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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Dance and music training have different effects on white matter diffusivity in sensorimotor pathways. Giacosa C1, Karpati FJ2, Foster NE3, Penhune VB4, Hyde KL5 Neuroimage. 2016 Apr 22 VIEW
Long-Term Evolution Electromagnetic Fields Exposure Modulates the Resting State EEG on Alpha and Beta Bands. Yang L1, Chen Q2, Lv B1, Wu T3 Clin EEG Neurosci. 2016 Apr 25 VIEW
The role of electromagnetic fields in neurological disorders. Mortazavi SA1, Mortazavi SM2, Paknahad M3 J Chem Neuroanat. 2016 Apr 25 VIEW
The Effects of a Single Session of Music Therapy on the Agitated Behaviors of Patients Receiving Hospice Care. Cadwalader A1, Orellano S2, Tanguay C3, Roshan R4 J Palliat Med. 2016 Apr 26 VIEW
The Effects of a Single Session of Music Therapy on the Agitated Behaviors of Patients Receiving Hospice Care. Cadwalader A1, Orellano S2, Tanguay C3, Roshan R4 J Palliat Med. 2016 Apr 26 VIEW
Editorial: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Movement-Based Embodied Contemplative Practices. Schmalzl L1, Kerr CE2 Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Apr 26 VIEW
Students and Teachers Benefit from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in a School-Embedded Pilot Study. Gouda S1, Luong MT1, Schmidt S2, Bauer J1 Front Psychol. 2016 Apr 26 VIEW
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Prevention of Depressive Relapse: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis From Randomized Trials. Kuyken W1, Warren FC2, Taylor RS2, Whalley B3, Crane C1, Bondolfi G4, Hayes R5, Huijbers M6, Ma H7, Schweizer S8, Segal Z9, Speckens A6, Teasdale JD8, Van Heeringen K10, Williams M1, Byford S11, Byng R12, Dalgleish T13 JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 Apr 27 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and the Prevention of Depressive Relapse: Measures, Mechanisms, and Mediators. Davidson RJ1 JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 Apr 27 VIEW
Yoga may improve asthma symptoms, Cochrane review finds. Wise J1 BMJ. 2016 Apr 28 VIEW
Tai Chi for Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Kong LJ1, Lauche R2, Klose P3, Bu JH1, Yang XC1, Guo CQ1, Dobos G3, Cheng YW1 Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 29 VIEW
Music therapy can lower the heart rates of severely sick children. Uggla L1,2,3, Bonde LO4, Svahn BM5, Remberger M2,6, Wrangsjö B7, Gustafsson B2,3 Acta Paediatr. 2016 Apr 29 VIEW
Phase 2 Study of Acupuncture-Like Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Wong R1, Major P2, Sagar S2 Integr Cancer Ther. 2016 Apr 29 VIEW
Randomized pilot trial of yoga versus strengthening exercises in breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue. Stan DL1, Croghan KA2, Croghan IT3, Jenkins SM4, Sutherland SJ5, Cheville AL6, Pruthi S7 Support Care Cancer. 2016 Apr 29 VIEW
One- And Two-year Outcomes of Treating Preschool Children with Autism with a Qigong Massage Protocol: An Observational Follow-along Study Louisa MT Silva1*, Mark Schalock2, Kristen R Gabrielsen3 and Gretchen HD4 Alternative & Integrative Medicine 2016 Apr 29 VIEW
Mindfulness Based Programs Implemented with At-Risk Adolescents. Rawlett K1, Scrandis D1 Open Nurs J. 2016 Apr 30 VIEW
Exercise Improves Clinical Symptoms, Quality of Life, Global Functioning, and Depression in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Dauwan M1, Begemann MJ2, Heringa SM2, Sommer IE2. Schizophr Bull. 2016 May VIEW
Reiki for Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy in a Brazilian Hospital: A Pilot Study. Siegel P1, da Motta PM, da Silva LG, Stephan C, Lima CS, de Barros NF Holist Nurs Pract. 2016 May-Jun VIEW
Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. Kumar A1, Delbaere K2, Zijlstra GA3, Carpenter H1, Iliffe S4, Masud T5, Skelton D6, Morris R4, Kendrick D1 Age Ageing. 2016 May VIEW
An Overview of the Efficacy of a Next Generation Electroceutical Wound Care Device. Kim H1, Park S2, Housler G3, Marcel V2, Cross S2, Izadjoo M1 Mil Med. 2016 May VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi exercise on heart rate variability. Cole AR1, Wijarnpreecha K2, Chattipakorn SC3, Chattipakorn N4 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 May VIEW
Investigating the effect of therapeutic touch on the intensity of acute chemotherapy-induced vomiting in breast cancer women under chemotherapy. Matourypour P1, Vanaki Z2, Zare Z3, Mehrzad V4, Dehghan M5, Ranjbaran M6 Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2016 May-Jun VIEW
The effect of acoustic radiation force on osteoblasts in cell/hydrogel constructs for bone repair. Veronick J1, Assanah F1, Nair LS2, Vyas V3, Huey B3, Khan Y4 Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2016 May VIEW
The effects of whole body vibration on muscle strength and functional mobility in persons with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Kang H1, Lu J1, Xu G2 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 May VIEW
Effects of exercise interventions during different treatments in breast cancer. Fairman CM1, Focht BC2,3, Lucas AR2, Lustberg MB4 J Community Support Oncol. 2016 May VIEW
Qigong Exercise Improves Japanese Old Adults' Quality of Life: 174 Board #11 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Suzuki S1, Uematsu A, Shimazaki T, Kobayashi H, Nakamura M, Hortobagyi T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Knee Joint Loads and Surrounding Muscle Forces of Selected Movement Elements in 42-form Tai Ji: 3134 Board #199 June 3, 2: 00 PM - 3: 30 PM. Wen C1, Minnock M, Zhang S Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The Association between Pain Severity and Attendance Rate in Older Adults Participating in an Exercise Program: 2995 Board #60 June 3, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM. Nagae S1, Ogawa E, Thapa S, Zhang H, Tierno L, Tsegai N, Shi L, Leveille S, You T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Tai Chi Exercise on Muscle Strength and Physical Function in Peripheral Neuropathy Patients: 2578 Board #101 June 3, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Ballard JE1, Arce-Esquivel AA, Haas BK, Hermanns ML, Kimmel GT, Wang YT Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The Efficacy Of Tai Chi Exercise For Primary Hypertension : A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis: 1865 Board #17 June 2, 2: 00 PM - 3: 30 PM. Lu D1, Zhang P, Zhou L, Zhou M, Liu H, Lu D Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on Vascular Function Among Peripheral Neuropathy Patients: 715 Board #31 June 1, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM. Arce-Esquivel AA1, Ballard JE, Haas BK, Hermanns ML, Kimmel GT, Wang YT Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Effect of Tai Ji Quan on Quality of Life in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: 450 Board #287 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Lü J1, Huang L, Liu Y Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The Antihypertensive Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise among Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis: 288 Board #125 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Wu Y1 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Interventions incorporating physical and cognitive elements to reduce falls risk in cognitively impaired older adults: a systematic review. Booth V1, Hood V, Kearney F JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2016 May VIEW
Was acupuncture developed by Han Dynasty Chinese anatomists? Vivien Shaw1,2, Amy K Mclennan3 Anat Rec (Hoboken) 2016 May 1 VIEW
Auricular Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pediatric Migraines in the Emergency Department. Graff DM1, McDonald MJ Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016 May 2 VIEW
Therapeutic touch for healing acute wounds. O'Mathúna DP1 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 May 3 VIEW
Acupuncture for neck disorders. Trinh K1, Graham N, Irnich D, Cameron ID, Forget M Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 May 4 VIEW
Effects of whole body vibration on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oliveira LC1,2, Oliveira RG3,4, Pires-Oliveira DA3 Osteoporos Int. 2016 May 4 VIEW
Laser acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy for spastic cerebral palsy in children. Dabbous OA1, Mostafa YM2, El Noamany HA3, El Shennawy SA4, El Bagoury MA5 Lasers Med Sci. 2016 May 4 VIEW
Behavioral Interventions Targeting Chronic Pain, Depression, and Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care. Barrett K1, Chang YP2 J Nurs Scholarsh. 2016 May 5 VIEW
Multiple Chronic Conditions and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Among US Adults: Results From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Falci L1, Shi Z2, Greenlee H3 Prev Chronic Dis. 2016 May 5 VIEW
Current evidence on transcranial magnetic stimulation and its potential usefulness in post-stroke neurorehabilitation: Opening new doors to the treatment of cerebrovascular disease. León Ruiz M1, Rodríguez Sarasa ML2, Sanjuán Rodríguez L3, Benito-León J4, García-Albea Ristol E5, Arce Arce S6 Neurologia. 2016 May 6 VIEW
Can Unconventional Exercise be Helpful in the Treatment, Management and Prevention of Osteosarcopenic Obesity? Kelly OJ1, Gilman JC Curr Aging Sci. 2016 May 9 VIEW
The subtle body: an interoceptive map of central nervous system function and meditative mind-brain-body integration. Loizzo JJ1 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 May 10 VIEW
Telomere Shortening in Middle-Aged Men with Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Boyer L1,2, Audureau E3, Margarit L4, Marcos E5, Bizard E6, Le Corvoisier P7, Macquin-Mavier I8, Derumeaux G9, Damy T10, Drouot X11, Covali-Noroc A12, Boczkowski J13, Bastuji-Garin S14,15, Adnot S16 Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 May 10 VIEW
Guarding chromosomes from oxidative DNA damage to the very end. Tan R1, Lan L2 Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2016 May 12 VIEW
The Impact of Tai Chi Exercise on Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Empowerment in Heart Failure: Insights from a Qualitative Sub-Study from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Yeh GY1, Chan CW1, Wayne PM2,3, Conboy L4 PLoS One. 2016 May 13 VIEW
Magnetically induced electrostimulation of human osteoblasts results in enhanced cell viability and osteogenic differentiation. Hiemer B1, Ziebart J1, Jonitz-Heincke A1, Grunert PC1, Su Y1, Hansmann D1, Bader R1 Int J Mol Med. 2016 May 16 VIEW
Tai chi improves pain in patients with knee arthritis, trial finds. Wise J1 BMJ. 2016 May 17 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Tai Chi Versus Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial Chenchen Wang, MD, MSc; Christopher H. Schmid, PhD; Maura D. Iversen, SD, DPT, MPH; William F. Harvey, MD, MSc; Roger A. Fielding, PhD; Jeffrey B. Driban, PhD; Lori Lyn Price, MAS; John B. Wong, MD; Kieran F. Reid, PhD, MPH; Ramel Rones; and Timothy McAlindon, MD, MPH Ann Intern Med. 2016 May 17 VIEW
Tai Chi Versus Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis. [No authors listed] Ann Intern Med. 2016 May 17 VIEW
Clinical applications of vibration therapy in orthopaedic practice. Cerciello S1, Rossi S2, Visonà E3, Corona K4, Oliva F5 Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2016 May 19 VIEW
Low-level laser therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Glazov G1, Yelland M2, Emery J3 Acupunct Med. 2016 May 20 VIEW
Effect of Hatha Yoga on Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis. Hofmann SG1, Andreoli G1, Carpenter JK1, Curtiss J1 J Evid Based Med. 2016 May 20 VIEW
Beneficial effects of Tai Chi for amphetamine-type stimulant dependence: a pilot study. Zhu D1, Xu D2, Dai G1, Wang F1, Xu X3, Zhou D1 Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016 May 21 VIEW
Clinically defined non-specific symptoms in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: A retrospective before-after study. Baliatsas C1, van Kamp I2, Bolte J3, Kelfkens G4, van Dijk C5, Spreeuwenberg P6, Hooiveld M7, Lebret E8, Yzermans J9 Sci Total Environ. 2016 May 21 VIEW
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Addiction Treatment (MBAT) for Smoking Cessation and Lapse Recovery: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Vidrine JI, Spears CA, Heppner WL, Reitzel LR, Marcus MT, Cinciripini PM, Waters AJ, Li Y, Nguyen NT, Cao Y, Tindle HA, Fine M, Safranek LV, Wetter DW J Consult Clin Psychol. 2016 May 23 VIEW
Effects of tai chi exercise on bone health in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sun Z1, Chen H1, Berger MR1, Zhang L2, Guo H3, Huang Y1 Osteoporos Int. 2016 May 23 VIEW
On the Origin of Interoception Erik Ceunen1, Johan W S Vlaeyen2, Ilse Van Diest2 Front Psychol 2016 May 23 VIEW
Low-level infrared laser modulates muscle repair and chromosome stabilization genes in myoblasts. da Silva Neto Trajano LA1, Stumbo AC1, da Silva CL1, Mencalha AL2, Fonseca AS3,4 Lasers Med Sci. 2016 May 25 VIEW
The Effects of Music Intervention on Sleep Quality in Community-Dwelling Elderly. Wang Q1, Chair SY1, Wong EM1, Li X2 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 May 25 VIEW
Effects of the Effect of Ultra High Frequency Mobile Phone Radiation on Human Health. Moradi M1, Naghdi N2, Hemmati H3, Asadi-Samani M4, Bahmani M5 Electron Physician. 2016 May 25 VIEW
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on peripheral blood circulation in people with diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Sun J1, Kwan RL1, Zheng Y2, Cheing GL1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2016 May 26 VIEW
Telomere and Telomerase Therapeutics in Cancer. Xu Y1, Goldkorn A2 Genes (Basel). 2016 May 26 VIEW
Singlet Oxygen Detection in Biological Systems: Uses and Limitations. Koh E1, Fluhr R1 Plant Signal Behav. 2016 May 27 VIEW
Brain magnetic stimulation in animal models: a valuable lesson for clinical applications. Escribano BM1, Santamaría A2, De Lima ME3, De Lima M4, Escribano BM1, Santamaría A5, De Lima ME6, Bashir S7, Túnez I8 CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2016 May 27 VIEW
Explaining fatigue in multiple sclerosis: cross-validation of a biopsychosocial model. Wijenberg ML1,2, Stapert SZ1,2, Köhler S3, Bol Y4 J Behav Med. 2016 May 28 VIEW
Sensory-motor training targeting motor dysfunction and muscle weakness in long-term care elderly combined with motivational strategies: a single blind randomized controlled study. Rogan S1, Radlinger L2, Baur H2, Schmidtbleicher D3, de Bie RA4, de Bruin ED5 Eur Rev Aging Phys Act. 2016 May 28 VIEW
Review of the Evidence that Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment will be a Safe and Effective Therapeutic Against Alzheimer's Disease. Arendash GW J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 May 30 VIEW
The Network Spinal Wave as a Central Pattern Generator. Senzon SA1, Epstein DM2, Lemberger D3 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 May 31 VIEW
Examination of Broad Symptom Improvement Resulting From Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Lengacher CA1, Reich RR2, Paterson CL2, Ramesar S2, Park JY2, Alinat C2, Johnson-Mallard V2, Moscoso M2, Budhrani-Shani P2, Miladinovic B2, Jacobsen PB2, Cox CE2, Goodman M2, Kip KE2 J Clin Oncol. 2016 May 31 VIEW
The mental-attention Tai Chi effect with older adults. Kim TH1, Pascual-Leone J2, Johnson J2, Tamim H3 BMC Psychol. 2016 May 31 VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic low back pain: similar effects on mindfulness, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and acceptance in a randomized controlled trial. Turner JA1, Anderson ML, Balderson BH, Cook AJ, Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC Pain. 2016 May 31 VIEW
Dispositional Mindfulness and Subjective Time in Healthy Individuals. Weiner L1, Wittmann M2, Bertschy G1, Giersch A3 Front Psychol. 2016 May 31 VIEW
Heated Hatha Yoga to Target Cortisol Reactivity to Stress and Affective Eating in Women at Risk for Obesity-Related Illnesses: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Hopkins LB, Medina JL, Baird SO, Rosenfield D, Powers MB, Smits JA J Consult Clin Psychol. 2016 Jun VIEW
The effect of vertical whole-body vibration on lower limb muscle activation in elderly adults: Influence of vibration frequency, amplitude and exercise. Lam FM1, Liao LR2, Kwok TC3, Pang MY4 Maturitas. 2016 Jun VIEW
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over primary motor cortex leg area promotes dynamic balance task performance. Kaminski E1, Steele CJ2, Hoff M3, Gundlach C4, Rjosk V1, Sehm B1, Villringer A5, Ragert P6 Clin Neurophysiol. 2016 Jun VIEW
Re: Efficacy of Electromagnetic Therapy for Urinary Incontinence: A Systematic Review. Wein AJ J Urol. 2016 Jun VIEW
Background Music Playback in the Preoperative Setting: Does It Reduce the Level of Preoperative Anxiety Among Candidates for Elective Surgery? Kipnis G, Tabak N, Koton S J Perianesth Nurs. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effects of wheelchair Tai Chi on physical and mental health among elderly with disability. Wang YT1, Li Z2, Yang Y3, Zhong Y3, Lee SY4, Chen S5, Chen YP6 Res Sports Med. 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of two simple mind-body programs, Kirtan Kriya meditation and music listening, for adults with subjective cognitive decline: Feasibility and acceptability. Innes KE1, Selfe TK2, Khalsa DS3, Kandati S4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Use of Mindfulness Sitting Meditation in Chinese American Women in Treatment of Cancer. Liu S1, Qiu G2, Louie W3 Integr Cancer Ther. 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
Hatha Yoga practice decreases menopause symptoms and improves quality of life: A randomized controlled trial. Jorge MP1, Santaella DF2, Pontes IM3, Shiramizu VK4, Nascimento EB5, Cabral A6, Lemos TM7, Silva RH8, Ribeiro AM9 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
The relationship between yoga involvement, mindfulness and psychological well-being. Gaiswinkler L1, Unterrainer HF2 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Mindfulness-based yoga intervention for women with depression. Schuver KJ1, Lewis BA2 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of focused meditation for patients with chronic low back pain-A randomized controlled clinical trial. Michalsen A1, Kunz N2, Jeitler M2, Brunnhuber S3, Meier L2, Lüdtke R4, Büssing A5, Kessler C2 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
A systematic review of acupuncture for sleep quality in people with insomnia. Shergis JL1, Ni X2, Jackson ML3, Zhang AL1, Guo X4, Li Y4, Lu C5, Xue CC6 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effects of mindfulness-based therapy for patients with breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhang J1, Xu R2, Wang B2, Wang J2 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse. Tang YY1, Tang R2, Posner MI3 Drug Alcohol Depend. 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
Chronic depression treated successfully with novel taping therapy: a new approach to the treatment of depression. Han CH1, Hwang HS2, Lee YJ3, Lee SN4, Abanes JJ5, Lee BH6 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
Study shows mind-body approaches better than pain relievers for sore backs. No authors listed Harv Womens Health Watch. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration after eccentric exercise on muscle soreness and muscle strength recovery. Timon R1, Tejero J1, Brazo-Sayavera J1, Crespo C1, Olcina G1 J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effects of yogic eye exercises on eye fatigue in undergraduate nursing students. Kim SD1 J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Jun VIEW
Biophotons Contribute to Retinal Dark Noise. Li Z1,2, Dai J3,4 Neurosci Bull. 2016 Jun VIEW
The effects of long-term whole-body vibration and aerobic exercise on body composition and bone mineral density in obese middle-aged women. Nam SS1, Sunoo S1, Park HY2, Moon HW3 J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effects of Yoga on Physiological Indices, Anxiety and Social Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Randomized Trial. Hasanpour-Dehkordi A1, Jivad N2, Solati K3 J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Jun VIEW
Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to the brain: principles, progress and prospects. Dasgupta A1, Liu M1, Ojha T2, Storm G3, Kiessling F1, Lammers T4 Drug Discov Today Technol. 2016 Jun VIEW
Examination of the Perceptions of Registered Nurses Regarding the Use of Healing Touch in the Acute Care Setting. Anderson JG1, Ann Friesen M2, Fabian J3, Swengros D4, Herbst A4, Mangione L5 J Holist Nurs. 2016 Jun VIEW
Adaptive homeostasis Kelvin J A Davies1 Mol Aspects Med 2016 Jun 1 VIEW
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