Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Understanding Human Autoimmunity and Autoinflammation Through Transcriptomics. Banchereau R1, Cepika AM1, Banchereau J2, Pascual V1 Annu Rev Immunol. 2017 Jan 30 VIEW
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Its Effects on Psychoimmunological Factors of Chemically Pulmonary Injured Veterans. Arefnasab Z1, Babamahmoodi A2, Babamahmoodi F3, Noorbala AA4, Alipour A5, Panahi Y6, Shams J7, Riazi Rad F8, Khaze V8, Ghanei M9 Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 Dec VIEW
Electroacupuncture analgesia with different frequencies is mediated via different opioid pathways in acute visceral hyperalgesia rats. Qi D1, Wu S1, Zhang Y1, Li W2 Life Sci. 2016 Sep 1 VIEW
The effect of auricular acupressure on nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among breast cancer patients. Eghbali M1, Yekaninejad MS2, Varaei S3, Jalalinia SF4, Samimi MA5, Sa'atchi K6 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation training on biological acute stress responses in generalized anxiety disorder. Hoge EA1, Bui E2, Palitz SA3, Schwarz NR3, Owens ME3, Johnston JM4, Pollack MH5, Simon NM2 Psychiatry Res. 2017 Jan 25 VIEW
Baduanjin Mind-Body Intervention Improves the Executive Control Function. Chen T1, Yue GH2, Tian Y3, Jiang C4 Front Psychol. 2017 Jan 13 VIEW
Salute to the sun: a new dawn in yoga therapy for breast cancer. Galliford M1, Robinson S2, Bridge P3, Carmichael M4 J Med Radiat Sci. 2017 Jan 30 VIEW
Effects of a 12-week program of Tai Chi exercise on the kidney disease quality of life and physical functioning of patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Chang JH1, Koo M2, Wu SW3, Chen CY4 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Difference in muscle activation patterns during high-speed versus standard-speed yoga: A randomized sequence crossover study. Potiaumpai M1, Martins MC2, Wong C3, Desai T4, Rodriguez R5, Mooney K6, Signorile JF7 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Effect of Yoga practice on reducing cognitive-motor interference for improving dynamic balance control in healthy adults. Subramaniam S1, Bhatt T2 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Effectiveness of Spiritist "passe" (Spiritual healing) for anxiety levels, depression, pain, muscle tension, well-being, and physiological parameters in cardiovascular inpatients: A randomized controlled trial. Carneiro ÉM1, Barbosa LP2, Marson JM2, Terra JA Junior2, Martins CJ2, Modesto D2, Resende LA2, Borges MF3 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Quantitative changes in testicular structure and function in rat exposed to mobile phone radiation. Çetkin M1, Kızılkan N1, Demirel C2, Bozdağ Z3, Erkılıç S3, Erbağcı H4 Andrologia. 2017 Jan 26 VIEW
The effects of electromagnetic radiation (2450 MHz wireless devices) on the heart and blood tissue: role of melatonin. Gumral N, Saygin M, Asci H, Uguz AC, Celik O, Doguc DK, Savas HB, Comlekci S Bratisl Lek Listy. 2016 VIEW
Scar Remodeling with the Association of Monopolar Capacitive Radiofrequency, Electric Stimulation, and Negative Pressure. Nicoletti G1,2,3, Perugini P4, Bellino S1, Capra P4, Malovini A5, Jaber O6, Tresoldi M1,3, Faga A1,2,3 Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Jan 24 VIEW
Breathing as a Fundamental Rhythm of Brain Function. Heck DH1, McAfee SS1, Liu Y1, Babajani-Feremi A2, Rezaie R3, Freeman WJ4, Wheless JW3, Papanicolaou AC2, Ruszinkó M5, Sokolov Y6, Kozma R7 Front Neural Circuits. 2017 Jan 12 VIEW
Effects of yoga versus hydrotherapy training on health-related quality of life and exercise capacity in patients with heart failure: A randomized controlled study. Hägglund E1, Hagerman I1, Dencker K1, Strömberg A2,3,4 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2017 Jan 1 VIEW
Gene expression profiling analysis of the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on induced pluripotent stem cells-derived neural crest stem cells. Xia B1,2, Zou Y1,2, Xu Z1,2, Lv Y1,2 Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2017 Jan 26 VIEW
Effect of combined music and touch intervention on pain response and β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in late preterm infants. Qiu J1, Jiang YF2, Li F1, Tong QH1, Rong H1, Cheng R3 BMC Pediatr. 2017 Jan 26 VIEW
Feel the beat: Music exploits our brain's ability to predict and the dopamine-reward system to instill pleasure. Weigmann K1 EMBO Rep. 2017 Jan 26 VIEW
Scanning Ultrasound (SUS) Causes No Changes to Neuronal Excitability and Prevents Age-Related Reductions in Hippocampal CA1 Dendritic Structure in Wild-Type Mice. Hatch RJ1, Leinenga G1, Götz J1 PLoS One. 2016 Oct 11 VIEW
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