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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation and Neurite Outgrowth of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells via Up-Regulating TRPC1. Ma Q, Chen C, Deng P, Zhu G, Lin M, Zhang L, Xu S, He M, Lu Y, Duan W, Pi H, Cao Z, Pei L, Li M, Liu C, Zhang Y, Zhong M, Zhou Z, Yu Z PLoS One. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields: A possible non-invasive therapeutic tool for spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Kumar S1,2, Dey S1, Jain S1 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Jul 11 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia: A risk assessment by the ARIMMORA consortium. Schüz J, Dasenbrock C, Ravazzani P, Röösli M, Schär P, Bounds PL, Erdmann F, Borkhardt A, Cobaleda C, Fedrowitz M, Hamnerius Y, Sanchez-Garcia I, Seger R, Schmiegelow K, Ziegelberger G, Capstick M, Manser M, Müller M, Schmid CD, Schürmann D, Struchen B, Kuster N Bioelectromagnetics. 2016 Mar 15 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields of transformers and possible biological and health effects. Sirav B, Sezgin G, Seyhan N. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Oct 16 VIEW
Extubation process in bed-ridden elderly intensive care patients receiving inspiratory muscle training: a randomized clinical trial. Cader SA, de Souza Vale RG, Zamora VE, Costa CH, Dantas EH. Clin Interv Aging. 2012 VIEW
Eye-hand coordination of elderly people who practice Tai Chi Chuan Pei, Y. C., S. W. Chou, et al. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2008 VIEW
Eye-hand Coordination of Elderly People Who Practice Tai Chi Chuan Pei YC, Chou SW, Lin PS, Lin YC, Hsu TH, Wong AM J Formos Med Assoc 2008 Feb VIEW
Eyes wide shut: amygdala mediates eyes-closed effect on emotional experience with music. Lerner Y, Papo D, Zhdanov A, Belozersky L, Hendler T. PLoS One 2009 Jul 15 VIEW
Eyesight-improving qigong exercise effective for teenagers in treating myopia Lin Y//Zhang J//Gao J//Xu J///// Qigong & Health 1991 VIEW
F-information measures in medical image registration Pluim JP//Maintz JB//Viergever MA IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2004 VIEW
Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Compared With Treatment as Usual in Reducing Psychological Distress in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Compen F1, Bisseling E1, Schellekens M1, Donders R1, Carlson L1, van der Lee M1, Speckens A1 J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jun 28 VIEW
Facial paralysis treated by “external qi” Lin Qing 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
Facilitation of self-transcendence in a breast cancer support group Coward DD Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
Facilitators and barriers of attending BaDuanJin experienced by breast cancer survivors during chemotherapy Yun Hu1, Yi Dan Xie1, Xiaozhen Xu2, Yanyan Liu1, Chengrui Zhang1, Huiru Wang3 Physiother Theory Pract 2022 Oct 19 VIEW
Facilitators and Barriers of Tai Chi Practice in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Qualitative Study Yan Du1, Penny Roberts2, Wei Liu3 Asian Pac Isl Nurs J 2023 Jan 23 VIEW
Facilitators and barriers to elders' practice of t'ai chi. A mind-body, low-inten Chen KM//Snyder M//Krichbaum K J Holist Nurs 2001 VIEW
Facing the challenge of mammalian neural microcircuits: taking a few breaths may help. Feldman JL1, Kam K J Physiol. 2015 Jan 1 VIEW
Facing the experience of pain: A neuropsychological perspective. Fabbro F1, Crescentini C2. Phys Life Rev. 2013 Dec 19 VIEW
Factors affecting decisions to seek treatment for sick children in Kerala, India Pillai RK//Williams SV//Glick HA//Polsky D//// Soc Sci Med 2003 VIEW
Factors Associated with Attrition from Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Patients with a History of Suicidal Depression. Crane C, Williams JM. Mindfulness (N Y). 2010 Mar VIEW
Factors Associated with Conflicting Findings on Acupuncture for Tension-Type Headache: Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses. Hao XA, Xue CC, Dong L, Zheng Z. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Oct 17 VIEW
Factors Associated with the Use of Meditation, U.S. Adults 2017. Macinko J1,2, Upchurch DM1 J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Aug 5 VIEW
Factors associated with treatment outcomes in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for panic disorder. Kim B, Cho SJ, Lee KS, Lee JY, Choe AY, Lee JE, Choi TK, Lee SH. Yonsei Med J. 2013 Nov 1 VIEW
Factors contributing to de qi in acupuncture randomized clinical trials. Yang Y, Wang LP, Zhang L, Wang LC, Wei J, Li JJ, Sun YL. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Factors influencing changes in tweezer dexterity scores following yoga training Manjunath NK//Telles S Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1999 VIEW
Factors influencing manual muscle tests in physical therapy Micholas JA//Sapega A//Kraus H//Webb JN J Bone and Joint Surgery 1978 VIEW
Factors Influencing Preference for Intervention in a Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery and Tai Chi/ <i>Qigong</i> in Cancer Survivors Devesh Oberoi1, Andrew McLennan1, Katherine-Ann Piedalue1, Peter M Wayne2, Jennifer M Jones3, Linda E Carlson1 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Factors related to dropout in integrative oncology clinical trials: interim analysis of an ongoing comparative effectiveness trial of mindfulness-based cancer recovery and Tai chi/Qigong for cancer health (The MATCH study) Devesh Oberoi1, Katherine-Ann L Piedalue1 2, Hassan Pirbhai1 2, Steven Guirguis3, Daniel Santa Mina3 4, Linda E Carlson5 6 BMC Res Notes 2020 Jul 17 VIEW
Fall Risk-Relevant Functional Mobility Outcomes in Dementia Following Dyadic Tai Chi Exercise. Yao L, Giordani BJ, Algase DL, You M, Alexander NB. West J Nurs Res. 2012 Apr 19 VIEW
Falls and Fall-Related Injuries in an Evidence-Based Tai Ji Quan Intervention in Rural West Virginia Churches Dina L Jones1, Terry Kit Selfe2, Sara Wilcox3, Clinton Tyler Cosner4, Justin Mitchell5, Benjamin D Ray6, Craig Stipec7, David Switay8, Corrie A Mancinelli9 Top Geriatr Rehabil 2023 Jul-Sep VIEW
Falls and Older People: Preventative Interventions Alison E While British journal of community nursing 2020 Jun 2 VIEW
Falls and Social Isolation of Older Adults in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Pohl JS, Cochrane BB, Schepp KG, Woods NF Res Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
Falls in older adults. Bradley SM Mt Sinai J Med. 2011 Jul VIEW
Falls in people with multiple sclerosis who use a walking aid: prevalence, factors, and effect of strength and balance interventions. Coote S, Hogan N, Franklin S. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr VIEW
Falls prevention in community care: 10 years on. Burton E1, Lewin G2, O'Connell H3, Hill KD1 Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Feb 12 VIEW
Falls prevention in the elderly: translating evidence into practice. Luk JK1, Chan TY2, Chan DK3. Hong Kong Med J. 2015 Feb 27 VIEW
Falls prevention interventions for older adults with low vision: A scoping review: Étude de portée sur les interventions visant à prévenir les chutes chez les aînés ayant une basse vision. Blaylock SE, Vogtle LK Can J Occup Ther. 2017 Jun VIEW
Falls self-efficacy and falls incidence in community-dwelling older people: the mediating role of coping. Loft CC1, Jones FW2, Kneebone II3 Int Psychogeriatr. 2018 May VIEW
Falls self-efficacy as a mediator of fear of falling in an exercise intervention for older adults Li F//Fisher KJ//Harmer P//McAuley E J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2005 VIEW
Familiar Music as an Enhancer of Self-Consciousness in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Arroyo-Anlló EM, Díaz JP, Gil R. Biomed Res Int. 2013 VIEW
Family-centred music therapy to promote social engagement in young children with severe autism spectrum disorder: a randomized controlled study. Thompson GA, McFerran KS, Gold C. Child Care Health Dev. 2013 Nov 22 VIEW
Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Vatansever F, Hamblin MR. Photonics Lasers Med. 2012 Nov 1 VIEW
Far infrared wavelength treatment for low back pain: Evaluation of a non-invasive device. Ervolino F1, Gazze R2. Work 2015 VIEW
Fascia and the mechanism of acupuncture. Finando S, Finando D. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Apr VIEW
Fascia Mobility, Proprioception, and Myofascial Pain Helene M Langevin1 Life (Basel) 2021 Jul 8 VIEW
Fascinating rhythm: a primer on chaos theory and its application to cardiology T A Denton1, G A Diamond, R H Helfant, S Khan, H Karagueuzian Am Heart J 1990 Dec 1 VIEW
Fashioning Cellular Rhythms with Magnetic Energy and Sound Vibration: a New Perspective for Regenerative Medicine Ventura C CellR4 2014 Mar 31 VIEW
Fast and Slow Oscillations Recruit Molecularly-Distinct Subnetworks of Lateral Hypothalamic Neurons In Situ. Kosse C1, Burdakov D1 eNeuro. 2018 Feb 7 VIEW
Fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation: a longitudinal comparative study Hann DM//Garovoy N//Finkelstein B//Jacobsen PB//// J Pain Symptom Manage 1999 VIEW
Fatigue in breast cancer survivors: the impact of a mind-body medicine intervention. Appling SE, Scarvalone S, Macdonald R, McBeth M, Helzlsouer KJ. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2012 May 1 VIEW
Fatigue related to radiotherapy for breast and/or gynaecological cancer: a systematic review. de M Alcântara-Silva TR, Freitas-Junior R, Freitas NM, Machado GD. J Clin Nurs. 2013 May 8 VIEW
FDA Approves First Focused Ultrasound System for Treating the Prostate newswise newswise 2015 Oct 13 VIEW
Fear of acupuncture enhances sympathetic activation to acupuncture stimulation. Lee IS, Jo HJ, Lee SH, Lee H, Lee H, Park HJ, Chae Y. Acupunct Med. 2013 May 5 VIEW
Fear of Falling and Balance Confidence in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Scoping Review. Hewston P1, Deshpande N2 Can J Diabetes. 2018 Mar 6 VIEW
Feasibility Analysis on the Use of Ultrasonic Communications for Body Sensor Networks. Li M1, Kim YT2 Sensors (Basel). 2018 Dec 19 VIEW
Feasibility and acceptability of a home-based virtual group exercise program in global Asian adult population: Baseline characteristics of a cohort study Jianghong Liu1, Yuanfei Liu1,2, Vienna Chen3, Wonshik Chee4, Eun-Ok Im4 Medicine (Baltimore) 2024 May 17 VIEW
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Tai Chi Chih Randomized Controlled Trial in Senior Female Cancer Survivors. Campo RA, O'Connor K, Light KC, Nakamura Y, Lipschitz DL, Lastayo PC, Pappas L, Boucher K, Irwin MR, Agarwal N, Kinney AY. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
Feasibility and Acceptability of Reiki Therapy for Children Receiving Palliative Care in the Home Susan E Thrane1, Scott H Maurer, Cynthia A Danford J Hosp Palliat Nurs 2020 Nov 24 VIEW
Feasibility and Effect of Reiki on the Physiology and Self-perceived Stress of Nurses in a Large US Hospital Kellie Hailey1, Jennifer Fortin, Patricia Pratt, Peter W Forbes, Margaret McCabe Holist Nurs Pract 2021 Jul 20 VIEW
Feasibility and effectiveness of a brief meditation-based stress management intervention for patients diagnosed with or at risk for coronary heart disease: A pilot study. Olivo EL, Dodson-Lavelle B, Wren A, Fang Y, Oz MC. Psychol Health Med. 2009 Oct VIEW
Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Chen-style Tai Chi Programme for Stress Reduction in Junior Secondary School Students. Lee LY, Chong YL, Li NY, Li MC, Lin LN, Wong LY, Wong BK, Yip WP, Hon CH, Chung PK, Man SY. Stress Health. 2012 Jun 5 VIEW
Feasibility and effectiveness of an aerobic exercise program in children with fibromyalgia: Results of a randomized controlled pilot tria Stephens S, Feldman BM, Bradley N, Schneiderman J, Wright V, Singh-Grewal D, Lefebvre A, Benseler SM, Cameron B, Laxer R, O\'brien C, Schneider R, Silverman E, Spiegel L, Stinson J, Tyrrell PN, Whitney K, Tse SM Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Sep 29 VIEW
Feasibility and effectiveness of pre-operative inspiratory muscle training in patients undergoing oesophagectomy: a pilot study. Dettling DS, van der Schaaf M, Blom RL, Nollet F, Busch OR, van Berge Henegouwen MI. Physiother Res Int. 2013 Mar VIEW
Feasibility and Effects of a Tai Chi Self-Help Education Program for Korean Gastric Cancer Survivors. Lee EO, Chae YR, Song R, Eom A, Lam P, Heitkemper M. Oncol Nurs Forum 2010 Jan 1 VIEW
Feasibility and Effects of Tai Chi for the Promotion of Sleep Quality and Quality of Life: A Single-Group Study in a Sample of Older Chinese Individuals in Hong Kong. Lo CM, Lee PH. J Gerontol Nurs. 2013 Nov 7 VIEW
Feasibility and outcome of an individualized Tai Chi program for improving balance and strength in the elderly: A pilot study. Sung WH1, Liu CC1, Wei SH1, Chuang LR2, Chuang E3, Wang KA4, Wang JC5,6 NeuroRehabilitation. 2018 VIEW
Feasibility and outcome of an individualized Tai Chi program for improving balance and strength in the elderly: A pilot study. Sung WH1, Liu CC1, Wei SH1, Chuang LR2, Chuang E3, Wang KA4, Wang JC5,6 NeuroRehabilitation. 2018 Oct 30 VIEW
Feasibility and Pilot Testing of a Mindfulness Intervention for Frail Older Adults and Individuals With Dementia. Kovach CR, Evans CR, Sattell L, Rosenau K, Gopalakrishnan S Res Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
Feasibility of a 3-Minute Mindful Breathing Intervention for Enhancing Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses' Resilience During COVID: Findings From a 4-Week Pilot Study Rebecca A Owens1, Joseph Houchins, Stephanie Nolan, Maxine M Smalling, Evelyn Attia, Joyce J Fitzpatrick Holist Nurs Pract 2024 Jan-Feb VIEW
Feasibility of a 6-Month Yoga Program to Improve the Physical and Psychosocial Status of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis and their Family Members. Kahraman T1, Ozdogar AT2, Yigit P3, Hosgel I3, Mehdiyev Z4, Ertekin O2, Ozakbas S5 Explore (NY). 2017 Oct 23 VIEW
Feasibility of a Brief Online Mindfulness and Compassion-Based Intervention to Promote Mental Health Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Marian González-García1, Jorge Crespo Álvarez1, Elena Zubeldia Pérez1, Samuel Fernandez-Carriba2, Javier González López1 Mindfulness (N Y) 2021 May 17 VIEW
Feasibility of a Brief Yoga Intervention for Improving Acute Pain and Distress Post Gynecologic Surgery. Sohl SJ1,2, Avis NE2, Stanbery K2, Tooze JA2, Moormann K2, Danhauer SC2 Int J Yoga Therap. 2016 Sep 1 VIEW
Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Survivors. Lengacher CA, Johnson-Mallard V, Barta M, Fitzgerald S, Moscoso MS, Post-White J, Jacobsen PB, Shelton MM, Le N, Budhrani P, Goodman M, Kip KE. J Holist Nurs. 2010 Nov 1 VIEW
Feasibility of a Tai Chi with Thera-Band Training Program: A Pilot Study Meiling Qi1,2, Wendy Moyle2,3, Cindy Jones2,4, Benjamin Weeks2,5 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Nov 16 VIEW
Feasibility of Aerobic Exercise and Tai-Chi Interventions in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Naomi Takemura1, Tai Chung Lam1,2, James Chung Man Ho1, Wen Deng1, Robert Smith1, Yinxia Yan1, Anne Wing Mui Lee1,2, Chia Chin Lin1,3,4 Integr Cancer Ther Jan-Dec 2021 VIEW
Feasibility of an Outdoor Mindful Walking Program for Reducing Negative Affect in Older Adults. Yang CH1, Conroy DE1,2 J Aging Phys Act. 2018 Feb 27 VIEW
Feasibility of Biological Cell as an Infrared Electromagnetic Resonator — Storage of the Infrared Biophotons? Michal Cifra 1,2 and Jiˇr ́ı Pokorn ́y 2 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts 2009 Aug 18-21 VIEW
Feasibility of Central Meditation and Imagery Therapy for dementia caregivers. Jain FA, Nazarian N, Lavretsky H. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 29 VIEW
Feasibility of clinical hypnosis for the treatment of Parkinson's disease: a case study. Elkins G, Sliwinski J, Bowers J, Encarnacion E. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2013 VIEW
Feasibility of generating 90 Hz vibrations in remote implanted magnets Jordan Montero1,2, Francesco Clemente1,2, Christian Cipriani3,4 Sci Rep 2021 Jul 29 VIEW
Feasibility of Implementing a Tai Chi Program in an Assisted Living Facility: Reducing Fall Risks and Improving Quality of Life Yingying Chen1, Deborah Ringdahl2, Rachel Trelstad-Porter3, Olga V Gurvich2 J Clin Med 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
Feasibility of Interferential and Pulsed Transcranial Electrical Stimulation for Neuromodulation at the Human Scale. Howell B1, McIntyre CC1 Neuromodulation. 2020 Mar 8 VIEW
Feasibility of Mind-Body Movement Programs for Cancer Survivors. Browning KK1, Kue J1, Lyons F2, Overcash J1 Oncol Nurs Forum. 2017 Jul 1 VIEW
Feasibility of mindfulness-based therapy in patients recovering from a first psychotic episode: a pilot study. van der Valk R, van de Waerdt S, Meijer CJ, van den Hout I, de Haan L. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2012 Mar 9 VIEW
Feasibility of Training and Delivering Compassionate Touch in Long-Term Care. Han A1, Kunik ME2 Clin Gerontol. 2017 Sep 19 VIEW
Feasibility of using remotely delivered Spring Forest Qigong to reduce neuropathic pain in adults with spinal cord injury: a pilot study Ann Van de Winckel1, Sydney T Carpentier2, Wei Deng2, Lin Zhang3, Angela Philippus4, Ricardo Battaglino4, Leslie R Morse4 Front Physiol 2023 Aug 31 VIEW
Feasibility of using whole body vibration as a means for controlling spasticity in post-stroke patients: A pilot study. Miyara K1, Matsumoto S2, Uema T1, Hirokawa T1, Noma T1, Shimodozono M3, Kawahira K3. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Feb VIEW
Feasibility Trial of a Mind-Body Activity Pain Management Program for Older Adults With Cognitive Decline Ryan A Mace1,2, Melissa V Gates1, Paula J Popok1, Ron Kulich2,3, Yakeel T Quiroz2,4, Ana-Maria Vranceanu1,2 Gerontologist 2020 Nov 7 VIEW
Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effects of Gentle Hatha Yoga for Women With Major Depression: Findings From a Randomized Controlled Mixed-Methods Study. Kinser PA, Bourguignon C, Whaley D, Hauenstein E, Taylor AG. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2013 Jun VIEW
Feasibility, qualitative findings and satisfaction of a brief Tai Chi mind-body programme for veterans with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Niles BL1, Mori DL2, Polizzi CP3, Pless Kaiser A1, Ledoux AM3, Wang C4 BMJ Open. 2016 Nov 29 VIEW
Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability of Online Mind-Body Exercise Programs for Older Adults: A Scoping Review Janelle Gravesande1, Lisandra Almeida de Oliveira1, Natasha Malik2, Brenda Vrkljan1, Rong Zheng3, Paula M Gardner2, Lisa C Carlesso1 J Integr Complement Med 2023 Mar 21 VIEW
Fecal Microbiota Transfer from Young Mice Reverts Vascular Aging Hallmarks and Metabolic Impairments in Aged Mice Chak Kwong Cheng1, Jun Gao1,2, Lijing Kang1, Yu Huang1 Aging Dis 2024 Jul 9 VIEW
Federally Funded Reiki Study Underway in Washington Robb J Acupuncture Today 2004 VIEW
Feel the beat: Music exploits our brain's ability to predict and the dopamine-reward system to instill pleasure. Weigmann K1 EMBO Rep. 2017 Jan 26 VIEW
Feelings and the body: the Jamesian perspective on autonomic specificity of emotion Bruce H Friedman1 Biol Psychol 2010 Jul 1 VIEW
Feelings Are the Source of Consciousness Antonio Damasio1, Hanna Damasio2 Neural Comput 2022 Jul 19 VIEW
Ferroelectric behavior in microtubule dipole lattices: Implications for information processing, signaling and assembly/disassembly J.A. Tuszyński †, S. Hameroff ‡, M.V. Satarić §, B. Trpisová †, M.L.A. Nip † Journal of Theoretical Biology 1995 Jun 21 VIEW
Ferroelectric behavior in microtubule dipole lattices: Implications for information processing, signaling and assembly/disassembly J.A. Tuszyński †, S. Hameroff ‡, M.V. Satarić §, B. Trpisová †, M.L.A. Nip† Journal of Theoretical Biology 1995 Jun VIEW
Fetal development of complex autonomic control evaluated from multiscale heart rate patterns. Hoyer D, Nowack S, Bauer S, Tetschke F, Rudolph A, Wallwitz U, Jaenicke F, Heinicke E, Götz T, Huonker R, Witte OW, Schleussner E, Schneider U. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Mar 1 VIEW
Fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG): moving forward in the establishment of clinical reference data by advanced biomagnetic instrumentation and analysis. Kiefer-Schmidt I, Lim M, Wacker-Gußmann A, Ortiz E, Abele H, Kagan KO, Kaulitz R, Wallwiener D, Preissl H. J Perinat Med. 2012 Feb 10 VIEW
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