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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of chundosunbup Qi-training on psychological adjustments: a cross-sectional study Lee MS//Jeong SM//Oh SW//Ryu H//// Am J Chin Med 1998 VIEW
Effects of ChunDoSunBup Qi-training on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and testosterone in young and elderly subjects Lee MS//Kang CW//Ryu H//Kim JD//Chung HT Am J Chin Med 1996 VIEW
Effects of Chinese Mind-Body Exercises on Executive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Fei-Fei Ren1, Feng-Tzu Chen2, Wen-Sheng Zhou3, Yu-Min Cho4, Tsung-Jung Ho5,6, Tsung-Min Hung7,8, Yu-Kai Chang7,8 Front Psychol 2021 May 21 VIEW
Effects of Chinese medicine five-element music on the quality of life for advanced cancer patients: A randomized controlled trial. Liao J, Yang YF, Cohen L, Zhao YC, Xu Y. Chin J Integr Med. 2013 Oct VIEW
Effects of chan-chuang qigong on improving symptom and psychological distress in chemotherapy patients Lee TI//Chen HH//Yeh ML Am J Chin Med 2006 VIEW
Effects of chair yoga therapy on physical fitness in patients with psychiatric disorders: A 12-week single-blind randomized controlled trial. Ikai S1, Uchida H2, Mizuno Y3, Tani H4, Nagaoka M5, Tsunoda K6, Mimura M7, Suzuki T8 J Psychiatr Res. 2017 Jul 19 VIEW
Effects of Center-Based Delivery of Tai Chi and Qi Gong Group Classes on Self-Reported Symptoms in Cancer Patients and Caregivers Gabriel Lopez, Santhosshi Narayanan, Aimee Christie, Catherine Powers-James, Wenli Liu, M Kay Garcia, Telma Gomez, Jimin Wu, Aditi Chunduru, Janet L Williams, Yisheng Li, Eduardo Bruera, Lorenzo Cohen Integr Cancer Ther 2020 Jan-Dec VIEW
Effects of Cell Phone Use on Caregiver Supervision and Child Injury Risk McKenna Cosottile1, Amy Damashek1 J Pediatr Psychol 2021 Aug 3 VIEW
Effects of cardiac rehabilitation with and without meditation on myocardial blood flow using quantitative positron emission tomography: A pilot study. Bokhari S1, Schneider RH2, Salerno JW3, Rainforth MV3, Gaylord-King C3, Nidich SI3 J Nucl Cardiol. 2019 Sep 16 VIEW
Effects of Brief and Sham Mindfulness Meditation on Mood and Cardiovascular Variables. Zeidan F, Johnson SK, Gordon NS, Goolkasian P. J Altern Complement Med 2010 Jul 28 VIEW
Effects of breathing exercises on breathing patterns in obese and non-obese subjects Olsen MF//Loproth H//Bake B Clin Physiol 1999 VIEW
Effects of breathing exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A network meta-analysis Yingying Cai1, Xiaohe Ren1, Jingyi Wang1, Bin Ma1, Ou Chen2 Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2023 May 5 VIEW
Effects of Breaking Up Sedentary Behavior With Short Bouts of Yoga and Tai-Chi on Glycemia, Concentration, and Well-Being Alexander Colvin1,2, Lynne Murray1,3, Jillian Noble1,4, Sebastien Chastin1 J Phys Act Health 2023 Nov 22 VIEW
Effects of Body Weight Support-Tai Chi Footwork Training on Balance Control and Walking Function in Stroke Survivors with Hemiplegia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Xiao-Ming Yu1, Xue-Ming Jin2, Yan Lu1, Yang Gao3, Hai-Chen Xu1, Xin Xue2, Lei Fang2, Jun Hu2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 19 VIEW
Effects of Body Touching Therapy on the Elderly Tatsumi K 1//Adachi Y 2//Yokota Y 1//Ashigawa M 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
Effects of beta-adrenergic blockade on immunologic and cardiovascular changes induced by mental stress Benschop RJ//Nieuwenhuis EE//Tromp EA//Godaert GL//// Circulation 1994 VIEW
Effects of behavioral stress reduction Transcendental Meditation intervention in persons with HIV. Chhatre S, Metzger DS, Frank I, Boyer J, Thompson E, Nidich S, Montaner LJ, Jayadevappa R. AIDS Care. 2013 Feb 11 VIEW
Effects of Basketball and Baduanjin Exercise Interventions on Problematic Smartphone Use and Mental Health among College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial Tao Xiao1, Can Jiao2, Jie Yao3, Lin Yang4,5, Yanjie Zhang6,7, Shijie Liu8, Igor Grabovac9, Qian Yu6, Zhaowei Kong10, Jane Jie Yu11, Jieting Zhang12 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jan 28 VIEW
Effects of barefoot and footwear conditions on learning of a dynamic balance task: a randomized controlled study. Zech A1, Meining S2, Hötting K3, Liebl D4, Mattes K2, Hollander K5,6 Eur J Appl Physiol. 2018 Dec VIEW
Effects of Bafa Wubu and He-Style Tai Chi exercise training on physical fitness of overweight male university students: A randomized controlled trial Yantao Niu1,2, Rojapon Buranarugsa1,3, Piyathida Kuhirunyaratn4 PLoS One 2024 Jan 19 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin Qigong in Individuals With Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study Hsing-I Chiang, Su-Chen Lo, Jason W Beckstead, Chiu-Yueh Yang J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2023 Sep 27 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin practice on emotional, attention and cognitive function in acupuncturists: protocol for a clinical randomized controlled neuroimaging trial Weiming Luo#1, Jun Zhou#1, Xinyue Zhang1, Yuke Teng1, Siyuan Tao1, Nuo Chen1, Dan Tong1, Peiling Su1, Kaijie Ying2, Zheng Jie Li1 Front Psychol 2024 Apr 5 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin on mental health: A comprehensive review. Cheng FK1. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Jan VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin imagery and exercise on cognitive function in the elderly: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study Lianqiang Yao1, Guoxiao Sun1, Jun Wang1, Yujuan Hai1 Front Public Health 2022 Sep 29 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on the physical function of middle-aged and elderly people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Huiying Lin1,2, Mingyue Wan2, Yu Ye2, Guohua Zheng3 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 Feb 6 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin Exercise on Rehabilitation of Patients With Mild to Moderate Parkinson's Disease Shuangshuang Dong1,2, Yiqing Wang1, Hongyu Wei1, Shouyun Du3, Xiaojing Li1, Jianbing Zhu4, Yi Wang4, Zenglin Cai1,5,6 Front Neurosci 2022 Jan 20 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on quality-of-life and exercise capacity in patients with heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Wei-Ying Yang1, Ying Xu2, Li Ye2, Li-Juan Rong2, Jing Feng1, Bei-Lei Huang1, Ching-Wen Chien3, Tao-Hsin Tung4 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Oct 28 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin Exercise on Physical Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Randomized Trial Fan Zhang1, Jing Liao1, Weihong Zhang1, Hui Wang1, Liuyan Huang1, Qiyun Shen1, Huachun Zhang1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2021 Nov 29 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain and surface electromyography signs of erector spinal muscle: A randomized controlled trial Dan Yang1, Hai Huang2,3,4, Dan Dan Xu2,3,4, Yan Zhao2,3,4 Medicine (Baltimore) 2023 Oct 27 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on motor function, balance and gait in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Jinghui Lai1,2, Yangfan Cai3,2, Liyan Yang3,2, Min Xia3,2, Xi Cheng3,2, Ying Chen4 BMJ Open 2022 Nov 15 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin Exercise on lung function and 6 min walk in COPD patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Feiyun Song1, Kexin Ding1, Wei Qi1, Wen Sun1, Heping Xiang2, Mingyun Sun3, Rui Xia4 Sci Rep 2024 Aug 1 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on cognitive function and cancer-related symptoms in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: a randomized controlled trial Xiaolin Wei1,2, Ruzhen Yuan2,3, Juan Yang4, Wei Zheng5, Yongmei Jin6, Mingyue Wang2, Jieting Jiang2, Caiqin Wu7, Kunpeng Li8 Support Care Cancer 2022 Apr 13 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise on cognitive frailty, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation in older adults with cognitive frailty: a randomized controlled trial Yu Ye1,2,3,4, Mingyue Wan4, Huiying Lin4, Rui Xia4, Jianquan He4, Pingting Qiu4, Guohua Zheng1 Front Public Health 2024 May 23 VIEW
Effects of baduanjin exercise on blood glucose, depression and anxiety among patients with type II diabetes and emotional disorders: A meta-analysis Xiwen Luo1, Mengxian Zhao2, Yulong Zhang3, Yanjie Zhang4 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin Exercise on Antihypertensive Medication Reduction in Older Patients with Hypertension: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Ran Zhao1,2, Shengjie Yang1, Dan Li1, Longtao Liu3, Yanwei Xing1, Min Wu1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jul 22 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients after chemoradiotherapy: a randomized controlled trial Liying Wen1, Xingyu Chen1, Yuanyuan Cui1, Miao Zhang1, Xinghua Bai2,3 Support Care Cancer 2022 Dec 23 VIEW
Effects of Baduanjin exercise for knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Zeng ZP1, Liu YB2, Fang J3, Liu Y4, Luo J5, Yang M6 Complement Ther Med. 2020 Jan VIEW
Effects of auricular electrical stimulation on vagal activity in healthy men: Evidence from a three-armed randomized trial. La Marca R, Nedeljkovic M, Yuan L, Maercker A, Ehlert U. Clin Sci (Lond). 2009 Nov 9 VIEW
Effects of Auricular Acupuncture on Heart Rate, Oxygen Consumption and Blood Lactic Acid for Elite Basketball Athletes. Lin ZP, Chen YH, Fan C, Wu HJ, Lan LW, Lin JG. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
Effects of auricular acupuncture on chronic pain in people with back musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized clinical trial. Moura CC1, Chaves ECL2, Chianca TCM3, Ruginsk SG4, Nogueira DA5, Iunes DH6 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019 Jan 21 VIEW
Effects of Auricular Acupuncture on Anthropometric, Lipid Profile, Inflammatory, and Immunologic Markers: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study. Abdi H, Abbasi-Parizad P, Zhao B, Ghayour-Mobarhan M, Tavallaie S, Rahsepar AA, Parizadeh SM, Safariyan M, Nemati M, Mohammadi M, Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Ferns GA. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 12 VIEW
Effects of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Stress and Sleep Disturbance of Middle-Aged Women in South Korea. Cha NH1, Park YK, Sok SR Holist Nurs Pract. 2017 Mar/Apr VIEW
Effects of auricular acupressure on pain reduction in patient-controlled analgesia after lumbar spine surgery. Yeh ML, Tsou MY, Lee BY, Chen HH, Chung YC. Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan. 2010 Jun VIEW
Effects of auricular acupressure on menstrual symptoms and nitric oxide for women with primary dysmenorrhea. Wang MC, Hsu MC, Chien LW, Kao CH, Liu CF. J Altern Complement Med 2009 Mar VIEW
Effects of auricular acupressure on body weight parameters in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Ching HY, Wu SL, Chen WC, Hsieh CL. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Effects of AST Qigong on brain hemorrhage Sano K 1 //Kitamura Y 2 //Kojima K 3 //Suzuki M 1 J Mind-Body Science 2003 VIEW
Effects of AST Chiro qigong on the expression of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I in cancer Kitamura K 2//Yoshimura A 2//Suzuki M 3 J Mind-Body Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of AST chiro Qigong on the cancer proliferative activity and functional expression of cancer suppressor gene P53 Kitamura Y 1//Yoshimura A 2//Suzuki M 3 J Mind-Body Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of AST Chiro qigong on the apoptosis of cancer cells: Histopathological study in gastrointestinal cancer Kitamura Y 1//Yoshimura A 2//Suzuki M 3 J Mind-Body Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of ancient qigong for health care and longevity on the levels of blood sugar, blood lipid and serum insulin Jin Yuzhong//Wang Zhemin//Zheng Lili//Ma Zhidong//Dai Qi 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Effects of anaerobic exercise on the immune system in eight- to seventeen-year-old trained and untrained boys Boas SR//Joswiak ML//Nixon PA//Kurland G//// J Pediatr 1996 VIEW
Effects of an Online Mind-Body Training Program on the Default Mode Network: An EEG Functional Connectivity Study. Lee D1, Kang DH1,2,3, Ha NH4, Oh CY4, Lee U4, Kang SW5,6 Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 16 VIEW
Effects of an integrative treatment, therapeutic acupuncture and conventional treatment in alleviating psychological distress in primary care patients - a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Arvidsdotter T, Marklund B, Taft C. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Nov 7 VIEW
Effects of an integrated Yoga Program on Self-reported Depression Scores in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Conventional Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Rao RM1, Raghuram N2, Nagendra HR2, Usharani MR1, Gopinath KS3, Diwakar RB4, Patil S4, Bilimagga RS5, Rao N5. Indian J Palliat Care. 2015 May-Aug VIEW
Effects of an Integrated Yoga Program on Quality of Life, Spinal Flexibility, and Strength in Older Adults: A Randomized Control Trial Hassan Ratnakara Shree Ganesh, Pailoor Subramanya, Raghavendra Mohan Rao, Hisakote Sanjeevarao Vadiraj, Vivek Udupa Adv Mind Body Med 2022 Winter VIEW
Effects of an Integrated Approach of Hatha Yoga Therapy on Functional Disability, Pain, and Flexibility in Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint: A Randomized Controlled Study. Ebnezar J, Nagarathna R, Yogitha B, Nagendra HR. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Apr 26 VIEW
Effects of an In-home Multicomponent Exergame Training on Physical Functions, Cognition, and Brain Volume of Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Adcock M1, Fankhauser M1, Post J1, Lutz K2, Zizlsperger L2, Luft AR2,3, Guimarães V4, Schättin A1, de Bruin ED1,5 Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Jan 28 VIEW
Effects of an Emotional Restructuring Program on Psychological Functioning and Functional Capacity in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure McCraty R Int J Psychophysiol 2002 VIEW
Effects of an eight-week whole body vibration on lower extremity muscle tone and function in children with cerebral palsy. Cheng HK1, Yu YC2, Wong AM3, Tsai YS4, Ju YY5. Res Dev Disabil. 2015 Jan 6 VIEW
Effects of an 8-week yoga program on sustained attention and discrimination function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Chou CC1, Huang CJ1. Peer J 2017 Jan 12 VIEW
Effects of an 8-Week Stress Management Program in Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial Theodora Seliniotaki1, Flora Bacopoulou2,3, Dimitrios Vlachakis4,5, Artemios Artemiadis6, Katerina Kampoli7, George Chrousos8, Christina Darviri#1, Anna Koumarianou#7 Adv Exp Med Biol 2022 Jan 14 VIEW
Effects of an 8-week meditation program on mood and anxiety in patients with memory loss. Moss AS, Wintering N, Roggenkamp H, Khalsa DS, Waldman MR, Monti D, Newberg AB. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jan VIEW
Effects of an 8-week Baduanjin intervention combined with low-carbohydrates diet among overweight people who struggle with drug addiction Dongming Jia1,2, Yuming Xu3 Front Public Health 2022 Oct 21 VIEW
Effects of an 18-Week Integrated Yoga Program on Cardiac Autonomic Function in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Adjuvant Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Ganagarajan Inbaraj1, Kaviraja Udupa1, Rao Mohan Raghavendra2, Amritanshu Ram3, Shekar Patil3, Jamuna Rajeswaran1, Krishna K Nandakumar3, Spoorthi Belur3, Krishnamurthy Arjun4, Ramajayam Govindaraj1, Sapna K Bayari3, Talakad N Sathyaprabha1 Integr Cancer Ther 2023 Jan-Dec VIEW
Effects of Al-Pd-Mn Icosahedral Quasicrystals on Electroencephalogram Oku T 1//Yokoyama Y 2//Oku T 3 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of Ai-Chi Practice on Balance and Left Cerebellar Activation during High Working Memory Load Task in Older People: A Controlled Pilot Trial Michal Nissim1,2, Abigail Livny3,4,5, Caroline Barmatz1,3, Galia Tsarfaty1,3, Yitshal Berner1, Yaron Sacher1, Raffaella Bodini3, Navah Z Ratzon1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Dec 3 VIEW
Effects of Ai Chi on balance, quality of life, functional mobility, and motor impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease<sup/>. Kurt EE1, Büyükturan B2, Büyükturan Ö2, Erdem HR1, Tuncay F1 Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Apr VIEW
Effects of aging and tai chi on finger-pointing toward stationary and moving visual targets. Kwok JC, Hui-Chan CW, Tsang WW. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Jan VIEW
Effects of aging and tai chi on a finger-pointing task with a choice paradigm. Tsang WW, Kwok JC, Hui-Chan CW. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effects of aerobic training on psychosocial morbidity and symptoms in asthmatic patients: a randomized clinical trial. Mendes FA, Gonçalves RC, Nunes MP, Saraiva-Romanholo BM, Cukier A, Stelmach R, Jacob-Filho W, Martins MA, Carvalho CR. Chest 2010 Apr 2 VIEW
Effects of aerobic exercise training and yoga on the baroreflex in healthy elderly persons Bowman AJ//Clayton RH//Murray A//Reed JW//// Eur J Clin Invest 1997 VIEW
Effects of aerobic exercise or Tai Chi Chuan interventions on problematic mobile phone use and the potential role of intestinal flora: A multi-arm randomized controlled trial Kexin Zhang1, Haiyun Guo2, Xueqing Zhang3, Huayu Yang3, Guojing Yuan3, Zhihui Zhu3, Xiaoyan Lu3, Jianghui Zhang3, Jun Du3, Haiyan Shi3, Guifang Jin3, Juan Ren4, Jiahu Hao5, Ying Sun5, Puyu Su5, Zhihua Zhang6 J Psychiatr Res 2024 Jan 8 VIEW
Effects of adjunctive Swedish massage and vibration therapy on short-term postoperative outcomes: a randomized, controlled trial Taylor AG//Galper DI//Taylor P//Rice LW//// J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
Effects of adding whole-body vibration to routine day activity program on physical functioning in elderly with mild or moderate dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Lam FMH1, Liao LR2, Kwok TCY3, Pang MYC1 Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Jan VIEW
Effects of adding whole-body vibration to routine day activity program on physical functioning in elderly with mild or moderate dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Lam FM1, Liao LR2, Kwok TC3, Pang MY1. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017 Jan 17 VIEW
Effects of Acute Stress-Induced Immunomodulation on Th1/Th2 Cytokine and Catecholamine Receptor Expression in Human Peripheral Blood Cells. Xiang L, Del Ben KS, Rehm KE, Marshall GD Jr. Neuropsychobiology. 2011 Nov 15 VIEW
Effects of Acute Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Aerobic Performance during a Preseason Training Camp: A Pilot Study Nauris Tamulevicius1, Tanuj Wadhi1, Guillermo R Oviedo2, Ashmeet S Anand1, Jung-Jung Tien3, Fraser Houston1, Eric Vlahov1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Jul 20 VIEW
Effects of acute and long-term slow breathing exercise on muscle sympathetic nerve activity in untreated male patients with hypertension. Hering D, Kucharska W, Kara T, Somers VK, Parati G, Narkiewicz K. J Hypertens. 2013 Apr VIEW
Effects of Acupuncture, Tuina, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Music Therapy on Symptom Management and Quality of Life for Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis Tao WW, Jiang H, Tao XM, Jiang P, Sha LY, Sun XC J Pain Symptom Manage. 2016 Feb 12 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on children with asthma. Lin CH, Wang MH, Chung HY, Liu CF. J Asthma 2010 Sep 13 VIEW
Effects of Acupuncture-like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Children with Asthma. Lin CH, Wang MH, Chung HY, Liu CF. J Asthma. 2010 Nov 1 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture with meridian acupoints and three Anmian acupoints on insomnia and related depression and anxiety state. Huo ZJ, Guo J, Li D. Chin J Integr Med. 2012 Aug 18 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture treatment on natural killer cell activity, pulse rate, and pain reduction for older adults: an uncontrolled, observational study. Mori H, Kuge H, Tanaka TH, Taniwaki E, Hanyu K, Morisawa T. J Integr Med. 2013 Mar VIEW
Effects of Acupuncture Treatment on Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Serotonin, and Substance P Levels: A Randomized Sham and Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Karatay S1, Okur SC2, Uzkeser H3, Yildirim K3, Akcay F4 Pain Med. 2017 Dec 6 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture treatment on depression insomnia: a study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Chen YF, Liu JH, Xu NG, Liang ZH, Xu ZH, Xu SJ, Fu WB. Trials 2013 Jan 3 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture to treat fibromyalgia: A preliminary randomised controlled trial. Itoh K, Kitakoji H. Chin Med 2010 Mar 23 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture therapy on abdominal fat and hepatic fat content in obese children: a magnetic resonance imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Zhang H, Peng Y, Liu Z, Li S, Lv Z, Tian L, Zhu J, Zhao X, Chen M. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 May VIEW
Effects of acupuncture stimulation on recovery ability of male elite basketball athletes. Lin ZP, Lan LW, He TY, Lin SP, Lin JG, Jang TR, Ho TJ. Am J Chin Med 2009 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on the symptoms of anxiety and depression caused by premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Carvalho F, Weires K, Ebling M, de Souza Rabbo Padilha M, Ferrão YA, Vercelino R. Acupunct Med. 2013 Sep 12 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on the harmonic components of the radial arterial blood-pressure waveform in stroke patients. Hsiu H, Hsu CL, Chen CT, Hsu WC, Lin FC. Biorheology. 2013 Jan 1 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on the brain hemodynamics. Hori E, Takamoto K, Urakawa S, Ono T, Nishijo H. Auton Neurosci. 2010 Jul 3 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on symptoms and muscle function in delayed-onset muscle soreness. Hübscher M, Vogt L, Bernhörster M, Rosenhagen A, Banzer W. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Oct VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on sleep quality in patients with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Jiamin Lin1, Yue Kong1,2, Hailan Chen3, Xintong Ding3, Wenguang Zhou4 Clin Rehabil 2023 Dec 3 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis Manheimer E, Zhang G, Udoff L, Haramati A, Langenberg P, Berman BM, Bouter LM BMJ 2008 Feb 7 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on quality of life in children with spastic cerebral palsy Liu, Z., Pan, P. & Ma, M. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 2007 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on quality of life and pain in patients with osteoporosis-a pilot randomized controlled trial. Schiller J1, Korallus C2, Bethge M2,3, Karst M4, Schmalhofer ML2, Gutenbrunner C2, Fink MG5 Arch Osteoporos. 2016 Dec VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Zheng CH, Huang GY, Zhang MM, Wang W. Fertil Steril. 2012 Jan 11 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture on mental health of migraine patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Zhao Li#1, Jie Feng#1, Shao Yin1, Xin Chen2, Qicheng Yang3, Xu Gao1, Deya Che4, Li Zhou4, Hui Yan4, Yue Zhong4, Fengya Zhu5 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 Aug 4 VIEW
Effects of Acupuncture on Menopause-Related Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Chiu HY1, Shyu YK, Chang PC, Tsai PS. Cancer Nurs. 2015 Jun 3 VIEW
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