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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Fetal response to abbreviated relaxation techniques. A randomized controlled study. Fink NS, Urech C, Isabel F, Meyer A, Hoesli I, Bitzer J, Alder J. Early Hum Dev. 2010 Dec 23 VIEW
Fibromyalgia Impact and Mindfulness Characteristics in 4986 People with Fibromyalgia. Jones KD1, Mist SD2, Casselberry MA3, Ali A4, Christopher MS5. Explore (NY). 2015 Apr 28 VIEW
Fidelity and feasibility of a multicomponent physical activity intervention in a retirement community. Zhang Z1, Giordani B2, Chen W3 Geriatr Nurs. 2019 Dec 31 VIEW
FIELD CONCEPTS AND THE EMERGENCE OF A HOLISTIC BIOPHYSICS MARCO BISCHOF Published in: Beloussov, L.V., Popp, F.A., Voeikov, V.L., and Van Wijk, R., (eds.): Biophotonics and Coherent Systems. Moscow University Press, Moscow 2000, pp.1-25. 2000 VIEW
Field model of consciousness: EEG coherence changes as indicators of field effects Travis FT//Orme-Johnson DW Int J Neurosci 1989 VIEW
Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation. Genuis SJ. Public Health. 2008 Feb VIEW
Fifteen minutes of chair-based yoga postures or guided meditation performed in the office can elicit a relaxation response. Melville GW, Chang D, Colagiuri B, Marshall PW, Cheema BS. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Fifteen-day Acupuncture Treatment Relieves Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Tong Y, Guo H, Han B. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2010 Jun VIEW
Fifteen-minute music intervention reduces pre-radiotherapy anxiety in oncology patients. Chen LC, Wang TF, Shih YN, Wu LJ. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2012 Dec 3 VIEW
Fifty cases of chloasma treated by acupuncture plus intensive pulse light irradiation Chen W. J Tradit Chin Med 2007 Dec VIEW
Fifty-Hertz electromagnetic fields facilitate the induction of rat bone mesenchymal stromal cells to differentiate into functional neurons. Bai WF, Xu WC, Feng Y, Huang H, Li XP, Deng CY, Zhang MS. Cytotherapy. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Finally, a regimen to extend human life expectancy. Larrick J1, Mendelsohn AR2,3 Rejuvenation Res. 2018 May 21 VIEW
First clinical trial of tomographic neurofeedback in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Evaluation of voluntary cortical control. Liechti MD, Maurizio S, Heinrich H, Jäncke L, Meier L, Steinhausen HC, Walitza S, Drechsler R, Brandeis D. Clin Neurophysiol. 2012 May 17 VIEW
First Use of a Brief 60-second Mindfulness Exercise in an Orthopedic Surgical Practice; Results from a Pilot Study. Chad-Friedman E1, Talaei-Khoei M1, Ring D1, Vranceanu AM1 Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2017 Nov VIEW
First, second and third set of walking exercises with moderate nose-breathing [Quo Lin qigong] Lin Guo Qigong & Health 1991 VIEW
FIVE CIRCLE QIGONG AGAINST SENILITY Liu Faxiang 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Five questions on intentionality, science, and mind-body medicine Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Five weeks of intermittent transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation shape neural networks: a machine learning approach Martina A Obst1, Arkan Al-Zubaidi2, Marcus Heldmann1, Janis Marc Nolde3, Nick Blümel4, Swantje Kannenberg4, Thomas F Münte5,6 Brain Imaging Behav 2021 Dec 29 VIEW
Five-week yin yoga-based interventions decreased plasma adrenomedullin and increased psychological health in stressed adults: A randomized controlled trial. Daukantaitė D1, Tellhed U1, Maddux RE1, Svensson T2,3, Melander O2,4 PLoS One. 2018 Jul 18 VIEW
Flexibility exercise training for adults with fibromyalgia. Kim SY1, Busch AJ, Overend TJ, Schachter CL, van der Spuy I, Boden C, Góes SM, Foulds HJ, Bidonde J Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 Sep 2 VIEW
Flexibility, functional autonomy and quality of life (QoL) in elderly yoga practitioners. Gonçalves LC, Vale RG, Barata NJ, Varejão RV, Dantas EH. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2010 Dec 15 VIEW
Flexible Body-Conformal Ultrasound Patches for Image-Guided Neuromodulation. Pashaei V, Dehghanzadeh P, Enwia G, Bayat M, Majerus SJA, Mandal S IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2019 Dec 12 VIEW
Flow as an Embodied State. Informed Awareness of Slackline Walking. Montull L1, Vázquez P1, Rocas L1, Hristovski R2, Balagué N1 Front Psychol. 2020 Jan 10 VIEW
Flow With Nature Treatment for Depression: Participants' Experiences Kirsi Salonen1, Katriina Hyvönen2, Jane-Veera Paakkolanvaara3, Kalevi Korpela1 Front Psychol 2022 Jan 5 VIEW
FLOW: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Book. Harper and Row. 1990 VIEW
Fluid intelligence and brain functional organization in aging yoga and meditation practitioners. Gard T1, Taquet M2, Dixit R3, Hölzel BK4, de Montjoye YA5, Brach N6, Salat DH7, Dickerson BC8, Gray JR9, Lazar SW8. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Apr 22 VIEW
Fluorescence polarization imaging for delineating nonmelanoma skin cancers. Yaroslavsky AN, Neel V, Anderson RR. Opt Lett. 2004 Sep 1 VIEW
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy imaging of live cell protein localizations. Sekar RB, Periasamy A. J Cell Biol. 2003 Mar 3 VIEW
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging of cell signaling from in vitro to in vivo: Basis of biosensor construction, live imaging, and image processing. Aoki K, Kamioka Y, Matsuda M. Dev Growth Differ. 2013 Feb 7 VIEW
Fluorescence-based detection and quantification of features of cellular senescence. Cho S, Hwang ES. Methods Cell Biol. 2011 VIEW
FMRI Connectivity Analysis of Acupuncture Effects on an Amygdala-Associated Brain Network Qin W, Tian J, Bai L, Pan X, Yang L, Chen P, Dai J, Ai L, Zhao B, Gong Q, Wang W, von Deneen KM, Liu Y Mol Pain 2008 Nov 13 VIEW
FMRI connectivity analysis of acupuncture effects on the whole brain network in mild cognitive impairment patients. Feng Y, Bai L, Ren Y, Chen S, Wang H, Zhang W, Tian J. Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 Mar 27 VIEW
fMRI during Transcendental Meditation practice. Mahone MC1, Travis F2, Gevirtz R1, Hubbard D3 Brain Cogn. 2018 Mar 2 VIEW
FMRI evidence of acupoints specificity in two adjacent acupoints. Liu H, Xu JY, Li L, Shan BC, Nie BB, Xue JQ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
fMRI study of effect on brain activity according to stimulation method at LI11, ST36: painful pressure and acupuncture stimulation of same acupoints. Cho SY, Jahng GH, Park SU, Jung WS, Moon SK, Park JM. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Apr VIEW
fMRI Study of Pain Reaction in the Brain under State of "Qigong" Yu WL, Li XQ, Tang WJ, Li Y, Weng XC, Chen YZ Am J Chin Med 2007 VIEW
Focus on the Breath: Brain Decoding Reveals Internal States of Attention During Meditation Helen Y Weng1,2,3, Jarrod A Lewis-Peacock4, Frederick M Hecht1,5, Melina R Uncapher2, David A Ziegler2, Norman A S Farb6, Veronica Goldman1, Sasha Skinner1,2, Larissa G Duncan1,7, Maria T Chao1,5, Adam Gazzaley2 Front Hum Neurosci 2020 Aug 28 VIEW
Focused attention in a simple dichotic listening task: a fMRI experiment Jancke L 1//Specht K 2//Shah JN 3//Hugdahl K 4 Cognitive Brain Research 2003 VIEW
Focused attention meditation in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional functional MRI studies Saampras Ganesan1, Emillie Beyer2, Bradford Moffat3, Nicholas T Van Dam4, Valentina Lorenzetti5, Andrew Zalesky6 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Sep 3 VIEW
Focused attention meditation training modifies neural activity and attention: longitudinal EEG data in non-meditators. Yoshida K1, Takeda K2, Kasai T3, Makinae S4, Murakami Y5, Hasegawa A6, Sakai S1 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2020 Feb 12 VIEW
Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions. Travis F, Shear J. Conscious Cogn. 2010 Dec VIEW
Focused Electrical Blasts Significantly Increase Survival for Patients with Pancreatic Cancer newswise newswise 2015 Aug 25 VIEW
Focused Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Enhances Bone Regeneration in Rat Calvarial Bone Defect through Enhancement of Cell Proliferation. Jung YJ1, Kim R2, Ham HJ1, Park SI1, Lee MY3, Kim J4, Hwang J5, Park MS1, Yoo SS6, Maeng LS1, Chang W7, Chung YA8. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Apr VIEW
Focused Ultrasound Treatment, Present and Future. Abe K1, Taira T1 Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2017 Aug 15 VIEW
Focused Ultrasound-Induced Neurogenesis Requires an Increase in Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Mooney SJ1, Shah K1, Yeung S1, Burgess A1, Aubert I2,3, Hynynen K1,4 PLoS One. 2016 Jul 26 VIEW
Focused Ultrasound: An Emerging Therapeutic Modality for Neurologic Disease. Fishman PS1, Frenkel V2 Neurotherapeutics. 2017 Apr VIEW
Folate-conjugated gene-carrying microbubbles with focused ultrasound for concurrent blood-brain barrier opening and local gene delivery. Fan CH1, Chang EL1, Ting CY1, Lin YC2, Liao EC3, Huang CY4, Chang YC5, Chan HL3, Wei KC4, Yeh CK6 Biomaterials. 2016 Nov VIEW
Follow the Nature -- On Primitive Qigong Li Yongchang 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Follow your breath: Respiratory interoceptive accuracy in experienced meditators. Daubenmier J, Sze J, Kerr CE, Kemeny ME, Mehling W. Psychophysiology. 2013 May 22 VIEW
Follow-up of psychotic disorders caused by Qigong in 29 cases Bai L//Wang Y//Hou R Journal of Chinese Mental Health 1997 VIEW
Follow-up of Yoga of Awareness for Fibromyalgia: Results at 3 Months and Replication in the Wait-list Group. Carson JW, Carson KM, Jones KD, Mist SD, Bennett RM. Clin J Pain. 2012 Jun 28 VIEW
Following the Rhythm of the Heart: HeartMath Institute's Path to HRV Biofeedback Rollin McCraty1 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2022 Jun 22 VIEW
Folsom prison qigong Tretheway J 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Foods & qigong for prevention of diseases Wu Tom//Wu Janet 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Foods & qigong for prevention of diseases and to increase the immune system naturally Wu T//Wu J 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Foot and hand massage as an intervention for postoperative pain Wang HL//Keck JF Pain Manag Nurs 2004 VIEW
Foot Forces Induced through Tai Chi Push-Hand Exercises. Wong SH, Ji T, Hong Y, Fok SL, Wang L. J Appl Biomech. 2012 Aug 23 VIEW
Foot massage evokes oxytocin release and activation of orbitofrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus. Li Q1, Becker B1, Wernicke J2, Chen Y1, Zhang Y1, Li R3, Le J1, Kou J1, Zhao W4, Kendrick KM5 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 Nov 14 VIEW
Foot massage. A nursing intervention to modify the distressing symptoms of pain and nausea in patients hospitalized with cancer Grealish L//Lomasney A//Whiteman B Cancer Nurs 2000 VIEW
Forced acoustic oscillations of biological cell. Kharlanov AV1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Aug 24 VIEW
Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy. Luders E1, Cherbuin N2, Kurth F1. Front Psychol. 2015 Jan 21 VIEW
Formation and Development of bionical qigong Hou Wei 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Forty cases of gastrointestinal neurosis treated by acupunture Zhao Y, Ding M, Wang Y J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Mar VIEW
Forty-six cases of acute cerebral infarction treated with the combined use of acupuncture and drugs Guo Z. J Tradit Chin Med 2007 Dec VIEW
Forty-two cases of greater occipital neuralgia treated by acupuncture plus acupoint-injection. Pan C, Tan G. J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Sep VIEW
Four hugs a day using therapeutic touch Mooney A Br J Theatre Nurs 1995 VIEW
Four kinds of traditional Chinese exercise therapy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis Yuqi Jia1, Hailiang Huang2, Ying Yu3, Hongling Jia4, Yongchen Zhang5 Syst Rev 2023 Dec 13 VIEW
Four-week Tai Chi intervention decreases attention bias to drug cues in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder Meiheng He1,2, Suyong Yang1, Yue Miao1, Weikun Zhang1, Dong Zhu3, Ding Xu4 Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2021 Jul 30 VIEW
Fourteen Channel Exercise [Heavenly Circle Qigong] Li Zaikun Qigong & Health 1991 VIEW
Fractal Correlation Properties of Heart Rate Variability as a Biomarker for Intensity Distribution and Training Prescription in Endurance Exercise: An Update Bruce Rogers1, Thomas Gronwald2 Front Physiol 2022 May 9 VIEW
Fractal correlation properties of heart rate variability as a biomarker of endurance exercise fatigue in ultramarathon runners Bruce Rogers1, Laurent Mourot2,3, Gregory Doucende4, Thomas Gronwald5 Physiol Rep 2021 Jul 1 VIEW
Fractal dimension of cortical functional connectivity networks & severity of disorders of consciousness Thomas F Varley1,2,3, Michael Craig1,2, Ram Adapa1, Paola Finoia1, Guy Williams4, Judith Allanson5, John Pickard4,6, David K Menon1,4, Emmanuel A Stamatakis1,2 PLoS One 2020 Feb 13 VIEW
Fractal dynamics in physiology: alterations with disease and aging Ary L Goldberger1, Luis A N Amaral, Jeffrey M Hausdorff, Plamen Ch Ivanov, C-K Peng, H Eugene Stanley Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Feb 19 VIEW
Fractal mechanisms in the electrophysiology of the heart A L Goldberger1 IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 1992 Jun 1 VIEW
Fractals in physiology and medicine A L Goldberger1, B J West Yale J Biol Med Sep-Oct 1987 VIEW
Fractional rejuvenation using a novel bipolar radiofrequency system in Asian skin. Lee HS, Lee DH, Won CH, Chang HW, Kwon HH, Kim KH, Chung JH. Dermatol Surg. 2011 Nov VIEW
Fractionated Repetitive Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy: A New Standard in Shock Wave Therapy? Kisch T1, Sorg H2, Forstmeier V3, Mailaender P1, Kraemer R1 Biomed Res Int. 2015 VIEW
Fracture Nonunions and Delayed Unions Treated With Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy: A Clinical Series Kavyansh Bhan1, Ronak Patel1, Kamrul Hasan1, Mahesh Pimplé1, Sucheta Sharma2, Varsha Nandwana3, Mhafrin Basta4 Cureus 2021 Aug 10 VIEW
Free from anxiety program (FAP)-a new psychotherapy possibly through mirror neurons Kuto Fumio J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Free radicals and low-level photon emission in human pathogenesis: state of the art. Van Wijk R, Van Wijk EP, Wiegant FA, Ives J. Indian J Exp Biol. 2008 May VIEW
Free Stereo View Using Moving Images brings eyesight the immediate effect Kurita M J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Free-energy landscapes of protein domain movements upon ligand binding. Kondo HX, Okimoto N, Morimoto G, Taiji M. J Phys Chem B. 2011 Jun 16 VIEW
Frequency and power windowing in tissue interactions with weak electromagnetic fields Adey, W.R. Proceedings of the IEEE 1980 Jan VIEW
Frequency of gamma oscillations in humans is modulated by velocity of visual motion. Orekhova EV1, Butorina A2, Sysoeva OV, Prokofyev A2, Nikolaeva A2, Stroganova TA2. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Apr 29 VIEW
Frequency of gamma oscillations routes flow of information in the hippocampus. Colgin LL, Denninger T, Fyhn M, Hafting T, Bonnevie T, Jensen O, Moser MB, Moser EI. Nature 2009 NOv 19 VIEW
Frequency of private spiritual activity and cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative. Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Fitchett G, Hovey KM, Schnall E, Thomson C, Andrews CA, Crawford S, O'Sullivan MJ, Post S, Chlebowski RT, Ockene J. Ann Epidemiol. 2013 May VIEW
Frequency of yoga practice predicts health: results of a national survey of yoga practitioners. Ross A, Friedmann E, Bevans M, Thomas S. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Frequency-dependent functional connectivity of the nucleus accumbens during continuous transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in major depressive disorder. Wang Z1, Fang J2, Liu J2, Rong P3, Jorgenson K4, Park J4, Lang C4, Hong Y2, Zhu B5, Kong J6 J Psychiatr Res. 2017 Dec 28 VIEW
Fröhlich systems in cellular physiology. Srobár F. Prague Med Rep. 2012 VIEW
Fröhlich's Coherent Vibrations in Healthy and Cancer Cells Pokorny, J. Neural Network World; International Journal on Neural and Mass - Parallel Computing and Information Systems 2009 Jul VIEW
From Acupuncture to Interaction between δ-Opioid Receptors and Na (+) Channels: A Potential Pathway to Inhibit Epileptic Hyperexcitability. Chao D, Shen X, Xia Y. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
From alpha to gamma: Electrophysiological correlates of meditation-related states of consciousness. Fell J, Axmacher N, Haupt S. Med Hy- potheses. 2010 Mar 11 VIEW
From ancient to modern man, secrets of the body electric Yennie Richard 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
From autopoiesis to neurophenomenology: Francisco Varela's exploration of the biophysics of being David Rudrauf1, Antoine Lutz, Diego Cosmelli, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Michel Le Van Quyen Biol Res 2022 Mar 20 VIEW
From body schema to the imaginal body Shogo Tanaka S 1//Yuasa Y 2 J Mind-Body Science 2001 VIEW
From Body to Mind and Spirit: Qigong Exercise for Bereaved Persons with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Like Illness. Li J1, Chan JS2, Chow AY3, Yuen LP4, Chan CL2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 VIEW
From cells to organs: building polarized tissue. Bryant DM, Mostov KE. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2008 Nov VIEW
From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness-Based Interventions Dragana Derlic1 J Correct Health Care 2022 Nov 14 VIEW
From diversity to unity. The classification of mental disorders in 21st-century China. Lee S Psychiatr Clin North Am 2001 VIEW
From efficacy to safety concerns: A STEP forward or a step back for clinical research and intercessory prayer?: The Study of Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD, FACC, Suzanne W. Crater, RN, ANP-C, Kerry L. Lee Am Heart J 2006 Apr VIEW
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