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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Influence of emission from a 80 khz quartz resonance system on electrical impedance of a human body Aoki T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Influence of Magnetic Fields on a Dynamic of Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Cells Shermatov EN First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Visited Report of North American Activities-Institute Related to Human Potential in the USA and Canada and the twentieth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration- Yamamoto M 1//Kokubo H 1,2//Kawano K 3//Kido M 4//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Development of measuring system for Nt-order magnetic field caused by human hands Kokubo H 1//Yamamoto M 1//Hirasawa M 1//Sakaida H 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1998 VIEW
Facilitators and barriers to elders' practice of t'ai chi. A mind-body, low-inten Chen KM//Snyder M//Krichbaum K J Holist Nurs 2001 VIEW
Effects of tai chi exercise on patients with type 2 diabetes Wang, JH. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Adjuvant Auricular Electroacupuncture and Autogenic Training in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Auricular Acupuncture and Autogenic Training in Rheumatoid Arthritis Bernateck M, Becker M, Schwake C, Hoy L, Passie T, Parlesak A, Fischer MJ, Fink M, Karst M. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 VIEW
Inward-attention meditation increases parasympathetic activity: a study based on heart rate variability Wu SD, Lo PC Biomed Res 2008 Oct VIEW
Evaluation of Siddha Samadhi Yoga for anxiety and depression symptoms: a preliminary study Kozasa EH, Santos RF, Rueda AD, Benedito-Silva AA, De Ornellas FL, Leite JR Psychol Rep. 2008 Aug VIEW
State anxiety, psychological stress and positive well-being responses to yoga and aerobic exercise in people with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Vancampfort D, De Hert M, Knapen J, Wampers M, Demunter H, Deckx S, Maurissen K, Probst M. Disabil Rehabil. 2010 Aug 18 VIEW
A pilot study of loving-kindness meditation for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Johnson DP, Penn DL, Fredrickson BL, Kring AM, Meyer PS, Catalino LI, Brantley M. Schizophr Res. 2011 Mar 6 VIEW
Acupuncture versus topiramate in chronic migraine prophylaxis: A randomized clinical trial. Yang CP, Chang MH, Liu PE, Li TC, Hsieh CL, Hwang KL, Chang HH. Cephalalgia. 2011 Oct 21 VIEW
Acupuncture as a therapeutic treatment option for threatened miscarriage. Betts D, Smith CA, Hannah DG. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Mar 22 VIEW
Acupuncture and small needle scalpel therapy in the treatment of calcifying tendonitis of the gluteus medius: a case report. Lin W, Liu CY, Tang CL, Hsu CH. Acupunct Med. 2012 Apr 25 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Dermatology: An Overview of Selected Modalities for the Practicing Dermatologist. Bhuchar S, Katta R, Wolf J. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2012 Jun 5 VIEW
Prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by menopausal women: A systematic review of surveys. Posadzki P, Lee MS, Moon TW, Choi TY, Park TY, Ernst E. Maturitas. 2013 Mar 13 VIEW
A systematic review of yoga for heart disease. Cramer H, Lauche R, Haller H, Dobos G, Michalsen A. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014 Feb 3 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions in multiple sclerosis: beneficial effects of Tai Chi on balance, coordination, fatigue and depression. Burschka JM, Keune PM, Oy U, Oschmann P, Kuhn P. BMC Neurol. 2014 Aug 23 VIEW
Qigong and cervical vertebra disease (14 cases report) Liu Zhewei 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
The effect of qigong on 'Syndrome X' Wang Changxing//// 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Model of popularizing qigong in communal areas hospital-communal area - Mass qigong (Medical) Wei Jiang 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Certain Physical Manifestation and Effects of External Qi of Yan Xin Life Science Technology Xin Y//Lu F//Jiang H ISSSEEM 1997 VIEW
Intuitive diagnosis Benor DJ Subtle Energies 1992 VIEW
ACTH and beta-endorphin in transcendental meditation Infante JR//Peran F//Martinez M//Roldan A//// Physiol Behav 1998 VIEW
On the merits of ancient Chinese eye acupressure practices Ostberg O//Horie Y//Feng Y Appl Ergon 1992 VIEW Brenner MJ. Soc Work Health Care. 2009 May VIEW
The effect of meditation on physical and mental health in junior college students: a quasi-experimental study. Yang KP, Su WM, Huang CK. J Nurs Res 2009 Dec VIEW
Validation of a simplified sham acupuncture technique for its use in clinical research: a randomised, single blind, crossover study. Kreiner M, Zaffaroni A, Alvarez R, Clark G. Acupunct Med. 2010 Mar VIEW
Abnormal gastroscopy findings were related to lower meridian energy. Huang SM, Chien LY, Chang CC, Chen PH, Tai CJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Attention should be paid to preventing knee injury in tai chi exercise. Chen HL, Liu K, You QS. Inj Prev. 2011 Aug VIEW
Lymphocyte Recovery After Breast Cancer Treatment and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Therapy. Lengacher CA, Kip KE, Post-White J, Fitzgerald S, Newton C, Barta M, Jacobsen PB, Shelton MM, Moscoso M, Johnson-Mallard V, Harris E, Loftus L, Cox C, Le N, Goodman M, Djeu J, Widen RH, Bercu BB, Klein TW. Biol Res Nurs. 2011 Nov 14 VIEW
A Pilot Study Examining the Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Symptoms of Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Postconcussive Syndrome. Azulay J, Smart CM, Mott T, Cicerone KD. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2012 Jun 8 VIEW
Digital media, the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of neuroplasticity. Choudhury S, McKinney KA. Transcult Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Tools of the trade: theory and method in mindfulness neuroscience. Tang YY, Posner MI. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013 Jan VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan Exercise for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Lan C1, Chen SY1, Wong MK2, Lai JS1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of therapeutic music video intervention for resilience outcomes in adolescents/young adults undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Robb SL, Burns DS, Stegenga KA, Haut PR, Monahan PO, Meza J, Stump TE, Cherven BO, Docherty SL, Hendricks-Ferguson VL, Kintner EK, Haight AE, Wall DA, Haase JE. Cancer 2014 Jan 27 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field improves cardiac function in response to myocardial infarction. Hao CN1, Huang JJ2, Shi YQ1, Cheng XW3, Li HY4, Zhou L4, Guo XG5, Li RL2, Lu W6, Zhu YZ7, Duan JL2. Am J Transl Res. 2014 May 15 VIEW
Lower trait frontal theta activity in mindfulness meditators. Tanaka GK1, Peressutti C1, Teixeira S1, Cagy M2, Piedade R1, Nardi AE3, Ribeiro P1, Velasques B1. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2014 Sep VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture 2014. Bai L1, Harris RE2, Kong J3, Lao L4, Napadow V5, Zhao B6. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Efficacy of yoga for depressed postpartum women: A randomized controlled trial. Buttner MM1, Brock RL2, O'Hara MW2, Stuart S3. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015 Apr 1 VIEW
Telomeric repeat-containing RNA TERRA: a noncoding RNA connecting telomere biology to genome integrity. Cusanelli E1, Chartrand P2. Front Genet. 2015 Apr 14 VIEW
DNA damage in children with scoliosis following X-ray exposure. Himmetoglu S1, Guven MF, Bilsel N, Dincer Y. Minerva Pediatr. 2015 Jun VIEW
Tai chi qigong as a means to improve night-time sleep quality among older adults with cognitive impairment: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Chan AW1, Yu DS1, Choi KC1, Lee DT1, Sit JW1, Chan HY1 Clin Interv Aging. 2016 Sep 16 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Challenges for Preclinical Investigations of Human Biofield Modalities. Gronowicz G1, Bengston W2, Yount G3. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Correlates of Exercise Self-efficacy in a Randomized Trial of Mind-Body Exercise in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. Yeh GY1, Mu L, Davis RB, Wayne PM J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2016 Mar 8 VIEW
Clinically defined non-specific symptoms in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: A retrospective before-after study. Baliatsas C1, van Kamp I2, Bolte J3, Kelfkens G4, van Dijk C5, Spreeuwenberg P6, Hooiveld M7, Lebret E8, Yzermans J9 Sci Total Environ. 2016 May 21 VIEW
Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations. Waldmann-Selsam C1, Balmori-de la Puente A2, Breunig H3, Balmori A4 Sci Total Environ. 2016 Aug 20 VIEW
Physical Therapy Treatments for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: A Review of Guidelines [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health CADTH Rapid Response Reports. 2016 Nov VIEW
The Effect of Physical Activity on PTSD. Oppizzi LM1, Umberger R2 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
Understanding qi running in the meridians as interstitial fluid flowing via interstitial space of low hydraulic resistance. Zhang WB1,2, Jia DX1, Li HY2, Wei YL3, Yan H3, Zhao PN1, Gu FF1, Wang GJ2, Wang YP4 Chin J Integr Med. 2018 Jan 9 VIEW
Loading of the hip and knee joints during whole body vibration training. Bergmann G1, Kutzner I1, Bender A1, Dymke J1, Trepczynski A1, Duda GN1, Felsenberg D2, Damm P1 PLoS One. 2018 Dec 12 VIEW
Tai Chi for improving balance and reducing falls: A protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhong D1, Xiao Q2, He M1, Li Y2, Ye J2, Zheng H2, Xia L1, Zhang C1, Liang F2, Li J1, Jin R1 Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Apr VIEW
The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Engel GL Science. 1977 Apr 8 VIEW
Analysis on Function of Psychological Factors Healthcare by Qigong Yao Q//Shi W 8th Int Sym on Qigong 2001 VIEW
A possible physical basis for the healing touch (biotherapy) evaluated by high voltage electrophotography Berden M//Jerman I//Skarja M Acupunct Electrother Res 1997 VIEW
Attitudes and beliefs about exercise among elderly African Americans in an urban community Lavizzo-Mourey R//Cox C//Strumpf N//Edwards WF//// J Natl Med Assoc 2001 VIEW
Regular Tai Chi Chuan exercise improves T cell helper function of type 2 DM patients with an increase in T-bet transcription factor and IL-12 production Yeh SH, Chuang H, Lin LW, Hsiao CY, Wang PW, Liu RT, Yang KD Br J Sports Med 2008 Apr 2 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study Eisendrath SJ, Delucchi K, Bitner R, Fenimore P, Smit M, McLane M Psychother Psychosom. 2008 VIEW
Meditation experience predicts less negative appraisal of pain: Electrophysiological evidence for the involvement of anticipatory neural responses. Brown CA, Jones AK. Pain 2010 May 20 VIEW
An fMRI study of acupuncture-induced brain activation of aphasia stroke patients. Li G, Yang ES. Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jan VIEW
The safety, acceptability, and effectiveness of acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for acute symptoms in bipolar disorder. Dennehy EB, Schnyer R, Bernstein IH, Gonzalez R, Shivakumar G, Kelly DI, Snow DE, Sureddi S, Suppes T. J Clin Psychiatry. 2009 May 5 VIEW
The use of acupuncture in maternity care: a pilot study evaluating the acupuncture service in an Australian hospital antenatal clinic Hope-Allan, N., Adams, J., Sibbritt, D. & Tracy, S. Complementary Therapy and Nurses Midwifery 2004 VIEW
Comprehensive approach to fall prevention on a national level: New Zealand. Campbell AJ, Robertson MC. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010 Nov VIEW
Immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in treating latent upper trapezius trigger points: a double blind randomised placebo-controlled trial. Gemmell H, Hilland A. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Jul VIEW
Reduced functional connectivity between cortical sources in five meditation traditions detected with lagged coherence using EEG tomography. Lehmann D, Faber PL, Tei S, Pascual-Marqui RD, Milz P, Kochi K. Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 12 VIEW
Regulation of gene expression by yoga, meditation and related practices: A review of recent studies. Saatcioglu F. Asian J Psychiatr. 2013 Feb VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for treating tinnitus. Philippot P, Nef F, Clauw L, de Romrée M, Segal Z. Clin Psychol Psychother. 2012 Sep VIEW
Approaching dysphoric mood: State-effects of mindfulness meditation on frontal brain asymmetry. Keune PM, Bostanov V, Hautzinger M, Kotchoubey B. Biol Psychol. 2013 Feb 11 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation, Well-being, and Heart Rate Variability: A Preliminary Investigation into the Impact of Intensive Vipassana Meditation. Krygier JR, Heathers JA, Shahrestani S, Abbott M, Gross JJ, Kemp AH. Int J Psychophysiol. 2013 Jun 21 VIEW
Distinct Effects of EGFR Ligands on Human Mammary Epithelial Cell Differentiation. Mukhopadhyay C, Zhao X, Maroni D, Band V, Naramura M. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 4 VIEW
Meditation's impact on default mode network & hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study. Wells RE, Yeh GY, Kerr C, Wolkin J, Davis RB, Tan Y, Spaeth R, Wall R, Walsh J, Kaptchuk T, Press D, Phillips RS, Kong J. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Oct 10 VIEW
Patient exposure to electromagnetic fields in magnetic resonance scanners: A review. Guibelalde Del Castillo E. Radiologia. 2013 Nov 16 VIEW
Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-being: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Madhav Goyal, MD, MPH1; Sonal Singh, MD, MPH1; Erica M. S. Sibinga, MD, MHS2; Neda F. Gould, PhD3; Anastasia Rowland-Seymour, MD1; Ritu Sharma, BSc4; Zackary Berger, MD, PhD1; Dana Sleicher, MS, MPH3; David D. Maron, MHS4; Hasan M. Shihab, MBChB, MPH4; Padmini D. Ranasinghe, MD, MPH1; Shauna Linn, BA4; Shonali Saha, MD2; Eric B. Bass, MD, MPH1,4; Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite, PhD3 JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jan 6 VIEW
Cumulative effect of low-level laser therapy and low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on bone repair in rats. Babuccu C1, Keklikoğlu N2, Baydoğan M3, Kaynar A4. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jan 24 VIEW
Mobile Phone Radiation: Physiological & Pathophysiologcal Considerations. K Sri N. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2015 Apr-Jun VIEW
Bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus regulates feeding and metabolism. Stanley SA1, Kelly L1, Latcha KN1, Schmidt SF1, Yu X1, Nectow AR1, Sauer J2, Dyke JP3, Dordick JS2, Friedman JM1,4. Nature. 2016 Mar 23 VIEW
Disordered redox metabolism of brain cells in rats exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation or UHF electromagnetic radiation. Burlaka AP1, Druzhyna MO, Vovk AV1, Lukin SМ1 Exp Oncol. 2016 Dec VIEW
Case-control study on occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and glioma risk. Carlberg M1, Koppel T2, Ahonen M3, Hardell L1 Am J Ind Med. 2017 Apr 10 VIEW
Health benefits of tai chi: What is the evidence? Huston P1, McFarlane B2 Can Fam Physician. 2016 Nov VIEW
Review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life in cancer survivors. Duncan M1, Moschopoulou E2, Herrington E3,4, Deane J1, Roylance R5, Jones L6, Bourke L7,8, Morgan A9, Chalder T10, Thaha MA3,4, Taylor SC11, Korszun A12, White PD12, Bhui K, SURECAN Investigators BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 28 VIEW
Effect of simplified Tai Chi exercise on relieving symptoms of patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease. Zhu M1,2, Zhang Y2, Pan J1,3, Fu C4, Wang Y5 J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2019 Oct 25 VIEW
Influence of Electroacupuncture Stimulation on Nitric Monoxide Production in Vascular Endothelial Cells in Rats. Kusayanagi H1, Ishikawa S2, Tajika Y1, Moue T1, Sunagawa M1, Hisamitsu T1. In Vivo. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
The regenerative effects of electromagnetic field on spinal cord injury. Ross CL1,2, Syed I3, Smith TL3, Harrison BS1 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Jul 11 VIEW
What do Cochrane systematic reviews say about non-pharmacological interventions for treating cognitive decline and dementia? Vilela VC1, Pacheco RL1, Latorraca COC2, Pachito DV3, Riera R4 Sao Paulo Med J. 2017 May-Jun VIEW
Revealing the Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Beneficial Effects of Tai Chi: A Neuroimaging Perspective. Yu AP1, Tam BT2, Lai CW3, Yu DS4, Woo J5, Chung KF6, Hui SS7, Liu JY8, Wei GX9, Siu PM1 Am J Chin Med. 2018 VIEW
Preliminary study of the variation of growth temperature of bacteria by qigong external qi treatment Lu Ganshi 1//Ye Yukun 1//Ye Songguang 1//We Huanrong 2//Li Xiaosheng 2//Qin Wenhua 2//Deng Borong 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Analysis of effect of emitted qi on human hepatocarcinoma cell (BEL-7402) by using flow cytometry Chen Yuanfeng 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
The Effects of Viewing Different Colors on EEG and Skin Temperature in Humans Shen Zaiwen//Tone Akiko//Asayama Masami J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
A Study of the Effect of Energy Healing on In Vitro Tumor Cell Proliferation Shah Sonal// Ogden Alfred T// Pettker Christian M// Raffo Anthony //// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
Difference in EEG between mediation and Chinese qigong Shi MM//Luan LY//huang JL//Kawano K//Shinagawa Y Jpn J Physiol 1991 VIEW
Acupuncture Anesthesia and Analgesia for Clinical Acute Pain in Japan Taguchi R. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2008 Jun VIEW
Comparing yoga, exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain: A randomized, controlled trial Sherman, K.J., Cherkin, D.C., Erro, J., Miglioretti, D.L. & Deyo, R.A. Annals of Internal Medicine 2005 VIEW
Short-term meditation induces white matter changes in the anterior cingulate. Tang YY, Lu Q, Geng X, Stein EA, Yang Y, Posner MI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 16 VIEW
Frontal Electroencephalographic Asymmetry Associated With Positive Emotion Is Produced by Very Brief Meditation Training. Moyer CA, Donnelly MP, Anderson JC, Valek KC, Huckaby SJ, Wiederholt DA, Doty RL, Rehlinger AS, Rice BL. Psychol Sci. 2011 Sep 15 VIEW
Cancer physics: Diagnostics based on damped cellular elasto-electrical vibrations in microtubules Pokorný, J., Vedruccio, C., Cifra, M., Kučera, O European Biophysics Journal 2011 VIEW
Cardiac autonomic function in patients with diabetes improves with practice of comprehensive yogic breathing program. Jyotsna VP, Ambekar S, Singla R, Joshi A, Dhawan A, Kumar N, Deepak KK, Sreenivas V. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2013 May VIEW
The Effect of Acupressure on the Level of Fatigue in Hemodialysis Patients. Eğlence R, Karataş N, Taşci S. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Nov VIEW
Nei dan theory and its effect about bai yu chan LiYuanguo ? 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
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