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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of high-frequency yoga breathing called kapalabhati compared with breath awareness on the degree of optical illusion perceived. Telles S, Maharana K, Balrana B, Balkrishna A. Percept Mot Skills. 2011 Jun VIEW
Effects of High-Intensity Hatha Yoga on Cardiovascular Fitness, Adipocytokines, and Apolipoproteins in Healthy Students: A Randomized Controlled Study. Papp ME1, Lindfors P2, Nygren-Bonnier M3, Gullstrand L4, Wändell PE1. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Nov 13 VIEW
Effects of home massage rehabilitation therapy for the bed-ridden elderly: a pilot trial with a three-month follow-up Hirakawa Y//Masuda Y//Kimata T//Uemura K//// Clin Rehabil 2005 VIEW
Effects of home-based Baduanjin combined with elastic band exercise in patients with chronic heart failure Chunhua Ma1, Wei Zhou1, Yanyan Jia2, Qiubo Tang3 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2022 Jan 6 VIEW
Effects of Home-Based Baduanjin Exercise on Left Ventricular Remodeling in Patients With Acute Anterior ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Yinhe Cai1, Liang Kang1, Haiyi Li1, Yuan Luo1, Junmao Wen1, Zhaohui Gong2, Qingmin Chu2, Yijun Qiu2, Chuanjin Luo2, Keyu Chen3, Xinjun Zhao2, Rong Li2 Front Cardiovasc Med 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
Effects of home-based computerized cognitive training and tai chi exercise on cognitive functions in older adults with mild cognitive impairment Hei-Fen Hwang1,2, Kuang-Chih Tseng2, Sy-Jou Chen3, Wen-Yu Yu4, Chih-Yi Chen2, Mau-Roung Lin2 Aging Ment Health 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Effects of home-based exercise interventions on post-stroke depression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Rong Chen1, Yijia Guo1, Yashi Kuang1, Qi Zhang2 Int J Nurs Stud 2024 Jan 18 VIEW
Effects of Home-Based Tai Chi and Lower Extremity Training and Self-Practice on Falls and Functional Outcomes in Older Fallers from the Emergency Department-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Hwang HF, Chen SJ, Lee-Hsieh J, Chien DK, Chen CY, Lin MR J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Feb 11 VIEW
Effects of homeopathic intervention on medication consumption in atopic and allergic disorders Frenkel M//Hermoni D Altern Ther Health Med 2002 VIEW
Effects of homeopathic medicines on polysomnographic sleep of young adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia. Bell IR, Howerter A, Jackson N, Aickin M, Baldwin CM, Bootzin RR. Sleep Med 2010 Jul 27 VIEW
Effects of homeopathic treatment on pruritus of haemodialysis patients: a randomised placebo-controlled double-blind trial Cavalcanti AM//Rocha LM//Carillo R//Lima LU//// Homeopathy 2003 VIEW
Effects of hypoxia and qigong on urine malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and circulating endothelial cell in humans during simulated weightlessness Peng Y//He S//Zhang X//Liu G//Xie J Space Med Med Eng (Beijing) 1998 VIEW
Effects of Imagery on an Electroencephalogram and Pulse Waves Oku T 1//Watanabe E 2//Fukuda S 2//Shirakawa T 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of in vitro and in vivo Qi-therapy on neutrophil superoxide generation in healthy male subjects Lee Myeong Soo//Jeong Seong Min//Jang Hye-Sook//Ryu Hoon//// Am J Chin Med 2003 VIEW
Effects of in vivo triiodothyronine and long acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) administration on the vitro thyroid cAMP response to thyrotrophin and LATS H Ikeda, S C Chiu, N Kuzuya, H Uchimura, S Nagataki Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1984 Jun 1 VIEW
Effects of individualized Tai-Chi on balance and lower-limb strength in older adults. Penn IW1,2, Sung WH3, Lin CH3, Chuang E4, Chuang TY5, Lin PH6 BMC Geriatr. 2019 Aug 27 VIEW
Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Yoga Breathing Exercises on Respiratory Muscle Function in Institutionalized Frail Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cebrià I Iranzo MD, Arnall DA, Igual Camacho C, Tomás JM. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training in hemodialysis patients. Silva VG, Amaral C, Monteiro MB, Nascimento DM, Boschetti JR. J Bras Nefrol. 2011 Mar VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training on dynamic hyperinflation in patients with COPD. Petrovic M, Reiter M, Zipko H, Pohl W, Wanke T. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2012 VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training on muscular and pulmonary function after bariatric surgery in obese patients. Casali CC, Pereira AP, Martinez JA, de Souza HC, Gastaldi AC. Obes Surg. 2011 Sep VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training on time-trial performance in trained cyclists Romer LM//McConnell AK//Jones DA J Sports Sci 2002 VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training upon recovery time during high intensity, repetitive sprint activity Romer LM//McConnell AK//Jones DA Int J Sports Med 2002 VIEW
Effects of integrated yoga on quality of life and interpersonal relationship of pregnant women. Rakhshani A, Maharana S, Raghuram N, Nagendra HR, Venkatram P. Qual Life Res. 2010 Jul 15 VIEW
Effects of integrating therapeutic touch into a cognitive behavioral pain treatment program. Report of a pilot clinical trial Smith DW//Arnstein P//Rosa KC//Wells-Federman C J Holist Nurs 2002 VIEW
Effects of Intensive Cell Phone (Philips Genic 900) Use on the Rat Kidney Tissue. Koca O, Gökçe AM, Oztürk MI, Ercan F, Yurdakul N, Karaman MI. Urol J. 2013 Spring VIEW
Effects of intensive multiple risk factor reduction on coronary atherosclerosis and clinical cardiac events in men and women with coronary artery disease Haskell WL//Alderman EL//Fair JM//Maron DJ//// Circulation 1994 VIEW
Effects of intensive whole body vibration training on muscle strength and balance in adults with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled pilot study. Tankisheva E, Bogaerts A, Boonen S, Feys H, Verschueren SM. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Sep 22 VIEW
Effects of intermediate frequency electromagnetic fields: a review of animal studies Hae-June Lee1, Hee Jin2, Young Hwan Ahn3, Nam Kim4, Jeong Ki Pack5, Hyung-Do Choi6, Yun-Sil Lee2 Int J Radiat Biol 2022 Jun 27 VIEW
Effects of Interoceptive Sensibility on Mental Health during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Naho Suzuki1, Tetsuya Yamamoto2, Chigusa Uchiumi2, Nagisa Sugaya3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Apr 27 VIEW
Effects of interoceptive training on decision making, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. Sugawara A1, Terasawa Y2, Katsunuma R1, Sekiguchi A1 Biopsychosoc Med. 2020 Mar 17 VIEW
Effects of interventions on depression in heart failure: A systematic review. Woltz PC, Chapa DW, Friedmann E, Son H, Akintade B, Thomas SA. Heart Lung. 2012 Sep VIEW
Effects of Isha Hatha Yoga on Core Stability and Standing Balance. Carneiro ÉM, Moraes GV, Terra GA Adv Mind Body Med. 2016 Summer VIEW
Effects of Jazz on Postoperative Pain and Stress in Patients Undergoing Elective Hysterectomy. Rafer L, Austin F, Frey J, Mulvey C, Vaida S, Prozesky J. Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Winter VIEW
Effects of KAPPOH resuscitation techniques in BUDO Asami T J Mind-Body Science 2000 VIEW
Effects of laser acupuncture on longitudinal bone growth in adolescent rats. Yeom M, Kim SH, Lee B, Zhang X, Lee H, Hahm DH, Sohn Y, Lee H. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effects of laughter yoga on health-related quality of life in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized clinical trial Mohammad Namazinia1,2, Seyyed Reza Mazlum2,3, Samira Mohajer4,5, Violeta Lopez6 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 Jun 12 VIEW
Effects of leg massage on recovery from high intensity cycling exercise Robertson A//Watt JM//Galloway SD Br J Sports Med 2004 VIEW
Effects of level of meditation experience on attentional focus: is the efficiency of executive or orientation Chan D & Woodlacott M Journal of Altern & Complementary Medicine 2007 VIEW
Effects of LI4 acupressure on labor pain in the first stage of labor. Hamidzadeh A, Shahpourian F, Orak RJ, Montazeri AS, Khosravi A. J Midwifery Womens Health 2012 Mar-Apr VIEW
Effects of Lifestyle Modification on Telomerase Gene Expression in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Trial of Stress Reduction and Health Education Programs in African Americans. Duraimani S1,2,3, Schneider RH1,2, Randall OS4, Nidich SI1,2, Xu S4, Ketete M4, Rainforth MA1, Gaylord-King C1, Salerno JW1, Fagan J2,3. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 16 VIEW
Effects of light fingertip touch on postural responses in subjects with diabetic neuropathy Dickstein R//Peterka RJ//Horak FB J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003 VIEW
Effects of line dancing on physical function and perceived limitation in older adults with self-reported mobility limitations. Bennett CG1, Hackney ME2,3 Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Jun VIEW
Effects of listening to music on pain intensity and pain distress after surgery: an intervention. Vaajoki A, Pietilä AM, Kankkunen P, Vehvilänen-Julkunen K. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Aug 15 VIEW
Effects of Liuzijue Qigong Posture on Aerodynamics of Phonation in Healthy Volunteers Ting Gong1, Tao Lu2, Yi Zhang3, Zhenrui Li4, Ao Shen1, Junhua Niu1, Rui Fang5, Chunlei Shan6 J Voice 2022 Feb 16 VIEW
Effects of live music during chemotherapy in lymphoma patients: a randomized, controlled, multi-center trial. Bro ML1,2, Johansen C3,4, Vuust P5, Enggaard L6, Himmelstrup B7, Mourits-Andersen T8, Brown P9, d'Amore F10, Andersen EAW11, Abildgaard N12,13,14, Gram J15 Support Care Cancer. 2019 Feb 14 VIEW
Effects of live music therapy sessions on quality of life indicators, medications administered and hospital length of stay for patients undergoing elective surgical procedures for brai Walworth D, Rumana CS, Nguyen J, Jarred J J Music Ther. 2008 Fall VIEW
Effects of local vibration and pulsed electromagnetic field on bone fracture: A comparative study. Bilgin HM1, Çelik F1, Gem M2, Akpolat V3, Yıldız İ4, Ekinci A5, Özerdem MS6, Tunik S7 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Feb 25 VIEW
Effects of long term Tai Chi practice and jogging exercise on muscle strength and endurance in older people Xu, D., Li, J. & Hong, Y. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 VIEW
Effects of Long-Term 50Hz Power-Line Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Cell Behavior in Balb/c 3T3 Cells. An GZ1, Xu H2, Zhou Y1, Du L1, Miao X1, Jiang DP1, Li KC1, Guo GZ1, Zhang C3, Ding GR1. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 19 VIEW
Effects of Long-Term Acupuncture Treatment on Resting-State Brain Activity in Migraine Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Active Acupoints and Inactive Acupoints. Zhao L1, Liu J2, Zhang F3, Dong X1, Peng Y1, Qin W2, Wu F1, Li Y1, Yuan K2, von Deneen KM2, Gong Q4, Tang Z5, Liang F1. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 10 VIEW
Effects of Long-term Dharma-Chan Meditation on Cardiorespiratory Synchronization and HRV Behavior. Lo PC, Chang CH. Rejuvenation Res 2013 Jan 16 VIEW
Effects of long-term fasting and confinement on the cardiovascular activity Yang Liu1, Qince Li1,2, Kuanquan Wang3, Runnan He1, Zhongquan Dai4, Hongyu Zhang4, Chengyu Liu5, Qianying Ma6, Yongfeng Yuan1, Chengjia Yang4, Yinghui Li4, Henggui Zhang7,8,9 Med Biol Eng Comput 2021 Aug 9 VIEW
Effects of long-term home-based Liuzijue exercise combined with clinical guidance in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Li P#1, Liu J#1, Lu Y1, Liu X2, Wang Z3, Wu W1 Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Aug 3 VIEW
Effects of long-term tai chi ball practice on balance performance in older adults. Xiao CM. J Am Geriatr Soc 2014 May VIEW
Effects of long-term tai chi practice on balance and h-reflex characteristics. Guan H, Koceja DM. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
Effects of long-term Tai-Chi Chuan practice on whole-body balance control during obstacle-crossing in the elderly Chien-Chung Kuo1,2, Sheng-Chang Chen3, Tsan-Yang Chen3, Tsung-Jung Ho4,5,6, Jaung-Geng Lin7, Tung-Wu Lu8 Sci Rep 2022 Feb 17 VIEW
Effects of long-term whole-body vibration training on mobility in patients with multiple sclerosis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Kantele S1, Karinkanta S2, Sievänen H3. J Neurol Sci. 2015 Sep 25 VIEW
Effects of Low Back Pain Exercises on Pain Symptoms and Activities of Daily Living: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Shi-Kun Zhang1, Yong Yang2, Mei-Ling Gu3, Su-Jie Mao4, Wen-Sheng Zhou5 Percept Mot Skills 2021 Dec 15 VIEW
Effects of low frequency electromagnetic field on proliferation of human epidermal stem cells: An in vitro study. Zhang M, Li X, Bai L, Uchida K, Bai W, Wu B, Xu W, Zhu H, Huang H. Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Aug 24 VIEW
Effects of low intensity static magnetic field on FTIR spectra and ROS production in SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells. Calabrò E, Condello S, Currò M, Ferlazzo N, Caccamo D, Magazù S, Ientile R. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Dec VIEW
Effects of low-dose mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR-ld) on working adults. Klatt MD, Buckworth J, Malarkey WB. Health Educ Behav. 2009 Jun VIEW
Effects of Low-Frequency Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activation, Fatigue, and Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Young Adults: A Single-Group Repeated-Measures Controlled Trial Ju-Yul Yoon1,2, Seung-Rok Kang1,2, Hye-Seong Kim1,2, Yu Hui Won1,2, Sung-Hee Park1,2, Jeong-Hwan Seo1,2, Myoung-Hwan Ko1,2, Gi-Wook Kim1,2 J Sport Rehabil 2022 May 16 VIEW
Effects of Low-Frequency Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activation, Fatigue, and Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Young Adults: A Single-Group Repeated-Measures Controlled Trial Ju-Yul Yoon1,2, Seung-Rok Kang1,2, Hye-Seong Kim1,2, Yu Hui Won1,2, Sung-Hee Park1,2, Jeong-Hwan Seo1,2, Myoung-Hwan Ko1,2, Gi-Wook Kim1,2 J Sport Rehabil 2022 May 16 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone microarchitecture, mechanical strength and bone turnover in type 2 diabetic db/db mice. Li J1,2, Zeng Z3, Zhao Y4, Jing D5, Tang C2, Ding Y6, Feng X7 Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 7 VIEW
Effects of Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound and Cryotherapy on Recovery of Joint Function and C-reactive Protein Levels in Patients after Total Knee Replacement Surgery. Kang JI1, Kim YN2, Choi H3. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Jul VIEW
Effects of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in Tendon Injuries Yujie Li1, Wei Li2, Xinyue Liu1, Xueli Liu1, Bin Zhu1, Sheng Guo3, Chenglong Wang3, Dingxuan Wang1, Sen Li3, Zhongfa Zhang2 J Ultrasound Med 2023 Apr 20 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on autogenous bone graft healing. Fındık Y, Baykul T. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Sep 28 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on cell viability, proliferation and neural differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells-derived neural crest stem cells. Lv Y, Zhao P, Chen G, Sha Y, Yang L. Biotechnol Lett. 2013 Sep 28 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on injured skeletal muscle. Montalti CS, Souza NV, Rodrigues NC, Fernandes KR, Toma RL, Renno AC. Braz J Phys Ther. 2013 Aug 23 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Haoqian Chen1,2, Zheng Wang3, Xinan Zhang3, Mingli Sun3 Clin Rehabil 2022 May 9 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on osteosarcoma and cancer cells. Sawai Y, Murata H, Koto K, Matsui T, Horie N, Ashihara E, Maekawa T, Fushiki S, Kubo T. Oncol Rep. 2012 May 17 VIEW
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on soft tissue micro-circulation in the foot. Kösters AK1, Ganse B1, Gueorguiev B2, Klos K3, Modabber A4, Nebelung S5, Kim BS6, Knobe M7 Int Orthop. 2017 Jul 22 VIEW
Effects of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy on Fracture Healing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Bashardoust Tajali S, Houghton P, Macdermid JC, Grewal R. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2011 Sep 7 VIEW
Effects of man-made electromagnetic fields on heart rate variability parameters of general public: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies Mahsa Mansourian1, Hamidreza Marateb2, Rasool Nouri3, Marjan Mansourian4 Rev Environ Health 2023 May 18 VIEW
Effects of Mantra Meditation versus Music Listening on Knee Pain, Function, and Related Outcomes in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: An Exploratory Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT). Innes KE1, Selfe TK2, Kandati S1,3, Wen S4, Huysmans Z5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Aug 30 VIEW
Effects of massage on limb and skin blood flow after quadriceps exercise Hinds T//McEwan I//Perkes J//Dawson E//// Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004 VIEW
Effects of massage on pain and anxiety during labour: a randomized controlled trial in Taiwan Chang MY//Wang SY//Chen CH J Adv Nurs 2002 VIEW
Effects of Medhya Rasayana and Yogic practices in improvement of short-term memory among school-going children. Sarokte AS1, Rao MV2. Ayu. 2013 Oct VIEW
Effects of Meditation and Mind-Body Exercises on Older Adults' Cognitive Performance: A Meta-analysis. Chan JSY1, Deng K1, Wu J1, Yan JH1 Gerontologist. 2019 Feb 23 VIEW
Effects of Meditation and Music-Listening on Blood Biomarkers of Cellular Aging and Alzheimer's Disease in Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: An Exploratory Randomized Clinical Trial. Innes KE, Selfe TK, Brundage K, Montgomery C, Wen S, Kandati S, Bowles H, Khalsa DS, Huysmans Z J Alzheimers Dis. 2018 Oct 11 VIEW
Effects of meditation experience on functional connectivity of distributed brain networks. Hasenkamp W, Barsalou LW. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
Effects of Meditation for Surgeons: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature Angelo Capodici1, Francesco Sanmarchi, Davide Golinelli Ann Surg 2022 Jan 25 VIEW
Effects of meditation on anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life of women undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer. Kim YH, Kim HJ, Ahn SD, Seo YJ, Kim SH. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Aug VIEW
Effects of meditation on brainstem auditory evoked potentials McEvoy TM//Frumkin LR//Harkins SW Int J Neurosci 1980 VIEW
Effects of Meditation on Mental Health and Cardiovascular Balance in Caregivers Lourdes Díaz-Rodríguez1,2, Keyla Vargas-Román1,3, Juan Carlos Sanchez-Garcia1,2, Raquel Rodríguez-Blanque1,4, Guillermo Arturo Cañadas-De la Fuente2, Emilia I De La Fuente-Solana5 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Jan 13 VIEW
Effects of meditation on neural responses to pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI studies Cheng Fan1, Mengjiao Wu2, Hong Liu3, Xiaolin Chen4, Zhen Gao5, Xin Zhao6, Jianhao Zhou7, Zheng Jiang8 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2024 May 29 VIEW
Effects of meditation on pain intensity, physical function, quality of life and depression in adults with low back pain - a systematic review with meta-analysis Helena Schmidt1, Christian Pilat2 Complement Ther Med 2023 Jan 26 VIEW
Effects of Meditation versus Music Listening on Perceived Stress, Mood, Sleep, and Quality of Life in Adults with Early Memory Loss: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Innes KE, Selfe TK, Khalsa DS3, Kandati S1 J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 Apr 8 VIEW
Effects of Meditative Movements on Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Zou L1, Yeung A2, Li C3, Wei GX4, Chen KW5, Kinser PA6, Chan JSM7, Ren Z8 J Clin Med. 2018 Aug 1 VIEW
Effects of mental relaxation and slow breathing in essential hypertension. Kaushik RM1, Kaushik R, Mahajan SK, Rajesh V Complement Ther Med. 2006 Jun VIEW
Effects of Meridian Point Stimulation on an Electroencephalogram by Light-Emitting Diodes Oku T 1//Hiroo I 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Effects of Mind Sound Resonance Technique (Yogic Relaxation) on Psychological States, Sleep Quality, and Cognitive Functions in Female Teachers: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Rao M, Metri KG, Raghuram N, Hongasandra NR Adv Mind Body Med. 2017 Winter VIEW
Effects of mind-body exercise Baduanjin on cognition in community-dwelling older people with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial Rui Xia1, Mingyue Wan2, Huiying Lin2, Yu Ye2, Shangjie Chen1, Guohua Zheng3 Neuropsychol Rehabil 2022 Jul 15 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercise on Body Constitution and Circadian Rhythm in People with Suboptimal Health Status Yen-Ying Kung1,2, Yuh-Chiang Shen3, Jia-Yi Li4, Yao-Kai Kao5,6, Terry B J Kuo2,5,7, Cheryl C H Yang5,7,8,9 J Chin Med Assoc 2023 Oct 27 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercise on Brain Structure and Function: A Systematic Review on MRI Studies Xiaoyou Zhang1,2, Boyi Zong1,2, Wenrui Zhao1,2, Lin Li1,2 Brain Sci 2021 Feb 7 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercise on Cognitive Function in Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Wang S1, Yin H, Jia Y, Zhao L, Wang L, Chen L J Nerv Ment Dis. 2018 Dec VIEW
Effects of mind-body exercise on cognitive performance in middle-aged and older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A meta-analysis study Hejia Cai1, Kainan Zhang1, Mengzhao Wang1, Xiaomei Li2, Fei Ran3, Yanbai Han1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2023 Aug 25 VIEW
Effects of mind-body exercise on knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Hujun Qiao1,2, Xin Hao3, Guoxiang Wang4 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2024 Mar 22 VIEW
Effects of mind-body exercise on perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Hong Xu1, Jian Liu, Peishan Li, Yujie Liang Menopause 2024 May 1 VIEW
Effects of mind-body exercise on physical and psychosocial well-being of stroke patients: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Jing Jing Su1, Rose S Y Lin2, Ladislav Batalik3, Hammoda Abu-Odah4, Garyfallia Pepera5, Qiang Xu6, Wing Fai Yeung4 Geriatr Nurs 2023 Dec 29 VIEW
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