Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effectiveness of Liu-zi-jue exercise on coronavirus disease 2019 in the patients: a randomized controlled trial Zhu Qingguang1, Zhang Shuaipan1,2, L I Jingxian3, Sun Wuquan1, Cheng Wei4, Zhan Chao4, Cheng Yanbin1, Fang Lei5, Fang Min1,2 J Tradit Chin Med 2022 Dec 1 VIEW
From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness-Based Interventions Dragana Derlic1 J Correct Health Care 2022 Nov 14 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of Baduanjin exercise to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with prediabetes Xiaojun Ma#1,2, Manlin Li#1, Lin Liu1, Fenfang Lei3,4, Liduo Wang1, Wenyan Xiao1, Yingzi Tan1, Binghua He5, Sijie Ruan6 Sci Rep 2022 Nov 11 VIEW
Scientometric analysis of researches on tai chi and health promotion based on literatures from 1991 to 2021 Ao Wang1, Yan Ju2, Chao Bi1 Ann Palliat Med 2022 Nov 10 VIEW
No Evidence That a Passive Biofield/Subtle Energy Mobile Application Affects Heart Rate Variability or Autonomic Nervous System Balance: Reanalysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial Andre C Q Lo1, Charmaine Chu Wen Lo2,3,4 J Integr Complement Med 2022 Nov 7 VIEW
Effect of whole-body vibration training on the recovery of lower limb function in people with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis Xinwei Yang1, Xiali Xue1,2, Huan Tu1,2, Ning Li1,2 Disabil Rehabil 2022 Nov 11 VIEW
Vagus activation by Cold Face Test reduces acute psychosocial stress responses Robert Richer1, Janis Zenkner2, Arne Küderle2, Nicolas Rohleder3, Bjoern M Eskofier2 Sci Rep 2022 Nov 10 VIEW
Anorexia nervosa as a disorder of the subcortical-cortical interoceptive-self Lorenzo Lucherini Angeletti1, Matteo Innocenti2, Federica Felciai2, Emanuele Ruggeri2, Emanuele Cassioli2, Eleonora Rossi2, Francesco Rotella3, Giovanni Castellini2, Giovanni Stanghellini4, Valdo Ricca2, Georg Northoff5,6,7,8 Eat Weight Disord 2022 Nov 10 VIEW
Trends in the Use of Opioids vs Nonpharmacologic Treatments in Adults With Pain, 2011-2019 Kevin T Pritchard1, Jacques Baillargeon2, Wei-Chen Lee3, Mukaila A Raji3, Yong-Fang Kuo4 JAMA Netw Open 2022 Nov 1 VIEW
The west meets the east - A need for a renaissance in brain, behavior, and immunity research Senthil Kumaran Satyanarayanan1, Huanxing Su2, Hi-Joon Park3, Kuan-Pin Su4 Brain Behav Immun 2022 Oct 27 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Escitalopram for the Treatment of Adults With Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial Elizabeth A Hoge1, Eric Bui2, Mihriye Mete3, Mary Ann Dutton1, Amanda W Baker4, Naomi M Simon5 JAMA Psychiatry 2022 Nov 9 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness on the inflammatory, psychological and biomechanical domains of adult patients with low back pain: A randomized controlled clinical trial Gustavo G Diez1,2, Eduardo Anitua3,4, Nazareth Castellanos1, Carmelo Vázquez5, Purificación Galindo-Villardón6, Mohammad H Alkhraisat3,4 PLoS One 2022 Nov 9 VIEW
Effects of qigong exercise on the physical and mental health of college students: a systematic review and Meta-analysis Jianping Lin#1,2, Yi Fang Gao#1, Yue Guo3, Ming Li1,2, Yuxiang Zhu1, Ruoshi You3, Shaoqing Chen4, Shizhong Wang5,6 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness training on stress and sleep quality of postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis Fatemeh Shabani1, Maryam Montazeri2, Somayeh Abdolalipour1, Mojgan Mirghafourvand3,4 Post Reprod Health 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
Benefits, Facilitators, and Barriers of Alternative Models of Cardiac Rehabilitation: A QUALITATIVE SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Katherine Platz1, Susan Kools, Jill Howie-Esquivel J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2022 Oct 10 VIEW
A systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions on quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis Robert Simpson1,2, Stephanie Posa3, Laura Langer3, Tania Bruno3, Sharon Simpson4, Maggie Lawrence5, Jo Booth5, Stewart W Mercer6, Anthony Feinstein3, Mark Bayley3 J Neurol 2022 Nov 9 VIEW
Effects of an 8-week Baduanjin intervention combined with low-carbohydrates diet among overweight people who struggle with drug addiction Dongming Jia1,2, Yuming Xu3 Front Public Health 2022 Oct 21 VIEW
Physical activity and subjective well-being of older adults during COVID-19 prevention and control normalization: Mediating role of outdoor exercise environment and regulating role of exercise form Qingqing Yang1, Yue Tang2, George Jennings3, Bin Zhao1,4, Fusheng Zhu5, Xiujie Ma1,4 Front Psychol 2022 Oct 14 VIEW
Long-term benefits of heart rate variability biofeedback training in older adults with different levels of social interaction: a pilot study Perciliany Martins de Souza1, Miriam de Cássia Souza1, Luiza Araújo Diniz1, Cássia Regina Vieira Araújo1, Mariana Lopez2, Eliane Volchan3, Orlando Fernandes Jr4, Tiago Arruda Sanchez4, Gabriela Guerra Leal Souza5 Sci Rep 2022 Nov 5 VIEW
Effect of vertical vibration stimulation at different frequencies on delayed muscle soreness in athletes: A randomized trial Liang Cheng1,2, Kun Wang1, Benxiang He1, Yang Yan2 Front Public Health 2022 Oct 14 VIEW
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