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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Tai chi/yoga effects on anxiety, heartrate, EEG and math computations. Field T, Diego M, Hernandez-Reif M. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2010 Nov VIEW
[Study on origin of meridians and collaterals through pain relieving effect of muscle regions]. Dong BQ, Li CR, Huang FY, Zhang SJ, Xue LG. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2011 Aug VIEW
[Electroacupuncture at Guanyuan (CV 4) and Zhongwan (CV 12) modulates functional connectivity of the brain network in healthy volunteers]. Fang JL, Hong Y, Wang XL, Liu HS, Wang Y, Liu J, Wang L, Xue C, Zhou KH, Song M, Liu BY, Zhu B. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2011 Oct VIEW
Local Nanomechanical Motion of the Cell Wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Andrew E. Pelling, Sadaf Sehati, Edith B. Gralla, Joan S. Valentine and James K. Gimzewski Science 2004 Aug 20 VIEW
Qigong Massage for Motor Skills in Young Children With Cerebral Palsy and Down Syndrome. Silva LM, Schalock M, Garberg J, Smith CL. Am J Occup Ther. 2012 May VIEW
Effect of acupuncture in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease: a functional MRI study. Wang Z, Nie B, Li D, Zhao Z, Han Y, Song H, Xu J, Shan B, Lu J, Li K. PLoS One 2012 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use among undergraduate nursing & midwifery students in Turkey. Camurdan C, Gül A. Nurse Educ Pract 2012 Oct 17 VIEW
Turning Body and Self Inside Out: Visualized Heartbeats Alter Bodily Self-Consciousness and Tactile Perception. Aspell JE, Heydrich L, Marillier G, Lavanchy T, Herbelin B, Blanke O. Psychol Sci. 2013 Oct 8 VIEW
Three months of Tai Chi Chuan exercise can reduce serum triglyceride and endothelin-1 in the elderly. Lu WA, Kuo CD. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Nov VIEW
Pharmacological Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Review of Cost Effectiveness. Haas M1, De Abreu Lourenco R. Pharmacoeconomics. 2015 Jan 22 VIEW
The DNA methylation inhibitor induces telomere dysfunction and apoptosis of leukemia cells that is attenuated by telomerase over-expression. Zhang X1, Li B1, de Jonge N1, Björkholm M1, Xu D1. Oncotarget. 2015 Jan 6 VIEW
Qigong for Liver Disease Patient Miyahara Mitsuko 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Study of the Emitted Qi's Effect on the Proliferating of Human Lymphocyte Yang Jinhong//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Trends in Immuno-neuro-endocrinology Higuchi Yuzo J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
A Study of the Thermoanalysis of a Superconducting material Treated by the Special Fuction Owner Yan Dianxiang//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1992 VIEW
CHANGING THE PRESENT SITUATION OF QIGONG Tian Chenjie 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Successful practice management Richard D//Yennie DC 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Body, Mind, Spirit for Self Healing for Disability and Rehabilitation Chow EP First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Spirit (shen), styles of knowing, and authority in contemporary Chinese medicine Hsu E Cult Med Psychiatry 2000 VIEW
Screening of antioxidant activity of three Indian medicinal plants, traditionally used for the management of neurodegenerative diseases Auddy B//Ferreira M//Blasina F//Lafon L//// J Ethnopharmacol 2003 VIEW
Resistance exercise in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer Segal RJ//Reid RD//Courneya KS//Malone SC//// J Clin Oncol 2003 VIEW
Tai chi exercise and muscle strength and endurance in older people Xu DQ, Hong Y, Li JX. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Inward-attention meditation increases parasympathetic activity: a study based on heart rate variability. Wu SD, Lo PC. Biomed Res. 2008 Oct VIEW
Acupuncture for Alzheimer\'s disease: a systematic review. Lee MS, Shin BC, Ernst E. Int J Clin Pract 2009 Jun VIEW
The role of acupuncture in the treatment of orthodontic patients with a gagging reflex: a pilot study. Sari E, Sari T. Br Dent J. 2010 May 22 VIEW
Effect of yoga on menopausal symptoms. Joshi S, Khandwe R, Bapat D, Deshmukh U. Menopause Int. 2011 Sep VIEW
The study on Chan-meditation electrocardiogram by pattern analysis of continuous wavelet transform-coefficient map. Lo PC, Lembono B, Hsu WT. Chin J Integr Med. 2012 Mar 28 VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast cancer-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cramer H, Lauche R, Paul A, Dobos G. Curr Oncol. 2012 Oct VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction versus group cognitive behavioral therapy for heterogeneous anxiety disorders. Arch JJ, Ayers CR, Baker A, Almklov E, Dean DJ, Craske MG. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Jan 25 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial for the Use of Qigong in the Treatment of Pre and Mild Essential Hypertension Shin, Kyung-Min; Park, Ji-Eun; Hong, Sanghoon; Park, Taeseob; Lee, Minhee; Liu, Yan; Kim, Jung-Eun; Kim, Tae-Hun; Kim, Ae-Ran; Jung, So-Young; Park, Hyoju; Choi1, Sun-Mi Journal of Hypertension 2012 Sep VIEW
Comparative impacts of Tai Chi, balance training and a specially-designed yoga program on balance in older fallers. Ni M1, Mooney K2, Richards L2, Balachandran A1, Sun M1, Harriell K1, Potiaumpai M1, Signorile JF3. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 May 14 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation: Evidence from neuroimaging studies. Marchand WR. World J Radiol. 2014 Jul 28 VIEW
Intervention-induced enhancement in intrinsic brain activity in healthy older adults. Yin S1, Zhu X2, Li R3, Niu Y2, Wang B1, Zheng Z1, Huang X1, Huo L1, Li J3. Sci Rep. 2014 Dec 4 VIEW
Superior Effects of Modified Chen-Style Tai Chi versus 24-Style Tai Chi on Cognitive Function, Fitness, and Balance Performance in Adults over 55. Zou L1, Loprinzi PD2, Yu JJ3, Yang L4,5, Li C6, Yeung AS7, Kong Z8, Chiou SY9, Xiao T10 Brain Sci. 2019 May 4 VIEW
Changes of telomere status with aging: An update. Ishikawa N1, Nakamura K1, Izumiyama-Shimomura N1, Aida J1,2, Matsuda Y1,2, Arai T1,2, Takubo K1,2. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2016 Mar VIEW
Effects of a 12-week program of Tai Chi exercise on the kidney disease quality of life and physical functioning of patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Chang JH1, Koo M2, Wu SW3, Chen CY4 Complement Ther Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Improvements in Emotion Regulation Following Mindfulness Meditation: Effects on Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors. Boyle CC, Stanton AL, Ganz PA, Crespi CM, Bower JE J Consult Clin Psychol. 2017 Feb 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of SP6 (Sanyinjiao) acupressure for relief of primary dysmenorrhea symptoms: A systematic review with meta- and sensitivity analyses. Abaraogu UO1, Igwe SE2, Tabansi-Ochiogu CS3 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Nov VIEW
Back and Forward Direction Regulation of Qigong on Cardiovascular Function Cao Liu 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Tai Chi for vestibulopathic balance dysfunction: a case study Wayne PM, Scarborough DM, Krebs DE, Parker SW, Wolf SL, Asmundson L, McGibbon CA Altern Ther Health Med. 2005 Mar-Apr VIEW
Acupuncture application for neurological disorders Lee, H., Park, H., Park, J., Kim, M., hong, M., Yang, J., Choi, S. & Lee, H. Neurological Research 2007 VIEW
[Influence of acupuncture at acupoints and non-acupoints on the perioperative analgesic effect in patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy]. Gu CY, Shen LR, Ding YH, Lou Y, Wu HG, Shi Z, Ma XP. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Aug VIEW
Electromagnetic field effects on cells of the immune system: the role of calcium signaling. Walleczek J. FASEB J. 1992 Oct VIEW
Colors as catalysts in enzymatic reactions. Azeemi ST, Raza SM, Yasinzai M. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2008 Dec VIEW
Dispositional Mindfulness, Meditation, and Conditional Goal Setting. Crane C, Jandric D, Barnhofer T, Williams JM. Mindfulness (N Y). 2010 Dec VIEW
Understanding the link between environmental exposures and health: does the exposome promise too much? Peters A, Hoek G, Katsouyanni K. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2011 Nov 11 VIEW
Electric field generated by longitudinal axial microtubule vibration modes with high spatial resolution microtubule model M Cifra 1 , D Havelka 2 , M A Deriu 3 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 329 2011 VIEW
Diagnostic imaging. Morris P, Perkins A. Lancet. 2012 Apr 17 VIEW
Practice of yoga may cause damage of both sciatic nerves: a case report. Dacci P, Amadio S, Gerevini S, Moiola L, Del Carro U, Radaelli M, Figlia G, Martinelli V, Comi G, Fazio R. Neurol Sci. 2012 Apr 24 VIEW
Application of alternative medicine in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Nikolić I, Smiljenić D, Kukić B, Bogdanović B, Petrović T, Ivković-Kapicl T, Kozarski D, Djan I. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2012 Nov VIEW
Eastern medicine approaches to male infertility. Hu M, Zhang Y, Ma H, Ng EH, Wu XK. Semin Reprod Med. 2013 Jul VIEW
An exploration of the needling depth in acupuncture: the safe needling depth and the needling depth of clinical efficacy. Lin JG, Chou PC, Chu HY. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Feasibility of Central Meditation and Imagery Therapy for dementia caregivers. Jain FA, Nazarian N, Lavretsky H. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 29 VIEW
Benefits of Mindfulness Training for Patients With Progressive Cognitive Decline and Their Caregivers. Paller KA1, Creery JD2, Florczak SM3, Weintraub S4, Mesulam MM4, Reber PJ3, Kiragu J5, Rooks J3, Safron A3, Morhardt D4, O'Hara M4, Gigler KL3, Molony JM3, Maslar M5. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2014 Aug 25 VIEW
Use of complementary health approaches among children aged 4-17 years in the United States: national health interview survey, 2007-2012. Black LI1, Clarke TC1, Barnes PM1, Stussman BJ2, Nahin RL2. Natl Health Stat Report. 2015 Feb VIEW
Molecular Biological Study on External Qi Zhang Fengde//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Fundamentals of qigong anesthesia and examples Inosuke Yoshimi 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Medical and health care Qigong (Qu Bing Yang Sheng Gong). Wang C//Xu D//Qian Y J Tradit Chin Med 1991 VIEW
Immune Changes during Qigong Therapy Higuchi Yuzo//Kotani Yasunori//Higuuchi Hironobu//Yu Yong Chang YU//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
A Review on Experimental Research of External-Qi of Qigong Liu Tianjun J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Paranormal health claims Skrabanek P Experientia 1988 VIEW
Colored Light Therapy: Overview of its History, Theory, Recent Developments and Clinical Applications Combined with Acupuncture Cocilovo A American Journal of Acupuncture 1999 VIEW
Self-hypnosis reduces anxiety following coronary artery bypass surgery. A prospective, randomized trial Ashton C Jr//Whitworth GC//Seldomridge JA//Shapiro PA//// J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1997 VIEW
Traditional Oriental Philosophy and Modern Science From the Viewpoint of Cosmology Aoyama M J Intl Soc Life Info Sci 2005 VIEW
[The Effects of Hand Acupuncture Therapy on Pain, ROM, ADL and Depression among Elders with Low Back Pain and Knee Joint Pain.] Yang JH. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2009 Feb VIEW
Medicine's Missing Dimension. Wilson KH. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2010 VIEW
Tai Chi Enhances the Effects of Endurance Training in the Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Caminiti G, Volterrani M, Marazzi G, Cerrito A, Massaro R, Arisi A, Franchini A, Sposato B, Rosano Rehabil Res Pract. 2011 VIEW
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Navigation vs. Fluoroscopy for Endovascular Aneurysm Repair: A Prospective Feasibility Study in Patients. Manstad-Hulaas F, Tangen GA, Dahl T, Hernes TA, Aadahl P. J Endovasc Ther. 2012 Feb VIEW
Combining near- and far-field exposure for an organ-specific and whole-body RF-EMF proxy for epidemiological research: A reference case. Lauer O, Frei P, Gosselin MC, Joseph W, Röösli M, Fröhlich J. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Feb 15 VIEW
A novel single pulsed electromagnetic field stimulates osteogenesis of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and bone repair. Fu YC1, Lin CC2, Chang JK3, Chen CH4, Tai IC2, Wang GJ3, Ho ML5. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 14 VIEW
USING POSTUROGRAPHY TO MEASURE BALANCE CONTROL DURING SEATED TAI CHI. Geib RW1, Li H, Waite GN, Pagnacco G, Oggero E, Roberts BL. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2014 Apr 4 VIEW
Efficacy of short-term Yoga therapy program on quality of life in patients with psychosomatic ailments. Garg S1, Ramya CS2, Shankar V3, Kutty K3. Indian J Psychiatry. 2015 Jan-Mar VIEW
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Versus Pilates Exercise on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trial. de Oliveira LC1, de Oliveira RG1, de Almeida Pires-Oliveira DA2 J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2018 Feb 12 VIEW
Strategies of complementary and integrative therapies in cancer-related pain-attaining exhaustive cancer pain management Maindet C1, Burnod A2, Minello C3, George B4, Allano G5, Lemaire A6 Support Care Cancer. 2019 May 11 VIEW
Cross-training effect of chronic whole-body vibration exercise: a randomized controlled study. Aydın T1, Kesiktaş FN1, Baskent A2, Karan A2, Karacan I1, Türker KS3 Somatosens Mot Res. 2020 Feb 5 VIEW
Tai Chi Exercise for the Quality of Life in a Perimenopausal Women Organization: A Systematic Review. Wang Y1, Shan W2, Li Q3, Yang N4, Shan W5 Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017 Aug VIEW
Facial paralysis treated by “external qi” Lin Qing 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
The biological effect of qigong with the biochronometer Fan Iji 1//Hu Gang 1//Qiu Yuzhen 2//Chai Jianyu 2 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
STUDY ON ANALYZING METHODS OF HUMAN BODY FUNCTIONS USING VARIOUS SIMULTANEOUS MEASUREMENTS(PART 1) Results of the First Year of the 5-Year-Project of Science and Technology Agency of Japan Yamamoto M//Hirasawa M//Kokubo H//Yasuda N//Furukawa A//Furukawa M//Yamuchi M//Matsumoto T//Fukuda N//Kurano M//Kokado T//Nishkawa M//Kawano Ki//Machi Y//Hirato T 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
QIGONG'S EFFECT ON DELAYING SENILITY He Zhide 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
LEARNING YANXIN'S MEDICAL QIGONG Li Luanfang 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Total stress management: qigong-enhanced wellness in the workplace Garripoli F 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
An Experiment on Remote Action against Man in Sensory-Shielding Condition (Part III) Yamamoto M 1//Kokubo H 1,2//Kokado T 1,2//Haraguchi S 1,2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Holistic manual therapy techniques Ramsey SM. Prim Care 1997 VIEW
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation: three caveats Smith JC Psychosom Med 2004 VIEW
Tai Chi Exercise and the Improvement of Mental and Physical Health among College Students. Wang Y. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Tai Chi Qigong for the quality of life of patients with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot, randomized, waiting list controlled trial. Lee HJ, Park HJ, Chae Y, Kim SY, Kim SN, Kim ST, Kim JH, Yin CS, Lee H. Clin Rehabil 2009 Jun VIEW
Understanding and integrating mindfulness into psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Tusaie K, Edds K. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2009 Oct VIEW
Polysomnographic and Subjective Profiles of Sleep Continuity Before and After Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Partially Remitted Depression. Britton WB, Haynes PL, Fridel KW, Bootzin RR. Psychosom Med. 2010 May 13 VIEW
Acupoint stimulation device using focused ultrasound. Tsuruoka N, Watanabe M, Seki T, Matsunaga T, Hagaa Y. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2010 VIEW
The effect of Ti Chi exercise on the sleep quality of the elderly residents in Isfahan, Sadeghieh elderly home. Hosseini H, Esfirizi MF, Marandi SM, Rezaei A. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2011-12-01 VIEW
A wireless accelerometer-based body posture stability detection system and its application for meditation practitioners. Chang KM, Chen SH, Lee HY, Ching CT, Huang CL. Sensors (Basel). 2012 Dec 18 VIEW
Nerve communication model by bio-cells and optical dipole coupling effects. Zainol FD, Thammawongsa N, Mitatha S, Ali J, Yupapin P. Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2013 Jan 10 VIEW
A reflection on the management and treatment of cervical spine neuropathies with East Asian medicine: Acupuncture. Wilson JF. Chin J Integr Med. 2013 Jun VIEW
A novel EEG for alpha brain state training, neurobiofeedback and behavior change. Stinson B, Arthur D. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Aug VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi on exercise capacity and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wu W1, Liu X2, Wang L1, Wang Z3, Hu J2, Yan J4. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2014 Nov 7 VIEW
Spectrum analysis effect of emitted qi on EEG on normal subjects Li Desong//Yang Qinfei//Li Xiaoming//Shi Jiming 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Tradition to Transformation: Ayurveda, Science and Systems Patwardhan Bhushan Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
STONE ELIMINATION BY QIGONG Li Minxuan 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
A prospective evaluation of lung volume reduction surgery in 200 consecutive patients Yusen RD//Lefrak SS//Gierada DS//Davis GE//// Chest 2003 VIEW
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