Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Comparing the Changes in Blood Pressure After Acute Exposure to Tai Chi and Walking. Maris SA1,2, Winter CR1, Paolone VJ1, Headley SAE1 Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Telomeres and telomerase: three decades of progress. Shay JW1, Wright WE2 Nat Rev Genet. 2019 Feb 13 VIEW
Self-Regulation of Breathing as an Adjunctive Treatment of Insomnia. Jerath R1, Beveridge C1, Barnes VA2 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Jan 29 VIEW
Long-Term Tai Chi Experience Promotes Emotional Stability and Slows Gray Matter Atrophy for Elders. Liu S1, Li L1,2, Liu Z3,4, Guo X1,2,3,5 Front Psychol. 2019 Jan 30 VIEW
Effects of live music during chemotherapy in lymphoma patients: a randomized, controlled, multi-center trial. Bro ML1,2, Johansen C3,4, Vuust P5, Enggaard L6, Himmelstrup B7, Mourits-Andersen T8, Brown P9, d'Amore F10, Andersen EAW11, Abildgaard N12,13,14, Gram J15 Support Care Cancer. 2019 Feb 14 VIEW
Chen-Style Tai Chi for Individuals (Aged 50 Years Old or Above) with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Liu J1, Yeung A2, Xiao T3, Tian X4, Kong Z5, Zou L6, Wang X7 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
Mindfulness Improves Emotion Regulation and Executive Control on Bereaved Individuals: An fMRI Study. Huang FY1, Hsu AL2, Hsu LM3, Tsai JS4,5, Huang CM6, Chao YP7, Hwang TJ8, Wu CW9,10 Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Jan 28 VIEW
The Association Between Yoga Use, Physical Function, and Employment in Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Greysen HM1, Hong OS, Katz P Holist Nurs Pract. 2019 Mar/Apr VIEW
Capturing the complexity of mental disorders in the medically ill: the network approach on behavioral medicine. van der Lee ML1, Schellekens MPJ1 Transl Behav Med. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
Emotion regulation and burnout in doctors: a systematic review. Jackson-Koku G1, Grime P2 Occup Med (Lond). 2019 Feb 7 VIEW
Acupuncture (PDQ®): Health Professional Version. PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board. PDQ Cancer Information Summaries [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US) 2019 Feb 5 VIEW
Music Therapy and Physical Activity to Ease Anxiety, Restlessness, Irritability, and Aggression in Individuals With Dementia With Signs of Frontotemporal Lobe Degeneration. Langhammer B, Sagbakken M, Kvaal K, Ulstein I, Nåden D, Rognstad MK J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2019 Feb 8 VIEW
E ect of the pulsed electromagnetic field on the release of inflammatory mediators from adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in rats. Baranowska A1, Skowron B1, Gil K1, Kaszuba-Zwoińska J2 Folia Med Cracov. 2018 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi on Cerebral Haemodynamics and Health-related Outcomes in Older Community Adults at Risk of Ischaemic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Zheng G1, Zheng X2, Li J2, Duan T3, Ling K3, Tao J4, Chen L5 J Aging Phys Act. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
Effects of a Twelve-Week Tai Chi intervention in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cruz-Díaz D1, Kim KM2, Hita-Contreras F1, Bergamin M3, Aibar-Almazán A1, Martínez-Amat A1 J Sport Rehabil. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Balance Function of Stroke Patients: A Meta-Analysis. Wu S1, Chen J2, Wang S3, Jiang M3, Wang X3, Wen Y3 Med Sci Monit Basic Res. 2018 Dec 3 VIEW
Self-Care Strategies for Professional Development: Transcendental Meditation Reduces Compassion Fatigue and Improves Resilience for Nurses. Bonamer JR1, Aquino-Russell C J Nurses Prof Dev. 2019 Feb 7 VIEW
Modulation of Cerebellar Cortical Plasticity Using Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Poststroke Sensorimotor Function Recovery. Baek H1,2, Pahk KJ1, Kim MJ1, Youn I1,2, Kim H1,2 Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2018 Sep VIEW
The neuroanatomy of long-term meditators. Luders E1, Kurth F2 Curr Opin Psychol. 2018 Dec 27 VIEW
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