Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
'I can't accept that feeling': Relationships between interoceptive awareness, mindfulness and eating disorder symptoms in females with, and at-risk of an eating disorder. Lattimore P1, Mead BR2, Irwin L3, Grice L4, Carson R3, Malinowski P4 Psychiatry Res. 2016 Nov 16 VIEW
'I Do Not Exist': Pathologies of Self Among Western Buddhists. Pickering J1 J Relig Health. 2019 Mar 28 VIEW
'Total relaxation': Buddhist mindfulness-based intervention in laypersons and patients with cancer. Suwanvecho S1, Suwanvecho B2, Pongpirul K3,4 BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2018 Jul 25 VIEW
"A conscious control over life and my emotions:" mindfulness practice and healthy young people. A qualitative study. Monshat K, Khong B, Hassed C, Vella-Brodrick D, Norrish J, Burns J, Herrman H. J Adolesc Health. 2013 May VIEW
"Awareness is the first step": An interprofessional course on mindfulness & mindful-movement for healthcare professionals and students. Kinser P1, Braun S2, Deeb G3, Carrico C4, Dow A5 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Nov VIEW
"Decentering" reflects psychological flexibility in people with chronic pain and correlates with their quality of functioning. McCracken LM, Gutiérrez-Martínez O, Smyth C. Health Psychol. 2013 Jul VIEW
"Effect of pranayama and meditation as an add-on therapy in rehabilitation of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome-a randomized control pilot study" Sendhilkumar R, Gupta A, Nagarathna R, Taly AB. Disabil Rehabil. 2012 May 24 VIEW
"Hang the Flesh off the Bones": Cultivating an "Ideal Body" in Taijiquan and Neigong Xiujie Ma1,2, George Jennings3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Apr 21 VIEW
"I Felt Like a New Person." The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Older Adults With Chronic Pain: Qualitative Narrative Analysis of Diary Entries. Morone NE, Lynch CS, Greco CM, Tindle HA, Weiner DK. J Pain. 2008 Jun 10 VIEW
"I'm empowered to look after myself" - Mindfulness as a way to manage chronic pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of participant experiences in Scotland Fathima L Marikar Bawa1, Jane W Sutton2, Stewart W Mercer3, Christine M Bond4 Soc Sci Med 2021 May 25 VIEW
"Just This Breath…" How Mindfulness Meditation Can Shift Everything, Including Neural Connectivity. Sibinga EM1 EBioMedicine. 2016 Aug 3 VIEW
"Making Peace with Our Bodies": A Qualitative Analysis of Breast Cancer Survivors' Experiences with Qigong Mind-Body Exercise Kamila Osypiuk1, Karen Kilgore2, Jennifer Ligibel3, Gloria Vergara-Diaz4, Paolo Bonato4, Peter M Wayne1 J Altern Complement Med 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
"Mind the trap": mindfulness practice reduces cognitive rigidity. Greenberg J, Reiner K, Meiran N. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
"The Pain Doesn't Have to Control You." A Qualitative Evaluation of Three Pain Clinics Teaching Nonopioid Pain Management Strategies Marc T Braverman1, Karen M Volmar2, Diana J Govier3 Am J Health Promot 2022 Sep 2 VIEW
"To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before". Kelley KW1 Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Aug 14 VIEW
"We Really Need This": Trauma-Informed Yoga for Veteran Women with a history of Military Sexual Trauma Tosca D Braun1, Lisa A Uebelacker2, Mariana Ward3, Cathryn Glanton Holzhauer4, Kelly McCallister5, Ana Abrantes6 Complement Ther Med 2021 May 6 VIEW
[Acceptance- and mindfulness-based group intervention in advanced type 2 diabetes patients: therapeutic concept and practical experiences] Faude-Lang V, Hartmann M, Schmidt EM, Humpert P, Nawroth P, Herzog W. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 2010 May VIEW
[Active mind-body movement therapies and pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD] R Gauthier1, J Vassail2, J-P Croutaz2, C Raspaud3 Rev Mal Respir 2022 Feb 7 VIEW
[Chinese meditation pattern. Qi Gong: to learn from tigers and bears. Series: relaxation technic 1. Centers of vital energy] Wagner B Fortschr Med 1999 VIEW
[Complementary and alternative therapies for fibromyalgia syndrome : Systematic review, meta-analysis and guideline]. Langhorst J, Häuser W, Bernardy K, Lucius H, Settan M, Winkelmann A, Musial F. Schmerz. 2012 Jun VIEW
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