Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18844 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Psychological Interventions for the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Adults Mary A Driscoll1,2, Robert R Edwards3,4, William C Becker1,2, Ted J Kaptchuk4,5, Robert D Kerns1,2 Psychol Sci Public Interest 2021 Sep 1 VIEW
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 1: Origins of the conflict Claire D Johnson, Bart N Green J Chiropr Educ 2021 Sep 1 VIEW
Effects of Health Qigong in Improving the Cervical and Lumbar Disc Disease and Mental Health Status of Sedentary Young and Middle-Aged Faculties Bin Li1 Iran J Public Health 2021 Jun 1 VIEW
Fracture Nonunions and Delayed Unions Treated With Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy: A Clinical Series Kavyansh Bhan1, Ronak Patel1, Kamrul Hasan1, Mahesh Pimplé1, Sucheta Sharma2, Varsha Nandwana3, Mhafrin Basta4 Cureus 2021 Aug 10 VIEW
Application of a Neural Network Classifier to Radiofrequency-Based Osteopenia/Osteoporosis Screening Johnathan W Adams1, Ziming Zhang1, Gregory M Noetscher1,2, Ara Nazarian3,4, Sergey N Makarov1,2,5 IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med 2021 Aug 30 VIEW
The gut, its microbiome, and the brain: connections and communications Michael D Gershon1, Kara Gross Margolis2 J Clin Invest 2021 Sep 15 VIEW
Psychological Interventions Can Reduce Injury Risk in Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic Shauna Ericksen, Geoff Dover, Richard DeMont J Sport Rehabil 2021 Sep 15 VIEW
Parkinson's Disease and Gut Microbiota Masaaki Hirayama1, Kinji Ohno2 Ann Nutr Metab 2021 Sep 9 VIEW
tVNS in the management of headache and pain Andreas Straube1, Ozan Eren2 Auton Neurosci 2021 Aug 31 VIEW
Effects of Non-Pharmacological Treatment on Pain, Flexibility, Balance and Quality of Life in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomised Clinical Trial Juan Rodríguez-Mansilla1, Abel Mejías-Gil1, Elisa María Garrido-Ardila1, María Jiménez-Palomares1, Jesús Montanero-Fernández2, María Victoria González-López-Arza1 J Clin Med 2021 Aug 26 VIEW
Precision and the Bayesian brain Daniel Yon1, Chris D Frith2 Curr Biol 2021 Sep 13 VIEW
Histological Analysis of Bone Callus in Delayed Union Model Fracture Healing Stimulated with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) U Umiatin1,2, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo3, Puji Sari4, Sastra Kusuma Wijaya5 Scientifica (Cairo) 2021 Aug 25 VIEW
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Novel Attractive Therapeutic Opportunity for Neuroprotection After Acute Cerebral Ischemia Fioravante Capone1, Simona Salati2, Fabrizio Vincenzi3, Micaela Liberti4, Giorgio Aicardi5, Francesca Apollonio4, Katia Varani3, Ruggero Cadossi2, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro1 Neuromodulation 2021 Sep 4 VIEW
Effects of Diaphragmatic Breathing and Systematic Relaxation on Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Abhishek Yadav1, Rajeev Mohan Kaushik2, Reshma Kaushik3 Int J Yoga Therap 2021 Sep 7 VIEW
Impact of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Large-Scale Functional Brain Networks: From Local to Global Thorsten Rings1,2, Randi von Wrede1, Timo Bröhl1,2, Sophia Schach1, Christoph Helmstaedter1, Klaus Lehnertz1,2,3 Front Physiol 2021 Aug 20 VIEW
Probiotics: Potential novel therapeutics for microbiota-gut-brain axis dysfunction across gender and lifespan Shikha Snigdha1, Kevin Ha1, Paul Tsai1, Timothy G Dinan2, Jeremy D Bartos3, Mohammed Shahid4 Pharmacol Ther 2021 Sep 4 VIEW
Association Between Physical Exercise and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study Yingjun Nie1, Yuanyan Ma2, Yankong Wu3, Jiahui Li3, Ting Liu3, Ce Zhang3, Chennan Lv3, Jie Zhu4 Front Psychiatry 2021 Aug 16 VIEW
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Novel Attractive Therapeutic Opportunity for Neuroprotection After Acute Cerebral Ischemia Fioravante Capone1, Simona Salati2, Fabrizio Vincenzi3, Micaela Liberti4, Giorgio Aicardi5, Francesca Apollonio4, Katia Varani3, Ruggero Cadossi2, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro1 Neuromodulation 2021 Sep 4 VIEW
Toward understanding respiratory sinus arrhythmia: relations to cardiac vagal tone, evolution and biobehavioral functions Paul Grossman1, Edwin W Taylor Biol Psychol 2007 Feb 1 VIEW
Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Pain Used by Patients with Pain, HIV, and Depression Lisa A Uebelacker1,2, Emily M Cherenack3,4, Andrew Busch5,6, Jason V Baker5,6, Megan Pinkston3,7, Neil Gleason5, Stephanie Madden7, Celeste M Caviness3,4, Michael D Stein3,4,8 AIDS Behav 2021 Sep 1 VIEW
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