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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on the Quality of Life, Emotional Status, and CD4 Cell Count of Patients Aging with HIV Infection. Gonzalez-Garcia M, Ferrer MJ, Borras X, Muñoz-Moreno JA, Miranda C, Puig J, Perez-Alvarez N, Soler J, Feliu-Soler A, Clotet B, Fumaz CR. AIDS Behav. 2013 Sep 28 VIEW
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in Reducing Aggression of Individuals at the Juvenile Correction and Rehabilitation Center. Milani A, Nikmanesh Z, Farnam A. Int J High Risk Behav Addict. 2013 Dec VIEW
Effectiveness of mindfulness and Qigong training for self-healing in patients with Hwabyung and depressive disorder: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial Seok-In Yoon1, Hui-Yeong Park1, Hyun Woo Lee2, Chan Park2, Sun-Yong Chung1,2, Jong Woo Kim1,2 Front Psychiatry 2024 Apr 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of mindful walking intervention in nature on sleep quality and mood among university student during Covid-19: A randomised control study Jingni Ma1, Joanne Williams2, Paul Graham Morris3, Professor Stella W Y Chan4 Explore (NY) 2022 Aug 11 VIEW
Effectiveness of mind-body interventions in labour pain management during normal delivery: A systematic review and meta-analysis Ruohan Wang1, Jinling Lu1, Ka Ming Chow2 Int J Nurs Stud 2024 Jul 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of Mind-Body Intervention for Inflammatory Conditions: Results from a 26-Week Randomized, Non-Blinded, Parallel-Group Trial Thao Thi Nguyen1,2,3, Christian G Jensen4, Lina Khoury3, Bent Deleuran5, Esther S Blom4, Thomas Breinholt6, Robin Christensen2,7, Lone Skov3 J Clin Med 2021 Jul 14 VIEW
Effectiveness of mind-body exercises in chronic respiratory diseases: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo1,2,3, Javier Martinez-Calderon1,3, Fernando Piña-Pozo3,4, Paula González-García1,2, Cristina García-Muñoz3,5 Disabil Rehabil 2023 Jul 22 VIEW
Effectiveness of mind-body exercise via Baduanjin on physical and psychological outcomes in patients with pulmonary ground-glass nodules: A non-randomized controlled pilot study Ying Lu1, Jie Li2, Wei Ni3, Jiaqi Li4, Jie Song5, Jing Jiang6, Xiaoting Zhao7 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2023 Feb 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of mental health interventions for older adults in South Asia: A scoping review Hoimonty Mazumder1, Farah Faizah1, Easter Protiva Gain1, Irfath Sharmin Eva2, Kaniz Ferdouse Mou1, Nobonita Saha3, Farzana Rahman4, Jyoti Das5, A M Khairul Islam6, Fazilatun Nesa1, M Mahbub Hossain1 PLoS One 2023 Jul 7 VIEW
Effectiveness of meditative movement on COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wu LL1, Lin ZK2, Weng HD3, Qi QF1, Lu J4, Liu KX5 Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of martial arts exercise on anthropometric and body composition parameters of overweight and obese subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis Fabricio de Souza1, Felipe Nunes Lanzendorf2, Márcia Mendonça Marcos de Souza3, Fabiana Schuelter-Trevisol4,5, Daisson José Trevisol4,5 BMC Public Health 2020 Aug 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of LiuZiJue Qigong versus traditional core stability training for poststroke patients complicated with abnormal trunk postural control: study protocol for a single-center randomized controlled trial. Wang C1,2, Yu L1, Yang J1, Wang RW2, Zheng YN1,2, Zhang Y3 Trials. 2020 Mar 12 VIEW
Effectiveness of Liu-zi-jue exercise on coronavirus disease 2019 in the patients: a randomized controlled trial Zhu Qingguang1, Zhang Shuaipan1,2, L I Jingxian3, Sun Wuquan1, Cheng Wei4, Zhan Chao4, Cheng Yanbin1, Fang Lei5, Fang Min1,2 J Tradit Chin Med 2022 Dec 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of Laser treatment at acupuncture sites compared to traditional acupuncture in the treatment of peripheral artery disease. Cunha RG, Rodrigues KC, Salvador M, Zangaro RA. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2010 VIEW
Effectiveness of Iyengar yoga in treating spinal (back and neck) pain: A systematic review. Crow EM1, Jeannot E1, Trewhela A1. Int J Yoga. 2015 Jan VIEW
Effectiveness of Interstitial Laser Acupuncture Depends upon Dosage: Experimental Results from Electrocardiographic and Electrocorticographic Recordings. He W1, Litscher G1, Jing XH2, Shi H2, Wang XY2, Gaischek I3, Su YS2, Litscher D3, Yang ZK2, Xin JJ2, Hu L2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effectiveness of internal Qigong on quality of life, depressive symptoms and self-efficacy among community-dwelling older adults with chronic disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gouw VXH1, Jiang Y2, Seah B3, He H4, Hong J5, Wang W6 Int J Nurs Stud. 2019 Jun 28 VIEW
Effectiveness of Integrated Body-Mind-Spirit Group Intervention on the Well-Being of Indian Patients With Depression: A Pilot Study. Sreevani R, Reddemma K, Chan CL, Leung PP, Wong V, Chan CH. J Nurs Res. 2013 Sep VIEW
Effectiveness of home-based exercise interventions on pain, physical function and quality of life in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Juncheng Si1, Lili Sun1, Zheng Li1, Wenning Zhu1, Weidong Yin1, Lina Peng2 J Orthop Surg Res 2023 Jul 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of group music therapy versus recreational group singing for depressive symptoms of elderly nursing home residents: pragmatic trial. Werner J1, Wosch T2, Gold C3. Aging Ment Health. 2015 Oct 12 VIEW
Effectiveness of group music intervention against agitated behavior in elderly persons with dementia. Lin Y, Chu H, Yang CY, Chen CH, Chen SG, Chang HJ, Hsieh CJ, Chou KR. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2010 Jul 29 VIEW
Effectiveness of focused meditation for patients with chronic low back pain-A randomized controlled clinical trial. Michalsen A1, Kunz N2, Jeitler M2, Brunnhuber S3, Meier L2, Lüdtke R4, Büssing A5, Kessler C2 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in three major tendon diseases. Carulli C1, Tonelli F2, Innocenti M2, Gambardella B2, Muncibì F2, Innocenti M2. J Orthop Traumatol. 2016 Mar VIEW
Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Without Local Anesthesia in Patients With Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Lou J1, Wang S, Liu S, Xing G Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Aug VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in community-dwelling older adults: a 2-year randomized controlled study of 914 women Toni Rikkonen1, Reijo Sund1, Heli Koivumaa-Honkanen2,3, Joonas Sirola1,4, Risto Honkanen1, Heikki Kröger1,4 Age Ageing 2023 Apr 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise intervention in relieving symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: A network meta-analysis Yekui Luo1, Yonghuan Chen1, Xiangning Yan2, Lan Zhang1, Yuan Shang1, Jae Chul Seo1 PLoS One 2024 Jun 14 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis, knee osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Iwamoto J, Sato Y, Takeda T, Matsumoto H. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009 Nov 6 VIEW
Effectiveness of Electroacupuncture or Auricular Acupuncture vs Usual Care for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Among Cancer Survivors: The PEACE Randomized Clinical Trial Jun J Mao1, Kevin T Liou1, Raymond E Baser2, Ting Bao1, Katherine S Panageas2, Sally A D Romero3, Q Susan Li1, Rollin M Gallagher4, Philip W Kantoff5 JAMA Oncol 2021 Mar 18 VIEW
Effectiveness of electroacupuncture and interferential eloctrotherapy in the management of frozen shoulder Cheing GL, So EM, Chao CY J Rehabil Med. 2008 Mar VIEW
Effectiveness of Dry Needling for Upper Quarter Myofascial Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Kietrys DM, Palombaro KM, Azzaretto E, Hubler R, Schaller B, Schlussel JM, Tucker M. 2013 Jun 11 2013 Jun 11 VIEW
Effectiveness of distant healing for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomised controlled partially blinded trial (EUHEALS) Walach H, Bosch H, Lewith G, Naumann J, Schwarzer B, Falk S, Kohls N, Haraldsson E, Wiesendanger H, Nordmann A, Tomasson H, Prescott P, Bucher HC. Psychother Psychosom. 2008 VIEW
Effectiveness of different music-playing devices for reducing preoperative anxiety: A clinical control study. Lee KC, Chao YH, Yiin JJ, Chiang PY, Chao YF. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011 Oct VIEW
Effectiveness of different music-playing devices for reducing preoperative anxiety: A clinical control study. Lee KC, Chao YH, Yiin JJ, Chiang PY, Chao YF. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011 May 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of Daily Mindfulness Meditation App Usage to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Controlled Trial Katie O'Donnell1, Melanie Dunbar2, Diana Speelman3 Cureus 2023 Jul 25 VIEW
Effectiveness of controlled breathing techniques on anxiety and depression in hospitalized COPD: a randomized clinical trial. Valenza MC, Valenza-Peña G, Torres-Sánchez I, González-Jiménez E, Conde-Valero A, Valenza-Demet G. Respir Care. 2013 Jul 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of complementary and self-help treatments for depression Jorm AF//Christensen H//Griffiths KM//Rodgers B Med J Aust 2002 VIEW
Effectiveness of Biofield Therapy for Patients Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia. Sarmento F, Tanaka H, Cordeiro E, Suzuki K Altern Ther Health Med. 2017 Oct 2 VIEW
Effectiveness of Biofield Therapy for Individuals With Sickle Cell Disease in Africa. Minga TM, Kule Koto FK, Egboki H, Suzuki K. Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 Jan VIEW
Effectiveness of Baduanjin Exercise on Quality of Life and Psychological Health in Postoperative Patients With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Xin-Xin Ye1, Zi-Yang Ren1, Somayeh Vafaei2, Jun-Meng Zhang3, Yuan Song4, Yang-Xin Wang5, Pei-Ge Song1 Integr Cancer Ther Jan-Dec 2022 VIEW
Effectiveness of Baduanjin (a Type of Qigong) on Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Outcomes: A Comprehensive Review Jianghong Liu, Yi Yang, Yuting Zhu, Xinyu Hou, Sandy Li, Sicheng Chen, Jingduan Yang Adv Mind Body Med 2023 Jun 16 VIEW
Effectiveness of backward walking training on balance performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang J1, Xu J2, An R3 Gait Posture. 2019 Jan 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of Autogenic Training in improving motor performances in Parkinson's disease. Ajimsha MS1, Majeed NA2, Chinnavan E3, Thulasyammal RP4. Complement Ther Med. 2014 Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of auricular acupuncture in the treatment of cancer pain: randomized clinical trial. Ruela LO1, Iunes DH2, Nogueira DA3, Stefanello J4, Gradim CVC1 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2018 Dec 13 VIEW
Effectiveness of auricular acupressure in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Puangsricharern A, Mahasukhon S. J Med Assoc Thai. 2008 Nov VIEW
Effectiveness of an online/offline mixed-mode Tai Chi cardiac rehabilitation program on microcirculation in patients with coronary artery disease: A randomized controlled study Shaojun Lyu1, Zaihao Chen1, Meize Cui1, Qiuyang Wei2, Yameng Li1, Hui Fang1, Mingyu Liu1, Linli Liu1, Jiahao Fu1, Jianwei Zhang1 Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2023 Sep 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of an Integrated Intervention Program for Alcoholism (IIPA) for enhancing self-regulation: Preliminary evidence. Kumar R1, Kumar KJ2, Benegal V3, Roopesh BN4, Ravi GS5 Asian J Psychiatr. 2019 May 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of alternative versus traditional exercises on cardiac rehabilitation program utilization in women with or at high risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review protocol Orathai Suebkinorn1,2, Joyce S Ramos1,2, Sherry L Grace3,4, Lemlem G Gebremichael1,2, Norma Bulamu1,2, Maria Alejandra Pinero de Plaza1,2,5, Hila A Dafny1,2, Vincent Pearson1,2, Sonia Hines2,6, Lance C Dalleck7, Jeff S Coombes8, Jeroen M Hendriks1,2,9, Robyn A Clark1,2, Alline Beleigoli1,2 JBI Evid Synth 2023 Jul 12 VIEW
Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercise and Tai Chi Interventions on Sleep Quality in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial Naomi Takemura1, Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Daniel Yee Tak Fong1, Anne Wing Mui Lee2,3, Tai-Chung Lam2,3,4, James Chung-Man Ho5, Tsz Yeung Kam6, Jeannie Yin Kwan Chik7, Chia-Chin Lin1,8,9 JAMA Oncol 2023 Dec 7 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture, special dressings and simple, low-adherence dressings for healing venous leg ulcers in primary healthcare: study protocol for a cluster-randomized open-labeled trial Vas J, Modesto M, Mendez C, Perea-Milla E, Aguilar I, Carrasco-Lozano JM, Faus V, Martos F BMC Complement Altern Med 2008 Jun 11 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture to treat irritable bowel syndrome: A meta-analysis. Chao GQ, Zhang S. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Feb 21 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture Therapy on Stress in a Large Urban College Population. Schroeder S1, Burnis J2, Denton A2, Krasnow A2, Raghu TS2, Mathis K2 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2017 Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture on Pain, Functional Disability, and Quality of Life in Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand: Results of a Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Seca S1,2,3, Patrício M2, Kirch S1,3, Franconi G4, Cabrita AS2, Greten HJ1,3 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Oct 16 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Treatment of Facial Spasm: A Meta-analysis. Wang QP, Bai M, Lei D. Altern Ther Health Med. 2012 May-Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture in treating schizophrenia: a clinical randomised trial about 31 patients. Bouhlel S, El-Hechmi S, Ghanmi L, Ghaouar M, Besbes C, Khaled M, Melki W, El-Hechmi Z. Tunis Med. 2011 Oct VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the treatment of Fibromyalgia B. Singh, Phi//Wen-Shuo Wu, Ml//et. al Altern Ther Health Med 2006 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the treatment of Fibromyalgia Singh BB//Wu WS//Hwang SH//Khorsan R//Der-Martirosian C//Vinjamury SP//Wang CN//Lin SY Altern Ther Health Med. 2006 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture for the initiation of labour at term: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Gaudet LM, Dyzak R, Aung SK, Smith GN. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008 Dec VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation in a Chinese Population. Ma E, Chan T, Zhang O, Yang JS, Wang YY, Li YC, Ho R, Lai C, Lam PY. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2013 Oct 4 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture for Parkinson\'s disease: A systematic review Lee MS, Shin BC, Kong JC, Ernst E Mov Disor 2008 Jul 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture for low back pain: a systematic review Yuan J, Purepong N, Kerr DP, Park J, Bradbury I, McDonough Spine 2008 Nov 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupuncture and bee venom acupuncture in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Cho SY, Shim SR, Rhee HY, Park HJ, Jung WS, Moon SK, Park JM, Ko CN, Cho KH, Park SU. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2012 May 24 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupressure on pruritus and lichenification associated with atopic dermatitis: a pilot trial. Lee KC, Keyes A, Hensley JR, Gordon JR, Kwasny MJ, West DP, Lio PA. Acupunct Med. 2011 Dec 28 VIEW
Effectiveness of acupressure and acustimulation in minimizing driving simulation adaptation syndrome. Cox DJ, Singh H, Cox DM. Mil Med. 2011 Dec VIEW
Effectiveness of Abdominal Acupuncture for Patients with Obesity-Type Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Zheng YH, Wang XH, Lai MH, Yao H, Liu H, Ma HX. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 May 15 VIEW
Effectiveness of a Therapeutic Tai Ji Quan Intervention vs a Multimodal Exercise Intervention to Prevent Falls Among Older Adults at High Risk of Falling: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Li F1,2, Harmer P3, Fitzgerald K4, Eckstrom E5, Akers L1, Chou LS6, Pidgeon D7, Voit J8, Winters-Stone K9 JAMA Intern Med. 2018 Sep 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of a tai-chi training and detraining on functional capacity, symptomatology and psychological outcomes in women with fibromyalgia. Romero-Zurita A, Carbonell-Baeza A, Aparicio VA, Ruiz JR, Tercedor P, Delgado-Fernández M. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Effectiveness of a Tai chi Qigong program in promoting health-related quality of life and perceived social support in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clients. Chan AW, Lee A, Suen LK, Tam WW. Qual Life Res 2010 Mar 15 VIEW
Effectiveness of a Tai Chi Intervention for Improving Functional Fitness and General Health Among Ethnically Diverse Older Adults With Self-Reported Arthritis Living in Low-Income Neighborhoods: A Cohort Study. Dogra S1, Shah S, Patel M, Tamim H. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2014 Apr 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of a red-visor cap for preventing light-induced melatonin suppression during simulated night work. Higuchi S, Fukuda T, Kozaki T, Takahashi M, Miura N. J Physiol Anthropol. 2011 VIEW
Effectiveness of a nurse-led Mindfulness-based Tai Chi Chuan (MTCC) program on Posttraumatic Growth and perceived stress and anxiety of breast cancer survivors Jia-Yuan Zhang1, Sha-Sha Li2, Li-Na Meng1, Yu-Qiu Zhou1 Eur J Psychotraumatol 2022 Feb 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of a Novel Qigong Meditative Movement Practice for Impaired Health in Flight Attendants Exposed to Second-Hand Cigarette Smoke. Payne P1, Fiering S1, Leiter JC2, Zava DT3, Crane-Godreau MA1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Feb 21 VIEW
Effectiveness of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy program as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy in patients with panic disorder. Kim B, Lee SH, Kim YW, Choi TK, Yook K, Suh SY, Cho SJ, Yook KH. J Anxiety Disord. 2010 Apr 3 VIEW
Effectiveness of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy program as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy in patients with panic disorder. Kim B, Lee SH, Kim YW, Choi TK, Yook K, Suh SY, Cho SJ, Yook KH. J Anxiety Disord. 2010 Aug VIEW
Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Childbirth Education Pilot Study on Maternal Self-Efficacy and Fear of Childbirth. Byrne J, Hauck Y, Fisher C, Bayes S, Schutze R. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2013 Dec 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of a mindfulness education program in primary health care professionals: a pragmatic controlled trial. Asuero AM, Queraltó JM, Pujol-Ribera E, Berenguera A, Rodriguez-Blanco T, Epstein RM. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2014 Jan VIEW
Effectiveness of a brief adjunctive yoga intervention for short-term mood and psychiatric symptom change during partial hospitalization. Chad-Friedman S1, Forgeard M1, McHugh K1, Beard C1, Kopeski L1, Björgvinsson T1 Psychiatr Rehabil J. 2018 Nov 8 VIEW
Effectiveness of a balance-focused exercise program for enhancing functional fitness of older adults at risk of falling: A randomised controlled trial. Zhao Y1, Chung PK2, Tong TK2 Geriatr Nurs. 2017 Mar 27 VIEW
Effectiveness guidance document (EGD) for acupuncture research - a consensus document for conducting trials. Witt CM, Aickin M, Baca T, Cherkin D, Haan MN, Hammerschlag R, Hao JJ, Kaplan GA, Lao L, McKay T, Pierce B, Riley D, Ritenbaugh C, Thorpe K, Tunis S, Weissberg J, Berman BM. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Sep 6 VIEW
Effectiveness evaluation of an integrated automatic termomechanic massage system (SMATH System) in nonspecific sub-acute and chronic low back pain - a randomized double-blinded controlled trial, comparing SMATH therapy versus sham therapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Buselli P, Bosoni R, Buse G, Fasoli P, La Scala E, Mazzolari R, Zanetti F, Messina S. Trials 2011 Oct 4 VIEW
Effectiveness and tolerability of acupuncture compared with metoprolol in migraine prophylaxis Streng, A., Linde, K., Hoppe, A., Pfaffenrath, V., Hammes, M., Wagenpfeil, S., Weidenhammer, W. & Melchart, D. Headache 2006 VIEW
Effectiveness and safety of Tai Chi for chronic pain of knee osteoarthritis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Guangxin Guo1,2, Boyi Wu3, Shengji Xie3, Jianghan Xu3, Xu Zhou1, Guanghui Wu3, Ping Lu1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Jan 14 VIEW
Effectiveness and safety of Baduanjin for schizophrenia: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Haiyuan Wu1, Kaiyuan Xue1, Aineng Peng1, Jianbo Chai2, Yonghou Zhao2 Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Dec 2 VIEW
Effectiveness and Risk Factors in Mindfulness Meditation Soláriková Petra, Bartolen Igor Adv Mind Body Med 2021 Fall VIEW
Effectiveness and Mechanisms of Mindfulness Training for School Teachers in Difficult Times: A Randomized Controlled Trial Kitty Ka Yee Tsang1, Kathy Kar-Man Shum2, Winnie Wai Lan Chan2, Shirley X Li2,3, Hong Wang Kwan1, Michael R Su1, Bernard Pak Ho Wong4, Shui-Fong Lam1 Mindfulness (N Y) 2021 Sep 16 VIEW
Effectiveness and mechanism of a 4-week online self-help mindfulness intervention among individuals with emotional distress during COVID-19 in China Ruilin Ju#1, Wingsze Chiu#1, Yinyin Zang1, Stefan G Hofmann2,3, Xinghua Liu4 BMC Psychol 2022 Jun 13 VIEW
Effectiveness and Estimation of Cost-Effectiveness of a Group-Based Multicomponent Physical Exercise Programme on Risk of Falling and Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Alhambra-Borrás T1, Durá-Ferrandis E2, Ferrando-García M3 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Jun 13 VIEW
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence (PREVENT): a randomised controlled trial Dr Willem Kuyken, PhDcorrespondenceemail, Rachel Hayes, PhD, Barbara Barrett, PhD, Richard Byng, PhD, Tim Dalgleish, PhD, David Kessler, PhD, Glyn Lewis, PhD, Edward Watkins, PhD, Claire Brejcha, BSc, Jessica Cardy, BSc, Aaron Causley, BSc, Suzanne Cowderoy, MSc, Alison Evans, MSc, Felix Gradinger, PhD, Surinder Kaur, BSc, Paul Lanham, Nicola Morant, PhD, Jonathan Richards, BSc, Pooja Shah, Harry Sutton, Rachael Vicary, PhD, Alice Weaver, BSc, Jenny Wilks, MSc, Matthew Williams, MSc, Rod S Taylor, PhD, Sarah Byford, PhD The Lancet 2015 Apr 20 VIEW
Effectiveness and Acceptance of Acupuncture in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Weiß J, Quante S, Xue F, Muche R, Reuss-Borst M. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jun 5 VIEW
Effectiveness and acceptability of noninvasive brain and nerve stimulation techniques for migraine prophylaxis: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Yu-Chen Cheng#1,2,3, Bing-Yan Zeng#4, Chao-Ming Hung#5,6, Kuan-Pin Su7,8,9, Yi-Cheng Wu10, Yu-Kang Tu11,12, Pao-Yen Lin13,14, Brendon Stubbs15,16,17, Andre F Carvalho18, Chih-Sung Liang19,20, Tien-Yu Chen21,22, Chih-Wei Hsu13, Andre R Brunoni23,24, Mein-Woei Suen25,26,27,28, Yow-Ling Shiue29, Ping-Tao Tseng30,31,32, Ming-Kung Wu33, Cheng-Ta Li34,35,36,37,38 J Headache Pain 2022 Feb 20 VIEW
Effective treatment of seborrheic dermatitis using a low dose, oral homeopathic medication consisting of potassium bromide, sodium bromide, nickel sulfate, and sodium chloride in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study Smith SA//Baker AE//Williams JH Altern Med Rev 2002 VIEW
Effective Strategies for Physical Activity Adherence in Heart Failure Patients: An Umbrella Review Hossein Karimi Moonaghi1,2,3, Shahnaz Ahrari4, Seyed Mousa Mahdizadeh1,2, Alireza Heidari Bakavoli5, Seyed Mohammad Riahi6 Iran J Public Health 2023 Sep 1 VIEW
Effective energy accumulation in the human body Huang Chenzhang 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Effective chronic low back pain and knee pain treatment with acupuncture in geriatric patients. Cevik C1, An I L A2, Işeri SO3. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2014 Nov 5 VIEW
Effective and Viable Mind-Body Stress Reduction in the Workplace: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Wolever RQ, Bobinet KJ, McCabe K, Mackenzie ER, Fekete E, Kusnick CA, Baime M. J Occup Health Psychol. 2012 Feb 20 VIEW
Effect to marked protein AFP and ATP quality of cancer cell with external qi Chen Yuanfeng 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Effect on sensational deafness by external force of qigong Yang Guisheng 1//Wang Jidong 1//Ren Huilan 2//Tiao Xiaodong 2 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Effect of Zhen Yuan Qigong on microcirculation of deaf-mutes Liu Sixuan 1//Deng Huizhen 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Effect of Zhan Zhuang Qigong on upper limb static tremor and aerobic exercise capacity in patients with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Linlin Zhang1, Xihua Liu2, Xiaoming Xi1, Yuxiao Chen1, Qing Wang1, Xinjie Qu1, Haihao Cao1, Limin Wang1, Wenyu Sun2, Guoming Chen2, Huifen Liu1, Xiaoyu Jiang1, Hang Su1, Jiahui Jiang1, Hongyan Bi3 BMJ Open 2022 Jul 12 VIEW
Effect of zero magnetic fields on initial growth of rice Sasaki S// Miao T Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 2002 VIEW
Effect of yogic training on serum LDH levels Pansare MS//Kulkarni AN//Pendse UB J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1989 VIEW
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