiaqian Chen1,2,3, Ying Liao1,2,3 Pain Res Manag 2022 May 9 VIEW
Fractal Correlation Properties of Heart Rate Variability as a Biomarker for Intensity Distribution and Training Prescription in Endurance Exercise: An Update Bruce Rogers1, Thomas Gronwald2 Front Physiol 2022 May 9 VIEW
Comparative transcriptomics reveals circadian and pluripotency networks as two pillars of longevity regulation J Yuyang Lu1, Matthew Simon1, Yang Zhao1, Julia Ablaeva1, Nancy Corson1, Yongwook Choi2, KayLene Y H Yamada3, Nicholas J Schork2, Wendy R Hood3, Geoffrey E Hill3, Richard A Miller4, Andrei Seluanov5, Vera Gorbunova6 Cell Metab 2022 May 10 VIEW
Changes in postural balance associated with a woman's aging process Guilherme Carlos Brech1, Tatiana Godoy Bobbio2, Kelem de Negreiros Cabral3, Patrícia Mota Coutinho4, Leila Regina de Castro4, Luis Mochizuki3, Jose Maria Soares-Junior5, Edmund Chada Baracat5, Luiz Eugênio Garcez Leme3, Julia Maria D'Andréa Greve3, Angélica Castilho Alonso6 Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2022 May 10 VIEW
Unexpected Cardiovascular Oscillations at 0.1 Hz During Slow Speech Guided Breathing (OM Chanting) at 0.05 Hz Gerard Hotho1,2, Dietrich von Bonin3,4, Daniel Krüerke2, Ursula Wolf4, Dirk Cysarz5 Front Physiol 2022 May 10 VIEW
Polyvagal Theory: A Science of Safety Stephen W Porges1,2 Front Integr Neurosci 2022 May 10 VIEW
Do Magnetic Fields Have a Place in Treating Vascular Complications in Diabetes? Harvey N Mayrovitz1, Raneem Maqsood2, Aneil S Tawakalzada3 Cureus 2022 May 10 VIEW
The Solitary Nucleus Connectivity to Key Autonomic Regions in Humans MRI and Literature based Considerations Julia Forstenpointner1,2, Anne Margarette S Maallo1, Igor Elman1,3, Scott Holmes1, Roy Freeman4, Ralf Baron2, David Borsook1,5 Eur J Neurosci 2022 May 11 VIEW
The Microbiome and Gut Endocannabinoid System in the Regulation of Stress Responses and Metabolism Raj Kamal Srivastava1, Beat Lutz2,3, Inigo Ruiz de Azua3 Front Cell Neurosci 2022 May 11 VIEW
Reasons Office-Based Physicians in the United States Recommend Common Complementary Health Approaches to Patients: An Exploratory Study Using a National Survey Barbara J Stussman1, Richard L Nahin1, Patricia M Barnes2, Remle Scott3, Termeh Feinburg4, Brian W Ward2 J Integr Complement Med 2022 May 12 VIEW
Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity Levels on Vaccination Efficacy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Petros C Dinas1, Yiannis Koutedakis2,3, Leonidas G Ioannou1, George Metsios3,4,5, George D Kitas5 Vaccines (Basel) 2022 May 12 VIEW
Clinical perspectives on vagus nerve stimulation: present and future Eibhlin Goggins1, Shuhei Mitani2, Shinji Tanaka2 Clin Sci (Lond) 2022 May 13 VIEW
The heart-brain axis: A proteomics study of meditation on the cardiovascular system of Tibetan Monks Ting Xue1, Benjamin Chiao2, Tianjiao Xu3, Han Li1, Kai Shi4, Ying Cheng4, Yuan Shi1, Xiaoli Guo5, Shanbao Tong5, Menglin Guo5, Soo Hong Chew6, Richard P Ebstein7, Donghong Cui8 EBioMedicine 2022 May 13 VIEW
Functional interplay between central and autonomic nervous systems in human fear conditioning Simone Battaglia1, Julian F Thayer2 Trends Neurosci 2022 May 13 VIEW
Microbiota-gut-brain axis in the Alzheimer's disease pathology - an overview Vijayasree V Giridharan1, Carlos E Barichello de Quevedo2, Fabricia Petronilho3 Neurosci Res 2022 May 13 VIEW
Tai Chi for spatiotemporal gait features and dynamic balancing capacity in elderly female patients with non-specific low back pain: A six-week randomized controlled trial Zhi-Wei Yan1, Zhen Yang2, Jinghui Yang3, Ya-Feng Chen4, Xue-Bin Zhang1, Cheng-Lin Song1 J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil 2022 May 13 VIEW
Comparative Study on the Joint Biomechanics of Different Skill Level Practitioners in Chen-Style Tai Chi Punching Hongguang Hua1, Dong Zhu2, Yifan Wang3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 May 13 VIEW
Physician Office Visits That Included Complementary Health Approaches in U.S. Adults: 2005-2015 Remle Scott1, Richard L Nahin2, Barbara J Sussman2, Termeh Feinberg1 J Integr Complement Med 2022 May 13 VIEW
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review Chao-Yang Guo1, Yun-Jing Ma2, Shu-Ting Liu1, Ran-Ran Zhu1, Xiao-Ting Xu3, Zhen-Rui Li4, Lei Fang4,1 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 May 13 VIEW
Understanding Whole-Person Health and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Cross-sectional and Descriptive Correlation Study Sripriya Rajamani1, Robin Austin1, Elena Geiger-Simpson1, Ratchada Jantraporn1, Suhyun Park1, Karen A Monsen1 JMIR Nurs 2022 May 16 VIEW
Effects of Low-Frequency Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activation, Fatigue, and Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Young Adults: A Single-Group Repeated-Measures Controlled Trial Ju-Yul Yoon1,2, Seung-Rok Kang1,2, Hye-Seong Kim1,2, Yu Hui Won1,2, Sung-Hee Park1,2, Jeong-Hwan Seo1,2, Myoung-Hwan Ko1,2, Gi-Wook Kim1,2 J Sport Rehabil 2022 May 16 VIEW
Study design exploring Qigong and Tai Chi Easy (QTC) on cardiometabolic risk factors Ramya Rameshkumar1, Linda Larkey2, Kate Alperin1, Danielle Martin1, Antonia Primus1, Dara James3 Contemp Clin Trials 2022 May 16 VIEW
Effects of the Mindfulness-Based Blood Pressure Reduction (MB-BP) program on depression and neural structural connectivity Justin J Polcari1, Ryan J Cali2, Benjamin C Nephew3, Senbao Lu4, Mikhail Rashkovskii5, Julianne Wu6, Frances Saadeh7, Eric Loucks8, Jean A King9 J Affect Disord 2022 May 16 VIEW
Effects of Low-Frequency Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activation, Fatigue, and Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Young Adults: A Single-Group Repeated-Measures Controlled Trial Ju-Yul Yoon1,2, Seung-Rok Kang1,2, Hye-Seong Kim1,2, Yu Hui Won1,2, Sung-Hee Park1,2, Jeong-Hwan Seo1,2, Myoung-Hwan Ko1,2, Gi-Wook Kim1,2 J Sport Rehabil 2022 May 16 VIEW
Device and nondevice-guided slow breathing to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis Kamila S de Freitas Gonçalves1, Ana C Queiroz Godoy Daniel1, José L Tatagiba Lamas2, Henrique C Oliveira2, Lyne Cloutier3, Renata C De Campos Pereira Silveira1, Eugenia V Veiga1 Health Sci Rep 2022 May 16 VIEW
Current Approaches to Yoga in U.S. Medical Schools: Scoping Review of the Literature Sakura Horiuchi1, Yael Flusberg2, Christine Tara Peterson3, Paul J Mills3, Deepak Chopra3, Mikhail Kogan1,2 J Integr Complement Med 2022 May 17 VIEW
Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability and Application of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback: Toward Further Research on Slow-Paced Abdominal Breathing in Zen Meditation Masahito Sakakibara1 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2022 May 17 VIEW
Traditional Chinese Medicine Interventions in the Rehabilitation of Cognitive and Motor Function in Patients With Stroke: An Overview and Evidence Map Tae-Young Choi1, Ji Hee Jun1, Hye Won Lee2, Jong-Min Yun3, Min Cheol Joo4, Myeong Soo Lee1 Front Neurol 2022 May 17 VIEW
Do physical therapy and yoga improve pain and disability through psychological mechanisms? A causal mediation analysis of adults with chronic low back pain Christopher T Joyce1, Ariel Chernofsky2, Sara Lodi2, Karen J Sherman3, Robert B Saper4,5, Eric J Roseen5,6 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2022 May 18 VIEW
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain: What is stimulated? - A consensus and critical position paper Hartwig R Siebner1, Klaus Funke2, Aman S Aberra3, Andrea Antal4, Sven Bestmann5, Robert Chen6, Joseph Classen7, Marco Davare8, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro9, Peter T Fox10, Mark Hallett11, Anke N Karabanov12, Janine Kesselheim13, Mikkel M Beck13, Giacomo Koch14, David Liebetanz4, Sabine Meunier15, Carlo Miniussi16, Walter Paulus4, Angel V Peterchev17, Traian Popa18, Michael C Ridding19, Axel Thielscher20, Ulf Ziemann21, John C Rothwell22, Yoshikazu Ugawa23 Clin Neurophysiol 2022 May 18 VIEW
Neural Pathway for Gut Feelings: Vagal Interoceptive Feedback From the Gastrointestinal Tract Is a Critical Modulator of Anxiety-like Behavior Jean-Philippe Krieger1, Mohammed Asker1, Pauline van der Velden2, Stina Börchers1, Jennifer E Richard1, Ivana Maric1, Francesco Longo1, Arashdeep Singh3, Guillaume de Lartigue3, Karolina P Skibicka4 Biol Psychiatry 2022 May 18 VIEW
Prevention and Treatment of Life-Threatening COVID-19 May Be Possible with Oxygen Treatment Jukka Ylikoski1,2,3, Jarmo Lehtimäki2,3, Rauno Pääkkönen1, Antti Mäkitie1 Life (Basel) 2022 May 19 VIEW
Efficacy of adjuvant treatment for fracture nonunion/delayed union: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Jun Yang1, Xiangmin Zhang1, Wangbo Liang2, Guo Chen3, Yanbo Ma1, Yonghua Zhou1, Rong Fen1, Kaichang Jiang1 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2022 May 21 VIEW
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