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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The Antihypertensive Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise among Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis: 288 Board #125 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Wu Y1 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Differences in Brain Structure and Function Among Yoga Practitioners and Controls. Gothe NP1, Hayes JM2, Temali C2, Damoiseaux JS2 Front Integr Neurosci. 2018 Jun 22 VIEW
Decline in sensorimotor systems explains reduced falls self-efficacy. Pauelsen M1, Vikman I2, Johansson Strandkvist V3, Larsson A4, Röijezon U5 J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018 Jul 9 VIEW
Usability Testing of a Smartphone Application for Delivering Qigong Training. Cheung DST1, Or CKL2, So MKP3, Tiwari A4 J Med Syst. 2018 Sep 5 VIEW
Integrative Oncology Trials in the Real World: Assessing the Pragmatism of an Ongoing Integrative Oncology Trial of Mindfulness and T'ai Chi/Qigong. Carlson LE1, Oberoi DV2, Qureshi M2, Subnis U2 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Sep/Oct VIEW
Mind-body practices for people living with HIV: a systematic scoping review. Ramirez-Garcia MP1,2, Gagnon MP3,4, Colson S5, Côté J6,7, Flores-Aranda J8,9, Dupont M10 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Interoception and Social Connection. Arnold AJ1,2, Winkielman P1,3, Dobkins K1 Front Psychol. 2019 Nov 26 VIEW
Intervention Treatment for Myocardial Infarction with Tai Chi: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wu B1, Ding Y1, Zhong B1, Jin X1, Cao Y2, Xu D3 Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Mar 28 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy improves tendon-to-bone healing in a rat rotator cuff repair model. Tucker JJ1, Cirone JM1, Morris TR1, Nuss CA1, Huegel J1, Waldorff EI2, Zhang N2, Ryaby JT2, Soslowsky LJ1 J Orthop Res. 2016 Jun 10 VIEW
Effect of Community-Based Social Skills Training and Tai-Chi Exercise on Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia: A Randomized, One-Year Study. Kang R1, Wu Y, Li Z, Jiang J, Gao Q, Yu Y, Gao K, Yan Y, He Y Psychopathology. 2016 Sep 2 VIEW
Qigong Exercises for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Putiri AL1, Close JR2,3, Lilly HR4, Guillaume N5,6, Sun GC7,8 Medicines (Basel). 2017 Aug 9 VIEW
Understanding Mind-Body Disciplines: A Pilot Study of Breathing and Dynamic Muscle Contraction on Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity. Chin MS1, Kales SN2,3,4 Stress Health. 2019 Jul 26 VIEW
Spectrum Graphic Research on Laogong Points of Qigong Practioner Su Wuge//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Benefits from a three-day's fasting Wang Shikui 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
2D Cooled CCD Imaging of Delayed Luminescence Parkhomtchouk DV//Yamamoto M J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
A Study on Mechanism of Precognition Oku T J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2003 VIEW
Sound analyses of vowels in Shintaido Kido M 1//Aoki H 2 J Mind-Body Science 2000 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation in the control of severe headache Sun TF//Kuo CC//Chiu NM Chang Gung Med J 2002 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan practice in community-dwelling persons after stroke. Hart J, Kanner H, Gilboa-Mayo R, Haroeh-Peer O, Rozenthul-Sorokin N, Eldar R Int J Rehabil Res. 2004 Dec VIEW
Acupuncture for dyspepsia in pregnancy: a prospective, randomised, controlled study. da Silva JB, Nakamura MU, Cordeiro JA, Kulay L Jr, Saidah R. Acupunct Med 2009 Jun VIEW
Role of yoga in modifying certain cardiovascular functions in type 2 diabetic patients Singh, S., et al. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 2004 VIEW
Acupuncture for peripheral joint osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Kwon, Y., Pittler, M. & Ernst, E. Rheumatology 2006 VIEW
[Observation on lower back myofascitis treated with penetration needling on yang meridians of the back and electroacupuncture as compared with Western medication]. Sun YZ, Li DY. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Oct VIEW
Hatha yoga practices: energy expenditure, respiratory changes and intensity of exercise. Ray US, Pathak A, Tomer OS. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Does low-intensity pulsed ultrasound reduce time to fracture healing? A meta-analysis. Snyder BM, Conley J, Koval KJ. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2012 Feb VIEW
Randomized non-invasive sham-controlled pilot trial of electroacupuncture for postpartum depression. Chung KF, Yeung WF, Zhang ZJ, Yung KP, Man SC, Lee CP, Lam SK, Leung TW, Leung KY, Ziea ET, Taam Wong V. J Affect Disord. 2012 Jul 25 VIEW
Musical Creativity and the Brain. López-González M, Limb CJ. Cerebrum. 2012 Jan VIEW
Detection adn research of bioray and biofield Luo Xin//Zhu Nialin//Yi Hong 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Talking about the dream of immortality from the development of medicines and qigong Hong Daozi 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Experiment for the Verification of 'Value-Oriented Information' and its Transmission/Perception by 'Set Laser System' Circuit Matsuoka H J Mind-Body Science 2000 VIEW
Treatment for hyperactive children: homeopathy and methylphenidate compared in a family setting Frei H//Thurneysen A Br Homeopath J 2001 VIEW
Clinical Analysis on Psychotic Disorders Caused by Qigong in 51 Cases Luo X//Yang D Journal of North Sichuan Medical College 1998 VIEW
Impact of acupuncture on otoacoustic emissions in patients with tinnitus de Azevedo RF, Chiari BM, Okada DM, Onishi ET Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol (Engl Ed). 2007 Sep-Oct VIEW
[Effect of transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation on brain oxygen and glucose metabolism in the perioperative period of the craniocerebral operation] Wang JL, Ren QS, Pei SL. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2008 Mar VIEW
Brain activation during compassion meditation: a case study. Engström M, Söderfeldt B. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 May VIEW
Development of selective laser treatment techniques using mid-infrared tunable nanosecond pulsed laser. Ishii K, Saiki M, Hazama H, Awazu K. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2010 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness Training on Body Awareness to Sexual Stimuli: Implications for Female Sexual Dysfunction. Silverstein RG, Brown AC, Roth HD, Britton WB. Psychosom Med. 2011 Nov 2 VIEW
The Effects of a Gentle Yoga Program on Sleep, Mood, and Blood Pressure in Older Women with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. Innes KE, Selfe TK. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Chair Yoga: Benefits for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Osteoarthritis. Park J, McCaffrey R. J Gerontol Nurs. 2012 Apr 25 VIEW
The Effects of Meditation-Based Interventions on the Treatment of Fibromyalgia. Kozasa EH, Tanaka LH, Monson C, Little S, Leao FC, Peres MP. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2012 Jun 21 VIEW
Performance in a substitution task and state anxiety following yoga in army recruits. Telles S, Bhardwaj AK, Kumar S, Kumar N, Balkrishna A. Psychol Rep. 2012 Jun VIEW
Randomised controlled trials of yoga interventions for women with breast cancer: a systematic literature review. Harder H, Parlour L, Jenkins V. Support Care Cancer. 2012 Oct 6 VIEW
Signal transmission through human muscle for implantable medical devices using galvanic intra-body communication technique. Chen XM, Mak PU, Pun SH, Gao YM, Vai MI, Du M. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
A Systematic Review of Stress-Management Programs for Medical Students. Shiralkar MT, Harris TB, Eddins-Folensbee FF, Coverdale JH. Acad Psychiatry 2013 Feb 27 VIEW
Mindfulness-based relapse prevention for substance craving. Witkiewitz K, Bowen S, Douglas H, Hsu SH. Addict Behav. 2013 Feb VIEW
EMOST: elimination of chronic constipation and diarrhea by low-frequency and intensity electromagnetic fields. Bókkon I, Erdőfi-Szabó A, Till A, Lukács T, Erdőfi-Nagy E. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jun 19 VIEW
[Impact of a music therapy program on the stress level of health professionals]. Taets GG, Borba-Pinheiro CJ, Figueiredo NM, Dantas EH. Rev Bras Enferm 2013 Jun VIEW
Infectious diseases physicians' attitudes and practices related to complementary and integrative medicine: results of a national survey. Shere-Wolfe KD, Tilburt JC, D'Adamo C, Berman B, Chesney MA. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effect of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Adults: An In-Depth Literature Review of Randomized Trials with Effect Size Calculations. Thrane S1, Cohen SM2. Pain Manag Nurs. 2014 Feb 27 VIEW
The Mindfulness-enhanced Strengthening Families Program: Integrating brief mindfulness activities and parent training within an evidence-based prevention program. Coatsworth JD1, Duncan LG, Berrena E, Bamberger KT, Loeschinger D, Greenberg MT, Nix RL. New Dir Youth Dev 2014 Jun VIEW
Religious and spiritual interventions in mental health care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Gonçalves JP1, Lucchetti G2, Menezes PR3, Vallada H1. Psychol Med 2015 Jul 23 VIEW
The Mending Tissue – Cellular Instructions for Tissue Repair newswise newswise 2015 Aug 24 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi on Cardiovascular Risk in Women. Robins JL, Elswick RK Jr, Sturgill J, McCain NL. Am J Health Promot. 2015 Aug 25 VIEW
Swarm Intelligence-Inspired Spontaneous Fabrication of Optimal Interconnect at the Micro/Nanoscale. Su M1,2, Huang Z1,2, Huang Y2,3, Chen S1,2, Qian X1,2, Li W1,2, Li Y1,2, Pei W3, Chen H3, Li F1, Song Y1 Adv Mater. 2016 Dec 7 VIEW
Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Iyengar Yoga and Coherent Breathing: A Randomized Controlled Dosing Study. Streeter CC1,2,3,4,5,6, Gerbarg PL7, Whitfield TH8, Owen L1, Johnston J1, Silveri MM1,3,5, Gensler M1, Faulkner CL1, Mann C1, Wixted M1, Hernon AM1, Nyer MB3,9, Brown ER10, Jensen JE3,5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar VIEW
Underlying Signaling Pathways and Therapeutic Applications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Bone Repair. Yuan J1, Xin F2, Jiang W1 Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018 Apr 20 VIEW
Treating Depression With Tai Chi: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Kong J1, Wilson G1, Park J1, Pereira K1, Walpole C1, Yeung A2 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 12 VIEW
Effects of a Modified Tai Chi Program on Older People with Mild Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Huang N1,2, Li W1, Rong X3, Champ M4, Wei L5, Li M1, Mu H1, Hu Y1, Ma Z1, Lyu J1,2 J Alzheimers Dis. 2019 Nov 11 VIEW
Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Promotes the Extracellular Matrix Synthesis of Degenerative Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells through FAK/PI3K/AktPathway. Zhang XJ1, Hu ZM, Hao J, Shen JL. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Oct 15 VIEW
Electroencephalographic correlates of states of concentrative meditation. DeLosAngeles D1, Williams G2, Burston J2, Fitzgibbon SP3, Lewis TW4, Grummett TS5, Clark CR6, Pope KJ4, Willoughby JO7 Int J Psychophysiol. 2016 Oct 1 VIEW
Traditional Chinese medicine for modern treatment of Parkinson's disease. Han L1, Xie YH1, Wu R1, Chen C1, Zhang Y1, Wang XP2. Chin J Integr Med. 2017 Jan 20 VIEW
Long-term exposure to a continuous 900 MHz electromagnetic field disrupts cerebellar morphology in young adult male rats. Aslan A1, İkinci A2, Baş O3, Sönmez OF4, Kaya H5, Odacı E2 Biotech Histochem. 2017 May 16 VIEW
A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis to Explore the Effectiveness of Exercise-Based Interventions in Improving Fatigue, Dyspnea, and Depression in Lung Cancer Survivors. Henshall CL1, Allin L, Aveyard H Cancer Nurs. 2018 May 21 VIEW
Effects of mobile phone exposure on metabolomics in the male and female reproductive systems. Altun G1, Deniz ÖG1, Yurt KK2, Davis D3, Kaplan S4 Environ Res. 2018 May 16 VIEW
The short-term health promotion effect of the whole-body vibration exercise program for the improvement of the agility, the quick reaction ability, and the flexibility of the students aspiring for the physical education-affiliated departments in Korea. Kim JH1 J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Oct 31 VIEW
Tai Chi Combined With Resistance Training for Adults Aged 50 Years and Older: A Systematic Review. Qi M1,2, Moyle W1,2, Jones C1,2, Weeks B2,3 J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2018 Dec 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of backward walking training on balance performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang J1, Xu J2, An R3 Gait Posture. 2019 Jan 3 VIEW
Knowing your own heart: distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awareness. Garfinkel SN1, Seth AK2, Barrett AB2, Suzuki K2, Critchley HD3 Biol Psychol. 2015 Jan VIEW
HUMAN CONSTANT MOVEMENT AND INDUCED MOVEMENT Huang Dingrong 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
My opinion on qigong Liu ZG 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Shamanism as a healing paradigm for complementary therapy Money M Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2001 VIEW
The research of 'zero-magnetic field' of non-inductive coil and its influence on distilled water Sasaki S 1//Liu H 2//Liu Y 2//Mu F 2 J Mind-Body Science 1998 VIEW
A Combination of Gestalt Therapy, Rosen Body Work, and Cranio Sacral Therapy did not help in Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) - Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Ventegodt S//Merrick J//Andersen NJ//Bendix T ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Selective unilateral autonomic activation: implications for psychiatry Shannahoff-Khalsa DS CNS Spectr 2007 Aug VIEW
Tai chi: moving for better balance-development of a community-based falls prevention program Li F, Harmer P, Mack KA, Sleet D, Fisher KJ, Kohn MA, Millet LM, Xu J, Yang T, Sutton B, Tompkins Y J Phys Act Health. 2008 May VIEW
Additional use of acupuncture to NSAID effectively reduces post-tonsillectomy pain Sertel S, Herrmann S, Greten HJ, Haxsen V, El-Bitar S, Simon CH, Baumann I, Plinkert PK Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Nov 4 VIEW
Effect of yoga based lifestyle intervention on subjective well-being. Sharma R, Gupta N, Bijlani RL. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2008 Apr-Jun VIEW
Neck Pain Treatment With Acupuncture: Does the Number of Needles Matter? Ceccherelli F, Gioioso L, Casale R, Gagliardi G, Ori C. Clin J Pain 2010 Sep 8 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Exploratory Evaluation of Standardized Ayurvedic Formulations in Symptomatic Osteoarthritis Knees: A Government of India NMITLI Project. Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G, Venugopalan A, Sarmukaddam S, Raut AK, Bichile L, Narsimulu G, Handa R, Patwardhan B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Pain: An Evidence-based Review. Dhanani NM, Caruso TJ, Carinci AJ. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2010 Nov 10 VIEW
A Randomized Study of a Novel Zen Dialogue Method for Producing Spiritual and Well-Being Enhancement: Implications for End-of-Life Care. Johnson M. J Holist Nurs. 2010 Dec 21 VIEW
Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour. Smith CA, Levett KM, Collins CT, Crowther CA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Dec 7 VIEW
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Versus Unrestricted Services for Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis). McManus F, Surawy C, Muse K, Vazquez-Montes M, Williams JM. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2012 Jun 18 VIEW
Reduction in salivary α-amylase levels following a mind-body intervention in cancer survivors-An exploratory study. Lipschitz DL, Kuhn R, Kinney AY, Donaldson GW, Nakamura Y. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Jan 31 VIEW
Effects of Habitual T'ai Chi Exercise on Adiponectin, Glucose Homeostasis, Lipid Profile, and Atherosclerotic Burden in Individuals with Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Chang RY, Koo M, Chen CK, Lu YC, Lin YF. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb 7 VIEW
Self-reported symptoms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields: a questionnaire study. Küçer N, Pamukçu T. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jun 3 VIEW
New findings of the correlation between acupoints and corresponding brain cortices using functional MRI. Cho ZH, Chung SC, Jones JP, Park JB, Park HJ, Lee HJ, Wong EK, Min BI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Mar 3 VIEW
Cellular Senescence in Ageing, Age-Related Disease and Longevity. Sikora E, Bielak-Zmijewska A, Mosieniak G. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2013 Dec 18 VIEW
Perspectives of Medical Oncologists regarding Music Therapy for Patients with Cancer in Turkey - Can Musicology be Integrated into Psycho-oncology? Tanriverdi O, Aydemir NF. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013 VIEW
Influence of External Qi on Cardiovascular System Feng Yangzheng//Qin Chao 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Cultural formulation of psychiatric diagnosis. Case no. 03. Psychosis following Qi-gong in a Chinese immigrant. Lim RF//Lin KM Cult Med Psychiatry 1996 VIEW
Everyone preserving health scientifically Guo Yangui 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
The cellular communciation process and alternative modes of healing Gough William C Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 1999 VIEW
Toward the New Stage of Modern Clinical Science in the 21st Century Liang P First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Biological correlates of Reiki Touch healing Wardell DW//Engebretson J Journal of Advanced Nursing 2001 VIEW
Law of Discriminability in Perceptual and Electromagnetic Tests Norina SB 1,2//Kossov BB 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
ECG Analysis in a Remote Action Experiment Tanaka M 1,2//Yamamoto M 1//Kokubo H 1,2//Kokado T 1,3//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
A Study of the Meridian - Meridian Point Effect by using Photo Signals Indou H J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
A Cosmological Study on Mechanism of Vibrational Life Energy Oku T J Soc Life Info Sci 2003 VIEW
[Physician-patient relationship, scientific medicine and alternative therapies][Article in Spanish] Franco JA//Pecci C Medicina (B Aires) 2003 VIEW
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