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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of Acupuncture on Menopause-Related Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Chiu HY1, Shyu YK, Chang PC, Tsai PS. Cancer Nurs. 2015 Jun 3 VIEW
Aging and magnetism: Presenting a possible new holistic paradigm for ameliorating the aging process and the effects thereof, through externally applied physiologic PicoTesla magnetic fields. Jacobson J1, Sherlag B2. Med Hypotheses. 2015 Jun 3 VIEW
Is Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder? Aesthetic Quality versus Technical Skill in Movement Evaluation of Tai Chi. Zamparo P1, Zorzi E1, Marcantoni S1, Cesari P1. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 5 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation Training Alters Stress-Related Amygdala Resting State Functional Connectivity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Taren AA1, Gianaros PJ2, Greco CM3, Lindsay EK4, Fairgrieve A4, Brown KW5, Rosen RK2, Ferris JL4, Julson E6, Marsland AL2, Bursley JK4, Ramsburg J7, Creswell JD8. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2015 Jun 5 VIEW
Maintaining Older Brain Functionality: A Targeted Review. Ballesteros S1, Kraft E2, Santana S3, Tziraki C4. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2015 Jun 5 VIEW
Meditative Movement Therapies and Health-Related Quality-of-Life in Adults: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses Kelley GA1, Kelley KS1. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 8 VIEW
Mindfulness for neurologists. Detert NB. Pract Neurol. 2015 Jun 9 VIEW
Tai Chi Training may Reduce Dual Task Gait Variability, a Potential Mediator of Fall Risk, in Healthy Older Adults: Cross-Sectional and Randomized Trial Studies. Wayne PM1, Hausdorff JM2, Lough M3, Gow BJ1, Lipsitz L3, Novak V4, Macklin EA5, Peng CK6, Manor B3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Jun 9 VIEW
The default mode network as a biomarker for monitoring the therapeutic effects of meditation. Simon R1, Engström M1. Front Psychol. 2015 Jun 9 VIEW
Interoception, contemplative practice, and health. Farb N1, Daubenmier J2, Price CJ3, Gard T4, Kerr C5, Dunn BD6, Klein AC7, Paulus MP8, Mehling WE2. Front Psychol. 2015 Jun 9 VIEW
A Systematic Review of Relaxation, Meditation, and Guided Imagery Strategies for Symptom Management in Heart Failure. Kwekkeboom KL1, Bratzke LC. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2015 Jun 10 VIEW
Qigong for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Hartley L1, Lee MS, Kwong JS, Flowers N, Todkill D, Ernst E, Rees K. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jun 11 VIEW
A Single Session of an Integrated Yoga Program as a Stress Management Tool for School Employees: Comparison of Daily Practice and Nondaily Practice of a Yoga Therapy Program. Nosaka M1, Okamura H1,2. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jun 12 VIEW
Impact of electromagnetic fields on stem cells: common mechanisms at the crossroad between adult neurogenesis and osteogenesis. Leone L1, Podda MV1, Grassi C1. Front Cell Neurosci. 2015 Jun 15 VIEW
Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Chervyakov AV1, Chernyavsky AY2, Sinitsyn DO3, Piradov MA1. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Jun 16 VIEW
Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Leukocyte Telomere Length. Soares-Miranda L1, Imamura F, Siscovick D, Jenny NS, Fitzpatrick AL, Mozaffarian D. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015 Jun 16 VIEW
Scientists decry Canada’s outdated Wi-Fi safety rules Paul Christopher Webster CMAJ 2015 Jun 16 VIEW
Brain activity and cognition: a connection from thermodynamics and information theory Guillem Collell1, Jordi Fauquet2 Front Psychol 2015 Jun 16 VIEW
Neural Networks for Mindfulness and Emotion Suppression. Murakami H1, Katsunuma R2, Oba K2, Terasawa Y2, Motomura Y2, Mishima K2, Moriguchi Y3. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17 VIEW
Limited Health Knowledge as a Reason for Non-Use of Four Common Complementary Health Practices. Burke A1, Nahin RL2, Stussman BJ2. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17 VIEW
Habits of cell phone usage and sperm quality - does it warrant attention? Zilberlicht A1, Wiener-Megnazi Z2, Sheinfeld Y2, Grach B2, Lahav-Baratz S2, Dirnfeld M2. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun 18 VIEW
Evaluation of Tai Chi Program Effectiveness for People with Arthritis in the Community: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Callahan LF1, Cleveland RJ, Altpeter M, Hackney B. J Aging Phys Act. 2015 Jun 18 VIEW
Mindfulness Interventions for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and Substance Use Disorders: A Review of the Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines [Internet]. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; CADTH Rapid Response Reports. 2015 Jun 19 VIEW
Mind-body therapies and control of inflammatory biology: A descriptive review. Bower JE1, Irwin MR2. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jun 23 VIEW
Towards Single Biomolecule Imaging via Optical Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Boretti A1, Rosa L2,3, Castelletto S2,4. Small. 2015 Jun 25 VIEW
Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction: A Randomized Controlled Trial. van der Zwan JE1, de Vente W, Huizink AC, Bögels SM, de Bruin EI. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2015 Jun 26 VIEW
Discovery of Nanotubes Offers New Clues About Cell-to-Cell Communication newswise newswise 2015 Jun 29 VIEW
Mindful movement and skilled attention. Clark D1, Schumann F2, Mostofsky SH3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Jun 29 VIEW
The Effect of a Meditative Movement Intervention on Quality of Sleep in the Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wu WW1,2, Kwong E2, Lan XY1, Jiang XY1. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jun 29 VIEW
Water-based Tai Chi: theoretical benefits in musculoskeletal diseases. Current evidence. Macías-Hernández SI1, Vázquez-Torres L2, Morones-Alba JD3, Coronado-Zarco R4, de Los Angeles Soria-Bastida M1, Cruz-Medina E4, Nava-Bringas TI4. J Exerc Rehabil. 2015 Jun 30 VIEW
Leukocyte Telomere Length and Mortality in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2002. Needham BL1, Rehkopf D, Adler N, Gregorich S, Lin J, Blackburn EH, Epel ES. Epidemiology. 2015 Jul VIEW
Effects of 24 weeks of Tai Chi Exercise on Postural Control among Elderly Women. Zhou J1, Chang S, Cong Y, Qin M, Sun W, Lian J, Yao J, Li W, Hong Y. Res Sports Med. 2015 Jul-Sep VIEW
Influence of Intensity and Duration of Yoga on Anxiety and Depression Scores Associated with Chronic Illness. Telles S1, Pathak S1, Kumar A1, Mishra P1, Balkrishna A1. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2015 Jul-Aug VIEW
Acupuncture induced changes of the pressure pain threshold are mediated by segmental inhibition - a randomized controlled trial. Baeumler PI1, Fleckenstein J, Benedikt F, Bader J, Irnich D. Pain 2015 Jul 1 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi and Multimodal Exercise Training on Movement and Balance Function in Mild to Moderate Idiopathic Parkinson Disease. Zhang TY1, Hu Y, Nie ZY, Jin RX, Chen F, Guan Q, Hu B, Gu CY, Zhu L, Jin LJ. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jul 1 VIEW
Efficacy of Liuzijue Qigong in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Remission. Xiao CM1, Zhuang YC2. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Jul VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi Chuan on Obstacle Crossing Strategy in Older Adults. Chang YT1, Huang CF, Chang JH. Res Sports Med. 2015 Jul-Sep VIEW
Tai Chi and the Protection of Cognitive Ability: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies in Healthy Adults. Zheng G1, Liu F1, Li S1, Huang M1, Tao J1, Chen L2. Am J Prev Med. 2015 Jul VIEW
Massage therapy has short-term benefits for people with common musculoskeletal disorders compared to no treatment: a systematic review. Bervoets DC1, Luijsterburg PA1, Alessie JJ2, Buijs MJ2, Verhagen AP1. J Physiother. 2015 Jul VIEW
Impact of Short- and Long-term Tai Chi Mind-Body Exercise Training on Cognitive Function in Healthy Adults: Results From a Hybrid Observational Study and Randomized Trial. Walsh JN1, Manor B2, Hausdorff J3, Novak V4, Lipsitz L5, Gow B6, Macklin EA7, Peng CK8, Wayne PM9. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Jul VIEW
Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Ureteral Stones: Evaluation of Patient and Stone Related Predictive Factors. Yazici O, Tuncer M, Sahin C, Demirkol MK, Kafkasli A, Sarica K Int Braz J Urol. 2015 Jul-Aug VIEW
Alterations in brain grey matter structures in patients with crohn's disease and their correlation with psychological distress. Bao CH1, Liu P2, Liu HR3, Wu LY4, Shi Y3, Chen WF5, Qin W2, Lu Y1, Zhang JY6, Jin XM7, Wang XM3, Zhao JM1, Liu XM2, Tian J8, Wu HG9 J Crohns Colitis. 2015 Jul VIEW
Ultrasonic wave properties of human bone marrow in the femur and tibia. Kawasaki S1, Ueda R1, Hasegawa A2, Fujita A2, Mihata T3, Matsukawa M1, Neo M3 J Acoust Soc Am. 2015 Jul VIEW
The neuroscience of placebo effects: connecting context, learning and health. Wager TD1, Atlas LY2 Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 Jul VIEW
Interoceptive predictions in the brain. Barrett LF1, Simmons WK2 Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 Jul VIEW
A systematic literature review on the effectiveness of eurythmy therapy. Lötzke D1, Heusser P2, Büssing A1 J Integr Med. 2015 Jul VIEW
Traditional Chinese medicine in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee Hou PW1, Fu PK2, Hsu HC1, Hsieh CL3. J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Jul 2 VIEW
Controlled whole-body vibration training reduces risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults. Yang F1, King GA2, Dillon L3, Su X4. J Biomech. 2015 Jul 6 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi on Physical and Psychological Health of College Students: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Zheng G1, Lan X1, Li M1, Ling K2, Lin H2, Chen L3, Tao J1, Li J1, Zheng X1, Chen B1, Fang Q1. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 6 VIEW
Cardiorespiratory Capacity and Leukocyte Telomere Length Among Adults in the United States. Loprinzi PD. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Jul 7 VIEW
Nanosecond pulsed electric field inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in human osteosarcoma. Miao X, Yin S, Shao Z, Zhang Y, Chen X J Orthop Surg Res. 2015 Jul 7 VIEW
Light-Curing Units: A Review of What We Need to Know. Price RB1, Ferracane JL2, Shortall AC3. J Dent Res. 2015 Jul 8 VIEW
A kinematic and metabolic analysis of the first Lu of Tai Chi in experts and beginners. Zorzi E1,2, Nardello F2,2, Fracasso E2,2, Franchi S2,2, Clauti A2,2, Cesari P2,2, Zamparo P2,2. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2015 Jul 8 VIEW
Gap geometry dictates epithelial closure efficiency. Ravasio A1, Cheddadi I2, Chen T1, Pereira T3, Ong HT1, Bertocchi C1, Brugues A4, Jacinto A3, Kabla AJ5, Toyama Y6, Trepat X4, Gov N7, Neves de Almeida L8, Ladoux B9. Nat Commun. 2015 Jul 9 VIEW
Acute and Chronic Whole-Body Vibration Exercise does not Induce Health-Promoting Effects on The Blood Profile. Theodorou AA1, Gerodimos V2, Karatrantou K2, Paschalis V1, Chanou K2, Jamurtas AZ2, Nikolaidis MG3. J Hum Kinet. 2015 Jul 10 VIEW
Laser therapy on points of acupuncture: Are there benefits in dentistry? de Oliveira RF1, da Silva CV1, Cersosimo MC1, Borsatto MC2, de Freitas PM3. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2015 Jul 11 VIEW
How similar are the changes in neural activity resulting from mindfulness practice in contrast to spiritual practice? Barnby JM1, Bailey NW2, Chambers R3, Fitzgerald PB4. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Jul 11 VIEW
Enhancement of Cortical Network Activity in vitro and Promotion of GABAergic Neurogenesis by Stimulation with an Electromagnetic Field with a 150 MHz Carrier Wave Pulsed with an Alternating 10 and 16 Hz Modulation. Gramowski-Voß A1, Schwertle HJ1, Pielka AM2, Schultz L3, Steder A1, Jügelt K1, Axmann J4, Pries W5. Front Neurol. 2015 Jul 14 VIEW
New Light Technology Helps Improve Food Safety newswise newswise 2015 July 15 VIEW
Synaptic Mechanisms of Tight Spike Synchrony at Gamma Frequency in Cerebral Cortex. Salkoff DB1, Zagha E1, Yüzgeç Ö1, McCormick DA2. J Neurosci. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
The Association between Telomere Length and Cancer Prognosis: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis. Zhang C1, Chen X2, Li L3, Zhou Y4, Wang C5, Hou S1. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
Radiofrequency and microwave interactions between biomolecular systems. Kučera O1, Cifra M. J Biol Phys. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
Sham Acupressure Controls Used in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Systematic Review and Critique. Tan JY1, Suen LK2, Wang T3, Molassiotis A2 PLoS One. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
Raman spectroscopy for physiological investigations of tissues and cells. Huser T1, Chan J2 Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2015 Jul 15 VIEW
Group music interventions for dementia-associated anxiety: A systematic review. Ing-Randolph AR1, Phillips LR2, Williams AB3. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015 Jul 17 VIEW
Genetic and epigenetic trends in telomere research: a novel way in immunoepigenetics. Melicher D1, Buzas EI1, Falus A2. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
An Overview of the Research on Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Treating Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review. Banks K1, Newman E2, Saleem J1. J Clin Psychol. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
Comparison of biological effects of electromagnetic fields with pulse frequencies of 8 and 50 Hz on gastric smooth muscles. Martynyuk V1, Melnyk M, Artemenko A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
Electromagnetic fields in medicine - the state of art. Pasek J1, Pasek T, Sieroń-Stołtny K, Cieślar G, Sieroń A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
Interoception and stress. Schulz A1, Vögele C1 Front Psychol. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
Modulation of hippocampal neuronal network oscillations by α7 nACh receptors. Stoiljkovic M1, Kelley C1, Nagy D1, Hajós M2. Biochem Pharmacol. 2015 Jul 21 VIEW
Yoga as a Therapeutic Intervention: A Bibliometric Analysis of Published Research Studies from 1967 to 2013. Jeter PE1,2, Slutsky J3, Singh N4,5, Khalsa SB6. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jul 21 VIEW
Pesticide Use and Relative Leukocyte Telomere Length in the Agricultural Health Study. Andreotti G1, Hoppin JA2, Hou L3, Koutros S1, Gadalla SM1, Savage SA1, Lubin J1, Blair A1, Hoxha M4, Baccarelli A5, Sandler D6, Alavanja M1, Beane Freeman LE1. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 21 VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Improves the Functional Properties of Cardiac Mesoangioblasts. Bernal A1, Pérez LM, De Lucas B, Martín NS, Kadow-Romacker A, Plaza G, Raum K, Gálvez BG. Stem Cell Rev. 2015 Jul 23 VIEW
Religious and spiritual interventions in mental health care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Gonçalves JP1, Lucchetti G2, Menezes PR3, Vallada H1. Psychol Med 2015 Jul 23 VIEW
Manipulating neuronal activity in the mouse brain with ultrasound: A comparison with optogenetic activation of the cerebral cortex. Moore ME1, Loft JM1, Clegern WC1, Wisor JP2. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Jul 26 VIEW
Comparing the effects of whole-body vibration to standard exercise in ambulatory people with Multiple Sclerosis: A randomised controlled feasibility study. Uszynski MK1, Purtill H2, Donnelly A3, Coote S4. Clin Rehabil. 2015 Jul 27 VIEW
Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation on Patients with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Prospective, Single-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Liu X1, Fan T1, Lan Y2, Dong S1, Fu J1, Mao B1. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jul 28 VIEW
Barriers and Promoters for Enrollment to a Community-Based Tai Chi Program for Older, Low-Income, and Ethnically Diverse Adults. Manson JD1, Tamim H2, Baker J2. J Appl Gerontol. 2015 Jul 29 VIEW
Influence of yoga and aerobics exercise on fatigue, pain and psychosocial status in patients with multiple sclerosis: A Randomized Trial. Hassanpour Dehkordi A1. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2015 Jul 29 VIEW
Inflammation, But Not Telomere Length, Predicts Successful Ageing at Extreme Old Age: A Longitudinal Study of Semi-supercentenarians. Arai Y1, Martin-Ruiz CM2, Takayama M3, Abe Y1, Takebayashi T4, Koyasu S5, Suematsu M6, Hirose N1, von Zglinicki T2. EBioMedicine. 2015 Jul 29 VIEW
Economic Evaluation of a Tai Ji Quan Intervention to Reduce Falls in People With Parkinson Disease, Oregon, 2008-2011. Li F1, Harmer P2. Prev Chronic Dis. 2015 Jul 30 VIEW
Imaging of Conductivity Changes of Excitable Tissues Based on Focused Passive Microwave. Karanasiou I1. Open Biomed Eng J 2015 Jul 31 VIEW
Reiki Reduces Burnout Among Community Mental Health Clinicians. Rosada RM1, Rubik B1, Mainguy B2, Plummer J3, Mehl-Madrona L1,2,3,4. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Aug VIEW
An Evidence-Based Review of Alternating Electric Fields Therapy for Malignant Gliomas. Wong ET1, Lok E, Swanson KD. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2015 Aug VIEW
Telomere shortening in breast cancer correlates with the pathological features of tumor progression. Kammori M1, Sugishita Y2, Okamoto T3, Kobayashi M4, Yamazaki K2, Yamada E5, Yamada T1. Oncol Rep. 2015 Aug VIEW
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of Qigong and Tai Chi for depressive symptoms. Liu X1, Clark J2, Siskind D3, Williams GM4, Byrne G5, Yang JL6, Doi SA7. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Aug VIEW
Acupuncture Suppresses Morphine Craving in Progressive Ratio Through the GABA System. Lee BH1, Zhao RJ2, Lee BG3, Kim NJ3, Yang CH4, Kim HY4, Gwak YS4, Lim SC3, Kim JS3, Lee YK3, Lee HJ3. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2015 Aug VIEW
A supplemental report to a randomized cluster trial of a 20-week Sun-style Tai Chi for osteoarthritic knee pain in elders with cognitive impairment. Tsai PF1, Chang JY2, Beck C3, Kuo YF4, Keefe FJ5, Rosengren K6. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Aug VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of yoga for pregnant women with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Davis K1, Goodman SH2, Leiferman J3, Taylor M4, Dimidjian S5. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015 Aug VIEW
Effect of Active Music Therapy and Individualized Listening to Music on Dementia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Raglio A1,2, Bellandi D3, Baiardi P4, Gianotti M3, Ubezio MC3, Zanacchi E3, Granieri E2, Imbriani M1,5, Stramba-Badiale M6. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Aug VIEW
Treatment for neuropathic pain and chronic inflammation using LASER in animal models. Erthal V, Nohama P. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015 Aug VIEW
"I Want a New Drug": Exercise as a Pharmacological Therapy Robert H Howland J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2015 Aug 1 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Polusny MA1, Erbes CR1, Thuras P2, Moran A3, Lamberty GJ2, Collins RC3, Rodman JL3, Lim KO2. JAMA 2015 Aug 4 VIEW
The neural basis of one's own conscious and unconscious emotional states. Smith R1, Lane RD2. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2015 Aug 4 VIEW
Photoacoustic imaging of cerebral hypoperfusion during acupuncture. Chen BZ1, Yang JG1, Wu D1, Zeng DW2, Yi Y2, Yang N2, Jiang HB3. Biomed Opt Express. 2015 Aug 5 VIEW
Preliminary Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy Using Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound. Hsu AR1, Holmes GB2. Foot Ankle Spec. 2015 Aug 7 VIEW
Magnetic fields from skeletal muscles: a valuable physiological measurement? Garcia MA1, Baffa O2. Front Physiol. 2015 Aug 10 VIEW
Newly Discovered Brain Network Recognizes What’s New, What’s Familiar newswise newswise 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
Music as an aid for postoperative recovery in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hole J1, Hirsch M2, Ball E3, Meads C4. Lancet 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
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