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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18838 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Complementary and alternative medicine in fibromyalgia and related syndromes Holdcraft LC//Assefi N//Buchwald D Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2003 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in osteoarthritis. De Luigi AJ. PM R. 2012 May VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in paediatrics in daily practice-A European perspective. Längler A, Zuzak TJ. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Shou C, Li J, Liu Z. Chin J Integr Med. 2011 Dec VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Terhorst L, Schneider MJ, Kim KH, Goozdich LM, Stilley CS. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011 Sep VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of refugees and survivors of torture: a review and proposal for action. Longacre M, Silver-Highfield E, Lama P, Grodin M. Torture. 2012 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: A Survey of Korean Medical Schools. Kim DY, Park WB, Kang HC, Kim MJ, Park KH, Min BI, Suh DJ, Lee HW, Jung SP, Chun M, Lee SN. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 31 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine therapies and COVID-19: a systematic review Mahin Badakhsh1, Majid Dastras2, Zohreh Sarchahi3, Mahboobe Doostkami4, Adel Mir5, Salehoddin Bouya6 Rev Environ Health 2021 Apr 12 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine treatments among stroke patients in India. Pandian JD, Toor G, Arora R, Kaur P, Dheeraj KV, Bhullar RS, Sylaja PN. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2012 Sep-Oct VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults and children: United States, 2007. Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin RL. Natl Health Stat Report. 2009 Dec 10 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults With Migraines/Severe Headaches. Wells RE, Bertisch SM, Buettner C, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP. Headache 2011 Jun 7 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Patients with Thyroid Cancer. Rosen J, Gardiner P, Saper RB, Filippelli A, White LF, Pearce EN, Gupta-Lawrence R, Lee SL. Thyroid. 2013 Jan 25 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use among Physicians in Oriental Medicine Hospitals in Vietnam: A Hospital-Based Survey. Pham DD, Yoo JH, Tran BQ, Ta TT. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use among undergraduate nursing & midwifery students in Turkey. Camurdan C, Gül A. Nurse Educ Pract 2012 Oct 17 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use among US adults with common neurological conditions. Wells RE, Phillips RS, Schachter SC, McCarthy EP. J Neurol. 2010 Jun 11 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use among veterans with chronic noncancer pain. Denneson LM, Corson K, Dobscha SK. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Youth With Juvenile Arthritis: Are Youth Using CAM, but Not Talking About It? Seburg EM, Horvath KJ, Garwick AW, McMorris BJ, Vehe RK, Scal P. J Adolesc Health. 2012 Aug VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use and Asthma: Relation to Asthma Severity and Comorbid Chronic Disease. Morgan W, Center H, Arms-Chavez C, Lobello SG. J Asthma. 2013 Dec 5 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use by older australians Zhang AL, Xue CC, Lin V, Story DF Ann N Y Acad Sci 2007 Nov VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use for vasomotor symptoms among women who have discontinued hormone therapy. Kupferer EM, Dormire SL, Becker H. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2009 Jan-Feb VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine use in England: results from a national survey. Hunt KJ, Coelho HF, Wider B, Perry R, Hung SK, Terry R, Ernst E. Int J Clin Pract. 2010 Aug 4 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Radiotherapy: What Are Patients Using? Gillett J, Ientile C, Hiscock J, Plank A, Martin JM. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine use in women during pregnancy: do their healthcare providers know? Lisa Strouss12*, Amy Mackley1, Ursula Guillen12, David A Paul12 and Robert Locke12 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine: impact on dentistry Little JW Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine: what's it all about? Barrett B WMJ 2001 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine's Effectiveness in Reducing High-Impact Chronic Pain and Opioid Consumption: A Case Report in the Veteran Population Mi-Hyon Cho1, Aditya Arya1, Jose A Fernandez2 Integr Med (Encinitas) 2021 Apr 1 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicines in the Management of Heart Failure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Sheryl L Chow, Biykem Bozkurt, William L Baker, Barry E Bleske, Khadijah Breathett, Gregg C Fonarow, Barry Greenberg, Prateeti Khazanie, Jacinthe Leclerc, Alanna A Morris, Nosheen Reza, Clyde W Yancy, American Heart Association Clinical Pharmacology Committee and Heart Failure and Transplantation Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; and Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Circulation 2022 Dec 8 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicines Use during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Pregnant Women and Healthcare Professional Views and Experiences. Pallivalappila AR, Stewart D, Shetty A, Pande B, McLay JS. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicines, embodied subjectivity and experiences of healing. Sointu E. Health (London). 2013 Jan 16 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Modalities to Relieve Osteoarthritis Symptoms: A review of the evidence on several therapies often used for osteoarthritis management. Fouladbakhsh J. Orthop Nurs. 2012 Mar VIEW
Complementary and alternative therapies as add-on to pharmacotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Ravindran AV, da Silva TL. J Affect Disord. 2013 Jun 11 VIEW
Complementary and alternative therapies for our aging society Dossey BM J Gerontol Nurs 1997 VIEW
Complementary and alternative therapies for treatment of insomnia in women in postmenopause. Hachul H, Monson C, Kozasa E, Oliveira DS, Goto V, Afonso R, Llanas AC, Tufik S. Climacteric. 2014 Jun 2 VIEW
Complementary and alternative therapy use by patients with myofascial temporomandibular disorders Raphael KG//Klausner JJ//Nayak S//Marbach JJ J Orofac Pain 2003 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Treatment for Neck Pain: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, TENS, Massage, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Feldenkrais. Plastaras CT, Schran S, Kim N, Sorosky S, Darr D, Chen MS, Lansky R. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2011 Aug VIEW
Complementary and alternative treatments for chronic pelvic pain. Carinci AJ, Pathak R, Young M, Christo PJ. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2013 Feb VIEW
Complementary and alternative treatments in sports medicine. Malone MA, Gloyer K. Prim Care. 2013 Dec VIEW
Complementary and Conventional Medicine Use Among Youth With Recurrent Headaches. Bethell C, Kemper KJ, Gombojav N, Koch TK. Pediatrics. 2013 Oct 14 VIEW
Complementary and Integrated Health Approaches: What Do Veterans Use and Want. Taylor SL1,2, Hoggatt KJ3,4, Kligler B5 J Gen Intern Med. 2019 Apr 22 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches and Pain Care Quality in the Veterans Health Administration Primary Care Setting: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis Ling Han1,2, Stephen L Luther3,4, Dezon K Finch3, Steven K Dobscha5,6, Melissa Skanderson2, Harini Bathulapalli2, Samah J Fodeh2,7, Bridget Hahm3, Lina Bouayad3,8, Allison Lee2, Joseph L Goulet2,7, Cynthia A Brandt2,7, Robert D Kerns2,9 J Integr Complement Med 2023 Mar 27 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches Offered in the Veterans Health Administration: Results of a National Organizational Survey Melissa M Farmer1,2, Michael McGowan1,2, Anita H Yuan1,2, Alison M Whitehead3, Uyi Osawe4, Stephanie L Taylor1,2,5 J Altern Complement Med 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions for Insomnia in Veterans and Military Populations Julie K Staples1,2,3, Courtney Gibson1, Madeline Uddo1 Psychol Rep 2021 Dec 2 VIEW
Complementary and integrative health interventions in post-stroke rehabilitation: a systematic PRISMA review Alysha A Walter1, Marieke Van Puymbroeck2, Pamela Bosch3, Arlene A Schmid4 Disabil Rehabil 2020 Oct 12 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Pang R1, Wang S2, Tian L2, Lee MC3, Do A3, Cutshall SM3, Li G2,4, Bauer BA3, Thomley BS3, Chon TY3. Am J Chin Med. 2015 Nov 30 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Episodic Migraine: an Update of Evidence from the Last 3 Years. Wells RE1, Beuthin J2, Granetzke L2 Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2019 Feb 21 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Treating Headaches, Cognitive Dysfunction, Mental Fatigue, Insomnia, and Mood Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Comprehensive Review Bruno Subbarao1, Zayd Hayani2, Zeke Clemmens2 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2024 Aug 1 VIEW
Complementary and integrative medicines for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: Overview of systematic reviews Chan-Young Kwon1, Boram Lee2 Explore (NY) 2022 Aug 11 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Persistent Pain Management in Older Adults: A Review. Bruckenthal P, Marino MA, Snelling L J Gerontol Nurs. 2016 Dec 1 VIEW
Complementary and integrative treatments: allergy. Garbo G, Tessema B, Brown SM. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2013 Jun VIEW
Complementary and integrative treatments: thyroid disease. Rosen JE, Gardiner P, Lee SL. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2013 Jun VIEW
Complementary approaches to decreasing discomfort during shockwave lithotripsy (SWL). Ngee-Ming G1, Tamsin D, Rai BP, Somani BK. Urolithiasis. 2014 Mar 20 VIEW
Complementary healing intervention and dermal wound reepithelialization: an overview Wirth DP Int J Psychosom 1995 VIEW
Complementary healing therapies Wirth DP//Barrett MJ Int J Psychosom 1994 VIEW
Complementary medicine and general practice in an urban setting: a decade on. Perry R, Dowrick C, Ernst E Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Complementary Medicine and Psoriasis: Linking the Patient's Outlook with Evidence-Based Medicine Ben-Arye E//Ziv M//Frenkel M//Lavi I//Rosenman D Dermatology 2003 VIEW
Complementary medicine for fatigue and cortisol variability in breast cancer survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Jain S, Pavlik D, Distefan J, Bruyere RR, Acer J, Garcia R, Coulter I, Ives J, Roesch SC, Jonas W, Mills PJ. Cancer 2011 Aug 5 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in stroke survivors: a US nationally representative survey Wiebke K Kohl-Heckl1, Anna K Koch2, Holger Cramer2 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Feb 12 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in US adults with hypertension: a nationally representative survey Wiebke Kathrin Kohl-Heckl1, Marleen Schröter2, Holger Cramer2 Complement Ther Med 2022 Jan 28 VIEW
Complementary medicine, exercise, meditation, diet, and lifestyle modification for anxiety disorders: a review of current evidence. Sarris J, Moylan S, Camfield DA, Pase MP, Mischoulon D, Berk M, Jacka FN, Schweitzer I. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Complementary medicine, self-help, and lifestyle interventions for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the OCD spectrum: A systematic review. Sarris J, Camfield D, Berk M J Affect Disord. 2011 May 25 VIEW
Complementary medicine: where is the evidence? Ernst E J Fam Pract 2003 VIEW
Complementary spiritist therapy: systematic review of scientific evidence. Lucchetti G, Lucchetti AL, Bassi RM, Nobre MR. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Complementary Therapies and Integrative Medicine in Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer, 3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Deng GE, Rausch SM, Jones LW, Gulati A, Kumar NB, Greenlee H, Pietanza MC, Cassileth BR. Chest 2013 May VIEW
Complementary therapies and nursing models Mantle F Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2001 VIEW
Complementary therapies for cerebrovascular disease Hassed C. Aust Fam Physician 2007 Nov VIEW
Complementary therapies for depression: an overview Ernst E//Rand JI//Stevinson C Arch Gen Psychiatry 1998 VIEW
Complementary therapies for osteoarthritis: are they effective? Shengelia R, Parker SJ, Ballin M, George T, Reid MC. Pain Manag Nurs. 2013 Dec VIEW
Complementary Therapies for Symptom Management in Cancer Patients Satija A1, Bhatnagar S1 Indian J Palliat Care. 2017 Oct-Dec VIEW
Complementary therapies in palliative cancer care Ernst E Cancer 2001 VIEW
Complementary Therapies in Parkinson Disease: a Review of Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Cannabis Lisa M Deuel1, Lauren C Seeberger2 Neurotherapeutics 2020 Aug 12 VIEW
Complementary Therapies in Parkinson Disease: a Review of Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Cannabis Lisa M Deuel1, Lauren C Seeberger2 Neurotherapeutics 2020 Aug 12 VIEW
Complementary Therapies: Tai Chi in the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease Alexandrina Danilov1, William H Frishman1,2 Cardiol Rev 2023 Jul 3 VIEW
Complementary therapy in chronic wound management: a holistic caring case study and praxis model Popoola MM Holist Nurs Pract 2003 VIEW
Complementary Use of Tai Chi Chih Augments Escitalopram Treatment of Geriatric Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Lavretsky H, Alstein LL, Olmstead RE, Ercoli LM, Riparetti-Brown M, Cyr NS, Irwin MR. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2011 Oct VIEW
Complementary, Integrative, and Nondrug Therapy Use for Pain Among US Military Veterans on Long-term Opioids Elizabeth S Goldsmith1,2, Richard F MacLehose2, Agnes C Jensen1, Barbara Clothier1, Siamak Noorbaloochi1,3, Brian C Martinson1, Melvin T Donaldson3, Erin E Krebs1,3 Med Care 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
Complete optical neurophysiology: toward optical stimulation and recording of neural tissue. Wininger FA, Schei JL, Rector DM. Appl Opt. 2009 Apr 1 VIEW
Completion report: Effect of Comprehensive Yogic Breathing program on type 2 diabetes: A randomized control trial. Jyotsna VP1, Dhawan A2, Sreenivas V3, Deepak KK4, Singla R1. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jul VIEW
Complex partial epileptic-like experiences in university students and practitioners of Dharmakaya in Thailand: comparison with Canadian university students Murphy T//Persinger MA Psychol Rep 2001 VIEW
Complexity analysis of the microcirculatory-blood-flow response following acupuncture stimulation. Hsiu H, Hsu WC, Hsu CL, Bau JG, Chen CT, Liu YS. Microvasc Res. 2013 Jun 24 VIEW
Complexity of sham acupuncture. Huang W, Kutner N, Bliwise D. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Complexity science and homeopathy: a synthetic overview Bellavite P Homeopathy 2003 VIEW
Complexity-Based Measures Inform Effects of Tai Chi Training on Standing Postural Control: Cross-Sectional and Randomized Trial Studies. Wayne PM1, Gow BJ1, Costa MD2, Peng CK3, Lipsitz LA4, Hausdorff JM5, Davis RB6, Walsh JN1, Lough M7, Novak V8, Yeh GY6, Ahn AC9, Macklin EA10, Manor B11. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 10 VIEW
Complexity-based measures inform tai chi's impact on standing postural control in older adults with peripheral neuropathy. Manor B, Lipsitz LA, Wayne PM, Peng CK, Li L. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Apr 16 VIEW
Complexity-Based Measures of Heart Rate Dynamics in Older Adults Following Long- and Short-Term Tai Chi Training: Cross-sectional and Randomized Trial Studies. Ma Y1, Wu CW2, Peng CK3, Ahn A4, Bertisch SM5, Lipsitz LA6,7, Yeh GY4,8, Manor B6,7, Novak V9, Hausdorff JM10,11,12, Gow B3,8, Wayne PM8 Sci Rep. 2019 May 16 VIEW
Complications and side effects. Yoga for heart disease none listed treatment update 2007 VIEW
Complimentary effect of yogic sound resonance relaxation technique in patients with common neck pain. Yogitha B, Nagarathna R, John E, Nagendra H. Int J Yoga. 2010 Jan VIEW
Component Processes of Executive Function-Mindfulness, Self-control, and Working Memory-and Their Relationships with Mental and Behavioral Health. Black DS, Semple RJ, Pokhrel P, Grenard JL. Mindfulness (N Y). 2011 Sep VIEW
Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers Foda MI//Kawashima T//Nakamura S//Kobayashi M//// J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004 VIEW
Comprehensive approach to fall prevention on a national level: New Zealand. Campbell AJ, Robertson MC. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010 Nov VIEW
Comprehensive Approach to Lower Blood Pressure (CALM-BP): a randomized controlled trial of a multifactorial lifestyle intervention. Ziv A, Vogel O, Keret D, Pintov S, Bodenstein E, Wolkomir K, Doenyas K, Mirovski Y, Efrati S. J Hum Hypertens. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions Augment Diaphragmatic Breathing for Rumination Syndrome: A Proof-of-Concept Trial Helen Burton Murray1,2,3,4, Fengqing Zhang5,6, Christine C Call5,6, Ani Keshishian7, Rowan A Hunt5,6, Adrienne S Juarascio5,6, Jennifer J Thomas7,8 Dig Dis Sci 2020 Nov 11 VIEW
Comprehensive Directed Breathing Retraining Improves Exertional Dyspnea for Men with Spirometry within Normal Limits. Gimenez M, Servera E, Abril E, Saavedra P, Darias M, Gomez A, Hannhart B. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Sep 26 VIEW
Comprehensive evaluation of gene expression signatures in response to electroacupuncture stimulation at Zusanli (ST36) acupoint by transcriptomic analysis. Wu JS1, Lo HY1, Li CC1, Chen FY1, Hsiang CY2, Ho TY3,4 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Aug 15 VIEW
Comprehensive review of Clerodendrum phlomidis: a traditionally used bitter. Mohan Maruga Raja MK, Mishra SH. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2010 Jun VIEW
Comprehensive Treatment of Spastic Type Cerebral Palsy Liu Jinchi 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Comprehensive treatment of teenagers' shortsightedness Ke Heng 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Comprehensive yogic breathing program improves quality of life in patients with diabetes. Jyotsna VP, Joshi A, Ambekar S, Kumar N, Dhawan A, Sreenivas V. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2012 May VIEW
Computational models of neuromodulation. Butson CR. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2012 VIEW
Computationally efficient simulation of electrical activity at cell membranes interacting with self-generated and externally imposed electric fields. Agudelo-Toro A, Neef A. J Neural Eng. 2013 Apr VIEW
Computer evaluation of thermographic differences before and during therapy Wu B//Szucs K//Eory A//Honeczy S 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
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