Falls prevention interventions for older adults with low vision: A scoping review: Étude de portée sur les interventions visant à prévenir les chutes chez les aînés ayant une basse vision.

Author: Blaylock SE, Vogtle LK
Conference/Journal: Can J Occup Ther.
Date published: 2017 Jun
Other: Volume ID: 84 , Issue ID: 3 , Pages: 139-147 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1177/0008417417711460. , Word Count: 202

BACKGROUND: Older adults with low vision are especially vulnerable to falls. There are no comprehensive reviews of fall prevention interventions for older adults with vision loss who live in the community.

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to review the evidence regarding community-based falls prevention interventions that appear inclusive of and/or accessible to individuals with low vision.

METHOD: A scoping review was completed using the framework developed by Arksey and O'Malley, and the charted data were analyzed using sums and percentages and qualitative content analysis.

FINDINGS: Seventeen publications were selected for this review. The analysis allowed for a thorough description of the types of falls prevention interventions (multiple components, home safety/modification, tai chi, the Alexander Technique, improvement of vision through vision assessment and referral, vision/agility training, and yoga), how each intervention addresses vision impairment, and the relation of results to falls risk.

IMPLICATIONS: Falls prevention research targeting individuals with visual impairment is limited, and the intervention approaches available may not be effective for older adults with permanent vision loss.

KEYWORDS: Accident prevention; Accidental falls; Aging in place; Chutes accidentelles; Déficience visuelle; Intervention studies; Prévention des accidents; Vieillir chez soi; Visual impairment; Études d’intervention

PMID: 28730900 DOI: 10.1177/0008417417711460