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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Acupuncture Provides Short-Term Pain Relief for Patients in a Total Joint Replacement Program. Crespin DJ1, Griffin KH, Johnson JR, Miller C, Finch MD, Rivard RL, Anseth S, Dusek JA. Pain Med. 2015 Jan 13 VIEW
Effect of a Mindfulness Program on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in University Students. Gallego J1, Aguilar-Parra JM1, Cangas AJ1, Langer ÁI1, Mañas I1. Span J Psychol. 2015 Jan 13 VIEW
Effects of therapeutic Tai Chi on balance, gait, and quality of life in chronic stroke patients. Kim H1, Kim YL, Lee SM. Int J Rehabil Res. 2015 Jan 14 VIEW
High-resolution EEG (HR-EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Gavaret M1, Maillard L2, Jung J3. Neurophysiol Clin. 2015 Jan 14 VIEW
Baseline and Strategic Effects behind Mindful Emotion Regulation: Behavioral and Physiological Investigation. Grecucci A1, De Pisapia N1, Kusalagnana Thero D1, Paladino MP1, Venuti P1, Job R1. PLoS One. 2015 Jan 15 VIEW
Cardiovascular Stress Induced by Whole-Body Vibration Exercise in Individuals With Chronic Stroke. Liao LR1, Ng GY2, Jones AY3, Pang MY4. Phys Ther. 2015 Jan 15 VIEW
Exposure to 900MHz electromagnetic fields activates the mkp-1/ERK pathway and causes blood-brain barrier damage and cognitive impairment in rats. Tang J1, Zhang Y1, Yang L1, Chen Q1, Tan L1, Zuo S1, Feng H1, Chen Z1, Zhu G2. Brain Res. 2015 Jan 15 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) treatment reduces expression of genes associated with disc degeneration in human intervertebral disc cells. Miller SL1, Coughlin DG2, Waldorff EI3, Ryaby JT4, Lotz JC5. Spine J. 2015 Jan 15 VIEW
Bioelectric patterning during oogenesis: stage-specific distribution of membrane potentials, intracellular pH and ion-transport mechanisms in Drosophila ovarian follicles. Krüger J, Bohrmann J. BMC Dev Biol. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Randomised controlled trial on the use of acupuncture in adults with chronic, non-responding anxiety symptoms. Errington-Evans N. Acupunct Med. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Acupuncture for chronic knee pain: a randomized clinical trial. Authors' reply. Hinman RS1, Forbes A2, Williamson E3, Bennell KL1. Acupunct Med. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
A functional magnetic resonance imaging study on the effect of acupuncture at GB34 (Yanglingquan) on motor-related network in hemiplegic Patients. Chen X1, Zhang H2, Zou Y3. Brain Res. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Whole-body vibration therapy in children with severe motor disabilities. Kilebrant S1, Braathen G, Emilsson R, Glansén U, Söderpalm AC, Zetterlund B, Westerberg B, Magnusson P, Swolin-Eide D. J Rehabil Med. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Insights into the molecular foundations of electrical excitation. Gaudet R1, Roux B2, Minor DL Jr3. J Mol Biol 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
[Effects of a programme of aquatic Ai Chi exercise in patients with fibromyalgia. A pilot study]. Perez-De la Cruz S1, Lambeck J Rev Neurol. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Staying Well: A Follow Up of a 5-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme for a Range of Psychological Issues. Mitchell M1, Heads G. Community Ment Health J. 2015 Jan 17 VIEW
Evaluation of light-emitting diodes (LED) effect on skin biology (in vitro study). Chabert R1, Fouque L, Pinacolo S, Garcia-Gimenez N, Bonnans M, Cucumel K, Domloge N. Skin Res Technol. 2015 Jan 19 VIEW
Enhancing web-based mindfulness training for mental health promotion with the health action process approach: randomized controlled trial. Mak WW1, Chan AT, Cheung EY, Lin CL, Ngai KC. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jan 19 VIEW
Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy. Luders E1, Cherbuin N2, Kurth F1. Front Psychol. 2015 Jan 21 VIEW
Application of pulsed electromagnetic fields after microfractures to the knee: a mid-term study. Osti L1, Del Buono A, Maffulli N. Int Orthop. 2015 Jan 21 VIEW
Editing the brain: How new epigenetic tools could rewrite our understanding of memory and more University of Alabama at Birmingham ScienceDaily 2015 Jan 21 VIEW
Pharmacological Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Review of Cost Effectiveness. Haas M1, De Abreu Lourenco R. Pharmacoeconomics. 2015 Jan 22 VIEW
Telomere Length Variations in Aging and Age-Related Diseases. Rizvi S, Raza ST1, Mahdi F. Curr Aging Sci. 2015 Jan 22 VIEW
Open Mind, Open Heart: An Anthropological Study of the Therapeutics of Meditation Practice in the US. Myers N1, Lewis S, Dutton MA. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2015 Jan 23 VIEW
The Temporal Order of Change in Daily Mindfulness and Affect During Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Snippe E, Nyklíček I, Schroevers MJ, Bos EH. J Couns Psychol. 2015 Jan 26 VIEW
The effects of Tai-Chi in conjunction with thera-band resistance exercise on functional fitness and muscle strength among community-based older people. Lin SF1, Sung HC, Li TL, Hsieh TC, Lan HC, Perng SJ, Smith GD. J Clin Nurs. 2015 Jan 26 VIEW
Distress Reduction for Palliative Care Patients and Families With 5-Minute Mindful Breathing: A Pilot Study. Beng TS1, Ahmad F2, Loong LC2, Chin LE2, Zainal NZ3, Guan NC3, Ann YH3, Li LM2, Meng CB4. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2015 Jan 27 VIEW
Exercises for mechanical neck disorders. Gross A1, Kay TM, Paquin JP, Blanchette S, Lalonde P, Christie T, Dupont G, Graham N, Burnie SJ, Gelley G, Goldsmith CH, Forget M, Hoving JL, Brønfort G, Santaguida PL; Cervical Overview Group. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jan 28 VIEW
The benefit of combined acupuncture and antidepressant medication for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chan YY1, Lo WY2, Yang SN3, Chen YH4, Lin JG5. J Affect Disord. 2015 Jan 28 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation and explicit and implicit indicators of personality and self-concept changes. Crescentini C1, Capurso V2. Front Psychol. 2015 Jan 29 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Whole-Body-Vibration Training in Improving Hamstring Flexibility in Physically Active Adults. Houston MN1, Hodson VE, Adams K KE, Hoch JM. J Sport Rehabil. 2015 Feb VIEW
Clinical indications for acupuncture in chronic post-traumatic headache management. Khusid MA1. Mil Med. 2015 Feb VIEW
What can biophotonics tell us about the 3D microstructure of articular cartilage? Matcher SJ1. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2015 Feb VIEW
Engagement in mindfulness practices by u.s. Adults: sociodemographic barriers. Olano HA1, Kachan D, Tannenbaum SL, Mehta A, Annane D, Lee DJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Feb VIEW
Trends in the use of complementary health approaches among adults: United States, 2002-2012. Clarke TC1, Black LI1, Stussman BJ2, Barnes PM1, Nahin RL2. Natl Health Stat Report. 2015 Feb VIEW
Use of complementary health approaches among children aged 4-17 years in the United States: national health interview survey, 2007-2012. Black LI1, Clarke TC1, Barnes PM1, Stussman BJ2, Nahin RL2. Natl Health Stat Report. 2015 Feb VIEW
A cost-benefit analysis of three older adult fall prevention interventions. Carande-Kulis V1, Stevens JA2, Florence CS3, Beattie BL4, Arias I5. J Safety Res. 2015 Feb VIEW
Effect of yoga module on pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in industrial workers of lonavla: a randomized controlled trial. Rajbhoj PH1, Shete SU1, Verma A1, Bhogal RS2. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Feb VIEW
Acupressure in insomnia and other sleep disorders in elderly institutionalized patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Simoncini M1, Gatti A, Quirico PE, Balla S, Capellero B, Obialero R, D'Agostino S, Sandri N, Pernigotti LM Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015 Feb VIEW
[Effects of a physical activity program using exergame with elderly women]. Yu J1, Kim J2 J Korean Acad Nurs. 2015 Feb VIEW
Transcriptional analysis of Volvox photoreceptors suggests the existence of different cell-type specific light-signaling pathways. Kianianmomeni A1, Hallmann A Curr Genet. 2015 Feb VIEW
Efficacy and Safety of Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation to Treat Muscle Spasticity following Brain Injury: A Double-Blinded, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial. Zhao W1, Wang C2, Li Z2, Chen L3, Li J3, Cui W3, Ding S2, Xi Q2, Wang F2, Jia F2, Xiao S2, Guo Y2, Zhao Y4. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
Roles of Apoptosis and Cellular Senescence in Cancer and Aging. Cerella C1, Grandjenette C1, Dicato M1, Diederich M2. Curr Drug Targets. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
Suppression of EEG visual-evoked potentials in rats through neuromodulatory focused ultrasound. Kim H1, Park MY, Lee SD, Lee W, Chiu A, Yoo SS. Neuroreport. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
Yoga for Children and Adolescents After Completing Cancer Treatment. Hooke MC1, Gilchrist L2, Foster L2, Langevin M2, Lee J3. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
A correlation study of telomere length in peripheral blood leukocytes and kidney function with age. Zhang WG1, Wang Y1, Hou K1, Jia LP2, Ma J3, Zhao L1, Zhu SY4, Bai XJ5, Cai GY1, Wang YP6, Sun XF1, Chen XM1. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
Barriers and facilitators of the use of mind-body therapies by healthcare providers and clinicians to care for themselves. Mensah SB1, Anderson JG2. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015 Feb 3 VIEW
Design of compact electromagnetic impulse radiating antenna for melanoma treatment. Arockiasamy P1, Mohan S. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Effects of T'ai Chi on Balance: A Population-Based Meta-Analysis. Song R1, Ahn S, So H, Lee EH, Chung Y, Park M. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Tai Chi Reverse Cellular and Genomic Markers of Inflammation in Late Life Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Michael R. Irwin , Richard Olmstead , Elizabeth C. Breen , Tuff Witarama , Carmen Carrillo , Nina Sadeghi, Jesusa M.G. Arevalo , Jeffrey Ma , Perry Nicassio , Richard Bootzin , Steve Cole Biological Psychiatry 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Somatic experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy. Payne P1, Levine PA2, Crane-Godreau MA1 Front Psychol. 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on mononuclear cell functions in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Liu J, Chen P, Wang R, Yuan Y, Wang X, Li C. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
A qualitative study of changes in expectations over time among patients with chronic low back pain seeking four CAM therapies. Eaves ER, Sherman KJ, Ritenbaugh C, Hsu C, Nichter M, Turner JA, Cherkin DC. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Yoga for prenatal depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gong H, Ni C, Shen X, Wu T, Jiang C. BMC Psychiatry. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Anxiety disorders and accelerated cellular ageing. Verhoeven JE1, Révész D1, van Oppen P1, Epel ES1, Wolkowitz OM1, Penninx BW1. Br J Psychiatry. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Role of TERRA in the Regulation of Telomere Length. Wang C1, Zhao L1, Lu S1. Int J Biol Sci. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Sonoporation at Small and Large Length Scales: Effect of Cavitation Bubble Collapse on Membranes. Fu H1, Comer J2,3, Cai W1, Chipot C2,4,5 J Phys Chem Lett. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Dementia and the Power of Music Therapy. Matthews S. Bioethics. 2015 Feb 6 VIEW
Whole-body vibration-related health disorders in occupational medicine - an international comparison. Johanning E1. Ergonomics. 2015 Feb 6 VIEW
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulates matrix metabolism of human annulus fibrosus cells mediated by transforming growth factor β1 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway. Chen MH1, Sun JS, Liao SY, Tai PA, Li TC, Chen MH. Connect Tissue Res. 2015 Feb 6 VIEW
The protective effects of brief mindfulness meditation training. Banks JB1, Welhaf MS2, Srour A2. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Feb 10 VIEW
Cellular processes involved in human epidermal cells exposed to extremely low frequency electric fields. Collard JF1, Hinsenkamp M2. Cell Signal. 2015 Feb 12 VIEW
Investigating the effect of transcendental meditation on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bai Z1, Chang J1, Chen C2, Li P2, Yang K1, Chi I3. J Hum Hypertens. 2015 Feb 12 VIEW
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain. Allameh Z1, Tehrani HG1, Ghasemi M1. Adv Biomed Res. 2015 Feb 12 VIEW
Differential cerebral response to somatosensory stimulation of an acupuncture point vs. two non-acupuncture points measured with EEG and fMRI. Nierhaus T1, Pach D2, Huang W3, Long X4, Napadow V5, Roll S2, Liang F6, Pleger B4, Villringer A1, Witt CM7. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Feb 13 VIEW
Neural circuits. Labeling of active neural circuits in vivo with designed calcium integrators. Fosque BF1, Sun Y1, Dana H1, Yang CT1, Ohyama T1, Tadross MR1, Patel R1, Zlatic M1, Kim DS1, Ahrens MB1, Jayaraman V1, Looger LL1, Schreiter ER2. Science. 2015 Feb 13 VIEW
The effect of tai chi training on cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Zheng G1, Li S1, Huang M1, Liu F1, Tao J1, Chen L2. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 13 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi exercise in combination with auricular plaster on patients with lumbar muscle strain. Lu T1, Song QH2, Xu RM2, Zhang LY2. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Feb 15 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation and Improvement in Sleep Quality and Daytime Impairment Among Older Adults With Sleep Disturbances: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Black DS1, O'Reilly GA1, Olmstead R2, Breen EC2, Irwin MR2. JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Feb 16 VIEW
Acupuncture for Migraine Prevention. Da Silva AN1. Headache. 2015 Feb 16 VIEW
Stress and telomere shortening among central Indian conservation refugees. Zahran S1, Snodgrass JG2, Maranon DG3, Upadhyay C4, Granger DA5, Bailey SM3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Feb 17 VIEW
Cortical networks dynamically emerge with the interplay of slow and fast oscillations for memory of a natural scene. Mizuhara H1, Sato N2, Yamaguchi Y3. Neuroimage. 2015 Feb 17 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy vs. psycho-education for patients with major depression who did not achieve remission following antidepressant treatment. Chiesa A1, Castagner V2, Andrisano C2, Serretti A2, Mandelli L2, Porcelli S2, Giommi F3. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Feb 18 VIEW
Radiofrequency signal affects alpha band in resting electroencephalogram. Ghosn R, Yahia-Cherif L, Hugueville L, Ducorps A, Lemarechal JD, Thuroczy G, de Seze R, Selmaoui B1. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Feb 18 VIEW
Effect of Home Exercise Program in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Anwer S1, Alghadir A, Brismée JM. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2015 Feb 18 VIEW
Decreased Symptoms of Depression After Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Potential Moderating Effects of Religiosity, Spirituality, Trait Mindfulness, Sex, and Age. Greeson JM1, Smoski MJ, Suarez EC, Brantley JG, Ekblad AG, Lynch TR, Wolever RQ. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Feb 19 VIEW
Effects of Long-Term 50Hz Power-Line Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Cell Behavior in Balb/c 3T3 Cells. An GZ1, Xu H2, Zhou Y1, Du L1, Miao X1, Jiang DP1, Li KC1, Guo GZ1, Zhang C3, Ding GR1. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 19 VIEW
Are Indian yoga trials more likely to be positive than those from other countries? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Cramer H1, Lauche R1, Langhorst J1, Dobos G1. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Feb 20 VIEW
Leukocyte telomere length: a novel biomarker to predict the prognosis of glioma patients. Chen Y1, Wu Y, Huang X, Qu P, Li G, Jin T, Xing J, He S. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb 22 VIEW
Leukocyte telomere length: a novel biomarker to predict the prognosis of glioma patients. Chen Y1, Wu Y, Huang X, Qu P, Li G, Jin T, Xing J, He S. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb 22 VIEW
Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field treatment on programmed resolution of inflammation pathway markers in human cells in culture. Kubat NJ1, Moffett J2, Fray LM2. J Inflamm Res. 2015 Feb 23 VIEW
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) can decrease the economic burden of fracture nonunion. Mehta S1, Long K, DeKoven M, Smith E, Steen RG. J Med Econ. 2015 Feb 24 VIEW
Traditional chinese medicine for neck pain and low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yuan QL1, Guo TM2, Liu L1, Sun F3, Zhang YG1. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 24 VIEW
A gp130–Src–YAP module links inflammation to epithelial regeneration Koji Taniguchi, Li-Wha Wu, Sergei I. Grivennikov, Petrus R. de Jong, Ian Lian, Fa-Xing Yu, Kepeng Wang, Samuel B. Ho, Brigid S. Boland, John T. Chang, William J. Sandborn, Gary Hardiman, Eyal Raz, Yoshihiko Maehara, Akihiko Yoshimura, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Kun-Liang Guan & Michael Karin Nature 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Emerging Therapeutic Approaches Based on Nanotechnology for the Treatment of Diseases Associated with Telomere Dysfunction. Egusquiaguirre SP, Pedraz JL, Hernández RM, Igartua M1. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review). Morgan LL1, Miller AB2, Sasco A3, Davis DL1. Int J Oncol. 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Improved sleep quality in older adults with insomnia reduces biomarkers of disease risk: Pilot results from a randomized controlled comparative efficacy trial. Carroll JE1, Seeman TE2, Olmstead R3, Melendez G3, Sadakane R3, Bootzin R4, Nicassio P5, Irwin MR6. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Seated Tai Chi to alleviate pain and improve quality of life in individuals with spinal cord disorder. Shem K, Karasik D, Carufel P, Kao MC, Zheng P J Spinal Cord Med. 2015 Feb 25 VIEW
Early telomerase inactivation accelerates aging independently of telomere length. Xie Z1, Jay KA2, Smith DL2, Zhang Y1, Liu Z1, Zheng J3, Tian R4, Li H5, Blackburn EH6. Cell. 2015 Feb 26 VIEW
Falls prevention in the elderly: translating evidence into practice. Luk JK1, Chan TY2, Chan DK3. Hong Kong Med J. 2015 Feb 27 VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Affects Chondrocyte Extracellular Matrix Production via an Integrin-Mediated p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway. Xia P1, Ren S1, Lin Q1, Cheng K1, Shen S1, Gao M1, Li X2. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Feb 27 VIEW
[Effects of a Physical Activity Program using Exergame with Elderly Women]. Yu J1, Kim J2. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2015 Feb 27 VIEW
Stress and Immune Function during Pregnancy: An Emerging Focus in Mind-Body Medicine. Christian LM1. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2015 Feb 27 VIEW
Short-Form Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Reduces Anxiety and Improves Health-Related Quality of Life in an Inner-City Population. Smith B1, Metzker K, Waite R, Gerrity P. Holist Nurs Pract. 2015 Mar-Apr VIEW
Understanding the electrical behavior of the action potential in terms of elementary electrical sources. Rodriguez-Falces J1. Adv Physiol Educ. 2015 Mar VIEW
Acute effects of whole-body vibration on trunk and neck muscle activity in consideration of different vibration loads. Perchthaler D1, Hauser S1, Heitkamp HC1, Hein T2, Grau S2. J Sports Sci Med. 2015 Mar 1 VIEW
The beneficial effect of Tai Chi on self-concept in adolescents. Bao X1, Jin K. Int J Psychol. 2015 Mar VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic fields for postoperative pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial in patients undergoing mandibular third molar extraction. Stocchero M1, Gobbato L2, De Biagi M2, Bressan E2, Sivolella S2. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2015 Mar VIEW
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields After Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized, Controlled Study Osti L, Buono AD, Maffulli N. Orthopedics 2015 Mar 1 VIEW
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