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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Activity Participation and Perceived Health Status in Patients with Severe Mental Illness: a Prospective Study S S W Ng1, T K S Leung2, P P K Ng2, R K H Ng2, A T Y Wong2 East Asian Arch Psychiatry 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
On the Neurobiology of Meditation: Comparison of Three Organizing Strategies to Investigate Brain Patterns during Meditation Practice Frederick Travis1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2020 Dec 18 VIEW
Effect of Low Intensity Vibration on Bone Strength, Microstructure, and Adiposity in Pre-Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Chamith S Rajapakse1,2, Alyssa J Johncola1, Alexandra S Batzdorf1, Brandon C Jones1, Mona Al Mukaddam2,3, Kelly Sexton1, Justine Shults4, Mary B Leonard5,6, Peter J Snyder3, Felix W Wehrli1 J Bone Miner Res 2020 Dec 13 VIEW
Benefits of tai ji quan practice on neuromuscular functions in older adults: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis Yang Hu1, Cecilia Kattan1, Dena Kontos1, Weimo Zhu1, Manuel E Hernandez2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Interoception the foundation for: mind's sensing of 'self,' physiological responses, cognitive discrimination and dysregulation Pollard-Wright Holly1 Commun Integr Biol 2020 Dec 10 VIEW
Autonomic Tone and Baroreflex Sensitivity during 70° Head-up Tilt in Yoga Practitioners Boligarla Anasuya1, Kishore K Deepak1, Ashok K Jaryal1 Int J Yoga Sep-Dec 2020 VIEW
Transcutaneous cervical vagal nerve stimulation reduces sympathetic responses to stress in posttraumatic stress disorder: A double-blind, randomized, sham controlled trial Nil Z Gurel1, Matthew T Wittbrodt2, Hewon Jung1, Md Mobashir H Shandhi1, Emily G Driggers2, Stacy L Ladd2,3, Minxuan Huang4, Yi-An Ko5, Lucy Shallenberger4, Joy Beckwith2, Jonathon A Nye3, Bradley D Pearce4, Viola Vaccarino4,6, Amit J Shah4,6,7, Omer T Inan1,8, J Douglas Bremner2,3,7 Neurobiol Stress 2020 Oct 20 VIEW
The Effects of Fast and Slow Yoga Breathing on Cerebral and Central Hemodynamics Gabriella Bellissimo1, Eric Leslie1, Valarie Maestas1, Micah Zuhl1,2 Int J Yoga Sep-Dec 2020 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
Impact of Altered Breathing Patterns on Interaction of EEG and Heart Rate Variability Meenakshi Sinha1, Ramanjan Sinha1, Jayshri Ghate1, Gaurav Sarnik2 Ann Neurosci 2020 Apr 1 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
Effects of dance on cognitive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Patricia Hewston1,2, Courtney Clare Kennedy1,2, Sayem Borhan3,4, Dafna Merom5, Pasqualina Santaguida3, George Ioannidis1,2, Sharon Marr1,2, Nancy Santesso3, Lehana Thabane3,6, Steven Bray7, Alexandra Papaioannou1,2,3 Age Ageing 2020 Dec 19 VIEW
Cellular senescence in ageing: from mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities Raffaella Di Micco1, Valery Krizhanovsky2, Darren Baker3,4, Fabrizio d'Adda di Fagagna5,6 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Effects of fitness qigong and tai chi on middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Xiaoyuan Li1,2,3, Hongyu Si2,3, Yamin Chen1, Shouhao Li1, Ningning Yin2, Zhenlong Wang4 PLoS One 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
Implementation of a Mindfulness-Based Crisis Intervention for Frontline Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak in a Public General Hospital in Madrid, Spain Beatriz Rodriguez-Vega1,2,3, Ángela Palao1,2,3, Ainoa Muñoz-Sanjose1,2, Marta Torrijos1, Pablo Aguirre1, Arancha Fernández1, Blanca Amador1, Cristina Rocamora1, Laura Blanco1, Jesús Marti-Esquitino1, Aránzazu Ortiz-Villalobos1, Mónica Alonso-Sañudo1, Susana Cebolla1,2, Javier Curto1, Rosa Villanueva1, María-Jesús de-la-Iglesia1, Diego Carracedo1, Carlos Casado1, Emma Vidal1, Daniel Trigo1, Noelia Iglesias1, Diana Cabañas1, Loreto Mellado1, Daniel García1, Consuelo Fernández-Encinas1, Rubén Navarro1, Roberto Mediavilla2, María-Paz Vidal-Villegas2,3, María-Fe Bravo-Ortiz1,2,3, Carmen Bayón1,2,3 Front Psychiatry 2020 Oct 30 VIEW
Heart rate variability is enhanced during mindfulness practice: A randomized controlled trial involving a 10-day online-based mindfulness intervention Ulrich Kirk1, Johanne L Axelsen1 PLoS One 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
Behavioral and neurophysiological signatures of interoceptive enhancements following vagus nerve stimulation Fabian Richter1, Adolfo M García2,3,4,5, Nicolas Rodriguez Arriagada2,6, Adrian Yoris3,7, Agustina Birba2,3, David Huepe8, Heinz Zimmer1, Agustín Ibáñez2,3,5,8,9, Lucas Sedeño3 Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Noninvasive Neuromodulation in Migraine Benzion Blech1, Amaal J Starling2 Curr Pain Headache Rep 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
[Proprioception - The Sixth Sense And Its Disorders] Klaus Jahn, Carmen Krewer Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Mental awareness improved mild cognitive impairment and modulated gut microbiome Wei Wei Thwe Khine1,2, Miao Lian Voong1, Ted Kheng Siang Ng3, Lei Feng3,4, Grishma Avinash Rane5, Alan Prem Kumar5,6,7, Ee Heok Kua3,4, Ratha Mahendran8, Rathi Mahendran3,4,9, Yuan-Kun Lee1,8 Aging (Albany NY) 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
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