Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18844 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
From the inside out: Interoceptive feedback facilitates the integration of visceral signals for efficient sensory processing: Interoceptive feedback facilitates sensory processing Amanda C Marshall1, Antje Gentsch-Ebrahimzadeh1, Simone Schütz-Bosbach1 Neuroimage 2022 Feb 16 VIEW
Comparing impacts of meditation training in focused attention, open monitoring, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on emotion reactivity and regulation: Neural and subjective evidence from a dismantling study Kirk Warren Brown1, Daniel Berry2, Kristina Eichel3, Polina Beloborodova1, Hadley Rahrig1, Willoughby B Britton3 Psychophysiology 2022 Feb 19 VIEW
Effects of long-term Tai-Chi Chuan practice on whole-body balance control during obstacle-crossing in the elderly Chien-Chung Kuo1,2, Sheng-Chang Chen3, Tsan-Yang Chen3, Tsung-Jung Ho4,5,6, Jaung-Geng Lin7, Tung-Wu Lu8 Sci Rep 2022 Feb 17 VIEW
Meta-Analysis of Tai Chi Chuan in Treating Lumbar Spondylosis and Back Pain Fushun Zhang1, Junfang Zhao2, Nan Jiang1, Qiao Zhai1, Juanjuan Hu1, Jing Zhang1 Appl Bionics Biomech 2022 Feb 7 VIEW
Comparison between tai chi and square dance on the anti-hypertensive effect and cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with essential hypertension: a 12-week randomized controlled trial Zhi-Wei Yan1, Zhen Yang2, Jing-Hui Yang3, Cheng-Lin Song1, Zhuang Zhao4, Yan Gao5 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2022 Feb 18 VIEW
Impact of Qigong exercises on the severity of the menopausal symptoms and health-related quality of life: a randomized controlled trial María Del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile PhD1, Fidel Hita-Contreras MD,PhD1, Antonio Martínez-Amat PhD1, Vânia Brandão Loureiro PhD2, Nuno Eduardo Marques de Loureiro PhD2, José Daniel Jiménez-García PhD3, Raquel Fábrega-Cuadros PhD1, Agustín Aibar-Almazán PhD1 Eur J Sport Sci 2022 Feb 18 VIEW
Placebo Response Rates in Acupuncture Therapy Trials for Functional Dyspepsia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jie Liu1, Gengqing Song, Yizhou Huang, Chaolan Lv, Ying Wang, Dandan Wu, Chenyu Sun, Meng Jing, Yue Yu J Clin Gastroenterol 2022 Feb 18 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi Quan on the Pressure Pain Thresholds of Lower Back Muscles in Healthy Women Rui Wang1, Xiao-Long Chang2, Suparata Kiartivich1, Xue-Qiang Wang1,3 J Pain Res 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
The Effects of Whole-body Vibration Therapy on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Chenguang Qiu, Elvis Chun Sing Chui, Simon Kwoon Ho Chow, Wing-Hoi Cheung, Ronald Man Yeung Wong1 J Rehabil Med 2022 Feb 17 VIEW
Validity and reliability of different smartphones applications to measure HRV during short and ultra-short measurements in elite athletes M Moya-Ramon1, M Mateo-March2, I Peña-González1, M Zabala3, A Javaloyes1 Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
Systematic Review for the Medical Applications of Meditation in Randomized Controlled Trials Do-Young Kim1, Soo-Hwa Hong1, Seung-Hyeon Jang1, So-Hyeon Park1, Jung-Hee Noh1, Jung-Mi Seok1, Hyun-Jeong Jo1, Chang-Gue Son2, Eun-Jung Lee3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 Jan 22 VIEW
Tai Chi for Dynamic Balance Training Among Individuals with Cerebellar Ataxia: An Assessor-Blinded Randomized-Controlled Trial Stanley John Winser1, Marco Pang1, William W N Tsang2, Susan L Whitney3 J Integr Complement Med 2022 Feb 1 VIEW
Heart rate variability and slow-paced breathing:when coherence meets resonance Caroline Sevoz-Couche1, Sylvain Laborde2 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Feb 12 VIEW
The Lonely Brain - Associations Between Social Isolation and (Cerebro-) Vascular Disease From the Perspective of Social Neuroscience Janine Gronewold1, Miriam Engels2 Front Integr Neurosci 2022 Jan 28 VIEW
Vagus nerve stimulation: An update on a novel treatment for treatment-resistant depression Lojine Y Kamel1, Willa Xiong2, Britt M Gott1, Arun Kumar3, Charles R Conway4 J Neurol Sci 2022 Jan 29 VIEW
Mindfulness is inversely associated with psychological symptoms in long-term cardiac arrest survivors Alex Presciutti1,2, Jonathan Greenberg3,4, Ethan Lester3,4, Mary M Newman5, Jonathan Elmer6, Jonathan A Shaffer7, Ana-Maria Vranceanu3,4, Sarah M Perman8 J Behav Med 2022 Feb 14 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in stroke survivors: a US nationally representative survey Wiebke K Kohl-Heckl1, Anna K Koch2, Holger Cramer2 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Feb 12 VIEW
Tai chi improves depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older persons by mediating BDNF methylation: A preliminary study Shujuan Liao1, Mawpin Tan2, Mian Li3, Jianhua Ren1, Yan Wang1, Rui Zheng4, Biru Luo5, Wenming Xu6 Geriatr Nurs 2022 Feb 10 VIEW
What Do Measures of Self-Report Interoception Measure? Insights from A Systematic Review, Latent Factor Analysis, and Network Approach Olivier Desmedt1, Alexandre Heeren2, Olivier Corneille3, Olivier Luminet4 Biol Psychol 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
The effects of combined respiratory-gated auricular vagal afferent nerve stimulation and mindfulness meditation for chronic low back pain: a pilot study Samantha M Meints1, Ronald G Garcia2, Zev Schuman-Olivier3, Michael Datko3,4, Gaelle Desbordes4, Marise Cornelius1, Robert R Edwards1, Vitaly Napadow1,4 Pain Med 2022 Feb 11 VIEW
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