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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Stress and Psychiatric Disorders: The Role of Mitochondria Teresa E Daniels1,2, Elizabeth M Olsen1,2, Audrey R Tyrka1,2 Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2020 May 7 VIEW
Somatics of Early Buddhist Mindfulness and How to Face Anxiety. Anālayo B1 Mindfulness (N Y). 2020 May 8 VIEW
The Impact of Emotion Regulation on Cardiovascular, Neuroendocrine and Psychological Stress Responses Valerie L Jentsch 1, Oliver T Wolf 2 Biol Psychol. 2020 May 8 VIEW
Neural correlates of fluctuations in the intermediate band for heart rate and respiration are related to interoceptive perception. Keller M1, Pelz H2, Perlitz V3, Zweerings J1, Röcher E1, Baqapuri HI1, Mathiak K1,4 Psychophysiology. 2020 May 10 VIEW
Behavioral and Neurophysiological Evidence for Altered Interoceptive Bodily Processing in Chronic Pain Marco Solcà 1, Hyeong Dong Park 2, Fosco Bernasconi 2, Olaf Blanke 3 Neuroimage 2020 May 10 VIEW
Best Practices for Adapting and Delivering Community-Based Yoga for People with Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States and Canada. Chauhan N1, Zeller S2, Donnelly KZ3 Int J Yoga Therap. 2020 May 11 VIEW
The effects of metronome breathing on the variability of autonomic activity measurements Driscoll D//Dicicco G J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000 VIEW
Impact of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on vascular function and blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. Stewart GM1, Wheatley-Guy CM2, Johnson BD1, Shen WK2, Kim CH1 J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2020 May 13 VIEW
Estimating Contextual Effect in Nonpharmacological Therapies for Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Analytic Review. Chen AT1, Shrestha S2, Collins JE3, Sullivan JK4, Losina E5, Katz JN6 Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 May 13 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-based Interventions on Dementia Patients: A Meta-analysis. Wang FL1,2, Tang QY1,2, Zhang LL1,2, Yang JJ1,2, Li Y3, Peng H4, Wang SH1,2 West J Nurs Res. 2020 May 14 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in People With Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ni Y1, Ma L1, Li J2 J Nurs Scholarsh. 2020 May 14 VIEW
White Paper: Yoga Therapy and Pain-How Yoga Therapy Serves in Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management, and How It Can Do More. Pearson N1, Prosko S2, Sullivan M3, Taylor MJ4 Int J Yoga Therap. 2020 May 15 VIEW
The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on the Comfort and Anxiety of Nursing Home Residents. Alp FY1, Yucel SC2 J Relig Health. 2020 May 15 VIEW
Qigong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID-19 Infection in Older Adults Fan Feng 1, Sylvie Tuchman 2, John W Denninger 1, Gregory L Fricchione 1, Albert Yeung 1 2 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 May 15 VIEW
Comparison of the Effects Between Low- Versus Medium-Energy Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial Radwa F Hammam1, Ragia M Kamel2, Amira H Draz2, Amr A Azzam3, Shimaa T Abu El Kasem2 J Taibah Univ Med Sci 2020 May 15 VIEW
Oxytocin Signaling Pathway: From Cell Biology To Clinical Implications Michele Iovino 1, Tullio Messana 2, Anna Tortora 1, Consuelo Giusti 1, Giuseppe Lisco 3, Vito Angelo Giagulli 1, Edoardo Guastamacchia 1, Giovanni De Pergola 4, Vincenzo Triggiani 1 Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2020 May 19 VIEW
Interoceptive Awareness and Self-Regulation Contribute to Psychosomatic Competence as Measured by a New Inventory Christian Fazekas 1, Alexander Avian 2, Rita Noehrer 3, Franziska Matzer 3, Christian Vajda 3, Hans Hannich 3 4, Aljoscha Neubauer 5 Wien Klin Wochenschr 2020 May 19 VIEW
Music Therapy in the Treatment of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Celia Moreno-Morales, Raul Calero, Pedro Moreno-Morales, Cristina Pintado Front Med 2020 May 19 VIEW
A Pilot Study on the Effects of Yi Jin Jing Exercise for Older Men With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ZhiWei Liu, Ting Chen, Mingkang Shen, Kai Li, ChunJie Ma, Antonnette Ketlhoafetse, XiangYun Liu J Aging Phys Act 2020 May 20 VIEW
Investigating the Effects of Brainstem Neuronal Adaptation on Cardiovascular Homeostasis James H Park, Jonathan Gorky, Babatunde Ogunnaike, Rajanikanth Vadigepalli, James S Schwaber Front Neurosci 2020 May 20 VIEW
Promoting Resilience in Medicine: The Effects of a Mind-Body Medicine Elective to Improve Medical Student Well-being Michelle K Williams, Irene M Estores, Lisa J Merlo Global advances in health and medicine 2020 May 21 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Sleep Quality and Mental Health for Insomnia Patients: A Meta-Analysis Tsai-Ling Chen, Shu-Chen Chang, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh, Chin-Yi Huang, Jui-Hsiang Chuang, Hsiu-Hung Wang J Psychosom Res 2020 May 21 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation and Exercise Both Improve Sleep Quality: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Community Dwelling Adults Bruce Barrett 1, Christine M Harden 2, Roger L Brown 3, Christopher L Coe 4, Michael R Irwin 5 Sleep Health 2020 May 22 VIEW
Regulation of Cellular Senescence by microRNAs Xingjie Ma 1, Qingbin Zheng 2, Guangming Zhao 2, Wenjie Yuan 2, Weili Liu 3 Mech Ageing Dev 2020 May 22 VIEW
The Effect of Qigong Wuqinxi for Osteopenia and Primary Osteoporosis: A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Min Liu 1, Dongying Liu, Peipei Hong, Xianliang Qiu, Qiu Chen Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 May 22 VIEW
Effects of Exercise Training Interventions on Executive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Feng-Tzu Chen 1, Jennifer L Etnier 2, Kuei-Hui Chan 3, Ping-Kun Chiu 3, Tsung-Ming Hung 4 5, Yu-Kai Chang 6 7 Sports Med 2020 May 23 VIEW
[Heart Rate Variability - State of Research and Clinical Applicability] Marc Fouradoulas 1, Roland von Känel 2, Jean-Paul Schmid 3 Praxis (Bern 1994) 2019 VIEW
The Association Between Systemic Inflammation and Cognitive Performance in Healthy Adults Amir Ashraf-Ganjouei, Kamyar Moradi, Sayna Bagheri, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi J Neuroimmunology 2020 May 25 VIEW
Mindfulness and Yoga for Psychological Trauma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jennifer Taylor 1 2, Loyola McLean 2 3 4, Anthony Korner 3, Elizabeth Stratton 1 2, Nicholas Glozier 1 2 J Trauma Dissociation 2020 May 26 VIEW
Mindfulness and Yoga for Psychological Trauma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jennifer Taylor 1 2, Loyola McLean 2 3 4, Anthony Korner 3, Elizabeth Stratton 1 2, Nicholas Glozier 1 2 J Trauma Dissociation 2020 May 26 VIEW
The Link Between Resting Heart Rate Variability and Affective Flexibility Maud Grol, Rudi De Raedt Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci 2020 May 27 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation Improves Visual Short-Term Memory Molly A Youngs 1, Samuel E Lee 1, Michael O Mireku 1 1, Dinkar Sharma 2 1, Robin S S Kramer 1 Psychol Rep 2020 My 25 VIEW
Distinct Insular Functional Connectivity Changes Related to Mood and Fatigue Improvements in Major Depressive Disorder Following Tai Chi Training: A Pilot Study Anna Xu, Chloe S Zimmerman, Sara W Lazar, Yan Ma, Catherine E Kerr, Albert Yeung Front Integr Neurosci 2020 May 28 VIEW
Teaching tai chi with mindfulness-based stress reduction to middle school children in the inner city: a review of the literature and approaches. Wall RB. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention during pregnancy on prenatal stress and mood: results of a pilot study Vieten C, Astin J Arch Womens Ment Health. 2008 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of attentional control in mindfulness meditation. Front Neurosci. School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, UK. 2013 VIEW
Measuring a Journey without Goal: Meditation, Spirituality, and Physiology. Buttle H1. Biomed Res Int. 2015 VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi and Qigong Exercise on Depression and Anxiety of Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Fang Liu 1, Jiabao Cui 1, Xuan Liu 1, Kevin W Chen 1 2, Xiaorong Chen 1, Ru Li 3 BMC Complement Med Ther 2020 May 29 VIEW
Music Intervention in Pain Relief of Cardiovascular Patients in Cardiac Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Yiru Wang 1 2, Jing Wei 3, Xinzhu Guan 1 2, Yifan Zhang 1 2, Yiyi Zhang 1, Na Zhang 1, Meijiao Mao 1 2, Wenting Du 1, Yajuan Ren 1, Hong Shen 1 2, Ping Liu 1 Pain Med 2020 May 29 VIEW
Effect of Home-Based Tai Chi, Yoga or Conventional Balance Exercise on Functional Balance and Mobility Among Persons With Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease: An Experimental Study Arva Khuzema 1, A Brammatha 1, V Arul Selvan 2 Hong Kong Physiother J. 2020 Jun VIEW
On the Coupling of Mechanics With Bioelectricity and Its Role in Morphogenesis A Leronni, L Bardella, L Dorfmann, A Pietak, M Levin Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 2020 Jun VIEW
Nonpharmacologic Therapies in Patients With Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis Claudia C Dobler, Allison S Morrow, Magdoleen H Farah, Bradley Beuschel, Abdul M Majzoub, Michael E Wilson, Bashar Hasan, Mohamed O Seisa, Lubna Daraz, Larry J Prokop, M Hassan Murad, Zhen Wang Mayo Clinic proceedings 2020 Jun VIEW
The Effect of Breath Pacing on Task Switching and Working Memory Maria Paula Bonomini, Mikel Val Calvo, Alejandro Diaz Morcillo, Florencia Segovia, Jose Manuel Ferrandez Vicente, Eduardo Fernandez-Jover Int J Neural Syst 2020 Jun VIEW
Insights in the Biology of Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Exposure on Human Health Abbas Karimi, Farzaneh Ghadiri Moghaddam, Masoumeh Valipour Mol Biol Rep 2020 Jun8 VIEW
Limitations on electromagnetic communication by vibrational resonances in biological systems Kyle A Thackston1, Dimitri D Deheyn2, Daniel F Sievenpiper1 Phys Rev E 2020 Jun VIEW
Addictive Behavior Change and Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Current Research and Future Directions Frank J Schwebel1, J Richard Korecki2, Katie Witkiewitz1,2 Curr Addict Rep 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Resting-state "physiological networks" Jingyuan E Chen1, Laura D Lewis2, Catie Chang3, Qiyuan Tian4, Nina E Fultz5, Ned A Ohringer5, Bruce R Rosen6, Jonathan R Polimeni6 Neuroimage 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Approaching complexity-Start with awareness Joachim P Sturmberg1,2 J Eval Clin Pract 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Multiple Brain Networks Mediating Stimulus-Pain Relationships in Humans Stephan Geuter1,2,3, Elizabeth A Reynolds Losin4, Mathieu Roy5, Lauren Y Atlas6,7,8, Liane Schmidt9, Anjali Krishnan10, Leonie Koban2,9,11,12, Tor D Wager2,11,13, Martin A Lindquist1 Cereb Cortex 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Falls and Older People: Preventative Interventions Alison E While British journal of community nursing 2020 Jun 2 VIEW
Exercise, Brain Plasticity, and Depression Jin-Lei Zhao, Wan-Ting Jiang, Xing Wang, Zhi-Dong Cai, Zu-Hong Liu, Guo-Rong Liu CNS neuroscience 2020 Jun 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Bone Healing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Lihong Peng, Chenying Fu, Feng Xiong, Qing Zhang, Zejun Liang, Li Chen, Chengqi He, Quan Wei Bioelectromagnetics 2020 Jun 3 VIEW
Acupuncture Treatment Modulates the Connectivity of Key Regions of the Descending Pain Modulation and Reward Systems in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain Siyi Yu, Ana Ortiz, Randy L Gollub, Georgia Wilson, Jessica Gerber, Joel Park, Yiting Huang, Wei Shen, Suk-Tak Chan, Ajay D Wasan, Robert R Edwards, Vitaly Napadow, Ted J Kaptchuk, Bruce Rosen, Jian Kong J Clin Med 2020 Jun 3 VIEW
Changes in Perceived Stress After Yoga, Physical Therapy, and Education Interventions for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial Jonathan Berlowitz, Daniel L Hall, Christopher Joyce, Lisa Fredman, Karen J Sherman, Robert B Saper, Eric J Roseen Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2020 Jun 4 VIEW
Enriched Environment Decreases Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Rats With Prenatal Mobile Phone Exposure Shanyan Hong, Honghong Huang, Meili Yang, Haining Wu, Lingxing Wang Front Aging Neurosci 2020 Jun 4 VIEW
Trait and State Interoceptive Abnormalities Are Associated With Dissociation and Seizure Frequency in Patients With Functional Seizures Akihiro Koreki, Sarah N Garfkinel, Marco Mula, Niruj Agrawal, Sarah Cope, Talia Eilon, Cassandra Gould Van Praag, Hugo D Critchley, Mark Edwards, Mahinda Yogarajah Epilepsia 2020 Jun 5 VIEW
Mindful Medical Practice: An Innovative Core Course to Prepare Medical Students for Clerkship Tom A Hutchinson, Stephen Liben Perspect Med Educ 2020 Jun 5 VIEW
The Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Cortical Emotion Processing in Different Brain Frequencies as Assessed Using the Cluster-Based Permutation Test: An MEG Study Mina Kheirkhah, Philipp Baumbach, Lutz Leistritz, Stefan Brodoehl, Theresa Götz, Ralph Huonker, Otto W Witte, Carsten M Klingner Brain Sci 2020 Jun 6 VIEW
Pain and Functional Scores in Patients Affected by Knee OA After Treatment With Pulsed Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields: A Meta-Analysis Marco Viganò, Carlotta Perucca Orfei, Enrico Ragni, Alessandra Colombini, Laura de Girolamo Cartilage 2020 Jun 8 VIEW
Toward a Refined Mindfulness Model Related to Consciousness and Based on ERP Charles Verdonk, Marion Trousselard, Frédéric Canini, Francois Vialatte, Céline Ramdani Perspect Psychol Sci 2020 Jun 8 VIEW
Autonomic Flexibility Reflects Learning and Associated Neuroplasticity in Old Age Quanjing Chen, Haichuan Yang, Brian Rooks, Mia Anthony, Zhengwu Zhang, Duje Tadin, Kathi L Heffner, Feng V Lin Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Jun 8 2020 VIEW
Tai Chi Exercise for Psychological Well-Being Among Adults With Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ruth E Taylor-Piliae, Brooke A Finley Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2020 Jun 9 VIEW
Effect of Adding Proprioceptive Exercise to Balance Training in Older Adults With Diabetes: A Systematic Review Ayman A Mohamed, Yih-Kuen Jan Current diabetes reviews 2020 VIEW
Epithelial Tissue Geometry Directs Emergence of Bioelectric Field and Pattern of Proliferation Brian B Silver, Abraham E Wolf, Junuk Lee, Mei-Fong Pang, Celeste M Nelson Mol Biol Cell 2020 Jun 10 VIEW
The APPROACH Trial: Assessing Pain, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and Complementary and Integrative Health Steven B Zeliadt, Scott Coggeshall, Eva Thomas, Hannah Gelman, Stephanie L Taylor Clin Trials 2020 Jun 10 VIEW
Mindfulness-based Interventions for the Improvement of Well-Being in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Sara Carletto, Cesare Cavalera, Isabel Sadowski, Marco Rovaris, Martina Borghi, Bassam Khoury, Luca Ostacoli, Francesco Pagnini Psychosom Med 2020 Jun 12 VIEW
Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation on Neuropathic Pain, Fatigue, and Quality of Life in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial Nur Izgu, Zehra Gok Metin, Canan Karadas, Leyla Ozdemir, Nuran Metinarikan, Demet Corapcıoglu J Nurs Scholarsh 2020 Jun 13 VIEW
A 10-week Yoga Practice Has No Effect on Cognition, but Improves Balance and Motor Learning by Attenuating Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Older Adults Agnė Čekanauskaitė, Albertas Skurvydas, Laura Žlibinaitė, Dalia Mickevičienė, Sandra Kilikevičienė, Rima Solianik Exp Gerontol 2020 Jun 13 VIEW
Mindful Exercise (Baduanjin) as an Adjuvant Treatment for Older Adults (60 Years Old and Over) of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial JiaJia Ye 1 2 3, Qikai Zheng 4, Liye Zou 5, Qian Yu 5, Nicola Veronese 6, Igor Grabovac 7, Sinisa Stefanac 7, Huey-Ming Tzeng 8, Jane Jie Yu 9 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Jun 14 VIEW
Oxidative Stress in Human Facial Skin Observed by Ultraweak Photon Emission Imaging and Its Correlation With Biophysical Properties of Skin Katsuhiko Tsuchida, Masaki Kobayashi Sci Rep 2020 Jun 15 VIEW
Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise Among Adults With Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ruth Taylor-Piliae, Brooke A Finley J Cardiovasc Nurs 2020 Jun 15 VIEW
What Is the Relationship Between Pain and Emotion? Bridging Constructs and Communities Gadi Gilam, James J Gross, Tor D Wager, Francis J Keefe, Sean C Mackey Neuron 2020 Jun 15 VIEW
Evaluating Interoceptive Crossover Between Emotional and Physical Symptoms Laura Carter, Jane Ogden Psychol Health Med 2020 Jun 16 VIEW
Effects of Wheelchair Tai Chi Ball Exercise on Physical and Mental Health and Functional Abilities Among Elderly With Physical Disability Yong Tai Wang, Chung-Hyun Goh, Ting Liao, Xuanliang Neil Dong, Gloria Duke, Danita Alfred, Yi Yang, Jingle Xu, Shiqi Yu Res Sports Med 2020 Jun 16 VIEW
Do Interoceptive Accuracy and Interoceptive Sensibility Predict Emotion Regulation? Stephanie A Schuette, Nancy L Zucker, Moria J Smoski Psychol Res 2020 Jun 16 VIEW
The Efficacy of Mindfulness Based Interventions in Acute Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis A Shires, L Sharpe, J N Davies, Tro Newton John Pain 2020 Jun 18 VIEW
The Idealist and Pragmatist View of Qi in Tai Chi and Qigong: A Narrative Commentary and Review George Chengxi Bao J Integr Med 2020 Jun 19 VIEW
Physical Activity, a Modulator of Aging Through Effects on Telomere Biology Maria Donatella Semeraro, Cassandra Smith, Melanie Kaiser, Itamar Levinger, Gustavo Duque, Hans-Juergen Gruber, Markus Herrmann Aging 2020 Jun 23 VIEW
How does heart rate variability biofeedback work? Resonance, the baroreflex, and other mechanisms Lehrer, P Biofeedback 2013 VIEW
Crossroads of Telomere Biology and Anticancer Drug Discovery Hiroyuki Seimiya Cancer Sci 2020 Jun 24 VIEW
Non-Invasive Neuromodulation for Tinnitus Berthold Langguth J Audiol Otol 2020 Jun 25 VIEW
Integrated Yoga Practice in Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: A Randomized Control Trial K N Srihari Sharma, Subramanya Pailoor, Nidhi Ram Choudhary, Prabhavathi Bhat, Smeeta Shrestha J Altern Complement Med 2020 Jun 29 VIEW
Individualized Whole-Body Vibration: Neuromuscular, Biochemical, Muscle Damage and Inflammatory Acute Responses Riccardo Di Giminiani1, Nadia Rucci1, Lorenzo Capuano1, Marco Ponzetti1, Federica Aielli2, Jozsef Tihanyi3 Dose Response 2020 June 29 VIEW
Can Insights From Placebo and Nocebo Mechanisms Studies Improve the Randomized Controlled Trial? Lene Vase Scand J Pain 2020 Jun 30 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Byeongsang Oh123, Kyeore Bae14, Gillian Lamoury123, Thomas Eade123, Frances Boyle23, Brian Corless1, Stephen Clarke13, Albert Yeung5, David Rosenthal5, Lidia Schapira6, Michael Back123 Medicines (Basel) 2020 June 30 VIEW
Impact of acute stress on cortical electrical activity and cardiac autonomic coupling Taryn Chalmers1, Shamona Maharaj1, Ty Lees2, C T Lin3, Phillip Newton4, Roderick Clifton-Bligh5, Craig S McLachlan6, Sylvia M Gustin, Sara Lal1 J Integr Neurosci 2020 Jun 30 VIEW
Impact of Yoga on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Arrhythmias Krishna Akella1, Sri Harsha Kanuri1, Ghulam Murtaza1, Domenico G Della Rocca2, Naresh Kodwani3, Mohit K Turagam4, Jayaprakash Shenthar5, Deepak Padmanabhan5, Indranill Basu Ray6, Andrea Natale7, Rakesh Gopinathannair8, Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy9 J Atr Fibrillation 2020 Jun 30 VIEW
Implementing Music Therapy Through Telehealth: Considerations for Military Populations Rebecca Vaudreuil, Diane G Langston, Wendy L Magee, Donna Betts, Sara Kass, Charles Levy Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2020 Jul 1 VIEW
Implementing Music Therapy Through Telehealth: Considerations for Military Populations Rebecca Vaudreuil, Diane G Langston, Wendy L Magee, Donna Betts, Sara Kass, Charles Levy Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 07/01/2020 VIEW
[Promoting Self-Regulation of Adolescents in School Through Mindfulness] Marie O Frenkel 1, Anna Georg 2, Henning Plessner 1 Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr 2020 Jul VIEW
Role of the central autonomic nervous system intrinsic functional organisation and psychosocial factors in primary microvascular angina and Takotsubo syndrome Magdalena Maria Cattaneo1 2, Emanuele Pravatà3, Micol Provenzi4, Marco Moccetti5, Alain Kaelin3, Isabella Sudano6, Luigi Biasucci7, Camilla Gallino8, Costanzo Limoni9, Carlo Calanchini10, Augusto Gallino8 11, Filippo Crea7, Mattia Cattaneo5 8 Open Heart 2020 Jul VIEW
The Effects Of Slow Breathing Exercise On Heart Rate Dynamics And Cardiorespiratory Coherence In Preschool Children: A Prospective Clinical Study Marina Zuanazzi Cruz, Moacir Fernandes de Godoy, Vitor E Valenti, Alfredo Pereira Jr, Roberto Antonio Dias Cardoso Altern Ther Health Med 2020 Jul 1 VIEW
[Effects of long-term Tai Chi exercise on knee joints skin microvascular reactivity and transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure in middle and old aged people] Huan Zhu, Qing-Hua Hu, Ai-Ping Peng, Li Wan Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi 2020 Jul 1 VIEW
Does the Use of Mobile Phone Affect Male Fertility? A Mini-Review Chidiebere Emmanuel Okechukwu1 J Hum Reprod Sci Jul-Sep 2020 VIEW
Effectiveness of Yoga on Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Clinical Controlled Study Kamli Prakash1, Sunil K Saini2, Sanchita Pugazhendi1 Indian J Palliat Care Jul-Sep 2020 VIEW
Mobile Phone Use During Pregnancy: Which Association With Fetal Growth? Nathalie Boileau 1, François Margueritte 2, Tristan Gauthier 2, Nedjma Boukeffa 2, Pierre-Marie Preux3 , Anaïs Labrunie 4, Yves Aubard 2 J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod 2020 Jul 2 VIEW
Effects of Deep and Slow Breathing on Stress Stimulation Caused by High-Intensity Exercise in Healthy Adults Su-Ha Lee 1, Hee-Ji Lee 1, Dae-Sung Park 2 Psychol Health Med 2020 Jul 2 VIEW
Heart Rate Variability as an Index of Differential Brain Dynamics at Rest and After Acute Stress Induction Tara Chand1 2 3 4 , Meng Li2 4 , Hamidreza Jamalabadi1 4 , Gerd Wagner2 , Anton Lord4 5 , Sarah Alizadeh1 4 , Lena V Danyeli2 4 6 , Luisa Herrmann1 2 4 , Martin Walter1 2 3 4 6 , Zumrut D Sen1 2 4 Front Neurosci 2020 Jul 2 VIEW
Meditation and the Wandering Mind: A Theoretical Framework of Underlying Neurocognitive Mechanisms Tracy Brandmeyer, Arnaud Delorme Perspect Psychol Sci 2020 Ju 29 VIEW
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Efficacy of Exercise on Posture and Balance in Patients Suffering From Diabetic Neuropathy Neerja Thukral, Jaspreet Kaur, Manoj Malik Curr Diabetes Rev 2020 Jul 3 VIEW
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