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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The influence of oxidative stress induced by iron on telomere length. Kepinska M1, Szyller J2, Milnerowicz H3. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015 Oct 23 VIEW
Bone regeneration by low-level laser therapy and low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy in the rabbit calvarium. Acar AH1, Yolcu Ü2, Altındiş S3, Gül M4, Alan H2, Malkoç S5. Arch Oral Biol. 2015 Oct 23 VIEW
Bioelectrical activity of the pelvic floor muscles during synchronous whole-body vibration - a randomized controlled study. Stania M1, Chmielewska D2, Kwaśna K3, Smykla A4, Taradaj J5, Juras G6. BMC Urol. 2015 Oct 24 VIEW
Emotions and family interactions in childhood: Associations with leukocyte telomere length emotions, family interactions, and telomere length. Robles TF1, Carroll JE2, Bai S3, Reynolds BM4, Esquivel S2, Repetti RL3. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2015 Oct 24 VIEW
Low intensity microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and DNA damage in rat brain. Megha K1, Deshmukh PS1, Banerjee BD2, Tripathi AK1, Ahmed R1, Abegaonkar MP3. Neurotoxicology. 2015 Oct 25 VIEW
Laser Acupuncture for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Raith W1, Schmölzer GM2, Resch B3, Reiterer F3, Avian A4, Koestenberger M5, Urlesberger B6. Pediatrics. 2015 Oct 26 VIEW
Perturbation of Brain Oscillations after Ischemic Stroke: A Potential Biomarker for Post-Stroke Function and Therapy. Rabiller G1,2,3,4, He JW5,6, Nishijima Y7,8,9, Wong A10,11,12, Liu J13,14. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Oct 26 VIEW
Tai Chi vs. combined exercise prescription: A comparison of their effects on factors related to falls. Yıldırım P1, Ofluoglu D2, Aydogan S3, Akyuz G4. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2015 Oct 26 VIEW
Effects of Yoga on Heart Rate Variability and Mood in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Chu IH1, Lin YJ1, Wu WL1, Chang YK2, Lin IM3. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Oct 27 VIEW
Differential Regulation of Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Promoter Activation and Protein Degradation by Histone Deacetylase Inhibition. Qing H1,2,3, Aono J1, Findeisen HM1, Jones KL1, Heywood EB1, Bruemmer D1,2. J Cell Physiol. 2015 Oct 27 VIEW
Tai Chi training reduced coupling between respiration and postural control. Holmes ML1, Manor B2, Hsieh WH3, Hu K4, Lipsitz LA2, Li L5. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Oct 27 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) promotes collagen fibre deposition associated with increased myofibroblast population in the early healing phase of diabetic wound. Choi MC1, Cheung KK1, Li X1, Cheing GL2. Arch Dermatol Res. 2015 Oct 28 VIEW
Oxidative stress of brain and liver is increased by Wi-Fi (2.45GHz) exposure of rats during pregnancy and the development of newborns. Çelik Ö1, Kahya MC2, Nazıroğlu M3. J Chem Neuroanat. 2015 Oct 28 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Addition to Usual Care is Associated with Improvements in Pain, Fatigue and Cognitive Failures Among Veterans with Gulf War Illness. Kearney DJ1, Simpson TL2, Malte CA3, Felleman B4, Martinez ME4, Hunt SC5. Am J Med. 2015 Oct 28 VIEW
Usage of Complementary Medicine in Switzerland: Results of the Swiss Health Survey 2012 and Development Since 2007. Klein SD1, Torchetti L1, Frei-Erb M1, Wolf U1. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 29 VIEW
Music therapy: A nonpharmacological approach to the care of agitation and depressive symptoms for nursing home residents with dementia. Ray KD1, Mittelman MS2. Dementia (London). 2015 Oct 29 VIEW
Effect of a six-month yoga exercise intervention on fitness outcomes for breast cancer survivors. Hughes DC1, Darby N2, Gonzalez K3, Boggess T4, Morris RM1, Ramirez AG1. Physiother Theory Pract. 2015 Oct 31 VIEW
Telomere lengthening after three weeks of an intensive insight meditation retreat. Conklin Q1, King B1, Zanesco A1, Pokorny J2, Hamidi A3, Lin J4, Epel E5, Blackburn E4, Saron C6. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2015 Nov VIEW
Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point PC6 for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting. Lee A1, Chan SK, Fan LT. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Nov 211 VIEW
The Role of Genome Instability in Frailty: Mitochondria versus Nucleus. Seo AY, Leeuwenburgh C. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2015 Nov VIEW
Ear Acupuncture for Acute Sore Throat: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Moss DA1, Crawford P2. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
Influence of Electroacupuncture Stimulation on Nitric Monoxide Production in Vascular Endothelial Cells in Rats. Kusayanagi H1, Ishikawa S2, Tajika Y1, Moue T1, Sunagawa M1, Hisamitsu T1. In Vivo. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Therapy for Reducing Anxiety and Depression in Patients With Cancer: A Meta-analysis. Zhang MF1, Wen YS, Liu WY, Peng LF, Wu XD, Liu QW. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Nov VIEW
Wellness-related Use of Common Complementary Health Approaches Among Adults: United States, 2012. Stussman BJ, Black LI, Barnes PM, Clarke TC, Nahin RL. Natl Health Stat Report. 2015 NOv VIEW
The Integrative Health and Wellness Program: Development and Use of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinic for Veterans Hull A, Holliday SB, Eickhoff C, Rose-Boyce M, Sullivan P, Reinhard M. Altern Ther Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of activity and derepression of alternative lengthening of telomeres. Pickett HA1, Reddel RR2. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2015 Nov VIEW
Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Biofield Practitioners in Global Health and Medicine: A White Paper. Guarneri E1, King RP2. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Barriers to the Entry of Biofield Healing Into "Mainstream" Healthcare. Hufford DJ1, Sprengel M2, Ives JA3, Jonas W4. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations. Jain S1, Hammerschlag R2, Mills P3, Cohen L4, Krieger R5, Vieten C6, Lutgendorf S7. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Challenges for Preclinical Investigations of Human Biofield Modalities. Gronowicz G1, Bengston W2, Yount G3. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
An Overview of Biofield Devices. Muehsam D1, Chevalier G2, Barsotti T3, Gurfein BT4. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Biofield Science: Current Physics Perspectives. Kafatos MC1, Chevalier G2, Chopra D3, Hubacher J4, Kak S5, Theise ND6. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Indo-Tibetan Philosophical and Medical Systems: Perspectives on the Biofield. Jain S1, Daubenmier J2, Muehsam D3, Rapgay L4, Chopra D5. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline. Hammerschlag R1, Levin M2, McCraty R3, Bat N4, Ives JA5, Lutgendorf SK6, Oschman JL7. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts. Rubik B1, Muehsam D2, Hammerschlag R3, Jain S4. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
[Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on DNA Molecules in Water Solutions]. Tekutskaya EE, Barishev MG, Ilchenko GP Biofizika. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
Shock wave therapy of fracture nonunion. Alkhawashki HM1 Injury. 2015 Nov VIEW
Exploring the Biofield. Kreitzer MJ, Saper R1 Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Methodological Recommendations for a Heartbeat Detection-Based Measure of Interoceptive Sensitivity Ian R Kleckner, Jolie Baumann Wormwood, W Kyle Simmons, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Karen S Quigley Psychophysiology 2015 Nov VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study Huseyin Naci1, John P A Ioannidis2 Br J Sports Med 2015 Nov 1 VIEW
Alpha and gamma oscillation amplitudes synergistically predict the perception of forthcoming nociceptive stimuli. Tu Y1,2, Zhang Z2,3,4, Tan A2, Peng W1, Hung YS2, Moayedi M5, Iannetti G5, Hu L1,5. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015 Nov 2 VIEW
The origins of Western mind-body exercise methods. Hoffman J1, Gabel CP2 Phys Ther Rev. 2015 Nov 2 VIEW
Exploring Self-Reported Benefits of Auricular Acupuncture Among Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. King CH1, Moore LC2, Spence CD3. J Holist Nurs. 2015 Nov 3 VIEW
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound treatment as an alternative to vascular bone graft surgery for a 5-year-long ulnar non-union in a patient with haemochromatosis. Povlsen SD1, Povlsen B2. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Nov 3 VIEW
Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial. MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Richmond S, Woodman J, Ballard K, Atkin K, Bland M, Eldred J, Essex H, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Parrott S, Torgerson D, Wenham A, Watt I. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Nov 3 VIEW
Devices Zhang CS1, Tan HY1, Zhang GS1, Zhang AL1, Xue CC1, Xie YM2. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 4 VIEW
Ultrashort Microwave-Pumped Real-Time Thermoacoustic Breast Tumor Imaging System. Ye F, Ji Z, Ding W, Lou C, Yang S, Xing D. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2015 Nov 4 VIEW
Comparative Impact of Power Training and High-Speed Yoga on Motor Function in Older Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Ni M1, Signorile JF2, Mooney K3, Balachandran A1, Potiaumpai M1, Luca C4, Moore JG5, Kuenze CM1, Eltoukhy M1, Perry AC1. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Nov 4 VIEW
Mind-Body Approaches to Treating Mental Health Symptoms Among Disadvantaged Populations: A Comprehensive Review. Burnett-Zeigler I1, Schuette S1, Victorson D2, Wisner KL1. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Nov 5 VIEW
Physiological responses to Tai Chi in stable patients with COPD. Qiu ZH1, Guo HX1, Lu G2, Zhang N1, He BT1, Zhou L1, Luo YM3, Polkey MI4. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2015 Nov 5 VIEW
Neurodegenerative Diseases: from available treatments to prospective herbal therapy. Solanki I1, Parihar P1, Parihar MS2. Neurochem Int. 2015 Nov 6 VIEW
Mind-Body Medicine in the Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease. Cramer H1, Lauche R, Paul A, Langhorst J, Michalsen A, Dobos G. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2015 Nov 6 VIEW
Comparison of sEMG processing methods during whole-body vibration exercise. Lienhard K1, Cabasson A2, Meste O2, Colson SS3. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2015 Nov 9 VIEW
Mechanical Stimulation (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields "PEMF" and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy "ESWT") and Tendon Regeneration: A Possible Alternative. Rosso F1, Bonasia DE1, Marmotti A1, Cottino U1, Rossi R1. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Nov 9 VIEW
Nanoparticle-mediated radiofrequency capacitive hyperthermia: A phantom study with magnetic resonance thermometry. Kim KS1, Lee SY1. Int J Hyperthermia. 2015 Nov 10 VIEW
Low Dose Focused Ultrasound Induces Enhanced Tumor Accumulation of Natural Killer Cells. Sta Maria NS1, Barnes SR1, Weist MR2, Colcher D2, Raubitschek AA2, Jacobs RE1 PLoS One. 2015 Nov 10 VIEW
Telomere dynamics may link stress exposure and ageing across generations. Haussmann MF1, Heidinger BJ2. Biol Lett. 2015 Nov 11 VIEW
Whole body vibration training improves walking performance of stroke patients with knee hyperextension: a randomized controlled pilot study. Guo C, Mi X, Liu S, Yi W, Gong C, Zhu L, Machado S, Yuan TF, Shan C1. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2015 Nov 11 VIEW
Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Wuschech H1, von Hehn U2, Mikus E3, Funk RH3. Bioelectromagnetics. 2015 Nov 12 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for anxiety symptoms in older adults in residential care. Helmes E1, Ward BG1. Aging Ment Health 2015 Nov 13 VIEW
Effects of High-Intensity Hatha Yoga on Cardiovascular Fitness, Adipocytokines, and Apolipoproteins in Healthy Students: A Randomized Controlled Study. Papp ME1, Lindfors P2, Nygren-Bonnier M3, Gullstrand L4, Wändell PE1. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Nov 13 VIEW
Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Meo SA1, Alsubaie Y2, Almubarak Z3, Almutawa H4, AlQasem Y2, Hasanato RM5. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Nov 13 VIEW
Music Therapy in Palliative Care. Warth M1, Keßler J, Hillecke TK, Bardenheuer HJ. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2015 Nov 13 VIEW
Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices decreases plasma prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen levels but increases uterine oxidative stress in pregnant rats and their offspring. Yüksel M1, Nazıroğlu M2, Özkaya MO1. Endocrine. 2015 Nov 14 VIEW
Curative effect of Tai Chi exercise in combination with auricular plaster therapy on improving obesity patient with secondary hyperlipidemia. Song Q, Yuan Y, Jiao C, Zhu X Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Nov 15 VIEW
Re-membering the body: applications of computational neuroscience to the top-down control of regeneration of limbs and other complex organs. Pezzulo G1, Levin M2. Integr Biol (Camb). 2015 Nov 16 VIEW
Effects of Lifestyle Modification on Telomerase Gene Expression in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Trial of Stress Reduction and Health Education Programs in African Americans. Duraimani S1,2,3, Schneider RH1,2, Randall OS4, Nidich SI1,2, Xu S4, Ketete M4, Rainforth MA1, Gaylord-King C1, Salerno JW1, Fagan J2,3. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 16 VIEW
The Effects of Acupuncture on Cerebral Blood Flow in Post-Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ratmansky M1,2, Levy A2,3, Messinger A4, Birg A1, Front L1, Treger I1,2. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Nov 16 VIEW
ACP Journal Club: optimized extracorporeal shock-wave therapy improved pain and functioning in chronic plantar fasciitis. Springer J, Badgett RG Ann Intern Med. 2015 Nov 17 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation-Based Pain Relief Employs Different Neural Mechanisms Than Placebo and Sham Mindfulness Meditation-Induced Analgesia. Zeidan F1, Emerson NM2, Farris SR2, Ray JN3, Jung Y4, McHaffie JG2, Coghill RC5. J Neurosci. 2015 Nov 18 VIEW
Low-intensity continuous ultrasound triggers effective bisphosphonate anticancer activity in breast cancer. Tardoski S1,2,3,4, Ngo J1,3,4, Gineyts E2,3,4, Roux JP2,3,4, Clézardin P2,3,4, Melodelima D1,3,4 Sci Rep. 2015 Nov 18 VIEW
Pulsed low-intensity ultrasound increases proliferation and extracelluar matrix production by human dermal fibroblasts in three-dimensional culture. Bohari SP1, Grover LM2, Hukins DW3. J Tissue Eng. 2015 Nov 19 VIEW
Does a Healing Procedure Referring to Theta Rhythms Also Generate Theta Rhythms in the Brain? Hinterberger T1, von Haugwitz A2, Schmidt S2,3. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Nov 20 VIEW
Effects of Qigong Exercise on Biomarkers and Mental and Physical Health in Adults With at Least One Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease. Hung HM1, Yeh SH2, Chen CH3. Biol Res Nurs. 2015 Nov 20 VIEW
Effects of non-sporting and sporting qigong on frailty and quality of life among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Huang SM1, Tseng LM2, Chien LY3, Tai CJ4, Chen PH5, Hung CT6, Hsiung Y7. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2015 Nov 21 VIEW
Study Finds Gentle Vibration Therapy Can Alleviate Apnea in Preterm Infants newswise newswise 2015 Nov 23 VIEW
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Primary Care Brief Mindfulness Training for Veterans With PTSD. Possemato K1,2, Bergen-Cico D1,2, Treatman S1,3, Allen C1,4,5, Wade M1, Pigeon W1,6,5. J Clin Psychol. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of living systems: An emerging platform for biology and medicine. Cheng JX1, Xie XS2. Science. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
A single bout of meditation biases cognitive control but not attentional focusing: Evidence from the global-local task. Colzato LS1, van der Wel P2, Sellaro R2, Hommel B2. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
Proliferation and differentiation of rat bone marrow stem cells by 400μT electromagnetic field. Safari M1, Jadidi M2, Baghian A3, Hasanzadeh H3. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong for Adults with Chronic Pain Bai Z1, Guan Z2, Fan Y3, Liu C3, Yang K1, Ma B1, Wu B4,5. Am J Chin Med. 2015 Nov 30 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Pang R1, Wang S2, Tian L2, Lee MC3, Do A3, Cutshall SM3, Li G2,4, Bauer BA3, Thomley BS3, Chon TY3. Am J Chin Med. 2015 Nov 30 VIEW
Mindfulness in the Maintenance of Cognitive Capacities in Alzheimer's Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Quintana-Hernández DJ1, Miró-Barrachina MT2, Ibáñez-Fernández IJ2, Pino AS3, Quintana-Montesdeoca MP3, Rodríguez-de Vera B4, Morales-Casanova D5, Pérez-Vieitez MD6, Rodríguez-García J7, Bravo-Caraduje N7. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Nov 30 VIEW
A cohort study of 4,190 patients treated with low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS): findings in the elderly versus all patients. Zura R1, Mehta S, Rocca GJ, Jones J, Steen RG. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015 Dec VIEW
Protein profiling reveals consequences of lifestyle choices on predicted biological aging. Enroth S1, Enroth SB2, Johansson Å1, Gyllensten U1. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 1 VIEW
The effects of two different frequencies of whole-body vibration on knee extensors strength in healthy young volunteers: a randomized trial. Esmaeilzadeh S1, Akpinar M, Polat S, Yildiz A, Oral A. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2015 Dec VIEW
[The Theory and Practice of Health Cultivation Qigong Exercise in Traditional Chinese Medicine]. Chang MY1. Hu Li Za Zhi. 2015 Dec VIEW
Energy expenditure and cardiovascular responses to Tai Chi Easy. Smith LL1, Wherry SJ2, Larkey LK3, Ainsworth BE2, Swan PD2. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Dec VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi Ball on Estrogen Levels, Bone Metabolism Index, and Muscle Strength of Perimenopausal Women. Xiao C1, Kang Y2, Zhuang YC3. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Dec VIEW
Study suggests tai chi improves life for people with chronic health problems. [No authors listed] Harv Womens Health Watch. 2015 Dec VIEW
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields affect proliferation and mitochondrial activity of human cancer cell lines. Destefanis M1, Viano M1, Leo C2, Gervino G3, Ponzetto A2, Silvagno F1. Int J Radiat Biol. 2015 Dec VIEW
Harvard Team Finds 43% Reduction in Use of Health Care Services via Mind-Body Intervention … plus more. Weeks J. Integr Med (Encinitas) 2015 Dec VIEW
The Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Endocrine System in Children and Adolescents. Sangün Ö, Dündar B, Çömlekçi S, Büyükgebiz A Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2015 Dec VIEW
Lateral epicondylitis: This is still a main indication for extracorporeal shockwave therapy. Thiele S1, Thiele R2, Gerdesmeyer L3 Int J Surg. 2015 Dec VIEW
Shock wave as biological therapeutic tool: From mechanical stimulation to recovery and healing, through mechanotransduction. d'Agostino MC1, Craig K2, Tibalt E3, Respizzi S3 Int J Surg. 2015 Dec VIEW
Update on the efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave treatment for myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. Ramon S1, Gleitz M2, Hernandez L3, Romero LD3 Int J Surg. 2015 Dec VIEW
Current concepts of shockwave therapy in stress fractures. Leal C1, D'Agostino C2, Gomez Garcia S3, Fernandez A4 Int J Surg. 2015 Dec VIEW
Effect of shock waves on macrophages: A possible role in tissue regeneration and remodeling. Sukubo NG1, Tibalt E2, Respizzi S2, Locati M1, d'Agostino MC3 Int J Surg. 2015 Dec VIEW
Clinical effect of cardiac shock wave therapy on patients with ischaemic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang J1,2, Zhou C1,2, Liu L3, Pan X1,2, Guo T1,2 Eur J Clin Invest. 2015 Dec VIEW
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