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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong Inhibits Activation of Akt, Erk/12 and NF-ĸB and Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells. Yan X, Shen H, Jiang H, Hu D, Wang J, Wu X. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2013 Jan 25 VIEW
External Qi Therapy to Treat Symptoms of Agent Orange Sequelae in Korean Combat Veterans of the Vietnam War Myeong Soo Lee//Won-Hong Woo The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2004 VIEW
External Qi's Effect on Lewis Lung Cancer and Its Transference Yu Weixian//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
External Qi's Function on Human Cancer Cells Feng Lida//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
External Qigong Effective in Treating Symptoms of PMS Michael D//Stretch K Acupuncture Today 2004 VIEW
External qigong for chronic pain. Vincent A, Hill J, Kruk KM, Cha SS, Bauer BA. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
External Qigong for Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials Lee MS//Pittler M//Ernst E J Pain. 2007  Aug 7 VIEW
External Qigong for Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials Lee MS//Pittler MH//Ernst E. J Pain. 2007 VIEW
External qigong therapy for chronic orofacial pain Chen K//Marbach JJ J Altern Complement Med 2002 VIEW
External qigong therapy for women with breast cancer prior to surgery. Cohen L, Zhen Chen, Arun B, Zhimin Shao, Dryden M, Linhhui Xu, Le-Petross C, Dogan B, McKenna BJ, Markman M, Babiera G. Integr Cancer Ther. 2010 Dec VIEW
External validity in randomised controlled trials of acupuncture for osteoarthritis knee pain. Purepong N, Jitvimonrat A, Sitthipornvorakul E, Eksakulkla S, Janwantanakul P. Acupunct Med. 2012 Jul 3 VIEW
Extinction of panicogenic effects of a 35% CO2 challenge in patients with panic disorder Schmidt NB//Trakowski JH//Staab JP J Abnorm Psychol 1997 VIEW
Extra-1 acupressure for children undergoing anesthesia Wang SM, Escalera S, Lin EC, Maranets I, Kain ZN Anesth Analg. 2008 Sep VIEW
Extra-telomeric Functions of Human Telomerase: Cancer, Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress. Saretzki G. Curr Pharm Des 2014 Jun 29 VIEW
EXTRACELLULAR miRNAs AS ACTIVATORS OF INNATE IMMUNE RECEPTORS. Bosisio D1, Gianello V1, Salvi V1, Sozzani S2 Cancer Lett. 2019 Mar 22 VIEW
Extracorporal Shock Waves Activate Migration, Proliferation and Inflammatory Pathways in Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes, and Improve Wound Healing in an Open-Label, Single-Arm Study in Patients with Therapy-Refractory Chronic Leg Ulcers. Aschermann I, Noor S, Venturelli S, Sinnberg T, Mnich CD, Busch C Cell Physiol Biochem. 2017 VIEW
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy and ultrasound therapy improve pain and function in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. A randomized controlled trial. Paoloni M1, Tavernese E, Cacchio A, D'orazi V, Ioppolo F, Fini M, Santilli V, Mangone M Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2015 Oct VIEW
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy as an Adjunct Wound Treatment: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Dymarek R1, Halski T2, Ptaszkowski K3, Slupska L4, Rosinczuk J Prof1, Taradaj J Prof5. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2014 Jul VIEW
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy as an adjunct wound treatment: a systematic review of the literature. Dymarek R, Halski T, Ptaszkowski K, Slupska L, Rosinczuk J, Taradaj J Ostomy Wound Manage. 2014 Jul VIEW
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is effective in treating chronic plantar fasciitis: A meta-analysis of RCTs. Sun J1, Gao F, Wang Y, Sun W, Jiang B, Li Z Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Apr VIEW
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