The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Mindfulness meditation alleviates depressive symptoms in women with fibromyalgia: results of a randomized clinical trial | Sephton S//Salmon P//Weissbecker I//Ulmer C//// | Arthritis Rheum | 2007 | VIEW |
Mindfulness Meditation Activates Altruism. | Iwamoto SK1,2, Alexander M3, Torres M3, Irwin MR4, Christakis NA3,5, Nishi A6 | Sci Rep. | 2020 Apr 16 | VIEW |
Mindfulness mediates the physiological markers of stress: Systematic review and meta-analysis. | Pascoe MC1, Thompson DR2, Jenkins ZM3, Ski CF4 | J Psychiatr Res. | 2017 Aug 23 | VIEW |
Mindfulness May Buffer Psychological Distress in Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Differential Role of Mindfulness Facets | Merle Kock1, Peter Kuppens1, Katleen Van der Gucht1, Filip Raes1 | Psychol Belg | 2021 Nov 22 | VIEW |
Mindfulness may be associated with less prosocial engagement among high intelligence individuals | Qingke Guo1,2, Sisi Li3, Jingu Liang3, Xinxin Yu4, Yiqing Lv5 | Sci Rep | 2023 Mar 14 | VIEW |
Mindfulness Matters: Utilization and Perceptions of Mindfulness Practices Among Athletic Trainers | Ashley Goodman1, Jennifer Howard1 | J Athl Train | 2021 Apr 13 | VIEW |
Mindfulness matters in the classroom: A pilot study of a university-wide classroom-based brief mindfulness program | Jesse Honsky1, Marjorie N Edguer2, Elizabeth R Click1, Suzanne Rusnak3, Barbara Burgess Van Aken4, Matthew A Salerno5, Kristen A Berg6 | J Am Coll Health | 2023 Jul 25 | VIEW |
Mindfulness keeps depression at bay as effectively as drugs. | [No authors listed] | Nurs Stand. | 2015 Apr 22 | VIEW |
Mindfulness is inversely associated with psychological symptoms in long-term cardiac arrest survivors | Alex Presciutti1,2, Jonathan Greenberg3,4, Ethan Lester3,4, Mary M Newman5, Jonathan Elmer6, Jonathan A Shaffer7, Ana-Maria Vranceanu3,4, Sarah M Perman8 | J Behav Med | 2022 Feb 14 | VIEW |
Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates the impact of fibromyalgia. | Pleman B1, Park M1, Han X1, Price LL2,3, Bannuru RR1,4, Harvey WF1, Driban JB1, Wang C5 | Clin Rheumatol. | 2019 Jun | VIEW |
Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates the impact of fibromyalgia. | Pleman B1, Park M1, Han X1, Price LL2,3, Bannuru RR1,4, Harvey WF1, Driban JB1, Wang C5 | Clin Rheumatol. | 2019 Jan 14 | VIEW |
Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates pain in knee osteoarthritis. | Lee AC1, Harvey WF2, Price LL3, Morgan LPK4, Morgan NL5, Wang C6 | Osteoarthritis Cartilage. | 2017 Jun | VIEW |
Mindfulness is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity between default mode and salience networks. | Doll A1, Hölzel BK2, Boucard CC3, Wohlschläger AM4, Sorg C5. | Front Hum Neurosci. | 2015 Aug 25 | VIEW |
Mindfulness interventions reduce blood pressure in patients with non-communicable diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | Intarakamhang U1, Macaskill A2, Prasittichok P3 | Heliyon. | 2020 Apr 28 | VIEW |
Mindfulness Interventions for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and Substance Use Disorders: A Review of the Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines [Internet]. | Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; | CADTH Rapid Response Reports. | 2015 Jun 19 | VIEW |
Mindfulness interventions for rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | Zhou B1, Wang G2, Hong Y3, Xu S1, Wang J3, Yu H1, Liu Y4, Yu L5 | Complement Ther Clin Pract. | 2020 Jan 11 | VIEW |
Mindfulness intervention for mild cognitive impairment led to attention-related improvements and neuroplastic changes: Results from a 9-month randomized control trial | Junhong Yu1, Iris Rawtaer2, Lei Feng3, Johnson Fam3, Alan Prem Kumar4, Irwin Kee-Mun Cheah5, William G Honer6, Wayne Su6, Yuan Kun Lee7, Ene Choo Tan8, Ee Heok Kua3, Rathi Mahendran9 | J Psychiatr Res | 2021 Jan 21 | VIEW |
Mindfulness intervention for child abuse survivors. | Kimbrough E, Magyari T, Langenberg P, Chesney M, Berman B. | J Clin Psychol | 2010 Jan | VIEW |
Mindfulness in the Maintenance of Cognitive Capacities in Alzheimer's Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. | Quintana-Hernández DJ1, Miró-Barrachina MT2, Ibáñez-Fernández IJ2, Pino AS3, Quintana-Montesdeoca MP3, Rodríguez-de Vera B4, Morales-Casanova D5, Pérez-Vieitez MD6, Rodríguez-García J7, Bravo-Caraduje N7. | J Alzheimers Dis. | 2015 Nov 30 | VIEW |
Mindfulness in psychiatry - where are we now? | Groves P1 | BJPsych Bull. | 2016 Dec | VIEW |