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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Gut Microbiota Interaction with the Central Nervous System throughout Life Jorge Ojeda1, Ariel Ávila2, Pía M Vidal1 J Clin Med 2021 Mar 21 VIEW
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Tai Chi on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Middle-Aged and Elderly Diabetic Patients: Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials Ya-Nv Liu1, Lin Wang1,2, Xin Fan2, Shijie Liu3, Qi Wu1, You-Ling Qian4,5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Mar 22 VIEW
Cognitive Load and the Effectiveness of Distraction for Acute Pain in Children W M Gaultney1, L M Dahlquist1, R L Quiton1 Eur J Pain 2021 Mar 23 VIEW
International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020) Adam D Farmer1, Adam Strzelczyk2, Alessandra Finisguerra3, Alexander V Gourine4, Alireza Gharabaghi5, Alkomiet Hasan6,7, Andreas M Burger8, Andrés M Jaramillo9, Ann Mertens10, Arshad Majid11, Bart Verkuil12, Bashar W Badran13, Carlos Ventura-Bort14, Charly Gaul15, Christian Beste16, Christopher M Warren17, Daniel S Quintana18,19,20, Dorothea Hämmerer21,22,23, Elena Freri24, Eleni Frangos25, Eleonora Tobaldini26,27, Eugenijus Kaniusas28,29, Felix Rosenow2, Fioravante Capone30, Fivos Panetsos31, Gareth L Ackland32, Gaurav Kaithwas33, Georgia H O'Leary13, Hannah Genheimer34, Heidi I L Jacobs35,36, Ilse Van Diest37, Jean Schoenen38, Jessica Redgrave11, Jiliang Fang39, Jim Deuchars40, Jozsef C Széles41, Julian F Thayer42, Kaushik More43,44, Kristl Vonck10, Laura Steenbergen45, Lauro C Vianna46, Lisa M McTeague13, Mareike Ludwig47, Maria G Veldhuizen48, Marijke De Couck49,50, Marina Casazza51, Marius Keute5, Marom Bikson52, Marta Andreatta34,53, Martina D'Agostini37, Mathias Weymar14,54, Matthew Betts47,55,56, Matthias Prigge44, Michael Kaess57,58, Michael Roden59,60,61, Michelle Thai62, Nathaniel M Schuster63, Nicola Montano26,27, Niels Hansen64,65, Nils B Kroemer66, Peijing Rong67, Rico Fischer68, Robert H Howland69, Roberta Sclocco70,71, Roberta Sellaro72,73,74, Ronald G Garcia75,76, Sebastian Bauer2, Sofiya Gancheva59,60,77, Stavros Stavrakis78, Stefan Kampusch28,29, Susan A Deuchars40, Sven Wehner79, Sylvain Laborde80, Taras Usichenko81,82, Thomas Polak83, Tino Zaehle84, Uirassu Borges80,85, Vanessa Teckentrup66, Vera K Jandackova86,87, Vitaly Napadow70,71, Julian Koenig57,88 Front Hum Neurosci 2021 Mar 23 VIEW
A Comprehensive Resiliency Framework: Theoretical Model, Treatment, and Evaluation Elyse R Park1,2,3, Christina M Luberto1,2, Emma Chad-Friedman4, Lara Traeger1,2, Daniel L Hall1,2, Giselle K Perez1,2, Brett Goshe1,2, Ana-Maria Vranceanu1,2, Margaret Baim1,2, John W Denninger Md PhD1,2, Gregory Fricchione Md1,2, Herbert Benson Md1,3, Suzanne C Lechner5 Glob Adv Health Med 2021 Mar 24 VIEW
Investigating the relationship between emotional granularity and cardiorespiratory physiological activity in daily life Katie Hoemann1, Zulqarnain Khan2, Nada Kamona3, Jennifer Dy2, Lisa Feldman Barrett3,4,5, Karen S Quigley3,6 Psychophysiology 2021 Mar 25 VIEW
Community <i>qigong</i> for People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pragmatic Feasibility Study Lita Buttolph1, Joshua Corn1,2,3,4, Douglas Hanes1, Ryan Bradley1, Angela Senders1,5 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions for breast cancer patients in China across outcome domains: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the Chinese literature Shijie Jing1, Anao Zhang2, Yuying Chen3, Changyi Shen4, Jennifer Currin-McCulloch5, Chenfang Zhu6 Support Care Cancer 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on Markers of Oxidative Stress: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Juana Rosado-Pérez1, Osvaldo D Castelán-Martínez2, Abril J Mújica-Calderón1, Martha A Sánchez-Rodríguez1, Víctor Manuel Mendoza-Núñez1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Muscle Activation for Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis Juan Zhang1, Rui Wang2, Yili Zheng2, Jiao Xu1, Ya Wu1, Xueqiang Wang1,2 Biomed Res Int 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Muscle Activation for Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis Juan Zhang1, Rui Wang2, Yili Zheng2, Jiao Xu1, Ya Wu1, Xueqiang Wang1,2 Biomed Res Int 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Effects of a 16-week Tai Chi intervention on cutaneous sensitivity and proprioception among older adults with and without sensory loss Teng Zhang1, Min Mao2, Wei Sun1, Li Li3, Yan Chen1, Cui Zhang4, Xinyan Zhang5, Qipeng Song1 Res Sports Med 2021 Mar 28 VIEW
The effects on pain, physical function, and quality of life of quadriceps strengthening exercises combined with Baduanjin qigong in older adults with knee osteoarthritis: a quasi-experimental study Fenglan Wang1,2, Xiaoli Zhang2, Xiao Tong3, Min Zhang2, Fengmei Xing2, Kun Yang2, Nana Jiao2, Zhiguang Duan4 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2021 Mar 29 VIEW
Is Matching Exercise Intensity to Heart Rate Variability a Key to Effective Conditioning for Dancers? A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Meredith N Butulis, Brittany J Fedor, Rebecca Stone McGaver, M Russell Giveans J Dance Med Sci 2021 Mar 29 VIEW
The deep and slow breathing characterizing rest favors brain respiratory-drive Baptiste Girin#1, Maxime Juventin#1, Samuel Garcia1, Laura Lefèvre2, Corine Amat1, Nicolas Fourcaud-Trocmé1, Nathalie Buonviso3 Sci Rep 2021 Mar 29 VIEW
Health and Disease Are Dynamic Complex-Adaptive States Implications for Practice and Research Joachim P Sturmberg1,2 Front Psychiatry 2021 Mar 29 VIEW
Meditation training modulates brain electric microstates and felt states of awareness Anthony P Zanesco1, Alea C Skwara2,3, Brandon G King3, Chivon Powers3, Kezia Wineberg3, Clifford D Saron3,4 Hum Brain Mapp 2021 Mar 30 VIEW
Bioelectronics in the brain-gut axis: focus on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Nathalie Stakenborg1, Guy E Boeckxstaens1 Int Immunol 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi and running on blood oxygen saturation: a pilot study P Anthony Gryffin1, Rafael E Diaz2 J Complement Integr Med 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Psychometric Properties of the Translated Tai Chi Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale for Chinese Adults with Coronary Heart Disease or Risk Factors Ting Liu1, Aileen Wai Kiu Chan1, Ruth E Taylor-Piliae2, Kai-Chow Choi1, Sek-Ying Chair1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis and Resilience to Developing Anxiety or Depression under Stress Tracey Bear1,2,3, Julie Dalziel3,4, Jane Coad1, Nicole Roy3,5,6, Christine Butts2, Pramod Gopal2,3 Microorganisms 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Mindfulness based stress reduction in people with Parkinson's disease and their care partners Deepal Shah-Zamora1, Allison M Allen2, Lacy Rardin2, Margaret Ivancic2, Katie Durham2, Patrick Hickey1, Jeffrey W Cooney1, Burton L Scott1, Sneha Mantri3 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Tai Chi, Qigong and the Treatment of Cancer McGee, RW Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 2021 Mar 31 VIEW
Effects of Yoga on Phase Angle and Quality of Life in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Randomized, Single-Blind, Controlled Trial Sibel Eyigör1, Sebnem Apaydin2, Hilal Yesil3, Goksel Tanıgor1, Derya Hopanci Bicakli4 Complement Med Res 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
The effect of the range of motion exercises combined with tai chi intradialysis on the adequacy of hemodialysis in patients at lebak district hospital Andi Sudrajat1, Krisna Yetti2, Agung Waluyo1 Enferm Clin 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Taijiquan and qigong as a mindfulness cognitive-behavioural based therapy on the treatment of cothymia in school-age children - A preliminary study Jorge Magalhães Rodrigues1, Lara Lopes2, Mário Gonçalves3, Jorge Pereira Machado4 J Bodyw Mov Ther 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration on muscle strength, quadriceps muscle thickness and functional capacity in kidney transplant recipients: A randomized controlled trial Patrícia E M Marinho1, Lívia G Rocha2, José C Araújo Filho2, Anna Xênya P Araújo2, Maria do Amparo Andrade2, Redha Taiar3, Dulciane N Paiva4, Arméle Dornelas de Andrade2 J Bodyw Mov Ther 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine's Effectiveness in Reducing High-Impact Chronic Pain and Opioid Consumption: A Case Report in the Veteran Population Mi-Hyon Cho1, Aditya Arya1, Jose A Fernandez2 Integr Med (Encinitas) 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
An outpatient Tai Chi program: Effects on veterans' functional outcomes Lana M Brown1,2, Linda M Sawyer1,2, Shelly Y Lensing1,3, Tanya Taylor1, Melinda M Bopp1, Ileina Ferrier1, Dennis H Sullivan1,4 Nurs Forum 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Effect of inspiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized clinical trial Ali Albarrati1, Mohammed Taher1,2, Rakan Nazer3 J Diabetes 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Traditional Medicine Diagnostic Codes in ICD-11 and Alternative Diagnostic Classifications in the Mainstream Healthcare Solos, Ioannis1; Morris, William2; Zhu, Jian-Ping3; Hong, Mei3, Chinese Medicine and Culture 2021 Apr-Jun VIEW
Effect of Taijiquan assisted rehabilitation for breast cancer patients: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Sihua Zhao1, Rongna Lian2, Ruinian Zhang2, Fanghong Wang3, Hao Chen4, Run Wan5 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Apr 2 VIEW
Randomized, wait-list-controlled pilot study of app-delivered mindfulness for patients reporting chronic pain Jennifer S Mascaro1, Vinita Singh2, Kathryn Wehrmeyer1, Benjamin Scott1, Justin Juan1, Anne Marie McKenzie-Brown2, Olabisi P Lane2, Carla Haack3 Pain Rep 2021 Apr 2 VIEW
Regulating interpersonal stress: the link between heart-rate variability, physical exercise and social perspective taking under stress Jenni E Kähkönen1, Ulrike M Krämer2,3, Macià Buades-Rotger2,4, Frederike Beyer1 Stress 2021 Apr 5 VIEW
Optimism, mindfulness, and resilience as potential protective factors for the mental health consequences of fear of the coronavirus Lisa M W Vos1, Mirela Habibović1, Ivan Nyklíček1, Tom Smeets1, Gaëtan Mertens2 Psychiatry Res 2021 Apr 6 VIEW
Analyzing the Loss and the Recovery of Consciousness: Functional Connectivity Patterns and Changes in Heart Rate Variability During Propofol-Induced Anesthesia Davide Sattin1,2, Dunja Duran3, Sergio Visintini4, Elena Schiaffi5, Ferruccio Panzica6, Carla Carozzi7, Davide Rossi Sebastiano4, Elisa Visani3, Eleonora Tobaldini8,9, Angelica Carandina8,9, Valeria Citterio8,9, Francesca Giulia Magnani1, Martina Cacciatore1, Eleonora Orena7, Nicola Montano8,9, Dario Caldiroli7, Silvana Franceschetti5, Mario Picozzi10, Leonardi Matilde1 Front Syst Neurosci 2021 Apr 6 VIEW
Baduanjin Qigong Improves Balance, Leg Strength, and Mobility in Individuals With Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Study Mandy Yuen1,2, H X Ouyang2, Tiev Miller2, Marco Y C Pang2 Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2021 Apr 7 VIEW
The impact of Tai Chi and mind-body breathing in COPD: Insights from a qualitative sub-study of a randomized controlled trial Elizabeth A Gilliam1, Tina Cheung1, Kristen Kraemer1,2, Daniel Litrownik1, Peter M Wayne2, Marilyn L Moy2,3, Gloria Y Yeh1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 8 VIEW
Clinical Effects of Baduanjin Qigong Exercise on Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Randomized Controlled Trials Chi-Chun Kuo1, Chiao-Chen Wang1, Wei-Lun Chang1, Tzu-Ching Liao1, Pei-En Chen2,3, Tao-Hsin Tung4 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Apr 8 VIEW
What type of physical exercise should be recommended for improving arterial stiffness on adult population? A network meta-analysis Alicia Saz-Lara1, Iván Cavero-Redondo1,2, Celia Álvarez-Bueno1,3, Blanca Notario-Pacheco1, Sara Reina-Gutiérrez1, Irene Sequí-Domínguez1, Jonatan R Ruiz4, Vicente Martínez-Vizcaíno1,5 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2021 Apr 9 VIEW
Mindfulness Among Medical Oncology Doctors and Its Relation With Burnout: Turkish Oncology Group (TOG) Study Okan Avcı1, Yakup İriağaç1, Eyyüp Çavdar1, Erdoğan Selçuk Şeber1 JCO Oncol Pract 2021 Apr 9 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine therapies and COVID-19: a systematic review Mahin Badakhsh1, Majid Dastras2, Zohreh Sarchahi3, Mahboobe Doostkami4, Adel Mir5, Salehoddin Bouya6 Rev Environ Health 2021 Apr 12 VIEW
Vagal control of the heart decreases during increasing imminence of interoceptive threat in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia Jan Richter1, Anne Pietzner2, Julian Koenig3,4, Julian F Thayer5, Christiane A Pané-Farré2,6, Alexander L Gerlach7, Andrew T Gloster8, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen9, Thomas Lang10,11, Georg W Alpers12, Sylvia Helbig-Lang13, Jürgen Deckert14, Thomas Fydrich15, Lydia Fehm15, Andreas Ströhle16, Tilo Kircher17, Volker Arolt18, Alfons O Hamm2 Sci Rep 2021 Apr 12 VIEW
The Relationship between Oscillations in Brain Regions and Functional Connectivity: A Critical Analysis with the Aid of Neural Mass Models Giulia Ricci1, Elisa Magosso1, Mauro Ursino1 Brain Sci 2021 Apr 12 VIEW
Mindfulness Matters: Utilization and Perceptions of Mindfulness Practices Among Athletic Trainers Ashley Goodman1, Jennifer Howard1 J Athl Train 2021 Apr 13 VIEW
Exploring the Effect of Mindfulness on Burnout in a Pediatric Emergency Department Lauren Palladino1, Kei U Wong2, Melissa L Langhan3 Workplace Health Saf 2021 Apr 13 VIEW
Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching Combined with Aerobic Training on Pulmonary Function in COPD Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Kai Liu#1, Xinjuan Yu#2, Xuefen Cui2, Yi Su2, Lixin Sun3, Jiulong Yang4, Wei Han2 Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2021 Apr 13 VIEW
Time-dependent effects of inspiratory muscle training and detraining on cardiac autonomic control in older women Gabriel Dias Rodrigues1, Pedro Dal Lago2, Pedro Paulo da Silva Soares3 Exp Gerontol 2021 Apr 14 VIEW
The validity and reliability of ultra-short-term heart rate variability parameters and the influence of physiological covariates Joel S Burma1, Sarah Graver1, Lauren N Miutz1, Alannah Macaulay2, Paige V Copeland3, Jonathan David Smirl1 J Appl Physiol (1985) 2021 Apr 15 VIEW
Effects of a School-Based Mindfulness Program for Young Children Mark J Sciutto#1, Denise A Veres#2, Tovia L Marinstein1, Brooke F Bailey1, Sarah K Cehelyk1 J Child Fam Stud 2021 Apr 15 VIEW
Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy Dean Walton1, David C Spencer2, Sarah J Nevitt3, Benedict D Michael1,4,5 Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2021 Apr 15 VIEW
The effect of Tai Chi on the pulmonary rehabilitation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Xin Liu1, Cuiping Fu2, Weiping Hu3, Shengyu Hao3, Liang Xie3, Xu Wu3, Jihong Wang4, Zilong Liu3, Qunying Lin5, Shanqun Li6 Ann Palliat Med 2021 Apr 15 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic touch on spiritual care and sleep quality in patients receiving palliative care Kevser S Ünal Aslan1, Funda Çetinkaya2 Perspect Psychiatr Care 2021 Apr 16 VIEW
Resonance frequency is not always stable over time and could be related to the inter-beat interval Lluis Capdevila1,2, Eva Parrado3,4, Juan Ramos-Castro5, Rafael Zapata-Lamana6, Jaume F Lalanza3,7 Sci Rep 2021 Apr 16 VIEW
Qigong exercise enhances cognitive functions in the elderly via an interleukin-6-hippocampus pathway: a randomized active-controlled trial Di Qi1, Nichol M L Wong1, Robin Shao1, Idy S C Man1, Clive H Y Wong1, Lai Ping Yuen2, Chetwyn C H Chan3, Tatia M C Lee4 Brain Behav Immun 2021 Apr 16 VIEW
A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions to improve mental wellbeing Joep van Agteren1,2, Matthew Iasiello3,4,5, Laura Lo3, Jonathan Bartholomaeus3,6,7, Zoe Kopsaftis8,9,10, Marissa Carey3, Michael Kyrios3,4,11 Nat Hum Behav 2021 Apr 19 VIEW
Breathlessness in COPD: linking symptom clusters with brain activity Sarah L Finnegan1, Olivia K Harrison2,3,4, Catherine J Harmer5,6, Mari Herigstad7, Najib M Rahman8,9, Andrea Reinecke4,5,6, Kyle T S Pattinson2 Eur Respir J 2021 Apr 19 VIEW
Tai chi improves psychoemotional state, cognition, and motor learning in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic Rima Solianik1, Dalia Mickevičienė2, Laura Žlibinaitė3, Agnė Čekanauskaitė3 Exp Gerontol 2021 Apr 19 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction for Military Cadets on Perceived Stress Yeh-Hung Chen1,2, Fa-Chung Chiu3,2, Yao-Nan Lin4,2, Yu-Lin Chang2 Psychol Rep 2021 Apr 20 VIEW
Hypnosis and Mindfulness Meditation: The Power of Suggestibility Michele E Gloede1, Marty Sapp1, William Van Susteren1 Int J Clin Exp Hypn 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
Effects of traditional qigong exercise on ankylosing spondylitis: a protocol for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Wei Liu#1,2, Yihua Fan#3,2, Renhong Wan4, Longmei Zhao3, Hang Lu3, Rongjun Liao3, Zhining Zhuang3, Xiaoping Guo3 BMJ Open 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
"Hang the Flesh off the Bones": Cultivating an "Ideal Body" in Taijiquan and Neigong Xiujie Ma1,2, George Jennings3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
Developing Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Yoga and Mindfulness for the Well-Being of Student Musicians in Spain L Javier Bartos1, María J Funes2, Marc Ouellet2, M Pilar Posadas3,4, Chris Krägeloh1 Front Psychol 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
Mitochondrial Bioenergetic, Photobiomodulation and Trigeminal Branches Nerve Damage, What's the Connection? A Review Silvia Ravera1, Esteban Colombo2, Claudio Pasquale2, Stefano Benedicenti2, Luca Solimei2, Antonio Signore2,3, Andrea Amaroli2,4 Int J Mol Sci 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
Strategy for Designing a Cell Scaffold to Enable Wireless Electrical Stimulation for Enhanced Neuronal Differentiation of Stem Cells Fang Han1,2,3, Xun Ma1,2, Yuanxin Zhai1,2,3, Leisha Cui1,2,3, Lingyan Yang1,2,3, Zhanchi Zhu1,2,3, Ying Hao1,2,3, Guosheng Cheng1,2,3 Adv Healthc Mater 2021 Apr 22 VIEW
The Feasibility of a School Nurse-Led Mindfulness Program Lisa Henry1, Colleen W Smithson1, Lisa M Steurer2, Patrick M Ercole3 J Sch Nurs 2021 Apr 22 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi exercise on improving walking function and posture control in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Yanwei You1, Jianxiu Liu1, Meihua Tang2, Dizhi Wang1, Xindong Ma1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Apr 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving objective and patient-reported outcomes in head and neck cancer survivors: A systematic review Patrick T Lynch1, Sami Horani1, Rebecca Lee1, Baran D Sumer2, Simon C Lee3, Helen G Mayo4, Chad Rethorst5, Andrew T Day6 Oral Oncol 2021 Apr 23 VIEW
Acupuncture as a tool to reduce nausea in terminally ill patients Lotte Brøndum1, Birte Markfoged1, Jeanette Finderup2,3,4 Scand J Caring Sci 2021 Apr 24 VIEW
A study of mindfulness-based stress-reduction training effects on menopause-specific quality of life in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial Masoomeh Yazdani Aliabadi1, Mojgan Javadnoori2, Amal Saki Malehi3, Khaled Aslani4 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 Apr 24 VIEW
Representational Content of Oscillatory Brain Activity during Object Recognition: Contrasting Cortical and Deep Neural Network Hierarchies Leila Reddy1,2, Radoslaw Martin Cichy3, Rufin VanRullen4,2 eNeuro 2021 Apr 26 VIEW
Health at the center of health systems reform: how philosophy can inform policy Joachim P Sturmberg1, Carmel M Martin, Mark M Moes Perspect Biol Med Summer 2010 VIEW
Analysis of Movement-Based Mind-Body Interventions to Guide the Implementation of Osteoarthritis Exercise Programs: A Descriptive Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Weijun Zhang1,2, Katie Roster3, Ron D Hays2, Chenchen Wang4 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Factors Influencing Preference for Intervention in a Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery and Tai Chi/ <i>Qigong</i> in Cancer Survivors Devesh Oberoi1, Andrew McLennan1, Katherine-Ann Piedalue1, Peter M Wayne2, Jennifer M Jones3, Linda E Carlson1 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
What Do Academic Physicians Think of Tai Chi? A Qualitative Study Patricia Huston1,2, Deirdre MacGuigan3 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Effects of Interoceptive Sensibility on Mental Health during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Naho Suzuki1, Tetsuya Yamamoto2, Chigusa Uchiumi2, Nagisa Sugaya3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Long-term treatment with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields improves movement speed and elevates cerebrospinal erythropoietin in Parkinson's disease Bente Rona Jensen1,2, Anne Sofie Bøgh Malling1,2, Sissel Ida Schmidt3, Morten Meyer1,2,3, Bo Mohr Morberg1, Lene Wermuth1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 28 VIEW
Long-term treatment with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields improves movement speed and elevates cerebrospinal erythropoietin in Parkinson's disease Bente Rona Jensen1,2, Anne Sofie Bøgh Malling1,2, Sissel Ida Schmidt3, Morten Meyer1,2,3, Bo Mohr Morberg1, Lene Wermuth1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 28 VIEW
Effects of Health Qigong Exercises on Physical Function on Patients with Parkinson's Disease Zhirong Wan1, Xiaolei Liu2, Hui Yang3, Fang Li2, Lingling Yu4, Lei Li5, Yulin Wang6, Hao Jiang7, Junjie Zou8, Jichen Du1 J Multidiscip Healthc 2021 Apr 28 VIEW
The brain-gut axis, inflammatory bowel disease, and bioelectronic medicine Michael Eberhardson1,2,3, Yaakov A Levine2,4, Laura Tarnawski2, Peder S Olofsson2,5 Int Immunol 2021 Apr 29 VIEW
Effect of Baduanjin Exercise on the Cognitive Function of Middle-aged and Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Xiaoqian Wang1, Jiawei Wu2, Mingzhu Ye3, Lecong Wang4, Guohua Zheng5 Complement Ther Med 2021 Apr 29 VIEW
Therapeutic application of light and electromagnetic fields to reduce hyper-inflammation triggered by COVID-19 Marootpong Pooam1,2, Blanche Aguida1, Soria Drahy1, Nathalie Jourdan1, Margaret Ahmad1,3 Commun Integr Biol 2021 Apr 29 VIEW
Treatment of chronic primary sleep onset insomnia with Kundalini Yoga: a randomized controlled trial with active sleep hygiene comparison Sat Bir S Khalsa1,2, Michael R Goldstein2,3 J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Apr 30 VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi Chuan on Emotional Health: Potential Mechanisms and Prefrontal Cortex Hypothesis Ying Yao1,2, Likun Ge1,2, Qian Yu3, Xiaohong Du4, Xiangyang Zhang1, Ruth Taylor-Piliae5, Gao-Xia Wei1,2,6 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Apr 30 VIEW
Tele-Integrative Medicine to Support Rehabilitative Care Rashmi S Mullur1, Seetal Preet Kaur Cheema2, Ryan Edward Alano3, Lynn Elizabeth Chang3 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2021 May 1 VIEW
Effects of diaphragmatic deep breathing exercises on prehypertensive or hypertensive adults: A literature review Katherine Ka-Yin Yau1, Alice Yuen Loke2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 May 1 VIEW
The effects of reiki on heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and stress levels: A pilot randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study Namuun Bat1 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 May 1 VIEW
Effects of wheelchair Tai Chi ball exercise on physical and mental health and functional abilities among elderly with physical disability Yong Tai Wang1, Chung-Hyun Goh2, Ting Liao3, Xuanliang Neil Dong4, Gloria Duke1, Danita Alfred1, Yi Yang3, Jingle Xu1, Shiqi Yu4 Res Sports Med May-Jun 2021 VIEW
Tai Chi Interventions Promoting Social Support and Interaction Among Older Adults: A Systematic Review Yael Koren, Suzanne Leveille, Tongjian You Res Gerontol Nurs May-Jun 2021 VIEW
The effects of transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation on cognition in healthy individuals: A meta-analysis Caitlin Ridgewell1, Kristin J Heaton1, Audrey Hildebrandt1, Jessica Couse1, Tania Leeder1, William H Neumeier1 Neuropsychology 2021 May 1 VIEW
Stress and Learning in Pupils: Neuroscience Evidence and its Relevance for Teachers Sue B Whiting1, Sam V Wass2, Simon Green1, Michael S C Thomas1,3 Mind Brain Educ 2021 May 1 VIEW
Yoga nidra practice shows improvement in sleep in patients with chronic insomnia: A randomized controlled trial Karuna Datta1, Manjari Tripathi1, Mansi Verma2, Deepika Masiwal2, Hruda Nanda Mallick3 Natl Med J India May-Jun 2021 VIEW
WHO HEARTS: A Global Program to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Burden: Experience Implementing in the Americas and Opportunities in Canada Norm R C Campbell1, Pedro Ordunez2, Gloria Giraldo2, Yenny A Rodriguez Morales2, Cintia Lombardi2, Taskeen Khan3, Raj Padwal4, Ross T Tsuyuki5, Cherian Varghese3 Can J Cardiol 2021 May 1 VIEW
Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: A systematic review Yetunde Oluwafunmilayo Tola1,2, Ka Ming Chow2, Wei Liang1 J Clin Nurs 2021 May 3 VIEW
Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: a systematic review Federico Bertagna1,2, Rebecca Lewis1,2, S Ravi P Silva1,3, Johnjoe McFadden1,4, Kamalan Jeevaratnam1,2 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2021 May 4 VIEW
Whole-body vibration training versus conventional balance training in patients with severe COPD-a randomized, controlled trial Rainer Gloeckl1,2, Tessa Schneeberger3,4, Daniela Leitl3,4, Tobias Reinold5, Christoph Nell6, Inga Jarosch3,4, Klaus Kenn3,4, Andreas R Koczulla3,4,7 Respir Res 2021 May 4 VIEW
Physical activity for osteoarthritis: efficiency and review of recommandations Camille Daste1, Quentin Kirren2, Joulnar Akoum3, Marie-Martine Lefèvre-Colau4, François Rannou5, Christelle Nguyen6 Joint Bone Spine 2021 May 4 VIEW
Healthcare Professionals' Attitudes to Integration of Acupuncture in Western Medicine: A Mixed-Method Systematic Review Nancy Ming Zhang1, Gillian Vesty2, Zhen Zheng3 Pain Manag Nurs 2021 May 4 VIEW
Whole-body vibration training versus conventional balance training in patients with severe COPD-a randomized, controlled trial Rainer Gloeckl1,2, Tessa Schneeberger3,4, Daniela Leitl3,4, Tobias Reinold5, Christoph Nell6, Inga Jarosch3,4, Klaus Kenn3,4, Andreas R Koczulla3,4,7 Respir Res 2021 May 4 VIEW
Interacting brains coming in sync through their minds: an interbrain neurofeedback study Viktor Müller1, Dionysios Perdikis1,2, Melinda A Mende1,3, Ulman Lindenberger1,4,5 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2021 May 6 VIEW
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