Experimental research of gamma radioactive field of an outside vital energy of qigong

Author: Qian Chengyao 1//Li Chongxiang 1//Zhai Xingyao 1//Deng Mingxia 2//Chen Linfeng 3
Human Body Science Research Center, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China [1] //Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an, China [2] //Science and Research Center of Huiliangong, Huiliangong, China [3]
Conference/Journal: 2nd Int Conf on Qigong
Date published: 1989
Other: Pages: 22 , Word Count: 654

In order to reveal some mysteries of peculiar capability on outside vital energy of qigong, we have done many experiments and research on characteristics of an outside vital energy of qigong in recent years. This paper describes some of test results of radioactive field of outside vital energy of qigong.

1. The test apparatus and experimental method

Fig 1 is diagram of test apparatus. For experiment we use
G--M counter and Nal(Tl) scintillation counter as well as 241 AL gamma ray source which Ac is 40 mci.

Fig. 1 Block Diagram of measurement

outside vital -> |
energy of qigong -> | 241Am | -> | detector | -> | scalar |
-> | source |

(l) Experimental method

We use relative measuring method to perform the experimental research on outside vital energy of qigong. At first, we measure radioactive background of universe Gamma, then measure radioactive counting value of outside vital energy of qigong which granted by qigong great master, both counting values are compared each other with statistics method of mathematics at last.

(2) The description of experiment

The test steps are as follow: measure radioactive background of universe Gamma before every experiment, then measure count value in following three circumstances.

a) The qigong master grants outside vital energy toward Gamma source from forefinger and middle finger.

b) The qigong master grants outside vital energy toward Gamma ray detector from forefinger, middle finger and Laogong region.

c) The qigong master grants outside vital energy from the pubic region.

2. The experimental results

All of the experimental data are given as Table. 1 to Table. 3.

Table 1 The experimental data of first time

measuring values (Cp10s) granting
[gamma basic number Nb=563783/10s] region

55007 538828 507156 386645 426197
405539 203460 483576 507121 508458 forefinger
587683 622167 622492 614867 607973 and
518836 587425 488600 541204 597277 middle finger

562074 721495 739507 716608 825239
1401791 1320676 1322754 1335421 1328000 forefinger
1421535 1258527 1323238 1365212 1286838 and
1268226 1267312 1245371 1301792 1284720 middle finger
1315899 1211234 1127142

Measurement using Nal(T1) counter

Table .2 The data of second experiment

measuring values (Cp10s) granting
[gamma basic number Nb=10/10s] region

7 11 5 8 6 9 14 8 7 fingers and
11 11 14 8 10 10 16 16 18 laogong

* measurement using G-M counter without gamma source

Table.3 The data of third experiment

measuring values (CplOs) granting
[gamma basic number Nb=6860/10s] region

7025 7080 7109 7728 7739 pubic region

* measurement with Nal(t1) counter

3. The results analysis and conclusion

We treated these dt with statistics method and illustrated diagrams as Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

l) In the first experiment, the Gamma counting value of outside vital energy of qigong may decrease under 3 sigma of Y background and may increase to 3 sigma of Y background. Fig. 2 shows that great majority counting values of outside vital energy of qigong are greater 3 sigma than gamma background. The peek value of count exceeds about 15 sigma and intensity is greater . This shows incraese of count is the result of outside vital energy of qigong entirely. In Fig. 2, P*(delta) is the total probability when is greater than integer time, here delta = Nq-Nb. P(delta) is the probability of integer time difference value between count Nq and basic value Nb.

2) In second experiment, we measured 18 values, among them the believable degree of measuring count of probability above 28 percent is greater than 0.95. But, according to statistics counting, the total probability of 0.95 believable degree is 0.05 only. Fig. 3 gives the curve of this experiment.

3) In third time, qigong master grants outside vital energy from pubic region, we measure S values (data is in Table 3), among them counting values are near or greater than Nb+3 probability 0.003 of statistics distribution greatly. Among four values, the probability that counting values are greater than Nb+10 is about 0.2.

The test results show that outside vital energy of qigong granted by master Chen Linfeng concludes stronger photons, i.e electron magnetic waves with higher frequency. It enables counting value of counter increase or decrease. The intensities which comes from different regions are difference, the effect of outside vital energy of qigong form pubic region is obvious to counter. This maybe shows that the resistances of human body channels (main and collateral channels) are difference. This conclusion is similar approximately for different qigong masters, it can provide a little of data for research of qigong mechanism of human body.