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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Yoga is effective in treating symptoms of Gulf War illness: A randomized clinical trial Peter J Bayley1, R Jay Schulz-Heik2, Rachael Cho2, Danielle Mathersul3, Linda Collery2, Kamala Shankar4, J Wesson Ashford3, Jennifer S Jennings2, Julia Tang2, Melinda S Wong2, Timothy J Avery3, Michael Vicente Stanton5, Hillary Meyer6, Marcelle Friedman6, Stephan Kim2, Booil Jo7, Jarred Younger8, Binil Mathews4, Matra Majmundar9, Louise Mahoney2 J Psychiatr Res 2020 Nov 11 VIEW
Molecular mechanisms of telomere biology disorders Sherilyn Grill1, Jayakrishnan Nandakumar1 J Biol Chem 2020 Nov 12 VIEW
A Comprehensive Review of Alternative Therapies for the Management of Chronic Pain Patients: Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, and Chiropractic Care Ivan Urits1, Ruben H Schwartz2, Vwaire Orhurhu3, Nishita V Maganty4, Brian T Reilly5, Parth M Patel4, Christopher Wie6, Alan D Kaye7, Ken F Mancuso7, Aaron J Kaye8, Omar Viswanath9,10,11 Adv Ther 2020 Nov 12 VIEW
Prevalence and Predictors of Yogic Breathing and Meditation Use - A nationally representative survey of US adult yoga practitioners Marleen Schröter1, Holger Cramer2 Complement Ther Med 2020 Nov 12 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi Chuan on fear of movement, prevention of falls, physical activity, and cognitive status in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial Canan Birimoglu Okuyan1, Ebru Deveci2 Perspect Psychiatr Care 2020 Nov 13 VIEW
Sport Karate and the Pursuit of Wellness: A Participant Observation Study of a <i>dojo</i> in Scotland Fabiana Cristina Turelli1,2, Carlos María Tejero-González3, Alexandre Fernandez Vaz4, David Kirk2,5 Front Sociol 2020 Nov 13 VIEW
Aerobic, resistance, and mind-body exercise are equivalent to mitigate symptoms of depression in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Kyle J Miller1, Pinyadapat Areerob1, Declan Hennessy1, Daniela C Gonçalves-Bradley2, Christopher Mesagno1, Fergal Grace1 F1000Res 2020 Nov 13 VIEW
Aerobic, resistance, and mind-body exercise are equivalent to mitigate symptoms of depression in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Kyle J Miller1, Pinyadapat Areerob1, Declan Hennessy1, Daniela C Gonçalves-Bradley2, Christopher Mesagno1, Fergal Grace1 F1000Res 2020 Nov 13 VIEW
Feasibility of a Tai Chi with Thera-Band Training Program: A Pilot Study Meiling Qi1,2, Wendy Moyle2,3, Cindy Jones2,4, Benjamin Weeks2,5 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Nov 16 VIEW
Chair-Based Exercise Interventions for Nursing Home Residents: A Systematic Review Thomas Cordes1, Daniel Schoene2, Wolfgang Kemmler3, Bettina Wollesen4 J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 Nov 17 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of breathing exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Nicola Marotta1, Andrea Demeco2, Lucrezia Moggio2, Cinzia Marinaro2, Ilaria Pino2, Marianna Barletta2, Annalisa Petraroli2, Davide Pepe2, Francesco Lavano2, Antonio Ammendolia2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Nov 17 VIEW
A Chart Review to Assess the Response of Veterans Suffering from Tinnitus to Alpha Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Alexander Ring, Celeste Crowder, Sharon Link Wyer, Bill Phillips Int Tinnitus J 2020 Nov 18 VIEW
Yoga not a (physical) culture for men? Understanding the barriers for yoga participation among men Jonathan Y Cagas1, Stuart J H Biddle2, Ineke Vergeer2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Nov 18 VIEW
Reorganization of functional brain network architecture in chronic osteoarthritis pain Joana Barroso1,2,3,4, Kenta Wakaizumi5,6, Ana Mafalda Reis7, Marwan Baliki3,5, Thomas J Schnitzer3,8,9, Vasco Galhardo1,2, Apkar Vania Apkarian3,4,9 Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
The Short-Term Effect of Occupational Levels of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field on Human Heart Rate Variability Erdal Binboğa1, Serdar Tok2, Mustafa Munzuroğlu3 Bioelectromagnetics 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Radiofrequency exposure of people living near mobile-phone base stations in France Pascal De Giudici1, Jean-Christian Genier2, Sylvie Martin1, Jean-François Doré3, Pierre Ducimetière4, Anne-Sophie Evrard5, Thierry Letertre6, Claire Ségala7 Environ Res 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Beneficial Effects of Yoga Stretching on Salivary Stress Hormones and Parasympathetic Nerve Activity Nobuhiko Eda1,2, Hironaga Ito2,3, Takao Akama4 J Sports Sci Med 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Effect of Taijiquan Exercise on Rehabilitation of Male Amphetamine-Type Addicts Zhilei Zhang1, Dong Zhu2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Role of meditation to improve children's health: Time to look at other strategies Nina A Wilson1,2, Maura A Kenny3, Alexia S Peña1,2 J Paediatr Child Health 2020 Nov 20 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of seven exercise interventions for symptoms of depression in college students: A network of meta-analysis Shengyu Guo1,2, Feiyue Liu1, Jing Shen1, Min Wei1, Yan Yang3 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Nov 20 VIEW
A systematic review of center of pressure measures to quantify gait changes in older adults Sina Mehdizadeh1, Karen Van Ooteghem2, Heidi Gulka1, Hoda Nabavi1, Mohammadreza Faieghi1, Babak Taati3, Andrea Iaboni4 Exp Gerontol 2020 Nov 22 VIEW
Comparing Mindful and Non-Mindful Exercises on Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Wendy Wing Yan So1, Erin Yiqing Lu1, Wai Ming Cheung2, Hector Wing Hong Tsang1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
A scoping review of cohort studies assessing traditional Chinese medicine interventions Yuting Duan1,2, Zhirui Xu3, Jingjing Deng3, Yanjia Lin4, Yan Zheng3, Juexuan Chen5, Xiaoyu Tang3, Xuan Zhang1,2, Chunzhi Tang3, Jiangxia Miao6, Zhaoxiang Bian7,8 BMC Complement Med Ther 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
Physical therapy interventions for older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders addressing mobility and participation: a systematic review Verena Regauer1,2, Eva Seckler3,4, Martin Müller5, Petra Bauer5 BMC Geriatr 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions for military veterans: A systematic review and analysis of the literature William R Marchand1, Kristin Sandoval2, Ryan Lackner2, Suzanne C Parker2, Tracy Herrmann2, Brandon Yabko3, Tania Velasquez4, Lacey Lewis2, Jorie Butler2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
Human mind has microwave electromagnetic nature and can be recorded and processed Andrey S Bryukhovetskiy1, Leonid I Brusilovsky2, Sergey P Kozhin3, Pavel G Serafimovich4, Artem V Nikonorov4, Maria Zhukova1, Hari Shanker Sharma5 Prog Brain Res 2020 Nov 24 VIEW
Feasibility and Acceptability of Reiki Therapy for Children Receiving Palliative Care in the Home Susan E Thrane1, Scott H Maurer, Cynthia A Danford J Hosp Palliat Nurs 2020 Nov 24 VIEW
Neuroimmune communication in infection and pain: friends or foes? Victor Fattori1, Camila R Ferraz2, Fernanda S Rasquel-Oliveira2, Waldiceu A Verri Jr3 Immunol Lett 2020 Nov 25 VIEW
Association Between Mobile Phone Radiation Exposure and the Secretion of Melatonin and Cortisol, Two Markers of the Circadian System: A Review Brahim Selmaoui1,2, Yvan Touitou3 Bioelectromagnetics 2020 Nov 25 VIEW
Effects of Noninvasive Cervical Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Cognitive Performance But Not Brain Activation in Healthy Adults Ruth Klaming1,2,3, Alan N Simmons1,2, Andrea D Spadoni1,2, Imanuel Lerman1,2 Neuromodulation 2020 Nov 25 VIEW
An outpatient Tai Chi program: Effects on veterans' functional outcomes Lana M Brown1,2, Linda M Sawyer1,2, Shelly Y Lensing1,3, Tanya Taylor1, Melinda M Bopp1, Ileina Ferrier1, Dennis H Sullivan1,4 Nurs Forum 2020 Nov 26 VIEW
Evidence on physical activity and falls prevention for people aged 65+ years: systematic review to inform the WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour Catherine Sherrington1,2, Nicola Fairhall3,4, Wing Kwok3,4, Geraldine Wallbank3,4, Anne Tiedemann3,4, Zoe A Michaleff3,5, Christopher A C M Ng6, Adrian Bauman7 Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2020 Nov 26 VIEW
A circadian clock in the sinus node mediates day-night rhythms in Hcn4 and heart rate Alicia D'Souza1, Yanwen Wang2, Cali Anderson2, Annalisa Bucchi3, Mirko Barsucotti3, Servé Olieslagers4, Pietro Mesirca5, Anne Berit Johnsen6, Svetlana Mastitskaya7, Haibo Ni2, Yu Zhang2, Nicholas Black2, Charlotte Cox2, Sven Wegner2, Beatriz Bano-Otalora2, Cheryl Petit2, Eleanor Gill2, Sunil Jit Logantha2, Halina Dobrzynski2, Nick Ashton2, George Hart2, Rai Zhang8, Henggui Zhang2, Elizabeth J Cartwright2, Ulrik Wisloff6, Matteo E Mangoni5, Paula Da Costa Martins4, Hugh D Piggins8, Dario DiFrancesco3, Mark R Boyett9 Heart Rhythm 2020 Nov 27 VIEW
Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exercises at 2 Different Frequencies Versus an Aerobic Exercise on Some Cardiovascular, Neuromotor and Musculoskeletal Parameters in Adult Patients With Obesity Sofia Tamini1, Roberta De Micheli1, Gabriella Tringali1, Mario Bernardo-Filho2, Alessandro Sartorio1,3 Dose Response 2020 Nov 28 VIEW
Therapeutic effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on bone wound healing in rats Yingxin Liu1, Lijuan Hao2, Liyan Jiang1, Haitao Li3 Electromagn Biol Med 2020 Nov 29 VIEW
Promoting wellbeing and health through active participation in music and dance: a systematic review. Sheppard A1, Broughton MC2 Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 2020 Dec VIEW
The Therapeutic Efficacy of Qigong Exercise on the Main Symptoms of Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Caio V M Sarmento 1 2, Sanghee Moon 2, Taylor Pfeifer 2, Irina V Smirnova 2, Yvonne Colgrove 2, Sue Min Lai 3, Wen Liu 2 Integr Med Res 2020 Dec VIEW
Health Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise: A Guide for Nurses Sally M Miller1, Cindy Hui-Lio2, Ruth E Taylor-Piliae3 Nurs Clin North Am 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
EEG alpha-theta dynamics during mind wandering in the context of breath focus meditation: an experience sampling approach with novice meditation practitioners Julio Rodriguez-Larios1, Kaat Alaerts1 Eur J Neurosci 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Responding to COVID-19 Stress: Disseminating Mind-Body Resiliency Approaches Daniel L Hall1, Rachel A Millstein1, Christina M Luberto1, Giselle K Perez1, Elyse R Park1 Glob Adv Health Med 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
[Proprioception - The Sixth Sense And Its Disorders] Klaus Jahn, Carmen Krewer Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Activity Participation and Perceived Health Status in Patients with Severe Mental Illness: a Prospective Study S S W Ng1, T K S Leung2, P P K Ng2, R K H Ng2, A T Y Wong2 East Asian Arch Psychiatry 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
A Curriculum to Increase Empathy and Reduce Burnout Mariah A Quinn1, Lisa M Grant1, Emmanuel Sampene1, Amy B Zelenski2 WMJ 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Eastern Integrative Medicine and Ancient Sound Healing Treatments for Stress: Recent Research Advances Tamara L Goldsby1, Michael E Goldsby2 Integr Med (Encinitas) 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Effect of slow breathing on autonomic tone & baroreflex sensitivity in yoga practitioners Boligarla Anasuya1, Kishore Kumar Deepak1, Ashok Kumar Jaryal1, Rajiv Narang2 Indian J Med Res 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Quantifying Biofield Therapy through Biophoton Emission in a Cellular Model Jeremy B Kent1, Li Jin2, Xudong Joshua Li3 J Sci Explor Fall 2020 VIEW
The Modulation of Cognitive Performance with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: A Systematic Review of Frequency-Specific Effects Katharina Klink1,2, Sven Paßmann3, Florian H Kasten4, Jessica Peter2 Brain Sci 2020 Dec 2 VIEW
Theta power and theta-gamma coupling support long-term spatial memory retrieval Umesh Vivekananda1, Daniel Bush1,2, James A Bisby1,2, Sallie Baxendale1, Roman Rodionov1, Beate Diehl1, Fahmida A Chowdhury1, Andrew W McEvoy1, Anna Miserocchi1, Matthew C Walker1, Neil Burgess1,2,3 Hippocampus 2020 Dec 2 VIEW
The efficacy and safety of health qigong for anti-aging: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Peng Yu1, Weihong Li1, Han Li1, Shuang Ouyang1, Haiyang Cai1, Jing Wu1, Chaohui Tang1, Qingsong Huang2 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Dec 4 VIEW
The effect of Tai Chi on the quality of life in the elderly patients recovering from coronavirus disease 2019: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Ziyu Luo1, Ying Chen2, Lina Wang3, Wenxin Chi1, Xiaoxuan Cheng1, Xiangyu Zhu1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Dec 4 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy1,2, Matthias Forstmann3, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris1, Christopher Timmermann1, David Luke1,4, Rosalind Watts1,2 Health Psychol Open 2020 Dec 6 VIEW
Meditation-Based Lifestyle Modification: Development of an Integrative Mind-Body Program for Mental Health and Human Flourishing Holger Carl Bringmann1,2, Nicole Bringmann3, Michael Jeitler4,5, Stefan Brunnhuber3, Andreas Michalsen4,5, Peter Sedlmeier6 Complement Med Res 2020 Dec 7 VIEW
Shared Characteristics of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks Underlying Interoceptive Awareness and Empathy Teodora Stoica1, Brendan Depue1,2 Front Hum Neurosci 2020 Dec 7 VIEW
The Link Between Autonomic Nervous System and Rheumatoid Arthritis: From Bench to Bedside Francesca Ingegnoli1,2, Massimiliano Buoli3,4, Flavia Antonucci5, Lavinia Agra Coletto1,2, Cecilia Maria Esposito3,4, Roberto Caporali1,2 Front Med (Lausanne) 2020 Dec 7 VIEW
Neural divergence and convergence for attention to and detection of interoceptive and somatosensory stimuli Aleksandra M Herman1, Clare Palmer2, Ruben T Azevedo3, Manos Tsakiris4 Cortex 2020 Dec 8 VIEW
Using bodily postures to reduce anxiety and improve interoception: A comparison between powerful and neutral poses Felicitas Weineck1, Dana Schultchen1, Gernot Hauke1,2, Matthias Messner1, Olga Pollatos1 PLoS One 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
Transmission of Whole Body Vibration - Comparison of Three Vibration Platforms in Healthy Subjects Lucy Spain1, Lang Yang1, J Mark Wilkinson1, Eugene McCloskey2 Bone 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
Heart Rate Variability as a Biobehavioral Marker of Diverse Psychopathologies: A Review and Argument for an "Ideal Range" Sydney Heiss1, Bronya Vaschillo2, Evgeny G Vaschillo2, C Alix Timko3, Julia M Hormes4 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
Mental awareness improved mild cognitive impairment and modulated gut microbiome Wei Wei Thwe Khine1,2, Miao Lian Voong1, Ted Kheng Siang Ng3, Lei Feng3,4, Grishma Avinash Rane5, Alan Prem Kumar5,6,7, Ee Heok Kua3,4, Ratha Mahendran8, Rathi Mahendran3,4,9, Yuan-Kun Lee1,8 Aging (Albany NY) 2020 Dec 9 VIEW
Interoception the foundation for: mind's sensing of 'self,' physiological responses, cognitive discrimination and dysregulation Pollard-Wright Holly1 Commun Integr Biol 2020 Dec 10 VIEW
The Gut-Brain Axis: How Microbiota and Host Inflammasome Influence Brain Physiology and Pathology Andrina Rutsch1, Johan B Kantsjö1, Francesca Ronchi1 Front Immunol 2020 Dec 10 VIEW
The Relevance of Complementary and Integrative Medicine in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Review of the Literature Georg Seifert1,2, Michael Jeitler3,4, Rainer Stange3,4, Andreas Michalsen3,4, Holger Cramer5,6, Benno Brinkhaus4, Tobias Esch7, Annette Kerckhoff7, Anna Paul5, Michael Teut4, Pirus Ghadjar8, Jost Langhorst9, Thomas Häupl10, Vijay Murthy11, Christian S Kessler3,4 Front Med (Lausanne) 2020 Dec 11 VIEW
Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Combining Self-Care with Practitioner-Delivered Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies to Improve Pain in a Pragmatic Trial Steven B Zeliadt1,2, Scott Coggeshall1, Hannah Gelman1, Marlena H Shin3, A Rani Elwy4,5, Barbara G Bokhour4,6, Stephanie L Taylor7,8 Pain Med 2020 Dec 12 VIEW
Effect of Low Intensity Vibration on Bone Strength, Microstructure, and Adiposity in Pre-Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Chamith S Rajapakse1,2, Alyssa J Johncola1, Alexandra S Batzdorf1, Brandon C Jones1, Mona Al Mukaddam2,3, Kelly Sexton1, Justine Shults4, Mary B Leonard5,6, Peter J Snyder3, Felix W Wehrli1 J Bone Miner Res 2020 Dec 13 VIEW
Exercise interventions preserve hippocampal volume: A meta-analysis Kristine A Wilckens1, Chelsea M Stillman2, Aashna M Waiwood3, Chaeryon Kang4, Regina L Leckie2, Jamie C Peven2, Jill E Foust5, Scott H Fraundorf2,6, Kirk I Erickson2,7 Hippocampus 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Retro-walking improves symptoms, pain, and function in primary knee osteoarthritis: a randomised control trial Arvin R Goonasegaran1, Anwar Suhaimi2, Abdul H Mokhtar3 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Tai Chi and Qigong Practices for Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Xiankun Chen1,2,3, Gianluigi Savarese4, Yiyi Cai3,5, Liuling Ma3,5, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg1, Wei Jiang3,5, Zehuai Wen2,6, Weihui Lu3,5,7, Gaetano Marrone1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial on the comparative effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and health qigong-based cognitive therapy among Chinese people with depression and anxiety disorders Sunny H W Chan1, Wendy W K Chan2, June Y W Chao2, Phyllis K L Chan3 BMC Psychiatry 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Acupuncture vs. Pharmacological Prophylaxis of Migraine: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Carlo Maria Giovanardi1, Michela Cinquini2, Marco Aguggia3, Gianni Allais4, Manuela Campesato5, Sabina Cevoli6, Fabio Gentili7, Annunzio Matrà8, Silvia Minozzi2 Front Neurol 2020 Dec 15 VIEW
Noninvasive Neuromodulation in Migraine Benzion Blech1, Amaal J Starling2 Curr Pain Headache Rep 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Behavioral and neurophysiological signatures of interoceptive enhancements following vagus nerve stimulation Fabian Richter1, Adolfo M García2,3,4,5, Nicolas Rodriguez Arriagada2,6, Adrian Yoris3,7, Agustina Birba2,3, David Huepe8, Heinz Zimmer1, Agustín Ibáñez2,3,5,8,9, Lucas Sedeño3 Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Cellular senescence in ageing: from mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities Raffaella Di Micco1, Valery Krizhanovsky2, Darren Baker3,4, Fabrizio d'Adda di Fagagna5,6 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Benefits of tai ji quan practice on neuromuscular functions in older adults: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis Yang Hu1, Cecilia Kattan1, Dena Kontos1, Weimo Zhu1, Manuel E Hernandez2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Dec 16 VIEW
Heart rate variability is enhanced during mindfulness practice: A randomized controlled trial involving a 10-day online-based mindfulness intervention Ulrich Kirk1, Johanne L Axelsen1 PLoS One 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
Effects of fitness qigong and tai chi on middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Xiaoyuan Li1,2,3, Hongyu Si2,3, Yamin Chen1, Shouhao Li1, Ningning Yin2, Zhenlong Wang4 PLoS One 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
How Can Alternative Exercise Traditions Help Against the Background of the COVID-19 in Cancer Care? An Overview of Systematic Reviews Yang Zhang1, Fang Yao1, Xiaohong Kuang1, Lijuan Li1, Lihua Huang1, Qi Zhou1, Jiazhu Peng1, Qingyu Chang2 Cancer Manag Res 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
On the Neurobiology of Meditation: Comparison of Three Organizing Strategies to Investigate Brain Patterns during Meditation Practice Frederick Travis1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2020 Dec 18 VIEW
Long-Term Effects of Mind-Body Exercises on the Physical Fitness and Quality of Life of Individuals With Substance Use Disorder-A Randomized Trial Dong Zhu1, Mei Jiang1, Ding Xu2, Wolfgang I Schöllhorn1,3 Front Psychiatry 2020 Dec 18 VIEW
The Clinical, Philosophical, Evolutionary and Mathematical Machinery of Consciousness: An Analytic Dissection of the Field Theories and a Consilience of Ideas Hassan Kesserwani1 Cureus 2020 Dec 18 VIEW
Effects of dance on cognitive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Patricia Hewston1,2, Courtney Clare Kennedy1,2, Sayem Borhan3,4, Dafna Merom5, Pasqualina Santaguida3, George Ioannidis1,2, Sharon Marr1,2, Nancy Santesso3, Lehana Thabane3,6, Steven Bray7, Alexandra Papaioannou1,2,3 Age Ageing 2020 Dec 19 VIEW
Effects of Body Weight Support-Tai Chi Footwork Training on Balance Control and Walking Function in Stroke Survivors with Hemiplegia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Xiao-Ming Yu1, Xue-Ming Jin2, Yan Lu1, Yang Gao3, Hai-Chen Xu1, Xin Xue2, Lei Fang2, Jun Hu2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 19 VIEW
The efficacy of meditation-based mind-body interventions for mental disorders: a meta-review of 17 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials DavyVancampfort a b BrendonStubbs c d TineVan Damme a LeeSmith e MatsHallgren f FelipeSchuch g JeroenDeenik h SimonRosenbaum i GarciaAshdown-Franks j JamesMugisha k JosephFirth l m J. Psychiatric Research 2020 Dec 21 Online VIEW
The efficacy of meditation-based mind-body interventions for mental disorders: A meta-review of 17 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials Davy Vancampfort1, Brendon Stubbs2, Tine Van Damme3, Lee Smith4, Mats Hallgren5, Felipe Schuch6, Jeroen Deenik7, Simon Rosenbaum8, Garcia Ashdown-Franks9, James Mugisha10, Joseph Firth11 J Psychiatr Res 2020 Dec 21 VIEW
Autonomic Modulation for Cardiovascular Disease Joseph Hadaya1,2,3, Jeffrey L Ardell1,2 Front Physiol 2020 Dec 22 VIEW
Co-emergence Reinforcement and Its Relevance to Interoceptive Desensitization in Mindfulness and Therapies Aiming at Transdiagnostic Efficacy Bruno A Cayoun1, Alice G Shires2,3 Front Psychol 2020 Dec 22 VIEW
Integrative medicine considerations for convalescence from mild-to-moderate COVID-19 disease Lise Alschuler1, Ann Marie Chiasson2, Randy Horwitz2, Esther Sternberg2, Robert Crocker2, Andrew Weil3, Victoria Maizes2 Explore (NY) 2020 Dec 23 VIEW
Effects of yoga on health-related quality, physical health and psychological health in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Li-Juan Yi1, Xu Tian2, Yan-Fei Jin3, Ming-Jie Luo4, Maria F Jiménez-Herrera5 Ann Palliat Med 2020 Dec 24 VIEW
An Innovative Tai Chi and Qigong Telehealth Service in Supportive Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Byeongsang Oh1, Diana Van Der Saag1, Morita Morgia1, Susan Carroll1, Frances Boyle2, Michael Back1, Gillian Lamoury1 Am J Lifestyle Med 2020 Dec 24 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi Chuan on Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review Zhidong Cai1, Wanting Jiang1, Jilin Yin2, Zhitong Chen3, Jing Wang3, Xing Wang1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 28 VIEW
Classroom-Based Mindfulness Training Reduces Anxiety in Adolescents: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Cluster-Randomized Pilot Study Jeanette M Johnstone1,2,3, Amanda Ribbers2, David Jenkins2, Rachel Atchley3, Hanna Gustafsson2, Joel T Nigg2,4, Helané Wahbeh3, Barry Oken3,4,5 J Restor Med 2020 Dec 29 VIEW
The Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on Vagally-Mediated Heart Rate Variability: A Meta-Analysis Lydia Brown1, Alora A Rando, Kristina Eichel, Nicholas T Van Dam, Christopher M Celano, Jeff C Huffman, Meg E Morris Psychosom Med 2020 Dec 30 VIEW
Review of Clinical Trials on the Effects of Tai Chi Practice on Primary Hypertension: The Current State of Study Design and Quality Control Yuke Teng1, Sha Yang1, Yuan Chen2, Yuyi Guo1, Yushi Hu3,4, Pan Zhang1, Jingya Cao1, Xinyue Zhang1, Yalan Chen1, Caili Jiang1, Tianyu Liu5, Fang Zeng1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 30 VIEW
Exercise, Yoga, and Tai Chi for Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Outpatient Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ashok Seshadri1,2,3,4, Akuh Adaji2,5, Scott S Orth3,6, Balwinder Singh2, Matthew M Clark2, Mark A Frye2, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz4, Jane McGillivray4 Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2020 Dec 31 VIEW
Interventions and Manipulations of Interoception Helen Y Weng1, Jack L Feldman2, Lorenzo Leggio3, Vitaly Napadow4, Jeanie Park5, Cynthia J Price6 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
The Emerging Science of Interoception: Sensing, Integrating, Interpreting, and Regulating Signals within the Self Wen G Chen1, Dana Schloesser2, Angela M Arensdorf3, Janine M Simmons4, Changhai Cui5, Rita Valentino6, James W Gnadt7, Lisbeth Nielsen8, Coryse St Hillaire-Clarke8, Victoria Spruance9, Todd S Horowitz10, Yolanda F Vallejo11, Helene M Langevin3 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Functions of Interoception: From Energy Regulation to Experience of the Self Karen S Quigley1, Scott Kanoski2, Warren M Grill3, Lisa Feldman Barrett4, Manos Tsakiris5 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Neural Circuits of Interoception Gary G Berntson1, Sahib S Khalsa2 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions for Depressive Symptoms in Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses Abhimanyu Sud1, Ka Sing Paris Lai2, Darren Kai-Young Cheng3, Chadwick Chung4, Oscar Javier Pico-Espinosa5, Danielle B Rice6 Pain Physician 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Acute Effects on Heart Rate Variability during Slow Deep Breathing V Malhotra1, R Bharshankar, N Ravi, O L Bhagat Mymensingh Med J 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
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