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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Community-based interventions to reduce falls among older adults in Taiwan - long time follow-up randomised controlled study. Huang HC, Liu CY, Huang YT, Kernohan WG. J Clin Nurs 2010 Apr VIEW
Community-Based Mind-Body Meditative Tai Chi Program and Its Effects on Improvement of Blood Pressure, Weight, Renal Function, Serum Lipoprotein, and Quality of Life in Chinese Adults With Hypertension. Sun J1, Buys N2. Am J Cardiol. 2015 Aug 16 VIEW
Community-Based Mindfulness Program for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Targeting Stress Reduction. Galla BM, O'Reilly GA, Kitil MJ, Smalley SL, Black DS. Am J Health Promot. 2014 Aug 27 VIEW
Community-based physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: An umbrella review Sarah Neil-Sztramko, Giulia Coletta, Kylie Teggart, Rebecca Ganann, Ayse Kuspinar, Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis, Bruce Newbold, Stuart Phillips, Caroline Moore, Courtney Kennedy, Diana Sherifali, Elizabeth Alvarez Ann Fam Med 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Community-based postpartum exercise program. Ko YL, Yang CL, Fang CL, Lee MY, Lin PC. J Clin Nurs. 2013 Feb 9 VIEW
Community-based Randomized Controlled Trial of Non-pharmacological Interventions in Prevention and Control of Hypertension among Young Adults. Saptharishi L, Soudarssanane M, Thiruselvakumar D, Navasakthi D, Mathanraj S, Karthigeyan M, Sahai A. Indian J Community Med. 2009 Oct VIEW
Community-based Yang-Style Tai Chi is safe and feasible in chronic stroke: a pilot study. Taylor-Piliae RE, Coull BM. Clin Rehabil. 2011 Sep 21 VIEW
Comorbidity, multimorbidity and personalized psychosomatic medicine: epigenetics rolling on the horizon. Jakovljević M, Reiner Z, Milicić D, Crncević Z. Psychiatr Danub. 2010 Jun VIEW
Comparative analysis of the integrated values of electrical brain waves before and after the state of Qigong. Guangshang, Zhao et al. Shanghai J. of TCM (Chinese) 1979 VIEW
Comparative effect of Liuzijue Qigong and conventional respiratory training on trunk control ability and respiratory muscle function in patients at an early recovery stage from stroke: a randomized controlled trial Yanan Zheng1, Ying Zhang2, Hongli Li3, Lei Qiao4, Weijie Fu5, Long Yu4, Gaiyan Li4, Jianzhong Yang4, Weidong Ni4, Zhijie Yong4, Yanmin Wang4, Hang Fan4 Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2020 Aug 11 VIEW
Comparative effect of Tai Chi and aerobic exercise on cognitive function in advanced lung cancer survivors with perceived cognitive impairment: a three-arm randomized controlled trial with mediation analysis Naomi Takemura1, Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Daniel Yee Tak Fong1, Anne Wing Mui Lee2,3, Tai-Chung Lam2,3, James Chung-Man Ho4, Tsz Yeung Kam5, Jeannie Yin Kwan Chik6, Chia-Chin Lin7,8 J Cancer Surviv 2024 May 1 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of breathing exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Nicola Marotta1, Andrea Demeco2, Lucrezia Moggio2, Cinzia Marinaro2, Ilaria Pino2, Marianna Barletta2, Annalisa Petraroli2, Davide Pepe2, Francesco Lavano2, Antonio Ammendolia2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Nov 17 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of electro-acupuncture versus gabapentin for sleep disturbances in breast cancer survivors with hot flashes: a randomized trial. Garland SN1, Xie SX, Li Q, Seluzicki C, Basal C, Mao JJ Menopause. 2016 Nov 21 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study Huseyin Naci1, John P A Ioannidis2 Br J Sports Med 2015 Nov 1 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of exercise programs for psychological well-being in knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Michelle Hall1, Fiona Dobson2, Ans Van Ginckel3, Rachel K Nelligan2, Natalie J Collins4, Michelle D Smith4, Megan H Ross5, Esther Smits5, Kim L Bennell2 Semin Arthritis Rheum 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave, ultrasound, low-level laser therapy, noninvasive interactive neurostimulation, and pulsed radiofrequency treatment for treating plantar fasciitis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Li X1, Zhang L2, Gu S1, Sun J1, Qin Z3, Yue J4, Zhong Y5, Ding N2, Gao R6 Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Multiple Exercise Interventions in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis Qian Yu1, Ka-Kit Wong1, On-Kei Lei1, Jinlei Nie2, Qingde Shi2, Liye Zou3, Zhaowei Kong4 Sports Med Open 2022 Oct 29 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of physical exercise interventions for chronic non-specific neck pain: a systematic review with network meta-analysis of 40 randomised controlled trials Rutger Mj de Zoete1,2, Nigel R Armfield3, James H McAuley4, Kenneth Chen3,5, Michele Sterling3 Br J Sports Med 2020 Nov 2 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Tai Chi Versus Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial Chenchen Wang, MD, MSc; Christopher H. Schmid, PhD; Maura D. Iversen, SD, DPT, MPH; William F. Harvey, MD, MSc; Roger A. Fielding, PhD; Jeffrey B. Driban, PhD; Lori Lyn Price, MAS; John B. Wong, MD; Kieran F. Reid, PhD, MPH; Ramel Rones; and Timothy McAlindon, MD, MPH Ann Intern Med. 2016 May 17 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Three Exercise Types to Treat Clinical Depression in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Miller KJ1, Gonçalves-Bradley DC2, Areerob P3, Hennessy D3, Mesagno C3, Grace F3 Ageing Res Rev. 2019 Dec 11 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychosocial Care in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders-Associated Chronic Facial Pain. Ritenbaugh C, Hammerschlag R, Dworkin SF, Aickin MG, Mist SD, Elder CR, Harris RE. J Pain. 2012 Oct 8 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation vs Citalopram for Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Trial Shaoyuan Li1, Peijing Rong2, Yu Wang1, Guixing Jin3, Xiaobing Hou4, Suxia Li5, Xue Xiao4, Wei Zhou6, Yue Wu3, Yaping Liu6, Yue Zhang1, Bin Zhao1, Yiting Huang7, Jin Cao7, Helen Chen7, Sierra Hodges7, Mark Vangel8, Jian Kong7 Neuromodulation 2021 Dec 18 VIEW
Comparative effects of acupressure at local and distal acupuncture points on pain conditions and autonomic function in females with chronic neck pain. Matsubara T, Arai YC, Shiro Y, Shimo K, Nishihara M, Sato J, Ushida T. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Comparative effects of exercise interventions and mindfulness-based interventions for cognitive impairment and quality of life in breast cancer survivors during or after cancer treatment: A systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis Qing Zeng1, Caiyue Li, Tana Yu, Hongchen Zhang Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024 Apr 30 VIEW
Comparative effects of meditation and exercise on physical and psychosocial health outcomes: a review of randomized controlled trials. Edwards MK1, Loprinzi PD1 Postgrad Med. 2017 Nov 22 VIEW
Comparative Effects of Physical Exercise and Other Behavioral Interventions on Functional Status Outcomes in Mild Cognitive Impairment Anne L Shandera-Ochsner1, Melanie J Chandler2, Dona E Locke3, Colleen T Ball4, Julia E Crook4, Vaishali S Phatak5, Glenn E Smith6 J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of non-pharmacological interventions for depression in people living with HIV: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Ting Zhao1, Chulei Tang2, Huang Yan3, Qiaoyue Lu3, Meiying Guo4, Honghong Wang5 Int J Nurs Stud 2023 Feb 6 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of a 12 week yoga-based lifestyle intervention and dietary intervention on adipokines, inflammation, and oxidative stress in adults with metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Yadav R1, Yadav RK1, Khadgawat R2, Pandey RM3 Transl Behav Med. 2018 Jul 17 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of exercise regimens on sleep quality in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Faizul Hasan1, Yu-Kang Tu2, Chih-Ming Lin3, Li-Pang Chuang4, Chii Jeng1, Lia Taurussia Yuliana1, Ting-Jhen Chen5, Hsiao-Yean Chiu6 Sleep Med Rev 2022 Aug 27 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of mind-body exercise for depression in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Liangrong Geng1, Yi Duan1, Xiaoyu Li1, Shujin Yue1, Ruxue Li1, Hongxia Liu1, Chunxiang Su1 Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2023 Aug 1 VIEW
Comparative Efficacy of Mind-Body Exercise for Treating Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis Qian Gao1, Xinmin Li2, Mengyang Pan1, Jing Wang1, Fangjie Yang1, Pengxue Guo1, Zhenfei Duan1, Chunlin Ren1, Yasu Zhang3 Curr Pain Headache Rep 2024 Mar 7 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of seven exercise interventions for symptoms of depression in college students: A network of meta-analysis Shengyu Guo1,2, Feiyue Liu1, Jing Shen1, Min Wei1, Yan Yang3 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Nov 20 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of various exercise interventions on depression in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Qian Liu1, Weiguang Ni2, Lijia Zhang3, Mingzhu Zhao4, Xuechun Bai5, Sitao Zhang6, Yiwen Ding7, Huiru Yin8, Li Chen9 Ageing Res Rev 2023 Sep 11 VIEW
Comparative evaluation of effect of two relaxation breathing exercises on anxiety during buccal infiltration anesthesia in children aged 6-12 years: A randomized clinical study Seema Bargale1, Jayesh Rupesh Khandelwal1, Bhavna Haresh Dave1, Anshula Neeraj Deshpande1, Susmita Shrenik Shah1, Deepika Narasimha Chari1 J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent Jul-Sep 2021 VIEW
Comparative Impact of Power Training and High-Speed Yoga on Motor Function in Older Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Ni M1, Signorile JF2, Mooney K3, Balachandran A1, Potiaumpai M1, Luca C4, Moore JG5, Kuenze CM1, Eltoukhy M1, Perry AC1. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Nov 4 VIEW
Comparative impacts of Tai Chi, balance training and a specially-designed yoga program on balance in older fallers. Ni M1, Mooney K2, Richards L2, Balachandran A1, Sun M1, Harriell K1, Potiaumpai M1, Signorile JF3. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 May 14 VIEW
Comparative studies of microtubule mechanics with two competing models suggest functional roles of alternative tubulin lateral interactions. Wu Z, Nogales E, Xing J. Biophys J. 2012 Jun 20 VIEW
Comparative study in the management of allergic rhinitis in children using LED phototherapy and laser acupuncture. Moustafa Y, Kassab AN, El Sharnoubi J, Yehia H. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Feb 7 VIEW
Comparative study of emitted qi and physical-chemical factors on the protoplasmic mutagenesis of micromonospora echinospord Liu Zirong 1//Ren Tao 1//Ren Jianping 2//Zhang Zhixiang 2 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Comparative study of physiologic characteristics between the newly compiled Bafa Wubu of tai chi and 24 form simplified tai chi Shaojun Lyu1, Jianwei Zhang1, Jianquan Nie2, Cuihan Li3, Tianming Gao1, Wen Yuan3, Zaihao Chen3, Jing Ma4 BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2020 Jul 29 VIEW
Comparative Study of the Effects of Tai Chi and Square Dance on Immune Function, Physical Health, and Life Satisfaction in Urban Empty-Nest Older Adults ZhongJun Su1, JieXiu Zhao2 Front Physiol 2021 Oct 5 VIEW
Comparative study on clinical effects and prognosis of 204 hypertensive patients treated with qigong on a 20-year follow-up and its mechanism Wang Chongxing 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
Comparative Study on the Joint Biomechanics of Different Skill Level Practitioners in Chen-Style Tai Chi Punching Hongguang Hua1, Dong Zhu2, Yifan Wang3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 May 13 VIEW
Comparative transcriptomics reveals circadian and pluripotency networks as two pillars of longevity regulation J Yuyang Lu1, Matthew Simon1, Yang Zhao1, Julia Ablaeva1, Nancy Corson1, Yongwook Choi2, KayLene Y H Yamada3, Nicholas J Schork2, Wendy R Hood3, Geoffrey E Hill3, Richard A Miller4, Andrei Seluanov5, Vera Gorbunova6 Cell Metab 2022 May 10 VIEW
Comparing Aerobic Exercise with Yoga in Anxiety Reduction: An Integrative Review Amanda K Cole1, Tamera Pearson1, Mary Knowlton1 Issues Ment Health Nurs 2021 Aug 26 VIEW
Comparing Different Stretching Exercises on Pain, Stiffness, and Physical Function Disability in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis Guan-Cheng Zhu1, Kuei-Min Chen2, Frank Belcastro3 Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2023 Jul 17 VIEW
Comparing embodiment experiences in expert meditators and non-meditators using the rubber hand illusion. Xu A1, Cullen BH2, Penner C3, Zimmerman C3, Kerr CE4, Schmalzl L5 Conscious Cogn. 2018 Oct 15 VIEW
Comparing Hatha yoga with dynamic group psychotherapy for enhancing methadone maintenance treatment: a randomized clinical trial Shaffer HJ//LaSalvia TA//Stein JP Altern Ther Health Med 1997 VIEW
Comparing impacts of meditation training in focused attention, open monitoring, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on emotion reactivity and regulation: Neural and subjective evidence from a dismantling study Kirk Warren Brown1, Daniel Berry2, Kristina Eichel3, Polina Beloborodova1, Hadley Rahrig1, Willoughby B Britton3 Psychophysiology 2022 Feb 19 VIEW
Comparing individual preferences for four meditation techniques: zen, vipassana (mindfulness), qigong, and mantra. Burke A. Explore (NY). 2012 Jul VIEW
Comparing Mindful and Non-Mindful Exercises on Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Wendy Wing Yan So1, Erin Yiqing Lu1, Wai Ming Cheung2, Hector Wing Hong Tsang1 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
Comparing mindfulness based cognitive therapy and traditional cognitive behavior therapy with treatments as usual on reduction of major depressive disorder symptoms. Omidi A, Mohammadkhani P, Mohammadi A, Zargar F. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2013 Feb VIEW
Comparing Once- versus Twice-Weekly Yoga Classes for Chronic Low Back Pain in Predominantly Low Income Minorities: A Randomized Dosing Trial. Saper RB, Boah AR, Keosaian J, Cerrada C, Weinberg J, Sherman KJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Comparing the Changes in Blood Pressure After Acute Exposure to Tai Chi and Walking. Maris SA1,2, Winter CR1, Paolone VJ1, Headley SAE1 Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Comparing the effectiveness of mind-body practices (MBPs) and various psychological methods on occupational stress among healthcare workers: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Yinjuan Zhang1,2, Jicheng Sun3, Chao Wu1, Yue Fei4, Wendong Hu5, Hongjuan Lang6 BMC Health Serv Res 2024 Aug 21 VIEW
Comparing the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Multidisciplinary Intervention Programs for Chronic Pain: A Randomized Comparative Trial. Wong SY, Chan FW, Wong RL, Chu MC, Kitty Lam YY, Mercer SW, Ma SH. Clin J Pain. 2011 Jul 12 VIEW
Comparing the Effects of Bafa Wubu Tai Chi and Traditional He-Style Tai Chi Exercises on Physical Health Risk Factors in Overweight Male College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial Yantao Niu1,2, Rojapon Buranarugsa1,3, Piyathida Kuhirunyaratn4 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023 Jul 8 VIEW
Comparing the effects of different exercises on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis Wen-Sheng Zhou1, Ting-Ting Zheng1, Su-Jie Mao2, Hong Xu3, Xue-Feng Wang1, Shi-Kun Zhang4 Exp Gerontol 2022 Oct 27 VIEW
Comparing the effects of different individualized music interventions for elderly individuals with severe dementia. Sakamoto M, Ando H, Tsutou A. Int Psychogeriatr. 2013 Jan 8 VIEW
Comparing the effects of ice massage and acupressure on labor pain reduction. Hajiamini Z, Masoud SN, Ebadi A, Mahboubh A, Matin AA. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 Aug VIEW
Comparing the effects of individualized, standard, sham and no acupuncture in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Kim EJ, Lim CY, Lee EY, Lee SD, Kim KS. Trials 2013 May 7 VIEW
Comparing the Effects of Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM), Music and LKM Plus Music on Psychological Well-Being. Sorensen S1, Steindl SR2, Dingle GA1, Garcia A3 J Psychol. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Comparing the effects of music and exercise with music for older adults with insomnia. Huang CY1, Chang ET2, Lai HL3 Appl Nurs Res. 2016 Nov VIEW
Comparing the Effects of Short-Term Liuzijue Exercise and Core Stability Training on Balance Function in Patients Recovering From Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Ying Zhang1, Chen Wang1, JianZhong Yang1, Lei Qiao1, Ying Xu1, Long Yu1, Jie Wang1, Weidong Ni1, Yan Wang1, Yue Yao1, ZhiJie Yong1, ShanShan Ding1 Front Neurol 2022 Feb 10 VIEW
Comparing the effects of whole-body vibration to standard exercise in ambulatory people with Multiple Sclerosis: A randomised controlled feasibility study. Uszynski MK1, Purtill H2, Donnelly A3, Coote S4. Clin Rehabil. 2015 Jul 27 VIEW
Comparing the electric fields of Transcranial electric and magnetic perturbation Daniel Sheltraw1, Ben Inglis2, Ludovica Labruna3, Richard Ivry3 J Neural Eng 2021 Mar 4 VIEW
Comparing the health status of u.s. Taijiquan and qigong practitioners to a national survey sample across ages. Komelski MF, Miyazaki Y, Blieszner R. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Mar VIEW
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain. Allameh Z1, Tehrani HG1, Ghasemi M1. Adv Biomed Res. 2015 Feb 12 VIEW
Comparing the treatment effectiveness of body acupuncture and auricular acupuncture in preoperative anxiety treatment. Wu S, Liang J, Zhu X, Liu X, Miao D. J Res Med Sci. 2011 Jan VIEW
Comparing Two Questionnaires for Eliciting CAM Use in a Multi-Ethnic US Population of Older Adults. Quandt SA, Ip EH, Saldana S, Arcury TA. Eur J Integr Med. 2012 Jun VIEW
Comparing Verum and Sham Acupuncture in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Kim J1, Kim SR1, Lee H2, Nam DH1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Aug 25 VIEW
Comparing yoga, exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain: A randomized, controlled trial Sherman, K.J., Cherkin, D.C., Erro, J., Miglioretti, D.L. & Deyo, R.A. Annals of Internal Medicine 2005 VIEW
Comparison between qigong and psychic indication Wang X//Men J Z//Cheng Z K 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Comparison between results of analysis using an apparatus for measuring the meridians and their corresponding internal organs (AMI) and data obtained by oriental medical diagnosis (Part 3): healthy volunteers and patients Kitade T//Sinohara S//Watsuji T//Yamamoto T//// J Mind-Body Science 2000 VIEW
Comparison between tai chi and square dance on the anti-hypertensive effect and cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with essential hypertension: a 12-week randomized controlled trial Zhi-Wei Yan1, Zhen Yang2, Jing-Hui Yang3, Cheng-Lin Song1, Zhuang Zhao4, Yan Gao5 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2022 Feb 18 VIEW
Comparison between the effects of exergame intervention and traditional physical training on improving balance and fall prevention in healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yan Chen1, Yuan Zhang2, Zhenxiang Guo1, Dapeng Bao3, Junhong Zhou4 J Neuroeng Rehabil 2021 Nov 24 VIEW
Comparison between Trans-Cranial Electromagnetic Stimulation and Low-Level Laser on Modulation of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Seada YI, Nofel R, Sayed HM. J Phys Ther Sci. 2013 Aug VIEW
Comparison of 2 Different Exercise Approaches: Tai Chi Versus Otago, in Community-Dwelling Older Women. Son NK1, Ryu YU, Jeong HW, Jang YH, Kim HD. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2015 Mar 10 VIEW
Comparison of 2 methods of non-invasive treatment between transcutaneous electrical stimulation and pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation as replacement of invasive manual acupuncture. Kim SB, Kim JY, Park SW, Lee NR, Lee SW, Kim YH, Lee YH. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2012 VIEW
Comparison of a footpad analyser with a tetrapolar model for the determination of percent body fat in young men Spencer CE//Lingard JM//Bermingham MA J Sci Med Sport 2003 VIEW
Comparison of a Mindful Eating Intevention to a Diabetes Self-Mangement Intevention Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Miller CK, Kristeller JL, Headings A, Nagaraja H. Health Educ Behav. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Comparison of a Single-Session Pain Management Skills Intervention With a Single-Session Health Education Intervention and 8 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Beth D Darnall1, Anuradha Roy1, Abby L Chen1, Maisa S Ziadni1, Ryan T Keane1, Dokyoung S You1, Kristen Slater1, Heather Poupore-King1, Ian Mackey1, Ming-Chih Kao1, Karon F Cook2, Kate Lorig3, Dongxue Zhang4, Juliette Hong1, Lu Tian5, Sean C Mackey1 JAMA Netw Open 2021 Aug 2 VIEW
Comparison of Acupuncture Effect on Blood Perfusion between Needling Nonacupoint on Meridian and Needling Nonacupoint off Meridian. Zhang WB, Wang LL, Xie HH, Li H, Tian YY. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Comparison of Acupuncture to Injection for Myofascial Trigger Point Pain. Gazi MC, Issy AM, Avila IP, Sakata RK. Pain Pract 2010 Jul 29 VIEW
Comparison of an Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Intervention with Online Pain Management Psychoeducation: A Randomized Controlled Study. Dowd H1, Hogan MJ, McGuire BE, Davis M, Sarma KM, Fish RA, Zautra AJ. Clin J Pain. 2015 Jan 6 VIEW
Comparison of bioenergy and physiological markers in qigong and acupuncture research Lin S//Chevalier G//Ross T//Nguyen M//Lin H//Lin P//Lin Y National meeting of the Society for Acupuncture Research 2004 VIEW
Comparison of biological effects of electromagnetic fields with pulse frequencies of 8 and 50 Hz on gastric smooth muscles. Martynyuk V1, Melnyk M, Artemenko A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
Comparison of biomechanical properties between acupuncture and non-penetrating sham needle. Chae Y, Um SI, Yi SH, Lee H, Chang DS, Yin CS, Park HJ. Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jan VIEW
Comparison of Brain Networks During Interictal Oscillations and Spikes on Magnetoencephalography and Intracerebral EEG. Jmail N1,2, Gavaret M1,3, Bartolomei F1,3, Chauvel P1,3, Badier JM1, Bénar CG4 Brain Topogr. 2016 Jun 22 VIEW
Comparison of cardiovascular biofeedback, neuromuscular biofeedback, and meditation in the treatment of borderline essential hypertension Surwit RS//Shapiro D// Good MI Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1978 VIEW
Comparison of changes in autonomic and respiratory parameters of girls after yoga and games at a community home Telles S//Narendran S//Raghuraj P//Nagarathna R//// Percept Mot Skills 1997 VIEW
Comparison of cognitive behavioral and mindfulness meditation interventions on adaptation to rheumatoid arthritis for patients with and without history of recurrent depression Zautra AJ, Davis MC, Reich JW, Nicassario P, Tennen H, Finan P, Kratz A, Parrish B, Irwin MR J Consult Clin Psychol 2008 Jun VIEW
Comparison of coherence, amplitude, and eLORETA patterns during transcendental meditation and TM-Sidhi practice. Travis F. Int J Psychophysiol. 2011 Jul 1 VIEW
Comparison of coil designs for peripheral magnetic muscle stimulation. Goetz SM, Herzog HG, Gattinger N, Gleich B. J Neural Eng. 2011 Oct VIEW
Comparison of dissociative identity disorder with other diagnostic groups using a structured interview in Turkey Yargic LI//Sar V//Tutkun H//Alyanak B Compr Psychiatry 1998 VIEW
Comparison of EEGs during Zen-meditation, qigong and Japanese Archery by one Person Kawano K//Kushita N Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Comparison of effectiveness of acupuncture therapy and conventional drug therapy on psychological profile of migraine patients. Vijayalakshmi I, Shankar N, Saxena A, Bhatia MS. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Jan-Mar VIEW
Comparison of Effects of Liuzijue Exercise and Conventional Respiratory Training on Patients after Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial Qiao-Li Zhang1,2, Min Ge3, Cheng Chen3, Fu-Dong Fan3, Yan Jin2, Ning Zhang4, Lei Wang5,6 Chin J Integr Med 2023 May 27 VIEW
Comparison of effects of yoga & physical exercise in athletes Raju PS//Madhavi S//Prasad KV//Reddy MV//// Indian J Med Res 1994 VIEW
Comparison of EG's during qigong and Zen-meditation by the experiment with the same subject Kawano Kimiko 1//Kushita Kouhei N 2 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
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